Holy Family Catholic Church
Holy Family Catholic Church
Holy Family Catholic Church “Cherish the Past, Celebrate the Present, Create a bright Future” 15 Gender Road, Newark, DE 19713 • (302) 368-4665 Very Rev. Mark Kelleher Pastor mkelleher@holyfamilynewark.org Rev. Michael J. Cook Associate Pastor mcook@holyfamilynewark.org Rev. A. William Rajayan Priest in Residence awms@live.com Mr. Joseph Certesio, Sr. Deacon jcertesio@holyfamilynewark.org Mrs. Mare Draper Director of Religious Education mdraper@holyfamilynewark.org Mrs. Judith Stives Business Manager jstives@holyfamilynewark.org Mr. Richard E. Mitchell, III Director of Worship Arts rmitchell@holyfamilynewark.org Our Mission Statement Holy Family parish is a welcoming community of faith rooted in the Roman Catholic Tradition. As members of the Body of Christ, we are a multi-cultural and multi-generational parish called to share our gifts and talents. Our experience of worship in Word and Sacrament compels us to witness to all people through catechesis, service and evangelization. GENERAL INFORMATION Church Office Fax Number Web Page: www.holyfamilynewark.org 368-4665 368-4667 Office Hours Monday through Thursday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM & 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM; Friday: 9:00 AM to Noon Saturday: 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM; Sunday: 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM Religious Education Office Fax Number 368-8976 368-5184 Religious Education Office Hours Monday through Thursday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM to Noon Youth Ministry Office 368-8976 ext. 138 Parish Outreach Office 861-0143 Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM Wednesday, Friday - 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY 368-4785 FINANCE COUNCIL Executive Officer: John Lynch 738-9071 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening: 5:00 PM Sunday Masses: 8:00, 10:00 AM & 12:00 PM Nursery: During Sunday 10:00 AM Mass Daily Mass: Monday through Saturday 9:00 AM SACRAMENTS Baptism: outside of the Lenten Season. Baptisms are scheduled with the Church Office and normally occur during the Sunday Liturgy or on the 2nd & 3rd Sunday of the month at 1:30 PM. Baptismal Program for Parents: Generally bi-monthly on the 3rd Monday of the month, at 7:00 PM. To register call 368-4665. Matrimony: Consult parish priest at least one year in advance and before any plans or decisions are made. Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 PM or by appointment. SICK AND HOMEBOUND If you are sick or homebound and would like to receive Eucharist at home on a regular basis, please call the Church Office at 368-4665. CHRIST THE TEACHER CATHOLIC SCHOOL OFFICE: Our Regional Catholic School Sr. LaVerne King, R.S.M., Principal Address: 2451 Frazer Road, Newark, DE 19702 For more information call the school office at 838-8850 Web Page: www.cttcs.org August 28, 2016 - Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time FROM OUR PASTOR: FATHER MARK KELLEHER ATTENTION: ALL GOLFERS AND NON-GOLFERS Holy Family Catholic Church - 6 th Annual Golf Tournament September 19, 2016 (Monday) - Newark Country Club We would love for you to sign up to play golf if you are a golfer. If not, please consider being a “family sponsor.” Forms explaining this are available in the Church Office. This Fund Raiser supports Holy Family Church Outreach, Knights of Columbus Charities and our Youth Ministry. All Players - Breakfast & Lunch Included Awards: Longest drive (men and ladies) Straightest drive Closest to the Pin on Par 3, 1st and 2nd Team Men Winners, Mixed Team Winners Ladies Team Winners ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ A Golf Day In Memory of Fran McManus $2,000.00 Gold Sponsor $1,500.00 Silver Sponsor $1,500.00 Golf Ball Sponsor $1,000.00 Breakfast/Lunch Sponsor $ 800.00 Beverage Sponsor $ 150.00 Company Sponsor I can’t attend, but I would like to contribute $_____ in support of Holy Family’s fundraising effort. (Brochures are available in the Gathering Space with information & sponsorship form) Special Event Pastor Mark Kelleher of Holy Family Church will challenge all golfers for the closest Pin on Par 3. Fee Includes: Green fee, cart, gifts, breakfast, lunch, beer, soda on the course. Team mulligan, a chance to win $5,000.00 putting contest, a chance to win $10,000.00, Two free mulligan’s for each team and an option to Purchase two more Note: Save $50.00 for Foursome Save $10.00 for Single Payment must be received by September 12th in order to take advantage of this discount. Question: Contact: 308-Holy Family Rick Johnstone - richardajohnstone@gmail.com - 302-738-9079 Bill Black - wjbjr01@verizon.net - 302-502-5768 Joe McCann - joemccann8@comcast.net - 302-584-1603 Holy Family - parish@holyfamilynewark.org - 302-368-4665 Page 2 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND YOUTH MINISTRY Mare Draper, DRE mdraper@holyfamilynewark.org or by phone: 368-8976 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Operation Backpack is in Full Swing! This year we will be sending our school items to Uganda for the SoZo Children’s Organization. Every little bit helps! Drop off sites are in the Parish office and RE Center. Registration for Religious Education programs 2016-2017 is open and available on-line! Many of our programs are new with the addition of a new TWEENS Youth Group (5/6th graders), Alternative On-line RE Classes – just to name a few! We have something for everyone! Interested in sponsoring a child or family this year for one of our Religious ED programs? You can make a difference in the life of our children! Contact our office for additional information and needs! You may be the reason why a family continues their faith journey at Holy Family! Thank you!! Are you thinking about teaching or are you a teaching major? Are you a mom or dad who can assist in a classroom during RE? Are you retired and available to share your faith with young people? We have just the place for you in RE! Call the RE Office to setup a time to talk to us! We look forward to hearing from you! 302-368-8976 Mark your Calendars! The Historical Tour of the Eastern Shore Doors will be October 12, 2016. A charter bus will take us on our journey as we visit some of the oldest churches of the Eastern Shore. We will leave Holy Family at 7am and return approximately 6pm. Bring a bag lunch and we will provide the snacks and water. Cost: $50 (Price includes transportation and approximate amount for dinner in Easton, MD) Seating is limited to 50 people. Registration is open on-line through the month of July at www.holyfamilynewark.org/adultformation.php . Uncomfortable using on-line registration? No problem! Contact Rita at 368.8976 or rgarland@holyfamilynewark.org after August 1st ! YOUTH MINISTRY Confirmation2016 Our next session will not be until September 18th . Don’t forget your service hours! Keep an eye out for an email that will be going out to all families regarding the Confirmation App that has been purchased for all Confirmation students. So cool and soo Catholic!!! Perfect for all the questions you may have about our faith! If you have not received the link to the App, please contact Mare at mdraper@holyfamilynewark.org! In the meantime, enjoy your summer break!! HIGHSCHOOL SERVICE AND LEADERSHIP: Please see website for details and additional information! Service Opportunities for Summer 2016 have come to an end! The Fall 2016 Service Hours are in the process of finalization and will be posted on our webpage by August 1st. Stay Tuned…In the meantime, check out the Food Bank of Delaware’s website or www.volunteerdelaware.org for additional opportunities. Excellent volunteer jobs for teens and adults! REMEMEBER: ask for a letter verifying your hours when working for an outside agency! Adult Formation New! A Relaxing Women’s Retreat for ladies 21101 years of age on September 23-24th! Yes, a getaway for you and your girlfriends, mom, aunt, etc.-- where you can spend some quality time with each other in a great, relaxing atmosphere! Stay overnight or come for the day – either way you will find it is just what you needed . Where? Jesus House Renewal Center. Cost: $150 (overnight), $75 (day) Includes: All accommodations, Dinner, Breakfast, Lunch, and snacks are included. Reservations will open on-line and in the parish office. For more information, please email Mare Draper at mdraper@holyfamilynewark.org. or check out our webpage at www.holyfamilynewark.org/adultformation. Page Three 308-Holy Family Parish News and Happenings PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Denise Robinson Robert Litzinger Mary Ann Bulatewicz Tim Ziegler Mike John Romer Helen Gorski Millie Nash Frances & Leo Kulaszewski Theresa Neff Katie Ziegler Xavier Rohrer Dianna - Franny P. -Judi H. Betty McCloskey Chris Pruitt Maureen McCloskey Rob Drew K Thomas Boyle Ava Ponzo Gerald T. Stafford, Jr. Sally Downes Joyce West Jill Martone Frank M. Joyce Hamilton Loretta McCullough Tom S. Butch Cicconi Sister Ann McAlpin Anne Neri Donna Thomas Maryellen Schwenk Andrea DeRosa Arianne Shuma Karen Berman Richard Baxter Judy Hughes Mary Wilson Charlotte Reynolds Thelma & Robert Morris Rachael Tolliver-Bey and Baby Timmy Robert McClain Patrick Resendiz Joann Criste Nancy L. Lawrence Jayden Hutchison Janice Frances Hamill Nicholas Curran Victor Lusardi Mary Ann Spencer Marlene Kreutz Ed Richards Joan Archangelo Cherie Galliani SILENT PRAYER: Our parish has a group of people who will earnestly pray for any needs you have. This is done anonymously via a telephone prayer chain. If you have a special need for which you are in need of prayer call: 894-0726, 737-1333 or 7314297 and we will pray for you. Scripture Courses presented by Father Michael Cook Scripture course this Fall will be a little different. I will take on the Old Testament Prophets. There will be 2 different courses: one in the fall, and one in the winter. As usual, these classes will meet on Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Fall: The Early Prophets: Elijah/Elisha, Amos, Hosea and Isaiah. The dates and topics are: September 15 - Introduction to the Prophecy and Prophets October 6 - Elijah and Elisha, Northern Prophets October 20 - Amos, Hosea, Micah November 3 - Isaiah November 17 - Jeremiah/Lamentations Winter: The Latter Prophets: Baruch, Daniel, Ezekiel, and the Minor Prophets: February 2 - Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Baruch February 16 - Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi March 9 - Ezekiel, Obadiah March 30 - Joel, Daniel and Jonah April 6 - If needed) All are welcome. If you plan on attending the 1st session in the fall, please register with the Religious Ed or Parish Office so I can prepare enough materials for all. I hope you will enjoy this year’s course. Father Michael Cook Weekly Offertory Please buy SCRIP SCRIP SALES Scrip Sales for week of 8/14/2016 - $4,840.00 Net sales for week = $ 203.98 Total Net Sales for Year = $1,331.19 308-HolyFamily Page four Weekly Budget : $ 13,587.00 (Amount of $ needed to run the parish on a weekly basis) Actual Offertory for 8/21/2016 $9,041.00 Shortfall for the week - $4,546.00 Budget Goal Year-to-Date: $ 108,696.00 Actual Offertory Year-to-Date: Shortfall (Deficit) Year-to-Date: $ 96,467.00 $ 12,229.00 MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, August 27 Robert J. Lawson Hillary Erin Smith Sunday, August 28 8:00 am Intentions of Parishioners 10:00 am John & Elsie Schurgard 12:00 pm Beverly Welcher Monday August 29 9:00 am Joseph R. Petrilli, Sr. Tuesday, August 30 9:00 am Joseph Palermo Wednesday, August 31 9:00 am Patrick McCarron Thursday, September 1 9:00 am Carol Blakely Friday, September 2 9:00 am Thomas McGuckin Saturday, September 3 9:00 am Theodore C. Eppig, Jr. 5:00 pm Bridget (Beady) Hennigan Sunday, September 4 8:00 am Patty & Steve Cook - 40th Wedding Anniversary 10:00 am Intentions of Parishioners 12:00 pm Robert Melchiores 9:00 am 5:00 pm WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday, August 28 - K of C Golf Outing Info - GS 1:30 pm - Just Do It Mtg. - PHCR1 Monday, August 29 Tuesday, August 30 6:00 pm - Catechist training - AER Wednesday, August 31 Thursday, September 1 9:00 am - Prayer Shawl Mtg. - PHCR1 7:00 pm - SVDP Society Meeting - PHCR1 Friday, September 2 9:45 am - Eucharistic Adoration - HFC Saturday, September 3, -K of C Golf Outing Info - GS 7:45 am - First Saturday Devotions - HFC 3:30 pm - Reconciliation - HFC Sunday, September 4 - K of C Golf Outing Info - GS 1:30 pm - Just Do It Mtg. - HFC Weekly Schedule Room Key To help with Next Week’s Readings: September 4, 2016 - 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Wisdom 9:13-18b Second Reading: Philemon 9-10,12-17 Gospel: Luke 14:25-33 We welcome those recently baptized into our Catholic Faith: AER—Adult Education Room HFH—Holy Family Parish Hall REC - Religious ED Center HFC—Holy Family Church PHCR1 - Parish House Room 1 FIRST SATURDAY – September 3! The Blue Army of Our Lady cordially invites all parishioners to join them for First Saturday Devotions in the Church, beginning at 7:45 a.m. Devotions are followed by regularly scheduled mass at 9:00 a.m. Oscar Benjamin Center Grandson of John and Robin DiGiovannantonio Robert Patrick Martin Son of Arthur and Robin Martin K of C - Cardinal Gibbons: The next assembly meeting for the K of C, 4th Degree, Cardinal Gibbons Assembly #150 will be Monday, Sept. 19th at 7:00 pm in the Church Hall. In October we will resume meeting on the First Monday of the Month. The Holy Family Women's Group will have our first meeting of the year on Wednesday September 7th at 6:30pm. Please join us for fellowship and learn about our plans for the year. If you have questions or need a ride, please call Vicky 379-6527. 308-HolyFamily— Page 5 Parish News and Diocesan News Saint Michael - Knights of Columbus Council 4548 Sept 10 10:00 Sept 12 7:00 Sept 17 9:00 National Day of Remembrance For Aborted Children (Cathedral Cemetery) Business Meeting Nun Run (Jeanne Jugan Residence) Recent activities for St. Michael's Council: Prepared dinner for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House Organized an afternoon of Bingo for the veterans staying at the VA Hospital in Elsmere Raising funds to support Special Olympics and DFRC(citizen's with intellectual disabilities) through our annual Tootsie Roll Drive Our Council collects pop top tabs including those from pet food cans to benefit The Ronald McDonald House in Wilmington. Please drop off all tabs in the Outreach Food bin, MEMBERSHIP IN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church .and is in good standing with the Catholic Church. Please contact Bill Black, (Grand Knight), 302-502-5768 or Joel Watson (Membership Director) 215-520-0811. The program for the diocesan Respect Life Day on Saturday, September 17, at St. Helena’s Church is complete. The speakers will be two veteran leaders in the Pro-Life Movement (both of whom have spent time in jail for their faithfulness.) We welcome Fr. Paul Schenck, Director of ProLife Activities, Diocese of Harrisburg, for the first time, and we welcome back Fr. John McFadden of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and Helpers of God’s Precious Infants. Registration will begin at 2:30. At 3:00 p.m., Father Schenck will speak on the Dignity of the Person from Conception to Natural Death. At 4:00 p.m. Fr. McFadden will speak on his work with post-abortion recovery. At 5:00 p.m. Mass will be celebrated at St. Helena’s with Fr. Schenck as homilist. At 6:00 p.m. in Masci Hall there will be an Italian Dinner, a fundraiser for Rachel’s Vineyard and 40 Days for Life. $20 for adults, $10 children over 12 -- maximum $60 for families with children. Fr. Schenck will tell his fascinating life story (he is a convert from Judaism) after dinner. To register, contact Pat Radell at patradell@reagan.com, or 302-723-9254. Present this coupon at Tony’s Bistro and Raymond will donate 20% of the total bill to Holy Family Church Tony’s Bistro - 29 Chestnut Hill Plaza Newark, DE 19703 Total Amount of Bill $ ______________ 308-Holy Family Page Six Job Opportunity: Holy Family Home, a Catholic long-term care facility run by the Little Sisters of the Poor in Philadelphia, is looking for a full-time experienced Maintenance Director with strong supervisory skills and related certification. Please email resume to phhumanresources@littlesistersoftheporr.org. Sept 12, 2016 14th 11 am to dinner at 6 pm. Annual Golf Outing – Chisel Creek. Jesus House Prayer and Renewal Center is hosting their annual golf day at Chisel Creek Golf Course, 13 Chisel Creek Drive, Landenberg, PA. 19350. Join us for a great day of golf, lunch, dinner, snacks, sodas and beer, great people, great prizes! Please visit our website (jesushousecenter.org) or call our office (302) 9956859 for more information or to register You are invited to attend a free Native American Retreat Day titled “Come Aside Awhile and Rest on Holy Ground: A Retreat with Black Elk” on Saturday, September 24, 2016 at 309 Green Street, Bear, Delaware from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mass will be held at 5 p.m. at nearby Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church. Come and enjoy nature, and reflections of your own spirit. Register by September 14 with Sharon Ward, Sharon wsward2@verizon.net, phone 302-545-3383 or Gail Rando gailvets2@gmail.com phone 352-445-2350. Sponsored by Diocese of Wilmington Native American Ministry.
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