10 July 2016 - St Felix Catholic Parish Bankstown
10 July 2016 - St Felix Catholic Parish Bankstown
Catechist: Bev Lamaro 0409 710 703; Choir: Line Collet 0410 568 103; Friendship Group: Bev Lamaro 0409 710 703; Youth : Alison Collet 0421 660 187; Pastoral Council: John Sarkis 0400 606 297; St Vincent de Paul: John Ashe 9796 1055; Childrens Liturgy: Marie El-Chaar 9709 3451; Cemetery Committee: Maureen Vincent 9790 4217; Sacramental co-ordinator: Gloria Booby 9708 2871; Polish Priests: 8783 0533; De La Salle Brothers: 9708 2692; St. Felix Primary School: 9796 7875 Lisa Harbrow - Principal; LaSalle Catholic College: 9793 5600 Mr Michael Egan - Principal; Archdiocesan Website: www.sydney.catholic.org.au Fr. Dominic Van Trung Dinh Rev Mr Richard Ddumba Marie Caldareri, Secretary (Tues, Wed, Thurs) Tel: 9790 1933 Fax 9796 3962 E-mail: admin@stfelixparish.org.au Website: www.stfelixparish.org.au Dear St. Felix Parish Community, please accept my heartfelt gratitude to you all for your prayers and support on the occasion of my ordination to the diaconate. Thank you for making our day special; your presence, your congratulation messages, the gifts and best wishes. Your love will always remain at my heart. May God reward you abundantly. Deacon Richard Ddumba. Mass times: Saturday 6pm (Vigil), Sunday 8am, 10am (Children's Liturgy), 6pm, 12noon (Polish). Vietnamese Mass: 7 pm 1st Thurs of each month. Saturday Morning Benediction - 7.00am. Reconciliation: Saturday 4.30 - 5.30 pm. Or by appointment Rosary: Saturday 8.25am This week - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday - 8.00am. Friday - 11.00am - Bupa Nursing Home Wednesday - 7.00pm Young Adults Bible Study in Meeting Room, 8.00pm Benediction. BAPTISMS: Baptism preparations are held on the 1st Sunday of each month after 10am mass in the presbytery. Baptisms by appointment. MARRIAGES: Please contact priest at least 6 months prior to wedding date. SICK CALLS: Anytime. If you know of anyone who needs anointing please ring the presbytery. The feast of Saint Anne Le Thi Thanh a Vietnamese martyr (statue at back of Church) will be celebrated on Sunday 17/07/15 at 10:00am commencing with a procession from the grotto into the Church. All parishioners are invited to this special centenary event. After Mass, there will be refreshments around the Centenary garden. We hope to see you on this day. ********* Nhân dịp 100 năm kỷ niệm thành lập Giáo Xứ, Thánh Lễ Mừng Thánh Anê Lê Thị Thành sẽ vào sáng Chúa Nhật 17/7 lúc 10giờ. Chúng ta sẽ bắt đầu từ đài Đức Mẹ và kiệu tượng Thánh vào nhà thờ. Kính mời qúy Ông Bà và anh chị em đến tham dự. Sau Thánh Lễ chúng ta sẽ ăn trưa trong khuôn vườn nhà thờ. Xin quý phụ nữ diện áo dài dân tộc. Mass Intentions: Recently Deceased: Joseph El-Tarraf; James William (Bill) Baker A married couple went to Las Vegas for a holiday break. One evening Jane (the wife) went downstairs to play the poker machines while her husband was sleeping. She won one thousand dollars in coins. She decided to carry the whole bucket of coins to show her husband how lucky she is. The lift opened, Jane entered but immediately felt threatened when she saw two black American men already standing inside the lift, one skinny but the other was very big. She wanted to back out but the lift door had already closed. She turned her back to the men and tried to hide her money from their sight. Jane was thinking that they are going to rob her. Then Jane heard a voice saying “hit the ground!” Without thinking she fell on the floor while calling out “take the money but don’t hurt me.” She felt a very strong arm picking her up, the big man said to her “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, I told my friend to press the ground button”. The men then escorted her to her room. Jane went inside still hearing the men’s laughter along the corridor. The next morning there was a knock on the door, a man delivered a big bunch of flowers and a note saying “Thank you for a good laugh we hadn’t had for a long time.” signed Eddie Murphy and Michael Jordan. The story of the Good Samaritan we read today in the Gospel tells us that true love cuts across all racial and cultural prejudice. The Samaritans were a despised people in those days. Jesus cuts through this prejudice by making the Samaritan the hero of his story. He even goes further, he identifies himself with the Samaritan. The way you treat the Samaritan becomes the way that you treat him, Christ. The lack of response from the priest and the Levite came from selfishness. What will happen to me if I get involved? Do I get anything out of this? Meanwhile the Samaritan’s response was love; which came from the selfless self that put the welfare of the other before himself and in this way truly relate to God. What will happen to this man if I do not help? Let us pray that our life be less concerned about what we can get from God and others but more about what we can give and share with others. May our prayer be a total openness to reality, a reality with God, who calls us to transcend ourselves. Anniversary: Sipietro Ha Van Thien; Angelo Zucco; Nicole Morgan; Deceased: Zwain & Salam Chadrawy; Gergis, Marie & Fannie Chadrawy; Pauline Chadrawy & husband; Daniel & Rashide Chadrawy; Hanna Chadrawy; Merchad & Emila Maklouf; Anthony, John & Joseph Maklouf; Antoinette & Eva Maklouf; Joseph Mowad & Charles Paul; Jan Dziewa; Sylvester; Maria Pham Thi Le Trinh; Anna Sick: Jason Timbs & Bart Hennely, Dau (Xuan); Kim Do; Henriette Tam Tinh Lam; Gerard Go; Theresa Tinh Thi Doan; Christine Formosa. Next Weekend - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C Readings: Genesis 18:1-10; This week’s Readings - Deuteronomy 30:10-14; Colossians 1:15-20; Gospel - Luke 10:25-37 Planned Giving The new envelopes for next Financial Year are now available in the Church foyer. Please ensure you pick up your correct envelope by checking both your name and address. Tax receipts for this financial year will be made available soon. The Holy Father’s Appeal Thank you Thank you for your donations to the Holy Father Appeal last weekend. Please return all your donations envelopes this week. Pianist Wanted We are looking for someone who is able to play to piano/organ to help with the Church Music Ministry at weekend Mass, especially for 10am Sunday. If interested please contact Alison on 0421 660 187. Gospel - Luke 10:38-42. Feasts of the Week 11 July - St Benedict, abbot. Memorial. Born at Norcia (Italy) about 480. Died at Monte Cassino about 547. After studies in Rome he became a hermit at Subiaco, where many sought his counsel, and then founded the monastery at Monte Cassino. Remembered for his widely influential monastic rule, combining work and prayer, and for his charity and moderation. 15 July - St Bonaventure, bishop, doctor. Memorial. Born at Bagnoregio (Italy) about 1218. Died at Lyons (France) on this day in 1274. He joined the Franciscans when studying in Paris and eventually became minister general of the order. Later appointed cardinal-bishop of Albano and died assisting Pope Gregory X during the Council of Lyons. Known as the "Seraphic Doctor". Remembered as a teacher, for his extensive biblical and mystical writings, and for his holiness, gentleness, and compassion. Baptism: This week, we welcome into the Catholic faith: Catechism of the Catholic Church 2447: the works of mercy are charitable actions by which we come to the aid of our neighbour in his spiritual and bodily necessities….The corporal works of mercy consist especially in feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned, and burying the dead. Among all these, giving alms to the poor is one of the chief witnesses to fraternal charity: it is also a work of justice pleasing to God. We pray For ourselves that we may show our love for God by showing charity to our neighbour in need. For St Vincent de Paul Society and other charitable organisations that God will bless their work in helping the needy. For the refugees and asylum seekers that we will welcome them with compassion and kindness. Colossians 1:24-28; Wilson Phero (Peter) Nguyen Isabella Margaret Yoo Christian Joseph Balog May they always know the love of God and feel His guiding hand throughout their life. Altar Society: 17/7/16 Group 3: Youth Group, Samoan Divine Mercy Group, Tram Vu (Florist) St Vincent de Paul: 10/7/16 Joanne Ashe Church Cleaners: 15/7/16: Vinh Nguyen 17/7/16 J O’Beid Children’s Liturgy: 10th July- HOLIDAYS Weekend Choir: Saturday 9/7 - 6pm - St Anne’s Choir Sunday 10/7- 8am - Singing Servants of God. 10am - St Felix Choir Readers & Ministers Sat 6pm 10 JULY 8am 10am 6pm C Kalisiana Mar Mary Buckley Jennifer Nguyen Kathleen Mezentsef R A M M Emmanuel Icard Joseph Bui (A) Emmanuel Icard Tuyen Tran Thuy Linh Nguyen Joseph Cao (A) Mesake Mar Madelyn Nicole Anthony Rowe Thong Tran (A) J Kovacevic & J Chong B Lamaro Lucia Mezentsef Thanh Vu (A) Paul Ngoc Loreto Eduardo Helen Vujevic Jessica Vujevic Anthony Joseph (A) J Chong & Gordon West Tu Nguyen Elias Eltarraf Charbel Eltarraf Thanh Vu (A) Phu Nguyen Judy Jones 17 JULY C R A M M Patrick Abourizk Rushna Peter Tuyen Tran (A) Emmanuel Icard Gloria Booby Jeanette Rodrigues Joseph Dang Joseph Cao (A) Maria Huong Robyn Molloy
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