February 08, 2015 - Saint Barbara Catholic Church
February 08, 2015 - Saint Barbara Catholic Church
February 08, 2015 - Page Saint Barbara Catholic church St. Barbara Catholic Church www.saintbarbarachurch.org February 08, 2015 - Page 2 Today’s Reading Feb .7 - Feb. 13, 2015 Saturday 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 8:30 PM Howard CarMichael † All Souls † Rogelio Calvillo † All Souls † All Souls † RIP RIP RIP RIP RIP Sunday 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:45 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM Maria Bui Thi Nhan † Dinh Nguyen Maria Nguyen Thi Ninh † Ha Van The † Pastora Franco † Gioan Nguyen Van Thuan † Maria Nancy Rogelio Calvillo † RIP TX RIP RIP RIP RIP SI RIP Monday 6:30 AM Maria & Phero † 8:15 AM Rogelio Calvillo † RIP RIP Tuesday 8:15 AM Dinh Nguyen 5:30 PM Martin & Maria † 7:00 PM Rogelio Calvillo † TX RIP RIP Wednesday 6:30 AM All Souls † 8:15 AM Dinh Nguyen RIP TX Thursday 6:30 AM Anna & Phero 8:15 AM Dinh Nguyen RIP TX Friday 8:15 AM Souls of Purgatory † RIP 5:30 PM Ana & Giuse RIP 7:00 PM Jaime & Griselda Barragan SI First Reading – Job finds life on earth to be drudgery; he is filled with restlessness (Job 7:1-4, 6-7). Psalm – Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted (Psalm 147). Second Reading – Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel. I have become all things to all, to save at least some (1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23). Gospel – Jesus cured many who were sick with various diseases (Mark 1:29-39). SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Saturday: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Marriage Day St. Scholastica Our Lady of Lourdes; World Day of the Sick Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday St. Cyril and St. Methodius; Valentine’s Day The Lunar New Year Festival at St. Barbara Parish will be on Fri. 13th , Sat .14th and Sun. 15th of Feburary. We will have traditional foods, live entertainment, festive games, rides… The complete list of Festival Faffle prize : Grand prize – 2015 Toyota Camry SE 1st prize – 2 Roundtrip Flight Tickets to VietNam/Mexico 2nd prize – 1 oz Solid Gold 9999 3rd prize – 1 Iphone 6 $5 ticket Buy 4 raffle tickets, get a free rides ticket. Tet Festival Raffle Ticket table will be on display after all weekend Masses. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY ! Your donations for the week of Jan. 31 & Feb. 01, 2015 $25,275.00 Your weekly support have been used to sustain the ministries and ongoing operating needs of our parish. St. Barbara Catholic Church www.saintbarbarachurch.org February 08, 2015 - Page 3 MASS SCHEDULE FOR ASH WEDNESDAY February 18th, 2015 6:30 AM-Vietnamese 8:15 AM-English 9:30 AM-English (School Mass) 12:00 PM-Vietnamese 6:00 PM-Vietnamese (Church & Parish Hall) 8:00 PM-Spanish (Church & Parish Hall) MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER We have a very special Marriage Encounter weekend coming up in February for Valentine's weekend. The date will be February 13-15. The weekend will put that spark and romance back in your marriage that may have gone out. This would be a wonderful way to spend your Valentine's weekend together. For more info. please call Jim and Cheryl at 949-551-9156 or John and Maggie at 714873-5136. You may also sign up at our website at OCWWME.org if you prefer. I want you! Is Jesus calling you to serve Him? Yes, He is. Jesus is inviting you to offer your time and talent as a Reader, a Eucharistic Minister, and/or an Usher of Welcome at the Saturday and Sunday Masses. Don’t turn your back on Jesus. Take his hand and do not be afraid. Volunteers Our Church needs volunteers that have computer skills and are able to work the projector during the English SATURDAY 5:30 PM and SUNDAY 9:30 AM Masses. If you would like to volunteer for those hours, please contact the Parish Office at 714-775-7733. Thanks. Prayer of the Faithful for the Sick Cirelli Family, Antonia Convery, Minerva Rivera, Travis Daniel Johnson, Jack Healy, Lupifa Calvillo, Theresa Keyzers, Danielle Araujo, Huong Thi Nguyen, Hung Nguyen, Loan Nguyen, Catherine Wisdom, Merle West, Louis Nguyen Quoc Hung. Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the world, you have shouldered the burden of our weakness and borne our sufferings in your own passion and death. Hear this prayer for our sick brothers and sister whom you have redeemed. Strengthen their hope of salvation and sustain them in body and soul, for you live and reign for ever and ever. Amen. St. Barbara Catholic Church The Knights Parish Breakfast Prayer of the Faithful for the Deceased Maria Pham T. Tiem, Maria Nguyen T. Hoa, Gioan the Cross Do Van Trong, Maria Ngo Thi Hien, Giuse Nguyen H. Doan, Giuse Luu Van Trang, Rachel Tovar, Tran Thi Hoa, Pham Thi Suu, Dominico Dinh Van Hai, Ignacio Nguyen Dang Huu.Giuse Dang Hoai Nam,Dominico Tran Quang Vinh, Nora Gomez, Giuse Nguyen Van Phuong, Augustino Tran Quoc Su, Madalena Nguyen Thi Bich Hong, Giuse Michael Vincent Ha, Giuse Nguyen Van Bao, Maria Dang Thi Truc Mai, Rosa Javien Iturzaeta, Rufina Guidangen, Phanxico Xavier Nguyen Van Dong, Phero Le Van Tram, Fr. Sergio's Mom: Aurora Ramos, Phaolo Nguyen Anh Tuan, Maria Nguyen Thi Tinh, Maria Nguyen Thi Gai, Teresa Nguyen Thi Y, Matthew Callahan, Phero Ngo Van Chuong, Vincent Tran Quoc Khanh, Lucia Ho Thi Sang, Michael Hau Thanh Nguyen, Giuse Steve Tran, Maria Dang Thi That, Rosa Hoang Thi Xuyen, Giuse Ta Van Thu, Giuse Do Tien Dung. God, our shelter and our strength, you listen in love to the cr yof your people: hear the prayers we offer for our departed brothers and sisters. Cleanse them of their sins and grant them the fullness of redemption. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. www.saintbarbarachurch.org February 08, 2015 - Page 4 134 em lớp Giáo Lý Xưng Tội Rước Lễ Lần Đầu tham dự tỉnh tâm vào Chúa Nhật ngày 25 tháng 01 năm 2015. January 11, 2015 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, With the 2015 calendar year just starting, I write to you on this important Feast of the Baptism of the Lord which marks the end of the Christmas Season. Shortly, Ash Wednesday, which is February 18th, will be upon us and the eve of the Lunar New Year—the Year of the Goat. For many of our Asian brothers and sisters, the beginning days of the Lunar New Year are days of celebrating faith and ancestors, culture and tradition. For those very reasons, a request was made for dispensations from the Ash Wednesday and First Lenten Friday obligation of fast and abstinence. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy stated: Because the assignment of the day for Ash Wednesday is entirely within the competence of t he Holy See, inasmuch as it establishes the liturgy cal calendar of the universal church, pastoral ques tions in regard to fast and abstinence should be addressed by each diocesan Bishop. (Newsletter, Vol. XLI, January 2005) Therefore, judging as a competent authority of this local Church of Orange and as a spiritual benefit for those who observe the Lunar New Year this year (CIC 87§1), I approve: 1. The transfer of the obligation of fast and abstinence of Ash Wednesday of this year (February 18th) to the Wednesday of the following week (February 25th). 2. The transfer of the obligation of abstinence on the First Friday of Lent (February 20th) to the Monday, Tuesday or Thursday of the following week of 2015. I pray that this Lunar New Year 2015—the Year of the Goat—will be a year full of health, happiness and grace for all of you and your loved ones. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Kevin W. Vann, JCD, DD Roman Catholic Bishop of Orange, California St. Barbara Catholic Church www.saintbarbarachurch.org February 08, 2015 - Page 5 COÄNG ÑOAØN THAÙNH GIUSE Cộng đoàn Thánh Giuse, Giáo xứ St. Barbara sẽ tổ chức Hội Chợ Tết trong 3 ngày Thứ Sáu, Thứ Bảy , Chúa Nhật, 13, 14, 15 Tháng 2 Năm 2015, với các gian hàng thực phẩm ăn uống, văn nghệ, múa lân, trò chơi cho các em . Đặc biệt sổ xố trúng thưởng với: Lô Độc Đắc là xe Toyota Camry SE đời 2015 Giải Nhất 2 vé khứ hồi đi Việt Nam hoặc Mexico Giải Nhì 1 lượng vàng 9999 Giải Ba 1 Iphone 6. Giá vé $5 xin mua ủng hộ. Khi mua 4 vé số ($20) sẽ được tặng 1 vòng đeo tay dùng cho các trò chơi trong 3 ngày hội chợ. CAÀU CHO NGÖÔØI QUA ÑÔØI Trong niềm tin vào sự Phục Sinh của Đức Kitô, nguyện xin Chúa ban Phúc Trường Sinh cho: Maria Nguyễn Thị Hoa qua ₫ời ngày 22 tháng 1, 2015, hưởng thọ 82 năm. Maria Phạm Thị Tiêm qua ₫ời ngày 25 tháng 1, 2015, hưởng thọ 84 năm. Các em học Giáo Lý, Việt Ngữ và Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể sẽ được nghỉ học vào Thứ Bảy và Chúa Nhật ngày 14 & 15 và 21 & 22 tháng 2, 2015 để mừng Hội Chợ Tết của Giáo Xứ, và mừng Tết Nguyên Đán Xin quí phụ huynh đưa các em trở lại học vào Thứ Bảy và Chúa Nhật ngày 28 tháng 2 và mồng 1 tháng 3, 2015. Xin cám ơn quí vị. St. Barbara Catholic Church THOÂNG BAÙO ♦ Đoàn Liên Minh Thánh Tâm, Hội Các Bà Mẹ Công Giáo có họp sau Thánh Lễ 6:30 sáng Chúa Nhật ngày 8 tháng 2. ♦ Hội Tông Đồ Cầu Nguyện, Huynh Đòan Dòng Ba Đa Minh có họp sau Thánh Lễ 6:30 sáng Chúa Nhật ngày 15 tháng 2. *** LỊCH TRÌNH LỄ TRO Thứ Tư ngày 18 tháng 02 năm 2015 6:30 sáng - Tiếng Việt 8:15 sáng - Tiếng Anh 12:00 trưa - Tiếng Việt 6:00 chiều - Tiếng Việt (Nhà Thờ & Hội Trường) 8:00 tối - Tiếng Tây Ban Nha *** THÁNH LỄ TÂN NIÊN MỪNG XUÂN ẤT MÙI Cộng Đoàn sẽ có Thánh Lễ mừng Tết Nguyên Đán vào Thứ Năm ngày 19 tháng 2, tức ngày mùng Một Tết, vào lúc 7:00 giờ tối. Xin mời cộng đoàn dân Chúa đến tham dự. (Sẽ không có Thánh Lễ 6:30 sáng) *** THÔNG BÁO VỀ VIỆC THAY ĐỔI NGÀY ĂN CHAY KIÊNG THỊT Thứ Tư Lễ Tro ngày 18 tháng 2 năm 2015, cũng là ngày Giao Thừa năm mới Ất Mùi. Vì lý do trên, Đức Cha Kevin Vann, Giám Mục Giáo Phận Orange miễn chuẩn ăn chay, kiêng thịt ngày thứ Tư Lễ Tro và thứ Sáu tuần thứ I mùa Chay qua những ngày khác như sau: 1. Dời ngày ăn chay, kiêng thịt thứ Tư Lễ Tro (18 tháng 2) qua thứ Tư tuần sau (25 tháng 2). 2. Dời ngày kiêng thịt thứ Sáu tuần thứ I mùa chay (20 tháng 2) qua thứ Hai, thứ Ba, hoặc thứ Năm tuần sau. www.saintbarbarachurch.org February 08, 2015 - Page 6 LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura – Job declara que la vida en la tierra es monótona, miserable y triste (Job 7:1-4, 6-7). Salmo – Alaben al Señor, que sana los corazones quebrantados (Salmo 147 [146]). Segunda lectura – Pablo dice que no tienen otra alternativa sino la de predicar el Evangelio (1 Corintios 9:16-19, 22-23). Evangelio – Después de sanar a muchos enfermos y de expulsar a los demonios, Jesús predica la Buena Nueva (Marcos 1:29-39). LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; Jornada Mundial del Matrimonio; Martes: Santa Escolástica Miércoles: Nuestra Señora de Lourdes; Jornada Mundial de los Enfermos Jueves: Nacimiento de Abraham Lincoln Sábado: San Cirilo y san Metodio; Día de San Valentín El Festival lunar del año nuevo en la parroquia de St. Bárbara, será el viernes 13, 14 y 15 de febrero. Tendremos alimentos tradicionales, espectáculos en vivo, juegos de fiesta, paseos etc. Los premios de la rifa del festival son los siguientes: Gran Premio - 2015 Toyota Camry SE 1 º premio - 2 boletos aéreos de ida y vuelta a Vietnam o México 2 º premio - 1 oz de oro 9999 3º premio - 1 IPhone 6 Boletos: $5 Compra 4 boletos y ganaras boletos de juegos. La mesa de boletos para la rifa del Festival estará en exhibición después de todas las misas del fin de semana. St. Barbara Catholic Church DIAS DE OBLIGACIÓN 1. La obligación del ayuno y la abstinencia del miércoles de ceniza de este año (18 de febrero) se traslada al miércoles de la siguiente semana (25 de febrero). 2. La obligación de la abtinencia del primer viernes de cuaresma (20 de febrero) se traslada al lunes, martes o jueves de la siguiente semana de 2015. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Los textos sagrados que componen lo que llamamos Biblia fueron coleccionados, organizados y ordenados durante los primeros cuatrocientos años del cristianismo. Fue durante el Concilio de Cartago (Siglo IV), que finalmente se canonizó (estableció el orden) la Biblia católica. Los textos sagrados de la Biblia se han proclamado a lo largo de los siglos en la celebración eucarística para nutrir la fe de los creyentes. En 1969, la Iglesia católica estableció un nuevo Leccionario conteniendo los textos bíblicos que se proclaman en la litúrgia. El Leccionario contiene un gran número de textos de la Escritura, organizados de una manera muy especial a fin de que estos textos sean proclamados en las misas dominicales y en las feriales (entre semana). El Leccionario está organizado de tal manera que si una persona asiste a misa diariamente durante un período de tres años, escuchará casi todos los textos de la Biblia. La proclamación de los Evangelios se realiza mediante ciclos dominicales. Durante el Ciclo A, proclamamos el Evangelio de Mateo; el de Marcos durante el ciclo B y el de Lucas durante el ciclo C. El Evangelio de san Juan se proclama durante la Cuaresma y la Pascua. Así mismo, el capítulo 6 de este Evangelio se incorpora al Ciclo B, que es el de Marcos. El resto del Nuevo Testamento se proclama como segunda lectura, excepto durante la Pascua, mientras que la primera lectura se proclama siempre del Antiguo Testamento, excepto durante la Pascua. No olvidemos el Salmo, que es una respuesta a la Escritura. –Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM www.saintbarbarachurch.org February 08, 2015 - Page 7 FAITHFORMATIONNEWS RCIA CORNER Did you know??? —k COME TO THE TET FIESTA ON FEB. 13-15 AND SUPPORT OUR YOUTH MINISTRY! Keep Calm...Next youth Night: Feb. 27th —fun, faith, friendship. food— VYC 5 Vietnamese Youth Convention Interested in making a bus trip to Seattle from June 30– July 6? For cost and ways to fundraise, call Sr. Grace at 714-775-9475 or email Kris at This weeks’ article is the “Scrutinies”. These rites are celebrated to help deliver the elect from the power of sin and Satan, to protect them against temptation, and to give them strength in Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (RCIA 141). The Rites of Scrutiny are meant to uncover, and then heal, all that is weak, defective, or sinful in the elects’ hearts and to bring out through repentance all that is upright, strong and good. Three Scrutinies are celebrated in the community on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of Lent, after the homily. Until next week…. Kris.nghiemtran@gmail.com FOUR SUNDAYS LENTEN SERIES FOR ADULTS March 1, 8, 15 and 22 from 3:45-5:15 PM. Go to: VYC5.org Come and join us for a multi-media spiritual study series produced by Word On Fire Catholic Ministries and hosted by Robert Barron. During each lesson the programs explain what Catholic believe and why. The series includes: The Revelation of God Become Man; The Teachings of Jesus; The Mystery of the Liturgy and the Eucharist; and the Union of Christ and the Church. Refreshments Provided @ 3:30 PM. St. Barbara Catholic Church www.saintbarbarachurch.org February 08, 2015 - Page 8 ST. BARBARA PARISH SCHOOL SNOW MUCH FUN! Student Appreciation Day NOW Accepting Applications for 2015-2016 Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Grs. 1-8 GO TO www.stbarbara.com Prospective Parents section or call 714 775-9477 for more information about St. Barbara School and how to apply! St. Barbara Catholic Church www.saintbarbarachurch.org February 08, 2015 - Page 9 St. Barbara Catholic Church www.saintbarbarachurch.org February 08, 2015 - Page 12 Administrator Rev. Augustin Long Vu Parochial Vicars Rev. Kiem Van Tran Rev. Manuel Lopez Gonzalez Rev. Thomas Quoc Tran, SVD Deacon Dcn. Joseph Anh Nguyen Dcn. Carlos Navarro Parish Office Staff Theresa Thanh Ta Marisela Maldonado Faith Formation Sr. Grace Duc Le, DFF & Confirmation Sr. Stella Le, CRE Vietnamese Alejandra Estrada, CRE Spanish Hang Nguyen, Secretary Kris Nghiem Tran, Youth Minister Adult Education (R.C.I.A.) Jeanna Norlin Dcn. Joseph Anh Nguyen Elizabeth Hernandez Homebound Eucharistic Ministers Flora Schoonover Maria Vega Sr. Lien Do St. Barbara School Judy Bloom, Principal Jody Rogers, Finances Bulletin Editor Angela Nguyet Tran Baptism Infant Baptisms are celebrated monthly on Sundays at 2:15PM. 1st Sunday — Vietnamese 2nd Sunday — English 3rd Sunday — Spanish We strongly urge parent/s to contact the rectory for information during pregnancy or before planning the Baptism. An infant’s Baptism requires a commitment of accepting certain religious and spiritual responsibilities for the child by both parents and godparents. The role of the parish staff is to help assist you in making these commitments. Perpetual Adoration 7th day of each month 714-775-7733 Liturgical Celebrations ††† 714-775-7733 714-775-7733 714-775-7733 Weekend Eucharist Saturday Vigil 714-965-0777 714-990-1615 Vietnamese English Vietnamese English (Neocatechumenal Way in the Hall) 714-775-7733 ext. 221 714-775-7733 ext. 222 Sunday 714-775-9475 ext.238 714-775-9475 ext.239 714-775-9475 ext.242 714-775-9475 ext.236 714-495-1993 714-531-2566 714-965-0777 714-567-1625 714-296-4754 714-818-0409 714-839-8199 www.stbarbara.com 714-775-9477 714-775-9473 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:30 PM 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:45 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM Spanish Vietnamese English English Vietnamese Spanish Vietnamese English Spanish Weekday Eucharist Mon, Wed, Thu Tue, Fri Saturday 6:30 AM 8:15 AM 8:15 AM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 AM Vietnamese English English Vietnamese Spanish English 714-775-7733 ext.229 atran@st-barbarachurch.org Marriage Registered parishioners should contact the rectory for an appointment with one of the priests at least six (6) months prior to marriage. Funeral At the death of a loved one kindly notify the rectory at your earliest convenience so the dates and times for the Funeral Liturgy may be arranged. Reconciliation Mon: 9:00 AM -10:00 AM Tue: 6:00 PM — 7:00 PM Fri: 6:00 PM — 7:00 PM Sat: 3:00 PM — 3:30 PM Anointing of the Sick (714) 345-4885 Eng Spn, Vn Eng, Spn, Vn Eng, Spn, Vn PRESIDER SCHEDULE HORARIO QUE PRESIDE LÒCH DAÂNG LEà Saturday, February 14, 2015 4:00 PM - Fr. Kiểm 5:30 PM - Fr. Tim 7:00 PM - Fr. Kiểm Sunday, February 15, 2015 6:30 AM - Fr. Đảo 8:00 AM - Fr. Tom 9:30 AM - Fr. Tim 11:00 AM - Fr. Đảo 12:45 PM - Fr. Manuel 4:00 PM - Fr. Đảo 5:30 PM - Fr. Paul 7:00 PM - Fr. Manuel Parish Office Hours : Mon-Fri : 8:30AM - 8:00PM, Sat & Sun : Closed 730 S. Euclid St. • Santa Ana, CA 92704 Tel: 714-775-7733 • Fax: 714-775-9467 St. Barbara Catholic Church www.saintbarbarachurch.org Website : www.saintbarbarachurch.org
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