25 May 2014 - St Felix Catholic Parish Bankstown


25 May 2014 - St Felix Catholic Parish Bankstown
Catechist: Bev Lamaro 4862 4273; Choir: Line Collet 0410 568 103;
Friendship Group: Bev Lamaro 4862 4273; Youth : Alison Collet 0421 660 187;
Pastoral Council: John Sarkis 0400 606 297; St Vincent de Paul: John Ashe 9796 1055;
Childrens Liturgy: Marie El-Chaar 9709 3451; Cemetery Committee: Maureen Vincent 9790 4217;
Sacramental co-ordinator: Gloria Booby 9708 2871; Polish Priests: 8783 0533;
De La Salle Brothers: 9708 2692; St. Felix Primary School: 9796 7875 Lisa Harbrow - Principal;
LaSalle Catholic College: 9793 5600 Mr Michael Egan - Principal;
Fr. Dominic Van Trung Dinh
Marie Caldareri, Secretary
Tel: 9790 1933 Fax 9796 3962
E-mail: priest@stfelixparish.org.au Website: www.stfelixparish.org.au
Dominican Day Retreat
Mass times:Saturday 6pm (Vigil), Sunday 8am, 10am (Children's Liturgy), 6pm, 12noon (Polish).
Vietnamese Mass: 7 pm 1st Thurs of each month. Saturday Morning Benediction - 7.00am
Reconciliation: Saturday 4.30 - 5.30 pm. Or by appointment Rosary: Saturday 8.25am
The Dominican Friars and the Dominican Sisters of St Cecilia are holding a retreat day on 12 July
2014 from 9:00am-4:30pm. Theme: "To Heaven with Dominic: The Pillars of Dominican Spirituality". For
men and women 18-35. At St Benedict's Church and Notre Dame, 104 Broadway. Register by 25 June or email .http://retreats.op.org.au/registerretreats@op.org.au
Thank you to Br Chris from the somascans for conducting
a successful parish mission this past week.
We wish him all the best as he heads back home to Perth.
This week - Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday - 8.00am. Thursday- 9.00am
Every Wednesday 10am - Praying of the Cenacle. 8.00pm Adoration & Rosary.
BAPTISMS: Baptism preparations are held on the 1st Sunday of each month after 10am mass in the
presbytery. Baptisms by appointment.
MARRIAGES: Please contact priest at least 6 months prior to wedding date.
Up-coming retreats at Mt Carmel Retreat Centre
CALLS: Anytime. If you know of anyone who needs anointing please ring the presbytery.
June 7 day retreat - Come Holy Spirit. Cost: donation. Who is this „mysterious‟ Holy Spirit and how
does He work in our lives. Fr Aloysius Rego, OCD
June 27 - 29 Weekend Retreat - Teresa through her Poetry and Letters. Cost: $220. We will trace
her journey as revealed in her poetry and letter. Fr Greg Burke, OCD.
Enquiries: Phone: 8795 3400, Email: retreats@carmelite.com Web: carmeliteretreats.com.au
Address: Mt Carmel Retreat Centre, 247 St Andrews Road, Varroville, NSW, 2566.
Bethlehem College Ashfield Reunion
All former students and staff are invited to attend the Ex-Students' Association 2014 annual reunion
day on Sunday 15th June. The day will commence with Mass at St Vincent's Church at 10am. Morning
tea will be in the College hall, with one College tour at 11.30am, followed by a light luncheon. For further
information and to RSVP, before June 6th : contact bethlehemexstudents@gmail.com or the College
9798 9099 , or visit the website www.bethlehemcollege.nsw.edu.au
John 17:11
Reflection at the Grail Centre
Open invitation to a morning of quiet reflection at the Grail Centre, 22 McHatton St, North Sydney,
on Tuesday 3 June from 10am to 12 noon. We will be reflecting on some writings of Teresa of Avila that
speak to our lives and times. There will be silent meditation and an opportunity to share thoughts in a
group. We ask for a small donation to cover costs. For more information or to register your interest,
please contact ruthcrowe@ozemail.com.au or Tricia Gemmell (pgemmell@tpg.com.au) or the Grail
Centre (9955 3053).
To become a regular contributor please fill in this slip and return it to the Parish Office.
Name……………………………………………………………... Telephone No.: …………………….….
Email : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Yes, Please send me a set of envelopes.
Yes, tax deduction required
Yes, Please organise automatic credit card deductions.
No tax deduction necessary
(A credit card authority form will be sent to you for completion)
And now I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world,
and I am coming to you.
Holy Father, protect them in your name that you have given me,
so that they may be one, as we are one.
Mass Intentions:
There was a domestic argument. Father and mother exchanged heated
loud words. The children were dumbfounded. Then suddenly the 12 year old girl ran upstairs, took out
her mobile phone and rang her parents‟ number. The father took the call and was astounded to hear a
feminine voice say, “Good evening, sir. I’m a reporter and am doing a survey for one of the
magazines. Do you love your wife?” The father is taken completely off guard, stuttered and
stammered, “Yes. Of course...naturally.” Then he called out to his wife, “Jenny, come here a minute.”
The girl again asked, “Excuse me, but I’m gathering statistics for a study. Could you tell me, do you
love your husband?” As she answered “Yes”, she recognized her own daughter‟s voice... “Thank you,”
said the voice at the other end...
After that the father took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat off his forehead, sank into a chair
and said, “Jenny, what we need is a cup of coffee.”
Today‟s Gospel says “Anybody who receives my commandments and keeps them will be one
who loves me; and anybody who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I shall love him and show
myself to him.” Jesus wants us to feel God‟s love by keeping his commandments. Unfortunately, we
often portray God as a harsh judge who demands discipline and who will punish us if we do not
behave. This understanding tends to make God part of the problem instead of part of the solution
when we are in crisis. But today we are told of another mode of God‟s presence which Christ left with
us. “The Spirit of Truth...he is with you, he is in you.” Jesus presented a God who is more intimate to
us than we are to ourselves. This God is the bedrock of our being, or in computer terms, the default
mode of our being. When we remove all the garbage and fear, all the artificial settings and try to live
Jesus‟ commandments, we find the Spirit God at the centre of our being. Living Jesus‟
commandments calls us to claim God‟s eternal love for ourselves so that we can live our temporal
loves - for parents, brothers, sisters, teachers, friends, spouses, and all people who become part of
our lives.
Let us pray that we can understand more about God‟s perfect and unconditional love so that we
can truly open and show our love towards others.
This week‟s Readings - Acts 8:5-8, 14-17;
1Peter 3:15-18;
Gospel - John 17:1-11
Recently Deceased: Josie Yott; John Hanrahan, Gwen Charisiadis (Joan Grealy’s sister).
Anniversary: Carmen Valencia; Phero & Anna Tran; Matthew Minh Chu; Giuse Tam Chu; Giuse
Doanh Chu; Vicente Vasquez; Esteban Vasquez; Massaad Massaad; Colette Ltaif; Bill Galvin
Deceased: Barbara Kostantine.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
Weekend date: 13 – 15 June at Mt Carmel Retreat Centre, Varroville, NSW Bookings: Ardell & Bill
Sharpe tel. 4283 3435 or wsharpe@bigpond.net.au www.wwme.org.au
St Brendan’s Friendship Club Outing
On 16th June 2014 from 8.30am leaving 54 Northam Ave Bankstown by bus and travelling to the
Museum of Fire at Penrith. Morning Tea will be set up on the premises then off to Penrith RSL for a
buffet lunch and return. Total cost $45. A booking fee of $10 is required. Call Lena on 9644 7226 or
0433 157 080. (See flyer on noticeboard for more info)
The Trinity – A Place of Deep Listening:
eConference with Mary Coloe PBVM, Thursday 12th June, 2014 - 9am - 3.30pm. This
eConference affords us an exciting opportunity, with Mary‟s guidance, to sit with the Trinity and allow
the Spirit to move us into the relationship with God that promises fullness of life. Venue: Mary
MacKillop Place, Mount Street, North Sydney. RSVP 6/6/2014 to annie.bond@sosj.org.au
Please bring a Bible.
Next Weekend - The Ascension of the Lord - Year A
Acts 1:1-11;
Ephesians 1:17-23;
Gospel - Matthew 28:16-20
This week, we welcome into the Catholic faith:
Jayden Lai
Denise Veronica Phandanouvong
May they always know the love of God and feel His guiding hand throughout their life.
Altar Society: 1/6/14 Group 1: Gloria Walker, Margaret Chan, Nice Collins, Lydia Leslie, Christina
Lysle, Lyn Rowe, Khanh Le, Hien & Vu Bui (Florist)
Biggest Morning Tea
St Vincent de Paul:
The Cancer Council is raising funds to help find a cure for cancer. Come and
join in the Biggest Morning Tea Event now on Sunday 8 June after 8am & 10am
Masses. A $2.00 donation will be collected with every cup of tea or coffee. Let‟s all
help toward finding a cure for cancer.
Weekend Choir: Saturday 30/5 - 6pm - St Anne‟s Choir
Sunday 1/6- 8am - Singing Servants of God. 10am - St Felix Choir
Walk with Christ
Caritas Thank you
Thank you to all who donated to Project Compassion during the season of Lent. A total of
$8779.70 has been sent to Caritas.
Wedding Congratulations:
Pablo Visconti & Marina Zivkovic
are married at St Felix this weekend. Please keep them in your prayers.
John Ashe
J O‟Beid
Church Cleaners: 30/5/14: Samoan Divine Mercy Group Children’s Liturgy: 1/6/14 Ligaya Castillo
Readers & Ministers
Sat 6pm
The Book of Life is now in the Church foyer for parishioners to write their petitions. The book will
remain there until the Feast of Corpus Christi on 22nd June when it will be taken by a Parish
representative in the procession from St Patrick‟s Church Hill to St Mary‟s Cathedral commencing at
2.30pm. For further details go to: www.sydneycatholic.org/walkwithchrist or call CREDO on
9390 5996.
25 MAY
Rushna Peter
Maureen Vincent
Anthony Rowe
Anthony Hoang
Emmanuel Icard
Robyn Molloy
Rita Dang
Jacinta Sarkis
Tuyen Tran (A)
Joseph Cao (A)
Anthony Joseph (A)
Thanh Vu (A)
Peter Boughton
Mesake Mar
P Vujkovic & J Kovacevic
Paul Ngoc
Koreen Cueto
Chris Kreltszheim
Tu Nguyen
Loreto Eduardo
Koreen Cueto
Jeanette Rodrigues
Jennifer Nguyen
Veronica Doumit
Kalisiana Mar
Maxwell Asuzu
Thu Ha Kim
Elias Eltarraf
Tuyen Tran (A)
Joseph Cao (A)
Anthony Joseph (A)
Thanh Vu (A)
Gloria Booby
Robyn Molloy
J Luongo & Thong Tran
Phu Nguyen
Peter Boughton
Mesake Mar
Bev Lamaro
Paul Ngoc