Winter 2014-15 - Dominican Retreat


Winter 2014-15 - Dominican Retreat
Dominican Retreat 7103 Old Dominion Drive McLean, VA 22101 703.356.4243 The Flame
Dominican Retreat News Winter 2014 With Gratitude and Anticipation
Of Note … 
News Page 2 2014 Gala Pages 3‐5 Calendar of Retreats Page 6 Reservation Form Page 7 2015 Theme Page 8 Upcoming Programs Pages 8‐14 Annual Appeal Page 15 This issue of The Flame takes us from the wondrous, quiet season of Advent through Lent 2015. Liturgically significant times and also, as we are all aware, that this is the last “new year” of retreats being scheduled. Over the past two months so many have expressed their sadness regarding the closure of Dominican Retreat. Collec‐
tively, we have been grieving and as we enter the anticipa‐
tory spirit of Advent and look towards 2015, I believe we can embrace the celebration of this ministry since 1961 and the joy that will still be found here in the coming months. The House theme for 2015 was chosen by the sisters to enhance the final months of retreats; “For all that has been ‐ Thanks! For all that will be ‐ Yes!” A quote from Dag Hammarskjold, we offer it as a source of inspiration for the coming months, an expression of gratitude and, as an acceptance of our call to change. For each of us that work, live or visit Dominican Retreat, our spiritual journey is going to take a turn. The gift and grace of God can be found anywhere we choose to look and when the final program at Domini‐
can Retreat ends on August 2, 2015, we will say “Yes” in or‐
der to keep moving forward. Judy Werner Editor Advent Evening of Prayer
Dominican Retreat
Board of Directors
William Hummel, Chair
Paula Evans
Ann Marie Mack
Sr. Charlene Moser, OP
RADM Brian Prindle, USN (Ret.)
Dr. Matthew Shank
Sr. Margaret Kennedy, OP
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Presented by Fr. Donald Howard, SA
During this evening we will reflect together on the role and blessings of “waiting” in our spiritual lives, especially during the season of Advent, in which we wait with anticipation for the coming of Christ, the Light of the World. This is a wonderful opportunity to enrich the Holy Season of Advent. The evening will include prayer, conference, time for personal reflection, and Celebration of Eucharist. Refreshments will be offered following Mass. Offering: $20.00 To make a reservation, please call the Retreat House at 703.356.4243.
Dominican Retreat is a ministry of the Dominican Sisters of Peace and Associates. Page 2
The Flame
Dominican Retreat Mission Statement
To provide a tranquil place of prayer and well-planned programs to support the evolving
spiritual needs of individuals and groups.
Have you visited the Dominican Retreat website recently? Thanks to the volunteer efforts of Ty Hughes we have a new site and it is possible to make retreat reservations online now! The site will accept the deposit or full offering payment for retreats. Check it out! Our 2015 retreats will run through July. The final program at the retreat house will be a weekend for Dominican Sisters of Peace Associates, July 31 ‐ August 2. We will be updating the website as often as possible to get all the information on our last 8 months of programs available to you. Keep checking back and schedule a last weekend at the House! Sr. Carmen Aragon, OP
The Farewell Open House for Sr. Carmen on October 12th was quite a party! Lots of friends and well wishers showed up to say goodbye. Food, fun and Cuban music were on tap for the afternoon. Sr. Carmen is now comfortable in Oxford, MI at the Dominican Sisters of Peace Motherhouse. She says there are activities each day and it is a close knit community of sisters. Her new address is: Dominican Sisters of Peace Motherhouse 775 W. Drahner Road Oxford, MI 48371 2014 Annual Appeal
It may seem odd to you that this issue of The Flame contains a Donation Form for the 2014 Annual Appeal. Although the decision has been made to close Dominican Retreat and the last program is scheduled for July 2015, we will still have operating expenses. Food, electricity, housekeeping, support staff ‐ everything will still be necessary to offer the retreat experience every week. Retreat offerings have never covered the operating expenses of the House. The generosity of the re‐
treatant and benefactor donations enabled us to minister for 53 years. Our 2014 Appeal asks for help in defraying the expenses for our final retreats. As always, we are extremely grateful for your generos‐
ity. Donation Form on Page 15. The Flame
Page 3
An Evening with the Saints - October 19, 2014
Our annual gala on October 19th was held at the Washington Golf & Country Club. The venue was per‐
fect for a party! During the cocktail reception student musicians from George Mason University provided wonderful background against the backdrop of a gorgeous golf course and a clear view to Washington. The hit of the evening were our two “saintly” guest bartenders ‐ Sr. Agnes and Sr. Margaret Mary Ken‐
nedy. During the dinner speakers included Sr. Therese Leckert, OP of the Leadership Council in Ohio; Bill Hummel, Chair of our Board of Directors and Tony DeCristofaro of the Development Committee. Rena Baker accepted the 2014 Capable Hands Award. A huge thanks to all who attended, the local businesses and parishes that supported the event, and those who worked so hard to plan and host the evening! Margaret Wesbecher served as Gala Chair and with the help of Rena Brendes‐Farrell and Trish McCarthy, gave us another beautiful evening. The Dominican Retreat Development Committee oversees the annual event and it raises funds for the operational expenses of the retreat house. Sr. Agnes and her bartending Coach Sr. Margaret Mary takes a break from her “saintly” duties Joanne Hughes, Elsa, Rosemary Inlow & Sr. Carmen enjoy the terrace at Washington Golf & Country Club Kathy Patterson displays balloons and mysterious gifts for sale Page 4
Newsletter Title
Calendar of Retreats & Programs
Note: The name(s) of the individual retreat coordinators are listed in parenthesis directly after the Retreat name. Please call the re‐
treat office at 703‐356‐4243 for further information about specific retreats and/or for contact information for individual retreat coordi‐
nators. Details and updates about specific programs are also available at our website at Date(s) Program (Coordinator/s)
December 2014 Dec 2 Advent Evening of Prayer Fr. Donald Howard, SA Dec 3 Open For Prayer ‐ 9:30am ‐ 3:00 pm Dec 5‐7 Advent Silent Weekend for Women Fr. John Petrikovic, OFM, Cap. Dec 10 Advent Day of Prayer Fr. Tony Krisak Dec 12‐14 Retreat for the Seriously Ill Dec 31 ‐ Jan 1 New Year’s Eve Overnight Fr. John Petrikovic, OFM, Cap January 2015 Jan 6‐8 Midweek Retreat for Women of AA Jan 9‐11 Weekend Retreat for Women of AA Jan 14 Day: Grieving the Loss of a Child Monica Pers Waddington Jan 16‐18 Weekend Retreat for Men (P. Allard) Fr. Julio Martinez, OFM, Conv. Jan 23‐25 Weekend Retreat for Women (A. Roth) Fr. Dennis Mason, OFM, Conv. Jan 30 ‐ Feb 1 Weekend for Separated/Divorced, W/M February 2015 Feb 6‐8 Weekend for Women of Al‐Anon Feb 13 Noche de Enamorados para Matrimonios Feb 14 Valentine’s Evening for Married Couples Feb 18 Miércoles de Ceniza Feb 20‐22 Weekend Retreat for Women (A. Streb) Fr. Richard DeLillio, OSFS Feb 24 Day of Reflection for Women/Men Feb 27 ‐ Mar 1 Silent Retreat for Women (M. Green) Fr. Dennis Mason, OFM, Conv. March 2015 Mar 6‐8 Weekend for Women (J. McCracken) Fr. Julio Martinez, OFM, Conv. Mar 10 Day of Reflection for Women (P. McCulla/J. Szydlowski) Date(s) Mar 13‐15 Mar 18 Mar 24 Mar 27‐29 April 2015 Apr 17‐19 Apr 24‐26 May 2015 May 1 May 1‐3 May 5 May 7 May 15‐17 May 22‐24 May 29‐31 June 2015 June 5‐7 June 12‐14 June 19‐25 July 2015 July 7‐13 July 17‐19 July 24‐26 July 31 ‐ Aug 2 Program (Coordinator/s) Weekend for Women (T. Yannarell) Fr. Michael Heine, OFM, Conv. Day for Women of St. Mary of Sorrows Day of Reflection for Women/Men Palm Sunday Weekend for Women (C. Bergin/J. Ishee) Weekend for Spanish Speaking Women (M. Siervo) Weekend for Women (C.Cable) Day: Forgiveness & Centering Prayer Fr. Bill Sheehan, OMI Centering Prayer Weekend, W/M Fr. Bill Sheehan, OMI (M. Litton) Marian Day for Women & Men Mother‐Daughter Dinner Weekend for Women (L. Hill) Retreat for the Seriously Ill Weekend for Spanish Speaking Women (Y. Caraballo) Weekend for Women (R. Baker) Fr. Scott Hurd Weekend Retreat for Women of AA Sisters Preached Retreat Silent Retreat, Private or Directed Fr. Bill Wyndaele, CICM, Sr. Mary Ellen Brady, OP Weekend for Women of Al‐Anon Weekend for Senior Women (J. Kick/M. Dugan) Weekend for Dominican Associates Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 5
Prayer for Peace
Pope John Paul II
Lord Jesus Christ, who are called the Prince of Peace, who are yourself our
peace and reconciliation, who so often said, "Peace to you," grant us peace.
Make all men and women witnesses of truth, justice, and brotherly love. Banish from their hearts whatever might endanger peace. Enlighten our rulers
that they may guarantee and defend the great gift of peace. May all peoples
on the earth become as brothers and sisters. May longed-for peace blossom
forth and reign always over us all.
Retreat Date(s): _____________________ Title of Program: _______________________________________________________ _____Weekend Retreat $75 deposit _____Evening of Reflection (if program does include a meal ) $20 deposit _____Day of Reflection $25 deposit _____ Evening of Reflection (if program does not include meal) no deposit _____ Extended Retreat $100 deposit Reservations may be made by mail, by telephone, FAX, or email (credit card information required.) All deposits are non‐refundable. FULL NAME: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ________________________________________________________ STATE: _________________ ZIP CODE: _____________ PHONE (WORK): _________________________ HOME: _____________________ Email: _________________________________ Have you made a retreat here before? _______ Can you climb stairs easily? _________________ METHOD OF PAYMENT (Check one) _____ Check _____ VISA _____ MasterCard Credit Card # __________________________________________________ Exp. Date __________ Name on Card _______________________________ Amount of Charge ___________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________________________ DOMINICAN RETREAT • 7103 Old Dominion Drive • McLean, VA 22101 Tel: 703.356.4243 • FAX: 703.893.4502 • Email: Page 6
The Flame
December 2014
Advent Day of Prayer & Reflection December 10, 2014 Presented by Fr. Tony Krisak Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. ‐ 3:00 p.m. Give your spirit the gift of a day of peace and quiet amid the hustle and bustle of preparing for Christmas! This day is an opportunity to savor the special season of waiting and anticipa‐
tion. The day begins with registration and coffee at 9:30 a.m. The program will include con‐
ferences by the Director, time for personal prayer and reflection, lunch, and Mass. Fr. Tony Krisak serves as Director of ENVISION Services at the Paulist National Catholic Evan‐
gelization Association in Washington, DC. ENVISION is a mission‐focused, Christ‐centered, results‐oriented pastoral planning process that helps to re‐focus or focus anew resources and ministries on the evangelizing mission of the Church. He holds a BA from St. Mary College, a Th.M. from Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, and an MA/STD from the Catholic Univer‐
sity of America. Fr. Tony is the author of two books and an engaging and dynamic speaker. Offering: $50.00. Remember the Past; Celebrate the Present; Embrace the Future…
Jesus is present to us in all of it!
New Year’s Eve Overnight December 31, 2014 ‐ January 1, 2015 With Fr. John Petrikovic, OFM Cap. Our ever‐popular New Year’s Eve program includes a festive, holiday dinner, a conference, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and a Holy Hour beginning at 11:00 p.m. We will celebrate Holy Eucharist on January 1st, the feast of the Mother of God, and close with breakfast. It is a beautiful way to greet the new year filled with hope and love. Retreatants arrive for registration at 5:30 pm, dinner at 6:00 on December 31 and stay through breakfast on Janu‐
ary 1. Fr. John Petrikovic, OFM, Cap. offers workshops on Franciscan topics, retreats to Religious Men and Women and parish missions throughout the U.S. Ordained in 1981, he holds a BA in Counseling Psychology, an MA in Liturgical Theology, an MA in Franciscan Studies and an STL from Rome's Pontifical Antonianum University in Spirituality. Having served in various posts of formation and administration for the Province, Fr. John most recently (2004‐2010) served as Vice Rector, Prefect of Studies and Liturgical Director of the Collegio San Lorenzo in Rome. Fr. John is also an avid musician regular contributor to both Weekday and Sunday Homily Helps (since 1983) for Franciscan Media ( and serves on the staff of the Franciscan Pilgrimage Program. The offering is $125 per person. Reserve early ‐ this retreat fills quickly! The Flame
Page 7
2015 Theme
“For all that has been ‐ Thanks! For all that will be ‐ Yes!” Dag Hammarskjold From that first Day of Recollection in October 1961, to this present day, the Gracious and Loving Spirit of God has faithfully guided all who have passed through the doors of this house. For these many gifts and blessings, past, present, and yet to come, we are indeed thankful. Our God, being the Faithful God we have come to know and believe in, will continue to bless our re‐
treatants and our loyal partners in ministry as we are called to move forward into a future hidden from our eyes, yet a future full of hope. Lest we forget, our brothers and sisters in the infant Church faced many challenges and unknowns; yet they always trusted in the God revealed to them by Jesus Christ, and, as he taught them, they continued to gather weekly to bring their offering and render thanks to this ever‐present, never‐failing God as they came together to Eucharist. (Recall that Eucharist comes from the Greek meaning “to give thanks”.) So, no matter where the coming days, weeks, months, and years take us, we can always “Eucharist”… giving thanks to our Gracious, Loving, and Faithful God for all that has been and for all that will be! --Patricia Mood, OP
Theme weekends begin Friday evening with check‐in at 7:15 p.m. After settling in, the program begins at 7:45 and finishes at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday. The retreat schedule is a mix of talks by the Director, quiet time for personal prayer and relaxation, optional group discussion, Rosary, a Reconciliation service and opportunity for Confession, and daily Celebration of Eucharist. Reservations may be made using the form in this newsletter, online at or by calling the Retreat House at 703.356.4243. 2015 Theme Retreat Weekends
Jan. 16‐18 Jan. 23‐25 Feb. 20‐22 Feb. 27 ‐ March 1 March 6‐8 March 13‐15 March 27‐29 April 17‐19 April 24‐26 May 15‐17 May 29‐31 June 5‐7 July 24‐26 Weekend for Men Weekend for Women Weekend for Women Lenten Silent Weekend for Women Weekend for Women Weekend for Women Palm Sunday Weekend for Women Weekend for Spanish Speaking Women Weekend for Women Weekend for Women Weekend for Spanish Speaking Women Weekend for Women Senior Women’s Weekend Page 8
The Flame
Weekend Retreats
Weekend retreats begin Friday evening (after supper) and finish at 3:00 p.m. Sunday. Daily Mass is typically part of the weekend schedule. Some of our specialized programs may offer a Vigil for Sunday Mass instead. To register for a re‐
treat, please use the form on page 9 or call the retreat house. A $75 deposit must accompany your reservation; the balance of your offering may be paid during your stay. Weekend for Men (Theme Retreat) January 16‐18, 2015 Directed by Fr. Julio Martinez, OFM, Conv. The Director: Fr. Julio Alberto Martinez was born in Cuba and came to the United States in the early 1960s. He entered the Conventual Franciscan Order and was educated in the Order's seminaries in Maryland, Massachu‐
setts and Rome, Italy where he received degrees in philosophy and theology. He was ordained a priest in 1982. Fr. Julio has served in parishes both in New York and Georgia. He has also worked in the fields of youth ministry and substance abuse counseling. He has ministered as spiritual director and retreat director to laity and religious. Fr. Julio served for many years in the Justice and Peace Commission of the Franciscan Friars and has continued to pursue his interest in global social issues. He has recently been appointed to the province's Justice and Peace Commission. Fr. Julio presently serves at the Shrine of St. Anthony in Ellicott City, Maryland in a growing ministry as spiritual director and retreat director. Offering: $250.00 Weekend for Women (Theme Retreat) January 23‐25, 2014 Directed by Fr. Dennis Mason, OFM, Conv. The Director: Fr. Dennis Mason, OFM, Conv. is a Franciscan priest, a member of the Order of Friars Minor, Con‐
ventual. Father was ordained a Franciscan Friar Conventual in 1972. He has ministered in parishes in NY, NJ and CT and for 6 years was a staff instructor in homelitics and Director of Pastoral Field Education at St. Anthony‐on‐
Hudson Theologate. As of 2014 he is on staff at the Shrine of St. Anthony in Ellicott City, MD. His interests include Liturgy, preaching, Franciscan theology and spirituality. Offering: $250.00 Weekend for Separated/Divorced Women and Men Friday, January 30‐ Sunday, February 1, 2015 There is healing in hope and hope in healing! Share your journey – there is strength and healing with others. Have Separation and/or Divorce torn your life apart? The pain is inconceivable & you believe no one would un‐
derstand—unless they have been in your shoes. It is a feeling of emptiness, shredding, hopelessness & inade‐
quacy. The hopes, dreams and plans for your future, vanished with one stroke of the pen. Nothing seems quite right and basic survival is your only goal. You even question—”Where was God in all of this”? Is this about right? Offering: $175.00 This program is partially funded by a grant from the Albuquerque Spiritual Renewal Center. The Flame
Page 9
Weekend Retreats
Weekend Retreat for Women of Al‐Anon February 6‐8, 2015 This retreat is not sponsored by Al‐Anon; however, the members who attend these retreats find that they are helpful to their program of recovery. Set apart from the routine of our daily lives, the Retreat provides peaceful surroundings and thoughtful input, time for reflection, and sharing. Retreat is a time to get a fresh perspective on God’s presence in our lives. The Retreat will begin Friday, 7:30 pm and will conclude at 1:00 pm on Sunday. Offering: $250.00 Weekend Retreat for Women (Theme Retreat) February 20‐22, 2015 Directed by Fr. Richard DeLillio, OSFS Rev. Richard R. DeLillio, OSFS, a priest of the Oblates of St. Francis De Sales, teaches Homiletics at Catholic University of America. He loves to point out the connection between ministry and a minister’s personal holiness. They go hand in hand in the sharing of the Good News. Offering: $250.00 Lenten Silent Retreat for Women February 27 ‐ March 1, 2015 Directed by Fr. Dennis Mason, OFM, Conv. Lent is a time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. In the context of this silent retreat, let us listen to God speaking to our hearts amid the busyness of our lives. This retreat will use the House Theme as a basis for Father’s talks, prayer services and personal reflection. All meals will be held in silence. Please see Fr. Mason’s bio on page 10. Offering: $250.00 Weekend Retreat for Women (Theme Retreat) March 6‐8, 2015 Directed by Fr. Julio Martinez, OFM, Conv. Please see Fr. Martinez’s bio on Page 10. Offering: $250.00 Weekend Retreat for Women (Theme Retreat) March 13‐15, 2015 Directed by Fr. Michael Heine, OFM, Conv. Fr. Michael Heine, OFM, Conv. is a Franciscan priest, a member of the Order of Friars Minor, Conventual. Father has ministered in both educational and Pastoral settings. He was Director of Guidance at Archbishop Curley High School in Baltimore and then spent several years serving in Jamaica. Fr. Heine is now in residence at The Shrine of St. Anthony in Ellicott City, MD and we are delighted to welcome him back to Dominican Retreat. Offering: $250.00 Page 10
The Flame
Weekend Retreats
Palm Sunday Weekend Retreat for Women March 27‐29, 2015 Prepare for Holy Week and Easter by joining other women of faith for a retreat weekend of Lenten devotions. Each year, Holy Week calls us to relive the Paschal Mystery of Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection through the celebration of the Easter Triduum. To help prepare, we invite you to come away for Palm Sunday Weekend, and slow your pace. The special joy of this retreat is time for quiet reflection and time with God. Offering: $250.00 Retiro de Fin de Semana para Mujeres que Hablan Español “Nutrir su Espíritu! 17‐19 abril, 2015 El horario de cada retiro incluye: Conferencias diarias, Espacios de tiempo para reflexión y/o descanso, Exposición y Bendición del Santisimo, Sacramento de la Reconciliación, Celebración diaria de la Santa Misa, Oración privada y meditación. Costo: $180.00 Weekend Retreat for Women (Theme Retreat) April 24‐26, 2015 The Director: TBA Offering: $250.00 “We are all one. We just don’t know it yet.” Centering Prayer Retreat for Women/Men May 1‐3, 2015 Directed by Fr. Bill Sheehan, OMI During this weekend we will explore the theme of Communion with one another, based on Thomas Merton’s writing. Join us for this weekend of prayer in an atmosphere of silence. Included in the flow of the weekend will be Fr. Bill’s talks, periods of Centering Prayer, the celebration of Eucharist and the Sac‐
rament of Reconciliation. This retreat is open to beginners and to those who wish to deepen their com‐
mitment to Centering Prayer . Rev. Bill Sheehan, OMI is an experienced and beloved retreat director. He has been involved with Con‐
templative Outreach since 1983, practicing centering prayer and guiding others in this way of prayer for more than 30 years. Fr. Bill has a rich background as a pastor, director of ministry to priests, novice di‐
rector, director of formation, provincial, and director of the Oblate House of Theology. Offering: $250.00 The Flame
Page 11
Day Programs
Most day programs run 9:30 am ‐ 3:00 pm and include lunch. Many of them offer Mass and an opportunity for Con‐
fession. For more details on individual programs, please check the “Retreats” section of our website at or call us directly at 703.356.4243. Miércoles de Ceniza (para mujares) 18 de febrero, 2015 9:30 a.m. ‐ 3:00 p.m. La Cuaresma ya está a nuestras puertas, y deseamos invitarte a que vengas a la casa de retiro el Miércoles de Ceniza, 5 de marzo 2014 con el fin de prepararnos para la Cuaresma, en espíritu de oración. El día comenzará a las 9:15 a.m. y terminará con la Eucaristía a las 2:15 p.m. Habrá suficiente tiem‐
po para meditación y oración personal. Tendremos la Exposición del Santísimo, Vía Crucis; escucha‐
remos varias pláticas, y tiempo para la confesión. La contribución para el día completo es de $45. Lenten Days of Reflection “For What Has Been ‐ Thanks! For What Will Be ‐ Yes!” A day at Dominican Retreat nurtures mind, body, and soul. Strengthen your relationship with God through prayer and listening. Just long enough to clear your mind of daily concerns, we promise you will leave with a new sense of focus and peace. These days are scheduled 9:30 am‐3:00 pm and include talks by the Director, the opportunity for Confession, lunch, and Mass. February 24, Tuesday March 10, Tuesday March 24, Tuesday (for women and men) (for women only) (for women and men) Offering: $50.00 (Seniors may take a $5.00 discount) Mary, Queen of May Marian Day of Reflection for Women & Men May 5, Tuesday 9:30 a.m. ‐ 3:00 p.m. “The Holy spirit loved you as His mystical spouse and filled you with singular gifts. You allowed yourself to be
The Marian Prayer of Pope John Paul II
led by His hidden and powerful actions.”
Join us to celebrate our gifts of peace and love from the Blessed Virgin. This is an opportunity to reflect on Mary’s presence in our lives. The schedule for the program gives input from the Director and Sisters with time for personal prayer. There is time for conversation and sharing during a delicious lunch. Offering: $50.00 (Seniors may take a $5.00 discount) Page 12
Newsletter Title
Evening Programs
Noche de Enamorados para Matrimonios
en celebración del Día de San Valentín
Viernes, 13 de Febrero de 2015 6:00 p.m. (Llegada y recepción) En esta noche se conversará sobre el matrimonio como vocación a la santidad. Cena a la Luz de Velas Charla Santa Misa Renovación de Consentimiento Matrimonial Costo: $65 por pareja Se pide un depósito de $30 para la reservación de una pareja. Valentine’s Evening for Married Couples
February 14, 2015 (Saturday) 6:00 – 9:30 p.m. Our Valentine’s Evening for Married Couples has been enormously popular for many years. We offer couples an elegant meal, a talk by the visiting priest on marriage, Celebration of Eucharist and a Renewal of Vows. This adds up to a meaningful celebration for couples of all ages! Call early to register as space is limited. Offering: $80.00 per couple, includes a $40 deposit Centering Prayer Group
Centering Prayer is a quiet, contemplative way of praying. It invites you to sit in a silent way and open yourself to God’s presence and action within you. Our Centering Prayer group provides a shared and supportive ongoing prayer experi‐
ence. We meet bi‐weekly for prayer, sharing, and to deepen our relationship with God. All are welcome, including beginners! Please join us at 7:00 p.m. on the following dates: Thursday, December 4 Wednesday, February 4 Wednesday, December 17 Thursday, February 19 Thursday, January 8 Tuesday, March 3 Tuesday, January 20 Wednesday, March 18 Dates of Note - 2015 Centering Prayer Retreats
May 1‐ Day of Prayer with Fr. Bill Sheehan, OMI May 1‐3 Centering Prayer Weekend Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 13
2014 Annual Appeal
2014 Gift Response Form
Please complete this form and return it with your gift
Name: (Please print) ________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
Phone Number: ____________________
YES! I want to help Dominican Retreat defray operational expenses for upcoming
retreats in 2015 by making a gift of $________________.
Your tax-deductible gift may be made by check, by installment payments, or by credit card.
Checks should be made payable to Dominican Retreat. For credit card gifts, please complete
your Credit Card information and sign below.
If you prefer to donate on a monthly basis, we can charge your credit card each time or send you
payment coupons to mail in with your check.
Pledges: I wish to give $____________ to support Dominican Retreat.
Enclosed is my first payment of $____________.
Please send me payment coupons for the balance due or charge my credit card (circle one) monthly
__ or quarterly__ (pick one).
If you would like to have a monthly donation set up as an automatic withdrawal from your bank account, please call us and we will send you the necessary paperwork.
________ If you do not want your name published in The Flame in our annual donor listings, please check here.
It is the policy of Dominican Retreat to keep all credit card information confidential.
Please charge my credit card. (Circle one) VISA MasterCard
Card Number______________________________________ Expiration Date ___________
Exact Name on Credit Card___________________________
If you have any questions please call the Retreat House at 703.356.4243.
Dominican Retreat 7103 Old Dominion Drive McLean, Virginia 22101
DOMINICAN RETREAT Non‐Profit Org. US Postage PAID 7103 Old Dominion Drive McLean, VA 22101 Permit #519 Dulles, VA Return Service Requested Wishing you all
the Joy, Hope
and Wonder
On the Web:
of Christmas