Shows NY – Print - Arts On Stage NY
Shows NY – Print - Arts On Stage NY
Curriculum-Based Theater Field Trips A season of magic, fun & education 718-266-0202 • • RESERVE & CONFIRM NOW! PAY LATER! 2016 2017 Page 1 We accept School Checks, Purchase Orders, Credit Cards. SS A KiDS FOR PRESiDENt - vOtE - Special Show for Election Year! Nov. 2, 2016 QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am $9.00 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Nov. 7, 2016 QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am $9.00 BOOKS. tHE MAGiC iS REAL- inspire Students to Read Dec. 6, 2016 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am A R W L $9.00 Just in time for the 2016 Presidential Election, this high-energy performance showcases literature from young authors with a socially and politically conscious slant. Let your students decide who our next president will be. Motivate your students by igniting a passion for reading all through the school year. Popular forms of literature like “Harry Potter”, “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”, “A Series of Unfortunate Events”, and “Snowflake Bentley”. Filled with audience participation and magic this show will dazzle students and leave them with a love for reading. ANti-BULLYiNG CLASS DiSMiSSED - 4-8 Grade-Project in the Classroom, Cafeteria & internet Nov. 9, 2016 QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am $9.00 HOLiDAY tALES - Multi-Cultural - Christmas, Kwanza & Chanukah Celebration Dec. 7, 2016 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am This musical addresses the issue of bullying in the classroom, cafeteria, and schoolyard with strong emphasis on the rising incidents of bullying via the Internet (Cyber-bullying). The administrators get involved with a program they label “See it. Say it. Stop It.” tHUNDERBiRD-NAtivE AMERiCAN iNDiAN DANCERS - thanksgiving Celebration Nov. 14, 2016 QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am SS A $9.00 Native Americans share their traditions with your students through stories, songs and dance as part of a Thanksgiving celebration. This performance helps students to understand & appreciate the culture and contributions of Native–Americans. PRiNCESS & tHE PEA - Hans Christian Andersen Folk tale - inspire Students to Read Nov. 21, 2016 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am R A W $9.00 Hans Christian Andersen comes to life in this musical retelling. Our Princess is introduced just in time to vie for the prince. Her arrival leaves the Queen wondering if she is a match for her son. Our story of acceptance and love will prove that staying true to who you are is the key to happiness. ANti-BULLYiNG ROCKiN’ MUSiCAL Nov. 22, 2016 - make your school a Bully Free zone! (K-5) CS SSK A QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am $9.00 Anti-Bullying Rockin’ Character Educational show helps students to respect their classmates with different cultural backgrounds and traditions. Tolerance, Diversity and Cooperation are concepts that are key to preparing students to have a successful future. There is no place for bullying in a modern diverse classroom. SNOW WHitE & SEvEN DWARFS - Classic Grimm’s Fairy tale Nov. 29, 2016 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am A R W L $9.00 Classic Grimm’s Fairy Tale, the Snow White realizes that Dopey isn’t silly, he is deaf. She tells the other dwarfs and teaches them to use sign language. Students will see that accepting people with disabilities is a good lesson to learn through a favorite story! A CHARLiE BROWN CHRiStMAS - timeless Classic Nov. 30, 2016 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am A R W $9.00 The classic animated television special comes to life in this stage adaptation featuring Charlie Brown, Snoopy and other Peanuts favorites. LEARNiNG MAtH 4 & 5 GRADE BEYOND tHE CLASSROOM Dec. 1, 2016 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am M A $9.00 Students discover the awesome possibilities of mathematics. Funny, entertaining and educational! Curricular Connections: Fractions – Arithmetic -Probability – Money – Place Values– Geometry – Word Problem – Percentages. Students learn the ins and out of what makes MATH fun. CLASSROOM CHARACtER: Respect, Responsibility, Caring & trustworthiness Dec. 2, 2016 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am CS SSK $9.00 Master Teachers, Paul and Suzy, present a show which challenges the audience to choose the Six Pillars of Character, as a roadmap to becoming their personal best: Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, Citizenship and Trustworthiness providing students’ with a roadmap to a successful future. LEARNiNG MAtH K-3 Outside of the Classroom - Superhero Math! Dec. 5, 2016 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am M A $9.00 MATH for K-3 Grade was never so much FUN to LEARN! Segments include Orders of Operation, Measurement and Probability that creates excitement when it comes to math. Magic, music, audience participation and mind blowing illusions gets your students excited about math! E R A W $9.00 Holiday Tales is a multi-cultural collection of holiday stories from different cultures including Christmas, Kwanza and Chanukah. Nominated for an Emmy, highlights include performances at the White House, Czech Republic and Russia. MAtH + SCiENCE + JUGGLiNG = FUN • OBJECt-iN-MOtiON Dec. 8, 2016 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am S M A $9.00 An Award Winning Nickelodeon Math & Science Enrichment program makes it easy for teachers to tie the show to lessons across the curriculum to demonstrate principles of math & science. This duo uses patterns, gravity & weight to teach mathematics. -MiStLEtUNES-ROCK “N” ROLL - Multi-Cultural - Christmas, Kwanza & Chanukah Celebration QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am $9.00 Dec. 9, 2016 Mistletunes - Rock “N” Roll Multi-Cultural Holiday Celebration featuring tunes from Christmas, Kwanza and Chanukah. Come Rock “N” Roll with us. Fun for all ages. CHRiStMAS CAROL - Classic Story by Charles Dickens Dec. 12, 2016 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am E R A W $9.00 This adaptation of Dickens’ classic brings you Scrooge, The Three Ghosts, Tiny Tim, and a host of other characters in this beloved tale. The best loved story of all time particularly suited to children. PiNOCCHiO - Famous italian Classic - inspire Students to Read & Write Dec. 13, 2016 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am A R W $9.00 An amazing series of adventures awaits Pinocchio in his quest to become a real boy. tWAS tHE NiGHt BEFORE CHRiStMAS - Musical-A true Holiday Spirit Dec. 13, 2016 QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am A R W $9.00 Inspired by the timeless poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas,” about the real life of its author, Clement Moore. This beloved poem is brought to life with music, dance and lots of excitement. This classic will put your students in the holiday spirit. JACK FROSt - A true Meaning of Holiday Dec. 14, 2016 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC A 10am & 11:45am $9.00 This charming tale tells of a beautiful girl who melts the heart of Jack Frost himself. The enchanting music will delight everyone. tHE GREAtESt RUSSiAN NUtCRACKER Dec. 14, 2016 QUEENS COLLEGE A R W 10am & 11:45am $9.00 Nutcracker tells the story of a young girl’s encounter with both strange and wonderful creatures at Christmas time, all set to the captivating music of Tchaikovsky. Spectacular sets of costumes, portraying the international diversity of the world presenting Spain, Nigeria, China, India, France & Russia. HOLiDAY tALES - Multi-Cultural - Christmas, Kwanza & Chanukah Dec. 15, 2016 QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am E R A W $9.00 Holiday Tales is a multi-cultural collection of holiday stories from different cultures including Christmas, Kwanza and Chanukah. Nominated for an Emmy, highlights include performances at the White House, Czech Republic and Russia. SANtA CLAUS MEEtS tHE WizARD - Fun-Filled Holiday Musical Dec. 15, 2016 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am A R W L $9.00 Grab your mittens, buckle those boots, and hop aboard Edie the Elf's sleigh and save Santa from that nasty villain before it's too late. If the Wizard succeeds with his evil plans, there will be no more presents and no more Santa. This fun-filled action-packed musical will become a special treat because your students will meet Santa Claus. Page 2 tHE SNOW QUEEN - Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy tales Dec.16, 2016 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC A R W 10am & 11:45am $9.00 This musical adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen, the classic fairy tale brought to you by Hudson Vagabond Puppets. Holiday treat your students will never forget! CHARLOttE WEB-Classical Musical Adaption of E.B. WHitE E R W L Feb. 2, 2017 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am $9.00 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am $9.00 Feb. 3, 2017 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am $9.00 Feb. 7, 2017 Curriculum Comes to Life on Stage in this classical musical based on E.B. White’s. JACKiE ROBiNSON - Everybody’s Hero-History, Social Studies & Character Education Feb. 6, 2017 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC CS SS A 10am & 11:45am $8.50 Depicts Jackie Robinson's character, his struggle to gain acceptance, and obstacles he overcame on his way to change the face of our nation. This production presents a variety of lessons on American History, Social Studies and Character Education. LEt'S FREEDOM RiNG & SiNG-Celebrate USA-American Culture & History From Past to Present Feb. 8, 2017 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am $9.00 Musical journey through song and dance tracks the cultural and historical moments that helped shape our nation. Students will understand the history of America’s most iconic songs: “The Star-Spangled Banner,” “America the Beautiful,” and My Country ‘Tis of Thee.” i HAvE A DREAM - the Story of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Feb. 9, 2017 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC SS E R L 10am & 11:45am $9.00 Join us in honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a charismatic leader of the “American Century.” AFRiCAN CiRCUS & ACROBAtS-zUMA zUMA - African Roots, Culture & Rhythm Feb. 14, 2017 QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am $9.00 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Feb. 15, 2017 LEHMAN COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am $9.00 Direct from Africa-Cirque Zuma Zuma is a musical journey into African-American History. Traditional African dances, tumblers, percussionists, jugglers, acrobats and contortionists is ready to wow your students. Celebrate the beauty of African Roots, Culture and Rhythm. MAGiC OF SCiENCE - Learning Science is Fun - Back by Popular Demand Feb. 16, 2017 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC A S 10am & 11:45am $9.00 Magic tricks and circus skills help explain atoms, molecules, the elements, compounds, solutions, magnetism, and static electricity. Be part of the Magic of Science, fun-filled show. DRAGON tALES - introduction to Chinese Culture & Chinese New Year Feb. 28, 2017 LEHMAN COLLEGE SS A 10am & 11:45am $9.00 This breathtaking show introduces students to Chinese Culture and helps students appreciate the influence of China’s history, geography, and culture. Program includes Chinese traditional folk dances such as the Lion, Mongolian Chopstick, Ribbon and Coin Stick Dance. CHiNESE ACROBAtS - Direct from China - Chinese New Year Celebration SS A Feb. 28, 2017 QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am $9.00 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am $9.00 March 1, 2017 DIRECT FROM CHINA. A wonderful introduction to Chinese culture! Students will learn the beauty of Chinese culture through traditional Chinese dance, astounding acrobats, jugglers, bicyclists and contortionists. Don’t miss out! MAtH, GEOMEtRY, SCiENCE AND PHYSiCS with Famous Cirque Du Soleil juggler S March 2, 2017 QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am M A $9.00 Kinetics helps students to realize that MATH, PHYSICS & SCIENCE are interesting and fun. Spectacular show illustrating the principles of motion, light, energy and gravity performed by the World Famous Cirque Du Soleil Innovative Juggler Greg Kennedy. HARRiEt tUBMAN - Women History Month Celebration March 8, 2017 QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am SS E R L $9.00 BUttERFLY: tHE StORY OF A LiFE CYCLE - Science, Art & Music Combined! March 21, 2017 QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am WizARD OF Oz - Magical Musical Journey-LivE MUSiC April 4, 2017 QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am A R W L $9.00 This original musical adaptation follows Dorothy and her dog Toto, as their Kansas home is swept away by a tornado, only to find themselves in a wonderful and strange land called Oz. This is a favorite show of the season you don’t want to miss. ELLiS iSLAND: Gateway to A Dream - American History & Social Studies April 6, 2017 QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am SS A $9.00 Ellis Island:Gateway To A Dream, looks back to the 1900’s to celebrate the multi-cultural foundations of our nation and to help us understand how each new generation of immigrants redefines the American dream. Don’t miss out American History & Social Studies lesson. GO GREEN EDUCAtiONAL RECYCLE SHOW - Earth Day Celebration April 6, 2017 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am S A $9.00 Educational and entertaining based on earth science curriculum approved by NYC Department of Education. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle teaches students the values of recycling by living green protecting our Mother Earth. Jugging! Magic! Contests! Plate-Spinning! Audience participation! CAPS FOR SALE & tHE tHREE BiLLY GOAtS GRUFF - inspire Students to Read April 20, 2017 LEHMAN COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am A R W L $9.00 Two favorite stories, Caps for Sale & The Three Billy Goats Gruff performed by Hudson Vagabond Puppets come on stage with all kinds of puppets larger-than-life! Watch the characters sing & dance their way out of trouble into a world of happy endings. CALPULLi MEXiCAN DANCE - Cinco De Mayo Celebration-viva Mexico! May 10, 2017 QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am SS A $9.00 This performance portrays the rich diversity of Mexican cultural heritage. Join us for a breathtaking show to celebrate dance traditions of Mexico's history. VIVA MEXICO! HARLEM HOOPStERS BASKEtBALL SHOW - GAME - NBA StARS May 11, 2017 QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am CS A $9.00 Turn Kids onto Healthy Eating & Active Life Style performed by NBA STARS. The themes include: Health, Fitness, Character, Teamwork, Practice and Best Efforts. Students will benefit academically, socially and psychologically when they eat healthy & stay physically active. BUGS & BALLOONS - LizARD OF Oz - Audience Participation & Lots of Hot Air May 15, 2017 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am $9.00 Annie and Allynn will turn audience members into characters using balloons as costumes as they journey to see the Lizard of Oz. BiG 80'S ROCK “N” ROLL - History & Music-Michael Jackson-New Arts-in-Education May 18, 2017 QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am $9.00 Students and Teachers will have a rocking good time exploring the history and music in their new Arts-in Education program. Favorite songs from the 1980s, including: Don’t Stop Believin’, Eye of the Tiger, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, and We Will Rock. e BUBBLE SHOW - A Bubble volcano. Bubble Roller Coaster. All Grades. A S May 19, 2017 $9.00 QUEENSBOROUGH PAC 10am & 11:45am A Bubble Volcano. Bubble Roller Coaster. A Kid in a Bubble. Jeff juggles bubbles, sculpts and builds with bubbles, makes fog-filled bubbles, and more. Mixing comedy, music, and bubble-magic, he engages and delights audiences of all ages. CiRCUS, SCiENCE, JUGGLiNG & FUN - SPECiAL END OF tHE SEASON! May 22, 2017 QUEENS COLLEGE 10am & 11:45am S M A $9.00 Super Scientific Circus-Sciencesplosion™-school curriculum stage performance. Critical Thinking Skills, Scientific Method, Logical Fallacies, Evolution and the Math of Juggling, Black lights, Juggling, Fun. Highlights include performances at the Disney World, Kennedy Center, Lincoln Center, theaters & colleges. M Math S Science SS Social Studies A Arts R Reading L Language Skils E English Language Arts W Writing SSK Social Skills CS Character Skills RESERVE & CONFIRM NOW! PAY LATER! 716-266-0202 THEATER FIELD TRIPS PERFORMANCES ARE HELD AT 3 THEATERS We Accept-School Checks, Purchase Orders, Credit Cards. 65-30 Kissena Blvd Flushing, NY 11367 $9.00 Hudson Vagabond Puppets larger-than-life puppetry and masks, examines the life cycle of the butterfly. Science, Art & Music Combined. Classic tribute to the great American, who freed herself and hundreds of people from the bonds of slavery. Her courage helped to change the world. Share her life with your students through this musical history lesson and stirring drama. QUEENS COLLEGE _____________________ Colden Auditorium S A QUEENSBOROUGH _____________________ Performing Arts Center 222-05 56th Avenue Bayside, NY 11364 LEHMAN COLLEGE _____________________ Performing Arts Center 250 Bedford Park Boulevard West Bronx, NY 10468