August 22-23, 2015 - Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Catholic


August 22-23, 2015 - Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Catholic
AUGUST 22-23, 2015
Capital Campaign
THANK YOU for your support of your Parish!
Church Attendance
Saturday, August 15 t h - 107
Sunday, August 16 t h , 9 am - 120
Sunday, August 16 t h , 6 pm - 39
Calendar for the Week of August 24th
Monday, August 24th
No morning Mass
Tommy Sturtz Jr. (R.I.P.)
(Father Julz)
Anniversary of Birthday (8-21)
Requested by Marguerite Sturtz
Tuesday, August 25th
8:30 am
6:30 pm
Finance Council
Raymond Tokarz (R.I.P.)
(Father Julz)
Requested by Mary Ann & Frank Fetterolf
Maria Khoi Nguyen (R.I.P.)
Requested by Tuan & Huong Nguyen
No Mass
Joe Sr., Elsie
Wednesday, August 26th
8:30 am
Thursday, August 27th
8:30 am
& Johnnie Drexler (R.I.P.)
Requested by Joe & Linda Drexler
Lucky Son Tong (R.I.P.)
Requested by Tong Son Bui
Friday, August 28th
8:30 am
Saturday, August 29th
5:30 pm
Sunday, August 30th
9 am Mass
10:15 am Evangelization Committee Meeting
(Boogaard Hall Foyer)
Special Intention
(Father Julz)
Requested by Edna Trudeau
Henry Kopacki Jr. (R.I.P.)
(Father Julz)
Requested by John & Victoria Roane
Maria Khoi Nguyen (R.I.P.)
Requested by Tuan & Huong Nguyen
Mass for our Parishioners
(Father Julz)
Thanksgiving and peace for Family
(Father Julz)
Requested by Hang Nguyen & Chuong Hoang
Raymond Tokarz (R.I.P.)
Requested by Mike & Nancy Pausic
David ‘Charlie” Sturtz (R.I.P.)
(Father Julz)
Requested by John & Victoria Roane
Annie L. Fary (R.I.P.)
Requested by Kathy & Bill Webster
Collections for the weekend of
August 15-16, 2015
Parish Operations (Personnel, Utilities, Office, Postage,
Repair & Maintenance, etc.)
$ 3,442.00
Second Collection-Debt Reduction
Special Collection
Spanish Mass
Grand Total
$ 4,406.00
Amount needed weekly for Parish operations is currently $3,880.
Restricted, Special Use or Sent out of Parish
Poor Box
Votive Stand
Religious Education
Richard Alford
Elizabeth Alley
Candice Barefoot
Virginia Becker
Paulette Berberich
Ann Tonon Bona
Robin Bristow
Joan Buehler
Margaret ‘Peg’ Conklin
Sharon Creviston
Katherine Crump
Marina D’Elia
Vincent D’Elia
Greg DePompeo
Jackie Drayer
Savio Duong
Brenda Frederick
Helen Fudala
Cathy Fudella
Katherine Guerrant
Jennifer Guerrin
Alvonia Harris
Pat Hinkle
Kelly Hipple
Mary Ann Hooper
Helen Kaczmarski
Irene Kaczkarski
Victor Kaczmarski
Joseph Kovacs
Gordon Langston
Jean Langston
Patricia Lanuza
Philip Liberato Sr.
Clara Morrow
Randy Morrow
Specialist Mullins
Helen O’Connor
M. C. ‘Sam’ O’Connor
Christopher Parrish
Joyce Richardson
Pam Rigsby
George Robinson
Harriet Ropelewski
Joanna Ryalls
Virginia Ryczak
Debbie Sapp
Barbara Schafer
Alfred Sferra
Tony Shallop
Mae Touray
Ray Varboncoeur
Dorothy Ware
Kathy Webster
Lois Wilson
Robert ‘Bobby’ Wilson
Jody Zogran
Irene Kruger
Martha West
Major Jonathan Culberson (Afghanistan)
Private Logan W. Gay
Sergeant Nathan Gurganus (Kuwait)
Master Sergeant Ryan T. Hooper
Private First Class Austin T. Sturtz
August 22 - Andrew Seckora
August 23 - Madelyn Kruger & Elizabeth DiLandro
August 29 - Kody Kopacki & Peter Nguyen
August 30 - Shannon Hayden & Duyen Phan
QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Today’s Gospel story
relates how many of Jesus’ disciples left him. They could
not accept his teaching that he himself was the Bread of
Life. They could not believe that his Body and Blood
were the source of eternal life. They thought these
teachings were too hard to believe so they turned their
backs on him and returned to their old life. Belief in the
real presence of the Eucharist is the source and summit of
our faith and leads us to eternal life. Adults: Which of
Jesus’ teachings do you find hard to believe? Youth:
Who can help you when you don’t understand a teaching
of Jesus?
The flowers in front of the altar this
weekend, August 22-23, are donated by
Linda and Joe Drexler for a special
Thanks to the Hispanic ministry for the work they have
been doing for the past several weeks to clean up around
our Church property.
One of our parishioners, Dorothy Ware, has recently
moved. Her new address is: Imperial Plaza, 1717 Bellevue
Ave Apt 923B, Richmond, VA 23227-3972. Her phone
number is 804-767-7995.
Envelopes are available in the Church for
the second collection for debt reduction.
Did You Know?
The Catholic Church spends more money than Apple
brings in. Expenditures by the Catholic Church,
largely on charity, exceeded $170 billion in 2012,
according to The Economist magazine. In that same
year, Apple took in $157 billion in revenue.
Your Church needs you! OLBS needs volunteer families,
individuals or committees to clean ‘OUR’ Church on a
weekly basis. You can volunteer for one week, a month, or
to be on a team. Please call or see Carolyn Drexler (804)
694-7793 or Father Julz (804) 221-3071.
The Evangelization Committee will meet on Sunday,
August 30th at 10:15 a.m. in the Boogaard Hall foyer. We
will continue to develop our parish 5-year plan.
If you want one less check to write each week, please
consider using your bank’s free online bill-paying system
to “write a check” to OLBS for your weekly, bi-weekly or
monthly donation. Designate your envelope number in the
memo line as your account number. With this automatic
system if you are unable to join us at Mass, your financial
support will still be strong.
Registration for Faith Formation
classes ages 4 through high school is
now due. Forms are located on the
bulletin board near the side door.
Books and supply fee is $30 per child, maximum $100 per
family. If you have financial concerns, please contact
Lorraine Ryalls at or 804-843-3125 to
discuss payment options. No child will be denied religious
education due to inability to pay.
Come help celebrate Father Julz’s
25th anniversary of the priesthood with
a pot luck luncheon on Sunday,
September 27th after the 9:00 a.m. Mass.
Learning to Love
In Washington, DC in 1994, Mother Teresa said that we
fight abortion by teaching the mother what love really
means: “to be willing to give until it hurts…So, the
mother who is thinking of abortion, should be helped to
love, that is, to give until it hurts her plans, or her free
time, to respect the life of her child.” Gustave Thibon has
said that the true God transforms violence into suffering,
while the false god transforms suffering into violence. The
woman tempted to have an abortion will transform her
suffering into violence unless she allows love to transform
her, and make her willing to give herself away. The
Eucharist gives both the lesson and the power. Mom is to
say “This is my body, my blood, my life, given up for you
my child.”
Save the Date: September 29th | 7 PM
Cathedral of Sacred Heart
800 S. Cathedral Place,| Richmond, VA
Recently, many people have been persecuted for their faith
in various parts of the world. The Catholic Diocese of
Richmond’s Office of Social Ministries in partnership with
Richmond’s Coptic Orthodox Church decided to come
together and organize an ecumenical prayer service to
stand in solidarity for all those who are suffering for their
faith. We would like to invite you to join us on Tuesday,
September 29, 2015 at the Cathedral of Sacred Heart at
7:00 p.m. with a light reception to follow. With this event
being the first of its kind, many christian communities
have responded and will be joining us. For additional
information please feel free to contact James Mwangi,
OSM’s Central Vicariate Coordinator, at: