August 21st Bulletin - St. Joseph Parish and School
August 21st Bulletin - St. Joseph Parish and School
ST., dOSf,PH PAtsISH A]NJD SgHOOt ANJD OUB LSDYOF"tOUtsDf,S @ROltrT'O ggHooL PAR.[SH Since 1832 Since 1831 Miss Beth Frank Principal ACE Director (Advanced Catholic Education) Mrs. Kim Jansen Mrs. Julie Miller Administrative Fr. Thomas S. Acker, S.J. $? :t,i; ' B . ,& ..,-:;., Administrator ,gda. r rit ir Deacon Steven Gies Mrs. Sandra Blazewick I ffikr rc" ,r:r ts"' .,iri rE +\ ffi Parish Executive Assistant Srrnfr$ Parish Office flours Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Assistant School Office Hours 7:30 AM to 2:45PM ffillrfft School Phone 3301628-9555 School Fax 330t628-2709 Rectory Phone 3301628-9941 Rectory Fax 3301628-9942 The Church 1904 Rectory Email sa ndy(g3r stj School Email stj osephrantio lph. org Parish Website oeelemmo gadore(4) www. School Website www. stj o sephschoolrandolph. org stj o sephrandolph. org ?,648 Vvj&rerytoo BD" &{o@ &_ E oRE_, OHIO 4 4 26 0, ST. THE EEM.R.ATTONS OF fAJtIl PROGRAM Sacrament of Baptism Call Parish to Schedule SCHEDUIX acrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 - 4:30 PM Saturday Sacrament of Matrimony Consult Pastor Six Months Prior Weekday Masses Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. 8:30 AM Wed. 6:00 PM S SESSIONS Beein in September JOSMH MASS GOF website: ivinsfaith.u'eebly.corr Sacrament / Anointing of the Sick Call Parish Any Time \Nglecmg! August 2 I, 20 16 Sunday 5:00 PM 8:00 & 10:30 AM \Nsleoms! ST. JOSEPH CHURCH MOGADORE, OHIO WsrutYorrrnrofr{ Sandy Blazewick is away on vacation and the inforrnation for last week will be published when she returns. *lass f ntentions This Week In Our Parish Sun: Enjoy your day Mon: 5:00 Saturday, August 20 PM 5:00 . Rosemary, and Sister Caron Kehner (Mary Denny) 6:30 Sunday, August 21 AM l0:30 AM 8:00 PM AM Ruth Thompson (Dolores Hermann) August 24 Wednesday, Kathleen Beckes 6:00 (Mary Gregory and Family) PM Thursday, August 25 Tues: AM PM Special Intention CWV Meeting Mass PM Contemporary Choir Practice Thus: 7:00 PM Saint Vincent de Paul Society Mtg. (Meeting Room) Fri: Senior's Day at Randolph Fair Sat: 5:00 PM Grotto Mass Lookfor the Grotto Flag Special Intention Sr,rn: Deceased of the Robert Klein Farnily (Dave & Rose Homing) Sunday, August 28 People of St. Joseph Parish 8:00 AM AM Topic: 7:30 Food Shelf Sunday 9:00 AMl2:00 Noon PM 10:30 - (Meeting Room) Saturday, August 27 5:00 TOPS Randolph Fair Opens 7:30 Friday, August 26 8:30 Community Hot Meal (Gaudete Hall) (Meeting Room) Wed: 6:00 PM Tuesday, August 23 AM PM Andy Kostrubanich (Donna Smythe) 8:30 6:00 Summer's coming to an end People of St. Joseph Parish Monday, August 22 Speciallntention 8:30 AM 8:30 - - Joseph Scltool Supply drop payments, info., etcetera St. off Randolph Fair Closes Gilbert Eichler (Debbie & Jerome Eichler) Please Keep in Passed into the Lord's Fouts. Hands: Rutlr Thompson, and Mary Your Thoughts and Pravers III of the Parish: Arlhur Coughenour, Johnny Wise, Charlie Wise, Barb Seli, Marji Horning, Jirn Demboski, David Goodhart, Dr. Dennis McCluskey, 'Sarn' Crooks May, Buck Mudd, Terry Baum, Yuliana, Tony Franjesh, Jim Cook, John Luli Jr, Nonna Griggy, Linda Cahill Broman, Rita Sornurerfeldt. Bryan Deeken, Carl Gregory, Paul Warner, and The Barb Warner. 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY AUGUST 2L,2oL6 TIME Heartfelt Thanks 'lharrk you all for the donations of fbod for the tuneral TOPS WELLNESS I\EWS Ale yor.r sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Yor:'re not alone. becairse the Standard American Diet (SAD) has let us luncheon. But most of all, thank yott f'or the love, sllppofl, and kindness in r.vords or deed at this dilllcr-rlt time'. The Faruily ef'A,{an, Fouts - Cathy. Scott & Lauren Tomala dorvn arrd it is SAD! Catholic War Vet's Spashetti Dinner & Meat Raffle The Catholic War Veterans will hold a Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, September l0'h from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM in Gaudete Hall. They will also be conducting a raffle for Durnas Meat gift cards. There will be four $250 gift cards raffled off. Only 300 raffle tickets will be sold. Tickets are $10 each and there are only 70 remaining tickets to be sold. The winning tickets will be drawn at the Spaghetti Dinner. Winners need not be present. Tickets for the Dutnas Meat Raffle will be sold in the Grotto Store after all Masses on August 20l21tt' and 27D8tt'. You can also contact a member of the Catholic War diseases ancl have created an obesity epidemic in the [.J.S, The good news is. CJod has provided a large variety ol'wlrt'lle grains, colorlul fiuits and vegetables. legumes, nuts and seeds that are nutrient clense. These phytonutrients can help prevent diseases. improve your health. leave you feeling satiated. r.tith rnore energy and even help you lose those extra pounds. Vets to obtain a ticket. Thank you for your support. Most Americans lrave been eating refined processed foods that are high in sugar. socliurn. unhealthy fats and clremicals we can't even pronourrce. 'l'hese (fake) foods, that are high in calories and lorv in nutrients, have been the source of many' TOPS Club will be holding u series of programs on the health benefils af these whole.footls, hotv to selecl them anrl sanrc irlens on ltow ta prepore them starting on Monduy*, August 22. TOPS friendll,'. rveekll,' support can help you rneet your health ancl fitness gotils. TOPS nleets on Monday,evenings in the meeting room (Clrild Care t3ldg.) witlr a meeting time of 6:30 p.rn. Visitr:rs are al,uvays lvelcorne. lvith rro obligation. " ACME Cash Back Prosram @ l..ct lior,td Be Thy \v{eclicine -- und A(cdic'ine: Be Tlu, Foocl"-- llipl.toct'ates be collecting ACME receipts for the ACME Community Cash Back Program. The program began August 11th anci will run through December J I'r. Please save your receipts from ACME and drop thern off at the school office, send them with your child, or put thern in the collection box in church. This Program is a great help to our school in assisting us in the purchase of needed educational items. Thank you for your past suppofi and thank you in advance for this year's support. The Sisters of Notre Dame 54th Annual Barbeque The Sisters of Notre Darne invite you to Bring Your Appetite school year: Pre-3 is full. Registrations are being accepted for the waitinglist. Pre-K Mon., Wed., and Fri. is full. We will accept students on the waiting list. Pre-K Monday thru Friday has openings. Our Genesis Program (Grs. Preschool - K) is ah-nost full. However, the Foundations (Gr. 1-4) and High School Preparatory (Grs.5-8) Programs still have openings. If you are looking for a solid preparation for high school and /or college, St. Joseph School is a definite possibility for your child/ren. This is a happy and progressive school, which still teaches cursive writing. Register today. Website and phone information are on the front of this bulletin. First day of class,. Grades K-8, is August 30'l'. Preschool begins September 6'r'. Our school is re-accredited by the State of Ohio for 20152021 . We are growing in joy, holiness, academic excellence, and numbers of students. of Heaven" on Annual Sunday, September 18th and Sunday, September 25th, from I2:00 noon to 5:00 PM. Tickets are available at the door. Menu: Barbecue Chicken or Ribs (l/2 slab), Coleslaw or Applesauce, Chips, Roll and Butter, Beverage and Apple Pie Chicken $12 / Ribs Reeistration for 2016 - 2017 School Year St. Joseph School will continue registering for the new to the Tabte at their 54th Barbeque/Boutique, "Piece $ 1 5. and beverages. Get it to go! Select sisters' handmade items in the Boutique. Held at the Notre Dame Educational Center, 13000 Auburn Rd, Chardon, soutli of Mayfield Rd.(Rt. 322).... Rain or Shine. Handicapped accessible. Take out dinners available. 1] Annual Diocesan Weddine Anniversary Celebrations _..-.y.]-- The Catholic Diocese of Youngstown will fu#P^F sponsor the second Wedding Anniversary ; "" j Celebration honoring diocesan couples who are observing their 25th,40th,50th, or over anniversaries in 2015. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop George V. Murry S.J., on Sunday, October llth at 2:00 PM at the Basilica of St. John the Baptist in Canton. The wedding celebration will include Mass with bishop George V. Murry, S.J., renewal of marriage vows and a personalized ceftificate for each couple. Following the Mass, there will be a reception for the couples and their families in the Cathedral Hall hosted by the Basilica of St. ,t ';,/ John the Baptist. Reservations are required. ** Couples planning to attend this celebration should register bv callins tFe parish office. 628-9941. by Fridav. Sentember llth. FnIENDSHIP ^Acnes Bar and Grill Randolph, Ohio .nur.rn,rn.3,3.0a.?,?f';i't3J 44265 Four Generations BREA.KFAST... LUNCH...DIN oHD 000724286 N of OH 44240 Josoph A. Mosyjowskl, pE., t__ CANTON_ d 2O9O MAY ROAD ai llanagcr Irrureral . irrf o@ E *=- .HMii l- tr tt \-'-./. ' aa . Cruire, .Eu(ott \'l/ww.sarchi0ne.c0nl .Honcymoont ll Lnrrv o. Tom I Imail: 5'Jry$l frrs. (330) 62E-9550 H M. MILLEB CONSTBUCIION CO \',/',i/\,j. sa rch i0 nef o rd. co m I'fquat 628-4811 opportunrty Employer" Dr F,,8.,1,.f-.! filfil P$ff Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. 317 S Prospect Ave PO Box 1237 Hartville. 0H 44632,1237 Tel: A[ Ameripdse Platinum Financiai Se,vices@ pEctice 330.877.8507 Fax: 330.877.8524 Toll Free: 800.868.5424 scott.b.horning@ampf .com An Fhanciat Franchise t Pr rtND aruNtNr; & gs 330-325-2460 ElECfilC aNt ,53! Waterloo Rd. lr l: www& (330) 628-90s3 . 'i BOB'S PIZZA AND DRIVE THRU 325-1873 1539 State Flt,44 CENTER 900 Randoph Rd. . Suffield. OH 44260 Visit our websitc: ffi" __j!'"r.ryradlgal:ccf ). ! It GOLF AND BANQUET shce i,SrofcHatI "Zen ,:, 330-629-1,323 All Your lnsurance lVecds f-7 lazl PLUMstllG i Rentai Hall Avaitable '{,: ;,'lt.Hi.t': I Ameriprise&, Financial Advisor Chartered Retirement Planning Counselorr.' a PARADI!}E LAX -l\sLrRrtNt.l - Rarrror-px . 'ourysedice Scott B. Horning, CRPC6 Imail: Hnrurrru lit Randotph 330-325-9918 Infalr, Toddler & Prechml Roo6i . Opcn ytr Roud 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 prn. Tuition assistnce oailable NOW AVAII AEI F - Pan Time Prcrhml!! OEo Dm, orElqrB u@ "HrG{N" @rcR@ WAViNE [330J co. rr. c . 1673 St. Bt.-44 Phone Cdn 44 Randolph 330_325_9991 1572 St. Rt. (330) 32s-7470 2617 Waterloo Road . Mogadore, OH 44260 Ohio, i Paul Adelman Trucking, lnc. -.- -:.-:' f.l: 33o.7e3.6271 . |6r. 3aO.r94.OtA , Mogadore ron bo rkosl< lndustrlal 4129 Waterloo Rd. Box 370 . Randolph, OH .Mcrico rr t, Semi-Dump . Tanker . Flatbed . Tantem-Dump . Van . Lowboy .Cqibbcan Hartvillc, oH 44632 703 ltast il,lain Srrcca Ilavonna, Oll 44266 330-29(r-643(r 330-29(>681O lbu l.ree {JoO-.-t7t -i39S tJ ttour s.^'irL 1"".r 330.374.0620 . Aloskg -135 Sunnyside St SW .lt . Protarrlonsl, Oullltlsd, Tochnlclans Hlgh Voltage. Trlldatr. Full.Servlce Flest . Commorclal vacations 330-877-2628 l)ircctor TAMILYPRACTICE ..-f-'.- ANTON, OH 44707 (330) 456.5311 -* rrs irt#fl*i 8tffi Aaron E. Borlioslii 330S775613 Faxr 33&$77-6618 VQJD. KoPtaUlll'. boelodU Hartville wortd-wide Travel cpEsc ..un,, i'unerol tlonc SHERRICKAVE, SE FAX: 33{H55-7940 628.1677 .-]t...-, Utrit€s Harrvile;ohio 44632 www. aknoncantonwast (330) Stmter i,t@g€mnl . W Tntcouruw M eorcnrS eRvErs, rruc. WASTE tlIIEO 44260 . Walq Ouakty Desrgn & lnsp€clion '*lh3T:#fii 330/673-5857 Ifours: VOGADORE, OH SubdMspn Sto,m Funeral Service 628 W. Main St., Kent, ER FRED AMBACH AKR9N . 25't5 Swartr Bos( 44 state Route . SrtM.k . Funeral Honte and Crematory Happy Hou r MON-THUR 3:00-7:00 Live Entertainment SAT 221 0 Mosyjowski & Associates Engineers tsISSLER & SONS i]AILY DiNI.iER AND LRINK SpEcIeLs Builder 9 nr_ offne haton&omes & more! (330)-628-2295 Olie/f,@ (JJ|). 606-6?08 Cdti llrofnd uon!relat! SpectanzatC n guoli4, atron lona .fimt ,qI, .r l' ST. JOSEPH, PATRON OF OUR PARISH, PRAY I-OR US