The Family of Our Lady of Loretto
The Family of Our Lady of Loretto
The Family of Our Lady of Loretto Catechetical Sunday 2015 - 2016 RE Catechists Grade 1 - Teri Marchi Lori Guariniello Grade 2 - Rosemary Heinisch Nicole Malcolm Grade 3 - Judy Chruszczyk Grade 4 - Liz Kapovich Grade 6 - Michael Raybould Grade 7 - Michael Schlesser Grade 8 - Sue Byrne SPRED Catechists Angela Mottl Pat Walker Valerie Hall Robert Hall Barb Russell Randy Brenza Joan Dobrowits Cindy Cusick Deborah Bean Pamela Teske Blessings on our teachers! 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2015 OUR LADY OF LORETTO • HOMETOWN - OAK LAWN Page 2 Dear Parish Family, We are content to be comfortable, happy, and at peace in our homes; we have no jealousy or self-ambition to live in a mansion with cathedral ceilings and countless possessions to fill the house. Who wants to dust all those things and try to reach the cobwebs covering those “impossible to reach” ceilings? Who wants to climb all those stairs or wash all those windows? What do you do anyway with that half bathroom in a house with three and a half bathrooms? We do not seek greatness, fame, or social status. We recognize what Jesus is teaching us in today’s Gospel; that to be called a child of God is all that matters. What does it mean to be a child of God? It means putting family, friends and others before ourselves. It means that we find satisfaction in knowing that our wealth and treasures are not our surroundings, but in those who surround us in mutual friendship and love, as family, friends and neighbors. It means putting our faith and trust in one another - and especially in our Lord. Little children trust their parents and grandparents; they depend on them for nourishment, security, and life itself. As children of God, we do the same. We trust God will take care of us as we take care of one another. Sincerely, Fr. Tom P.S. Don’t forget to purchase your tickets for our Harvest Brunch on Sunday, October 4th. Tickets must be bought in advance of this event. Our brunch and Grand Raffle drawing will be held after our 10:30 am outdoor Mass. Please join us! Mass Intentions The 2016 Mass Book will be opened for your intentions on Monday, October 5th. You will find forms on the tables in the back of church which you can use to fill out your mass requests. We will do our best to give you the dates you request. The masses will be entered beginning October 5th in the order they came in. You can drop the forms at the rectory, mail them in, or put them in an envelope for the collection basket (clearly marked 2016 Masses). Questions? Please call the rectory office at 708-424-7471. THE TRUSTING CHILD Specialists in the psychological development of children tell us that an infant or child can go immediately from crying to laughing and back to crying again because the child has complete trust in the person who is holding him or her. The child has no inhibitions about expressing the swing of emotions because the child knows that the embrace will continue despite the expression of emotion. PLACING OUR TRUST IN GOD In today’s Gospel story, the Lord Jesus embraces and blesses the children whom the apostles tried to prevent from coming to him. He simply states that “whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” Perhaps we can make a connection between what psychologists say about the trust level of the developing child and the words of Jesus. Part of our Christian journey involves learning how to place our trust in God. Sometimes this is a challenge, especially when bad things happen to us or to those whom we love. Just as the small child who fully trusts the loving parent moves through very different expressions of emotion, so, too, when we fully trust God, should we be comfortable moving from expressions of joy to cries of lament. This is an honest way of living the Christian life. Those in whom we have placed our trust are usually those with whom we feel we can share our feelings of deep joy and sharp disappointment. This is the kind of relationship that we are called to cultivate with our God. To accept the kingdom of God like a child may mean a change in the way we approach God. We are assured that when we are honest about who we are, honest with God about our deepest longings, joys, and sorrows, God’s loving embrace will remain always. SUNDAY • SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 Page 3 PARISH ACTIVITIES Our Autumn Harvest Mass will be celebrated at 10:30 am ‘under the tent’ on Sunday, October 4th. Continue to enjoy the day by joining us for a Harvest Brunch following Mass in the parish hall. Brunch tickets: adults - $10, children under 12 years - $5. There will be a cash bar. Tickets are available at the rectory and after weekend masses. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Congratulations to Henry Sobor who was the Grand Raffle Early Bird winner for $250, drawn on September 13th. Tickets are $25 each, or 5 for $100. The Raffle will take place on Sunday, October 4th. 1st prize is $6500, 2nd prize is $2000 and 3rd prize is $1000. Tickets are available after weekend Masses and at the rectory during business hours. Our Harvest Celebration is right around the corner! This is the parish’s big yearly fund raiser and we appreciate your generosity in advance. LISTEN and SILENT are spelled with the same letters. Think about it... World Meeting of Families You’re invited to this World Festival of Families, hosted by Incarnation Parish and the Village of Crestwood beginning at 12:30 pm on Sunday, September 27th at the Standard Bank Stadium. Outside the Stadium there will be food, DJ, tailgating, and kid’s games. Inside the Stadium you will find the Police/Incarnation Youth Group vs. Fire/Alumni in a 16” softball game at 2:30 pm. There is a $20 entry fee for the whole family. Bring your own picnic or enjoy the food vendors. Check out the website for more information: Tutors Marist students will provide free, one on one tutoring for grade students. The program provides not only homework help and study skills, but mentoring as well. Interested parents can register in advance by emailing or calling 773-881-5359 and providing the child’s name, grade level, and school. The tutoring sessions are held every Tuesday, from September 22 through December 1, from 3:30-4:30 pm. Participants should enter at the school’s main office doors at the west end of campus at 4200 W. 115th St. Open House Mother McAuley will host an Open House on Sunday, September 27th, from 11am to 1 pm. Tours will begin with a presentation at 11 am, 11:30 am and 12 pm. Vocations “Wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and willing to yield.” Praying for wisdom will help you yield to Christ’s choice for you, should He extend to you a gift of a vocation to the consecrated life or priesthood. If you are discerning your vocation, call Father Francis Bitterman at 312-534-8298 or write: Stressed Out? Are you having difficulty dealing with our stressful world? The Holbrook Counseling Center of Catholic Charities provides confidential counseling services in your area. Michele Nowak, a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor who has worked with individuals, couples and families for 10 years, provides therapy in Worth, Oak Lawn and Tinley Park. Whether you’re having problems with personal relationships, work situations or you are just feeling unhappy, ‘stuck’ or unfilled, we’re here for you. We are on network with Blue Cross/Blue Shield PPO and we also offer subsidized fees to those who qualify. To learn more or to make an appointment, call 312-655-7725. 500 Club Drawing 9-12 #612 $500 Matt Pender 9-12 #567 $500 Florez sisters Next drawings - September 26th for $500 Thank you for your support! Page 4 THOSE TO SERVE AT LITURGY ON LEMEMEMEMSS- SEPTEMBER April 13 26 & 27 5 PM SAT. SAT 8:30AM SUN. SUN 11:15 AM SUN. SUN J. Coffelt L. Kurysz G. Slade G. Companio H. Reinheimer E. Koutsky A. Koutsky RE Family Mass T. Kramer M. Pannaralla P. Sulick T. Mandel J. Coffelt D. Chillman G. Kapjon B. Kapjon R. Masino B. Pacourek L. Gutchewsky A. Ditzler T. Raybould Sunday Readings for September 27th First reading: Numbers 11:25-29 Second reading: James 5:1-6 Gospel: Mark 0:38-43, 47-48 In God’s Care Minnie Abel John R. Lorz Loving God, give strength and protection to all who struggle with illness of any kind. Gerard Oblazny Jerry Petka Phil Chaput Christine Senics Mary Bridgeman Bob Bridgeman Alex Wlazo Dave Malloy Mass Intentions Sunday, September 20th 8:30 - Mary Ruzich 11:15 - Carl Unger Lillian Cabala Fred DiBenedetto Catherine Gorman Monday, September 21st St. Matthew, apostle 8:15 - Jake Drew James (Murray) Russell Minnie Abel Tuesday, September 22nd 8:15 - Purgatorial Society Jason Washkevich Minnie Abel Wednesday, September 23rd 8:15 - Tom McGunn Thursday, September 24th 8:15 - Jim Muting Minnie Abel Friday, September 25th 8:15 - Jim Knight and children Hasse Family John Clark Saturday, September 26th 8:15 - Dino Bridgeman 5 PM - Julia Bednarski Gerald Hannon Tim and Kevin O’Donnell Sunday, September 27th 8:30 - Annabelle Shudes Minnie Abe James (Murray) Russell 11:15 - Rita Hoare Tess O’Neill Annabelle Shudes Promise of Marriage I~ Michael Semmler and Rena Falcon Page 5 Sept. 14, 2014 Received: - the week ahead - Sept. 13, 2015 $4,362.00 +ACH transmissions: Sun. 20th $3,849.00 375.00 $4,224.00 RE classes, 9:30-11 am RE Open House, 9:30 am Year-to-Date Figures Collected: $56,128.00 $54,976.00 Mon. 21st Boy Scouts, 7 pm Tue. 22nd Bible Study, 9 am, conf. rm. Youth Group meets, 7 pm Thank you for your support. Wed. 23rd SPRED w/friends Thu. 24th Holy Hour, 4-5 pm, Mackin Chapel To Teach Who Christ Is mtg., 6:30 pm AA mtg., rm. 115, 7:30 pm “ Fri. 25th “GNO” -Girls Night Out, 6:30 pm Sat. 26th Bingo - doors open 4 pm “ Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so we can see life with a cleaner view again. P.S. We will have “Brunch Tickets” available at the GNO meeting on Friday, Sept. 25th. Bulletin articles are due in writing by noon Monday. FOR YOUR INFORMATION: WEEKEND MASSES: 5 p.m. Saturday - 8:30 and 11:15 a.m. Sunday WEEKDAY MASSES: 8:15 a.m. - Monday thru Saturday RECONCILIATION: 4 - 4:45 p.m. on Saturday HOLY HOUR: Thursdays - 4 p.m. in the Mackin Chapel BAPTISMS and WEDDINGS: Please call the rectory office for information at 708-424-7471 (8:30 am to 4 pm) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Classes for Kindergarten thru 8th grade are Sundays, 9:30-11:00 a.m. Reconciliation is received in 2nd grade, First Communion is received in 3rd grade and Confirmation is received in 8th grade. Call the RE office for more information at 499-0832. BINGO: "B" Building, Saturdays, 6:30; doors open 4 pm PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Parish Transformation Committee Bereavement Committee Ministers of Care Rev. Thomas S. Cabala, Pastor Jackie Watt, Parish Secretary Patti Washkevich, Bulletin Editor Phone: 708-424-7471 PARISH STAFF Women’s Guild Men’s Club Sr. Julia Lydon, CND, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Marianne Powers, Catechetical Leader Steve Kittler, Music Director, Parish Office OUR LADY OF LORETTO PARISH 8925 South Kostner Ave. - Hometown, Illinois, 60456 A Roman Catholic community, embracing the gospel of Christ,
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