WC Mar 30 2014.


WC Mar 30 2014.
St Mary’s Kells Parish Bulletin
High Road, Kells, Whitehaven, CA28 9PG
Parish Priest: Fr Aelred Grugan - Tel: 01946 692757
Parish Linked with St Benedict’s, Mirehouse
Parish Administrator: Fr Ed Gornall – Tel 01946 692083
E-mail st.benedictsparish@btinternet.com
Sunday 30 March 2014 – 4th Sunday in Lent
Weekdays Year 2 – 4th Week in Lent
Service Time
Saturday 29 March
Sunday 30 March
Monday 31 March
Tuesday 1 April
Wednesday 2 April
Thursday 3 April
Friday 4 April
Saturday 5 April
Sunday 6 April
Mass Intentions
5.30pm – Mass with separate Children’s Liturgy – St B
10.00am – Mass with separate Children’s Liturgy – St M
9.15am – Eucharistic Service – St M
9.15am – Liturgy of the Word & Communion – St B
3.30pm – Mass – St M
9.15am – Eucharistic Service – St M
10.00am – Mass – St B
9.30am – Funeral Service – St M
After funeral service – Eucharistic Service – St M
9.15am – Mass – St B
9.15am – Eucharistic Service – St M
5.30pm – Mass with separate Children’s Liturgy – St B
10.00am – Mass with separate Children’s Liturgy – St M
This Week’s Rotas
Eucharistic Ministers:
Sunday 10am – Alan Raby/Margaret Benson/Margaret Leadley
Sunday 10am – Tony Messenger
Little Lambs:
Sunday 10am – Susan O’Neill/Lia Woolaghan
Church Cleaners:
Liz Goulding/Maureen Brown/Jean Soriano/Frances Pullin
People of the Parish
Sally & Billy Smitham
Mary & Albert Gibson
Jimmy Leadley
Bessie O’Toole
People of the Parish
Confessions on Saturday at Quay Street after 10.15am
Mass & St Begh’s 5.15-5.45pm or see the Priest saying
Mass here
Daniel Grears, Joseph Campbell, Annie
McAllister, Pope John Paul II, Bessie O’Toole,
Audrey Murdock, Mary Jane Nulty, James
Keenahan, Anne Keenahan, Helena Mary Gracey,
Frank Dawson, Irene Scott
Altar Supervisors:
Sunday 10am – Sheila Richardson
Please let a member of the Parish Council know if you would
like to help out in any way with our church community.
Your prayers please for the following who are sick:
Rose Fitzsimmons, Alec Douglas, Tracey McLaughlin, Margaret Atkinson, Eileen Cavanagh, Margaret Vaughan, Patrick
Fitzsimmons, Kate Steel, Alan Thurlwell, Ryan McFarlane, Vince McQuilliam
Father of goodness and love; hear our prayers for the sick members of our community and for all who
are in need, Amen.
Our Lady’s Lamp
(Week Beginning 30th March)
Our Lady’s Lamp will be lit this week for:
Travelling Stations of the Cross
Every Thursday in Lent at 7pm in alternate Church Sacristies,
this week themed “Crucified”. This Thursday it will be held in
St Benedict’s and will last for approx 45mins followed
by tea and biscuits. It is hoped that as many as
possible will join in, after all, this is what this
time of year is all about!
Open Church
Each Friday in Lent, our Church will be open from 9am –
3pm for anyone who wishes to make private devotions or
their own Stations of the Cross. Various books on the Stations of the
Cross will be available at the back of Church for you to use.
£400 has been sent to CAFOD, which includes the monthly
envelopes. Thank You for your support.
Sacred Heart Lamp
(Week Beginning 30th March)
The Sacred Heart Lamp will be lit this week
Funeral Service
The Funeral Service for Leonard Wilson is on
Thursday 3 April at 9.30am. A Eucharistic Service
will take place after the funeral. Please note – there is no
10am Mass on Thursday.
Easter Egg Grid
Today is the last of the Easter Egg fund raising.
We are having a grid with squares costing 50p each
which will be drawn after Mass. Thank you so much to
those of you who have bought tickets and/or donated
Easter Eggs.
Knights of St Columba
There is a Biennial Deceased Members Mass on Saturday 21 st June
at the Metropolitan Cathedral Liverpool. A coach will leave Cleator
Moor at 9am returning approx 17.30pm. Mass is at 3pm so there is
time for shopping, etc. Coach seats, price £12, can be booked
through John Doran, or for more details, ring him on 01946 61067.
Food Bank
This week’s special needs are: tinned fruit, tinned
tomatoes, pasta sauce, UHT fruit juice 1 litre, tinned fish.
Thank you.
Good Friday – Walk of Witness
The walk will leave Trinity Gardens at 9.30am
and continue to St Nicholas’ Church. There is no formal
transport, but if you require a lift please contact Sheila
Richardson on 691098 this week.
Today is Laetare Sunday, celebrated on the
Fourth Sunday in Lent. The word Laetare
means rejoice and is taken as a day of
encouragement on our journey through Lent.
St Mary’s CMS Club
Monday 5.45-6.45 – Kettlecize
7.30-9.15 – Bingo
Tuesday 5.00-6.00 – Zumba
7.30 – Old Thyme Dancing
Wednesday 5.45-6.45 – Kettlecize
7.30-9.15 – Bingo
Thursday 5.00-6.00 – Zumba
6.30 – Line Dancing
Friday 7.30-9.15 – Bingo
To hire the hall contact Billy Starkey on 61448
Church Repairs
We have been quoted £1108 to cover all of our
Church windows with plastic in order to prevent any further
vandalism. The work will commence soon.
Prayer Group
The next meeting is on Tuesday 1st April
at 10.15am at 2 West Row.
Everyone Welcome
The Rosary will be said after every weekday
Service for Father Aelred’s intention.
Man: “Doctor, my wife has lost her voice – how can I
help her get it back?”
Doctor: “Try coming home at three in the morning.”
Thank you for your offerings last weekend that were as follows: Offertory: £375.34
Second collection last week for CAFOD Family Fast Day raised £110.51
No second collection this week
No second collection next week
Number attending last week: 137
PS – The problem with kids is how quickly they wear out their shoes, their shirts and their parents!