Our Lady of the Annunciation Melkite Catholic Cathedral


Our Lady of the Annunciation Melkite Catholic Cathedral
Rt. Rev. Philip Raczka, PhD.
In Residence:Rev. Clement Youssef BSO, D Min
Rev. Deacon John Moses
Rev. Deacon Ibrahim Zeinieh
Rev. Deacon Thomas Burke
Director of Religious Education
Paul Hladysz
Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson
Nicole Kfoury
Gracia Skaf
Church Guidelines
Before or after any service, or by appointment.
Please contact the clergy in advance to arrange for the required baptismal instructions.
At least six months prior to the proposed wedding, please contact the clergy to
arrange for the required interview and instructions.
Please contact the priest at any time for this mystery.
Anyone too infirm to attend our services may receive Holy Communion in the
home. Please advise the clergy whenever this sacrament is needed.
Children in Church
Is Anyone Sick?
Please let us know when you or a loved one is hospitalized, so
that your parish clergy can minister to the needs of those who
are sick or recovering from an illness or an operation. Please notify
us before an operation.
“Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the
church, and they should pray over him and anoint [him] with oil
in the name of the Lord.” (James 5:14)
Please invite your children to use the restroom before entering the
It is important for parents to model appropriate etiquette and behavior
in the church. Children learn to participate in the service by watching
their parents. Therefore, when entering the church venerate the icons.
Bow when taking your place. Sing as much as you are able. Invite your
child to go forward for the Gospel. Venerate the cross at the end of liturgy.
Advertising in the Church Bulletin
Spaces are still available for advertising on the back of the bulletin. These ads are intended to cover the cost of the bulletin’s weekly production. The cost of
placing an ad in the Bulletin is $150 for 6 months or $300 per year. We thank all those who have already subscribed. Call the parish office for more details.
Please patronize our sponsors who help to underwrite the cost of this bulletin. We thank them for their support!
Arabic School for Children & Adults
Children Arabic Choir - Arabic Preschool
School will start on September 13,
For registration
please visit our website at www.cacboston.org
Or Call Alma Richeh at 617-893-1176- Email us at
Town Business Systems
Sales, Onsite Service & Office Supplies
Total Office Solutions
Digital Copiers
Tel: (781) 762-1900
Fax: (781) 762-1969
170 Kerry Place
Norwood, MA 02062
Our Lady of the Annunciation
Melkite Catholic Cathedral
7 V.F.W. Parkway, West Roxbury, Massachusetts 02132
Tel: 617-323-5242 Fax: 617-325-2662 Email: ourlady3@verizon.net
October 4, 2015
Second Sunday after the Holy Cross
Hieromartyr Hierotheus, Bishop of Athens
October 4, 2015
Second Sunday after the Holy Cross
Liturgy Intentions
9:30 AM
Speedy Recovery of Rt. Rev. Charles Aboody
+Kassia Rizk by Joseph & Rima Mallouh
+William & Mabel Haddad & Robert Haddad by their family
+Archimandrite Clement Salman
Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2015,
7 PM Typica with Communion and reflection on the Gospel
Saturday, Oct. 10, 2015
5:30 PM Vespers
Sunday, Oct. 11, 2015
9:30 AM
+Kassia Rizk by Laurice Asfour & family
+Kassia Rizk by Vasilios Sarakiniotis & family
Please remember to pray for the health and Divine protection of our church family, especially
for Tony Abdi, Elaine Bitar, John Demerjian, David
DeSantis, Lillian Dolabany, Michele Domaney, Laurence El-Bacha, Kerry Ann Gamel, Saleem Ghazaleh,
Samira Hajj, Daniel Jabbour, Harry McKannon, Nina
Mary Maginnis, Theresa Quinn, Maggie Rosenthal,
John Williams.
Parish Support
Candles: $80
Weekly Collection: $870
Monthly by Mail $265
Intentions $60 Monthly $920 Total $2,195.00
(Weekly Budget need from Collection: $2,600)
When you are away, the Church’s bills still need to be
paid. Please kindly mail in your weekly donation so that
we may continue to pay our bills.
The Sanctuary Candle
Will burn this week in prayer for
+ Kassia Rizk
This is a venerable tradition and we ask to keep
her in your prayers.
From Bishop Nicholas Samra
Kamil Nasr, a former priest of our Eparchy, who
served as assistant rector at this Cathedral, and who has been
suspended from priestly ministry by Archbishop Cyril
Bustros since 2009, has now received from the Congregation
for the Clergy (Rome) the penalty of dismissal from the clerical state (laicization), with the dispensation from sacred celibacy, effective May 19, 2015.
In brief, he has been removed from the priesthood
by Pope Francis with no appeal, and he may not exercise any
priestly or religion ministry. He has been returned to the
rank of a layman, he is no longer a priest.
Annunciation Book Club - The first meeting of the New
Church Year will be on Sunday, October 25 @ 10:30 AM
Today, Sunday Oct. 4, Coffee Hour is provided by
Lebanese Syrian Ladies Aid Society
Sunday Oct. 11, Coffee Hour will be provided by
Charity Society
Church of St. John of Damascus
Annual Bazaar - November 2015
12 PM - 9 PM
10 AM - 9 PM
12 PM - 2 PM
Epistle: 2 Cor. 11: 31-33, 12:1-9
Gospel Lk. 6: 31-36
Sunday, Oct. 4, 2015
+Kassia Rizk (40 Day Memorial Service) by her family
The Lebanese Syrian Ladies Aid Society
Invites you to join us for an Arabic Breakfast, on Sunday October 4, 2015 following the 2 Divine Liturgies
at Annunciation Cathedral. Donation $15 Adults, $10
Children under 12 - Proceeds go to benefit charities
here & abroad.
Special Collection Reminder
Missions (Propagation of the Faith)
It will be a Second collection
on the Second to the last Sunday in October
The Annual Bishop’s Appeal is underway.
The Bishop is asking every family to donate so that the Melkite Diocese may continue its many worthy ministries in the service of the Lord.
Convention News
a. Hotel Marriott Quincy
i. Rooms are $124.00 per night, plus tax, for a single/double room. This rate is available from
June 27-July 5.
ii. Hotel Parking is free for both the daytime and
overnight parking..
iii. Free Internet in the rooms.
iv. Cut-off date for the hotel is June 9 for the special rate.
b. Ad Book - Ad Forms were mailed out. All forms and
checks (made out to Annunciation Cathedral), must be
returned to the Church Office for processing.
c. Spiritual Life - Religious Services, Sermons and
Workshops have all been planned out by Deacon Sabatino Carnazzo and Fr. Philip Raczka. There will be a
daily Divine Liturgy with a Sermon, and daily Vespers
with a Sermon. There will be 2 workshops every morning with the first one having a Continental Breakfast.
d. Socials: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 6 PM-Midnight
diner with live music and dancing.
St. George Orthodox Church, West Roxbury, Annual
Bazaar on Oct. 16, 17 from 10-9, Oct. 18 from 12-3
Liturgy Schedule
Orthros 9:00 a.m.
Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
Wednesday Divine Liturgy/Typica 7:00 p.m.
Vespers 5:30 p.m.
Feast Days:
Great Vespers, Evening before Feast
at 7:00 p.m.
Divine Liturgy, Day of the Feast 7:00 p.m.
Annual Grand Hafla at St. Basil the Great Melkite Church of
Rhode Island featuring Yousef Shamoun on Oct. 3rd., 2015
Spiritual Life Committee: The Spiritual Life Committee will meet on
Tuesday, October 6, 7 PM in the Library. The events for the present Church Year will be planned. New members are welcome.
Please call Deacon John Moses to volunteer.
Hafli Help: Help is needed to make delicious homemade
foods for the Saint Barbara Hafli on December 5, Please contact Denise Habib to volunteer: 508-878-2420.
Sunday School News
Classes started on Sunday, September 20th. This year we
are expanding our program to include a class for High
School students.
Today, Teachers’ Meeting @ 11:30 AM
Pre-K and Kindergarten (4 & 5 years old) – Claude Homsy
& Della Skaf
1st Grade – Kim Glaiel
2nd Grade – Sylvie Nadjarian
3rd Grade – Jaklin Saikali
4th Grade – Antoine Skaf and Roberta Hladysz
5th Grade – Fadia Al-Ied
6th Grade – Rosemarie Shrewsbury
7th Grade – Fred Hamway then Laila Zeineh
8th Grade – Christine Nadjarian
High School (all levels in one class) – Corey Habib &
Joelle Ataya
Substitute Teachers and Helpers:
Nisreen Saad
Della Skaf
($270 Sunday School - Thank you)
Pray for Your Parish
There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex for people to
pray for the parish. We want 3 people for each day of
the month. If you sign-up for the 10th, then on Jan10,
Feb. 10 & March 10 etc… you would pray for the parish. You pray at home and remember in
your prayers the clergy and laity of the
parish and parish activities and groups.
Please sign-up to pray one day a month for
the parish.