Youth Ministry - St. Patrick Church
Youth Ministry - St. Patrick Church
St. Patrick Church Serving Lemont, Illinois September 12, 2010 Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH STAFF Rev. Kurt D. Boras, Pastor Rev. Richard J. Shannon, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Mr. Joseph R. Winblad, Senior Deacon Ms. Renee Payne, Principal Ms. Linda O’Connor, Liturgy & Religious Education Coordinator Mr. Neil Windt, Music Director Ms. Rosarita Hennebry, Music Director Emerita Mr. Michael Lundberg, Tri-Parish Youth Minister Ms. Louise Cummings, Parish Business Manager 200 Illinois Street PARISH OFFICE: (630) 257-6134 20W145 Davey Rd. PARISH SCHOOL: Lemont, IL 60439 (630) 783-2220 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: 205 Cass Street (630) 257-8012 PARISH FAX NUMBER: (630) 257-0401 PARISH WEBSITE: MASSES Saturday Mass — 5:00 PM Sunday Masses — 7:30 AM - 10 AM - Noon - 5 PM Daily Mass — 8:00 AM (Mon.-Wed.) Holy Day — As Announced Confession — Saturday - at 4:15 PM BAPTISMS: 4th Sunday of the Month at 1:15 PM. Baptism Preparation Classes are held monthly. We encourage participation in this program before the baby’s birth. Please call the Parish Office to schedule. MARRIAGES: Prospective bride or groom must be a registered, participating parishioner for at least six months before making wedding arrangements. NEW PARISHIONERS: We warmly welcome you and kindly ask you to register at the Parish Office. Page 2 September 12, 2010 Hope’s On The Way September 12, 2010 Dear People of St. Patrick: Over this Labor Day weekend, I had the opportunity to attend two fun events in town; Keepataw Days and the BMW Professional Golf Tournament at Cog Hill. I was amazed at how orderly and well-coordinated each of these events were despite the volume of people they served. It was really nice to see so many families, friends, and neighbors coming together and just having a good time. I add my congratulations and “KUDOS” to the leadersip of the Village of Lemont and the many workers and volunteers who made these events so enjoyable for so many. Thanks for helping this newcomer “catch the spirit” of this fine village of citizens! Speaking about having fun, I hope you can join us for the “Name That Tune” Music Trivia Night on Saturday, September 18th beginning at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. I know it will be enjoyable for all involved. I want to extend to all the grandparents of our community wishes for a Happy Grandparents Day! Thank You for reminding us what is all important in life; namely faith, family, and friendship. I welcome our catechists and our Religious Education families to the start of our Sunday program. The religious education and training of our children through both our Catholic school program and CCD program is a major commitment and undertaking. Thanks to all who serve as teachers and catechists with such generous hearts. Next weekend at the 10:00 AM liturgy, I will bless our catechists in you name as a sign of our support for them and our sincere “thank you”. Finally, last week, I met with a committee of parishioners and a couple of representatives from the Village including Mr. Jim Cainkar, Village Engineer. The purpose of the gathering was to discuss the State Street Water Main Replacement Project schedules to begin in late October of this year. The meeting was very informative and cooperative. The project will affect our property somewhat as well as traffic patterns on State Street. For now, I just wanted to give you a “heads up” about the project. In the weeks ahead, I will share with you more specific details. Have a good week! In peace, Fr. Kurt “Hope’s On the Way’s” 12th Fall Mission needs volunteers to help with local work at two Chicago south side locations. The first location is Catholic Charities Family Interim House at 78th & Ellis. Volunteers are needed to complete painting within the building . The second location is St. Peter and Paul Social Center renovation at 124th & Halsted. Volunteers are needed for painting the building’s outside and inside, installing new entry security doors, installing new block glass in front wall, laying a new tile floor, and installing new lighting. Would you be willing to share your time and talent? Proposed work schedules are the four weekends in October. Because of people’s varied work schedules Fridays, or Saturdays, or Mondays are possible work days. Fridays Saturdays Mondays Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct 4 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 11 Oct. 15 Oct. 16 Oct. 18 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 25 Contact us on the internet: Click on Contact us If you want to volunteer: Your Name E-mail address Phone Message your choice of Day/Date or Days/Dates Special skills if you wish to share. Or if you prefer to talk to me call me at 630-4525881 Deacon Joe Winblad, Project Coordinator October, 2010, is our 12th Mission and it is in Chicago; this is why the web-site is designated “Local Mission in Chicago Correction In last weeks letter from Fr.Kurt, there was an editorial error. Tammy Hayes’ name was misspelled. Please note the correction n, and accept the apology of the bulletin editor. Louise Cummings Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Musical Notes Greetings St. Patrick parishioners! The choir meditation last weekend was a beautiful, plaintive setting of the old hymn, “I Surrender All”. This is a great spiritual axiom to abide by, especially in light of the onset of the fall season and the (reluctant) end of the summer. We are continually called to “take up our cross”, surrender all, and go into the world. We are, however, not only to “surrender” ourselves for the life of the world, but to also “surrender all” to our Lord, to cast our cares upon him. I hope that last week’s meditation reminded you of this! I want to remind you of several “musical” happenings in our Parish this month: Contemporary Choir will sing Saturday, September 18 at the 5 p.m. Mass Youth Choir will kick off their year on Sunday, September 26 at the 10 a.m. Mass Guitar Ensemble continues their ministry on Saturday, September 25 at the 5 p.m. Mass Also, if you have some free time, Saturday September 18 is our ANNUAL ‘Name That Tune’ Night, the proceeds of which benefit our wonderful and vibrant music ministry. Please consider joining us! This is an evening of fellowship and, despite what Fr. Kurt says, there will be a NOTED absence of Andrew Lloyd Webber tunes – fear not. On that note, I wish to personally congratulate Fr. Kurt on his recent installment as the 29th pastor of St. Patrick. Thank-you for your ministry, Fr. Kurt! We look forward to your time here. Finally, as always, I encourage you to contact me with any questions/concerns, OR, if you wish to become more involved in the music ministry here. Until next month…. Neil Windt Director of Music 708-899-2106 SAFETY No one is safe by their own strength, but they are safe by grace and mercy of God. --St. Cyprian Page 3 I&M Canal Y.A.C.H.T. Club Young Adult Catholics Hanging Together For people in their 20’s & 30’s We raised our anchor and sailed to a new location: Illinois Bar & Grill 1131 State St. Lemont, IL 60439 Join us on the second (soon to be third) Tuesday of every month at Illinois Bar & Grill between September and May. Cost is $5 admission plus whatever you order off the menu. We meet from 7pm-9:30pm with the speaker beginning at 7:30pm. Tuesday, September 14 The Devil is Alive and Well Fr. Jeffrey S. Grob is the former assistant to the exorcist for the Archdiocese of Chicago. Ordained in 1992, Fr. Grob has also worked as Assistant to the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Chicago, Associate Vicar for Canonical Services and currently serves as a judge on the matrimonial Court of Appeals for the Province of Illinois and as the Archbishop’s Delegate to the Review Board and is the pastor of St. Celestine Parish in Elmwood Park, Illinois. Very knowledgeable in demons, Fr. Grob will help us discern the demonic in our spiritual lives That We May Have Priests… Mundelein Seminary, as Cardinal George so proudly proclaims, is one of the finest major seminaries in the world and the heart of this local church. This year 78 men are preparing to be priests for the Archdiocese of Chicago. Your support enables us to provide these young men with the educational and spiritual formation necessary to face the challenges of priesthood. Because of you, the healing touch of Jesus will live through the work of these future priests for you, your children and your grandchildren. The Collection for the Seminary System for the Archdiocese of Chicago September 25-26, 2010 Page 4 September 12, 2010 Linda O’Connor, Director 630-257-8012 Renee Payne, Principal 630-783-2220 Students were welcomed back to the 2010-2011 school year with bright classrooms, colorful bulletin boards, new books and enthusiastic teachers and parents. Here's a few pictures from Meet the Teacher day. For a slideshow tour of the building on opening day, go to this link: play/5wHbYtjdW4YNmzlQdC3xAw . This slide show is also posted on the Slideshow page of Mrs. Yakes' Computer Lab Website ( mrsyakescomputerlabpage/Home/slideshows ). Once again our Religious Education program has been blessed by the generosity of our parishioners. All of our needs for catechists have been met. We are grateful to those who heard and responded to God’s call to serve the children of our parish. Please keep our catechists, aides and children in your prayers. Ask the Holy Spirit to give them the openness to hear His Will and the strength to carry it out. Sunday Religious Education classes begin today. To begin the school year in the right spirit, children will gather in the church for a beginning of the year prayer service. Next week, Catechetical Sunday, we will honor our volunteers during the 10 am Mass. All who teach answer the call to teach the faith will receive a blessing from Father Kurt LITURGY Lectors Needed On Friday, September 3, the opening Mass for school year 2010-11 centered around our theme for this year, "They Will Know We Are Christians". Every grade level as well as other parts of our school community created large posters to illustrate some of our goals for living this theme. Just to name a few of them, we will strive to let people know that we are Christians by the ways that we love, listen, worship and celebrate. We will use our brains to learn and understand and our eyes to see more clearly how to follow Jesus' teachings. Our lips will spread the word of God and speak kindly to others. Others will know that we are Christians by the way we play and volunteer and show our citizenship. During each month this year, we will focus on a particular way to demonstrate to the world that we are Christians. We are experiencing a shortage of lectors at some Masses. If you would like to serve our parish in this way, please call the Liturgy Office to volunteer your time and talent. A training session for new and veteran lectors will be held in mid-October. The sessions serve as training and enrichment for new lectors and experienced lectors seeking refreshment. Meals for the Hungry Once again our parish has been asked to participate in the Meals for the Hungry program. This program provides meals for the homeless at St. Blasé in Summit. The request includes providing a $350 donation to pay for the meal and 8 to 10 volunteers to serve the meal. We will be serving on Wednesday, October 6th from 5:30 to 7:00pm. There are donation envelopes in the church if you are interested in helping with the cost of this worthy cause, just mark Meals for the Hungry on the envelope. If you would like to volunteer to serve on October 6th please call the Parish office or Roseanne at 630-257-7254. We need your help. Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 St. Patrick’s Youth Ministry We are about to begin a new school year of youth ministry in Lemont. Hoping to serve you better we have enclosed a short survey for high school teens and their families you to fill out return back to St. Patrick’s Church. This will give us an idea of what you are looking for in our youth ministry program. Please take the time to fill it out. Any ideas you have or topics you think are important will be greatly appreciated. Please return the survey to the basket provided in the vestibule of church. Thank you for your time and input. Michael Lundberg 1-630-257-2414 St. Patrick’s Youth Ministry Survey NAME___________________________________________________________ 1. I am aware that St. Patrick’s has a Youth Ministry program and that Michael Lundberg is the Youth Minister. YES__________ NO__________ 2. I would be interested in participating in Jr. High events such as Open Gyms and Pizza Parties and Teen meeting with teen topics. Yes_________ NO__________ 3. I like to play ...Basketball_____ Volleyball______ Air Hockey_____ Ping-pong_____ Dodge-ball______ Toss Game tournaments______ Karaoke______ Pool______ Xbox______ Guitar Hero_____ OTHER______________________________________ 4. I would like to go on field trips such as the Deep River Water Park & Blue Man Group. I would also like to go on the Summer mission trip. Field Trips: YES__________ NO__________ Mission Trip: YES__________ NO__________ 5. I am interested in helping others and would like to be informed of service projects and helping out at church functions. YES_________ NO__________ 6. I am interested in attending the Tri-Parish Youth Mass on Sunday’s at 5:00 p.m. at St Pat’s Church. YES__________ NO__________ 7. I am interested in being a part of the Youth Mass at St Patrick’s by lectoring or singing in the youth choir. YES__________ NO____________ 8. I would like to be a part of the youth productions presented at Christmas (Song of The Stable) and Easter ( The Living Stations of the Cross). YES_________ NO___________ 9. I would like to attended meeting with guest speakers . YES_________ NO__________ 10. I would like to be added to the Youth Ministry Email list and address list YES_________ NO__________ Email___________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________ Comments__________________________________________________________________ Page 6 September 12, 2010 READINGS FOR THE WEEK MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11– Vigil: TwentyFourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 pm Michael Gallagher —Marlene & Don Ropoli SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 – The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am St. Patrick Parishioners 10:00 am Malachy Mannion — The Family Noon Sr. Danielene Conroy — Ralph & Lila Mancini 5:00 pm Reverend Gabriel Fox — Celeste Gambla MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 – Weekday 8:00 am Fred Golminas — Ralph & Lila Mancini TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 – The Exaltation of the Holy Cross 8:00 am Eugene Canning —Mary Canning WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 – Weekday 8:00 am For All Those in Hospice SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18– Vigil: TwentyFifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 pm John Chorley — The Family SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 – The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am St. Patrick Parishioners 10:00 am George Traynere III — Genie Mitchell Noon Barry Hagan 5:00 pm Special Intentions Rev. Kurt Boras — Celeste Gambla Monday: 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Lk 7:1-10 Tuesday: Nm 21:4b-9; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 Wednesday 1 Cor 12:31 -- 13:13; Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35 Thursday: 1 Cor 15:1-11; Lk 7:36-50 Friday: 1 Cor 15:12-20; Lk 8:1-3 Saturday: 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Lk 8:4-15 Sunday: Am 8:4-7; Ps 113; 1 Tm 2:1-8; Lk 16:1-13 [10-13] VOCATIONS “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Lord, you have eaten with me…could you now be inviting me to join you as a priest in seeking out the lost and forsaken? Men 22 to 40 years old are invited to participate in the INSEARCH discernment program to pray, learn about, reflect on, and discuss with priests and other men who are also discerning the possibility of diocesan priesthood in Chicago. INSEARCH begins on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 7 pm. For more information contact: Fr. Brian Welter at (312) 534-8298 or See our website for more details, at ‘Name That Tune’ Trivia Night September 18, 2010 The Saint Patrick’s Men’s Club is sponsoring our third ‘Name That Tune’ Music Trivia Night Saturday, September 18th at 7pm in the Parish Hall. The cost is $10 per person, pay at the door. One half of the entry proceeds will be awarded as prize money and the other will be donated to the St. Pat’s Music Ministry to purchase new music and equipment. Attendees will compete in teams of 6 people to name the song title and artist of songs from 50’s to the 90’s There will be prizes for each of four song categories as well as overall first and second place team winners. There will be snacks and drinks served and a cash bar. The Trivia Night is open to all adult parishioners, family and friends. The previous two Music Trivia Nights have been a lot of fun. Get your team together NOW! If you don’t have a team, there will be plenty of friendly people to team up with. We hope to see you there for a great time. Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 7 STEWARDSHIP “Everything I have is yours.” - Luke 15:31 Our Heavenly Father gives us everything, including the chance to share in His eternal kingdom. Yet, like the Prodigal Son we are often lured away by the materialism of our society. Do we really want to turn our backs on all that God offers in exchange for a material wealth that has no lasting value? Regular Sunday Offertory For the Month of August Month Budgeted goal for August Received via Sunday envelopes Received via EFT* and mail-in Loose contributions Total contributions in August 2010 Less than goal for August $37,765.00 $24,256.00 $5,499.00 $5,051.00 $34,806.00 ($2,959.00) Fiscal Year-to date Budgeted goal through 08-31-10 Received 07-1-10 to 08-31-10 $66,879.00 $60,930.00 Less than goal for 2010-2011 ($5,949.00) Other August Maintenance Envelopes $644.00 August Collection for Sharing Parishes $1,316.00 August School Support Envelopes $223.00 *EFT is the process of automatically having your contribution offering transferred from your checking account to St. Patrick’s account. Footnote: There is an adjustment to July numbers. Sunday Envelopes should have been $18,275.00 resulting in Less than goal of ($2,990.00). HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED COUNSELING? Have you ever considered counseling, but you couldn't find the time? Maybe the time is now! The Holbrook Counseling Center of Catholic Charities can help. Whether your trouble is personal, relational or career-related, the center offers professional assistance that is confidential, convenient and affordable. The Holbrook Counseling Center provides services at our Worth office and at other locations. For further information or to make an appointment, please call (312) 655-7725. We pray for . . . The sick of our Parish Eileen Cattoni Carole Conklin Kathy Eterno Glenn Granat Suzette Kitzmiller David Liberty Fr. Eathan Oakes Bruno Risatti Jr. Cory Steck Sue Winblad If you would like to have someone who is ill prayed for in church, please call the Parish Office (630-257-6134). The name of that person will be announced in church and will be added to the prayer column in the weekly bulletin. and we pray for . . . Our loved ones in the military Ryan Rudman Kody Peters Chad Peters Steven Korbus We would like to pray for all of our loved ones who are serving in the armed forces. If you would like to submit a name for the list, please fill out the form below and drop it off in the parish mailbox or the Sunday collection basket. Please include your name & phone, also. Name: _____________________________________ Requested by: ________________________________
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