Jan. 10 - St. Catharine RC Church, Glen Rock


Jan. 10 - St. Catharine RC Church, Glen Rock
St. Catharine
Roman Catholic Church
905 South Maple Ave., Glen Rock, New Jersey 07452
201-445-3703 (office) 201-670-7149 (fax)
Served by
Rev. Thomas S. Wisniewski, Pastor
Rev. Thomas F. Blind, Parochial Vicar
Rev. John Prada, In Residence
Leonard A. Minichino, Deacon
James A. Mueller, Deacon
John A. Sarno, Deacon
Joseph Castoro, Deacon
Stephen Roberts, Principal, Academy of Our Lady
Roberta Maguire, Director of Religious Education
Annette Gallagher, Parish and Family Life
Rosemary Miller, Youth Ministry
Sally Trahan, Music Director/Organist
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Martin Petraitis and Mary Anne Galati, Trustees
Michael Guariglia, Pastoral Council Chair
Eucharist - Weekend Masses
5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon
Daily Masses
8:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Daily Masses are held in the Ministry Center Chapel.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - RCIA
A process for non-Catholics who wish to experience parish
community and join the Catholic Church. Also for Catholics who
wish to return to the Church or have not celebrated Eucharist.
Eucharistic Adoration
First Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is in the Ministry
Center Chapel following the 8:00 a.m. Liturgy until Benediction at
11:00 a.m. (except July & August).
Holy Days
Consult the bulletin.
Saturday at 4:30 p.m. in the Church or by appointment.
Rectory Hours Monday - Friday 8:30am - 8pm;
Saturday 9am - 5pm; Sunday 9am - 2pm
The sacrament of Baptism will be celebrated at a ceremony
following the last Mass on the following Sundays: Feb. 7th,
April 10th, May 15th and June 26th. Please call the rectory to
schedule a Baptism. If this is your first child, please schedule
several months in advance so that you can attend the required
Pre-Baptismal class which takes place on a bi-monthly basis.
Arrangements must be made at the rectory ONE YEAR prior to
date of Marriage.
Anointing of Sick
Communal celebration as scheduled or individual Anointing at
home by appointment.
Visitation to Homebound
Contact the rectory to arrange for a visit to home, hospital or
nursing home.
Academy of Our Lady 201-445-0622
Pre K - 8th grade, including before school and after school care.
Religious Education 201-444-5690
For children in grades K-8 who attend a public school.
Parish Registration
New parishioners and those not registered, please take a
Welcome Packet from the Narthex and return the registration form
to the rectory. Please inform the rectory when you move or
change phone number.
Mission Statement
We, the parish community of St. Catharine, are dedicated to spreading the Good News by word and example.
Nourished by the Eucharist, we seek to advance God's Kingdom by enriching spiritual life, increasing parishioner involvement,
deepening commitment to social justice, fostering communication, and building community.
Page Two
St. Catharine R.C. Church
Catching Up
The Baptism of the Lord
My recent bulletin articles were written awhile ago due to early
holiday printing deadlines. So this week, I want to catch up on
a few things from the recent past and talk about a few things
coming up in the near future.
First of all, I want to thank all those who have given so generously to the Living Stones campaign. To date we are just under $700,000 in pledges. If you are drawn to adding to our
total, knowing one half of all you give will come back to the
parish, it is not too late to pledge. Thank you for all you have
already done. In addition, we have received numerous letters
of thanks and appreciation from our Christmas giving program.
There are so many who have so little and you have put smiles
on many faces, including lots of children.
We have given out over 900 copies of Rediscover Jesus and a
good number of people have shared very positive feedback
about both the style and content of Kelly’s book. This Lent I
will be offering a 4 week series as a follow-up focusing on the
next step, after we have rediscovered Jesus, what do we do
about it? This Lenten series will start February 23rd and run for
four consecutive Tuesday evenings, more info will follow.
I would like to encourage you to join us this Wednesday,
January 13th for a program on the Year of Mercy. It will be
presented by George Carbone, who will be ordained a deacon
this spring, and myself, and will take place in Community Hall
at 7:30pm. We hope many will join us!
I also want to also emphasize that our Parish Anniversary
Brunch will take place following the 12 Noon Mass on January 24th. Please see the insert in this bulletin and RSVP soon.
We are now into the second weekend of our new Sunday
Mass schedule and we realize it will be a period of transition
until everyone is comfortable with the new times. Last weekend our Masses were lively and each Mass was a little more
populated. There is an energy that should be present at Mass,
and with more people in the pew this begins to happen more
and more. Thank you for your cooperation and patience.
I believe we can continue to grow as a parish, especially in the
programs and ministries we offer. Suggestions and ideas are
more than welcome. You may use the suggestion box in the
narthex or please feel free to email or call me and we can discuss your ideas. It is only one month until Ash Wednesday,
with Easter late in March. Let us continue to discover Jesus
each and every day both in and out of church. I wish you
God’s blessings as we start 2016 together!
He saved us through the bath of rebirth
and renewal by the Holy Spirit.
Please Pray for the Recently Deceased
Assunta Barone, William Eichorn and Herman Suenholz
Our parish community extends its deepest
sympathy to the families on their loss.
- Titus 3:5
Today’s Readings
First Reading - Isaiah speaks of the Servant whom the Lord upholds; he shall bring forth justice to the nations (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7).
Psalm - The Lord will bless his people with peace (Psalm 29).
Second Reading - Jesus was anointed by God with the Holy
Spirit; he went out healing and doing good (Acts 10:34-38).
Gospel - A voice comes from heaven proclaiming Jesus as the
beloved Son, with whom God is well pleased (Luke 3:15-16, 21-22).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981,
1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Christmas Season Monetary Collection
Our Christmas monetary collection that supports our parish’s
reach out ministries is ending this weekend. This collection will
assist our ministry to feed the hungry and poor. Please look for
the collection box in the narthex this weekend and God bless
you and thank you for your generosity!
March For Life
Pilgrimage to Washington, D.C.
The St. Catharine and OLMC Respect Life Ministries invite all
parishioners to join the bus pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. for
the March For Life on Friday, January 22nd. We will join a
peaceful march to support the right to life and to protest the
U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade, which
legalized abortion.
We will depart at 7:15am (after 6:45am Mass at St.
Catharine's). We will also visit the Basilica of the National
Shrine of the Immaculate Conception before proceeding to the
March. We will return at about 9:30pm. The cost will be $20
per person (including coffee and bagels).
Contact Mark Stappenbeck to reserve a seat and obtain any
further info at 201-906-0102 or markstappenbeck@verizon.net.
Then please mail your check, payable to "OLMC", to:
Stappenbeck, 452 Hunter Road, Ridgewood, NJ 07450.
Holy Hour For Life
All are invited to spend one hour in prayer on Thursday,
January 21st at 7:30pm at Our Lady of Mount Carmel,
Ridgewood in support of the sanctity of human life.
Let us gather in prayer for those who will make the journey to
Washington to protest the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade
decision which legalized abortion in the U.S. The rosary and homily
will be followed by Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Page Three
905 South Maple Ave., Glen Rock, NJ 07452
Mass Intentions and Schedule
Saturday, January 9
5:30 p.m.
Nancy Rapenske req. Blanche Rapenske
Sunday, January 10
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
McCormick Family req. Mr. & Mrs. R. McCormick
Patricia Hull Martin (6th Anniversary)
12:00 p.m.
req. George Hull and Family
Lois Gizzi req. Gizzi Family
Parish Anniversary Family Brunch
Please join us as we celebrate our 64th Parish Anniversary on
Sunday Jan. 24th. Enjoy brunch in Community Hall immediately
following the 12noon mass with your fellow parishioners and
families. Last year we changed our anniversary celebration to
one that appeals to people of all ages and is at the same time
cost conscious. Please see the insert in this bulletin for more
information. We hope to see you there! Fr. Tom
Monday, January 11
8:00 a.m. All Parishioners
11:30 a.m. Ruth O’Hara req. Margery Loftus
Tuesday, January 12
8:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Joan Carbone Gaspari req. Martino Family
Al Petraglia req. Pat & Pete Mulvihill
8:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Kevin McElroy req. Dan & Karen Grady
Diana & Armand Adorino req. Hirschberg Family
8:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Thomas Machauer req. Mike & Carol Farley
Ed Hague req. Branagh Family
8:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Robert Battiato req. Maguire Family
Ruth O’Hara req. Maureen & Joe Graziano
Wednesday, January 13
Thursday, January 14
Friday, January 15
Saturday, January 16
9:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Alfred Tonelli req. Joan Sherry
Nancy Rapenske req. Pam Biggs
Sunday, January 17
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Elaine McCloud req. Maria Strzelczyk
John J. White, Jr. (4th Anniversary)
12:00 p.m.
req. Margery Loftus
Wayne Cervone req. Carol & Jim Crosson
Eucharistic Bread and Sacramental Wine
Donated this weekend by Carol Knapp
in loving memory of parents Bob & Marian Stark
and brothers Robert, Jr., John, Jon & Tom Stark
Enter More Deeply Into
The Jubilee Year of Mercy
Please join us this Wednesday, Jan. 13th
at 7:30pm in Community Hall for an
evening of reflections on mercy by Fr.
Tom Wisniewski and George Carbone.
This Jubilee Year is only the 29th such
year in the history of the Church. See
what this extraordinary Year of Mercy
is all about and how it can transform
us. As Pope Francis said, mercy “is a
wellspring of joy, serenity, and peace”.
All are welcome. For more information, please contact George
Carbone at geocarbone@gmail.com or 201-218-8555.
Family Promise – Can You Help?
St. Catharine is hosting Jan. 31 - Feb. 7 AND Feb. 21-28
Yes, this is a little different than past years! We are hosting
families in February this year instead of April and, while we are
hosting two weeks, they are not consecutive weeks.
There are MANY volunteer opportunities:
Evening volunteers, 7-9pm each evening
Overnight volunteer (you can sleep!)
Set Up – Sat & Sun, Jan 30 & Feb 20
Daily Cleaning ( @ 45 min each day)
Dinner each night for 15-20 people
Laundry – pick up Sun, Feb 7 & Feb 28
Cleanup – Sun morning, Feb 7 & Feb 28
Go to www.signupgenius.com to volunteer in any capacity.
At the top of the page, click “Find Signups” and then enter
psbiggs@optonline.net for the email of the creator. All Family
Promise volunteer signup openings will be listed. Sign up for
one or more opportunities. Not good with the computer but still
want to sign up? Want more information? Contact Pam Biggs
at psbiggs@optonline.net or call 201-670-8760.
All volunteers must be signed up in advance. While we understand that it’s sometimes difficult to know your schedule in
advance, it is imperative that we plan for the right number of
volunteers and also not overwhelm our guests with too many
people. After all, for these weeks in February, St. Catharine
will be home for our guests. Each time we enter the Ministry
Center that week as a volunteer, we are entering their home!
Please note that training will be required for all new volunteers
interacting with our guests. Training is less than 1 hour and there
will be a couple of times to choose from. Contact Pam at
psbiggs@optonline.net or call 201-670-8760.
Work of Human Hands
Sale a Big Success!
Annual "Work of Human Hands" sale, held the third weekend in Advent, raised almost $4500, all of which will be turned over
to Catholic Relief Services for the benefit of the people in the developing world who produced the goods we purchased. Many thanks
to the volunteers who conducted the sale and to our parishioners
who supported it. In the ten years that St. Catharine has sponsored
this sale, we have raised over $40,000 for CRS, quite an accomplishment! If you'd like to be part of the 11th Annual Sale next
Christmas time, contact Bob Stickles at rjstickles@aol.com.
Page Four
January 10, 2016
A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Academy of Our Lady
Building the Kingdom...One Child at a Time
We invite you to join us for our Catholic Schools Week
Open Houses for Pre-Kindergarten - 8th Grade:
Sunday, January 31st 10:30am - 1:30pm
Tuesday, February 2nd 9am - 10:30am
Wednesday, February 3rd 9am - 10:30am
Our parish school, a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence,
offers a nurturing, faith-based environment with a strong academic
curriculum. Academy has a dedicated computer lab and integrates technology across all traditional subject areas.
Visit www.academyofourlady.org, call 201-445-0622 or email
jdickson@academyofourlady.org for more information.
AoOL Robotics Team: 2015 RoboNation Regional Champs!
The AoOL team, comprised of 6th, 7th & 8th graders, took top honors
at the qualifying competition held at Liberty Science Center on Dec.
5th. The team won several awards in Robot Design & Performance
and were the highest scoring rookie team. The Robotics Team
demonstrates Academy's strong commitment to its STEM program.
Consider the Academy of Our Lady Advantage!
Faith-Based Environment with a Strong Academic Curriculum
Christian Foundations For Ministry
An Adult Education Program
Parishioners who are interested in growing in knowledge of their
faith and deepening their understanding of lay ministry are welcome
to join the next 8 week session of Christian Foundations for
Ministry. The program is sponsored and accredited by the
Ministerial Development Center of the Archdiocese of Newark.
Topic: Evangelization – What is it? How can we reach out to
all people? What models of evangelization are most
needed in our world today?
Date: Tuesdays from 7 - 9 pm
(1/12, 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23, 3/1, 3/8 [retreat] ).
Place: Charity Room – Parish Center
Tuition: $50.00 (scholarships available)
For further information: Contact Aileen Giannelli at 201-7940317 or aileengiannelli@optimum.net.
This course may be taken for personal enrichment or for credit
toward ministerial certification from the Archdiocese and parishioners from other parishes are welcome.
Sunday Family Catechesis is today,
Sunday, Jan. 10th. All families in the
program are expected to meet in
church at 1:15pm. Our Pastor, Fr. Tom
Wisniewski will facilitate the parent session this afternoon.
Grade 9 Confirmation Teachers will meet on Tuesday, Jan.
12th at 7:30pm in the Rel. Ed. Office.
CYO Tonight:
7-9pm Fair Lawn Lanes
Next Sunday, Jan 17th - CYO Retreat Homecoming
Questions? Call Mrs. Miller at 201-693-3743
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
We welcome all children, ages 4½ through 4th grade, to participate
in our Liturgy of the Word for Children program. No pre-registration
is required, simply attend the 10am Mass on the following dates.
This program involves reading & interpreting the Sunday Liturgy
to children, in the Academy of Our Lady classrooms, during
Mass. The children will be led out of church after the opening
prayers by the LOTW teachers and they return to their parents
in church after the Homily & Prayer of the Faithful.
Upcoming Dates: Jan. 31st , Feb. 14th, 21st and 28th
“Whatsoever you do for the least of my people,
that you do for me…”
Our special monthly food collection for the hungry poor of
Resurrection Parish/St. Boniface Church will take place at
all masses this weekend, Jan. 9th/10th. Thank you for your
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is the process of
initiation into the Catholic Church. We invite you, or someone you
know, to grow in faith and to be part of our Catholic community.
If interested, please contact Fr. Thomas Blind at 201-445-3703
ext. 303 or tblind@stcatharinechurch.org.
Attention Parish & Academy of Our Lady Volunteers
Compliance of the Archdiocese of Newark’s Safe Environment Policy is required for all volunteers and employees (18 years/older)
who work/volunteer with children in our parish or at Academy of Our Lady. This includes all classroom, lunch & library volunteers,
class parents, HSA members, coaches, Scout leaders, CCD teachers & aides, CYO chaperones, etc. Safe Environment Policy
requirements include: 1) Attend a Protecting God’s Children Workshop 2) Completing a Volunteer Application and Archdiocesan Code of Conduct 3) Completing a Criminal Background Check. Please contact Maryann King at 201-445-3703 or
parishoffice@stcatharinechurch.org for specific directions and with any questions.
Page Five
The Baptism of the Lord
Parish & Family Life News
Annette Gallagher 201-612-4660 / ParishFamilyLife@stcatharinechurch.org
Winter Bereavement Group
Special Mass & Support Group Meeting
'Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.'
A special mass & support group meeting for all who are affected
by the disease of alcoholism will take place at Church of St. Mary,
20 Legion Place in Closter on Saturday, Jan. 16th at 12noon.
Mass is offered for the support, healing and recovery of not
only the man/woman directly infected with the abuse of alcohol
or drugs, but also for anyone involved in the life of the alcoholic or drug addict. For information please call 201-768-7565.
When someone we love has been taken from us, we often find
ourselves dealing with change and transition. Many offer their
help, but do not always understand the loss we are feeling.
Bereavement support groups are one way to find support from
others who are going through the same process. We cannot
go around the grief process, over it, or under it. We need to go
through it; we need to be good to ourselves, putting balance
into our lives through prayer, reading, resting, relaxation and
work. Grief takes time. Unrealistic expectations undermine the
healing process.
The parishes of St. Catharine, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and St.
Gabriel are jointly sponsoring a Bereavement Support Group.
You need not be a parishioner to attend. The group will meet
on Thursday afternoons from 1-2:30pm and will run for
eight consecutive weeks beginning on January 28th and
ending on March 17th. Pre-registration is required. Please
contact Sr. Esther Falzone at 201-327-5663 x305 or Annette
Gallagher at 201-612-4660. All calls are confidential.
Faith and Grief Luncheon
Open to all faiths, Faith & Grief Luncheons are opportunities
for those mourning the loss of a loved one to gather together
and be strengthened through sharing, scripture, prayer, and
reflection. These gatherings are offered the third Wednesday
of the month and include a complimentary lunch. The next
luncheon is Wednesday, Jan. 20th from 12noon - 1pm at the
Christian Health Care Center Auditorium, 700 Mountain Ave.,
Wyckoff. Register at www.faithandgrief.org. Contact CHCC
Pastoral Care Dept. at 201-848-4264 for more info.
Next Weekend’s Presiders
5:30 p.m. *
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m. *
Fr. John Prada
Fr. Tom Wisniewski
Fr. Tom Blind
Fr. Tom Blind
Always subject to change. *Livestream videotaping in progress.
Mothers Organized to Help, Educate, Recreate & Support
MOTHERS is open to working and stay-at-home moms with
children of all ages. We provide the opportunity to gain
support, share knowledge, experience friendships and
promote a sense of community for ourselves, our children and
our families. Events for children, families and couples take
place throughout the school year. We also work with the
community through various charitable works. We invite you to
inquire about membership!
Please contact Brigid Nonas at brigidmahon@yahoo.com or
201-857-2080 for more information.
Readings for the Week
Monday: 1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-19; Mk 1:14-20
Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mk 1:21-28
Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10; Mk 1:29-39
Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mk 1:40-45
Friday: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mk 2:1-12
Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21:2-7; Mk 2:13-17
Sunday: Is 62:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-10; 1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11
Homebound Visits
At times, physical injury, old age, or debilitating disease
prevents our parishioners from participating regularly in
the celebration of the Eucharist. We can arrange for
you to receive the Eucharist in your home on a permanent or temporary basis. Contact Frank Mikos at 201445-6318 or F.Mikos62@yahoo.com for more information.
Health & Wellness Ministry Update:
Blood Pressure Screenings Today, Sunday, January 10th from 8am -12noon in Community Hall.
Living a heart-healthy lifestyle requires commitment.
Have your blood pressure checked today!
Page Six
Glen Rock / Fair Lawn
Sharing the Gift of Treasure
“John answered them all, ‘I baptize you with water;
but he who is mightier than I is coming…
he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit... ’”
- Luke 3:16
The Catholic Catechism states that “Jesus’ immersion in the
water is a sign for all human beings of the need to die to
themselves to do God’s will.” In other words, as baptized
Catholics there is only one gift that we need to give to Jesus –
the gift of ourselves. Once we surrender ourselves to God, we
will know in our hearts what God calls us to do.
Thank you for your generosity to St. Catharine!
Food Resources for the
Parish & School Community
The St. Catharine’s community is not immune from the
economic slowdown. In an effort to help those who may be
struggling, St. Catharine's has the opportunity to provide families in need with food & provisions - either on a short-term basis or to help meet a greater need. If you or someone you
know is in need of groceries, please call or text Mary at 201661-3651. All calls & inquiries will be kept strictly confidential.
St. Catharine AMPs
Association of Mature Parishioners
Our next General Meeting will be at 1:30pm on
Thursday, January 21st in the Holmes Rec. Building. As
a speaker we will have Boyd Lowry of First Light who will
give the benefits of staying in home after retirement. We
invite eligible parishioners, i.e. those fifty years or older,
who are interested in joining to come to this meeting.
Future activities are in the planning stage.
St. Cajetan Ministry Network
Attention Unemployed Parishioners The St. Cajetan Ministry
Network (parishes of St. Catharine’s and St. Anne’s) invites all
unemployed/underemployed men & women to join their ministry
which provides support through prayer & helpful guidance in
the job search process. If you know of someone who is out of
work tell them about the St. Cajetan Ministry Network.
Upcoming dates:
Thur., Jan. 21st - St. Catharine’s Ministry Center Mtg. Rm. (1st floor)
Sat., Jan. 23rd - St. Anne's FaithCenter, FairLawn (rectory,lowerlevel)
Meeting times: Saturdays from 10am - 12noon; Thursdays from 7 - 9pm
Did You Know?
To All Dads of Children with Special Needs:
• The bulletin can be found online each week — Click on the
Come join other dads who understand the joys and struggles
you live with as the father of sons and daughters with special
needs. All dads of children with special needs are welcome!
Refreshments are provided.
Visit us at stcatharinechurch.org
Meetings are typically the 3rd Wednesday of the Month, 7:30-9PM
at St. John the Evangelist, Parish Life Center, 15 North Washington Ave., Bergenfield. 2016 meetings dates: Jan. 20th, Feb.
17th, March 16th, April 20th, May 18th and June15th.
We have changed our e-giver! Faith Direct is now available
for you to begin supporting our parish offertory and second
collections online. Faith Direct enables parishioners to
make Church contributions through either direct debit from
your checking/savings account, or through your credit/debit
card. You can apply the convenience of direct debit to your
parish offerings in much the same way as you may now
use it to make other payments. Faith Direct also offers you
personalized offertory cards to replace your envelopes for
the collection basket.
Any questions please contact Dcn. Jim Detura at 201-747-0713
or jdeturarph@aol.com or Anne Masters at 973-639-6536 or
masteranrcan@gmail.com. Also visit: www.rcan.org/disabilities;
If you used ParishPay please discontinue your account and
register with Faith Direct for online giving. The change to Faith
Direct will NOT automatically transfer your information from
ParishPay to Faith Direct. Parishioners who participated in
ParishPay should discontinue their offertory set-up at ParishPay
by logging on and deleting your account information.
Prayer for Our Troops O God of mercy, we ask You to
protect in a special way those who are fighting
for us and for the country we love. Bless them
and take care of them. Give them strength. Give
them comfort. Touch them with Your gentle
hand and let them know that You are near them.
Hasten the day, dear Lord, when we may all
enjoy the blessings of peace once more. Amen.
'Bulletins' box on the left side of the parish website.
• Most weekends we tape Mass that you may view online - Click
the 'Livestream' logo on the left side of the parish website.
Please enroll in Faith Direct today, securely online, at
www.faithdirect.net. Our parish code is NJ708.
for Coffee & Community
today and next Sunday, Jan. 17th
St. Catharine Church
Celebrating 64 Years!
Please Join Us!
Parish Anniversary Family Brunch
All St. Catharine Parishioners and their Families
Sunday, January 24th, following the 12 noon Mass
Community Hall
$10 per adult (age 13 & older) / $5 per child (age 12 & under) /
age 5 & under free / $30 max per family (immediate family)
Reservation form & payment due to the rectory by Sunday, Jan. 17th
Catered by the Glen Rock Inn
Parish Anniversary Brunch
Name: __________________________________ Phone: ________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________
#Adults: _________ #Children: __________ Amount enclosed: $___________
$10 per adult (age 13 & older)/ $5 per child (age 12 & under)/
age 5 & under free - $30 max per family (immediate family)
Please make checks payable to St. Catharine Church.
Return form & payment to the rectory or in the collection basket
no later than Sunday, Jan. 17th.
2015 Christmas Flower Dedications
In Memory of
Bernadette & Emilyanne Bettineschi by Lori Bettineschi
Lovette & Richard Burns by Robert Burns
Warren & Geraldine Buser by Mark & Mary-Ann Ruckhaus
Marie & Vincent Carlin by Aileen Carlin Giannelli
Annalee & Bob Caruso by Famularo Family
A. Donald Clark by Wilson Family
Crosby & McCrystal Families by Barbara & Bill Crosby
Dick Dalton by Dalton Family
Christopher J. Daly by Joan Daly
Deceased Members of the Dewsberry & Conklin Families by Barbara & Bill Conklin
Francis & Joan V. Donlan and William & Helen Mulkeen by Charlie & Joan Mulkeen
Gertrude & William Dowling and Susan & Thomas Sodo by Sodo Family
John & Jean Durso by Sister Lucille J. Durso, CSJP
Deceased Members of the Ederle & Ward Families by Martin & Mary Ward
Egan & Graziano Families by Maureen & Joe Graziano
Deceased Members of the Egan & McCarthy Families by Erma & Robert McCarthy
Cynthia Emery by Loving Brothers and Sisters
Mary & Andrew Sr. Emery by Loving Children
Carmine & Rosa Esposito by Rosemarie Fuchs
Donald Farinella by Grace Farinella
Thomas Farrell by Kathleen Hutchings
Deceased Members of the Gasvoda & Redfield Families by Betty Redfield
Debbie Grammer by Mary Ann Joyce
Helen & Joseph Grzybowski and Patrick Santonacita, Sr. by Santonacita Family
Kevin Harkin by his Loving Family
Deceased Members of the Holland & Loughlin Families by Lil & Frank Loughlin
Mary Lou Hull and Patricia Hull Martin by George Hull & Family
William Hunter by Cassidy Family
Kearns, Edwards & Busto Families by Donna & Kevin Kearns
Robert Kerrigan by Audrey Kerrigan
Deceased Members of the Kolankowski & Pohlman Families by Robert & Mary Pohlman
Rudolph Lalak, Sr. and Dick & Maie Scott by Elaine & Duff Scott
Roger V. Lanouette by Anastasia B. Lanouette
Peter & Rita Lavezzo and Family, Mary McKenna and John McKenna by Loretta & Jim McKenna
Lichtenberger & O’Rourke Families by Hugh & Gloria O’Rourke
Robert Loftus by Margery Loftus
In Memory of
Sheila & Joe Maguire by Roberta Maguire
Stanley Majka by Anna Majka
Lilliana Mastray by Ralph P. Mastray
McAndrews & Dallas Families by Evelyn & Michael McAndrews
Frank, Bridget, Jean Marie and Terry McCann by Ann Marie McCann
Members of the McCormack & Lavelle Families by Mary McCormack
Patrick McGovern by Linda & Jim Walters
McMahon & Holzbaur Families by Rita & David Holzbaur
Members of the Mueller & Tully Families by Jim & Marybeth Mueller
William & Ruth Neureiter by Dolores Neureiter and Beverly Malone
Mary Nolan by Stephen & Aleece Nolan
Joseph & Julia O’Donnell and Nicholas & Pauline Trynosky by Ken & Denise Trynosky
O’Toole & Dunn by O’Toole and Dunn Family
Joseph Prussak by Prussak Family
Emma Rapenske by Blanche Rapenske
Ed & Maura Reilly by Kate Reilly
Theresa Rivara by Debbie & Shawn Emery
Deceased Members of the Rorro & Pratesi Families by Joe & Gloria Rorro
Emil Sciorra by Marie Sciorra
Stanley W. Seibert by Monica Seibert
David H. Skinner, Sr. by Eileen Skinner & Family
Vincent A. Summa by Michele Summa
John & Dorothy Szawaluk by Szawaluk Family
Teegan & Koenig Families by William & Diane Teegan
Lucy Terminello by Terminello Family
Roger & Margaret Tresca and John Ilenko by Ilenko Family
Jack & Lois Van Olden by Karen Coles
James Von Nagy and Martha Pustay by Nancy Von Nagy
In Honor of
Living Members of the Ederle & Ward Families by Martin & Mary Ward
Living Members of the Gasvoda & Redfield Families by Betty Redfield
Lincoln Rapenske by Blanche Rapenske
Helen & Herman Suenholz by Joanna, Caitlin and Christopher Rundle
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