May 1 - St. Catharine RC Church, Glen Rock


May 1 - St. Catharine RC Church, Glen Rock
St. Catharine
Roman Catholic Church
905 South Maple Ave., Glen Rock, New Jersey 07452
201-445-3703 (office) 201-670-7149 (fax)
Served by
Rev. Thomas S. Wisniewski, Pastor
Rev. Thomas F. Blind, Parochial Vicar
Rev. John Prada, In Residence
Leonard A. Minichino, Deacon
James A. Mueller, Deacon
John A. Sarno, Deacon
Joseph Castoro, Deacon
Stephen Roberts, Principal, Academy of Our Lady
Roberta Maguire, Director of Religious Education
Annette Gallagher, Parish and Family Life
Rosemary Miller, Youth Ministry
Sally Trahan, Music Director/Organist
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Martin Petraitis and Mary Anne Galati, Trustees
Michael Guariglia, Pastoral Council Chair
Eucharist - Weekend Masses
5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon
Daily Masses
8:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Daily Masses are held in the Ministry Center Chapel.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - RCIA
A process for non-Catholics who wish to experience parish
community and join the Catholic Church. Also for Catholics who
wish to return to the Church or have not celebrated Eucharist.
Eucharistic Adoration
First Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is in the Ministry
Center Chapel following the 8:00 a.m. Liturgy until Benediction at
11:00 a.m. (except July & August).
Holy Days
Consult the bulletin.
Saturday at 4:30 p.m. in the Church or by appointment.
Rectory Hours Monday - Friday 8:30am - 8pm;
Saturday 9am - 5pm; Sunday 9am - 2pm
The sacrament of Baptism will be celebrated at a ceremony
following the last Mass on the following Sundays: May 15th,
June 26th, July 31st & Sept. 18th. Please call the rectory to
schedule a Baptism. If this is your first child, please schedule
several months in advance so that you can attend the required
Pre-Baptismal class which takes place on a bi-monthly basis.
Arrangements must be made at the rectory ONE YEAR prior to
date of Marriage.
Anointing of Sick
Communal celebration as scheduled or individual Anointing at
home by appointment.
Visitation to Homebound
Contact the rectory to arrange for a visit to home, hospital or
nursing home.
Academy of Our Lady 201-445-0622
Pre K - 8th grade, including before school and after school care.
Religious Education 201-444-5690
For children in grades K-8 who attend a public school.
Parish Registration
New parishioners and those not registered, please take a
Welcome Packet from the Narthex and return the registration form
to the rectory. Please inform the rectory when you move or
change phone number.
Mission Statement
We, the parish community of St. Catharine, are dedicated to spreading the Good News by word and example.
Nourished by the Eucharist, we seek to advance God's Kingdom by enriching spiritual life, increasing parishioner involvement,
deepening commitment to social justice, fostering communication, and building community.
Page Two
St. Catharine Church
A Disappearing Breed
Thirty years ago I was making an observation that was true
back then, but has really come home to roost in 2016. We
were putting together a Confirmation program and there was a
debate about a service component. Some argued you couldn’t
legislate volunteerism by having a certain number of hours.
Others said if we don’t offer a model of service, we were going
to lose the concept altogether.
I must admit I was on the latter side, recognizing the arguments against. It seemed that parents were teaching children
to get their due and just pay for whatever they did. A couple of
years earlier, as a seminarian, I had volunteered at Bergen
Pines. It was an amazing network of people, without which,
the hospital would not have survived.
Today my fear is all around us. My friends in non-profit talk about
the paucity of people willing to give their time. Hospitals in the
area all write to me begging for some of our parishioners to serve
in a variety of roles in Bergen Regional, Hackensack and Valley.
High schools, even colleges, are trying to make this an element
of overall education. But once again it is hard to legislate.
I say all this in light of our Volunteer Appreciation Reception to be
held next Friday in Community Hall. Over a 120 of our many volunteers will gather together with our thankful pastoral staff so we
can recognize them. We are very fortunate that so many of you
help us carry out the work of the ministries that operate in our
parish. With only 2 priests and a small paid staff we could only
execute a fraction of the activities that take place without you.
Above all, I want to thank you from keeping the “volunteer” from
being a disappearing breed within St. Catharine Church. You
mean the world to us, and we hardly ever publicly or individually
thank you. We pray that this will continue, if not increase, going
forward. There is so much to be done and we need so much help.
Think about what you might be willing to do when the ministry
season starts up in earnest again in the fall. Some ministries
require a great more time than others, but there is truly something for everyone. I pray you will continue to enjoy this beautiful spring. And lastly, for all those who give of their talent and
time, a great big thank you!
Deacon Ordination of George Carbone
Long-time St. Catharine parishioner, George Carbone, is about
to complete his five-year formation program and will become a
deacon in June. We are very pleased that he is being assigned
to our parish. All are invited to his ordination and first mass.
The ordination will take place at noon on Saturday, June 4th at the
Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, 89 Ridge St, Newark.
There will be seating available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
His first mass will be at St. Catharine on Sunday, June 5th at
12 noon. A light reception will follow mass in Community
Hall. All are invited to attend.
Welcoming Mass
On Sunday, May 15th at the 10am Mass we will welcome
all new parishioners to our parish .
After Mass a reception will be held in Community Hall to allow
our new parishioners to meet the pastor, priests, and other
members of the parish. The reception is a rewarding experience as well as a fun time for the children as they nosh on
donuts, bagels, and juice. Pictures of the new parishioners will
be displayed in the Narthex. All parishioners are invited to
share in the fellowship.
New parishioners: Please call the rectory so we can
announce your names at the beginning of Mass.
Health & Wellness Ministry
Blood Pressure Screenings Today!
8am -12noon in Community Hall
Eucharistic Adoration
Come join us on First Friday, May 6th
“Eucharistic Adoration is an affirmation of our faith.
Through this vigil of prayer, we give witness to
our belief that God is truly dwelling with His people.
In it’s fullest essence, it is God and man
reaching out for each other, at the same time”
- Pope Benedict XVI
All are invited to the Ministry Center Chapel this Friday following
the 8am Mass for Exposition. Benediction at 11am.
“We need silence to be able to touch souls. The essential thing is not what we say but what God says to
us and through us. Jesus is always waiting for us in
silence. In that silence, He will listen to us; He will
speak to our souls. And there we will hear His Voice.”
- Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Our Annual Men’s Retreat at Loyola, Morristown is
scheduled for May 13th - 15th. Decide TODAY to join us
when we experience our special weekend of spiritual renewal
during this Easter season. Contact Andy Coll 973-304-1832 or
Bob McCarthy 201-652-1460 for more information.
St. Catharine’s Reach-Out Ministry
“Whatsoever you do for the least of my people,
that you do for me…”
Our special monthly food collection for the hungry poor in our inner-city
parishes will take place at all masses the weekend of May 14th/15th.
The food donations will be delivered to St. Mary’s Emergency Food
Pantry. Please remember the hungry as you shop and bring a bag
filled with your generosity in Jesus’ name to mass. Thank you!
Page Three
905 South Maple Ave., Glen Rock, NJ 07452
Mass Intentions and Schedule
Saturday, April 30
5:30 p.m. Bridget McCann req. Ann Marie McCann
Sunday, May 1
8:00 a.m. Kevin Rew (3rd Anniversary)
req. Mary Teresa Rew
10:00 a.m. Richard Geyer req. Ellen Geyer
12:00 p.m. Richard Casey, Jr. req. Donohue Family
Monday, May 2
8:00 a.m. All Parishioners
11:30 a.m. Charles Sheridan
req. Loretta & Jim McKenna
Tuesday, May 3
8:00 a.m. Katherine Sullivan
req. Tom & Kathleen Sullivan
11:30 a.m. Arthur Pidoriano req. Mary Maguire
Wednesday, May 4
8:00 a.m. Lois Rammler req. Tim & Karen Coles
11:30 a.m. Rocco Salvatoriello req. Martino Family
Thursday, May 5 Ascension of the Lord
8:00 a.m. Ingrid Gress req. Debra Brassil
12:05 p.m. Mae Rita Lavezzo (5th Anniversary)
req. Loretta & Jim McKenna
7:30 p.m. Cornelia Duffin
Friday, May 6
req. Ted & Maryann King and Family
8:00 a.m. Mary Hemmer req. Leonard Family
11:30 a.m. Neda Davini req. Hirschberg Family
Saturday, May 7
9:00 a.m. Charles Sheridan req. Paul & Ellen Schrettner
5:30 p.m. Robert Kerrigan (15th Anniversary)
req. Audrey Kerrigan
Sunday, May 8
8:00 a.m. Kevin O’Halloran req. Joyce Mason
10:00 a.m. June Donohue req. Donohue Family
12:00 p.m. Lois Gizzi req. Gizzi Family
Ascension Thursday
This week we celebrate the Solemnity of The
Ascension of the Lord, a holy day of obligation for
Roman Catholics.
Ascension Thursday masses will be celebrated in the church
at 8 am, 12:05 pm and 7:30 pm this Thursday, May 5th.
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you!
- Psalm 67:6
Today’s Readings
First Reading The question of whether circumcision is
necessary for salvation (Acts 15:1-2, 22-29).
Psalm O God, let all the nations praise you! (Psalm 67).
Second Reading John envisions the holy city, the new
Jerusalem (Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23).
Gospel The Holy Spirit, sent by the Father in Jesus' name,
will teach us everything (John 14:23-29).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981,
1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Readings for the Week
Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26-16:4a
Tuesday: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; Jn 14:6-14
Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22-18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15
Thursday: Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23 or
Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lk 24:46-53 (for Ascension);
Otherwise Acts 18:1-8; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 16:16-20
Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23
Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28
Sunday: Acts 7:55-60; Ps 97:1-2, 6-7, 9; Rv 22:12-14, 16-17, 20;
Jn 17:20-26
Mother’s Day Plant Sale
After all masses next weekend!
Sponsored by AoOL Cub Scouts Pack 27
Thank you for supporting this sale!
Thank You, Eva’s Kitchen Volunteers
It’s time to say thanks to all our volunteers who reached out to
feed the homeless on Sunday, April 24th:
Thanks to everyone who prepared rice pudding.
Thanks to all who helped preparing 1000+(!) meatballs in the
Ministry Center on Saturday night. It took less than an hour!!
Thanks to the 18 volunteers who journeyed to Paterson on
Sunday morning, 4/24 to serve more than 250 guests at Eva’s.
Thanks to Kilroy’s and P&C Specialties, Glen Rock for their
service, reasonable prices, & donations.
Thanks especially to our St. Catharine parishioners whose
ongoing generosity in Jesus’ name enable us to continue this
reach-out ministry to the hungry poor.
Please watch for opportunities to help our upcoming
trip to Family Promise in Hackensack on May 29th.
Eucharistic Bread and Sacramental Wine
Please Pray for the Recently Deceased
were donated this weekend by Dennis & Peggy O’Toole
in loving memory of Henry Paragham on his birthday in heaven
Richard Hahn and Joe Roberto
Our parish community extends its deepest
sympathy to the families on their loss.
Page Four
May 1, 2016
National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Academy of Our Lady
Building the Kingdom...One Child at a Time
School tours and ‘Buddy Day’ visits will be available on
Tuesday, May 24th. Other days by request. Our parish school
offers a strong, faith based curriculum with a state-of-the-art
technology lab. Please call 201-445-0622 or visit our website
for details:
Consider the Academy of Our Lady Advantage!
Faith-Based Environment with a Strong Academic Curriculum
Academy of Our Lady
50/50 Raffle
The AoOL Home School Association is pleased to announce the
kick-off of our annual 50/50 Raffle. Only 600 tickets are sold at $100
each. If all tickets are sold, the Grand Prize will be $25,000 with 10
consolation prizes of $500 each. The drawing is June 12th and
tickets always sell out! Please support our parish Catholic school as
we continue our mission of education in a spiritual environment.
Look for Academy families selling tickets after all masses
this weekend and the weekends of May 14/15 & May 21/21.
Forms are also available at
Please call the school office at 201-445-0622 for more info.
Clothing Drive
Time to Clean Out Your Closets!
The Academy of Our Lady HSA is once again sponsoring a Clothing
Drive. Men’s, women’s & children’s clothing should be clean and
wearable. We will also accept shoes, accessories, bedding, towels &
stuffed animals. All items should be neatly tied in large plastic bags.
Drop-off will be at the Holmes Rec. Bldg. on:
Sunday, May 15h from 9am - 1pm
Monday, May 16th from 8:30-10am and 2-4pm
St. Catharine’s presents “Cave Quest”
Vacation Bible School
July 11th - 15th 9:30am - 12noon
Age 4 (by 10/1/15) - Grade 4 (completion)
VBS is a special time for our children to play, learn, sing and
grow together. It is also a special time for our volunteers to
provide this experience for our children. We cannot have VBS
without your support - all parents are expected to help in some
capacity. Registration is limited to first-come, first-served.
Registration forms are available on the parish website, Please deliver form & payment to
the Religious Ed. Office by May 31st. Donations accepted, $20/
child suggested. To volunteer or for more info contact Debbie
Motaharian at or 201-444-4132 .
CYO Tonight: Bunco!
7-9pm in the Gym
No CYO next week, 5/8
Questions? Call Mrs. Miller at 201-693-3743
Congratulations to the children who received
their 1st Holy Communion this weekend. We
pray that you will always know Jesus’ love for
you and that you will receive this Holy Communion at our parish
Masses each weekend. We thank their parents and teachers for
preparing our children for this Sacrament.
CCD Classes: Parents are invited to join us this Monday,
May 2nd and Tuesday, May 3rd at 3:45pm for class presentations
in the church. Classes will present religious material they have
learned this year through music, plays and drawings. Please join
us to show your continued interest in their religious formation.
1st Communion Practice for children receiving 1st Communion
this Saturday, May 7th will be this Thursday, May 5th. Consult
your individual letters regarding the time of practice for your child.
CCD Registration Forms for CCD classes beginning in
September have been sent out to registered families; please
complete forms and return to Rel. Ed. Office ASAP. Programs
and days are filled on a first come, first serve basis.
New Families If you have a child entering Kindergarten or
1st grade through 8th grade this fall, please call the Religious
Ed. Office at 201-444-5690 or visit the parish website at for more info and registration
forms for new families.
A Protecting God’s Children Workshop will be held at St.
Catharine’s on Friday, June 10th from 9-11am in Community
Hall. Please note:
Volunteers that are NEW to PGC may register for this date, or
find another available date, at
Volunteers who have PREVIOUSLY TAKEN PGC and need to
recertify (every 3yrs.) should contact the rectory (Mon-Fri 9am-3pm)
at 201-445-3703 or for
their original VIRTUS ‘user ID’, which is needed to register for
another workshop. Please see “Safe Environment Policy”
below for additional information.
Safe Environment Policy for
All Parish & Academy of Our Lady Volunteers
Compliance of the Archdiocese of Newark’s Safe Environment
Policy is required for all volunteers and employees (18 years/
older) who work/volunteer with children in our parish or at Academy of Our Lady. This includes all classroom, lunch & library volunteers, class parents, HSA members, coaches, Scout leaders,
CCD teachers & aides, CYO chaperones, etc.
Safe Environment Policy requirements include:
1) Attending a Protecting God’s Children Workshop
(recertification of PGC is required every 3 yrs)
2) Completing a Volunteer Application and Archdiocesan
Code of Conduct
3) Completing a Criminal Background Check.
Contact Maryann King at
or 201-445-3703 for specific directions and with any questions.
Page Five
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Parish & Family Life News
Annette Gallagher 201-612-4660 /
May Wedding Anniversaries
Caregiver Support Group
We ask God’s continued blessing over these couples who
celebrate wedding anniversaries in the month of May. Bless
their homes and their families. Help them to renew their vows
of love and loyalty and to strive to remain united with You,
steadfast in faith and in your service.
“In the heart of every caregiver is a knowing that we are all
connected. As I do for you, I do for me.” - Tia Walker
If you are a caregiver and would like to learn more about
resources to help you and your loved one as well as to find
support from others in a faith-based environment, this is the
group for you. Please come to the next Caregiver Support
Group on Thursday, May 5th from 11:30am-12:30pm in the
Ministry Center Meeting Room. Any questions, or if you are
unable to leave your loved one alone to attend, contact Annette
at 201-612-4660 or
Gloria and Joseph Rorro 57 years
Mary and Joseph Mc Ghee 53 years
Gail and Richard Mc Cormick 47 years
Elsa and Edward Walsh 44 years
Debbie and Joseph Weber 43 years
Frannie and Robert Kurz 43 years
Bobbie and Daniel Henry 39 years
Cynthia and Ronald Barry 35 years
Joan and George Carbone 35 years
Anne and Victor A. Dagenais 34 years
Deborah and Kevin Glennon 35 years
Jody and Michael Guariglia 33 years
Patricia and Robert Bernabeo 33 years
Dolores and Donald White 31 years
Lisa and Daniel Fusco 29 years
Christine and Jon Sawyer 25 years
Wilsy and Lal Tharakan 24 years
Caroline and John Lederer 17 years
Suzanne and John Evans 16 years
Linda and Glenn Miller 16 years
Patty and Benjamin Bontekoe 15 years
Jamie and Ralph Terminello 14 years
All St. Catharine married couples are invited to register
their wedding dates to be included during our monthly
acknowledgment. Please contact Annette at 201-6124460 or
Lenten/Easter Collection Thank You
Thank you for supporting our Lenten/Easter monetary collection for St. Catharine’s Reach-Out Ministries to Eva’s
Kitchen and Family Promise. Our collection amounted to
more than $1,700 this year.
We are grateful for your generosity in Jesus’ name. The support
of so many parishioners allows our reach-out ministry to the
hungry poor to continue.
for Coffee & Community
Today and next Sunday, May 8 th
Liturgy for Those Whose Children Have Died
The 29th Annual Liturgy for Those Whose Children Have Died
will be held on Friday, May 6th at 7:30pm at Notre Dame RC
Church, 359 Central Ave. in North Caldwell. All parents who
have suffered the death of a child of any age are invited to
attend with their families and friends. A personal witness will
also be offered as the name of each child is read during the
Mass. Pre-registration is requested by calling the Family Life
Office at 973-497-4327.
Faith and Grief Luncheon
Open to all faiths, Faith & Grief Luncheons are opportunities for those mourning the loss of a loved one to
gather together and be strengthened through sharing,
scripture, prayer, and reflection. These gatherings are
offered the third Wednesday of the month and include a
complimentary lunch. The next luncheon is Wednesday,
May 18th from 12noon - 1pm at the Christian Health
Care Center Auditorium, 700 Mountain Ave., Wyckoff.
Register at Contact CHCC Pastoral
Care Dept. at 201-848-4264 for more info.
St. Catharine Food Pantry
Did you know that St. Catharine’s has a Food Pantry?
Since November 2011, the pantry has been helping numerous
people/families in the community by providing bags of groceries to those in need, while ensuring privacy and confidentiality.
If you or someone you know has an immediate or recurring
need for groceries, please call or text Mary at 201-661-3651.
We are grateful for the support of our many benefactors, who
keep the pantry a reliable source of food for those in need.
Page Six
Glen Rock / Fair Lawn
Sharing the Gift of Treasure
“…do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.”
John 14:27
Our limited human understanding cannot begin to understand
the immense power of God. Instead of trusting in God, we
think we can control every outcome. Do you want to make
God laugh? Tell Him your plans. The next time worry, anxiety
or fear creeps in, thank God for all He has given you and trust
He has a better plan for you.
Thank you for your generosity to St. Catharine!
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat
Are you suffering from an abortion experience? Do you have feelings of guilt and anxiety? Do you suffer from depression? There is
Hope! Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats heals the pain from abortion,
one weekend at a time. The next retreat will be May 13-15 at the
Archdiocesan Youth Retreat Center, 499 Belgrove Drive,
Kearny. Cost is $150, includes all retreat materials and meals.
For more info visit or contact Cheryl
Riley in the Respect Life Office at 973-497-4350 or email All calls and emails are confidential.
Sponsored by the Newark Archdiocese Respect Life Office.
Prayer for Our Troops O God of mercy, we ask You to
protect in a special way those who are fighting
for us and for the country we love. Bless them
and take care of them. Give them strength. Give
them comfort. Touch them with Your gentle
hand and let them know that You are near them.
Hasten the day, dear Lord, when we may all
enjoy the blessings of peace once more.
Donating to our church has never been so easy! Faith Direct
allows our parishioners the convenience to make Church
contributions through either direct debit from your checking/savings account, or through your credit/debit card. You
can apply the convenience of direct debit to your parish
offerings in much the same way as you may now use it to
make other payments. Faith Direct also offers you personalized
offertory cards to replace your envelopes for the collection
basket. Please enroll in Faith Direct today, securely online,
at Our parish code is NJ708.
Attention Visitors of St. Catharine
and Mobile Phone Enthusiasts
Here is an easy way to do a real time gift or
offertory to St. Catharine Church right from your
mobile phone. This QR code connects you directly
to our St. Catharine's Faith Direct online giving
platform and gives you the opportunity to do
real time payments to St. Catharine:
St. Catharine AMPs
Association of Mature Parishioners
Our next General Meeting will be on Thursday, May 19th at
1pm in the Holmes Rec. Building. Entertainment is being
arranged. We invite eligible parishioners, i.e. those fifty years
or older, who are interested in joining to come to this meeting.
Future activities are in the Planning stage.
St. Cajetan Ministry Network
Attention Unemployed Parishioners The St. Cajetan Ministry
Network (parishes of St. Catharine’s and St. Anne’s) invites all
unemployed/underemployed men & women to join their ministry
which provides support through prayer & helpful guidance in
the job search process. If you know of someone who is out of
work tell them about the St. Cajetan Ministry Network.
Upcoming dates:
Thur., May 12th - St. Catharine’s Ministry Center Mtg. Rm. (1st floor)
Sat., May 14th - St. Anne's Faith Center, Fair Lawn(rectory,lower level)
Meeting times: Saturdays from 10am - 12noon; Thursdays from 7 - 9pm
The Benedictine Sisters in Elizabeth, NJ will offer a Laudato
Si Retreat on May 14th from 9am-3:30pm. Join us to reflect on
the major themes of Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato
Si, "Care for Our Common Home" and to find practical ways to
respond. Saturday only is $35, lunch included, open to all. Full
weekend, May 13-15 is open to women only, $135. Registration required. Please contact Sr. Marita at 908-353-3028.
Picking up where Godspell ends, we tell the rest of the story.
Final show today, May 1 at 3pm. Award winning musical that explores the continuum between faith and doubt, Pentejoy is about
Peter the believer, Thomas the doubter...and all the rest of us in
between. Northern Valley HS, 150 Central Ave., Old Tappan.
Mary Help of Christians Academy will be celebrating its
75th Anniversary with a Homecoming Reunion of all its alumnae
May 13-15. Please call 973-904-0102 for more information.
Next Weekend’s Presiders
5:30 p.m. * Salesians of Don Bosco
8:00 a.m.
Fr. Tom Wisniewski
10:00 a.m.
Fr. Tom Blind
12:00 p.m. * Fr. Tom Wisniewski
Always subject to change. *Livestream videotaping in progress.
Ladies of the parish,
CREATIVE SIDE" opportunity to let God flow through you
onto the
We had such fun getting together in Advent, and
are hoping to get together again before we all
scatter for the summer. Let's come together with
other women to spend some quality time
nurturing our creativity and feeding our souls &
bodies. We will begin with a reflection and then
learn together to paint the scene to the left
Wine and snacks will be served.
Paint With Me! is a chance to meet your inner artist in a relaxed and fun setting.
The artist will guide you step-by-step through the process. It is perfect for beginners,
as well as more advanced artists. All will create and take home with them their own
16x20 painted masterpiece. All materials will be provided including smocks.
No special talent is required - come join in the fun!!
Thursday evening, June 2nd
7:30-10:00pm in Community Hall
Reservations are required to hold your spot and order materials.
Please return this form along with $35 to the Rectory by 5/26.
Questions, contact Nora Lent at 201-652-2625 or
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World Library Publications
the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc.
232 Franklin Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ • 201-444-7650
Email: David B. Feeney, CFSP, Manager
NJ Lic. No. 3482 "Since 1921"
Mark Gaugler
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