FAX: (718) 919-2265 E-MAIL: info@smdpp.org WEB
FAX: (718) 919-2265 E-MAIL: info@smdpp.org WEB
REV. ALONZO Q. COX, PASTOR RECTORY OFFICE: 583 THROOP AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11216 TELEPHONE: (718) 574-5772 FAX: (718) 919-2265 E-MAIL: info@smdpp.org WEB: stmartindeporresparish.org OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI 9:30 AM-4:30 PM Dear Parishioners, The rectory staff and I, early last week, learned of the sudden passing of longtime Our Lady of Victory parishioner and usher, Mr. Aldwin Joseph. His death caught everyone by surprise as that previous Sunday he had manned his post at the Throop Avenue entrance. In the days following, parishioners shared with me their memories of Mr. Joseph. One remarked that when she first met the dreadlock-sporting Trinidadian disc jockey she did not know what to make of him. Nevertheless, she extended to him a warm greeting. Her act of Christian hospitality spurred him to make Our Lady Victory Church his spiritual home, where he faithfully worshipped and served God for many years. My last fond memory of Mr. Joseph was seeing the pride he took in assisting with the parish's annual Father's Day barbecue. His funeral service was held late last Sunday in the Frank J. Barone Funeral Home. A number of his fellow parishioners and ushers attended to pay their last respects as well as to offer the family their condolences. At the service, many of us learned of Mr. Joseph's generosity and loyalty. Family members recalled how no matter the hour of the day---or for that matter who it was---if you needed a place to stay his home was always open. And along with a place to rest your head, he would offer guests a plate of callaloo. In addition, his loved ones told stories of how he would come to their aid or defense when facing personal difficulties. No one, it appeared, gave a member of his family a hard time without facing him, first. The Joseph family invited me to say a few words at the service. I remarked that when confronted by the death of a loved one, we ought to do three things. First, offer God thanks and praise for the gift of this person and the time he or she spent among us. Second, pray for the repose of their soul, imploring the Most Just Judge to forgive our loved one's sins and admit them to the joys of heaven (2 Mc 12: 41-44). And lastly, pray for ourselves, as no one knows the appointed hour of their passing. However, the Christian ought not to fear the grave's certainty. The Apostle Paul once wrote, "'Death has been shallowed up in victory.' Where, O death is your victory? Where, O death is your sting?.... But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Cor. 15: 54-57). The Son of God, for our sake, tasted death in order that all may know the glory of the Resurrection. In your kindness, please pray for Mr. Aldwin Joseph, as well as for the family he leaves behind. Tuesday, August 16th, would have been his 55th birthday. That morning, the 8 AM Mass, at OLV, will be offered in his memory. Eternal rest grant unto Aldwin, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he and the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Holy Rosary Church 139 Chauncey Street Brooklyn, NY 11233 Mass Schedule Sunday: 9:00 AM Tuesday: 11:00 AM Our Lady of Victory Church 583 Throop Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11216 Mass Schedule Sun.: 7: 30 AM & 10: 15 AM Mon. to Fri.: 8 AM St. Peter Claver Church 29 Claver Place Brooklyn, NY 11238 Mass Schedule Sat.: 5PM Su n.: 11: 30 AM Mon. & Wed.: 12 Noon 1st Fridays 12 Noon HOLY DAYS: as announced In Christ, Fr. Daniel O. Kingsley St Francis of Assisi Catholic Academy 718-778-3700 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 24TH, 2016 PARISH CLERGY & STAFF Fr. Daniel O. Kingsley, Parochial Vicar Dcn. Balfour Thompson, Permanent Deacon Ms. Angela Matamoro, Bookkeeper Ms. Paulitiana St. Hilaire, Secretary Ms. Alice Sorensen, Music Director Mr. Humberto DaCosta, Buildings /Grounds Sun. Mon. Tue. SCHOOL OF FAITH FORMATION: There is ongoing registration for our School of Faith Formation. Registration forms can be found in the back of each church. Registration fee is $25.00 per child. Please talk to the faith formation representative in your church: Ms. Michelle Joseph – OLV, Mr. Kenneth Wed. Callahan – SPC or Mrs. Joyce Cochran – HRC. Sat. Thu. Fri. SACRAMENTS: Anointing of the Sick Please call the Rectory to make arrangements. Baptism Scheduled for the fourth Sunday of each month. Parents are required to schedule an appointment with a Priest four weeks prior to Baptism. Confession Saturdays from 4-4:45PM at St. Peter Claver, Holy Rosary Church, every Sunday from 8:15 to 8:45. Or call the rectory for an appointment. Marriage Birthday blessings for Ramieen Brown OUR MISSION STATEMENT We, the Roman Parish of St. Martin de Porres, Saturdays from Catholic 4-4:45 PM at St. Peter Claver, or call formed for fromantheappointment. tri-church unity of Holy Rosary, Our rectory Holy Rosary Church Lady of Victorybetween and St. Peter churches every Sunday 8:15Claver and 8:45 AM. is led by the Spirit and committed to becoming one in Humility, Marriage Faith and Love. In be community and by the Arrangements must made seven (7)nourished months prior to Eucharist, we journey together realizing that our the wedding. strength is in our commitment to the Church founded . by Christ and to the spread of His Word by the actions of our daily lives. We, the Roman Catholic Parish of St. Martin de Porres, formed from the tri-church unity of Holy Rosary, Our Lady of Victory and St. Peter Claver churches is led by the Spirit and committed to becoming one in Humility, Faith and Love. In community and nourished by the Eucharist, we journey together realizing that our strength is in our commitment to the Church founded by Christ and to the spread of His Word by the actions of our daily lives. RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. For those who are interested in becoming Catholic or if you have not received all of the sacraments of initiation please contact Fr. Cox, Fr. Kingsley or Mr. Ken Callahan to inquire about our ongoing RCIA program. G N 1 8:2 0- 32 PS 13 8:1 -2, 2- 3, 6 -7, 7- 8 CO L 2:1 2- 14 LK 11: 1- 13 7/25 2 CO R 4:7 -1 5 P S 1 26: 1B C -2 AB, 2 CD3 , 4 -5, 6 MT 2 0:2 0- 28 7/26 J E R 1 4:1 7- 22 PS 79: 8, 9, 11 A ND 1 3 MT 13: 36 -4 3 7/27 J E R 1 5:1 0, 1 6 - 21 PS 59: 2- 3, 4, 10 -1 1, 1 7, 18 MT 13: 44 -4 6 7/28 J E R 1 8:1 -6 PS 14 6:1 B- 2, 3 -4, 5- 6A B MT 13: 47 -5 3 7/29 J E R 2 6:1 -9 PS 69: 5, 8 -1 0, 1 4 J N 1 1: 19 -2 7 7/30 J E R 2 6:1 1- 16, 24 PS 69: 15 -1 6, 3 0- 31, 3 3 -3 4 MT 1 4:1 -1 2 Sat. Jul. 23rd, 2016 5:00PM R.I.P. Uzelaine Emanuel Labossiere Sun Jul. 24TH, 2016 7:30AM R.I.P. Mavis Clarence 9:00AM 10:00AM 11:30AM Arrangements must be made seven (7) months prior to the wedding. 7/24 R.I.P. Kenneth Cooper Sr. Birthday Blessings for Seuzzet & Jashaan Brown R.I.P. Robert Dufont R.I.P. Monsignor Jack Waldron Prayers for Sick and Homebound Ian Kellman, Brunhilda Watson, Bebe Lewis, Nettie Allman, Danly Bailey, Hamilton Sylvester, Christabel Gomes, Anthony Jerome, Gwendolyn Knight, Dorothy Gall, Deryck Shung Sr., G.P. Phillips-Lashley. Parish Membership All new families are welcome to the Parish and encouraged to become actively involved in parish societies and activities. New parishioners should register with ushers or at the Rectory as soon as possible. Parishioners are asked to use the weekly envelopes in making their contributions. HAPPY 97TH BIRTHDAY Mr. JOHN EVERETT Lord, on the day I called for help, you answered me. JULY 24th, 2016 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME School Of Faith Formation There is ongoing registration for our School of Faith Formation. Registration forms can be found in the back of the churches. Registration fee is $35.00 per child. If you have any questions regarding registration please contact Michelle Joseph, our parish Director of Religious Education. Parish 2017 Event Calendar Meeting There will be a meeting with heads of parish societies on Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 10:00 AM at SPC’s Lower Church Hall to fully discuss the parish events calendar for 2017. Therefore, heads of societies are asked to fill out a ‘Request for an Event Form’ and submit them to the Parish Office, or to Estella White-McDuffey, Eric Holder, or Gabriel Caesar by or before the meeting date. The forms can be found at the entrance of the church or call the Parish Office for a copy. Sunday Mass Obligation While summer is a time for fun and relaxation, please remember that we still have an obligation to attend daily and weekly Mass. Please invite your family who has been away from the church to attend Mass with you. Labor Day Mass & Parade. Monday, September 5th, Mass will be said at 10:00 AM at St. Matthew’s Church (Eastern Parkway & Utica Ave.) with procession on Eastern Parkway immediately afterwards. For more information you may contact Doreen Mondesir at (917) 873-3337. The FATHER’S HEART FOOD PANTRY are asking for volunteers to assist at the Pantry in Manhattan, Saturday, July 30th, from 8 AM to 12 noon. For more information, please contact Tonya Channell at (347) 248-9619. OPERATION BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES Think it’s too early to think about school supplies? Not for Operation back-to-School Supplies? SMDPP Rosary Society is accepting donations of School supplies to be distributed to the youths of the Parish on August 21st. You may bring your donations to the rectory or leave them with an usher after the Masses at HRC, SPC and OLV. For more information, you may call the rectory at 718-574-5772. Parish Mass Book The Mass intention book is available for Mass intentions. Please note that only one intention per mass, except for the Sunday 10:15, which is a multiple intention Mass. An intention is $15.00. You may make intentions for one of our Sunday or weekday Masses. The Parish office hours are from 8:30am to 12:00PM on Fridays during July and August until after Labor Day. Patriotic Rosary Celebration On Saturday August 27th, 2016 beginning from 1:00 PM at HOLY ROSARY CHURCH, the Rosary will be recited on behalf of our Nation seeking the maternal intercession of Mary. Please join us for a fellowship barbecue in the garden after prayers. Lord, on the day I called for help, you answered me.
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