mass schedule - St. Paul Catholic Community
mass schedule - St. Paul Catholic Community
St. Paul Catholic Community 1330 Sunshine Avenue Leesburg, Florida 34748 352-787-6354 MAY 8, 2016 7TH SUNDAY OF EASTER MASS SCHEDULE Daily: Monday - Friday 8:30 AM (Rosary held after Mass) Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM (En Español) Sunday 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM & 12:30 PM Sacrament of Penance Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 PM (or by appointment) Parochial Administrator Rev. Mark Wajda Parochial Vicar Rev. Mark Librizzi Hispanic Ministry Rev. Gianni Agostinelli Deacons Michael McGinnity Sam Damiano Michael Balchus Parish Office Hours Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM email: JOHN 17: 20-26 MISSION STATEMENT St. Paul Catholic Community builds disciples, grows our faith and serves others in Christ’s name. Collection for last weekend Collection: $20,062.00 Building Maintenance: $ 3,558.00 Online Giving (April) $18,287.24 This Week’s collection: Catholic Communication/ Ascension Next Week’s collection: Ten For Today Our Catholic Appeal 2016 Assessment: $258,000.00 Received: $216, 228.80 We are still working towards our assessment and we need your support! QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK Question for Youth: Jesus prayed for his disciples, that others might believe in him through their words. How are you spreading your belief in Jesus through your words and actions? Do others know who Jesus is by knowing you? Question for Adults: Jesus invites us to be one with God. When were you one with God this past week? Next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Married Couples, would you like a special weekend at the SAN PEDRO RETREAT CENTER where you will find a peaceful and God-Centered atmosphere for you and your spouse? The next Diocese of Orlando Worldwide Marriage Encounter is Friday, May 20th @7:30pm - Sunday May 22nd @4pm. For more information/and or to register call Bob & Sheila Baker @ 407.647.4289 or go to WWME.ORG. You will be glad you did! You may pick up your Parish Portrait Picture from the Church Office, if you have not received your picture in the mail directly from Life Touch. Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8am—4pm. A message from Fr. Mark Greetings in the Lord! I would like to thank you for all the patience you have shown as our renovation plans stutter-step forward! Again this week, I wanted to update you on the many exciting things that are beginning to happen for our parish... 1. We believe that we have a workable plan and possible time table for our church renovation; the whole Building Committee will meet shortly. 2. We are planning for a 24 hr. Adoration Chapel 3. The former Youth House turned CCTN studio will return to its former glory as a Youth House (minus room for the Adoration Chapel). 4. Offices in the Main Office complex are being rearranged so that … 5. The Ministry to the Sick Offices can be relocated to the Main Office complex so that... 6. The Food Pantry will have more room for storage and the ability to serve more people and... 7. Catholic Charities will be given additional room for a second person that will greatly increase the number of people served in the community. 8. All of Faith Formation for children is being brought under one umbrella in order to maximize usage of available space (which will be at a premium for the duration of the renovation) I know this seems like a lot, but as our parish grows and ministries reach out to more and more people, we need to be able to expand and change. It is only with the help of the loving, caring people of this parish are we able to do the things we do, and from the bottom of my heart I thank you, thank you , thank you for your volunteer spirit and love of St. Paul Catholic Community. Choicest Blessings to all! The Holy Spirit will strengthen us with courage in times of trouble. Sunday, May 8 Mother’s Day Readings: Acts 7:55-60/Revelation 22: 12-14, 16,17,20/John 17:20-26 7:00 am Mass / Church 9:00 am Mass / Church 11:00 am Mass/Church 12:30 pm Mass / Church Monday, May 9 Readings: Acts 19:1-8/John 16:29-33 8:00 am Book Fair / School Cafeteria 8:30 am Mass V Rosary / Church 6:00 pm Hispanic Catechism / FEC 211/212 6:00pm Hispanic Prayer Group Workshop / FEC 215,217 Tuesday, May 10 Readings: Acts 20:17-27/John 17:1-11 8:00 am Book Fair / School Cafeteria 8:30 am Mass V Rosary/ Church 6:30 pm The Church of Mercy /215/217 7:00 pm Prayer Group / HFR Wednesday, May 11 Readings: Acts 20:28-38/John 17:11-19 8:00 am Book Fair / School Cafeteria 8:30 am Mass V Rosary / Novena / Church 9:30 am The Church of Mercy /215/217 1:00 pm Social Gathering Group / FEC 215/217 2:15 pm School Cantor Rehearsal / Church 7:00 pm Prayer Group Hispanic Ministry /Soc. Hall Thursday, May 12 Readings: Acts 22:30;23:6-11/John 17:20-26 8:00 am Book Fair / School Cafeteria 8:30 am Mass V Rosary / Church 2:30 pm 11 am Choir Rehearsal / Church 4:30 pm Parish Council Meeting / FEC 215/217 6:00 pm ESL Adult Hispanic Class / FEC 211/224 6:30 pm 9am Choir Rehearsal / FEC 216/218 7:30 pm Hispanic Prayer Group Steering Committee / FEC 224 Friday, May 13 Readings: Acts 25:13-21/John 21:15-19 8:00 am Book Fair / School Cafeteria 8:30 am Mass V Rosary / Church Saturday, May 14 Readings: Acts 1:15-17,20-26/John 15:9-17 Wind Shield Wash after all Masses 2:30 pm Sacrament of Penance 4:00 pm Mass / Church 7:00 pm Spanish Mass / Church / / /// / / / // // Sunday, May 15 Readings: Acts 2:1-11/1Corinthians 12:3-7,12,13 or Romans 8:8-17/John 20:19-23 or John 14;15,16,23-26 Wind Shield Wash after all Masses 7:00 am Mass / Church 9:00 am Mass / Church 11:00 am Mass/Church 12:30 pm Mass / Church For Youth & Young Adult activities, refer to Youth Ministry Page in Bulletin. Spring Book Fair Available Online – now until – May 10 Parishioners are invited to browse the St. Paul School Spring Book Fair through the school’s homepage. There are a variety of books to choose from— suitable for every interest and reading level. Book Fair profits go directly to the library. Thank you for your continued support of reading and our St. Paul School library! stpaulscatholicschool Gifted Hands Why Witness? It is not enough to be quietly horrified by Planned Parenthood and all the abortion centers killing babies and selling their body parts. If we do not stand up to the culture of death, our indignation will fade and we will be swallowed up by it. After 43 years of this slaughter of the innocents, many people have tired of even hearing the word “abortion” and just want to get on with their own lives. However, these innocents deserve our solidarity. They are our brothers and sisters in Christ. We must be witnesses for them. We are also a lifeline for their mothers and fathers walking into the mills, often dazed and usually uninformed, totally unprepared for the reality of what they are about to endure and the lifetime of pain for the day of the “quick fix.” Will you join some Respect Life members on Saturday, 5/14, 10-11 AM, to pray one hour at the Ocala Women’s Center? Please call Nancy Zaletta at 352-323-1497 to carpool or for information. The intention for the Novena following the Mass on Wed., 5/11, is for Religious Vocations. We meet on the 4th Friday of the month...come and join us. Our next meeting is May 27 at 1:00 pm. Gi"ed Hands is a ministry of the parish established to give comfort to those in nursing homes, hospitals and shut-ins. We are in desperate need of yarn and would appreciate any yarn dona#ons from our parish members. You may call Cherlyn Bradley at 365-9589 or Rebecca Whalen at 728-4835. YEAR OF THE ROSARY FOR MERCY We are now on a once a month schedule. The next meeting is June 1st. A life of prayer means maintaining a daily and permanent dialogue with God. The daily rosary is part of your life of prayer. If you cannot make rosaries, please consider a donation to the Rosary Makers. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 9:30AM in Room 220FEC. For more information contact MARY at 638-2747 or DIANNE at 874-0058. EVERY ROSARY IS A BLESSING. Gathering Group up Come to Mass early enough not to disrupt. Leave late enough not to insult. The Mass does not end until the final song has completed. Worship reverently enough not to distract. This includes silence in the church and the spirit of quiet in the vestibule before Mass. Dress modestly and appropriately like you would for any special occasion. Please avoid excessive use of colognes and perfumes, as this will benefit those with allergies and physical ailments. The pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima is available for loan for 1 week inter vals for those wanting to have it in their home. If you are interested, please call Mary Moreau at 352-315-0902. Come join our group on Wednesdays @1 pm for an afternoon of socializing, games and fun. We meet in Room 215 Family Enrichment Center. Interested? Please call Lucille Ross at 323-1853 or Paulette Sawyer at 323-1244. MEDJUGORJE PILGRIMAGE September 27— October 5/6* From Boston & Orlando *Return Date Spiritual Director: Fr. Tim Murphy Pilgrimage Includes: Transatlantic Flight from Boston/Orlando/ taxes / fees/surcharges/transfers/ accommodation at Modern Pension (near St. James Church)/ breakfast & dinner daily. From Boston $2259/pp From Orlando $2449/pp ADULT FAITH FORMATION OFFERING St Paul Council of Catholic Women was recently honored at the Orlando Diocese CCW conven#on. During Mass at the Basilica of the Na#onal Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe; Bishop Noonan asked for all of the ladies from St Paul, Leesburg to come forward. As we gathered at the foot of the sanctuary he came down the steps to meet us. Bishop Noonan then presented us with the Diocesan "Light of Faith" award!! We were shocked and thrilled! Our bishops do indeed know and show their approval of the works of the CCW. Five-Week BOOK DISCUSSION, “The Church of Mercy" by Pope Francis Facilitated by Roland Guilbault, Master in Theology with majors in Scripture and Religious Education DATE Session on The TOPIC Process: Discussions are either on Tuesday evenings Church of Mercy 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. OR Wednesday mornings 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. April 26 or 27 Session 1 Parts 1 and 2 in Room 215. For the first session be prepared to discuss: May 3 or 4 Session 2 Parts 3 and 4 1) What spoke to you? And Why? 2) How does the presentation on “solidarity” on p. 24 May10 or 11 Session 3 Parts 5 and 6 speak to you? May17 or 18 Session 4 Parts 7 and 8 Grow in understanding of the Jubilee of Mercy by reading the reflections of the Pope who instituted it. The discussion May 24 or 25 Session 5 Parts 9 and 10 group offers a setting to encounter and author’s ideas and participate in conversation with others about the Pope’s book. Read about his vision for the Church and discover how you can bring healing and mercy to wherever suffering, division and injustice exist. To Register please call the Faith Formation Office 352-787-6354 ex t.238 or email La Comunidad Católica de la Parroquia de San Pablo Substitute Teacher Job Opportunity Nuestro Ministerio Hispano Sacerdote: P. Gianni Agos#nelli Santa Misa: sábado a las 7:00 pm Confesiones: Antes de la Misa Bau!smos, Bodas y Quinceañeras: Padre Gianni (352) 787-9208 Catequesis: lunes-6:00 pm-Salón 215, Myrta Aviles (352) 787-0126 Coro: Miguel (Maiki) Rodríguez (352) 630-1192 Grupo de Oración: miércoles7pm Salón Social-Raul A. Perez (352) 217-6568 LAZARUS, Clínica Médica Gratuita: ubicada en la Misión Católica Hispana San Pedro de Jesús Maldonado,210 Wonders St., Wildwood.Para Citas (352) 748-4567 o (352) 603-9315 (celular) St. Paul School is looking for a substitute teacher for this school year. Successful candidates will cover assigned classes on a temporary basis at a busy elementary school. Job Responsibilities: Take attendance and supervise assigned students. Administer lesson plans as requested by the absent teacher. · Fulfill other duties assigned to the absent teacher (recess, lunch duty, etc.). Qualifications · College degree required in an appropriate field. · Teaching experience required. · Previous experience in a Catholic school setting is preferred. · Pass the Safe Environment training and fingerprinting through the Diocese. · · Candidates are asked to submit a cover letter and resume to the Principal, Jacquelyn Gehrsitz, at Cursos de Inglés gratuitos: los martes y jueves,6-7:30 pm en San Pablo en (Leesburg) y los lunes y miércoles en la Misión Católica Hispana de San Pedro de Jesús Maldonado, 210 Wonder St., Wildwood. Lilly (352) 638-4559 STEP-UP – Los padres que han recibido las cartas de aprobación (Awards Le&ers) #enen que registrar los niños en la escuela, y pagar un mínimo de $50 por cada niño que se registre. Los que deseen aplicar por primera vez ya lo pueden hacer. We are currently in need of volunteers for the following ministries: Sunday Morning Donuts, Greeters, Food Pantry, Sewing Group, Special Events/Projects and Gift Shop. If you are interested in volunteering, you may call or stop by the Parish Office and request a volunteer application . The 6th grade class at St. Paul School collected from the students over 700 cans of food that was donated to the Wildwood Soup Kitchen. Join us for coffee & Donuts after the 7 & 9 am Sunday Masses. Don’t forget dona!ons for the Parish Thri" Shop when cleaning out your closets for spring and summer!!! For furniture or appliance pickups, call 352-787-3388 and ask for Rick. This ministry is a wonderful volunteer opportunity. Join us to benefit the community at large and fellowship with each other! Store Hours Monday-Friday 9 am—4 pm Saturday 9 am—1 pm 1st Sunday of the Month 9 am—1 pm SHELTER PROJECT HOPE Shelter Project Hope has a low income apartment available: 2 bdrm./1 bath, with a washer & dryer. The apartment requires a $400 security deposit, first month rent, and a $100 NON-REFUNDABLE cleaning fee. The rent is $400 /month. Utilities must be turned on under resident’s name. Residents do not have to be members of St. Paul. This is a NO SMOKING and NO ANIMALS apt. Tentative clients must complete an application and an interview before the Board for consideration. Applications available at the church office. For more information, contact Tom Diemer at 352-267-9502. St. Paul’s Food Pantry asks that our parishioners who live in Area 2 bring food to the pantry or drop it off at church next Sunday. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE PERISHABLE FOOD IN CHURCH. As always, thank you for your generosity, and if you bring food and it is not your area’s week, that is appreciated also. We are always in need of fruit, canned chicken, tuna & canned beef stew. Knights of Columbus Saint Paul Council 5644 MEETING SCHEDULE All visiting Knights are welcome 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month Knights of Columbus Hall 2116 Griffin Rd., Leesburg 6:00 pm Dinner/7:00 pm program/business Grand Knight: Larry Huhn 352-728-4979 4th Degree Assembly #1675 2nd Wednesday of each month Knights of Columbus Hall 7:30 pm Faithful Navigator: Al Banning 352-787-5549 Ladies Auxiliary President: Mary Lou Mroczkowski 352-323-8669 Come and join the Knights for breakfast on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month 8 AM to 11 AM Knights Hall. GRADUATING HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS If you are attending college in the fall, you are eligible to apply for a $500 scholarship from the Knights Of Columbus St. Paul Council 5644. The Knights will be awarding 2 scholarships for $500 each! Scholarship application packets are available at the church office and must be mailed POSTMARKED NO LATER THEN TUESDAY, May 31,2016 Please pray for the following people who are in need of our prayers… Nadine & Tracy Adams, Alec Boswell, Margaret Boyle, Hank Braidwood, Valerie Bush, Bill Cannon, Rita Carlson, Rita Carollo, Mike Carragher, Dean Casale & Family, Brianne Dart, Alice & John Cheatham, Fred & Be&y Chesney, Carlos Collazo, Jason Connor, Judy Coon, Wendy D., Louis Damiani, Howard Dangel, Dan Debrowski, Gerald Dellinger, Armando de Moya, Kelly & Jim Dezego, Barbara Dlugas, Peter Esposita, Charnee Floyd, Bob Frost, John Fullerton, Santos Garcia Jr., Jackie Giasson, Debra Gruber, Jim Hand, Pat Hempfield, Arleeda Hickey, George Holbrook, Andy Iturbe, Beverly & Charles Jensen, Jim Jesmer, Arlene Johnson, The Kelly Family, Brian King, Bob King, Dorothy Krawczyk, Patricia Kriss, Helen Kuhn, Micki Kuhn, Norma Lehosky, Miranda Leo, Eileen Levin, Be&y & Warren Lindner, Bev Little, Marion Maloy, Lori Mango, Jack & Mavine McCoy, Chuck McHarg, Tom McLaughlin, Tara McLhenney, Linda Mello, Joseph Meyer, Danielle Millnor, Joan Mirovsky, Barbara Montague, Albert & Joan Morrell, Thomas Mournighan, Edward Mozina, Patricia Nolan & Family, Sigh Olden, Jim O’Loughlin, Kenneth Peloquin, Syrie Pe&a, Pfahler Family, Russ Phillips, Fr. Vincent Pierino, Joe & Diane Pompilio, Ruthann Pope, Stephanie Ramey, Tabitha Redente, Leo Remeniuk, Peggy Rick, Rosemary Rick, Carmen Rodriguez & Family, Jay Nicholas Ryan, Eduardo Sainz, Rose Maria Santos, The Seldon Family, Richard Shearen, Anna Skarbek, Kathleen Skoblicki, Beverly Smith, Kathy Smith, Nancy Soto, Michael Stellabo&e, Vincent Taranto, Gretchen Taylor, Sister Therese, Dorothy Timmons, Tony S., Patricia Torogrossa, Catherine & Edward Urbonas, Ann Vendi&e, John Andrew Villa, Judy Viner, Angela Wajda, The Wayne Family, Ann Weaver, Bill Weekly, Brenda Whitney, William Whitney, Roberta Wisman, Paul Wolf, Fran Wollman, Karen & Dana Yeager, Diane Vander Zanden, Baby William Zedler, All Chris#ans around the world suffering persecu#on, the Incarcerated, our Military Service Men & Women. “Were not our hearts burning within us” Join us as we make our way on the road to Emmaus in Jesus’ company. Let Jesus speak to your heart. Join us as we Praise, Thank, and Worship The Risen Lord Jesus. Let’s welcome our newest members to our parish family. Mrs. Yvonne Hill Mr. & Mrs. James & Mary Gorman St Paul’s Prayer Group Tuesday, May 10 @ 7pm, Holy Family Room. All members of the Community of St Paul as well as all guests and visitors are welcome to join us for the evening. Refreshments follow. Parish Staff 1330 Sunshine Avenue, Leesburg FL Phone 352-787-6354 Fax 352-787-5971 Extension Velia Lopez-Rodriguez, Business Manager 234 Cherilyn Braidwood, Parish Secretary (Volunteer) 221 Hank Braidwood, E-Bulle#n (Volunteer) 229 Jeffrey Shaw, Music Director 223 Sister Ruth Pla'e, SLW Director 251 Religious Educa#on/Adult Faith Forma#on Jacque Kimble, Cris!na Pinion Rel. Ed Secretaries 238 C. K. Graham, Youth & Young Adult Ministry/Liturgical Coordinator 269 Barbara Marino, Execu#ve Assistant to Pastor/Bulle#n Editor 230 Dcn. Sam Damiano, Pastoral Care 336 Beverly Smith, Secretary, Pastoral Care 335 Jacquelyn Gehrsitz, School Principal 323 Mariles Hodge, Secretary, School 300 Michele Pinder, Business Manager, Admissions. 321 Babi Hernandez, Manager, Gi" Shop 330 Rick Murton, Manager, Thri" Shop 327/328 Joe Powell, Jim Kertz, Pete Pell, Jim Schofield, Maintenance Staff Food Pantry Located at MTS/ Community Service 787-3012, open 9-12 Monday, Wednesday and Friday Parish Council MEMBERS FOR DESIGNATED AREAS Chairman: Dick Bowersox 728-2162 Vice Chair: Mary Lou Mroczkowski 323-8669 Rose Bowersox 728-2162 Cindy Diemer 751-0499 Joan Woodson 321-4043 Jim Frank (Lake Port Square) 728-6285 Claire Souliere 728-3674 Tom Diemer 751-0499 Bill Sendelbach 314-0017 Sally Schulte 728-1446 Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6 Area 7 Parish Finance Committee Rev. Mark Wajda Linda Clark Deacon Sam Damiano John Feldman Paul James Gerold Willing 1320 Sunshine Ave., Leesburg FL Accredited Pre-K - 8th Grade Principal: Jacquelyn Gehrsitz 352-787-4657 School Finance Rev. Mark Wajda Rev. Mark Librizzi Linda Clark David Merryman Mike Merrill Lena Williams Gerold Willing PTO Board Pam Copeland Chris#ne Ramos Melinda Miller Illiana Miranda Jessica Melendez School Board Members Rev. Mark Wajda Rev. Mark Librizzi Jacquelyn Gehrsitz Rey Hernandez Gordon Kennedy Estelle Mournighan Linda Clark Jerry Bidwell Lena Williams Anna Cowin William Burns Bryan Hayes Lisa S#glich Frank Webber Maria Iturbe Saint Paul's Gift Shop 1321 Sunshine Ave. Leesburg, FL 34748 352-365-6804 Saint Paul's Thrift Shop STORE HOURS Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Saturday 3:00 pm 7:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm STORE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am -1:00 pm Closed Mondays 1321 Sunshine Ave. Leesburg, FL 34748 352-787-3388 1st Sunday of Month 9am—1pm
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