September 4, 2016
September 4, 2016
TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Ι SEPTEMBER 4, 2016 SAINTS JOSEPH, PETER, BONIFACE 9 ASSUMPTION of the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY P A B A R RO N, R I S H C A M E RO N, C L C H E T E K U & S T E R S T R I C K L A N D, W I SATURDAY 4:00pm ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, STRICKLAND 6:00pm CLUSTER MASS ST. PETER, CAMERON SUNDAY 8:00am ST. PETER, CAMERON 9:30am ST. JOSEPH, BARRON 11:00am ST. BONIFACE, CHETEK S A I N T J O S E P H St. Joseph Ladies Guild Co-Chairpersons: Mary Haas & Mary Javner Secretary: Mary Burmeister Treasurer: Kelli Rasmussen Prayer Chain: S A I N T President: Judy Graf Treasurer: Nancy Strzyzewski Secretary: Irene Cooley Sunshine Club: Margaret Sailor Meetings This Week at St. Peter Thursday 9:30 am Sacrificial Giving Sacrificial Giving Thank you for your sacrificial offerings. E T E R Altar & Rosary Society Would you or a family member like to be placed on St. Joseph’s Prayer Chain? Call Kathy Steel, 637-3619. Adult .................................................... $2425.00 Loose ...................................................... $61.00 Religious Education Envelopes ........................ $50.00 Fall Festival ...............................................$855.00 Misc........................................................... $8.00 Faith in our Future Rebate .......................... $5953.38 Weekly Total ............................................. $9352.38 P St. Peter Altar & Rosary Society Adult ................................................... $1368.00 Loose ..................................................... $217.00 Building Maintenance Fund ............................ $20.00 Religious Education Envelopes ........................ $25.00 VBS Rummage Sale ................................... $1084.00 Faith in our Future Rebate .......................... $1607.97 Weekly Total ............................................ $4322.17 Thank you for your sacrificial offerings. Diocesan Catholic Services Appeal The 2016 Catholic Services Appeal will be conducted in all parishes throughout the Superior Diocese on September 17th & 18th. We must remember that we are one with the other churches in northern Wisconsin and with our Diocese itself. The appeal is a means by which we can all work together to love and care for the Church by sharing the gifts God has granted to us. Your participation is essential to the success of the Catholic Services Appeal, but also our parishes. Please join other Catholics from through out the sixteen counties of the Diocese in supporting this very important appeal. Memo from Steve Tarnowski, Director of Development, Diocese of Superior: Our parish communities recently received our checks from the Faith in Our Future: Our Legacy, Our Mission Campaign. These checks can be used here at our parishes. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have made a pledge to this campaign. Thank you also for your support and payments on your pledges. The Faith in Our Future Campaign has helped create two restricted Endowment Funds: The Saint Augustine Fund for Seminarian Support to help meet the costs of providing for our current and future seminarians, and a fund to help supplement the costs of Medical Expenses of Our Retired Priests. These funds are open to provide for additional future support. For more information, contact Mr. Steve Tarnowski, Director of development at 715-394-0223 or with any questions or to talk about additional giving strategies. O F T H E B A S S U M P T I O N L E S S E D V I R G I N M A R Y THANK YOU TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED IN ANY WAY WITH OUR STRICKLAND CHURCH DINNER!!!...WE COULD NOT CONTINUE WITH THIS IF NOT FOR ALL OF YOU! BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR LUCKY WINNERS! THEY ARE: FIRE RING RAFFLE—Wally Simora QUILT RAFFLE—Virginia Steffek, Marge Mujwid, Sharon Tryba, Jennifer Brau, Tami Langland. BIG RAFFLE--Henry Rifle-Joyce Kendzior, $300 Meat-John Gronski, Chest Freezer-Lynn Caple, Chest Freezer-Robert Ebner, Pontoon Rental-Jodie Bank, $100 Cash-Tricia Grover, $100 Cash-Ken Burmeister, Chronotype-Larry Kopras (Friend), Drill-Jesse Trott, Drill-Tim Busch, $50 Cenex-Rick Winsand, $50 Cenex Becky Lewis, $50 Cenex-Roxy La Blanc, Wildlife Painting-Burdy’s Bar, $50 Cash-Jim Arneberg, $50 Cash-Dale Schmidt, $50 Cash-Larry Kopras, $50 Cash Tim McCabe, Griddle-Rosemary Huse, Toy Tractor-Kim Busch, Rolling Oaks-Alex Romanowski, Rolling Oaks-Ann Romanowski, $25 Cash-Mike Zajec, $25 Cash-John Gronski, $25 Cash-Linda Ludwikowski, $25 Cash-Joe Dvorak, Blanket-Travis Karpowicz, Rolling Oaks-Miles Kraczek, Storage Set-Robert Marut, Wine-Melody Roberge, Wine-James Schroeder, Wine-Bass Lake Inn, Wine-Pete Szleszinski, Tea Dispenser-Linda Klawiter, Cap & Mug-Sharon Tryba, Cap & Mug-Amanda Tagred, Cap & Mug-Jan Belster, Afghan-Jordin Novak, Afghan-Lindsey Zenkowich, $25 Cash-Beth Erickson, $25 Cash-Cindy Kobylt, Pillow Set-Jan Belster, Bowl Set-Sharon Czekalski, Towel Set-Larry Kopras. Sacrificial Giving PCCW Officers President: Joan Krug Vice-president: Mary Mujwid Secretary: Florence Gronski Treasurer: Marge Mujwid Rosary Society Secretary/Treasurer: Florence Gronski Adult ..................................................... $393.00 Loose ..................................................... $192.00 Building Maintenance Fund ............................ $10.00 Faith in our Future Rebate ............................ $159.37 Weekly Total .............................................. $754.37 Thank you for your sacrificial offerings. ST. B ONI FACE Our Deepest Sympathies go to: The family of John Pozorski, whose Memorial Service was Wednesday, August 31st. Please remember John and his family in your prayers. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. MEETINGS This Week at St. Boniface Thursday 9:30 am 7:00 pm Thursday’s Quilters at the quilters closet. K of C’s & Ladies Auxiliary Meetings Liturgical Roles Sunday, September 11th, 11am Reader............................................................... Josh Cody Eucharistic Ministers ............................ Heather McManus ......................... Carol Flynn, Merlyn Folz, Sandy Schmidt Servers ....................................................................Team I SEPTEMBER IS OUR MONTH FOR DONATIONS TO CHETEK FOOD SHELF Sacrificial Giving Adult ................................................... $1325.00 Loose ..................................................... $305.50 Building Maintenance Fund ............................ $25.00 ABVM Holyday Envelopes ............................. $10.00 Religious Education Envelopes ........................ $30.00 Vigil Lights ................................................ $93.10 Bonifeast Donation ...................................... $12.00 Faith in our Future Rebate .......................... $1371.06 Weekly Total ............................................ $3171.66 Thank you for your sacrificial offerings. Cluster Administrative Office Ss. Joseph/Peter/Boniface/ABVM Saturday 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 am Pray the Rosary before Mass † Wanda Kendzior by Gene & Bernice Klawiter Pray the Rosary Before Mass † Jim Olson by Ron & Jody ABVM † Linda Bilodeau by Sailor Family Pray the Rosary before Mass All the People of our Parish Cluster Pray the Rosary before Mass † Rose Wagner by Ed & Bev Kramer SP SJ SJ SB SB ABVM SP SP Chetek Office 419 Third Street • Chetek, WI 54728 Phone/Fax ............................................. 715-924-3514 Email ............................. Cluster Staff Patty Gerber, Parish Director .................... 715-642-2560 Mary Bell, Office Manager Marsha Rheingans, Cluster Secretary/Bookkeeper Very Reverend John Gerritts .................... Supervising Pastor Religious Education/Faith Formation Wednesday 7:15 am Morning Prayer 7:30 am Rosary 8:00 am Eucharistic Adoration until 3:00 pm 2:45 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet Thursday 8:30 am Morning Prayer/Rosary 9:00 am Eucharistic Adoration until 4:00 pm Saturday 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 827 E. LaSalle Avenue • Barron, WI 54812 Phone ................................................... 715-637-3255 Fax....................................................... 715-637-3252 E-mail .............................. Website …………………………………… SJ SJ SJ SJ SB SB Patty Gerber, Cluster DRE ...............................642-2560 Anne Stephens, Cluster CRE .............................637-3255 Morning Prayer Wednesday 7:15 am (SJ); & First Friday only 8:45 am (SP) Morning Rosary Wednesday 7:30 am (SJ) Eucharistic Adoration Pray the Rosary before Mass All the People of our Parish Cluster Pray the Rosary Before Mass † Pat Gehan by Dick & Margie Roloff ABVM ABVM SP SP † Helen Freidhof by Carol & Family Pray the Rosary before Mass † Rose Klingelhoets by Veronica St. Louis Pray the Rosary before Mass † John Gores by Mary Ann SB-St. Boniface • SJ-St. Joseph • SP-St. Peter ABVM-Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sunday Scripture Readings This Sunday 1st Reading 2nd Reading Gospel Next Sunday 1st Reading 2nd Reading Gospel Wisdom 9:13-18b Philemon 9-10, 12-17 Luke 14:25-33 Exodus 32:7-11, 13-14 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Luke 15:1-32 Thank you: Mark’s Small Engine Repair Cameron SP SJ SJ SB SB Wednesday 8am-3pm (SJ) & Thursday: 9am-4pm (SB) First Friday only 9am-3pm (SP) Divine Mercy Chaplet : Wednesday 2:45pm (SJ) Social Gathering at St. Joseph Most Sundays in church hall after 9:30am Mass. Everyone is welcome. Sacraments Anointing of the Sick: Call either parish office. Baptism Preparation: This class is required for first time parents. Please call your parish office for information. Marriage Preparation: Book one year ahead. Preparation 6 months in advance. Marriages at 1:00 pm. Homebound Communion Communion is given weekly to our cluster homebound parishioners. If you would like to be added to the list, please call either office. Membership in the Parish All Catholic adults living within the parish community, regularly participating in the Liturgy, please register in the parish. Birthday Sunday at St. Joseph First Sunday of the month after 9:30am Mass. All are welcome. Library at St. Joseph Open when the church is open. Located behind the Altar. St. Boniface (SB) • St. Joseph (SJ) • St. Peter (SP) Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (ABVM) JESUS, MARY, JOSEPH CLUSTER NEWS ST JOSEPH’S FALL FEST Saturday, September 10th Anderson Park, Barron Entertainment Tent ~ Noon-11pm. John Beland on stage 1pm-4pm. Music by Verge ...7-11 pm Raffles and Basket Raffles all day. Drawing at 8pm. Pork Roast Dinner with potatoes, coleslaw, baked beans and Main Street Pie. 4:30-7:30 pm. Adults $8.00, Kids 5-12 $5.00 under 5 free. A FULL DAY OF FUN SEE YOU ALL THERE! JOB OPENING: Religious Education, Assistant Coordinator (AC) Flexible, hourly position (approximately 10 hours per week). Pay to be determined based on skills and experience. ($11+/hr) Send letter of interest/inquiries to DUTIES: To support the mission of the religious education program for the parish cluster of St. Peter, St. Boniface, ABVM and St. Joseph Catholic churches. Assist in administration of programs for children in grades PK- 10th. The AC will work with the parish director and volunteers to assist with varying duties related to youth programs, some of which may include: • Program selection and implementation including ordering program materials and books. • Communicating program opportunities to the parish community and program requirements to parents and catechists. • Securing speakers/presenters for special events. • Maintaining proper records of student/parent participation including database entry. • Assist in the recruitment of volunteers. JOB QUALIFICATIONS: • Committed Christian who is faithful to Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Church. • Experience as a parish catechist a plus. • Strong communication skills including social media. • Microsoft Office experience a plus. Please pray for the health of: All of our cluster parishioners in hospitals, at home and in the nursing homes & for those serving in the Armed Forces. Especially for: Will Simon, Doris Schlosser, Adeline Tadel, Jack Weber, Laney Hays, Marvin Kraczek, Laura Johanson, Beverly Kramer, Alfred Grimme, Jackie Brohman, Kyle Pokallus, Ida Nevin, Chris Wigchers, Declan Fisher, Judy Lentz, Robert Ryan, Jim Smith, Joan Krug, Josie Romanowski, Connie Swant, Joyce Trotter, Dale Jakel, Ruth Huiras, Dc. Cullen, Dan Novak, Bill Bell, H. B., Darlene Townsend, Dawn Handorf, Dc. Jim and Barb Dennis, Darrell & Diane DeMars.