Staff Office Hours Religious Services This Week Bouguereau`s L
Staff Office Hours Religious Services This Week Bouguereau`s L
Saint John Bosco Roman Catholic Church Parish Center Office 215 E. County Line Road Hatboro, PA 19040 Tel. (215) 672-7280 In emergency, call anytime 24/7. Otherwise, please call during Office Hours. Faith Formation Office (PREP) Tel. 267-803-0774. St. Vincent de Paul Society Tel. 215-882-2707. Staff Rev. Gary J. Kramer, Pastor Rev. Gerald C. Ronan, Parochial Vicar Rev. James E. McVeigh, Weekend Assistant Deacon Daniel J. Rouse, Financial Administrator Mrs. Diane Falchetta, Secretary Loretta Ceniviva, Secretary Mrs. Christine Flack, Faith Formation Coordinator Mrs. Lisa Quaranto, Music Director & Youth Ministry Coordinator Mrs. Janet Shepherd, Bulletin Editor Religious Services This Week Sunday Sat. Eve. Vigil Masses: 4 pm (English); 7 pm (Spanish) Sun. Morning Masses: 7, 9, 11 am No afternoon/eve. Mass on Sunday. Mon. Tues. Wed. Fri.: Confession: 8:15-8:35 am. Daily Mass: 8:45 am. Ascension Thursday Holy Day of Obligation to Attend Mass Office Hours Wednesday No afternoon or eveing confessions. Mass Cards/Mail/Messages/Documents/Facility Keys are available only during regular Office Hours: Mon. to Wed.: 9 am to 12 noon; 1 to 4:30 pm; Evenings 6:30 to 8:00 pm by appt. Ascension Thursday Closed for Holy Day. Fri.: 9 am to 12 noon; 1 to 4 pm. Eve. closed. Sat./Sun.: Closed. Eve. Vigil Mass: 4:00 pm. Thursday No confessions today. Morning Masses: 6:30 AM; 8:45 am. Mid-day Mass:12:05 pm Evening Mass: 7:00 pm Sat. Confession: 8:30- 8:50 am. Rosary: 8:30 am. Holy Mass: 9:00 am Novena: After Mass to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. Confession: 3-3:30 pm; 6-6:30 pm. Parishioners unable to attend confessions at regularly scheduled times may request appt. with priest. Bouguereau's L'Innocence 1 118 SJBosco Sunday, May 1, 2016 The Bigger “C” When people hear of “the Big C,” they automatically think of cancer. As a stage 3 cancer patient, I would like to focus on the bigger “C” – Christ. Nothing makes you confront the reality of your own mortality as does facing a life-threatening illness. I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in January 2010. My suspicion was raised when I felt lumps in the area of my underarm. I desired to live a full, meaningful life but, atypically, die young just like many of my favorite saints. I had already passed 23 years of age, the age of Thérèse of Lisieux when she died. I was older than Francis of Assisi who died at age 45. Indeed, my first thought was, “Is this God’s answer to my prayer?” As I waited for my annual check-up in a few days’ time, I scouted around for a surgeon who could perform the biopsy I anticipated. I kept everything to myself until the tests confirmed my suspicions. Surprisingly, I never had sleepless nights even after I received the test results: “High probability of malignancy.” Where did the peace come from? In prayer God reminded me of the First Principle and Foundation of Ignatian spirituality which reads: Man is created to praise, reverence, and serve God our Lord, and by this means to save his soul. The other things on the face of the earth are created for man to help him attain the end for which he is created. Hence, man is to make use of them in as far as they help him in the attainment of his end, and he must rid himself of them in as far as they prove a hindrance to him. Therefore, we must make ourselves indifferent to all created things, as far as we are allowed free choice and are not under any prohibition. Consequently, as far as we are concerned, we should not prefer health to sickness, riches to poverty, honor to dishonor, a long life to a short life. The same holds for all other things. Our one desire and choice should be what is more conducive to the end for which we are created. My bout with cancer was giving me the blessed opportunity to not prefer health to sickness, desiring only that I live for the end for which I was created. I knew that God could heal me in an instant, if He so desired. I had witnessed miraculous healings. But I also knew that He could also be glorified if someone was able to graciously bear an illness, such as cancer. So I was open to whatever God wanted for me. I shared my medical situation with family and friends and asked for their prayers which proved to be such a well-spring of strength for me. The first real challenge was sharing this with my family. But since they are devout Catholics, they recovered quickly from the initial shock. The next challenge was to decide on the various treatment options. Having cancer invites such numerous opinions and suggestions on possible treatments from well-meaning friends and acquaintances that it seems like you are in a maze. Added to this is the burden of knowing that your decision will have life and death implications. Again, prayer is the source of wisdom and peace for such decisions. I decided not to go through an innovative treatment in China, which was very attractive to me because I had once done mission work there. I decided to undergo the standard treatment in Manila which meant eight sessions of chemotherapy over two months to shrink the tumor, followed by surgery, then three months of radiation. After my second chemotherapy session, my hair began to fall out, so I decided to shave my head. I had heard that this could be a traumatic experience for cancer patients, but I saw this as an opportunity to further express my life choice to live as a lay consecrated person. Another possible traumatic experience was the radical mastectomy, but I recalled a discussion that if you cut off a person’s hand, the person is still a human; but if you cut off his head, you have taken what is essential, and the person ceases to be. I was grateful then that it was just a breast that was removed. At every opportunity I gave thanks for the blessings received – that the nausea was not as bad as other cancer patients had said it would be; that sisters from our community would accompany me during chemotherapy; that available finances made it possible for me to be treated; for excellent health care professionals in the Philippines; and for the help I received from so many people, even those I did not know personally. Giving thanks for the blessings instead of complaining about the difficulties made it easy for me to recognize how God was watching over every detail of my life. In prayer, God also led me to accept the possibility that even after the treatment my cancer could recur, and to accept the possibility that I might die from something else, like pneumonia, because my immune system would be compromised due to chemotherapy and removal of malignant lymph nodes. Continued on p. 8 2 118 SJBosco MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK Please Pray for Our Faithful Departed Agnes Gallagher & Donna Lee O’Keefe Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the Faithful Departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. 5/2 MON. 5/3 TUES. 5/4 WED. 8:45 AM Mildred Kraft 8:45 AM John Smith, III 8:45 AM Jim Healy ASCENSION THURSDAY ~ Holy Day of Obligation 5/4 Wed. Eve. Vigil Mass for Holy Day 4:00 PM Henry Bach 5/5 THURS. Holy Day Proper 6:30 AM Mary Helen Leo 8:45 AM Joseph Hennessy 12:05 PM Carmine Ciardullo Family 7:00 PM Joseph Regan 5/6 FRI. 8:45 AM Rose Flack SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2016 9:00 AM Dolores Lafferty 4:00 PM Francis J. Kurdziel, Sr. 7:00 PM Pro Populo (For the People) SUNDAY, MAY 8, 2016 7:00 AM Mothers Honored by Mothers Day Mass Remembrance Donations 9:00 AM Keith Bergan 11:00 AM Asunta & Ardivino Staffieri PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK AND INPhil Adamo, Jr. Patricia Ambrose Edward Bauman Melissa Bauman Robert Boileau William J. Brady Miriam Burke Joseph Campbell Helen Cannon Carolyn Cole Linda Cunningham Ellen Dardis Irene Dardis Marianna Genn Rita Garofalo MaryAnn Graham Debbie Hipple Lilly Ibbotson Marie Jones Tim Keebler Adoration Chapel Chapel Hours Sat.-Sun. Closed. Mon.: after 8:45 am Mass to 7 pm. Tues. to Fri.: 8 am to 7 pm. Prayer Intention Candles (6) burn alongside the Blessed Sacrament in the Adoration Chapel and are dedicated this Gail Maines Florence McHugh Rick Obert-Thorn Rolene Rose Catherine Sarsfield Joseph Serratore Joseph Sienkiewicz Brett Vivian Frank Waltrich Jim Wyatt How we list: We list sick persons for one month at their own or family member’s request. To place/extend a listing, please call Parish Center. week to: First Communicants, Jim Healy, Agnes Gallagher, Richard E. Odeitus, Donna Lee O’Keefe, and Anna H. Sabina. How we list: Just send your name with intention & offering to ADORATION CANDLE c/o Parish Center. Please name one Person, Couple (engaged or married), Family, Group per request. Candles are for living or dec’d. Offering: $ 15. Today’s Second Collection is for the Catholic Home Missions Appeal which helps our own U.S. dioceses face challenges due to priest shortages, lack of funds, remote geography, or impoverished parishes. SUNDAY 4/03/16 4/05/15 AMOUNT $ 13,221.00 12,656.00 4/10/16 4/12/15 $ 14,764.00 11,977.00 4/17/16 $ 13,488.27 * 4/19/15 14,778.00 *Includes E GIVING Please submit items for Bulletin issue dates (left) by 12 noon on submission dates (right): May 22…………………………..Mon., May 2 May 29…………………………..Mon., May 9 June 5…………………………..Mon., May 16 June 12…………………………..Mon., May 23 Please send info./questions to Bulletin Editor at Parish Ctr. Email DIFFERENCE + + 2,787.00 - 1,289.73 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 4/10/16 $ 1,681.00 4/12/15 1,588.00 + 3 565.00 93.00 118 SJBosco Women of all Ages are invited to our monthly Get Together Sun., May 1 at 9:45 AM in Drexel Hall. This month’s theme is HATS OFF TO YOU! Please bring your favorite hat; tell us why it’s favorite. Light refreshments served. Join us at 11 AM Mass with May Procession. If you can, wear blue for Mary. Come as a Guest. Leave as a friend. Lunch N Learn (meet, eat, discover) Fri., May 20 12 noon Parish Center Cafeteria. Topic – Gardening! Activity – plant seeds (herbs & flowers) in a pot and take home. Bring your lunch. Coffee, tea & dessert provided. Did you miss this movie during the World Meeting of Families Film Festival? Here’s your chance! SJB presents a FREE FAMILY MOVIE EVENT right here in the Parish Center Library. Fri., May 6 6:30 PM. Bring your own snack and beverage. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP 12:15 – 1:30 pm (Today) Bosco Room (4) Anger & Depression; Helping Children Grieve. Info. / Register: Bernice Tel. (215) 443-8439. Saint John Bosco Sat., June 4 from 8 AM to 1PM. Flea Market Closets overflowing? Clean out those unwanted items & turn them into cash by renting one or more spaces to sell your stuff. Spaces $ 15.00. Contact: Janet Lynch 215-364-1646. Rummage Sale Don’t want to rent a space. Have items to Donate? SJB accepts donations dropped off in our collection boxes by gym doors from 5/26/16-6/3/16. Contact: John 215-669-8159. The Holy Name Society is sponsoring a trip to Trenton May ~ Mary’s Month All welcome!! Our Bosco family prays a Thunder vs. Reading public rosary one-half hour before each Fighting Phils in Trenton regularly scheduled Mass in May. We also have extra opportunities to join Mary’s prayer: Sat., July 16,, 7 PM. Great Family & Parish Fun this Summer!! Tickets $ 9 per person. Contact: Stephen for tickets. Info.? Questions? Please call 215-682-9702. Ticket orders Due by June 25th. Call or email for tickets and payments. 4 Mon. 5/11 and 5/18 6:45 pm Adoration Chapel; Every Sat.: 8:30 am (English) & 6:15 pm (Spanish) in the Church. Tues. Legion of Mary Mtg (Parish Ctr.) Call for time of late morn. mtg. Themed Meditations: See p. 7 for a Rosary for Mothers and a Rosary for Married Couples. 118 SJBosco YOU’RE INVITED TO A BIRTHDAY PARTY! When? Pentecost Sunday (5/14) Where? Saint John Bosco Whose? Pentecost is the Birthday of the Church! Pentecost ~ one of the most important days on the Church calendar! (The priests wear red vestments to honor the Holy Spirit!) Wear something red to church that weekend! Be sure to stop by the tent for birthday cupcakes after 4 PM Mass! Take some home for desert. Marian Intercultural Celebration will focus on Prayer, Social Interaction, and Understanding Shared by Mary’ Children in our diverse Spiritual Family of St. John Bosco Church. Las mujeres de todas las edades son cordialmente invitadas a una Women of all ages are cordially invited to a Té Mariana Marian Tea para honrar a to honor Nuestra Señora, Madre de Misericordia ~ Our Lady, Mother of Mercy ~ El viernes, 13 Mayo 2016 a las 6:30 pm en Drexel Hall (Cafeteria). Friday, 5/13/16 at 6:30 pm in Drexel Hall (Cafeteria). Rezaremos el Rosario y La Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia en Inglés y Español. We will pray the Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet in English & Spanish. Please bring a statue of Mary (if you are able) for the Altar! Please bring a snack to share.. Favor de traer una imagen de María (Si se puede) para el altar! Favor de traer una merienda para compartir. Café, té, agua suministrados. Coffee, tea & water provided. On the occasion of the Year of Mercy promulgated by Pope Francis, we are purchasing the picture group shown here (Left to Right: St. Faustina, The Divine Mercy, Pope St. John Paul II). We shall hang them in our church as a permanent fixture on the bare wall near the Baptismal font. If any anyone would like to purchase these paintings in memory of a loved one, please call Fr Kramer. The cost of the three painting group is $ 2,300. A gold plate will be placed under the Divine Mercy picture in memory of your loved one. 5 118 SJBosco Andrea Alarcon Ava Butterworth Dylan Caballero Colson Campbell Luke Castellano Jerry Catalan Yohendy Ceballos Daniel Christensen Alexander Costanzo Ava Grace Coughlin Matthew Crescenzo Daniel Delgado Yumeiry Delgado Evelyn Escamilla Kiara Espejel Josephbek Flores Alondra Garcia Alexis Gonzalez Luis Guerra Junior Guzman Megan Hamill Alexander Hartingh Mackenzie Hermann Matthew Jasper Chad Jones Stephanie Jones Patrick Kilgus Airy Lopez Yazbel Lopez Logan Madison Cole Marcolina Jarlath McPeak Roxana Mendoza Anna Lise Messina Kevin Messina Ricardo Moctezuma Braden Moore Owen Mosko Ryan Nugent Adalene Nunez Lord Jesus Christ, in the Sacrament of the Eucharist You left us the outstanding manifestation of your limitless love for us. Thank You for giving our children the opportunity to experience this love in receiving the Sacrament for the first time. May your Eucharist presence keep them ever free from sin, fortified in faith, pervaded by love for God and neighbor, and fruitful in virtue, that they may continue to receive You throughout life and attain final union with You at death. Amen. Kalene Nunez Daniel Oprysko Jennifer Ortiz Daniel Pacas Benjamin Peralta Ernesto Peralta Jake Pettit Haley Polaneczky Rylee Polin James Pyfer Giselle Razo Parra Adreally Rodriguez Andrew Rodriguez Anibelkis Rodriguez Juan Rodriguez Ethan Roedig Diego Rosales Perez Luke Roussel Grace Rovinsky Kimberly Saquicela Matthew Schernecke David Smolinski Brian Soriano Diana Soriano Julian Tarsi Dariel Tiburcio Caroline Torres Ingrid Varela Aiden Walter Christopher Yeager Briena Zenszer Congratulations, Grade 8 Students, who have earned over $ 271,000 to date in scholarships to various high schools! Enroll Now for September: Queen of Angels School provides children with a quality Catholic education that includes all the regular subjects enhanced with art, computer, gym, library, music, and Spanish for all grades. Grades 5-8 also have an honors math class. Children make regular use of iPads, Surface tablets and Chromebooks to enhance learning. Grades 7-8 have a 1:1 Tablet Program. A new Bring Your Own Device program has been instituted for Grade 6. PreK program surpasses all in terms of quality of education and price. It has Half- and Full-day options for ages three and four years old. Before- and After-Care is available from 7 am to 6 pm! Please call our Advancement Office today at 215-309-4028 to schedule a tour or to register. 6 118 SJBosco ST. VINCENT de PAUL CONFERENCE Tel. 215-882-2707 Call for food or other material assistance? FOOD CUPBOARD May Can you donate something? Our pantry needs: coffee, tea, peanut butter, jelly, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti and sauce, pancake mix and syrup, cereal, canned fruit, juices, laundry detergent, liquid dish soap and personal grooming items, e.g., bath soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toilet paper. To drop off groceries, ring Parish Ctr. back door bell during Office Hours on today’s Bulletin cover. Receptionist will “buzz” you in via intercom. Place items inside the rear entrance area. Please give receptionist a few moments to reply when you ring bell. Parish Religious Education Program PREP 2016-17 Have a child entering Grade 1 in September? He/ she needs to begin classes this Summer or Fall. Older children and teens who have not yet received all Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Communion, or Confirmation) may register now, too. Traditional Weekly PREP Tuesdays ~ September- May 4:15-5:30 pm or 6:45-8:00 pm or The best time to Rediscover Jesus is right now. Two week Summer PREP June 23-28 and July 1-3 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM Summer option requires families to commit to five (5) family activities a year offered by the parish. Summer PREP fills up fast so register as soon as possible. You may register in person at the PREP office. You may print registration forms from the parish website Mail them in or drop them in any collection basket. Tuition is the same this year: 1 child $ 225; 2 children $ 290; 3+ children $ 340.00). $ 100 due with registration; full payment due by start of classes. Registering a new student? Please bring copy of his/her Baptism Certificate. There are some questions that we all ask ourselves in different ways: Who am I? Who is God? What am I here for? What matters most? What matters least? What are my unique talents and abilities? What will my contribution be? We discover the answers to these questions most completely by encountering Jesus. He longs to help us discover deeply personal answers to our deeply personal questions. Our parish distributed the book Rediscover Jesus by Matthew Kelly to families attending Mass at Ash Wednesday. We invite you to join us as we reflect on this book together on Monday, 5/16, 7 PM in Parish Center Library. Rosary for Mothers Rosary for Married Couples All Mothers are invited to pray the rosary Mon., 5/23 6:45 pm in the Adoration Chapel. Grow in holiness within the wondrous vocation of motherhood with these rosary meditations written especially for moms. Every mystery has a reflection on how women directly relate to God's special gift of motherhood. St. Frances de Sales said that the greatest method of praying is to pray the Rosary. Let us come together to honor Mary, our Mother in a very special way. We invite all Married Couples to pray the rosary Thurs., May 12, 6:45 PM in Church. Note that the date was changed to 5/12. We’ll meditate on Luminous Mysteries. Meditations offer encouragement and hope for living out the Christian marriage vocation. Rosary meditations call married couples to pray together, pray for one another, and promote a renewed admiration for marriage itself. 7 118 SJBosco Cont. from p. 2 In spite of all this, I would continue to live my life as best as possible. I continued with my service in the community. I completed the projects I began at work, setting up two new school campuses, after which I was granted my request for disability retirement. If God had taken me Home in 2010, I would have been at peace because I felt that the life God had given me to live was so blessed and going Home to Him would have been like icing on the cake. My prayer became more intense and focused on the possibility of being in God’s presence. Things were pretty much in place as I had already identified people who would take over the responsibilities that were entrusted to me. But if God extended my time and gave me more years, I would use it for His purposes. I am grateful to be alive in this Year of Faith where I can continue to take part in building God’s Kingdom, especially ministering to those with illnesses like cancer. As a brother in the Lord who died of cancer said, “This is a win-win situation.” If I die, I get to be with the Lord. If I live, I get to continue extending God’s Kingdom. For many, cancer is something they would want to be spared from, if possible. But because of Christ, the Bigger “C,” cancer can be a blessing. We will all die one day; none of us will live forever. This just happens to be my path Home to the loving arms of God. The words of St. Francis de Sales ring true for me: The everlasting God has in His wisdom foreseen from eternity the cross He now presents to you as a gift from His inmost Heart. This cross which He now sends you He has considered with His all-knowing eyes, understood with His divine mind, tested with His wise justice, warmed with loving arms, and weighed with His own hands to see that it be not one inch too large and not one ounce too heavy for you. He has blessed it with His holy name, anointed it with His grace, perfumed it with His consolation, taken one last look at you and your courage, and then sent it to you from Heaven, a special greeting from God to you, an alms from the all-merciful love of God. Anonymous SENIOR CLUB MAY MEETING Monday, May 9, 2016 Mon., May 11, 2016 12:00 9 to 11 AM and 1 to 3 PM. Evening hours noon Final Payments due for June Lancaster Bus Trip before or at this May meeting. (See ad next page.) Officer Nominations 2016-17. Refreshments & Bingo. May 9 and Tues., May 10 7:00 to 8:00 PM. The Mass Intention Book will be open during regular business hours daily after Tues., May 10. We request that persons wishing to reserve Announced Mass Intentions come prepared with a list of intentions (names) and specific dates on which to reserve Mass times for those intentions. The Announced Mass stipend is $ 10.00. Please prepare to provide your total stipend amount by check or exact amount in cash. Thank you. Info. Cyril, 215-672-7482 Baked Goods Table at SJB Flea Market/ Rummage Sale, 6/4 from 8-1 PM. Can you make and donate your favorite dessert? Please complete form below and drop in any Collection Basket. Please help us to have another successful event. Thanks for your support and generosity. Questions? Tel. 215-718-7841. YES! I can bring a baked good to Flea Market on 6/4. Name: _____________________ Act of Kindness… Suggestion Week of May 1 ~ “Pack extra snacks. Offer them to co-workers or friends.” Phone: _________________ 8 118 SJBosco SAVE THE DATE. June 4, 2016 9 AM -1 PM CLOTHING DRIVE by Greendrop truck in back parking lot, sponsored by St Vincent de Paul. 50 pounds limit, clothing, shoes, small appliances, books, glass ware, household items, etc. CAR WASH Minnie Vinnies Youth Group of St Vincent de Paul is sponsoring car wash on back parking lot, $5.00 car, $7.00 van. FLEA MARKET / RUMMAGE SALE: Women’s Guild & Holy Name Society are sponsors. Details p. 4. Call 215-882-2707 for more info. on events. 9 118 SJBosco 10 118 SJBosco