August 2, 2015
Holy Rosary Cathedral RICHARDS & DUNSMUIR STREET, VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 2, 2015 ARCHBISHOP: Most Rev. J. Michael Miller, CSB RECTOR: Very Rev. Stanley Galvon ASSISTANT PRIESTS: Rev. Federico Buttner • Rev. Anicet Pinto • Rev. Dennis Flores • Rev. Pablo Santa Maria IN RESIDENCE: Rev. John Eason (Seaports Chaplain) • Rev. Terry Larkin 646 Richards Street, Vancouver BC V6B 3A3 Tel.: 604-682-6774 / Fax: 604-331-8406 / Email: / Web: HOLY ROSARY CATHEDRAL PARISH | WWW.HOLYROSARYCATHEDRAL.ORG C ONTACT INFORMATION Cathedral Parish Office Office Email Office Address 646 Richards Street, Vancouver BC V6B 3A3 M ASS S CHEDULE Sunday Masses Saturday 5:10 pm anticipated Mass Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm, 5:00pm, 6:30pm in Spanish; 8:00pm Weekday Masses Monday to Friday 7:15am, 8:00am, 12:10pm, 5:10pm Saturday 7:15am, 8:00am, 12:10pm CONFESSIONS 7:45am, 11:45am, 4:45pm Saturday 7:45am, 11:45am, 4:00 to 5:00pm Rector Fr. Stanley Galvon Parish Secretary Email Phone Fax Angela Burghard 604-682-6774, ext. 5 604-331-8406 Pastoral Associate Bertilla Watanabe Email Phone 604-682-6774, ext. 6 R EADINGS -EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME -First Reading: Monday to Friday DEVOTIONS & ADORATION Sunday Vespers Morning Prayer Rosary 4:00pm Mon to Sat 8:30am Exodus 16.2-4, 12-15, 31 I am going to rain bread from heaven for you. -Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 78 R. The Lord gave them the bread of heaven. -Second Reading: -Gospel: Monday to Saturday 11:40am, 4:40pm Ephesians 4.17-24 Clothe yourselves with the New Man, created according to the likeness of God. John 6.24-35 W hoever com es to m e will never be hungry, and whoever believes in m e will never be thirsty. WEEKDAY READINGS - ORDINARY TIME Chaplet of the Divine M ercy Fridays 3:00pm Prayers to God the Father Tuesdays at 4:00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday 12:45pm to 5:00pm Monday August 3 # Weekday Nm 11.4-15 / Mt 14.13-21 Tuesday August 4 # St. John Vianney Nm 12.1-13 / Mt 14.22-36 Wednesday August 5 # Weekday Nm 13.1-2, 25-14.1, 26-35 / Mt 15.21-28 Thursday August 6 # The Transfiguration of the Lord Dn 7.9-14 / 2 Pt 1.16-19 / Mk 9.2-10 Friday August 7 # Weekday - First Friday Dt 4.32-40 / Mt 16.24-28 Saturday August 8 # St. Dominic Dt 6.4-13 / Mt 17.14-20 Sunday August 9 # Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time I Kgs 19.4-8 / Eph 4.30-5.2 / Jn 6.41-51 -2- Au g u s t 2, 2015 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME DEAR PARISHIONERS and VISITORS: PRAYER FOR OUR FAMILY Last Sunday’s Parish Picnic was a very happy success. After a somewhat rainy start to the day, by noon the skies had cleared, the sun came out and we enjoyed the company of a park full of joyful people. Our Knights of Columbus happily grilled about 350 burgers, and everybody ate their fill. A heartfelt and big “THANK YOU” to the many volunteers that helped with the setup, the food service, the games, the music & entertainment and the clean-up afterwards. And to all who brought something to share at the dessert table, you were so generous.... we had an abundance! Thank you all again for making our annual event such a good experience. Heavenly Father, you have given us the model of life in the Holy Family of Nazareth. Help us, O Loving Father, to make our family another Nazareth where love, peace and joy reign. May it be deeply contemplative, intensely Eucharistic, revived with joy. Help us to stay together in joy and sorrow in family prayer. PARISH NEW S & EVENTS Teach us to see Jesus in the members -SUNDAY SOCIAL: come and take time to meet with visitors and fellow parishioners at Holy Rosary Hall, 650 Richards Street. Coffee, tea and light refreshments will be served after Sunday morning 9:30am & 11:00am Masses. of our families, especially in their distressing disguise. May the Eucharistic heart of Jesus make our hearts humble like his -RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation): Are you thinking of becom ing Catholic or learning m ore about the catholic faith? W e are welcom ing a new group of participants in the fall, and if you or som eone you know are interested in these RCIA form ation sessions please contact the parish office for m ore inform ation or to pick up a registration form . Classes will be held every Tuesday evening, 7 - 9pm at Holy Rosary Hall starting in Septem ber. and help us to carry out our family duties in a holy way. May we love one another as God loves each one of us, more and more each day, and forgive each other’s faults as you forgive our sins. Help us, O Loving Father, to take whatever you give M ark your Calendar: The Fourth Annual Archbishop’s Dinner will be held this year on Thursday October 29, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Tickets are $150 per person (with a $70 tax receipt being issued). The proceeds of this year’s dinner have been designated to benefit the form ation of future priests in the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Please support this worthy cause and call or email the parish office to reserve your ticket at the parish table. -BAPTISM PREPARATION for parents who have a child to present for Baptism or who are expecting a child in the next few m onths: Session 1: Baptism Prep class on Sat., August 8, 10:00 to 11:00am at Holy Rosary Hall Session 2: Parents to arrange for an interview with Father. Godparents are asked to attend the class on August 8. Please call or em ail the parish office to register. -3- and give whatever you take with a big smile. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen ~Blessed Teresa of Calcutta -FIRST FRIDAY - August 7 Mass at 12:10 pm , Exposition of the Blessed Sacram ent following Mass. The church will be open for Adoration during the afternoon. Benediction before the 5:10 pm Mass. -FIRST FRIDAY LUNCHEON at Holy Rosary Hall, 650 Richards Street, following the 12:10 Mass. Enjoy Soup and Sandwiches, $5 per person, hosted by Holy Rosary Cathedral Volunteers. Please join us. From Rain to Sunshine! Our annual Parish Picnic last Sunday got off to a soggy start at Second Beach before turning into a beautiful Vancouver summer’s day. It must have been the collective prayers of volunteers and those still at Mass which coaxed the sun to join the picnic. Our trusty volunteers didn’t let a few drops of rain stop them from coming. A tarp was rigged, a couple of extra tents…and we were ready to welcome 350 friends and parishioners to the park. While burgers were flying off the grill, children, parents and happy singles were singing, playing and dancing on the wet grass. A day to remember! You open your hand to feed us Lord, you satisfy all our needs.” Psalm 145:16 (Last Sunday’s Psalm Reading) Au g u s t 2, 2015 EI GH T EEN T H SU N D AY I N O R D I N AR Y T I M E ¡Bienvenidos feligreses de habla hispana y visitantes a la Catedral del Santo Rosario! M USIC N OTES Servicios Cathedral Organist & Music Director Denis Bedard 604-322-5995 Assistant Organist/Music Adm inistrator Catherine W alsh 604-222-8072 _ CONFESIONES en Español con el Padre Federico Buttner. Mier, Jue y Vier 11:45am y 4:45 pm. Sábado - 11:45 am y de 4 a 5 pm. ¡Pregunta por él! _ ROSARIO EN ESPAÑOL: Domingos 6:05 pm _ EXPOSICION DEL SANTISIMO Primer sábado de cada mes, 6:30pm. ¡Jesús resucitado te espera! _ Participa como voluntario de la tienda de artículos religiosos de la Catedral. _Escríbenos a nuestro email: M usic Programme for the 11:00 am M ass Sunday, August 2, 2015 Organ Prelude: Two Volunaries in A m inor Directorio de Coordinatores: # Sacerdote: P. Federico Buttner # Coro: Adrian Calabuche # Lectores: Alex Frias # Hospitalidad: Vanessa Tapia y Clare McCormick # Eventos: Vanessa Tapia # Ministros Ext. de Comunión: Julio Longoria # Apoyo Gral. a la Com. de Base: Edna Gpe. Diaz Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei: Missa L’Hora Passa - L. DA VIADANA Offertory: Ave Verum (Quartet) Live Concert at Holy Rosary Hall - August 22 - 7pm Em m a Fradd and Joanna Grennan of Interior Castle will perform a beautiful selection of their m usic, joined by Canadian folk artist Sarah Farthing. Lyrics are about their personal relationship with Jesus. - W . BYRD Communion: 1. O Salutaris Hostia (Quartet) - P. DE LA RUE 2. Chorale Vater unser im Himmelreich - D. BUXTEHUDE +++++ ¿ Pan del Cielo ? En el párrafo del evangelio de hoy, es evidente la tristeza de Jesús frente a esa m uchedum bre que no ha entendido la lección del pan m ultiplicado para ellos en despoblado. Jesús nos dice: " No trabajen por ese alim ento que se acaba sino por el alim ento que dura para la vida eterna ". Podem os sacar de esta frase dos conclusiones. Ningún hom bre, ni siquiera el gran Moisés, puede dar un alim ento al hom bre que lo haga inm ortal, porque los que com ieron de aquel m aná, m urieron. El pan en si lo m ás que puede hacer es calm ar m om entáneo el ham bre, pero el hom bre sigue siendo m ortal y doliente. Sin em bargo, aquello que de verdad necesitam os nos viene de otro m undo, de otra dim ensión imposible de experim entar directam ente. Nuestra experiencia es la total de pendencia de Dios en la Palabra de Jesús y en su Cuerpo. La Palabra en tu vida Nuestra Celebración Eucarística es incom pleta si no recibim os el alim ento del Cuerpo de Cristo al com ulgar. Tenem os que recuperar el significado que Jesús le dio cuando fue instituida por Él. +++++ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land - Information Night Join Fr. Pablo Santa Maria of Holy Rosary Cathedral on this opportunity to see the Holy Land January 16-28, 2016, with Catholics from across B.C. Journey together in the footsteps of Jesus. There will be an inform ation night at Holy Rosary Cathedral Thursday, August 13, at 7pm . RSVP John or Natalie at info@ or call 778-655-0387. - Anonym ous Organ Postlude: Prelude and Fugue in G m inor - N. BRUHNS †††††††††††† M usic Preview for August 9, 2015 Missa Brevis - A. LOTTI Tantum Ergo - T. L. VICTORIA Panis Angelicus - G. BAINI O Lord, Increase m y Faith - O. GIBBONS Organ m usic by J. BULL, J.S. BACH & J.G. W ALTHER PILGRIM AGE TO OUR LADY OF LOURDES GROTTO IN M ISSION - SATURDAY AUGUST 15, 2015 # Sacram ent of Reconciliation on site from 10:00am to 1:00pm # Mass begins at 1:00pm with Archbishop J. M. Miller # Procession t the Grotto after Mass # Rosary prayed at the Grotto and then Benediction Reminder: Please bring your own chair(s). There is a food concession you are welcome to bring your own picnic lunch. BUS TRANSPORTATION TO THE PILGRIMAGE: 1. Bus from Holy Rosary Cathedral leaving at 10:00am - returning from Mission 5pm $15 return fare, buy your ticket now at the gift shop or the parish office. 2. Free Coach service for seniors (no wheelchairs and walkers please) call Teresita Nixon at 604-940-7006 to reserve a seat. -6- Holy Rosary Cathedral—BC 1101 Cancom Media Inc
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