Liturgical Schedule Parish Office


Liturgical Schedule Parish Office
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
King of the Universe
November 23rd & 24th, 2013
As a Parish we pray at
Holy Name Cathedral (411 South 5th St.)
and Holy Rosary Church (204 Rosemont Ave.)
Liturgical Schedule
Triumph of the Cross @ Holy Name
Daily, Monday–Friday 7:00 a.m.
Saturday 4:00 p.m.
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Triumph of the Cross @ Holy Rosary
Daily, Monday–Saturday 8:30 a.m.
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 5:15 p.m.
Novena, Monday after 5:15 p.m. Mass
Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.
Confessions 10:00–11:30 a.m. Saturday,
or by appointment
Parish Office
P.O. Box 908 Steubenville, OH 43952
200 Rosemont Ave.
After hours urgent—press 4 for transfer
Parish web-site:
Parish E-mail:
Pastor—Fr. Thomas R. Nau
Parochial Vicar—Fr. Bradley Greer
Director of Rel. Ed.—Barbara VanBeveren
Catholic Schools
R.C.I.A.— Drake McCalister
Parish Nurses
(740) 346-0660
Catholic Charities (740) 282-3631
AIM Women’s Center (740) 283-3636
Bishop John King Mussio Elementary ......................264-2550
BJKM Junior High School .........................................346-0028
Catholic Central High School .....................................264-5538
CALL TO CANDICACY MASS: We invite all parishioners
to the Candidacy Mass of our Aspirants studying for the
Permanent Diaconate on Saturday, December 7, 2013 at
10:00 AM at Holy Name Cathedral. This is the first major
step in their vocational calling, where the Diocese formally
calls them to dive deeper into their studies and discernment. We are delighted to have Mr. Paul Ward from
Triumph of the Cross Parish as one of these aspirants.
Join us that day to pray for all called to be candidates and
especially for Paul.
BAPTISMAL CLASSES: The session for parents preparing
to have their child baptized is Sunday, November 24th. It
begins at 2:00 p.m. in the Marian Room. The next session
will be on Sunday, March 2nd, 2014. Parents are expected
to participate in this session prior to the baptism of their
first child.
THANKSGIVING DAY MASS: On Thanksgiving Day we
will have only one Mass for Triumph of the Cross Parish.
This will be at 9:00 a.m. at Holy Name Cathedral. You are
invited to take a short time to express gratitude to the
Lord for His many blessings bestowed upon each of us.
CWC CHRISTMAS PARTY: Fun, Food, and Fellowship
for All ToTC Women! Tuesday, Dec. 3rd at 6 p.m. at
Froehlich’s Classic Corner, Steubenville. Cost is $21.
(includes gratuity). Menu: chicken, ham, scallop potatoes,
green beans, salad, cake, peach pie, coffee, and ice
tea. Sign up by Sunday, November 24th. Give money
to Mickie Sellaroli, Francesca Veltri, or Terri Fernandes by
Please take tags from the Giving Tree.
The items are distributed through LAMP Ministries and
through four local Nursing Home facilities.
 If you have a tag that requests a toy, please place
the unwrapped item in a gift bag. This will enable
the sisters to confirm that it is age and gender
appropriate before distributing them.
 All other gifts may be wrapped or placed in gift
 Please make sure that the tag taken from the tree
is firmly attached to the gift bag or wrapping when
bringing your gift to the church.
You are invited to return your gift to the church
between December 7th and December 16th.
 It is very important that every tag taken be returned. If you are unable to purchase the gift,
you may return your tag to the tree. Please return all tags taken. Each tag represents a person
who is to receive a gift.
CCHS ALUMNI: "Steubenville Catholic Central High
School is updating their alumni records for all students as
well as beginning a new Alumni E-Mail Newsletter that you
can receive to be updated on events and happenings at
CCHS. To sign up for the e-mail newsletter and to update
your contact information, please visit the school website at and select "Alumni EMail Newsletter Sign-Up". If you should have questions or
should be able to help in the procurement of information
from alumni of CCHS, please contact:
Frankie DiCarlantonio, Webmaster of CCHS at:
CHRISTIAN LIFE PROGRAM: You are cordially invited
to a Christian Life Program, sponsored by Couples for
Christ. The program is an integrated course leading into a
renewed understanding of God’s call to couples, singles,
widow, widower, single parent and any individual. There
are no fees or monetary expenses required. The only investment is time and openness.
ADVENT: December 1, 2013 is the first Sunday of Advent. If we are not careful, our focus during this time can
become the celebration of Christmas instead of the preparations (spiritually and physically) to celebrate Christmas
day and season that follows. During this Advent season,
please pray for our parish that we might be truly the Light
of Christ for others.
Where: Marian Room
Date: Saturdays; December 7, 14, 21, 2013
Time: 12:30PM—3:45PM
Local Artisan & Craft Show: November 24, 6-9
pm at Malara Hall, Holy Family Church. Festive event
with wine, cheese and live music. Come and support
local artists and crafters including: blacksmithing,
painting, drawing, spinning, glass painting, etc. For
more information contact:
Gretchen Nelson (740)283-3118 or Maureen Schlich
CHRISTMAS SAUSAGE SALE: Home and School Christmas Sausage Sale starts today! Order your homemade
Polish Kielbasa for your Christmas dinner and gatherings
Deadline for orders is Dec 5th. Pick up date is Dec 15 in
CCHS Cafeteria. The cost is $5 a pound. The sausage is
made fresh and according to the St. Stan's recipe! Orders
must be pre-paid. Please send or drop off your order form
and money at the CCHS Main office.
Sacramental Information and registration forms are
available at parish web-site
Faith Formation
Baptism – Baptism Preparation Sessions will be held on Nov.
24, Mar. 2, 2014, July 13, 2014 from 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. in
the Marian Room at Holy Rosary Church. Please call the Parish Office to register for a class.
In Steubenville
Weddings – Six month preparation required.
Schedule the date with the priest.
Please pray for our catechetical program in the City of
Steubenville. Check out our website for Information on our
Religious Education in the City of Steubenville:
Funerals – Please schedule with the priest before
publishing dates and times.
Anointing of the Sick – Please call the Parish Office.
All classes at All Saints Catechetical Center
Monday – Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
12:30 – 2:30 p.m. Level I ONLY
Wednesday – Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
4:00 –6:00 p.m. Level I, II, III
Faith & Life – 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
The Edge – 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Communion to the Homebound – Please call the Parish
Novena of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Miraculous Medal
Mon. 5:15 p.m. Holy Rosary Church
Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in
the basement of Holy Rosary Office; entrance around back
(6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) 740 264-6088
Youth Day: Our first Youth Day of the Year will be Saturday, December 7, 2013 from 9:30 a.m. to Noon. It will
be quite an exciting morning of prayer, song, adoration
and fun. Please sign up in the back of the church!! All
children from Kindergarten through 6th Grade are welcome
to attend.
Hour of Prayer for Priests and Vocations
1st Thursday, 9:00 a.m. Holy Rosary Church
Contact the Parish Office at: 740-264-6177
-All Sacrament Applications for the Second Grade children should be in to Barbara. If you have any questions,
please contact:
Barbara at
GS: The GS high school group meets of Wednesdays at
6:00 PM in the All Saints building (415 N. 4th St.).
FOLLOW THE POPE ON TWITTER: Pope Francis & Pontifex
11/19/2013-The Saints were not superhuman. They were
people who loved God in their hearts, and who shared this
joy with others.
11/18/2013-Confessing our sins may be difficult for us, but
it brings us peace. We are sinners, and we need God’s
11/16/2013-Jesus kept his wounds so that we would experience his mercy. This is our strength and our hope.
11/15/2013-Dear young people, always be missionaries of
the Gospel, every day and in every place.
11/14/2013-Take care of God’s creation. But above all,
take care of people in need.
Triumph of the Cross Parish Website:
Ministry Schedule for 30 November/ 1 December 2013
4:00 pm at HN
Eucharistic Minister
Barbara McCoy
Anthony Carissimi
Thomas Bensie
Mark Koslik
Pamela Merritt
John Wright
Pamela Wright
Anita Gargala
4:00 pm at HR
8:30 am at HR
Jacob Wright
Donald Coen
Evan Moore
Donna Kaine
Katherine Moore
Deacon Adams **
John Pilsner
Zachary Zatta
Luann Boris
Concetta Pilsner
Julia Zatta
Alison Grimm
Lil Meronoff
Shirley Guida
Matthew Palma
Suzanne Runkle
Elizabeth Loizzo
Anthony DeFallo
Gloria Renda
10:30 am at HN
Sarah Keenan
Ronald Kaine
RoseMary Adams
10:00 am at HR
Altar Server
Brody Mihalyo
Deacon Adams **
Theresa Fernandes
John-Paul Tysz
Deacon Meagher **
Marianne DuBois
Francis Tysz
Harriet Hrezo
William Spinnenweber
Andrew Hrezo
Nancy Schreck
11:30 am at HR
Stanley Miles
Elaine Sleever
Joseph Zinno
JoAnn Glauser
Stephen Lewis
Isabella Zinno
Vickie Nurczyk
Joseph Sciarra
5:30 pm at HR
Alex Ialenti
Charles Macpherson
Alvin Williams
Mason Shoemaker
Carlo Fabian
Dominic Argentine
Note: * Changes are in italics. ** Indicates Ordinary Minister
The Week Ahead
at Triumph of the Cross
(CCC 1405) “There is no surer pledge or clearer
sign of this great hope in the new heavens and new
earth ‘in which righteousness dwells,’ than the
Eucharist. Every time this mystery is celebrated,
‘the work of our redemption is carried on’ and we
‘break the one bread that provides the medicine of
immortality, the antidote for death, and the food
that makes us live forever in Jesus Christ.’” With
this great hope we pray for our sister who has
November 24
Sun 2:00 PM
Sun 5:30 PM
Sun 6:45 PM
Undercroft after 10:30AM Mass
Baptism Class Marian Room
Closing Mass for Year of Faith at Holy
Name Cathedral
RADIX in Holy Rosary Auditorium
Martha T. McDonald, 89,
November 13
November 25
Mon 8:00 AM Recitation of the Rosary HR Church
Mon 5:15 PM Mass and Novena at Holy Rosary Church
May she enjoy the eternal banquet the Lord has
prepared for her.
November 26
Tue 8:00 AM
Recitation of the Rosary HR Church
Tue 8:00 AM
SCRIP sold in HR Auditorium
Tue 9:00 AM
Rosary Prayer Group Marian Room
November 27
Wed 8:00 AM Recitation of the Rosary HR Church
Msgr. Kurt Kemo
Deacon Randall Redington
Rev. Anthony Batt
Msgr. Michael Campbell
Deacon Lee Weisend
Thu 9:00 AM
Mass at Holy Name Cathedral
Deacon Edward Maxfield Jr.
November 29
Fri 8:00 AM
Recitation of the Rosary HR Church
Rev. Daniel Huesel
Deacon Thomas Nelson
Msgr. James Boehm
Deacon Richard Adams
November 30
Sat 8:00 AM Recitation of the Rosary HR Church
Sat 10:00 AM Confessions at HR Church
Msgr. Frederick Pasquinelli
Msgr. Kenneth Uram
Deacon David Arend
All Priests
Deacon Dominic Cerrato
Readings for the Week of November 24, 2013
Collection Totals: November 16 & 17
Regular Collection:
Children: $2.00
Loose Collection:
2 Sm 5:1-3/Col 1:12-20/Lk 23:35-43
Dn 1:1-6, 8-20/Lk 21:1-4
Dn 2:31-45/Lk 21:5-11
Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28/Lk 21:12-19
Dn 6:12-28/Lk 21:20-28
Dn 7:2-14/Lk 21:29-33
Rom 10:9-18/Mt 4:18-22
Next Sunday: Is 2:1-5/Rom 13:11-14/Mt 24:37-44
Votive Lights: $185.00
Building Repair Fund:
Soup Kitchen: $1,178.50
School: $204.50
* New this week
Call Lil Meronoff for prayer requests at 740-264-5782
SPECIAL INTENTION, Alice, *Andrew, Devon, Donna, Eloise, Emily, Gracie,
Helen, *Jeffery, Julia, Lucy, Melanie, Michael,
Nancy, Owen, Paula K., Rich, Robin, Rylee, Sue, *Taylor, Teresa—Edward Bucky Argentine, Greg & Evelyn Bahen, Ken
Beck, Vicki Bedard, Joann Bernebei, Michael Bowling, Leonard Calabrese, (young) Paul Carapellotti, Mike Carpellotti,
Norma Chaytor, Rita Ciancetta, Victor Ciancetta, Dave Corsi, Frank Anthony Cortez, Barb Costlow, Chuck & Lisa Cowser,
Livi Crum, Justin Cummings, Tracy Dalanno, Elizabeth Dana, Homer Davidson, Kenny Davis (young), Douglas Day, Richard
DeBias, Lou & Dorothy Delgallo, Briana DiBacco, William DiLeonardo, Babs DiMichele, Daniel Evans, Tom Feeney, Barbara
Ford, Pat Forte, Scott Frederick, Frank Giannamore Jr., Edward Godich, Lottie Grajewski, Ben Gundrum, Jerry Gundrum,
Paul Gundrum, Liz Hagerty, James Hamilton, Sandy Herman, David Hill, Debbie Horston, Laura Kane, B. Karamanolis, Michael Keane, Kelley Kent, Carolyn Klonowski, Virginia Kovaleski, Dr. John Kuruc, John LaRue, Elizabeth (Petchal) Loizzo,
Rose Magnone, B.J. & Connie Mavromatis, Vickie McCoy, Robert McFarland, Betty McVanna, Justine Medeley, Jeff Melnarcik,
Liz Miltko, Elizabeth Noble, Helen Noble, Tammy Nodianus, Mary Notich, Myla Orbovich, Pam Orlando, Alan Pease, Karen
Pennell, Rita Peters, Helen Petrella, Margaret Checca Puzzole, Jim Raha, Tosa Rhodes, Mary S. & Family, Dr. Edgar Sanchez, Linda Savoie, Angelo Sciarroni, Robert Secret, John Sellaroli, Mary Slater, Savannah Snyder, Joey Talamonti, James
Talerico, Betty Tarquinio, Eleanor Thomas, Susan Thomas, Lou Torack, Harry Toriscelli, Rod Torrance, Bernie Treglia,
*Amber Tuttle, Nicole Virtue, Anna Walkosky, Darene Waszkiewicz, Michelle Williamson, Stella Wilson, Robert Zaleski, Sr.,
Beth Zdinak
Triumph of the Cross Mass Schedule for Nov 23 - Dec 1
Sat 23 4:00 PM
4:00 PM
at HN
at HR
James Cusick by Mr. & Mrs. Amelio Saggio
Carmela Cantone & Billy Williams by Luccia Scaffidi
Sun 24 8:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:30 AM
5:30 PM
at HR
at HR
at HN
at HR
at HN
Giovanna Cantone by Mr. & Mrs. John Quattrone
Elvira Perrone by T. Potenzini
Ifeanyi Achebe by Bruce, Cindy, Kristen & Scott Gamble
People of the Parish
Raymond DiBerardino by Sandy & Edwin Takach
Mon 25 7:00 AM
8:30 AM
5:15 PM
Tue 26 7:00 AM
8:30 AM
5:15 PM
Wed 27 7:00 AM
8:30 AM
Thu 28 7:00 AM
9:00 AM
5:15 PM
Fri 29 7:00 AM
8:30 AM
at HN
at HR
at HR
at HN
at HR
at HR
at HN
at HR
at HN
at HN
at HR
at HN
at HR
Michael Gualtiere by Helen & Linda Castellano
Art D'Anniballe by Family
Nancy Antol by Marie DiPalma
Thomas Noonan, Sr. by Edith Noonan
Alfred Cicone by Phil & Barb Bartemes
Raymond DiBerardino by Stanley & Regetta Allen
Edward Lulla by the Helms Family
Innocenza Nancy Bruno by Frank & Mary Porco
Judy Milewsky by Rich & Mary Jane Riffee
Gordon Yingling by Gerry & James Bryant
Joseph Stephen Molinaro by Betty & Frank Bednarek
Sat 30 8:30 AM
at HR
Deceased members of the DiBacco Family by Mr. & Mrs. John
Sat 30 4:00 PM
4:00 PM
at HN
at HR
Flora Carissimi by Frank & Mary Porco
Anthony & Carmela DiBerardino by Family
Sun 1 8:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:30 AM
5:30 PM
at HR
at HR
at HN
at HR
at HR
Bill Klein by Family
John, Helen & Jack Borsch by Family
Elvira Lamatrice by Lamatrice Family
Marie Meagher by Scott Family
People of the Parish
Holy Name
In Loving
of those
who have Died

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