Holy Rosary Cathedral
Holy Rosary Cathedral
Holy Rosary Cathedral RICHARDS & DUNSMUIR STREET, VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 4, 2013 ARCHBISHOP: Most Rev. J. Michael Miller, CSB RECTOR: Very Rev. Glenn Dion ASSISTANT PRIESTS: Rev. Federico Buttner • Rev. Anicet Pinto • Rev. Mark Schwab IN RESIDENCE: Rev. John Eason (Seaports Chaplain) • Rev. Terry Larkin 646 Richards Street, Vancouver BC V6B 3A3 Tel.: 604-682-6774 / Fax: 604-331-8406 / Email: hrc@shaw.ca / Web: www.holyrosarycathedral.org HOLY ROSARY CATHEDRAL PARISH | WWW.HOLYROSARYCATHEDRAL.ORG C ONTACT INFORMATION Cathedral Parish Office Office Email hrc@shaw.ca Office Address 646 Richards Street, Vancouver BC V6B 3A3 M ASS S CHEDULE Sunday Masses Saturday 5:10 pm anticipated Mass Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm, 5:00pm, 6:30pm in Spanish; 8:00pm Weekday Masses Monday to Friday 7:15am, 8:00am, 12:10pm, 5:10pm Saturday 7:15am, 8:00am, 12:10pm Saturday 7:45am, 11:45am, 4:45pm 7:45am, 11:45am 4:00 to 5:00pm DEVOTIONS & ADORATION Sunday Vespers 4:00pm Morning Prayer Mon to Sat 8:30am Rosary Monday to Saturday 11:40am, 4:45pm First Saturday Devotion 10am to 12pm Chaplet of the Divine M ercy Fr. Glenn Dion hrc_rector@shaw.ca Parish Secretary Email Phone Fax Angela Burghard hrc@shaw.ca 604-682-6774, ext. 5 604-331-8406 Pastoral Associate Bertilla Watanabe Email bertilla_hrc@shaw.ca Phone 604-682-6774, ext. 6 R EADINGS - Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time -Ecclesiastes 1.2; 2.21-23: What do mortals gain from a life of toil and strain? C ONFES SIONS Monday to Friday Rector Fridays 3:00pm Prayers to God the Father Tuesdays at 4:00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Every First Friday 12:45pm to 5:00pm This bulletin is on our website, www.holyrosarycathedral.org Scan this code to connect to our Parish WEBSITE ! “Like” us on Facebook. Go to www.facebook.com/HolyRosaryCathedral -Responsorial Psalm 90: R. Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. -Second Reading - Colossians 3.1-11: Seek the things that are above, where Christ reigns. -Gospel - Luke 12.13-21: All these things you have prepared, whose will they be? WEEKDAY READINGS - ORDINARY TIME M onday August 5 # W eekday Nm 11.4-15 / Mt 14.13-21 Tuesday August 6 # Transfiguration of the Lord Dn 7.9-14 / 2 Pt 1.16-19 / Lk 9.28-36 W ednesday August 7 # W eekday Nm 13.1-2,25-14.1, 26-35 / Mt 15.21-28 Thursday August 8 # Saint Dominic Nm 20.1-13 / Mt 16.13-23 Friday August 9 # Weekday Dt 4 .32-40 / Mt 16.24-28 Saturday August 10 # Saint Lawrence 2 Cor 9.6 -10 / Jn 12.24-26 Sunday August 11 # Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Wis 18.6-9 / heb 11.1-19 / Lk 12.32-48 -2- AUGUST 4, 2013 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Dear Parishioners: Last Sunday’s Parish Picnic was a very happy success. We grilled in the neighborhood of 750 burgers, and we enjoyed the company of a park full of joyful people. A huge “thank you” to the many volunteers that helped with the set-up, the food service, and the clean-up afterwards. And to all who brought something to share at the dessert table, you were so generous.... we had an abundance! The weather was sunny and warm, only out-done by the sunny and warm dispositions of our Cathedral parishioners. Thank you all again for making our annual event such a good experience. I’m still looking for someone with expertise in dealing with the legal matter of a bequest to the Cathedral. If you can offer any help, please call me. Have a good week. Fr. Dion -Sunday Social at Holy Rosary Hall, 650 Richards Street, after the 9:30 & 11:00 am Masses. Meet fellow parishioners and visitors and enjoy coffee, tea and light refreshments. THE TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD Feast Day August 6, 2013 Master, it is good to be Entranced, enwrapt, alone with Thee: Watching Your glistening raiment glow, Whiter than the whitest snow; Seeing your beloved face so shine Radiant with the light Divine. Till I too change from grace to grace, AROUND THE PARISH Gazing on Your transfigured face. -Devotional Prayers to God the Father: Every Tuesday at 4:00pm -Chaplet of the Divine Mercy: Every Friday at 3:00 pm . All are welcom e. Prayer booklets are provided. -W eekly Programs for Adults 50+ at the Hall: 1) Bible Sharing every Tuesday, 10:30 to 11:30am ; 2) Line-Dancing every Thursday, 10:30 to 11:30am . - Register Now for RCIA Classes Thinking about becoming Catholic? Are you interested in finding out more about the Catholic Faith and its beliefs? Then these weekly sessions may be for you. Classes are held every Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 9:00pm, beginning September 10th at Holy Rosary Hall, 650 Richards Street. If you, or someone you know, might be interested, please contact the parish office for more information and to register. Legal Assistance Requested If you are a lawyer or notary and would like to volunteer your services for a small project, please contact Fr. Glenn Dion at the parish office, 604-682-6774, ext. 3, hrc_rector@shaw.ca. -3- The next Baptism Preparation Sessions will be held on 2 consecutive Wednesday evenings, August 14 and 21, from 7:00 to 8:15pm. Attendance at both sessions is required. This is for parents who have a child to present for Baptism or are expecting a child in the next several months. Godparents are also asked to attend. Please call or email the parish office to register in advance. HOLY ROSARY CATHEDRAL PARISH | WWW.HOLYROSARYCATHEDRAL.ORG -Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes at Fraser River Heritage Park, Mission BC on Saturday, August 17 PROJECT ADVANCE 2013 Open Wide the Door of Faith PROJECT ADVANCE UPDATE - Report #5 Reports 5: Overall Total to date: No. of Gifts: 20 232 Pledges: $9,840 $65,861 Total of Online Pledges: $6,050 Grand Total All Pledges: $71,911 THANK YOU for your commitment to the needs of the Archdiocese and Holy Rosary Cathedral Parish in the spirit of Stewardship. Every gift counts and is appreciated. -M ass in honor of our Lady of Lourdes at 1:00pm. Main celebrant will be Archbishop Michael Miller. Confessions will be heard on site between 10:00am and 1:00pm . Procession to the Grotto and Rosary after Mass, followed by Benediction. Picnic and Fellowship afterwards. Bring your own picnic lunch and chairs. -TRAVEL BY BUS: A Bus w ill be available to take pilgrims to M ission and back again. Buy your Bus Ticket in advance at the parish office, $15 per person. The bus leaves Holy Rosary (from 646 Richards Street) at 10:00am! Please arrive at 9:45 to board. STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION The Order of M alta is offering its custom ary com plim entary coach service for the elderly and handicapped wishing to participate in the annual pilgrim age. Pick-up points for this bus are: Sts. Peter & Paul at 10:00am , Holy Rosary at 10:25, and Sacred Heart by 10:40am . You must call Frank at 604-264-1790 to reserve a seat on the coach. -“The Virtue of Perseverance and Stew ardship” Perseverance is all in the attitude. Getting your own thinking under control is part of developing this virtue. This is called stewardship of your thoughts. Making stewardship a way of life can be frustrating; you m ay not be happy at first with the initial changes required of you to be a good steward. It is difficult to separate yourself from the dem ands and possessions of our culture. Persevere, and m ake stewardship a way of life, the rewards m ay surprise you! Archdiocese of Winnipeg, Stewardship Office +++++++ A Journey Through the Scriptures 4-step Retreat, presented by Lalith Perera and the Com m unity of the Risen Lord. All are welcom e and Adm ission is free. -Sat/Sun, Aug. 10/11 at St. Mary’s Parish, Vancouver -Monday, Aug. 12 at Our Lady of Mercy, Burnaby -Tuesday, Aug. 13 at St. Mary’s Parish, Chilliwack for details please call Ashanti, 604-526-9910, em ail m unaweeraashanti17@gm ail.com or visit www.vccrs.ca www.archwinnipeg.ca AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE Chant and Culture W orkshops by Gregorian Institute for parish worship and personal enjoym ent: Hildegard and Her Contem poraries; Chanting the Offices; and the Role of Mem ory in Singing Chant. W orkshop leaders from the US and Canada will conduct the workshops at Corpus Christi College, UBC, Tues., August 6, 1 p.m . to Friday Aug. 9, 5 p.m . For m ore inform ation visit http://www.gregorian.ca/eng/news.php Part 1 of “Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Training, for adults working with children in parish and school settings. You will be trained in effective m ethodology to teach the faith to children. August 8 to 13, 9 a.m . to 5 p.m ., except Sunday, (Aug. 11), 9 a.m . to 3 p.m . at St. Jude School, 2953 East 15th Ave . For inform ation contact Murita Chua, 604-683-0281; em ail ocregistration@rcav.org M arriage Encounter W eekend conducted by experienced Spiritual Director, Rev. Augustine Obiwum m a at Rosem ary Heights Retreat Center, 3690 – 152nd Street, Surrey, Fri., Aug. 9, 5 p.m . to Sunday, Aug. 11, 5 p.m . More inform ation from Franco or Rem y Tan, 604-274-7036; frtan@ shaw.ca Enrich Your Faith – Summer Institute One-day faith-form ation and m inistry training courses by the Office of Catechetics, Sat., August 24, 10 a.m . to 4 p.m . at Holy Cross School, 16193 - 88th Ave, Surrey. Open to everyone. $35 per person, incl. coffee, snacks, lunch. For m ore inform ation, e-m ail cguzm an@ rcav.org Singing Priests from the Philippines W ith Love & Faith “A Tribute to St. Pedro Calungsod” who shared his love and faith in G od by reaching out to others. W ed., Aug. 7, 7:00pm at Our Lady of M ercy Parish, Bby, and Thurs., Aug. 8 at St. Andrew s Parish, Vancouver Tickets $10 each at the door. More inform ation: Lilet 604-439-7539 Shining Light on the Darkness of Elder Abuse This year’s Catholic Health Assoc. Of B.C’s Annual Conference on Sept 19 in Coquitlam will address the problem of elder abuse and how it is our responsibility to identify and prevent if from happening. All are welcom e. For inform ation and registration visit www.chabc.bc.ca -4- AUGUST 4, 2013 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ¡Bienvenidos feligreses de habla hispana y visitantes a la Catedral del Santos Rosario! Servicios _ CONFESIONES en Español con el Padre Federico Buttner. Mier, Jue y Vier 11:45am y 4:45 pm . Sábado - 11:45 am y de 4 a 5 pm . ¡Pregunta por él! _ ROSARIO EN ESPAÑOL: Dom ingos 6:05 pm _ EXPOSICION DEL SANTISIM O Prim er sábado de cada m es, 6:30pm . ¡Jesús resucitado te espera! _ Participa com o voluntario de la tienda de artículos religiosos de la Catedral. _Escríbenos a nuestro em ail: com unidadhispanahrc@ gm ail.com Directorio de Coordinatores: # # # # # # # Sacerdote: P. Federico Buttner Coro: Ricardo Chaparro y Liliana Garcia Lectores: Elsa Bernal y Gabriel Leal Hospitalidad: Vanessa Tapia y Clare McCorm ick Eventos: Catalina Tahuil y Vanessa Tapia M inistros Ext. De Eucaristía: Ricardo de la Garza Apoyo Gral. a la Com. de Base: Edna D. M ORE NEW S " Que difícil es que los ricos entren en el Reino de Dios ..." El libro de Eclesiastés ocupa un puesto m uy im portante en el cam ino espiritual de Israel. Su idea básica es una profunda desilusión sobre la vida tem poral. El resum en del libro es, en su tradición básica: " vanidad de vanidades y todo vanidad ". Expresa los sentim ientos de un hom bre desengañado de la búsqueda de la riqueza y del poder. Denuncia las ilusiones que guiaban el actuar de un pueblo sediento de vida, pero que ha buscado esta vida en logros y triunfos m eram ente terrenales. La verdadera existencia nace solam ente de una orientación nueva del deseo instintivo del hom bre; en una vida orientada hacia Dios. El don de Dios a través de los Jóvenes. Si som os una Iglesia de jóvenes tendrem os que aprender (si querem os ser verdaderam ente coherentes con nuestra propia identidad) que ya es tiem po de iniciar ese diálogo -proceso vocacional- con Aquél que es Cam ino, Verdad y Vida, pues sólo Él es capaz de colm ar nuestras inquietudes conduciéndonos hacía la Vida Eterna. M USIC N OTES -EM PLOYM ENT OPPORTUNITIES: Part-Time Consultant for RCIA, to assist the director of the Office of Catechetics. Project Advance Coordinator, to assist the developm ent director in m aintaining and enhancing the successful operation of the parish-based Annual Appeal known as Project Advance. Closing date: August 9 Details at www.rcav.org; hum anresources@ rcav.org Our Lady of Perpetual Help Junior Kindergarten for the 2013-14 school year. For m ore inform ation em ail at jrkindergarten@ olphbc.ca or call 604- 221-0002 St. Joseph’s School, m inutes from the Broadway Skytrain Stations, has spaces available in all grades. Registration packages available at www.stjoesschoolvancouver.org -Prayer Requests for the Sick: Please remember in your prayers Monique de la Giroday, Pamela Guidon, Teresita Belen, Raymond Wong, Patricia Ormiston, Trevor Wong, Wilfred Martin, and all parishioners who are in ill health or recuperating from illness or surgery. ADVERTISE!! ADVERTISE!! W ould you or your com pany like to advertise on the back of the Holy Rosary Cathedral Bulletin? If yes, please contact M ax M adrussan Cathedral Organist & Music Director Denis Bedard 604-322-5995 Assistant Organist/Music Adm inistrator Catherine W alsh 604-222-8072 M usic Programme for the 11:00 am M ass Sunday, August 4, 2013 Organist: Catherine W alsh Organ Prelude: Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei: Missa Brevis II (Quartet) Offertory: The Lord Is Good (Quartet) - D. BÉDARD - C. TYE Communion: 1. God Be In My Head (Quartet) - J. RUTTER 2. (Organ) 3. Ego Sum Panis Vivus (Quartet) - J. ESQUIVEL Organ Postlude: †††††††††††† M usic Preview for Sunday, August 11, 2013 Organist: Catherine W alsh Anim a Mea - M. RIVAFLECHA Adoram us Te - G. P. PALESTRINA Locus Iste - A. BRUCKNER for m ore inform ation at 778-899-6388. -5- CATHEDRAL PARISH PICNIC Families, friends and park visitors turned out in force last Sunday to enjoy Holy Rosary’s annual Parish Picnic at Stanley Park. We were blessed with sunshine and a lovely cool breeze. The Legion of Mary, Handmaids and CWL members trooped in after the 8am Mass to prep vegetables and decorate. Fr. Glenn Dion and the Knights of Columbus flipped over 700 burgers that afternoon while Couples for Christ, Seniors, Handmaids and Comunidad Hispana members entertained us all with games, songs, face painting and hula dancing. And yes, we had a wonderful array of desserts at the potluck table. Thank you for your generous contribution! ASECOND BEACH, STANLEY PARK Go Biggar Go Home LARRY BIGGAR 604.341.8368 TAYLOR BIGGAR 604.868.1779 STEVETSON REALTORS Quality Products: Fresh, Dried and Cured Free Range and Organic Chicken 1655 Renfrew Street 1st Ave and Renfrew Vancouver, BC, V5K 4C9 www.columbusmeatmarket.com Eugenio, Giancarlo and Vito Masi 604.253.2242 Want to know your customers and stay in touch with them? www.gobiggargohome.com Tell Me In Writing Resume Preparation Services 604.839.4020 Scan here to learn more or visit www.socialdrop.com /merchant.html Advertising space is still available! BURNABY PALACE CHINESE RESTAURANT Bring in this bulletin and receive 15% off lunch before 3pm. 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office. Classes are held Tuesday evenings, 7 - 9 pm at Holy
Rosary Hall. Registration form s availabe at the parish office.
Prayers for the Sick: Please rem em ber in your prayers: John
Current Bulletin
office. Classes are held Tuesday evenings, 7 - 9 pm at Holy
Rosary Hall. Registration form s availabe at the parish office.
Prayers for the Sick: Please rem em ber in your prayers: John