pray the rosary every day!
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2013 TWENTY – FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY, September 22 7:15 (English) Pro – Populo 8:30 Michael, Louis & Dr. Louis Filardi 10:00 Giuseppe & Maria Pozzuto 11:30 George D’Alessandro 1:00 Cecilia Ojeda MONDAY, September 23 – St. Pio of Pietrelcina 7:00 Roberta Willard 9:00 Mary Ann Nespolini TUESDAY, September 24 7:00 Percival & Carmen Cole 9:00 Ed D’Alessandro WEDNESDAY, September 25 7:00 Kateryna Turchyn 9:00 Vinny & Eleanor Taliercio THURSDAY, September 26 – Sts. Cosmas & Damian 7:00 Antonio Formato 9:00 Josephine & Vincent Berretta [Living] FRIDAY, September 27 – St. Vincent de Paul 7:00 Donato Decesari & Antonio Chiulli 9:00 Deceased Members of the Filardi, Scaperrotto & Romano Families SATURDAY, September 28 – St. Wenceslaus / St. Lawrence Ruiz & Companions 9:00 Yvette Nicole Moreno 5:00 Joseph & Sarah Ballato SUNDAY, September 29 7:15 (English) Pro – Populo 8:30 Jean Sullivan 10:00 Jean Sullivan 11:30 Maria & Santolo Scodes & Saggese Family 1:00 Maria Libera Lucia LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR SEPT. 28 / 29 5:00 Y. Armstrong 8:30 B. Diaz 11:30 N. Hill 7:15 G. Sullivan 10:00 H. Corbie 1:00 L. DiJusto EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION 5:00 M. Filardi / A. Venterina … Host: M. A. Piti 7:15 E. DiPaolo 8:30 J. Testa /E. Anthony … Host: C. Testa 10:00 B. Guzman / M. Micalizzi … Host: L. Cahill 11:30 M. Alberty / M. Cortese … Host: D. Cuesta 1:00 R. Acierno / K. Reed … Host: M. Burke ALTAR SERVERS 5:00 N. Noel 8:30 D. Boucaud / B. Dinh – Le / F. Lavezzari 10:00 J. Bennett / I. Cooper / J. Quizhpi 11.30 V. D’Alessandro / J. George / T. Legree / D. Pierre 1:00 J. Gotoy / C. & C. Olewuenyi HOLY ROSARY CHURCH IS HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE. ALL ARE WELCOME! PRAY THE ROSARY EVERY DAY! SUNDAY READINGS First Reading: Amos 8: 4 – 7 The prophet Amos expressed disgust over people who take advantage of the poor. He describes businessmen scheming to cheat the poor, then declares that God will "never forget the things they have done." Second Reading: 1 Timothy 2: 1 – 8 Paul urges the Christians to pray for all people, especially those in authority. Paul even asked them to pray for the kings who denounced Christ's teachings, because God wants all people to be saved through Jesus. Gospel: Luke 16: 1 – 13 Jesus tells a story about a servant who tries to cheat his employer. The owner is impressed because he would do the same thing himself. Jesus then describes the importance of being trustworthy in small matters, as well as in greater ones. He then states that no one can serve two masters faithfully, so people cannot give themselves completely to both God and money. ©2000 Bon Venture Services, Inc. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Ezr 1: 1 – 6 / Lk. 8: 16 – 18 Ezr 6: 7 – 8, 12b, 14 – 20 / Lk 8: 19 – 21 Ezr 9: 5 – 9 / Lk 9: 1 – 6 Hg 1: 1 – 8 / Lk 9: 7 – 9 Hg 2: 1 – 9 / Lk 9: 18 – 22 Zec 2: 5 – 9, 14 – 15a / Lk 9: 43b – 45 PLEASE PRAY FOR … Estrella & Myrna Alvarez, Salvatore Amedeo, Mary L. Ball, Francis Bele, Kim Benack, Linda Bravo, Olive Burke, Bernie Byrne, Phillip & Anthony Capano, Marianna Caruso, Salvatore Caruso, Niki Catechis, Joseph Cavazzini, Christina Celantano, Theresa Coutain, Anna Cristina, Audia DeJesus, Helen DeAlto, Rosemarie DeNegris, Cynthia Dukes, Rosa Echevarria, Laticia Elliot, Marie Ferrari, Domenica Frega, Beatrice Galeano de Maduro, Frank Gervasi, Leniore Griffith, Iris Grubler, Elsie Haberfelner, James Heame, Marilyn Iarossi, Mary Iorio, John Joseph, Singh Latchman, Theresa Lewis, Maurice Lisby, Connie Lorelli, Sal Magistro, Brunilda Mandozza, Ann & Ralph Martone, Anthony Masterangelo, Julia Merritt, Jim Messenger, Anthony Militello, Alisa Nicovic, Wendyann Ocasio, Jose Ortiz, Beth Pagan, Vincenza Petrone, Mary Pirro, Angelina Rader, Lucille Rahman, Michael Ramirez, Iris Rivera, Dorothy & Elvira Santomauro, Arthur Simmons, Valerie Stevens, Beverly Lynda Warner, Joan Wheeler, Anita Williams, Karen Williamson and all of our homebound and the residents of our local Nursing Homes. + PARISH MISSION STATEMENT + We, the people of Holy Rosary Parish, have been joined together into a family of faith since 1925. In our communal participation in the worship of the Lord, we are nourished in Word and Sacrament and we are sent forth to bring the Good News of Salvation to all. We endeavor to proclaim the Gospel by both word and deed. We welcome all who come to our house of worship as true sisters and brothers and we pledge ourselves to the service of those in need in our parish family, in our neighborhood, and in our greater community. MONDAY – THURSDAY: 8AM – 9PM FRIDAY: CLOSED SATURDAY: 9AM – 5PM JOIN US FOR A FISH FRY ! SENIOR CLUB TRIP TO SANDS Sands Casino. Mon., Sept.30 Call Rosemarie for Info at 718.881.1537. OUR ANNUAL DINNER DANCE th CELEBRATING OUR 88 ANNIVERSARY th Sunday, October 13 th THIS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 – 1PM to 5PM In the School Cafeteria (park and enter school yard via Woodhull Ave.) DINNERS, SIDES, SANDWICHES & DESSERTS Eat in or take out and enjoy! Sponsored by the Committee of Black Ministry. CARDINAL’S ANNUAL APPEAL GOAL: $69,500 PLEDGED TO DATE: $67,138 PAID TO DATE: $61,324.66 NUMBER OF GIFTS: 252 AVERAGE GIFT: $266.42 * WE ARE JUST $2362 FROM OUR GOAL! * WILL YOU HELP US MAKE OUR GOAL? The Appeal is a vital source of funding for the programs and ministries that sustain the parishes across our Archdiocese. It is not too late to make your gift! Please be as generous as you can. Thank you for your kind support. Please fill out your pledge card and send it downtown. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Lake Isle Country Club 660 White Plains Road, Eastchester, NY 10709 near Lord & Taylor’s Cocktails: 3 PM Dinner: 4 PM Music and Dancing Honoring: Father Jack Arlotta Sister Pauline Chirchirillo, P.B.V.M. Joan Barrow Jerry and Rosemarie Rubino $90 per person SEE THE DISPLAY IN THE LOBBY! NOT:; Journal & Booster deadline is September 23. HOLY ROSARY BLOOD DRIVE NOVENA FOR VOCATIONS th Sunday, September 29 In Father Winters Hall Sponsored by our Holy Name Society. * HOLY ROSARY SCHOOL * Applications for the 2013 – 2014 school year are available. Applications are accepted after an interview and entrance test th for those entering grades Pre-K through 8 . Contact the school 718.652.1838 or . †HOLY ROSARY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION † Registration for the School Year 2013 – 2014 Children who attend public school K - HS should be registered. These classes include preparation for the Sacraments. Sessions are held in the school building on Saturday mornings from 8:45 AM – 10:00 AM, September through May. Please call our Coordinator Mrs. Tedeschi at 718.654.9381. The fee is $75 for each child. NOTE: A COPY OF YOUR CHILD’S BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE MUST ACCOMPANY ALL NEW REGISTRATIONS. THANK YOU! YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION TEACHERS AND AIDS Teaching Religious Education to our children on Saturday mornings. If you are interested in helping in any way, please speak with Mrs. Tedeschi at 718.654.9381. The Vocations Office has asked us all to please pray the rd st following novena from September 23 through October 1 . Pray for the priests we have! Pray for the priests we need! Our Father who art in Heaven, So that your Name may be hallowed Lord send us Holy Priests. So that your Kingdom comes and we may learn your will on earth as it is in Heaven, Lord send us Holy Priests. So that each day we may be given our Daily Bread in the Eucharist, Lord send us Holy Priests. So that you may forgive our trespasses through Confession, Lord send us Holy Priests. So that we may learn how to forgive those who trespass against us, Lord send us Holy Priests. So that we may be helped in our battle against temptations, Lord send us Holy Priests. So that at the hour of our death we may be delivered from evil, Lord send us Holy Priests according to your Sacred Heart. Amen. Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us. HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSES PRAYER TO THE SORROWFUL MOTHER th St. Raymond [Boys] Sun., Oct. 20 … Noon to 3:30PM th Xavier High School Sat., Oct, 19 1:00 – 4:00PM rd Scholarship Exam – Saturday, November 23 at 9:00AM th Aquinas [Girls} Sun., Oct. 6 1:00 – 3:00PM Aquinite for a Day Program … for info call Betsy Davila At 718.367.2113 x 137 or email IMMIGRATION REFORM The Catholic Church has always been a champion for and source of support to immigrants. We have been and are a Church of immigrants. Immigration reform must be comprehensive: respecting family unity, providing a path to full participation in our society, securing our borders in a humane way, and providing a fair legal immigration system. These values flow from the social teaching of the Church. It is the right and responsibility of Catholics to participate in the political process. As our nation debates immigration reform, now is a critical time to communicate with our elected officials – especially those of the U.S. House of Representatives – about our values and concerns. ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT BECOMING A CATHOLIC? OR ARE YOU AN ADULT WHO WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE COMMUNION AND/OR CONFIRMATION? Please speak with Fr. Quarato if you are interested. th Next Inquiry Session … Tuesday, Sept 24 at 7:30 PM In Father Winters Hall – Msgr. Sheridan Room.. ALTAR SERVER RECRUITMENT WILL BEGIN SHORTLY! – Boys and Girls grades 5 – HS are most Most holy Mother of Sorrows, by that soul-piercing martyrdom thou didst undergo at the foot of the Cross during the three hours' agony of Jesus, deign to assist me also, who am the child of thy Sorrows, in my agony, so that by thine intercession I may be found worthy to pass from my deathbed to thy blessed society in Paradise. V. From a sudden and unprovided death, R. Deliver me, O Lord. V. From the snares of the devil, R. Deliver me, O Lord. V. From everlasting death, R. Deliver me, O Lord. O God, Who for the salvation of mankind hast made for us in the most bitter death of Thy Son both an example and a refuge; grant, we beseech Thee, that we may be found worthy to obtain the fruit of His great love in our final peril at the hour of death, and to be made partakers of our Redeemer's glory. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. welcome. See Fr. Quarato for details REMEMBER TO PRAY THE ROSARY DAILY! PARISH MARIAN ROSARY PROCESSION – Our Annual Marian Rosary Procession will be Sunday, October th 6 . The procession will take place at 2:15 PM. SAVE THE DATE! LECTORS Please pick up a copy of the new WORKBOOK FOR YEAR A at the Rectory. SERRA CLUB MEETING th Wed, September 25 Eastchester Manor th Wednesday, September 25 , Eastwood Manor, Noon – 3PM, Father Brisson will be guest speaker ... his topic: “What is the “secret” of Opus Dei. For info or reservation call Janice and rd Sidney Brown at 718.671.8915 by Monday, September 23 4-course lunch … $25 per person. FINANCIAL MISCONDUCT The Archdiocese of New York takes stewardship of your donations and its recourses seriously. If you have knowledge of financial misconduct or suspect that it might be occurring, please report your concerns via a toll free hotline at 877. 820.0541 or on the internet at http:/ Both are available 24 hours per day. COLUMBUS DAY PARADE MASS – Monday, October th 14 at 9:30AM at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Info: Italian Apostolate, 212.371.1000 X3055. Save the date! SAFE ENVIRONMENT INFORMATION In English Anyone who needs to report an alleged incident of sexual abuse of a minor by priest, deacon, religious or lay person serving in the Archdiocese of New York is asked to contact Sr. Eileen Clifford, O.P. at 212.371.1000 X2949 or Deacon George Coppola at 917.861.1762. Both may also be reached via e-mail at Information can also be found on the Archdiocesan website, In keeping with the Archdiocesan policy regarding sexual abuse of minors, this information is provided to ensure that our children remain safe and secure. In Italian Chiunque abbia bisogno di segnalare un presunto incidente di abuso sessuale di un minore fatto da un sacerdote, diacono, religioso o laico in servizio nell’ Arcidiocesi di New York e pregato di contattare Sr. Eileen Clifford, OP a 212.371.1000, int. 2949 o diacono George J. Coppola al 917.861.1762. Con essi si puo’ contattare anche tramite e-mail: Le informazioni si possono trovare anche sul sito dell’Arcidiocesi, Queste informazioni soso distribuite in acordo con la linea della politica dell’Arcidiocesi per quanto riguarda gli abusi sessuali dei minori e servono per assicurare che I nostril bambini siano sicuri e protetti. St. Joseph, protector of the Holy Family, pray for us, that we may create a safe environment for the children who have been entrusted to us. Amen + PARISH MEETINGS + RCIA Inquiry Session Sept. 24 th 7:30 PM FWH-MSR A NOTE TO OUR NON-CATHOLIC FRIENDS Although we warmly welcome you to our parish Liturgies, we cannot extend to you an invitation to receive Holy Communion. The reception of Holy Communion is a sign of Unity in Faith, and such unity does not exist between Catholics and those who belong to other Christian groups. That unity is something for which we are to pray. If you would like to explore becoming a Catholic, please speak to one of the Priests. You may find the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ GUIDELINES FOR THE RECEPTION OF COMMUNION helpful. This document is found printed on the inside cover of Today’s Missal in the pews. LOOKING FOR THAT RIGHT PERSON? A NOTE ABOUT BECOMING SPONSORS FOR BAPTISM AND CONFIRMATION +++ It is a great honor to be asked to be a sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation. The role of a “godparent” is to be an “other parent” in matters of our holy Faith. That is why sponsors must be practicing Catholics, 16 yrs of age or older, having received Confirmation and currently living a good Christian moral life. If the sponsor is married, that person must be in a valid Church marriage. One sponsor is required for Confirmation. It is customary to have two for Baptism, in which case one must be male and the other female. A nominated sponsor is asked to get certification from his/her current parish. This is a declaration by a priest/deacon that the individual is qualified to be a sponsor according to Church Law. To be so certified, the individual must be a current parishioner of the particular parish where the certification is being sought, and be known to the priest/deacon as being a faithful practicing Catholic, attending Mass there regularly. Unfortunately, at times, family members or friends are chosen to be sponsors with good intentions, but are found to be ineligible according to Church Law. Also, more and more, people seem to think that they are still “parishioners” of their childhood parish, where they attended school or received sacraments years ago, while no longer living in the area or attending Mass there regularly. It is important for individuals to be active members of their local Catholic faith communities. The unfortunate fact is that some are neither practicing Catholics nor faithful members of a parish family and are thereby ineligible to become sponsors. Like all other things in life, individual choices bring consequences. +++ +++
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