October 25, 2015 - Church of the Holy Child
October 25, 2015 - Church of the Holy Child
October 25, 2015 HOLY CHILD CHURCH www.holy-child.org 718-356-5890 4747 Amboy Road, Staten Island, N.Y. 10312 Weekend Masses Saturday PM 5:00 7:00 Sunday AM 6:30 8:00 9:30 11:00 Sunday PM 12:30 5:30 Weekday Worship M - F Mass 6:30 AM M - S Morning Prayer 8:30 AM M - S Mass 9:00 AM Parish Office Hours M-F 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM 1:30 PM - 8:00 PM 718-356-5890 Pastor and Vicars Mary Kelly, Parish Manager Rev. Travers Rev. Edwin H. Cipot Rev. Wilfred Y. Dodo Joseph Longo, Maintenance Supervisor In Residence Rev. Percy Joseph Catherine McQuillen, Sports Council 718-356-5890 www.holychildbasketball.com Sandra Pace, Organist/Music Department Head 347-560-1793 Tom DeLacy, Soccer www.holychildsoccer.org Marie Ferro, Director of Religious Education 718-356-5277 Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM JoAnn C. Gaal, Director of Pre-School 718-356-5159 Office Hours: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM www.holychildprek@gmail.com Sacraments Baptisms Devotions Marriages 2:00 PM on Sundays Arrange in advance through the Rectory. Pre-Baptismal classes 8:00 p.m. on certain Saturday evenings. Call for schedule. Please contact priests of the parish at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. Book the church before the hall. ADULT CONFIRMATION www.nyfaithformation.org Reconciliation Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 PM Mary-Pat Schaefer Sal Lavanco Lea Laccadito Bob Mistretta Esther Pla Sabrina Lufrano Rita Martin Mark Kwapich Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Divine Mercy Chapel 24/7 Miraculous Medal Novena Church Mon. after 9:00 AM Mass and at 7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group Rectory Conference Room Wed. 7:45 PM Parish Council President Adoration Bereavement Ministry Beyond Renew Faith Sharing Charismatic Prayer Group Cheerleading Cub Scouts Boy Scouts Nick & Janna Gaudiuso Rosaria Incantalupo James Amberger Peggy Corney Eddie O’Connor Ray Doyle - Nick Nocerino Anthony Frizalone Kelly Carbonaro - Rich Passante 1 Family Life/Respect Life Rosary Ministry St. Vincent de Paul St. Vincent de Paul Sons & Daughters of Mary Usher Ministry Singles on the Go Social Club Youth Group HOLY CHILD CHURCH FIRST TIME: Week 30 Psalter II www.divineoffice.org Thomas Mazzaro and Katherine Wieme SECOND TIME: Michael DeMarco and Tara Zarrella Dennis Modafferi and Catherine Aloisio SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 24, 2015 5:00 PM Denise Ingrassia 7:00 PM In Thanksgiving to St. Jude ***** SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2015 6:30 AM People of Holy Child 8:00 AM John Thompson and Agnes Thompson 9:30 AM Pietro Cangialosi 11:00 AM Edith Morrongiello 12:30 PM Loreta and Nicola DeMonte and Dominick Scandaglia 5:30 PM Lazzaro DeRossi Mrs. Laccadito ministers to your bereavement needs. Call upon her to make an appointment at your convenience – 718-227-0449. ***** ...Or join….Ladies in Bereavement … … to weekly gatherings in the Fellowship Room on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:30 pm for shared conversation about the widowed experience. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2015 6:30 AM Peter Yoon 9:00 AM Pauline Della Peruta “Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief.” ***** TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2015 6:30 AM Ann Ronaldson 9:00 AM Ray Crawford WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2015 6:30 AM Frances Maniscalco 9:00 AM Cristeta, Artemio and Nestor Gupiteo Frances Aquino Dorothy Campbell Diane Carducci Andrew Cavosi 7:45 pm Monthly Healing Mass Fr. Willy- Celebrant ***** THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 6:30 AM Pat Panzarino 9:00 AM Concetta Russo and Giuseppe Maria Conigliaro ALL SOULS DAY The Month of All Souls begins on Monday 2 November, All Souls Day. That is the first day of the novena that will run through the month. Envelopes for remembrance of family and friends departed are available on the pamphlet rack and will form part of the mourning display at the altar. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2015 6:30 AM Margaret Sullivan 9:00 AM Jessie Macaluso SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2015 9:00 AM Frances Aquino ***** “FILL THESE HEARTS SATURDAY VIGIL, OCTOBER 31, 2015 5:00 PM Raymond Montella and Roseann Restivo 7:00 PM Salvatore Rizzo God, Sex and the Universal Longing” ***** Join best selling author Christopher West as he explores the ancient but forgotten truth that our deepest desires … are meant to lead us to … God. Scripture/Faith Sharing Sessions Mondays in the FORUM after the 9 A.M. Mass ***** FRIDAY 13 NOVEMBER 7-9 PM Tix - $10 filltheseheartsstatenisland.eventbrite.com Next Sunday, November 1, 2015 Bell Choir at 9:30 a.m. Info: holychildmarriage@gmail.com 2 STATEN ISLAND, NY WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR THIS WEEK’S DONATIONS: HOLY CHILD ROSARY MAKERS Makers meet every Thursday in the Rectory after the 9 am Mass. All are welcome. Bread & Wine In Memory of Dominick Tringali Offered by The Tringali Family ***** Prayerful Mantle Flowers at the Altar In Memory of Denise Ingrassia Offered by Mom and Dad The Prayerful Mantle Knit & Crochet Group will meet on Friday, November 6th at 9:30 a.m. in the large conference room. For more information, please contact Phyllis Ballarino at 718-356-6643. Adoration Chapel Candles In Honor of Lucille Rauchet and Family (Living) Offered by Lorraine Fedeli ***** SCHOOL OF RELIGION ***** Cross Road Foundation 1152 Victory Blvd Staten Island, NY 10301 (718) 556-3474 www.crossroadfoundation.org Communion Workshops Sacrament Preparation Program for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion began September 22, 2015.This is a parent involvement program and it is mandatory that at least one parent (or representative selected by the family) attend each workshop, scheduled as follows: Birth Announcements Rodrigo August 8th Joshua August 19th Aloniee August 20th Jayden August 29th Jorge September 5th Ignacio September 16th Workshop I MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2015 AT 7:30 PM Workshop II MONDAY, MARCH 7, 2016 AT 7:30 PM The Communion fee is $150. ***** No child will be registered if he or she is not represented at each of the workshops. These meetings are mandated by the Archdiocese of New York. The requirements for a child to enter the First Holy Communion program are as follows: The Gospel of St. John Scripture Study until December 21st every Monday from 7:30 - 9:00 pm in the Small Conference Room - Rectory ***** MUST BE ENROLLED IN THE GENERAL RELIGIOUS PROGRAM MUST HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED TWO YEARS OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PRIOR TO MAY 2016. ***** Family Catechesis “Celebrating Family” We are happy to welcome the following newly baptized member into our Holy Child Family: Abrianna Love Zefi SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8th ***** AFTER THE 12:30 PM MASS Joseph Arleo Jillian Cannon Michael Capolongo Colleen Cerzosie Lenny Cerzosie Louise Cesarano Theresa Cuchel Anthony Dimesa Diane Dipilato Baby Giuliana Geller Rosalie Giangrande Rosaria Incantalupo Families are invited to join with other families in the parish for a light meal, group discussion, meditation, and family prayer. BRING GRANDPARENTS AND GODPARENTS. Richard Leone Veronica Mangieri Peter Mongiove Tom O’Donnell Fr. Joseph Pasciutto Sebastian Rao Lisa Romano Billy Sherwood Dawn Verdi Joseph Zaza Joseph Zissel Family Name: _________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________ Number of people attending: ______________________ Grades of the children: __________________________ Special seating needs: __________________________ NAMES ON THIS LIST WILL BE ON UNTIL DECEMBER 27TH AND THEN WILL BE REMOVED UNLESS WE HEAR FROM THE FAMILY TO CONTINUE Please return to the school or rectory by October 30th For more information, call School of Religion at 718-356-5277. 3 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TIME CHANGE Don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour next weekend before 2 a.m. on Sunday, November 1st. Daylight Savings Time ends on the first Sunday in November. HOLY CHILD FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION CALENDAR ***** “Save the dates!” HOLY CHILD’S CONFIRMATION Friday 13 November - 7 p.m. The parish adds its congratulations, best wishes and prayers to the Sacramental Grace received by the Confirmation Class of 2015. “Theology of the Body” Presentation Christopher West Holy Child was the host of Most Reverend John J. O’Hara, Episcopal Vicar of Staten Island and Auxiliary Bishop of New York, who conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday 17 October. Sunday 13 December Nostalgic Christmas Party Throughout the afternoon following 12:30 Mass. We hope that these confirmed young people will continue to conform themselves to the practice of the Faith and to be ever receptive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. ***** ***** The Rosary Ministry is in need of Rosary Leaders for The Eger Scandinavian HOLIDAY FAIR Saturday, November 7, 2015 9:00 am to 4:00 pm FREE ADMISSION the pre-Sunday Masses. If you feel that you would want to lead the congregation in this beautiful prayer of the Rosary, please contact Rosaria Incantalupo at (718)-948-0128. ***** Eger Health Care and Rehabilitation Center 140 Meisner Avenue Staten Island, NY 718-989-3125 A DAY OF RECONCILIATION Given by Fr. Basil Akut SPONSORED BY THE ST. SIMON STOCK LAY CARMELITE COMMUNITY ***** Date: Time: Place: November 7, 2015 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. St. Adalbert’s School Auditorium 355 Morningstar Road, Staten Island, NY Donation: $10.00 Beyond Renew Presents Trip to Sands Casino, Bethlehem, PA With Christmas Show starring Tony Orlando Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2015 Time: Leave Holy Child Parking lot at 9:30 AM Show: 2 PM at Event Center Sands Casino (1 1/2 hours) Leave: 5:15 PM Return home about 7 PM Coffee and bottled water will be served. Please bring your own lunch. Kindly call Belle Parsons 718-273-5249 or Maria Ugenti 718-356-1886 if you would like to attend. Donations will be accepted at the door. A Day of Recollection Schedule - November 3, 2015 Cost: $90 Bus, Tip, Ticket to Show (Holy Child Fund Raiser) (Receive $20 Slot Coins and $5 Food) ***** Government issued Photo ID (Drivers License, Passport, Military ID) OR Sands Card needed to receive $20 slot dollar $5 Food TACHS 2 levels of Outlet Stores, Food Court, Restaurants Calling all 8th Graders! If interested, make check payable to Bob Mistretta. For info you may call 718-702-4216. Fill out tear off and drop off at Rectory. (Renew Mailbox). 1 bus (49 seats) …………………………………………………………………… Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools 2015-2016 Archdiocese of New York Name:_________________________________________ Test Date: Friday, November 6, 2015 Student Handbook and/or Registration Forms are available at: www.tachsinfo.com your local Catholic elementary or high school 1-866-61TACHS (1-866-618-2247) to request a copy Address:_______________________________________ Telephone #:___________________________________ 4 OCTOBER 25, 2015 The sun shone on Family Fun Fair 2015 making possible a comfortable and wonderful time for all who attended. Staff and volunteers from parish committees and parishioners at large supplied the muscle to mount and execute the event. Holy Child is grateful to them all. Many generous people contributed to the Raffle Baskets. This year an honorable mention must be made of Mr. Sal Torre whose fantastic effort in gathering goods and gifts from local concerns graced the Raffle Tables with many an appealing item. Sal’s remarkable initiative and involvement resonated perfectly with the cooperation of all who dedicated themselves to our parish activity. The major donors who sponsored booths and rides on “The Midway” are especially thanked by Holy Child. Lt. John L. Martinson Canlon’s restaurant Cape house gallery Costabile galdi Ingravallo family Kitty’s and family florist John Vincent Scalia home for funerals Old Bermuda inn Eltingville florist Scaran oil services, inc. Scarpaci funeral home This Third Annual Family Fun Fair unofficially kicked off Holy Child’s Golden Jubilee Celebration. p.s. 50/50 Winner of the day = Tommy Reitch Super 50/50 Winner = Elia Lopes 5 Church: Holy Child Church City: Staten Island Account: 03-00612 6
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