August 28, 2016 - Holy Family Parish


August 28, 2016 - Holy Family Parish
A Catholic faith community called to serve God and others
through Eucharist, prayer, education, and daily living of the Gospel values.
(513) 422-0602
10:30 AM
August 28, 2016
MONDAY- FRIDAY 12:30 - 4:30 PM
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Vacation Bible School Raffle Mania
Thursday, September 8th
7 to 9 PM
Preview at 6:30 PM
St. John’s Undercroft
Paul Nicholas - Auctioneer!
Like a quarter auction - but easier because
you bid for items with tickets, not quarters!
Support Vacation Bible School, enjoy a fun
night out and get a jump on your
Christmas shopping!
Featured vendors:
Early Childhood PREP begins Sunday, Sept 11th
from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. in the St. John Center.
Fill out the registration form - available on our
website - and send it, along with payment, to
the parish office.
Grades K - 8th PREP begins Monday, Sept 12th
from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the St. John Center.
Register all NEW students by contacting Dee
422-0602 or
Dessert Donation Request
Calling all Bakers!
 Split the Pot  Refreshments 
Door Prizes 
We’re asking for donations of
dessert goodies to sell at the
VBS Raffle Mania! We hope you’ll help us out
by dropping off cookies, brownies, cupcakes,
candies - whatever you like to bake - at the
parish office by Thursday, September 8th.
Thanks so much for your continued support of
the Vacation Bible School fundraisers!
Wear something PINK and receive
a free raffle ticket!
RSVP by Tuesday, September 6 !
Betty McGuire 422-8465 or
Diane Roark 422-5354
Walk-ins Welcome!
VBS Raffle Mania …..…………………………. Thursday Sep 8
Holy Family Athletics Dinner ..…………………. Sat Sept 10
Annual Parish Picnic .….………………………..… Sun Sept 11
Daily Scripture Readings
Saturday and Sunday - August 27 and 28
4:30 PM Mass SJ Tom Meehan
9:00 AM Mass HT Angelo Saraceno - Anniversary Rem.
10:30 AM Mass SJ Pam Kusneske - Anniversary Rem.
Monday, August 29
12:10 PM Communion Service HT
Tuesday, August 30
8:15 AM Mass J23 John & Mary Kiesewetter Family
Wednesday, August 31
12:10 PM Mass HT Janet Sack - Birthday Remembrance
Thursday, September 1
12:10 PM Mass HT Kiesewetter / Meister Families
Friday, September 2
8:00 AM Mass HT John Ifcic - Wedding Anniv. Rem.
12:10 PM Communion Service HT
Saturday, September 3
8:00 AM Mass HT Donald Fenton - Birthday Remembrance
4:30 PM Mass SJ Tom Kraft - Anniversary Remembrance
Sunday, September 4 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 AM Mass HT John Ptaszkiewicz - Birthday Rem.
10:30 AM Mass SJ Josephine Soppanish - Anniversary Rem.
Weekly Collections Stewardship
Sunday, August 21st $12,735
Thank you for your generous stewardship!
September 3/4
4:30 PM SAT
Vicki Hall 1B
Pat Montgomery 2B
Kathi Mangus 3B
Frank Pressler 1C
Carolyn Kraft 2C
Linda Weaver 3C
Cecilie Ricke 4C
Bob Weaver
Stephanie Burk
Anthony Lococo
Dick Montgomery
Franka Cope D1
Phoebe Pearce D1
Fred Cranford
Jim Stabler
Don Schwab
Mike Rossi
9:00 AM SUN
Don Accurso 1B
Andrea Accurso 2B
Marlene Ruwe 3B
Lee Ann Glick 1C
Sherry Corrill 2C
Barb VonderHaar 3C
Lorraine Sivy 4C
Dan Mabry
Beverly Mabry
Stephanie Corrill
Madeleine Corrill
Lee Ann Glick D1
Marilyn Abbot D2
Josh Abbot D3
10:30 AM SUN
Rick Gregosky 1B
Karen Gregosky 2B
Marcia Egelston 3B
John Lyons 1C
Rosetta DiCristoforo 2C
Larry Nichols 3C
Phyllis Nichols 4C
Linda Gillaspy
Dale Gerber
Lily Knaley
Jake Johnson
Jennifer Robertson D1
Nancy Meiser D1
Ken Allen
David Meiser
John Mandzak
Hal Pearce
Mon: 1 Cor 2:1-5 / Mk 6:17-29
Tues: 1 Cor 2:10b-16 / Lk 4:31-37
Wed: 1 Cor 3:1-9 / Lk 4:38-44
Thurs: 1 Cor 3:18-23 / Lk 5:1-11
Fri: 1 Cor 4:1-5 / Lk 5:33-39
Sat: 1 Cor 4:6b-15 / Lk 6:1-5
Sun: Wis 9:13-18b / Phlm 9-10,12-17
Lk 14:25-33
Our Prayers and Sympathy are Extended
to the family and friends of Pasquale “Pat”
Scorti who died August 21st.
In Your Prayers Remember Mike Neu at
Atrium, Kitty Frey at West Chester, and
Darlene Witte at Miami Valley this week.
Health Ministry:
ADHD Affects Adults, Too!
We seem to associate Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder with
school kids, 30% to 70% of whom
continue to have symptoms as adults, such as:
*Chronically late for work / important events
*More likely to speed, have accidents and
lose driver's license
*Have trouble prioritizing, starting and
finishing tasks
*Problems with self control - difficulty
controlling anger, blurting out rude or
insulting thoughts
*Can hyper-focus on what is enjoyed,
yet struggle to pay attention to tasks
that bore them
Modern life is fast paced - emails, calls, texts
- which most people can manage while still
focusing on important responsibilities. For
those with ADHD, these distractions interfere
with completion of vital tasks at home and
work. Restless? Trouble concentrating?
Don't jump to the conclusion that you suffer
from ADHD. Other conditions share their
symptoms. Poor concentration is a classic sign
of depression and restlessness could indicate
an overactive thyroid or anxiety disorder.
For help see your health care provider to see
what could be causing your symptoms instead
of or in addition to ADHD. WebMD
Introductions to Sunday Readings
September Dates to Remember
End of Season Bocce Banquet Thursday, September 1
in the Holy Trinity Center
Labor Day Monday, September 5
at Holy Trinity Church
8:00 AM Mass
Gathering of Widows Tuesday, September 6th at
11:00 a.m. in the Holy Trinity Center
St. Vincent de Paul Meeting Tuesday, September 6th
at 7:00 p.m. in the Holy Trinity Center
K of C Council Meeting Wednesday, September 7th
at 7:00 p.m. in the K of C Council Hall
K of C Ladies Auxiliary Meeting Wednesday,
September 7th at 7:00 p.m. in the Holy Trinity Center
VBS Raffle Mania Thursday, September 8th 7 - 9 p.m.
in the St. John Undercroft - Seating / Preview 6:30 p.m.
by Bishop Ken Untener, in collaboration
with Catherine Haven and Fr. Bill Taylor
First Reading - Sirach 3:17-18, 20, 28-29
The book of Sirach was written by a wise teacher
who lived 200 years before Christ. Sirach ran a
school for young people in Jerusalem. In today’s
section, he gives his students a string of wise sayings
to guide them in their conduct.
Second Reading - Hebrews 12:18-19, 22-24
In today’s reading from the letter to the Hebrews,
the author contrasts two covenants. He begins
with the covenant at Mount Sinai, which was ratified
amid fire and darkness. Then he speaks of the
new covenant established by Jesus at Mount Zion
(another name for Jerusalem).
Men’s Fellowship second and fourth Saturdays of
the month - September 10th and 24th from 7:00 to
8:30 a.m. in the St. John Rectory
Holy Family Athletics Mass & Dinner Saturday,
September 10th 4:30 PM Mass at St. John Church
and dinner under the tent at St. John XXIII School
Early Childhood PREP Sunday mornings beginning
September 11th from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. in the
St. John Center
RCIA Sundays, September 11th, 18th and 25th in the
St. John Rectory after the 10:30 AM Mass
Parish Picnic Sunday, September 11th from 4 to 7 p.m.
under the tent - St. John XXIII School - Dinner at 5 p.m.
Grades K - 8 PREP Monday evenings beginning
September 12th from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. St. John Center
Msgr. McNary 4th Degree Assembly Meeting
Tuesday, September 13th at 7:00 p.m. - Council Hall
Coffee and Donuts Sunday, September 18th in the
St. John Undercroft following the 10:30 AM Mass
Baptismal Preparation Class Thursday, September 22nd
7:00 p.m. in the St. John Rectory
SVDP Memorial Mass 9:00 AM Sunday, Sept 25th
September Weddings at Holy Family
Jared Bindel & Alice Heidtman
Saturday, Sept 10th 2:30 p.m. Holy Trinity Church
Sunday, September 11th
4 to 7 PM
Dinner at 5 PM
Enjoy Pony Rides, Water Balloons,
Tug-of-War, Corn Hole,
Balloon Launch, Split-the-Pot
Snow Cones and More!
Special September 11th Tribute!
Two Skydivers
from Team Fastax®
will jump and land
on the sports field.
We’ve all seen them in the sky over
Smith Park but nothing compares
with the excitement of being there
in person! Make plans to join us!
Holy Family Parish Golf Outing Results!
After the original date was a rainout, over 90 golfers enjoyed beautiful weather and had lots of fun
at Holy Family’s 23rd Annual Golf Outing at Wildwood Golf Course. Fr. Civille was stationed on a
par three hole and hit with every team. Friendly wagers were placed and over $700 was raised
for our St. Vincent de Paul. Thanks to all the golfers for their generosity!
Below are the team results and winners:
1st Place Gross:
1st Place Net:
2nd Place Net:
Longest Drive:
Longest Putt:
Most Accurate to the Line:
Closest to the Pin # 9:
Closest to the Pin #10:
Closest to the Pin #16:
Closest to the Pin #18:
Michael Huber, Jared Ptaszkiewicz, Aaron McQueen, and Kevin Grass
Bob Cummins, Will Cummins, Eric Hafer, and Ben Hafer
Kathy Herron, Donna Becker, Mary Joseph, and Wanda Brown
Women - Cecilia Nenni
Men - Michael Huber
Women - Gabriela DiCristoforo
Men - Pete Dobrozsi
Women - Rosamaria DiCristoforo
Men - Matt Mulligan
Women - Michele Anderson
Men - Ron Scott
Women - Joanne Bruggeman
Men - Brian Skinner
Women - Joanne Bruggeman
Men - John Phillippe
Women - Cecelia Nenni
Men - Rob Glover
Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped out this year and to CECELIA & PAUL NENNI, chairing the event
in their 7th year! Also, a huge thanks to our sponsors - especially N-Stock Box, Inc. and the Pennington Family and to the staff of Wildwood for their time and support in making this outing so successful again this year!
Many thanks to Rob McCulley who took
375+ photos of the golf event!
Check them out in COLOR on
our parish website! Thanks Rob!
An Invitation to Join Cub Scouts!
Thursday, September 1th
7 PM John XXIII School Cafeteria
Holy Family Parish’s Cub Scout Pack 85
will be conducting it’s annual Join Scout Night in the
St. John XXIII Cafeteria on Thursday, September 1st at
7:00 p.m. Parents of boys currently in kindergarten
through 5th grades are encouraged to attend.
Cub scouting is a FUN, family-based program with
activities designed to build character, learn citizenship,
and develop personal fitness. Check out this website
to learn more about Cub Scouts - http://www.scouting.
org/filestore/pdf/512-735_WEB.pdf. Come join us on
September 1st to start your adventure in Cub Scouting!
Can’t make it to the Join Scout Night? You’ll miss a lot
but your son doesn’t have to! Members of Pack 85
will be at the church doors after Mass next weekend,
September 3rd and 4th, to sign up any boys that are
interested in joining Scouts!
Holy Family Athletics Steak Dinner
Saturday, September 10th
Refreshments Begin @ 5:30 PM
Dinner Served @ 6:00 PM
St. John XXIII School
Don’t forget to wear your team jersey when you attend
the 4:30 PM CYO Mass celebrated at St. John Church
before the Steak Dinner!
Holy Family Children’s Choir
Children's Choir will resume their
weekly practices on Monday,
October 3rd from 5:45 until 6:25 p.m. in St. John Church.
The Children’s Choir sings about once a month and on
Christmas Eve. Any child in grades two through seven
is encouraged to join our talented & fun-loving group!
Information and registration forms will be available.
If you enjoy singing, call the parish office 422-0602
and join the Children’s Choir!
Baptismal Preparation Class
Thursday, Sept 22nd 7 PM St. John Rectory
If you are expecting your first baby or want your
first child baptized we ask that you attend a baptismal
preparation class, held quarterly throughout the year.
The next baptismal preparation class is scheduled for
Thursday, September 22nd at 7:00 PM in the St. John
Rectory. Call the parish office 422-0602 to register.
by Dawn Pickerill / Principal
St. John XXIII represents 150 years of Catholic Education
dedicated to encouraging and developing well-rounded,
self-confident and compassionate children and young
adults who lead successful, mindful, service-driven lives.
Our school community is the foundation on which our
core principles of faith and hard work bind us together
as a family.
If you are interested in a Catholic education that
provides a challenging, structured and thoughtful learning environment led by highly qualified and experienced
teachers, please contact Principal Dawn Pickerill at
424-1196 for a meeting and a tour of the school.
This year we are happy to announce that we have four
new faculty members. Tara Tipton, a former St. John
XXIII student, and mother of Lucy and Sullivan who are
current students, is our part time health and physical
education teacher. Mandy Trinkley has joined us to
teach advanced math courses (pre-algebra, algebra I,
and geometry), Courtney Remsing is teaching 4th grade
language arts and religion, Neely Wilson is working as
an assistant in preschool, and Ana Batagllia will be
teaching Spanish to our K-8 students. We feel very
blessed to have all of these wonderful teachers join our
St. John XXIII family.
Thanks to all who attended Mass with us on Tuesday,
August 23, 2016! It was wonderful to have so many
parishioners come to celebrate with us. We have
changed the way we do a few things during mass, and
wanted to bring these changes to your attention. In
order to help the students remain more focused, we will
be standing during the Eucharistic Prayer. We know this
can be difficult for some, so please feel free to sit if that
is more comfortable for you. Another big change is the
start time which has been moved back to 8:15. We look
forward to seeing you this week!
9/9/16 – Magazine Sale Starts
9/10/16 – Athletic Board Steak Dinner
9/11/16 – Parish Picnic
9/24/16 – Euchre Tournament
Baton Rouge Flood Relief
Parishioner Melissa (Zappia) Longfield spent three years living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where she
worked as a counselor at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic High School. The recent flooding in the
Baton Rouge area has devastated much of the St. Michael Community. Entire homes have been lost,
vehicles too, and many of the students and faculty fled their homes with only the clothes on their backs.
If you would like to help the community of St. Michael the Archangel High School through this difficult time,
they are asking for $20-$25 gift cards to Wal-Mart and Target to give to those families in need. Checks are also
welcome and should be made out to St. Michael High School and noted for: FLOOD RELIEF. Donations can be
mailed directly to the address below or placed in the collection basket marked "Baton Rouge Flood Relief.”
St. Michael the Archangel High School Attn: Principal Ellen Lee P.O. Box 86110 Baton Rouge, LA 70879-6110
Pendleton Art Center First Fridays
& Second Look Saturdays!
This Friday & Saturday, Sept 2nd & 3rd
The studios are open for First Friday each month
from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. and the following day for
Second look Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The Pendleton offers art by watercolorists, oil and
acrylic painters, mixed media, jewelry, photography,
as well as picture framing and much more, including
a gourmet café, Savorie. Check it out!
Walk to End Alzheimer's
Saturday, Sept 10th VOA Park, West Chester
Registration 8:30 AM Opening ceremonies 9:45 AM
Walk 10:00 AM Start a team at
Major Drain Repair at Holy Trinity Church
Much needed repair and replacement of storm drains
was recently completed - dry basements at Holy Trinity!
Middletown Art Center Offers Classes
A new term of art classes at the
Middletown Arts Center begins on
Monday, August 29th. Anyone interested
may sign up still on the first day preceding the class.
The Arts Center offers TRY IT! YOU'LL LIKE IT!
This program offers the first class in the media of
your choice FREE (within the first two classes of a
session) for a student who has never experienced a
class at the Art Center before. This lets a student try
a new medium and see if they would like to pursue
their interest in that media for the session. Tuition
for the remainder of the session is then pro-rated.
Offered are classes in drawing, watercolor, oil and
acrylic painting, chalk pastels, jewelry, glass fusing/
slumping, enameling, digital photography, Photoshop
elements, ceramics, and knitting/crocheting. Classes
for children and young adults are also available in
Mixed Media, Young Artist Clay, Drawing, Youth
Cartooning and Drawing & Painting.
The Middletown Arts Center, 130 N. Verity Parkway,
Middletown, is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday,
9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, and
only for special events on Fridays and Saturdays.
For more information or to register, call 424-2417
or visit
St. John Bell Tower Clean Up It took over a week
for Central Insulation Systems, Inc. to completely clean
the four floor areas of the bell tower and to wipe all of
the horizontal surfaces with a microbial disinfectant.
Screening was replaced and pigeons now have to find
a new place to visit. Thank goodness - no photos!!