July 10, 2016 - Holy Family Parish


July 10, 2016 - Holy Family Parish
Mass Schedule
Rev. Thomas Rekiel, Administrator
Rev. Krzysztof Liwarski, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Frederick Walters, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Philip-Michael Tangorra, Weekend Assistant
Deacon Peter M. Fiore
Deacon William Ward, Retired
Virginia Akhoury, Pastoral Minister
Director of Religious Education, Anne Giedlinski
Director of Music Ministry, Randy Hertzog
Youth Minister, Jason Marx
Parish Bookkeeper, Barbara O’Connor
Parish Secretary, Celeste Walsh
Ralph Aurilia - 973-951-6508
Gene Miranda - 973-583-2469
Roger Siara - 973-822-1661
Ralph Aurilia 973-951-6508
Bob Cottam 973-887-1232
*Anne Feith 973-966-1314
Peter Fiore
Gene Miranda 973-583-2469
Roger Siara
*Michael Prokop973-301-0678
Bob Scirocco 973-377-1387
Fred Summa
*Parish Trustee
Sunday Mass Schedule
Saturday 5:30 pm
Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am,
12:00, 7:30 pm
Daily Mass Schedule
Monday-Saturday, 8:15 am
Holy Day Schedule
Vigil Mass, 7:00 pm
7:30, 9:00 am, 12:10, 7:00 pm
1 Lloyd Avenue ~ Florham Park, New Jersey 07932
The office is open Monday-Thursday
from 8:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Phone 973-377-1817
Fax 973-377-6350
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM - First, second, third and fourth
Sundays of each month at 1:30pm. Baptism preparation for
parents first Tuesday of the month. Phone rectory for details and
HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL - An environment for growth in
faith, values and knowledge. Tiny Tots (2 1/2 yrs. old) through
8th grade. For further information, please call the school office,
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - A program of religious
instruction for grades 1 through 8. Confirmation preparation for
high school students. For further information, call the Religious
Education Office, 973-377-3101.
Ministry to the Homebound: Ginny Akhoury, 973-377-2315
Mary Scirocco,973-377-1387
Ministry to the Hungry: Anne Platoff, 973-822-0430
Sharon Carr, 973-568-5932
Hospital Visitation: Ginny Akhoury, 973-377-2315
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - Dr. McDowell Council - For
information, call Charlie Pane 862-368-8585. For Hall rentals, call
Ralph Aurilia at 973-301-0297.
PRO-LIFE MINISTRY - Frank and Barbara Tinari, 973-8220084. Important Contact Information: New Jersey Right to Life
(njrtl.org) 732-562-0562.
CENTERING PRAYER meets at 7:30 p.m. in the O’Connell Room
(convent) on Monday nights.
ROSARY is prayed each day at 7:50 a.m. (before the 8:15 Mass).
MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA is prayed on Mondays after the
8:15 a.m. Mass.
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION The Blessed Sacrament will be
exposed for veneration on the First Friday, after the 8:15 mass
until 10:00 a.m., and every Tuesday after the 8:15 mass.
September 18th: Parish Picnic
October 2nd :
Coffee and Cake Sunday
October 8th:
Parish Dinner
Watch the bulletin for details!
PARISH EMAIL MAILING LIST The parish has a email mailing
list. The purpose of this is to quickly provide interested parishioners with important news and announcements are time sensitive or notices of interest to parishioners who might be away on
business or vacation. To subscribe simply email rectory@holyfamilyfp.org and your email address will be added to
the list.
those serving in the armed forces:
Major Timothy Renahan USA
Sgt. Jared K. Nucci, USA
Matthew Manzione, USA
AS1 Brian Schramm, USN
HT2 Thomas Dwyer ESWS, USN
Master Sgt. Jennifer Sweetin USAF
PFC Patrick Montuore USMC
Lt. Stephen Scirocco USMC
MASSES AROUND THE COUNTRY - To find the closest church in
the U.S., or go to www.masstimes.org
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Mass Intentions
Monday, July 11, 2016
8:15- Bob Froetscher
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
8:15- James Quinn
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
8:15 - Margaret Farrell
- Anna Prokop
Mjr. Gen. John Landry
1st Anniversary
Thursday, July 14, 2016
8:15 - Josephine Olivieri
Friday, July 15, 2016
8:15 - Samuel Cali
Saturday, July 16, 2016
8:15 5:30 - Antoinette Romano
Sunday, July 17, 2016
7:30 - Carl Krah
- Earle Wallo, Sr.
4th Anniversary
9:00 - William McNerney
- Errico Stramaglia
10:30 - Domenico Cavezza
- Liz Madden
- Mary Salerno
12:00 - Carla Schaafsma
- Digna Fabic
- Patrick Keenaghan
7:30 - Anthony Pryer, Sr.
William McNerney, (husband of Patricia McNerney).
Ryan Elizabeth Dunne,
Daughter of Kenneth and Kathryn Dunne.
Please pray for our parishioners, relatives and friends who are
ill: Alison Walters Soderburg, Brian Connolly, Fr. Fred, Alyssa
Blatt, Peggy Schneyer, John Mahoney, Kate Monteforte, John
Schneyer, Linda Ryan, Stephen Matuszek, Bernie Dorn, III,
Carol Padden, Ramona Baumgaertner, Theresa Veverka, Bob
McGurk, Steven Reich, John Veverka, Dave Kreutzer, Mary
Ann Senko, Fr. William Santeliz, Curt Price.
ALTAR SERVERS Please be sure to sign up
for Weekend Masses and Special Events
via SignUpGenius on the parish website,
www.holyfamilyfp.org. Select Altar Servers under the Groups/Ministries tab. Select
Schedule and follow the links under the
Schedule to sign up to serve at masses and/
or Special Events.
Check website for upcoming events.
On Monday, July 18th the front steps of the
church will be closed for a week while we
install new steps. Please plan on using the
side doors on Tucker St. and the convent
side to go into the church.
PROLIFE NEWS Please check out the titles in the Right to
Life pamphlet racks at the church doors. They include Roe
plus 40; A Catholic response to the death penalty; Healing
after abortion; and Explaining the reality of marriage to family and friends.
A televised SUNDAY MASS is now airing on ABC Family from
6:30 to 7 a.m. each Sunday morning. For more information, go
to www.TheSundayMass.org.
662 Holy Family Church
Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson On a summer morning many years ago, my wonderful hostess named Geraldine, the
mother of a priest friend, came home from her weekday morning Mass a bit upset. The gospel had been the same one we
hear this weekend. Evidently the celebrant had not preached a homily that day, so my hostess had to turn to her son and me
for help with understanding why Mary had chosen “the better part.” I was glad to yield to her priest son to explain, because
he certainly knew of his mom’s expertise as a “Martha.”
We have to remember that Jesus did not say that Martha was wrong, but that there was a higher priority in listening to
Him. Mary had chosen that one. Hosting a guest is both practical charity and a way of honoring God’s presence in other
Our First Reading tells us that the patriarch Abraham had hosted the Lord in the guise of three rather quiet visitors. After
he had set out a feast for them, he was told by the one of them that when he returned in a year, Abraham and Sarah would
have a son. This prediction will famously make Sarah laugh. The point for us is to note that Abraham listened. That is what
Mary was doing that day Jesus visited.
As we go through our lives we naturally have times where we have to go to God. His voice is the one we need to hear. The
unexpected twists and turns in life are sometimes enough to set us off balance. The unexpected illness of a child; the unwanted job loss; the effects of a sudden sickness, or the gradual physical decline of old age. St. Paul would add that sometimes we
have to drop all the comfort of our accustomed to routines to consider things in the light of eternity.
Yes, the practicalities of life demand that we strike a balance in our thinking. After all, we have to pay the cable bill if we
want to watch TV. We need to take Junior to the dentist. And Grandmom needs that ride to the supermarket. But daily
prayer is also part of Christian living, as is Sunday Mass and regular confession. The latter embrace “the better part” Jesus
was referring to in his praise of Mary.
Think of it this way: if we’re hoping to spend eternity with God in the next life, we should be developing our friendship with
Him in this life. In that way we will not be strangers to each other when we are judged outside heaven’s gate.
The magnificent cathedral in Milan, Italy features three inscriptions over the respective doorways. Over the right-hand door
there is this one: “All that pleases is but for a moment.” Over the left-hand door the words are: “All that troubles is but for a
moment.” But over the central door there is the most poignant: “Nothing is important save that which is eternal.”
First Reading: Genesis 18:1-10a
Abraham proves to be a capable host to Yahweh, Who appears to him in the guise of three travelers. After enjoying Abraham’s feast, one of them tells Abraham that when he returns in a year Abraham and Sarah will have a son.
Second Reading: Colossians 1:24-28
St. Paul speaks of his afflictions as part of the life of a preacher of the gospel. He refers to the presence of “the mystery of
Christ” in all believers, including Gentiles.
Gospel: Luke 10:38-42
Jesus acts counter culturally in His visit to His two lady friends. By reason of His authority He teaches them a valuable lesson. He declares that Mary has chosen “the best part” when she sits at His feet to listen to what He says.
Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson
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662 Holy Family Church
TITHING This week’s collection was
$8,034.00, (last year was $8,714.00).
Thank you for your continued generosity.
Yes, it’s that time of the year… we are looking for proposals for next year for snow removal and landscaping for
Holy Family Parish. If you or someone you
know is interested, please contact the rectory office at 973-377-1817 or email rectory@holyfamilyfp.org.
If you are interested in becoming
an On Line Contributor please go
to the Parish website and follow
the directions there to sign up.
Akhoury is collecting religious items, prayer cards,
novena booklets, medals, small statues, rosaries
(broken ones will be repaired) crucifixes and greeting cards, for distribution around the world. These items will be
sent to missions in Africa, India, the Philippines and many other
locations. Please leave any contributions in the baskets at the
doors of the church.
FOOD PANTRY Thank you for your support of the Food
Pantry. This week’s item is cereal. Remember we cannot
accept expired items. Sharon Carr @973-568-5932, OR
Anne Platoff @ 973-822- 0430.
Registration forms have been
mailed out for Religious Education Classes. If you have
not received a form please call
Anne Giedlinski at 973-3773101. Registration forms are
due back by August 1st. (Registration forms for Confirmation
students will be mailed at the end of July). All children in
grades 1-8 should be enrolled in Religious Education and
grades 9 and 10 should be enrolled in the Confirmation Program.
The response to Holy Family Parish’s Memorial Pavers Project
has been excellent. Our plan is to extend this paved walkway
through the coming years as we continue to grow. What a
wonderful way to remember a relative or friend, living or deceased! At the doors of the church are extra order forms.
Please remember the Paver contribution is tax deductible.
Any questions, call Chairman Ralph Aurilia, 973-951-6508.
CATHOLIC CHARITIES Please help support our local programs
by donations of clothing, shoes and household items in our donation bin located in the parking lot.
Catholic Engaged Encounter Call 973-691-1561 or e-mail
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an urgent need for new volunteer members to
carry on the tradition of emergency readiness and
response to keep Florham Park safe. If you are at
least 18 years of age, please contact the Chief’s
Office at 973-377-3241 to discuss this immediate
Halos for Angels, Inc., and Macy’s invite you to a special
event on Saturday, August 27th from 10 a.m. to closing at all
Macy’s store nationwide. Enjoy up to a 25% discount and special events while supporting Halos for Angels, Inc. Purchase
the special savings pass for $5 from Halos for Angels, Inc. at
973-845-9636 or halosforangels@gmail.com. Representatives
from Halos will be at Holy Family the weekend of July 23 and
24 to speak at all the masses and to sell the Macy’s passes.
The primary purpose of “HFA” is to nurture its community’s
“well-being” by extending to its family members temporary
relief, comfort, and support when sudden tragedy of an emotional and /or physical nature hits home.
Assumption College for Sisters welcomes lay people to register for theology and philosophy courses for credit or audit and
any other course for audit. The cost is $510/course for credit or
$255/course for audit. For registration call or e-mail: 973-9570188 ext. 106 or academicdean@acs350.org. Classes begin on
August 22nd
Bayley Ellard Class of 66 It’s our “50th” Reunion! Where are
you classmates? Please call Ann Marie (Sandello) Brady @
Boiling Springs Savings Bank is providing us with a special
opportunity for fund raising. The program is called the Community Alliance Banking Program, and Boiling Springs will
make a quarterly donation to Holy Family based on the average
balances in all members’ designated accounts. Eligible accounts include checking, savings, CDs, Premium Checking,
Money Market and Individual Retirement accounts. Both new
and existing accounts are eligible.
When you open a new account, inform the Customer Service
Representative that you would like this account to be part of
the Community Alliance Program for Holy Family. If you
already have an account, visit one of their branches to fill out
an enrollment form designating the accounts to be included in
the Community Alliance Program for Holy Family.
All account information is kept strictly confidential with Boiling Springs and no one from Holy Family has any knowledge
of any member’s account information. We encourage all parish members, teachers and parents to enroll because the more
members we have the larger the quarterly bank donation becomes.
No money comes from members’ accounts.
Marriage Encounter
Call Sal and Sylvia Vassallo at
1-800-823-5683 for information or to register.
662 Holy Family Church
Faith, Family, Academic Excellence!
Registration is being accepted for Tiny Tots through Grade 8. Information about Holy Family School can be obtained by
calling 973-377-4181 or visiting the school office for an information packet. Enrollment in kindergarten requires the
child to have reached his or her fifth birthday by October 1.
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662 Holy Family Church
Holy Family School Celebrates Over 50 Years
Participating in the Florham Park 4th of July Parade!
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662 Holy Family Church