May 22, 2016 - St. Christopher
The Parish Family of May 22, 2016 Sts. Christopher and Sylvia PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Patrick F. Buckley, Pastor George Sevigny, Lay Trustee Rev. Xavier S. Santiago, Parochial Vicar Kenneth Anderson, Lay Trustee Rev Msgr. Charles P. Coen, Pastor Emeritus Rick Moglia, Finance Council Chairman Gwen McCann, Parish Council President CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 7:30am 9:00am Family Mass, 10:30am & 12:00 noon Monday-Saturday 9:00am at the Church Tues. & Thurs. 7:00am at the Holy Spirit Chapel For Holy Days schedule, consult bulletin Adoration: First Fridays after the 9:00am Mass until 6:00pm Confessions: Saturday, 3:30pm - 4:30pm Baptism: Phone Rectory to make arrangements Baptism Classes: 2nd Monday of month, 7:30pm-Rectory (by appointment) Marriages: Phone Rectory 6 months in advance Sick Calls: Phone Rectory at any time. Please do not wait until the last moment. Hospital Visits and Anointing of the Sick: Parishioners in need of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, please call the Rectory. This includes anyone going to the hospital for a serious operation or who has a relative who is gravely ill. Rectory Office Hours: Monday through Friday—9:00am to 4:00pm PARISH OFFICES Rectory 7411 South Broadway 845-758-3732 Fax: 845.758.1214 Diana Calio—Secretary Patricia Grassi & Maureen Terranova—Assistants Religious Education 30 Benner Rd 845.758.5506 Ellen Farina— CRE Helen Moore— CRE Assistant Parish Center/Maintenance 30 Benner Rd 845-758-5689 Joseph Scala — Maintenance Supervisor Sacristan John Dorrian May 22nd, 2016 + The Most Holy Trinity Welcome to the Parish Family of Sts. Christopher and Sylvia! We hope that all new residents to the Red Hook area will feel at home in our parish and strive to be an active part of our faith community. Please take a moment to stop in the Rectory office to fill out a membership form and to meet a member of the Pastoral Staff. Intentions of Holu This Week at Sts. Christopher and Sylvia Sunday, May 22 The Most Holy Trinity 12 -3 PM TAG SALE School Monday, May 23 6:30 PM-9 PM Gym Rosary Prayer Group 7:00-7:30 PM Church Tuesday, May 24 AAU Basketball 6:30-9 PM Gym St. Mary Magdalene, St. Gregory VII, St. Bede Choir Picnic 5:00 PM AAU Practice 6:30-7:30 PM Gym Thursday, May 26 Parish Center St. Philip Neri AAU Basketball Friday, May 27 Intention: Requested by: Intentions of the Holy Name —————————— 7:30 AM Wilber & Lucy Chase Pete & Debbie Williams 9:00 AM Helen Detmer Gifford Family 10:30 AM Judith Scaffidi Scaffidi Family Walter Kowalski 5th Annv.) Liz and Family Pro Populo ——————— Stephen Palmisano Pete & Debbie Williams Sat May 21 5:00 PM AAU Basketball Wed., May 25 Time: 6:30-9 PM Sun May 22 12:00 PM Gym St. Augustine of Canterbury Mon May 23 9:00 AM Tues May 24 Saturday, May 28 GOOD COUNCIL CONCERT 7 PM Gym 7:00 AM Darren Wolfe Wolfe Family AA Meeting 7- 8:00 PM Don Bosco Hall 9:00 AM Raymond Gifford Gifford Family Lori Woodin Bemis & Roman Family 7:00 AM Henry Young (3rd Anniv.) Jozefowicz Family 9:00 AM James F. Egan Month’s Mind Victoria Jozefowicz Jim, Stephanie, & Abigail Jozefowicz 9:00 AM Intentions of Fr. Harold Theriault 56 Anniv. Priest Fr. T 5:00 PM Intentions of Arty & Their Children & Ronnie Garger (lvg) Grandchildren Sunday, May 29 Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ CORPUS CHRISTI Wed May 25 9:00 AM Thurs May 26 III. Jeremy Arnstein and Sara Croft Fri May 27 STEWARDSHIP REPORT ● May 8, 2016 Regular Collection$8,769.68 God Bless you for your continued generosity! View From the Pew… At times there is a Mass being said for “Unannounced Intention.” What does this mean? The person requesting the Mass does not want the intended’s name or their own name announced publically. The Mass is still being said for someone, but it is just not for everyone to know. When there is a line such as this:_______________, it indicates the anonymity of the person who requested the Mass. 9:00 AM Sat May 28 Sun May 29 7:30 AM Raymond Detmer Gifford Family 9:00 AM Ludwig Ruf Wert Family 10:30 AM James F. Browne Religious Education Program 12:00 Noon Pro Populo ______________ From the Pastor’s Corner CYCLE C The Most Holy Trinity T he Spirit of truth... will take from what is mine and declare it to you." Jesus says in today's Gospel that the Spirit declares something to US. We actually have a kind of share in the blessed life of the Trinity through this spiritual declaration. In particular, God gives us the gift of his truth. Traditionally, we say that God--the Blessed Trinity--is the source of all truth, beauty, and goodness. Today's reading reminds us that truth exists, that it comes from God, and that we can know it, hear it, and live according to it. "But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth." This is so important to remember in today's cultural climate. These days, the very idea of truth is a touchy subject. Because there is so much focus on tolerance and not offending anyone, we tend to shy away from discussions about "absolute" truth. Instead, we hear a lot of talk about "what's true for me" or "what's true for you." Too often we get confused about how to respect others' differing beliefs while still maintaining our own. Instead of embracing the fact that there is real truth--like, for example, the truth that God became man and was born of Mary--it is more popular to refer to "beliefs" and "traditions" and "practices," emphasizing that these things differ among people. Yes, those things differ. But truth does not change. Either Jesus is God, or he isn't. Either his claims were true or they weren't. It's not a matter of personal opinion. The Holy Spirit helps to convince us of what is really right. But we needn't fear that this will lead us to be intolerant. It is this same Spirit within us that brings the fruits of love, peace, patience, kindness, and generosity. THANK YOU Mother Teresa said that “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” So, as RCIA comes to a close this year, I wanted to say thank you to all who helped and supported us during the year. Special thanks to all the hard-working catechists who shared their love of their Catholic faith: Bill Paccione, Ray Ricci, Wendy Wadja, Dr. John Hoey and Teresa Hoey. Sponsors act as companions to our candidates on their faith journey and this year we were privileged to have Bill Clements and Dr. John Hoey accompany Angelica Clements and Dr. Timothy Shepard on their journey. The parish community was well represented by Lisa Dolan who coordinated hospitality for RCIA every Sunday to make sure we were well provided with delicious treats and a wonderful reception after the Easter Vigil. Tom Brennan, Kathryn Kilker, Sandy Korb, Mary Paccione, Joanne Renneman, Celine Turchetti, Maureen Boyd, Maggie Burud and Janette Prisco –your hospitality made our candidates feel welcome and gave them a real sense of belonging to our community. Then there are those who work so quietly behind the scenes to keep our parish the welcoming community it is and these people did no less for RCIA: Diana Calio, Maureen Terranova, Trish Grassi, those who clean the church and decorate the altar, John Dorrian and Joe Scala. Many thanks to our music ministry here at St. Christopher’s: Charlie Robitaille and the Children’s Choir who sang at the Rite of Welcome; and, Dick Totman and the adult choir who sang so astoundingly beautiful at the Easter Vigil. Fr. Pat and Fr. Xavier contributed in so many ways despite their busy schedules – leading sessions, praying for us, answering questions, guiding our candidates through their first confessions and attending rites at St Kateri Tekakwitha. With deepest gratitude to the parish community of St. Christopher and St. Sylvia Eileen Cassidy, RCIA Coordinator Please consider joining the RCIA Team. If you would like more information about becoming part of the RCIA team or becoming Catholic, please contact Eileen Cassidy at 845-758-3732 or Look What’s Happening at Sts. Christopher and Sylvia Parish! Children’s Choir Picnic This Wednesday, May 25th 5:00 PM at the Parish Center Grades 1—6 Early Registration began on Tuesday, April 26th! We will be taking registrations through June 1, 2016. After June 1st, the price increases. All registrations are on First Come/First Served Basis … register now for your day! Youth Alive! 2016-2017 Schedule will be available shortly! Please continue to check the bulletin for the date when registration begins. Father - Son/Daughter Communion Breakfast Sponsored by Holy Name Society Sunday, June 12, Coppola’s Restaurant, Hyde Park, 10:45 AM $10.00 for Adults, Children 10 yrs. and under $5.00 ALL MEN OF THE PARISH ARE INVITED TO ATTEND Sign-up sheets in the back of the Church For additional info: call Jim Schwab 845-758-2047 Msgr. Coen and His Wandering Minstrels will be playing June 4th @ 7 PM at the School, 30 Benner Rd. Enjoy Dylan Foley on Fiddle, Danny Guerney on Accordion, Msgr. Charlie Coen on the Concertina, and the Vocals of Reidin O’Flynn $20 suggested donation… ...Tickets at the Door To learn more about these renown musicians look up Dylan Foley and Dan Gurney to read & listen to their album “Irish Music of the Hudson Valley.” In Commemoration of Ireland’s 100 Year Anniversary! Wishing everyone a safe and happy summer! Remember to keep Jesus with you in your travels and attend Mass on the weekends! Confirmation MARK YOUR CALENDARS Mandatory Confirmation Retreat is scheduled for: (Students Only) June 7, 2016 @ 6:00 PM—9:00 PM With Tony Bellizzi In the Youth Alive Room COMING THIS July 23rd DEFENSIVE DRIVING CLASS 8:30 AM -3:00 PM St. Christopher’s Parish Center...Cost-$38 To register or for more information: contact Bill Owens @ 845-756-2481 St. Joseph’s Seminary Liturgy and Music Courses Introduction to Liturgy Fr. Matthew Ernest, S.T.D. Mondays & Wednesdays…June 20 -August 1….7-10 PM Our Lady of Lourdes High School, Poughkeepsie Tuition Rates: First Time Students: $250 (audit) /$750 (3 credits) Parish Musicians: $500 (audit) / $750 (3 credits) Others: $500 (audit) / $1,500 (3 credits) 914-968-6200 THANK YOU! to all who have contributed to the Cardinal’s Appeal! To date, 209 families have made their commitment to the 2016 Appeal. A total of 71,069.16 has been pledged toward our goal of 77,500.00. Please prayerfully consider making a gift if you haven’t already done so. To make an online gift, LAST DAY OF TAG SALE THIS SUNDAY!!! There’s still time to get Great Bargains!!! EVERYTHING for HALF OFF THIS SUNDAY, May 22……...12-3 PM We have EVERYTHING… ●clothes ● toys ● books ● household items ● ● jewelry ● furniture & so MUCH MORE!!! If you can spare time on Sunday around 3PM, we could use help taking down the tables. With enough volunteers we can clean up in an hour!! Give a call, email, or just show up @ 3pm on Sunday. Thank you so very much!! Gina **Classical Concerts for Good Counsel Homes * * THIS COMING Sat., May 28th…..7 PM Gym, 30 Benner Rd. Leonid Polishchuk & Sofya Maryanova, /Linda D'Avanzo @ (845)705-8076 The concert is open to the public & free. Please invite your friends and neighbors! Tax deductible donations may be made payable to Good Counsel Homes or Teen Fusion is sponsoring a Homeless Awareness Day June 4th……..12-5 PM at St. Christopher's Church grounds Events include: ●Honk to Halt Homelessness Car Wash ● Jam the Van Food Drive– Bring non-perishable food items to fill the van! ● Barbecue and Music Donations will be given to Dutchess Outreach Join us and help make this an extraordinary event!!!! Teens, if you would like to help at this fun filled event PLEASE email FEAST OF CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSIONSunday, May 29th. Begins at 1:00 PM at Good Shepherd Church in Rhinebeck with the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, then proceeds through the village of Rhinebeck, praying the Rosary, and concludes at the Brogan Center Parking Lot for Benediction. All parishioners of Good Shepherd/St. Joseph & St. Christopher/St. Sylvia are invited to join in this celebration . ***First Communion children are invited to wear their Communion outfits.*** We accept Visa/MC and Cash (sorry no checks) 845-399-0058 PLEASE WELCOME into our Parish Family of Sts. Christopher and Sylvia, NEWLY BAPTIZED Mia Lynn Martins May God Bless her and her family always. In your prayers, please remember the sick especially John Aeolus ● Frances Allen ● Paul Anderson Barbara Balint ● George Botti ● Martin Blumenthal Brianna Chase ● Scott Clements ● Richard Cole John Colon ● John Conway ● Holly Daly John Dykeman ● Janice Farinacci ● Charles Fasce Terrence Flynn ● Fr. Cassian Folsom ● Thomas Galbraith Jeannette Gordon ● Arthur Hallenbeck ● Haley Hines Lisa Hotaling ● Brian James ● Alex Katz ● Pam Kaliche Sylvia Ledenko ● Kevin Ledwith ● Frank Lovallo Henrietta Lynch ● Mary Machete ● Nora Mercier Marlene McGowan-Yedic ● Gina Maculski Alex Cortes Molloy ● Thomas Richard Malone John Manning ● Peter McKenna ● Tom McTighe Anne Milanesi ● Mary Ann Mondello ● Eric Moore John Moran ● Richard Murray ● Gloria Najim Sally O’Connor ● Frank Pasqua, Jr. ● Joe Piccard Michael Qianonni ● Maureen Randene ● Thomas Richards Tammy Richards ● Olivia Rooney ● James Rudy Anna Safford ● John Sculco ● Amy Sivulich Lisa Slayton ● Robert Smith ● Samantha Smith Janet Towner ● Elizabeth Trow ● Mary Verlin Bryan Williams ● Peggy Williams ● Alice Zelasco Please call the office to add or remove someone from this list. Jesus said to his disciples: “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. When the Spirit of Truth comes he will guide you to all truth. Memorial Day Parade Monday May 30th Sponsored by: Red Hook VFW Post # 7765 Assemble 9:25 AM at Red Hook High School Parade begins at 10 AM Parade Route: Leaves the High School, proceeds to Church St. to Garden St., turns left on Rt. 9 North through the village to Memorial Square. An observance Ceremony & laying of memorial wreaths will follow the end of the parade at Memorial Square. Coeli Fest 2016 Regina Coeli Church, Rt. 9, Hyde Park Fri., May 27… 5 PM -11PM Sat., May 28...3 PM—Midnight Fireworks & Live Music Sun., May 29...3 PM -11 PM Live Music Mon., May 30...Open after Hyde Park Parade until 5 PM Rides * Games * Gambling * Food *Beer * Wine *Raffle Cash Prizes * Live Music & Entertainment! Please keep our Military and their families in your prayers. SOCIETIES & CONTACTS Adult Faith Formation, Tom Sullivan…………….845-758-3732 Adult Choir Director, Richard Totman ......... ........ 845-876-7444 Basketball Coord., Chris Wood…… Battered Women ........................................... ........ 845-876-1554 Holy Name Society Pres., Steve Korb .......... ........ 845-758-3732 Knights of Columbus GK, Bill Paccione ...... ..... ...845-758-5913 Our Lady's Guild Pres., Barbara Rizzolo ...... ........ 845-758-4132 Our Lady Queen of Peace Prayer Group ............... 845-758-3732 Respect Life Committee, Barbara Totman……….845-758- 4128 St. Christopher Food Pantry ................................... 845-758-3732 Senior Citizens President, Betty Bader .................. 845-758-5758 Youth Choir Director, Charles Robitaille .............. 845-758-0580 RCIA, Eileen Cassidy ............................................ 845-758-3732 Bereavement Committee, Eleanor Troy................. 845-758-3732 Teen Fusion, Kathy Marici .................................... 845-758-3732
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