September 20, 2015
The Parish Family of September 20, 2015 Saint Christopher / Saint Sylvia PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Patrick F. Buckley, Pastor George Sevigny, Lay Trustee Rev. Xavier S. Santiago, Parochial Vicar Kenneth Anderson, Lay Trustee Rev Msgr. Charles P. Coen, Pastor Emeritus Rick Moglia, Finance Council Chairman Gwen McCann, Parish Council President CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 7:30am 9:00am Family Mass, 10:30am & 12:00 noon Monday-Saturday 9:00am at the Church Tues. & Thurs. 7:00am at the Holy Spirit Chapel For Holy Days schedule, consult bulletin Adoration: First Fridays after the 9:00am Mass until 6:00pm Confessions: Saturday, 3:30pm - 4:30pm Baptism: Phone Rectory to make arrangements Baptism Classes: 2nd Monday of month, 7:30pm-Rectory (by appointment) Marriages: Phone Rectory 6 months in advance Sick Calls: Phone Rectory at any time. Please do not wait until the last moment. Hospital Visits and Anointing of the Sick: Parishioners in need of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, please call the Rectory. This includes anyone going to the hospital for a serious operation or who has a relative who is gravely ill. Rectory Office Hours: Monday through Friday—9:00am to 4:00pm PARISH OFFICES Rectory 7411 South Broadway 845-758-3732 Fax: 845.758.1214 Diana Calio—Secretary Patricia Grassi & Maureen Terranova—Assistants Religious Education 30 Benner Rd 845.758.5506 Ellen Farina— CRE Nancy Pope — CRE Assistant Parish Center/Maintenance 30 Benner Rd 845-758-5689 Joseph Scala — Maintenance Supervisor Sacristan John Dorrian September 20, 2015 + TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Welcome to the Parish Family of Saint Christopher/St. Sylvia! We hope that all new residents to the Red Hook area will feel at home in our parish and strive to be an active part of our faith community. Please take a moment to stop in the Rectory office to fill out a membership form and to meet a member of the Pastoral Staff. This Week at St. Christopher/St. Sylvia Sunday, September 20 Blessing of Catechists Church Time: Don Bosco Hall Sat September 19 4-6:00pm Church 5:00 PM 10:00-4:00 School 10:30 Mass Reception to Follow Youth Alive Prayer Service Monday, September 21 Intention: Requested by: Intention of the Holy Name —————————— 7:30 AM Lorraine Mills The Ricci Family 9:00 AM Grazia, Gaetano & Marianna Cincotta Grace Cincotta 10:30 AM Aldo Bellini Keith & MaryAnn White 12:00 Noon Pro Populo _________________ Darren Wolfe The Wolfe Family 7:00 AM Maria & Mitch Kowalski Brygid & John Kowalski 9:00 AM Betty Folster Ken Folster Ed Batchelor Staff of St. Christopher Sun September 20 Religious Ed. Office Hours Tuesday, September 22 Religious Ed. Gr.1-6 4:30-5:45pm School Confirmation Interviews w/ Parents 7pm Gym RCIA Teens/Parents & Teens 7:30 Mon September 21 School Wednesday, September 23 St. Pius of Pietrelcina Religious Ed. Gr. 1-6 4:30-5:45pm School Children’s Choir 5:45-6:45pm School Confirmation Interviews w/ Parents 7pm Gym 9:00 AM Tues September 22 Thursday, September 25 Religious Ed. 1-6 4:30-5:45pm Wed September 23 School Friday, September 26 9:00 AM Youth Alive Movie Night 5-11:00pm Gym Thurs September 24 Saturday, September 26 Sts. Cosmas & Damian 7:00 AM` Rose & Lewis DiCarmine The Family 9:00 AM Jody Zogran Sr. Cyril Intentions of the Cambalik Family The Cambalik Family 9:00 AM Ralph V. Jeffrey The McCann Family 5:00 PM Rob Turchetti Tom & MaryAnn Egan & Family 7:30 AM Irene Castle Joyce & Ken O’Loughlin 9:00 AM Lynn Dorsey Her Sister & Brother ●Second collecon for the St. Joseph Seminary…$2,474.57 10:30 AM Isabel Blazwski Tom & Sharon Sullivan God bless you for your continued generosity! 12:00 Noon Pro Populo ————————— Hardscrabble Day AA Meeting 7-8:00pm Don Bosco Hall Fri September 25 Sunday, September 27 SVDP Food Pantry 12-1:00pm 9:00 AM Parish Center Sat September 26 Please keep our Military and their families in your prayers. Sun September 27 Taylor Brown & Ann Fildes ! ^dtZ^,/WZWKZd!! ! ●September 13, 2015 Regular Collecon…………..$8,180.58! ! ! ! From the Pastor’s Corner One Parish—One Family As we pause to reflect on the warm summer days gone by and set our sights on the upcoming, colorful, let us take a moment to contemplate all the blessings God has given us. A few of these blessings are the merger of the two parishes into a new vibrant parish, the strength of our parish families and youth group, and the arrival of Pope Francis to the Archdiocese of New York. First, I want to thank the families of St. Sylvia for attending last Saturday’s first parish picnic of our newly formed community. As I walked around speaking and listening to many of you, the conversations were upbeat and very positive. All of you were so gracious in complimenting the Holy Name men for their hard work and service to our new parish. Some men from St. Sylvia’s even asked about joining the Holy Name Society. The food, music, and the children’s face painting were some of the great attractions that made the day special. The laughter and camaraderie is what truly stood out in my mind. Second, as you know, Alison Belfance, our former coordinator of religious education, left the parish this summer so that she could work closer to home. What a blessing she was over the past few years. That made me scramble quickly over the summer months to find a new coordinator. After interviewing some very extraordinary and talented people, I selected Ellen Farina. Ellen comes to our parish family with seventeen years of experience in religious education. I know that with your support and prayers, Ellen will be there for our children every day with an open and warm heart. This brings us to our parish families and youth group. I ask all of you, if you have not already done so, to get active in our beautiful parish. There are many parish ministries that are listed in our bulletin and on our website. By being an active member you will bring new ideas to our societies, which will enable them to grow spiritually and socially. The growth of these societies will help our parish to be more pro-active rather than reactive as we face the future together. As in every community, the parish youth group is vital to the success and growth of our parish. I am very impressed so far with the enthusiasm and direction that our youth leaders are providing. Activities such as Christmas caroling, soup kitchen visits, our annual “lock-in,” and letter writing to seniors, are just some of the things that our youth group works on. Pope Francis asks us to reach out in this “Year of Mercy” most especially to the underprivileged and the poor. Putting our love and knowledge into action is one of the many aspects of Catholic Social Teaching. Third, this brings me to Pope Francis’ first ever visit to the United States of America. This trip is a pre-cursor to his October meeting in Rome concerning the Family. Pope Francis is traveling around the world trying to gather information about the needs of the family in society. Next week he will pray at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, visit the United Nations, speak to a group of Catholic School children in Harlem, and say Mass at Madison Square Garden. Fr. Xavier and I will lead a group of eighteen pilgrims from our newly formed parish and make the pilgrimage on Metro North to New York City. Once we arrive at Grand Central Station, we will begin a prayerful walk across midtown to Madison Square Garden. This will be our first pilgrimage for our newly formed parish. History in the making! In conclusion, I want to thank you for making our parish a model for other parishes. As we walk together in this “Year of Mercy” and face many challenges that lay ahead, let us call on the power and grace of the Holy Spirit to strengthen and guide us. Thank you for all you do! God Bless, Fr. Pat Look What’s Happening at St. Christopher / St. Sylvia Parish! The Holy Name Society of St. Christopher’s will hold its 12th ANNUAL GOLF TOURNMENT Monday, October 5, 2015 Red Hook Golf Course ●Registration: 10:00—10:30am Grades 1-6 Welcome Back! Looking forward to a great year as we continue to grow in our Faith! ●Tee Time:12:00 Noon ●Lunch on the turn & dinner included $110 Please contact Joe Scala at 758-5689 ___________________________________ SPONSORS ARE STILL NEEDED Please call the Rectory Office 758-3732 We Need Your Help! Please consider sharing your faith and love of God with the youth of the parish. NEEDED: Aides, Hall Monitors, and Office Help Please call 758-5506 There is a Part-Time Position Available in the Religious Education Office Tuesday - Thursday. Looking for an individual with computer and bookkeeping skills. If anyone is interested, please send your resume to YOUTH ALIVE Prayer Service with Parents Sunday, September 20, 2015 4:00 PM in the Church Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” A most heartfelt Thank You to the Lady’s Guild, the Holy Name Society, our vendors, and all who gave their time and participation during Hardscrabble Day. Thank you for all the hard work you do and ensuring that our church remains strong and welcoming. Rite of Chris,an Ini,a,on of John 3:16 ! Confirmation REMINDERS: Confirmation Class: (6:00-9:00 PM/School) Confirmation Interviews: (School) Tuesday, September 22, 2015 Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Saint Presentations: (School) September 29th, 30th & October 1st If you are ●Between the ages of 14 and 18 ●Not baptized or ●Baptized but have not received Holy Communion for the first time... Then RCIA for Teens is for YOU! If you are looking for something more in your life; if you are thinking about becoming Catholic; if you want to receive to receive Confirmation and Communion – Check out RCIA for TEENS. “Come and see…” (Matthew 28:6) Tuesday, September 22, 2015 7:30 pm School Hall For more information, contact Maggie Burud 845.758.3732 !"#$%&'()*+"),*,-) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !"#$%&'()"$*"*!+,-" 7+528*+7+(+($572)1(:<25.&,7<) Pope Francis will be in New York Sept. 24th-26th. Please check out the website: for his schedule and other information about his visit. BIRTHDAY CARDS FOR PRISONERS As we begin the Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has shown Christian love toward prisoners. But how can WE follow his example? One way is to send a Birthday Card to a prisoner on death row. Please join us in this prison ministry by calling the Rectory and leaving your name and phone number. We will provide the materials. “They will know we are Christians by our love.” Please call and say “YES!” 845-758-3732 A Benefit of Holy Hour “The Eucharist bathes the tormented soul in light and love. Then the soul appreciates these words, ‘Come all you who are sick, I will restore your health.’ St. Bernadette Soubirous Participate in Eucharistic Adoration on First Fridays BECOMING CATHOLIC Have you thought about becoming a Catholic but think there are too many rules and regulations? Maybe you have been attending Mass and now would like to fully participate in the Catholic community by receiving Holy Communion. It’s not too late to join RCIA sessions already in progress. Why not come and see on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm For more information and meeting location please contact Eileen Cassidy 845-758-3732 ~ MILAN COMMUNITY DAY Sept. 26th ● 11am-4pm Car Show ● Home Run Derby ● Farmers & Flea Market Pie Eating ● Bee Bee the Clown Bounce House ● Ponies ● Police Dogs Fire Trucks ● Fire Safety Milan Rec Park Matecki Rd. off South Rd / County Rt. 53 Vendor info: 876-7702 VOCATION SUMMIT Would you like to learn more about how you can promote vocations in our parish? Then join us for a delicious, free meal at: St. Joseph Seminary in Yonkers October 9th, 6-9pm. Our guest speaker is Rhonda Gruenewald, an expert on how to effectively run a parish-based vocations ministry. Attending the dinner does not obligate you to more volunteer duties. It is a night to learn, be inspired, and perhaps take home some best practices to your parish. For more details and RSVP at : Masses at the Holy Spirit Chapel Have resumed at 7:00 AM, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 30 Benner Road. In your prayers, please remember the sick especially: John Aeolus ● Frances Allen ● Paul Anderson Carol Bangert ● George Botti ● Brianna Chase ● John Colon John Conway ● Holly Daly ● John Dykeman ● Janice Farinacci Charles Fasce ● Jason Fell ● Fr. Cassian Folsom ● Rita Froehlich Thomas Galbraith ● Jeannette Gordon ● Haley Hines ● Brian James Alex Katz ● Pam Kaliche ● Fr. Peter Kulandai ● Sylvia Ledenko Kevin Ledwith ● Frank Lovallo ● Mary Machete ● Nora Mercier Marlene McGowan-Yedic ● Gina Maculski ● Thomas Richard Malone John Manning ● Pat Michitsch ● Anne Milanesi ● Mary Ann Mondello Eric Moore ● John Moran ● Bill Murray ● Richard Murray Gloria Najim ● Sally O’Connor ● Josephine Pastrana Frank Pasqua, Jr. ● Joe Piccard ● Michael Qianonni ● John Rall Maureen Randene ● Thomas Richards ● Tammy Richards Olivia Rooney ● James Rudy ● Anna Safford ● John Sculco Lisa Slayton ● Robert Smith ● Samantha Smith ● Vincent Suderi Elizabeth Trow ● Mary Verlin ● Bryan Williams ● Peggy Williams Lori Wooden ● Alice Zelasco Please call the office to add or remove someone from this list. ST. CHRISTOPHER/ST. SYLVIA PARISH SEEKING TENANT St. Christopher’s is seeking tenant for office space formerly rented by Astor Counseling Services at our 30 Benner Road location. Tenants must be “Not-for-Profit.” Please contact the Rectory for more information if you, or someone you know, might be interested. ● 845.758.3732 ● Sept. 23 to Nov. 1st Thank you for the generosity shown in last week’s 2nd Collection for St. Joseph Seminary. Your contributions will be put to good use to help our seminarians. SOCIETIES & CONTACTS Adult Faith Formation, Tina Wert………………...845-758-3732 Adult Choir Director, Richard Totman ......... ........845-876-7444 Basketball Coord., Chris Wood…… Battered Women ........................................... ........845-876-1554 Holy Name Society Pres., Steve Korb .......... ........845-758-3732 Knights of Columbus GK, Bill Paccione ...... ..... ...845-758-5913 Did you know that God can use your peaceful, prayerful presence outside of an abortion clinic to save lives, saving the life of a baby and saving a mother from a lifetime of regret? Prayer volunteers are needed to cover vigil hours between 7AM and 7PM. Vigil site: Planned Parenthood, 17 Noxon St., Poughkeepsie. For more info: log onto, call 845-853-6529, or email A prayer vigil to mark Day One will be held at the vigil site on Wednesday, 9/23, from 6 – 7 p.m. Our Lady's Guild Pres., Barbara Rizzolo ...... ........845-758-4132 Our Lady Queen of Peace Prayer Group ................845-758-3732 Respect Life Committee, Maureen Haege .............845-758-5410 St. Christopher Food Pantry ...................................845-758-3732 Senior Citizens President, Betty Bader ..................845-758-5758 Youth Choir Director, Charles Robitaille ..............845-758-0580 RCIA, Eileen Cassidy ............................................845-758-3732 Bereavement Committee, Eleanor Troy .................845-758-3732 Teen Fusion, Kathy Marici ....................................845-758-3732 “A Great Place to Live, Laugh & Play” Red Hook Auto Quality Service Age Restricted Manufactured Housing Community In The Heart of Columbia County 3459 Route 9 Hudson, NY 12534 518-851-9917 JOHN A. GRADY, CPA 48 W. 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Broadway Red Hook, NY 12571 Nora Mercier Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Contact me today: (845) 876-1660 (Office) (845) 216-4397 (Cell) 8 Prince Street • Red Hook 845-758-0096 • 51 Elizabeth St., Red Hook 758-0930 • Professional Income Tax Prepa!"#$%&'&(%)*+*),"-.&/,0*%100.&203"31&"%)&4$356$!57!$83 9&7":!$--&"%)&;"-10&<"=&9&;>"--&/,0*%100&?$%0,-#%@ “Your friendly Red Hook neighbor” PAUL HALLENBECK REAL ESTATE 6370 Mill Street - Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Dawn Valentine Florist and Gifts THE LOCAL FLOWER MARKET (845) 758-3569 Let us customize your life… One clothing item at a time… 5 Old Farm Road, Suite E Red Hook, NY 12571 (845) 876-1165 or 7270 Broadway • Red Hook, NY 12571 DR. JAMES M. ROSS General Dentistry Catering For All Occasions 7361 S. Broadway Red Hook, NY Telephone: (845) 758-5100 Fax: (845) 758-5127 845-758-0758 84 W. Market St. • Red Hook, NY 12571 Office Hours by Appointment For Advertising Information, call PAUL KERWICK at LPi today! 1 (800) 888.4574 ext. 3427 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 5:01 PM ST. CHRISTOPHER, RED HOOK, NY 04-0369 LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. Donna M. Nebel RED HOOK PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. ATTORNEY 1 Dogwood Street • Red Hook, NY 12571 Real Estate Wills & Estates Business Law 87 E. Market St.,Red Hook, NY 845-758-8700 THE AWARD SHOP Quality Garden Center PLAQUES • TROPHIES ENGRAVING Bulk Mulch, Trees Shrubs & Stones \ Quality Landscaping & Home Improvement 7387 SOUTH BROADWAY RED HOOK, NY 12571 Installed Hardscape, Stone Work Unilock & Gardens 845-758-2737 FAX 845-758-3853 Chris Leggett 4301 Route 9G Germantown, NY 4-Wheel Computer Alignment & Balancing Cars, Trucks & Motor Homes Full Service Plumbing & Heating Contractor Water & Septic Systems Residential • Commercial 845-758-6000 FREE Estimates & Prompt Service 758-5042 MICHAEL BAUTISTA CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ 518-537-3340 professional 24-Hour Towing Machine Shop Welding 1 Albany Avenue Suite G-3A Kingston, NY Family Owned and Operated Since 1917 TRIEBEL’S GARAGE, INC. 7317 South Broadway Red Hook, NY 12571 Complete Auto & Truck Repair • Cooling System Service • Air Conditioning Repairs Hydraulic Hoses Fabricated Spring U-Bolts in Stock Tel: 845-331-1077 Cell: 518-441-4457 24 HOUR PHONE 845-758-5800 Alternate Daytime Number 845-876-4222 Est. 1952 Bruce J. 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