JUNE 26,2016 - Historic Holy Trinity Catholic Church
JUNE 26,2016 - Historic Holy Trinity Catholic Church
PARISH ADMINISTRATION Spanish Speaking Ministry, *Fr. Luis Pulido Parish Bookkeeper, *Tara Dahill Program Manager, *Colleen Glazer Parish Secretary, *Catherine Jestice Parish Plant Manager, *Victor Zambrano JUNE 26, 2016 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time PASTOR’S ADVISORY COUNCILS Finance Council, Steve Bujno Lay Trustees, Norma Ytuarte, Sheila Mullan WORSHIP Acolytes, Kevin McKenna Devotions, Private, Adoration / Daily Evening Rosary, Ellen Valko Legion of Mary, Blanca Bulit Sagrado Corazon, Yolanda Pardo Lectors, Stephanie Miller Floral Decorations, Mia Kravitz Sacred Music, *Andrew Yeargin, Director Cantors,*Andrew Yeargin Contemporary Ensemble, Phelder St. Germain Misa in Espanol, *José (Cheito) Guevara Schola Cantorum, *Andrew Yeargin Sacristans,*Victor Zambrano III,* Francisco Fernandez “Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head.” THIS WEEK COMMUNITY BUILDING Bulletin, Parish Weekly, * Catherine Jestice Calendar, Master Parish, *Catherine Jestice Concert Series GUEST, Andrew Yeargin PARISH, Andrew Yeargin CRC (Contemporary Roman Catholics), James Hulak Scouting Programs, Bob Deaver Trinity Counters, JoAnne Pollio FORMATION / EDUCATION Adult Faith Formation, *Colleen Glazer Lectio Divina-Young Adults, *Fr. Gary Mead Christian Meditation, Donald Main RCIA (Christian Initiation), *Gary Cushing Religious Education,*Colleen Glazer OUTREACH Blood Drive, Catherine Jestice Breakfast Line, *Colleen Glazer Cubans in Exile, Iladio Blanco Food Pantry, Colleen Glazer Guest Clergy Hospitality,* Msgr. Sandi Homeless Shelter, Mike Griffin Making All Things New (MATN), Kenneth Craig Twelve-Step Programs, * Catherine Jestice * indicates parish employee * * * * * * * Please keep our sick in your prayers: AT HOLY TRINITY MONDAY DA Meeting – Rectory – 12:30 PM Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM NA Meeting – Center – 7:30 PM Legion of Mary – Rectory– 7:30 PM TUESDAY Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM SCA Meeting – Rectory – 6:15 PM Lectio Divina (Spanish) – Center – 7:00 PM Christian Meditation – Rectory – 7:00 PM Fr. Gary YA Lectio Divina – Rectory – 7:30 PM WEDNESDAY Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM NA Meeting – Rectory – 5:30 PM R.C.I.A – Rectory – 7:30 PM THURSDAY Al Anon Meeting – Rectory – 12:15 PM Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM AA Men’s Meeting – Rectory – 7:00 PM FRIDAY Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM AA Women’s Meeting – Rectory – 8:15 PM * * * * * * * * * * PARISH PAY & HOLY TRINITY * * Lois Mazzitelli, Kate Concannon, John Muratori, Iris Okun, Anthony DeFrancesco, Regina & Joe Rywelski, Steve Manfredo, Ralph Asher, Jorge de Armas, Jr., Marie DeTullio, John Melaney, Pat Stinchi, Dianne Mastrorocco, Alice Mayer, Graziella Piciulo, Kelsey Kruse, Shannyn Craig, Jonathan Sloan, Karen Murphy, Kit Gill, Anne Lia, Brennan Strovink, Maria Alvarado, Edouard Tiger, Edward Haggerty, Francisco Marcus, Jr., Matthew Escobar, Keira Maloney, Ellen Blackwood, Antoinette Durso, Norbert Roberts, James Leung, Edna Lilienthal, Peggy Rose Viera, Arsemic Bakaev, Ilia Koguashvide, Joaquin Caracciolli * * * YOUR DONATIONS Last week’s collection: $3,285.00 THANK YOU! * * Summer is an excellent time to consider Parish Pay, if you are not already using this secure, automated giving system. While you are away for a weekend or a week, your contributions to support Holy Trinity will continue uninterNames will remain on our prayer list for one month. If you would rupted. You can, of course, adjust your giving amounts at any time. Go to: www.parishpay.com. like us to carry a name longer, please contact the Rectory. M ASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Divine Murmurs SATURDAY 6/25 5:30 HT Parishioners SUNDAY 6/26 7:30 Those for whom No One Prays (living) 9:30 Maria Pasquale Rispoli 11:15 Parish Infirm (living) 12:30 Renée Elizabeth Kaplan & Marina & Angel Suárez Fernández 5:30 Peggy Rose Viera (living)) MONDAY 6/27 Cyril of Alexandria, doctor 9:00 Gerg Lekocevic 5:30 Christopher & Christine Lord (living) TUESDAY 6/28 Irenaeus, bp. th 9:00 Msgr. George Murphy-HT 8 Pastor 5:30 Anjuli Jagadesan (living) WEDNESDAY 6/29 Ss. Peter & Paul, apostles 9:00 Eugenia & Ana Morel 5:30 Bronia & Zygmunt Lesniczak THURSDAY 6/30 First Martyrs of Rome 9:00 Lord & Jagadesan Families (living) 5:30 Gregory Lord & Family (living) 7:00 Eugenia & Ana Morel FRIDAY 7/1 Junipero, priest 9:00 For the Holy Souls 5:30 Thomas & Margaret Tighe SATURDAY 7/2 9:00 For the Holy Souls * * * * * * Many Minds, Many Sources; Same God There is only one time to awaken and that time is now. ` Buddha * * * * * * * * CHRISTIAN INITIATION (RCIA) Perhaps you know someone – it may even be YOU – who desires to deepen their relationship with God through Baptism into the Catholic Faith. Are you a baptized Catholic but you’ve never prepared to receive the gifts of Confirmation or the Holy Eucharist? Now’s the time to begin! If interested, call the Rectory at 212-787-0634, leave a message for Gary Cushing who will contact you to take the next step on this important journey of faith. * * Letter from His Eminence June 14, 2016 * * * * * * * * A Capital Campaign FOR US! The Archdiocese of New York, in an effort to improve the physical condition of all parishes (or pay off debts), is asking all pastors to unveil an Autumn Capital Campaign (similar to the one we ran in 2006). Local parishes will retain 74% of their specified goal, with the rest going to support poor parishes (who cannot sun such a campaign) and the regional schools. Dear Monsignor Sandi, congratulations to you and Holy Trinity Parish on surpassing your 2016 Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship goal. Thank you for your dedication to this important effort which, as you know, impacts the lives of so many of our brothers and sisters in faith and in need. With prayerful gratitude and prayerful best wishes, I remain, fraternally in Along these lines, we are thinking very seriously about Christ, Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop the feasibility of air conditioning the church with of New York. techniques unavailable when a similar plane for Holy Trinity was considered almost twenty years ago. THE GRATITUDE BELONGS TO ALL OF YOU WHO Priests and parishioners alike agree that perhaps this NOT ONLY HELPED OUR PARISH MEET THE is the time. Please be assured, we will never endanger GOAL, BUT ARE JUST $2,000 SHORT OF any of the historic components of the magnificent building that provides us our sacred patrimony. More DOUBLING IT!!! WHAT A PARISH! Thank you. to follow. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * USE MORE OF YOUR MIND AT MASS Still Flying Off the Shelves! Evidently, parishioners can’t get enough reading Go! material about their Catholic Faith! Even as the Now you can face anything that comes your way this summer months envelope us, the literature racks in week, right? Right! Of course, that’s you … and your the back of the church are frequently being emptied of the Liguori Catholic Updates and the O.S.V. leaflets. Savior. * * * * * * * * Excellent! There is nothing better than updating, and making your own, the precious faith your parents gave Pastor Will Be Away th you. So, it is our pleasure to supply you with free, Monsignor is taking a few weeks off, July 14 practical and easy-to-understand faith information you through July 30th, to visit his sisters and friends. can actually use in daily life. ADAPTED FROM FR. JAMES WELDON Sophia, ChurchMouse “Padre, Señor de cielo y tierra” Summer vacation is beckoning. Our nor-so-little rodent brood is off to Central Park and beyond. See you in September. Often a parish middle schooler, or high schooler, will assist the adults at the morning Parish Breakfast Line for a “community service project.” Well, in late May and early June, two “20-something” Mormon missionaries showed up to assist and it was so inspiring! Elder Holloway and Elder Turner saw a reference to our longtime, morning outreach online, called Just Serve – Building Unity Through Community Service. Amazing and awesome! How proud we parishioners should all be for the quiet, effective work of our seven, “24-7-365” teams, and those who choose to supplement their ministry from time to time. Today, we salute and complement our two latest helpers. * * + * * * * Holy Trinity – 10 Years Ago * + “from the archives!” For Your Interest and Information The Hispanic Community of Holy Trinity will participate in the Ninth Annual Marian Parade in honor of the faith and culture th of Latin America and the world, Saturday, October 7 . More than 20 floats will run along Amsterdam Avenue, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM; the parade will begin at Holy Trinity and conclude at Ascension Church. All are welcome! (9/24/06) [10 years later and the parade is stronger than ever!] For Your Interest and Information Holy Trinity’s CRC invites you to take part in a special project of the Knitting Club to make scarves for the homeless for Christmas. For more information, contact the Rectory or Christina Console. (10/22/06) And 20 Years Ago – The New Religious War ‘“There is a new religious war,’ says Umberto Eco, between those who favor Apple Macintosh computers and those prefer MS-DOS machines. Why religious? Because, says Eco, ‘Macintosh is Catholic and DOS Protestant.’ The Apple Mac belongs to the catechetical tradition, with revelation explained through simple formulas and sumptuous icons, said Eco. The faithful are told how to proceed step by step to reach – if not the kingdom – at least the moment when their document is printed. DOS-based IBM computers, by contrast, leave individuals to work out their own salvation. It is taken for granted that not everyone will make it. With Apple, there is a baroque community of revellers; with DOS, users are alone with their inner torment.” (8/04/96) [Obviously computers have changed a bit in 20 years!!] …Esta es la paradoja del ser humano: inventa cosas para vivir mejor, pero no consigue ser feliz. Sabemos mucho sobre las cosas que nos rodean y muy poco sobre nosotros mismos y de los caminos de la felicidad que en Dios encontramos. Las enseñanzas de Jesús fueron rechazadas por los doctores de la ley y fueron reveladas a todos los que lo recibieron con sencillez, como niños. En el evangelio vemos la alabanza que Jesús eleva al Padre. ¿Qué es alabar a Dios? Es reconocer lo que Él hace en mí. Saber a ciencia cierta que lo que Él hace en mi vida es el * mejor remedio para el desfallecimiento de nuestros corazones. En la sociedad actual tan estructurada y organizada, sabemos acudir al sitio preciso ante la problemática adecuada. La falta de evangelización de muchas personas hace que muchos no acudan al Señor que da la paz interior. Todos tenemos que saber acudir al Maestro y al Médico de nuestra vida. Lo que ocurre con bastante frecuencia, es que incluso los creyentes no terminan de estar convencidos que Dios actúa en sus vidas y en sus acciones; que Dios es capaz de rehacer su creación perfeccionando lo que nosotros con nuestros pecados hemos deformado. Al comienzo de este evangelio Jesús nos da la clave de este texto: Jesús nombra a Dios Padre y Señor del cielo y de la tierra. ¿Reconoces al Padre como el Señor de tu vida? . Los humanos divinizamos con mucha facilidad a personas, a nuevas ideologías, etc. pero uno sólo es el Señor que puede llenar nuestros corazones. ¿A quiénes has divinizado en tu vida? ¿Quién te ha robado el corazón? El motivo por el que alaba a Dios Padre es: Porque ocultaste estas cosas a los sabios y entendidos, y las revelaste a los sencillos. Las cosas son el mensaje del reino de Dios. ¿Sabes acoger el mensaje de salvación con sencillez? Una persona puede ser un intelectual en las cosas del mundo y, sin embargo, ser un perfecto ignorante, indiferente y equivocado sobre los misterios de Dios. http://www.buzoncatolico.es/homilia2/cicloa/homilia0 02.html * * * * * * * * Don’t forget www.masstimes.org to get Mass times and other information while you’re away for summer holidays!