Apr 3 - Saint James the Less


Apr 3 - Saint James the Less
April 3, 2016
36 Lincoln Avenue, Jamesburg, NJ 08831 Phone: 732-521-0100 Fax: 732-521-8287 Email: jamestheless1880@gmail.com
Pastoral Staff
Reverend Michael Fragoso, Pastor
Monsignor John B. Szymanski, PA, VGE
Weekend Assistant
Deacon Patrick Smith
Kim Bohinski-Smith
Parish Catechetical Leader/ Pastoral Asst.
Patty Bisignano
Administrative Assistant
Parish Office Hours: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm M-F
Website: stjamesthelesschurch.org
Daily Mass Schedule
Morning Prayer
Monday - Friday 8:15 am
Weekday Mass
Monday - Friday 8:30 am
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am, 11:00 am, 3:00 pm (Spanish) and 5:00 pm
Saturday: 3:00 pm
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
First Sunday of the Month at the 11 am Mass
October - May
Altar Rosary Society and Miraculous Medal Novena
First Thursday of the Month: 7:00 pm
On Thursdays, Adoration will be held in the
Church from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm. All are
welcome to come for any amount of time.
Adult Choir
Wednesday: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Spanish Choir
First Tuesday of the Month 8:00 pm
Music Ministry
Kevin Daly, Director of Music
Victoria Scheirer, Youth Choir
Knights of Columbus Council #6336
83 Lincoln Avenue, Jamesburg
First & third Monday of every month 8:00 pm
St. James Columbiettes
2nd Thursday of every month
7:00 pm
Baptism: Parents who wish to have their child baptized
need to call the Rectory. Preparation classes are required
and are by appointment only. Baptisms will be held the
first Sunday of every month. Baptismal classes are held the
second Sunday of every month.
Sponsors and Godparents: If you are 18 years of age or
older, you must register as an adult and be confirmed in
Catholic Church. If you wish to be a Sponsor for
Confirmation or a Godparent, you must be an active
parishioner and attending Mass.
Matrimony: Couples contemplating this Sacrament must
contact the Parish Office at least one year in advance. All
couples planning marriage must attend Pre-Cana classes or
Engaged Encounter.
Ministry of the Sick: Parishioners who are homebound
and would like to receive the Eucharist, please call the
Rectory. If you would like to have your name included on
the Prayer List in the bulletin, please call the Rectory.
RCIA: Adults inquiring about the Catholic Church with a
desire to become Catholic are invited to call the Parish
Office for more information about the Rite of Catholic
Initiation of Adults which begins in September and runs
through the following Easter.
St. James Cemetery
Mott Avenue, Monroe Twp
For more information please contact the Rectory
Food and Fellowship Soup Kitchen
Every Tuesday
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
St. James Parish Hall
Food Pantry Donation
First Sunday of every month
Parish Mission Statement
St. James the Less Parish is a Christian Community of the Roman Catholic tradition. Our Parish Community is dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus, and as the people of God
are called to further the mission of Jesus. We will do this through the Word, Liturgy,
Sacrament, Music, Ecumenism, Evangelization, Religious Education of our Children, Prayer and the Honoring of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We will deepen our knowledge, skills and
understanding of our Faith. We will be Faith based. Above all, we will foster Love by example and serve the needs of others to work towards economic and social development for all
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Please keep those who are sick in your prayers:
Gaetan Ames, Dolores Ball, David Bell, Andrew Bianconano, Arlene
Calabro, Evelyn, Bruno Chmiel, John Compoli, Connie Conover,
Gordon Demetzky, Baby Emily, Sandra Dipierro Grubbs, Toni Hart,
Christine Harvey, Timothy Hilarczyk, Nikolai Hopkins, Gail Houck,
Julie Ico, Rosemarie Kolessar, Angelina Lasala, Connie Lasala
Venezia, Baby Sebastian Lattugga, Tanya & Matthew Laudien,
Elwood Linsky,
Savira Londy-Eiben, Joanne Manfre, Patsy
Mannion, Michael Marano, Phyllis Mason, Jennie Martin, Ray
McCarthy, Baby Nicholas Merritt, Edward Migliore, Massimo
Migliore, Lily Mizzi, Evelyn Monte, Susan Mulligan, Laurie
Musumeci, Michael Nichols, John Pariso, Marilyn Rohrbach, Joseph
Sabatino, William C. Sharp, Kathleen Sinclair, Phyllis Staskewicz,
Veronica Starace, Jeanne Tobias Stearn, Tommy Surace, Carmela
Torres, Peter Vignolo, Brian Walsh, John Walsh, Brian Ward, John
Ward, Grace Wetzel and Elizabeth “Betty” Zelasko.
$ 19,396.00
The Altar Candles, which burn during
the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for this
week are in loving memory of Kathryn
Marie Mazzio. This is a gift for Grandma
& Grandpop.
The Sanctuary Candle that will be lit this
week during our Eucharistic Celebration
is in loving memory of Stephanie
Germann. This is a gift from her mother
Jeanne Germann.
We would like to thank Vincent
D’Albert for arranging our Easter
Flowers. We would also like to
thank Country View Farm and Nursery, 599
Buckelew Ave, Monroe Twp for loaning us
bushes and shrubs for the Altar.
McQuillen Memorial Scholarship
If you are interested in applying for the
McQuillen Memorial Scholarship, you
can obtain a verification form from any
of the entrances of the Church or from
the Rectory. Once your verification
form is received, an application will be
sent out to you. Verification forms are
due to the Rectory by April 11th. You
may drop them off, place them into the
collection basket on Sunday or by mail.
Processional: There's a Wideness in God's
Mercy #488
Preparation: Healing River of the Spirit #693
Communion: Ye Sons and Daughters #77
Recessional: Lift High the Cross #720
A Note from the Pastor
Fr. Michael Fragoso
Today is Divine Mercy Sunday. It is also the
Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. I’ve written and
spoken about what this means for us. In the Old
Testament every 25 years was a Jubilee when all debts
were forgiven. Pope Francis threw away the calendar
and said that we need God’s mercy now. So he
declared this year an extra jubilee year so we could
know God’s mercy to it’s fullest.
The Holy Father has made it so that even those
burdened by not being able to leave their beds because
of illness or old age and even the prisoners can
experience the mercy of God.
What does it mean? If I steal something from you and
then beg your forgiveness and you forgive me it’s a
good thing. But I still owe you, out of justice, that
which I stole. Someone’s got to pay for it.
It’s the same thing when we sin. We offend God and
he forgives us in the sacrament of Reconciliation —
going to confession. But we still owe him the
punishment that is due to the sin. Because of the
graces and merits that have been given to the Church
when Jesus told Peter, “What you shall loose on earth
will be loosed in heaven…”, we are offered this special
grace which wipes away that punishment due to sin.
We are forgiven the sin and the punishment. The
stealing and what was stolen.
All we have to do is walk through the Holy Door of
Mercy, say a Creed, and a prayer for the Holy Father
and having no attachment to sin. That requires
confession and communion within 7 days so we are in
a state of grace.
Let us take advantage of this great grace the Holy
Father has offered us for ourselves and for our loved
ones who have passed away.
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Monday, April 4th to Sunday, April 10th
8:30 am
Annunciation of the Lord
Memorial Society
8:30 am
Easter Weekday
Clifford Family r/b Elizabeth & Jim Clifford
8:30 am
Easter Weekday
Walker & McBride Families r/b
Tommy & Briege Walker
8:30 am
St. John Baptist de la Salle
Frank Bruno r/b Wife Angela
8:30 a.m
Easter Weekday
Bruno Mecchi r/b the Family
4:00 p.m.
Easter Weekday
Mary & Fred Frega r/b Marie & Joe McHose
8:00 am
Third Sunday of Easter
Helen Wolak r/b her Children
11:00 am
John & Ann Cashin r/b Margaret Hughes
3:00 p.m.
Lilian Urrutia r/b Sandra Bernal & Family
5:00 p.m.
Michelle Behany r/b Scarpetti Family
April 4th: MONDAY/ LUNES
545: Is 7:10-14; 8:10 Ps 40:7-11
Heb 10:4-10 Lk 1:26-38
268: Acts 4:32-37 Ps 93:1-2, 5 Jn 3:7b-15
269: Acts 5:17-26 Ps 34:2-9 Jn 3:16-21
270: Acts 5:27-33 Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20
Jn 3:31-36
271: Acts 5:34-42 Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14 Jn 6:1-15
272: Acts 6:1-7 Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19
Jn 6:16-21
48: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41 Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13
Rv 5:11-14 Jn 21:1-19 or 21:1-14
Annual Blood Drive
Knights of Columbus #6336
83 E. Lincoln Ave.
Jamesburg, NJ 08831
Annual Polish Dinner
When: April 16th
Cost: $14.00 per person
Seatings at: 5:00, 5:30, 6:00 & 6:30 p.m.
Contact Chet at 732-521-1726 for more info.
Menu includes:
Pierogies, Stuffed Cabbage, Roasted
Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Kielbasa &
Buttered Carrots, Babka, Rye Bread and
The St. James Knights of Columbus,
Council #6336 will hold their annual blood
drive Friday, April 8th from 4:00 to 8:30
pm at the Council Hall, 83 Lincoln Ave,
Monroe Twp. This is a great opportunity
to help out someone in need befor the busy
summer season begins. New donors are
needed. Any questions please contact Stan
Slabinski at 732-521-2917.
Gift cards to ShopRite and Stop & Shop in
$25 increments will be available to
purchase in the Rectory during office hours
and on the first weekend of each month
during all masses.
If you have any
questions, please email Sandy Bohinski at
bosgeneral@aol.com or call 732-521-3012.
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Sacramento de la Confesión
Domingo 2:00 pm.
Intenciones para la Misa
Intenciones para la Misa , $10 cada Misa.
Hoy es Domingo de la Misericordia. Es también el Año Extraordinario Jubilar de la Misericordia. He hablado y escrito acerca de lo que
esto significa para nosotros. En el Antiguo Testamento cada 25 años era un jubileo durante cual se perdonaban todas las deudas. El
Papa Francisco tiró el calendario por la ventana y dijo que necesitamos la misericordia de Dios ahora. Por eso declaró este año un año
jubilar adicional para que pudiéramos conocer la misericordia de Dios a su máximo.
El Santo Padre lo ha hecho de modo que incluso las personas oprimidos por no ser capaz de salir de la casa debido a una enfermedad o
vejez e incluso los presos puedan experimentar la misericordia de Dios.
Qué significa eso? Si robo algo de ti y luego pido perdón y me perdonas, es algo bueno. Pero todavía te debo, por justicia, lo que te
robé. Alguien tiene que pagar.
Es lo mismo cuando pecamos. Ofendemos a Dios, y Él nos perdona en el sacramento de la Reconciliación - por la confesión. Pero
todavía le debemos el castigo que se debe por cuenta del pecado. Debido a las gracias y méritos que se han dado a la Iglesia, cuando
Jesús le dijo a San Pedro: "Lo que sueltes en la tierra será soltado en el cielo ...", se nos ofrece esta gracia especial que nos perdona el
castigo debido al pecado. Se nos perdona el pecado y el castigo. El robo y lo que fue robado.
Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es caminar a través de la Puerta Santa de la Misericordia, rezar un Credo, y una oración por las
intenciones del Santo Padre y no tener apego al pecado. Eso requiere la confesión y la comunión dentro de los 7 días, de manera que
estemos en un estado de gracia.
Tomemos ventaja de esta gran gracia del Santo Padre nos ha ofrecido papa nosotros y para nuestros seres queridos que han fallecido.
Ministry Schedule
Week of April 9th/10th
Leonila Albinto
Barbara Gibbons
Joe Colamussi
Rose Corso
Bob Janzekovich Cathy Janzekovich
Altar Server
Julie Ico
Grace Holmes
Marcus Pena
Tom Gibbons
Joann Malet
Frank Cryan
Irene Lesko
Monique Mainville
Kerry Alvarez
Susanne Alvarez
Judy Chuisano
Liz Harrison
Marissa & Victoria
Martin Villanobos
Tyler Dunn
Anthony Cioffi
Caitlin Smith
Do You Know Anyone Who is Separated or Divorced?
St. James is pleased to announce the beginning of a new ministry to men and women who have suffered from divorce or
separation: The Catholics Divorce Survival Guide. The 12-week group begins April 9th beginning at 5:30p.m. with a wine &
cheese social in the St. James the Less Parish Hall. The cost is $15 a person and includes a “Personal Survival Guide”, and all
materials for 12 weeks. Find comfort and counsel consistent with Catholic teachings. Call Judy Chuisano at 732-841-3494 for
more information or to register. Come join us!
**This program is based on the teachings of the Catholic Church and open to anyone who needs comfort, counsel and clarity
after a divorce**
Food and Fellowship
Soup Kitchen
The St. James the Less Food and Fellowship Soup Kitchen is opened! Meals will be made
available for the needy every Tuesday from 3:00-6:00 p.m. If you are in need please join
us, or if you know of someone in need please let them know about this ministry! Donations
can be made directly to St. James Church with Food and Fellowship in the memo. If you
would like more information please contact Deacon Patrick Smith at 732-233-6970.
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St. James the Less Memorial Society
The following names have been enrolled in the St. James Memorial Society by their loved ones. On the first Monday of each mo nth they
will be remembered at Mass. To add the names of your loved ones, please call or visit the Rectory. A name that has been bolded,
depicts a name that is up for renewal this month.
Brian & Al Arena
Samuel George
Dominic & Josephine Nicastro
Ellen Baglivi
Stephanie Germann
Joan O'Callaghan
Frank A. Barbato Jr.
Joseph Gidaro
Patrick & Bridget O'Neill
Henry Barry
Michael & Kathleen Grant
Anita Pessolano
Steven Basarab
Rev. Msgr. Edward Hajduk
The Pessolano Family
Helen & Steve Basarab
Jocelyn Holland
Frances & Joseph Picone
Kimberley Baum
Rev. Joseph Hoppe, OP
Frank & Ceil Popowski
Andrew Blake
Cafiero & Iuliano Families
Peter Presto
John & Rosa Bohinski
The Ivan Family
Thomas Pugner
Charles & Loretta Bohinski
Stephen Janzekovich
William & Una Quigley
The John Brady Family
Frank J. Kane
Ann Ford & Frances Racsak
Maryann Breckmeyer
The Ellsworth & Kane Families
Olga Rhoades
John & Mildred Burk
Keating & Burke Families
Richard Rizzo
Antonio Calabrese
John Klosek
Rosalie Hines & Edward Stanchi
Frances Camilleri
Eric J. Knoll
Living & Deceased Rosarians
Vincent Camilleri
Cerulo & Olimpia Families
Edward Francis Kolibas
Ruth & Raymond Krahe
The Route Family
James Scarpetti
Dominick Cimorelli
Sylvia LaPlace & Peter LaPlaca Family
Margaret & Leo Schultz
Anne Cole
Joseph Liccardi
Albert & Jean Sikorski
George Conroy Sr.
Luis Lugo
Anna Sikorski
Joseph & Eleanor Corrente
Joseph Marano , The Marano & Pietri Families Jean H. Sikorski
Sylvester J. Cronin Sr.
John Ehrhardt & Mary Hora
George J. Smith
Eleanor Wetzel Cross
Mother Teresa of Mary Immaculate OCD
George & Anne Snyder
Robert & Esther Dalston Leepin
Marie & Dominic Massaro
Vincent Spano
Deacon Gregory & Angele D'Angelo
Kathryn Marie Mazzio
Agatina Sparacino
Michael & Vera DeMarco
Rev. James & Francis McDonnell
Frank Sparacino
Angelia & Anthony DiGiacomo
Bill McGrath
Lena & Edward Stanchi
Bill DiLorenzo
Bruno Mecchi
Bill Stewart
Michael F. DiPierro & DiLorenzo Family
Gerard Mennona
Celia & Edward Sudowsky
Margaret Duggan
Joseph & Eleanor Mennona
Pat, Michael & John Surik
Desie & Sean Dunne
Joan & Edwin Moke Jr.
Mark Testa
Alice & George Emery
Marie S. & John Montalto
Thomas Tolve Jr.
Joe & Wanda Falkwoski
Joan & Rich Moran
Steve Topolancik
Salvatore Filiano
Daniel & Ethel Moran
Mary & Joseph Tupek
Francis Flynn
John Intravartolo & Morrison Families
Ethel Vachon
Mary Fortin
Deceased Members of Mt. Carmel Society
Philip Vachon
Rev. Msgr. William Furlong
Rosemarie Muir
Michelle Vachon
Furnari Family
James & Agnes Mulvey
Ralph & Rose Vincelli
Philip Furnari
Madeline Murray
Visinski & Luczkow Families
Ann Garace
Charles Murphy
John & Minnie Walker
Robert E. Garvey III
George J. Nesser
Sophie & Henry Wetzel

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