August 21 - Saint James the Less
August 21 - Saint James the Less
August 21, 2016 SAINT JAMES THE LESS PARISH 36 Lincoln Avenue, Jamesburg, NJ 08831 Phone: 732-521-0100 Fax: 732-521-8287 Email: Pastoral Staff Reverend Michael Fragoso, Pastor Monsignor John B. Szymanski, PA, VGE Weekend Assistant Deacon Patrick Smith Kim Bohinski-Smith Parish Catechetical Leader/ Pastoral Asst. Patty Bisignano Administrative Assistant Parish Office Hours: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm M-F Website: Daily Mass Schedule Morning Prayer Monday - Friday 8:15 am Weekday Mass Monday - Friday 8:30 am Weekend Masses Saturday: 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am, 11:00 am, 3:00 pm (Spanish) and 5:00 pm Confession Saturday: 3:00 pm Children’s Liturgy of the Word First Sunday of the Month at the 11 am Mass October - May Altar Rosary Society and Miraculous Medal Novena First Thursday of the Month: 7:00 pm Adoration On Thursdays, Adoration will be held in the Church from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm. All are welcome to come for any amount of time. Adult Choir Wednesday: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Spanish Choir First Tuesday of the Month 8:00 pm Music Ministry Baptism: Par ents who wish to have their child baptized need to call the Rectory. Preparation classes are required and are by appointment only. Baptisms will be held the first Sunday of every month. Baptismal classes are held the second Sunday of every month. Sponsors and Godparents: If you ar e 18 year s of age or older, you must register as an adult and be confirmed in the Catholic Church. If you wish to be a Sponsor for Confirmation or a Godparent, you must be an active parishioner and attending Mass. Matrimony: Couples contemplating this Sacr ament must contact the Parish Office at least one year in advance. All couples planning marriage must attend Pre-Cana classes or Engaged Encounter. Ministry of the Sick: Par ishioner s who ar e homebound and would like to receive the Eucharist, please call the Rectory. If you would like to have your name included on the Prayer List in the bulletin, please call the Rectory. RCIA: Adults inquir ing about the Catholic Chur ch with a desire to become Catholic are invited to call the Parish Office for more information about the Rite of Catholic Initiation of Adults which begins in September and runs through the following Easter. St. James Cemetery Mott Avenue, Monroe Twp For more information please contact the Rectory Kevin Daly, Director of Music Knights of Columbus Council #6336 83 Lincoln Avenue, Jamesburg First & third Monday of every month 8:00 pm 732-521-3366 St. James Columbiettes 2nd Thursday of every month 7:00 pm Food and Fellowship Soup Kitchen Every Tuesday 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm St. James Parish Hall Food Pantry Donation First Sunday of every month Parish Mission Statement St. James the Less Parish is a Christian Community of the Roman Catholic tradition. Our Parish Community is dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus, and as the people of God are called to further the mission of Jesus. We will do this through the Word, Liturgy, Sacrament, Music, Ecumenism, Evangelization, Religious Education of our Children, Prayer and the Honoring of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We will deepen our knowledge, skills and understanding of our Faith. We will be Faith based. Above all, we will foster Love by example and serve the needs of others to work towards economic and social development for all people. Page 2 Please keep those who are sick in your prayers: Gaetan Ames, Bernard Armistead, Dolores Ball, Andrew Bianconano, Arlene Calabro, Evelyn, Bruno Chmiel, John Compoli, Fred Conforti, Connie Conover, Catherine Cryan, Gordon Demetzky, Baby Emily, Patrick Flynn, Toni Hart, Christine Harvey, Timothy Hilarczyk, Nikolai Hopkins, Gail Houck, Julie Ico, Sophie Jasko, Sr. Mary Kerwin, Rosemarie Kolessar, Angelina Lasala, Connie Lasala Venezia, Baby Sebastian Lattugga, Tanya & Matthew Laudien, Elwood Linsky, Savira Londy-Eiben, Richie Mackie, Joanne Manfre, Patsy Mannion, Michael Marano, Phyllis Mason, Jennie Martin, Ray McCarthy, Baby Nicholas Merritt, Edward Migliore, Massimo Migliore, Lily Mizzi, Evelyn Monte, Susan Mulligan, Laurie Musumeci, Michael Nichols, John Pariso, Lucille Poulin, Marilyn Rohrbach, Joseph Sabatino, Peggy Schiller, William C. Sharp, Sr. Helen Sikorski; SGM, Kathleen Sinclair, Phyllis Staskewicz, Veronica Starace, Jeanne Tobias Stearn, Tommy Surace, Carmela Torres, Brian Walsh, John Walsh, Brian Ward, John Ward, Grace Wetzel and Elizabeth “Betty” Zelasko. Religious Education Hours During the month of August, Religious Education appointments will be available upon request at 732521-1188. Religious Education Volunteer Catechists Needed Would you like to make a difference in the life of a child? If you are interested in assisting the children of our Parish learn their faith, please consider volunteering. Volunteers are needed to help with classes on Wednesdays. Training is provided. If you are interested please contact Kim Bohinski Smith at 732-521-1188. St. James Religious Education Classes St. James Religious Education class assignments were mailed out the week of July 25th. Classes are scheduled to begin on Wednesday, September 21 st for grade levels 1st – 7th. Classes for grade 1st – 7th will be held at Holy Trinity Parish Center, 100 Main Street, Helmetta. 8th grade Confirmation classes will begin on Monday, September 19th. Confirmation classes will be held in St. James Parish Hall from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Family Based Home Schooling program will begin on Monday, September 12th at 6:30 p.m. The home schooling program will meet at St. James. If you have any questions or did not receive your class assignment, please contact Kim Bohinski Smith at 732-5211188. Please note the first class on Wednesday, September 21st will be held at St. James the Less Church. The first class will be a welcome Back Mass (1 parent needs to attend with their child) followed by a brief meeting to go over some new Religious Education policies. HYMNS: Processional: Gather Us In #302 Preparation: All Creatures of Our God and King #539 Communion: Pan de Vida #340; One Bread, One Body#342 Recessional: Celtic Alleluia: Sending Forth #382 A Note from the Pastor Fr. Michael Fragoso Tomorrow, Monday, 22, is the feast of the Queenship of Mary. In our Diocese we have two co-patrons. You may be aware of our principal co-patron, St Francis of Assisi. He is the patron of our Cathedral and of our Diocese. We all think we know St Francis. St Francis has many gifts or charisms. Primarily he considered himself a penitent. Many older images of the saint have him holding a skull or there is a skull at his feet. That is an icon of penitence. It’s about doing penance for one’s sins and for those who sin against us. St Francis was for peace. But peace comes only by conversion of hearts to the Lord. That is what he offered the Sultan in Egypt. St Francis was not a pacifist as we define it today. His vision of peace was only in Jesus Chris. The popular “Prayer of St Francis” was not written by him. It is a 20th century invention. He preached to animals, birds of prey not the tweety birds in the holy cards, because he wanted to show that they would listen to him more readily than the rapacious humans. The hawks and eagles were more likely to hear the word of God and obey than the hard hearted men. His faith was centered on Jesus Christ and his teaching. And on the Virgin Mother of God. She is our co-patroness under the title of the Queenship of Mary. Mary is queen of Angels and of us mortals. She is our queen and our mother. She intercedes for us with her Divine Son when we are in need. She is also the image of what we shall be. Assumed into heaven body and soul she points the way to our goal: when from the earth he will raise up in the flesh those who have died, and transform our lowly body after the pattern of his own glorious body. In the words of the writer of the letter to the Hebrews, alleged by some ancient sources to be St Paul, So strengthen your drooping hands and your weak knees. Make straight paths for your feet, that what is lame may not be disjointed but healed. Mary, Queen of the Universe, pray for us. Page 3 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, August 22nd to Sunday, August 28th Monday 8:30 am Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary Joe Marek r/b Carol Marek Tuesday 8:30 am Weekday Joan O’Callaghan r/b Connie & Hughie Wednesday 8:30 am St. Bartholomew, Apostle Bart Rossi r/b Angelina Rossi Thursday 8:30 am Weekday Kathryn Gibbons r/b her son Thomas Friday 8:30 am Weekday Dorothy Carbon (living) r/b Lucretia Miceli Saturday 4:00 pm St. Monica Josephine McCullough r/b John & Katherine Mazza Sunday 8:00 am Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time For the people of St. James 11:00 am Carmelia “Dolly” Tobias r/b Leonard A. Tobias 3:00 pm Robert Sweeney r/b Theodora Sweeney 5:00 pm Joan O’Callaghan r/b Deacon Patrick & Kim Smith Welcoming the Stranger The presence of so many people of so many different cultures and religions in so many different parts of the United States has challenged us as a Church to a profound conversion so that we can become truly a sacrament of unity. —Welcoming the Stranger Among Us: Unity in Diversity U.S. Catholic Bishops “For behold, some are last who will be first and some are first who will be last.” Luke 13:30 Our standards in our society are so different from God’s standards. We often rate or rank people by what they have, how powerful they are, or how successful they are. Jesus reminds us that God will not judge us by the same earthly standards. LECTIONARY READINGS FOR THE WEEK/ LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA August 22nd: MONDAY/ LUNES 425: 2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12 Ps 96:1-5 Mt 23:13-22 August 23rd: TUESDAY/MARTES 426: 2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17 Ps 96:10-13 Mt 23:23-26 August 24th: WEDNESDAY/MIERCOLES 629: Rv 21:9b-14 Ps 145:10-13, 17-18 Jn 1:45-51 August 25th: THURSDAY/JUEVES 428: 1 Cor 1:1-9 Ps 145:2-7 Mt 24:42-51 August 26th: FRIDAY/VIERNES 429: 1 Cor 1:17-25 Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 10-11 Mt 25:1-13 August 27th: SATURDAY/SÁBADO 430: 1 Cor 1:26-31 Ps 33:12-13, 18-21 Mt 25:14-30 August 28th: SUNDAY/DOMINGO 126: Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29 Ps 68:4-7, 10-11 Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a Lk 14:1, 7-14 Summer Stewards The summer months often brings a break in other parish commitments. The faith formation class you enthusiastically teach all winter takes the summer off. Your committee has decided to meet next in September. Summer is a great time to reflect on those commitments. How does it feel, taking a break? Do you look forward to picking up your role in the fall? Does something else excite you, or call to you? The summer gives you a good time to reassess and reenergize for the next chance to say “yes!” For Christian stewards, there’s no summer “vacation” from nurturing their spiritual lives. But there are plenty of opportunities to explore prayer, giving, and parish involvement in many ways Page 4 Sacramento de la Confesión Domingo 2:00 pm. Intenciones para la Misa Intenciones para la Misa , $10 cada Misa. Mañana, lunes 22, es la fiesta de la Realeza de María. En nuestra diócesis tenemos dos santos patrones. Ya sabrán que el co-patrón principal es San Francisco de Asís. Es el patrón de nuestra catedral y de nuestra Diócesis. Todos creemos que conocemos a San Francisco. San Francisco tiene muchos dones. Principalmente se consideraba un penitente. Muchas de las imágenes más antiguas del santo aguanta una carabela o yace una a sus pies. Es un icono de la penitencia. Se trata de hacer penitencia por nuestros pecados y por los que nos ofenden. San Francisco trabajo por la paz. Pero la paz que sólo viene por la conversión del corazón al Señor. Eso es lo que le ofreció al Sultán de Egipto. San Francisco no era un pacifista como lo definimos hoy dia. Su visión de la paz era sólo en Jesucristo. La popular "Oración de San Francisco” fue un invento del siglo XX. Le predicó a los animales, las aves de rapiña, no a los pajaritos que se ven en las estampitas religiosas, porque quería demostrar que las águilas y los halcones les iban a escuchar y no los humanos rapaces. Los halcones y águilas eran más propensos a escuchar la palabra de Dios y obedecer a que los hombres de corazón duro. Su fé fue centrada en Jesucristo y sus enseñanzas. Y en la Virgen Madre de Dios. Ella es nuestra co-patrona bajo el título de la Realeza de María. María es Reina de los Ángeles y de los mortales. Ella es nuestra reina y madre nuestra. Ella intercede por nosotros ante su Hijo Divino cuando estamos en necesidad. Ella es también la imagen de lo que seremos. Asumida al cielo en cuerpo y alma que señala el camino hacia nuestra meta: cuando Cristo haga resurgir de la tierra a los muertos y transforme nuestro cuerpo frágil en cuerpo glorioso como el suyo. En las palabras del autor de la carta a los Hebreos, alegado por algunas fuentes antiguas ser San Pablo: Por eso, robustezcan sus manos cansadas y sus rodillas vacilantes; caminen por un camino plano, para que el cojo ya no se tropiece, sino más bien se alivie. María, Reina del Universo, ruega por nosotros. Ministry Schedule Mass Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 8:00am Lector Weekend of August 27th/28th Eucharistic Eucharistic Minister Minister Eucharistic Minister Altar Server Ed Moke Albert deLorimier Ann Fletcher Pat Moke Angela Oskierko Susan Rudy Catherine Attara Mark Attara Roseanna Davino Alison & Emily Ranieri 11:00am Angelo Deliso Barbara Cooper Ronnie Emerson Jackie Roca Mark Giordano Liam Iannacone 5:00pm Lois Castrovince Denise Halpin Daria Ludas Elaine Slabinski Grace Holmes Food and Fellowship Soup Kitchen The St. James the Less Food and Fellowship Soup Kitchen is opened! Meals will be made available for the needy every Tuesday from 3:00-6:00 p.m. If you are in need please join us, or if you know of someone in need please let them know about this ministry! Donations can be made directly to St. James Church with Food and Fellowship in the memo. If you would like more information please contact Deacon Patrick Smith at 732-233-6970. Page 5 TAB TOPS St. James Columbiettes are collecting tab tops for the Ronald McDonald House. The tabs are recycled and used to purchase food items such as eggs, milk and bread for those families that are staying at the house. The house provides comfort for the families of terminally ill children. You can drop the tops off in the vestibule of the Church. We are still collecting labels! These labels will help us get items for our program. Please place labels in a Ziploc baggie or envelope and place them in the boxes provided at all entries of the Church. Thank you for your support. Immaculate Conception Schools presents FARMER’S MARKET Silver & Gold Wedding Anniversary Celebration Sunday, October 30th @ 4:00 Pm You are cordially invited to celebrate your 25th or 50th Wedding Anniversary by renewing your marriage vows with Bishop James F. Checchio at a special Evening Prayer Service in the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi, Metuchen. Application forms are available at the rectory. Forms must be signed by your priest or deacon and will be submitted by the rectory to the Family Life Office. Deadline for registration is Monday, October 17th. A confirmation letter with further details will be sent once your application has been processed. If you need more information, please call the Family Life Office at 732-562-1990 x-4573 or email amatos@diometuchen,org CHURCH PEWS FUNDRAISER ARTISANS & CRAFTERS SUNDAYS - 10 AM - 1:30 PM JUNE 26TH TO SEPT 11TH LOCAL PRODUCE - HANDMADE ITEMS ShopRite and Stop & Shop are helping St. James the Less Church raise funds for the restoration of our Church pews. Simply buy vouchers from us. Every time you use a voucher to pay for your groceries a donation is made to St James. So rather than cash, check, debit or credit, use our cards and St James Pew Restoration Fund will receive 5% the amount you spent. The vouchers can be purchased at the Rectory during business hours or in the Church vestibule after All the Masses during the first weekend of the month before and after all Masses. 23 Manalapan Road, Spotswood If you have any questions, please call Sandy Bohinski at 732-5213012 or Email her at Join the Columbiettes! We are a charitable and social network of Catholic women dedicated to caring and sharing. Our works center on assisting the less fortunate, helping the homeless, funding local charities and supporting seminarians/ postulants. Share your “God-given” talents to help us help others! For more information, please call Joanne Rizzo at (732) 521-5724. Join the Knights of Columbus! If you are a practicing Catholic man interested in helping those in need, serving our Parish and growing in your faith, then we are the group for you! We are a band of brothers, a network of men in communities around the world, dedicated to our Church and charitable works. For more information: To become a member, please call Rich Rendeiro at (732) 735-8764.
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