Archdiocese of Galveston Houston St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church


Archdiocese of Galveston Houston St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
Archdiocese of Galveston Houston
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church
816 Park Dr. La Porte, Texas 77571
281-471-2000 Fax:281-471-9365
Parish Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
9:00 am-12:00 Noon
1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am– 12:00 Noon
1:00 pm-7:00 pm
Additional CCE Office Hours:
Sunday 10:30 am-12:30 pm & Wednesday 6:00-7:30pm
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
November 9, 2014
Sacrament of Baptism
Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st Sunday of the
month. Classes are held on
the 2nd & 3rd
Tuesday of each month. Please come by the Parish
Office to register or call for more information.
The Sacrament of Penance is offered on Saturdays,
from 4:30p.m. to 5:30p.m. or by appointment.
Sacrament of Marriage
Please contact the Parish Office at least (6) six months
prior to your desired wedding date to arrange a
meeting with Father Tony or one of the Deacons. If
you want a Mass, you must call Father Tony.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Are you a non-Catholic who is interested in joining the
Catholic faith? Are you a baptized Catholic who has
never received the sacraments of 1st Communion and
Confirmation? If your answer is yes to either of
these questions, call the Parish Office.
Sacrament of First Communion
First Communion candidates must be baptized, at least
in the second grade, and have been attending CCE
classes for two full years previous to their receiving
the Sacrament. Adults needing First Communion
should refer to the rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Confirmation candidates must have previously
received the Sacraments of Baptism and First
Communion. They must have faithfully attended Life
Teen for at least one full year prior to beginning preparation for the Sacrament (more than three
absences without a valid excuse can alter the process). A
signed form stating that the parent/guardian and the
candidate understand all requirements is also
necessary before the preparation begins. Adults
needing confirmation should refer to the Rite of
Christian initiation of adults.
Eucharistic Celebrations
Saturday: 6:00 p.m.
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m.,
12:30 p.m. (Spanish)
4:00 p.m. Life Teen Mass
Weekday Masses in St. Joseph’s Chapel
Monday(No Mass)
Tuesday – 12:00 noon
Wednesday – 8:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, & Friday – 8:30 a.m.
Parish Staff
Rev. Tony A. Castro, Pastor
Deacon Hector Cantu
Deacon Julio Matallana
Deacon Stan Avallone
Parish Secretary-Debbie Heasty
C.C.E. Director-Jessica Jaramilllo
EDGE Director-Renee Cortez
Life Teen Director-Shari Davis
Vision Statement
St. Mary of the Immaculate
Conception is a Catholic Community
of Believers called to serve Christ by
gathering together at the Lord’s
Table in worship and praise, by serving our brothers and sisters in Christ,
and by being a welcoming beacon of
light to all. We are many parts, yet
one body in Christ.
NOVEMBER 9, 2014
“Gabriel’s Angels”
Tues. Nov. 11:
The Blessed Mother’s Pro-Life Intentions,
End of Abortion & All Issues of Life
Wed. Nov. 12:
Shirley Stanton†
By:Stanton Family
Knights of Columbus Silver Rose
Thurs. Nov. 13:
Special Intention for Richard & Molly
By:Bradley Family
Fri. Nov. 14:
Vanessa Morales†
By:John Carter
Sat. Nov. 15:
Birthday Celebration Charles Paschal
By: Pfeiffer Family
Sun. Nov. 16:
Peter Griffiths†
Joaquin Rodriguez†
By:Myra Rodriguez
Santos Ortega†
By: De La Cerda Family
People of the Parish
November 1 & 2, 2014
Weekly Goal
Sunday Collection
All Saints
All Souls
The Gabriel Project is designed to help women
and teenagers who are in a crisis pregnancy. If
you are in need of assistance or know someone
who is, please contact Belinda @ 713-805-4961.
$ 5,796.00
$ 755.00
Parish Goal $49,000.00
Total Amount Pledged $47,692.12
Total Amount Paid $43,692.12 ( 89.17%)
Total # of Participants 167
Upcoming Archdiocesan Meetings
Pregnant? Alone & Uncertain? If you or someone you
know could answer yes to the above questions, please
contact Catholic Charities Pregnancy Program for help
with medical resources, parenting assistance and on
planning for the arrival of your child. Catholic Charities
has been assisting mothers and children in our community for 70 years. For additional
please contact Colleen Kitowski @713-874-6760 or
Retrouvaille For couples in a troubled marriage.
Offered in English only. For upcoming programs call
retrouvaille or visit
Triple P Parenting Classes Most of the time, parenting
is great and you know you are doing a good job. But
there are times when things get a little tricky. Like when
your toddler won’t eat dinner, or your six year old won’t
pick up his toys, maybe it’s when your teenager is
disrespectful. If only someone could give you some ides
to make those times easier! If this sounds like you, then
all these Triple P seminars may suit! For more
information about Triple P and how to participate, call
Infant Adoption Program Couples wanting to adopt
newborn babies, please contact Catholic Charities. Our
program is currently looking for couples to
apply. Couples must satisfy the program requirements
to be considered. Contact Coleen@ 713-874-6760 or
Natural Family Planning One-hour meetings describing
NFP and its advantages, and the disadvantages of
artificial contraception. Meetings are the third Saturday
of the month in the mornings, 11:00am, St. Dominic
Center, 2403 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, TX. Upcoming
meetings and information contact the Family Life Office
@ 713-391-2631.
“You will be enriched in every way for Great Generosity”
If you have not had the opportunity to donate to the
Diocesan Services Fund this year, please fill out a donation envelope located at the doors of the church or visit We all join in prayer that our faith
and commitment to others will always bear fruit in action.
“God is at Work Here”
Loan Balance
Principle Balance
Monthly Payment
Donations this Week
$ 281,617.17
$ 8,000.00
God’s blessings to each of you for your support.
Michael Estrada & Nickie Velez & Family
Kenneth Paul Morgan
Amos Sanchez & Kristina Alvarez & Family
Ramiro & Marcella Torres & Family
Nelida & Gilberto Velez & Family
Welcome God’s Children
~October ~
Aiden Alexander Cortez, Elijah Iser Lara
Dear parish family,
Feast of Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
WE had fantastic bazaar last week! We were so blessed with very nice weather, but most of all blessed with
your love and support. We had a good turnout and we had some fun. Thank you all for coming out last Sunday to
participate and support our parish family bazaar. It was a great success! At the point of this writing, we don’t have yet
the final figure but I got very good news that we did well. (Please refer to initial reports in the other page of this
bulletin). Thank you so much all volunteers, parish workers, so many of them to name which made the bazaar
Our deep gratitude to the big donors, those who pitched in to cover the raffle prizes; and several other
monetary gift donors, their donations as always made the difference for the Bazaar and thanks to the booth sponsors.
Our special thanks to the Bazaar Chairman, Cliff Westbeld, Al-Pena (co chair) and Committee, specially Peggy &
Cheryl for running the Bazaar efficiently and with great success. Great job!
CONGRATULATIONS to all raffle winners (see in other page). And Congratulation to the BIGGEST
WINNER, St. Mary’s parish church – we had family outdoor fun, and the church got its much needed fund. So let’s
congratulate ourselves.
This Sunday is the feast of the Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome. Of all church’s feast days
this one stands unique: we are neither honoring a particular event in the life of Jesus nor a particular saint, but a
building, a church. And surely we can ask what has this to do with us? As a quick background, the church of St. John
Lateran in Rome was the first church used by the Christians for public worship after the emperor Constantine made
Christianity legal thereby ending the years of persecution. Hence, it is the Mother Church of the Catholic Church. It is
the symbol of the unity of all Catholics spread across the globe. And as we give honor to the “mother church,” we are
asked to reflect the manner we honor our own Parish Church.
Our love for the church is concretely manifested on how we care for the parish church where we belong.
Love demands our attention and care for its needs and support for its ministries. God don’t pay bills or pay salaries of
church employees, we do. God don’t sweep the thrash or vacuum the dirt in His house, we do. In other words, we are
the hands, the feet, and mouth of the Lord. What we have and what we can do are all God’s gifts; our talents and our
financial blessings are his gifts not to be hoarded but to share. In simple terms therefore, we show our concrete love
for the church by our weekly love offering. In that way we make our church stable to function in all its ministries and
maintain its upkeep. For the church is not just a building it is also us, the people - we are the church. Actually when we
say we support the church we actually also say we support ourselves. We did big last week - at the bazaar!
Blessings to you and have a good week!
Fr. Tony
Querida familia parroquial,
Fiesta dedicada a la Basilica de San Juan de Letran
Tuvimos un fantantico bazar la semana pasada! Estuvimos bendecidos con un clima muy agradable, pero la
bendicion mas grande fue nuestro amor y apoyo. Tuvimos una buena participacion y nos divertimos. Gracias a todos por
venir el domingo pasado a participar y apoyar el bazar familiar de nuestra parroquia. Fue un exito. En el momento de escribir
este articulo no tengo la cifra final pero la buena noticia es que nos fue muy bien (Por favor informarse del reporte inicial en la
otra pagina del boletin) Muchas gracias a todos los voluntarios, los trabajadores de la parroquia, muchos para nombrarlos,
quienes hicieron que el bazar fuera posible.
Nuestra mas profunda gratitud a los grandes donantes que patrocinaron los premios de la rifa; y a todos los otros
donadores monetarios, sus donaciones siempre hacen la diferencia en nuestro bazar, y gracias a los patrocinadores de los
puestos.Nuestro especial agradecimiento al Presidente del Bazar, Cliff Westbeld, Al Pena (vicepresidente) y al comite,
specialmente a Peggy y Cheryl por organizar el evento eficientemente y con gran exito. Fantastico trabajo!!!
CONGRATULATIONS a todos los ganadores de la rifa (ver nombres en la otra pagina). Y felicitaciones al gran
ganador, la parroquia de Sta. Maria – tuvimos una diversion al aire libre y la parroquia obtuvo los fondos que necesitamos.
Asi que a felicitarnos.
Este domingo es la fiesta dedicada a la Basilica de San Juan de Letran en Roma. De todas las festividades de la
iglesia esta es unica: no estamos honrando un evento en la vida de Jesus, ni un santo en particular, sino un edifiio, una
iglesia. Seguramente nos preguntamos que tiene esto que ver con nosotros? Como una referencia breve, la iglesia de San
Juan de Letran en Roma fue la primera iglesia usada por los cristianos para adoracion despues que el emperador
Constantino legalizo el cristianismo terminando asi los aňos de persecucion. Desde entonces es la Matriz de la Iglesia
Catolica. Es el simbolo de la unidad de todos los catolicos extendidos por todo el mundo. Dandole honor a nuestra “madre
iglesia”se nos pide reflexionar en como honrar a nuestra iglesia parroquial.
Nuestro amor por la iglesia se manifiesta concretamente en como cuidamos de nuestra parroquia a la que
pertenecemos. El amor demanda nuestra atencion y cuidados de sus necesidades y sus ministerios. Dios no paga las
cuentas o los salarios de los empleados de la parroquia, nosotros lo hacemos. Dios no recoge la basura o aspira el polvo en
Su casa, nosotros lo hacemos. En otras palabras, somos las manos, los pies y la boca del Seňor. Lo que tenemos y todo lo
que podemos hacer son regalos de Dios; nuestros talentos y nuestras bendiciones financieras son regalos no para ser
acumulados sino para compartir. En terminos simples, mostremos nuestro amor profundo por la iglesia en nuestras ofrendas
semanales. De ese modo nuestra iglesia se mantiene estable para funcionar en todos sus ministerios y sus necesidades. La
iglesia no es es solo un edificio somos nosotros tambien, la gente – somos la iglesia. Actualmente cuando decimos que
apoyamos la iglesia quiere decir que nosotros nos estamos apoyando. Hicimos muy bien la semana pasada – en el bazar!
Bendiciones a ustedes y que tengan una buena semana!
Padre Tony
NOVEMBER 9, 2014
St. Mary’s Music Ministry
Needs Your Voice!!
Sat. 6pm Mass– Rehearsals before Mass at 5:15.
Contact Kathy McBride 713-628-8387
Sun. 7:30am Mass - Rehearsals before Mass at 7am
Contact Yvonne Fisher 832-581-5974
Sun. 10:00am Mass - Annelise Lagasse 281-459-6453
Sun. 12:30pm Spanish MassContact Jose Vazquez 832-868-4081
Sun. 4pm Life Teen Mass- Rehearsals-Sunday 2pm
Contact Alex @ 281-543-7794 or
Nov. 8/9: In Thanksgiving
By: Tim & Jan Hughes
Nov. 1516:In Loving Memory of the Deceased Members
of the Estes & Villareal Families
By: Brenda & Hector Villarreal
Nov. 22/23: OPEN
Nov. 29/30: OPEN
Altar Flower Date Available Dec. 20/21
If you would like to place flowers on the altar for a special
occasion or in memory of a loved one please contact the Church
office or Carolyn O’Neal @ 832-465-4689 to reserve your date.
Church Candle
In Thanksgiving
By:Maria Zamora
Chapel Candle
Special Intention Larry & Ann Vantries
By:Debbie Heasty
Bay Area Council of Catholic Women
Day of Reflection
Christian Renewal Center, Dickinson, TX
Cost: Includes Hot Lunch, Handouts & Materials
Must register by Nov.12th
To register or sign up for childcare, contact Judy Erne @
281-280-8071 or
Ladies of the Parish Please Join Us…
Altar Society Mtg. Tues. 6:30pm Rosary Hall
November 15 & 16, 2014
SATURDAY – 6:00pm
Altar Servers
R. Schoppe, R. Schoppe
F. Novak
D. Swenson
Extraordinary Ministers W. Hayes, P. Holland,
of the Eucharist
V. Swenson
Altar Server
A. Griffiths, P. Griffiths
P. Griffiths
N. Barrera
Extraordinary Minister
A. Griffiths, D. Ortiz, R. Ortiz
of the Eucharist
Altar Server
D. Colburn, N. Colling
V. Maduzia
D. Wade
Extraordinary Ministers L. Colling, R. Florance, C. O’Neal
of the Eucharist
Altar Servers
A. Calvillo, X. Gallegos, N. Gallegos
R. Calvillo, S. Calvillo
Extraordinary Ministers
V. Velasquez, J. Velasquez
of the Eucharist
Altar Servers
S. Lara
K. Nastally
Extraordinary Ministers H. Novosad, M. Novosad,
of the Eucharist
M. Reyes
Altar Society Seafarers Shoe Boxes...
We are currently collecting items to place in shoeboxes for our
seafarers who come in to the Port of Houston during the
Christmas holidays. We are looking for small items such as
combs, shampoo, playing cards, socks, toothbrushes, tooth
paste, key chains, or any type of Texas souvenirs. Please bring
any items you may have by the office or contact one of our Altar
Society Ladies.
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
Mon.-Wed., Fri., Sat. 9:00-11:00am
Store Closed Thurs. & Sun.
In today’s Gospel Jesus challenges us to “stay awake” by
taking time to seriously look at ourselves, the priorities of
our lives, and how we are growing spiritually.
Ask yourself “What would Jesus Christ do?” and then
donate to our St. Vincent Thrift Store so that those
who are suffering will be able to celebrate
Knights of Columbus Upcoming…
All Parishioners Welcome
Please join us in praying the Holy Rosary
asking for our Blessed Mother’s intercession for
the unborn, elderly, disabled, sick and all special
intentions every 2nd Monday of the month at St.
Joseph’s Chapel beginning @ 6:30pm (Next Rosary
will be Mon., Nov. 10th).
If you have any questions about any of the above information, please contact Jaime Vasquez @ 832-339-8849
The Knights of Columbus would like to invite all
parishioners to celebrate OUR LADY OF
Wednesday, November 12, 2014 @ 6:30 p.m. The
Silver Rose will be run by the Knights through downtown La Porte and arrive at St. Mary’s just prior to the
Mass. St. Mary’s and St. Juan Diego’s Matachine
Dancers will perform prior and after the Mass. A
reception will follow in Rosary Hall.
For more info. contact Felipe Sanchez @ 281-734-9951
NOVEMBER 9, 2014
Monday: Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6
Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29;
Lk 17:7-10
Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19
Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25
Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18;
Lk 17:26-37
Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8
Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes
5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]
Please Pray For
Our Troops and …
Arnold Alanis, Kathryn Coleman, Tex Murphy, Dottie
Hurry, Carlos E. Rodriguez, Jennifer Wade, Craig Wade,
Rolland Harrison, Lilly Budd, Gloria, Luke Lewallen, Marty
Montemayor, Marge Tennyson, Roland Gutierrez, Octavio
Salazar, Deborah Esposito, Tracy Salinas, Michelle Burke,
Edgar Jovane Cantu, Abel Benitez, Mary Dean, A.J. Saul,
Margaret Mik, Barbara Herrick, Goldie Skaggs, Casazza
Family, Red Cornejo, Jeanie DuPont, Juan Palacios, Sean
DePaulo, Micah Chatman, Christina Mahan, Maricella
Karen Bounds, Pat Stagg, Jesus Lozano,
Sandoval Family, Christopher, Matt
Garcia, Ebagelina
Gallegos, Molly Batson, Charles
Batson Jr., Billy Mac
Armer, Edgar , Karen Nayeli, Adrian Flores, Aaron
Campise, Martin Villarreal, Linda Jamnise, Leo Villarreal,
Jesse Salinas, Kathy Salinas, Elizabeth Barrera, Susan
Stachol, Carmel & Greg Gonean, Joel Lee, Claudia
Tristan, Manuela Lopez, Ernesto Gaitan, Dandy Dumas,
Terry Trahan, Alfredo Molina, Katherine Pena Thomas,
Glenn Hartrick, Michael Weippert
Continue to Pray for Janet Lodge, Rose Moreno, Lois
Johnston, Joe Funda, Ray Rozelle, Fran Tennyson, Jose
Molina, Minnie Lopez, Baby Gavin Binkley,Deacon Merce
Leal, Charlotte Boudreaux, Marcos Vasquez, Margarita
Klock, John & Sue Crockett, Joanne Jarrell, Joanie O’Neal,
Ben Munoz, Nell Turk, Diana Ortiz, Ophelia Pinard, Bob
& Shirley Davis, Dot Ryan, Janet Hoffpauir, Nick Martin,
Geraldine Christensen, Linda Jaramillo, Teresa Eidt,
Barry Armstrong and those requesting prayer via our web
Remember Our Shut-Ins Emil Schaider, Soledad
Hernandez, Ann Blair, Elida Peterson, those battling
terminal illness and the residents of La Porte Care
Center and Parson’s House
Please Note: Names on our “Please Pray For” list are left
on for four weeks. If someone needs to be put back on the
prayer list or added please call the Church Office during
regular office hours. Thank you for your cooperation in
helping us keep this list current.
Youth Forum Night This Monday
“Can Christ help me even if I already ‘messed up’?”
“What is my purpose for being here?”
Open Discussion ~ Mon. Nov. 3rd, 6:30pm Parish Hall
Info. call Sharon @281-451-9593(Missing Peace)
We will be having Our Volunteer Thank
You Dinner on Sunday, November 23rd
@ 7pm in Rosary Hall. Please call the
office if you will be able to join us. The
signup deadline will be Monday, November
17th, at 4pm.
Initial Numbers…
Deposit Bazaar Day $31,749.73
Expenses To Date $12, 231.90
Total With Donations
The above numbers are only preliminary.
Final figures will be forthcoming at our
volunteer dinner. We still have some
outstanding expenses, income from Silent
Auction items that have not yet been picked
up as well as the adjustment from the seed
money from our Bazaar Dinner & Auction
last February.
2014 Raffle Prize Winners!!!
Norwegian Cruise - Nora Torres
Gallery Furniture - Pedro Garcia
42” Flat Screen TV - Lisa Sumski
$500 VISA - David Garza
$500 VISA - Jonnie Garza
$250 Target Gift Card - Tracy Avallone
$100 Kroger Gift Card - Annette Dorflinger
Save the Date...
Sat. April 11th @ 6pm
Live Auction & Dinner
Oops...Thank you Booth Sponsor
Leonard’s Automotive
Bazaar Chair: Cliff Westbeld @ 832-473-5387
Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults
Are you a non-Catholic who is
interested in joining the Catholic faith? Are you a baptized
Catholic who has never received the sacraments of 1st
Communion and Confirmation and are over the age of
eighteen? If your answer is yes to either of these
questions you may be interested in joining our RCIA
program. Classes are Wednesday @ 6:45pm in the
Parish Hall Conference Rm. This week’s topic will be
“Liturgy and the Liturgical Calendar”. For additional
information, or if you would be willing to help Tracy with
RCIA this year, please call the office or email Tracy @
Join Us…
Sunday Morning Bible Study with Deacon Stan & Tracy
Avallone. The program we are using is called “Bringing Faith
Home”. It is designed to help parents in teaching and explaining
their faith to their children. Please consider joining us over in
the Rosary Hall Conference Room while your children are in
CCE on Sunday mornings (CCE Schedule @ 8:45am & 11).
Everyone is welcome. If you need any additional information
please contact Deacon Stan @ 281-507-2253.
Bible Study Class, “Theology of the Body” meet every Sunday
after the Life Teen Mass over in Rosary Hall. If you would like
any additional information, please email Tracy @ or call the office with your contact information.
Upcoming Baptismal Dates
Dec. 7th, Jan. 4th, Feb.
Our regularly scheduled baptism classes are on the 2nd
Tuesday of each the month in English and 3rd Tuesday
of each month in Spanish @ 7pm. Baptisms are the first
Sunday of the month after the 10am and 12:30pm
Masses. To register please call the office.
Bereavement Support
The Bereavement C.A.R.E. Team (Caring
and Reaching Out to Each other) is currently
hosting a six week bereavement support
group for anyone grieving the loss of a loved
one through death or permanent separation. If you are
interested in joining the C.A.R.E. Sessions, please pick up
a brochure at the doors of the church for specific meeting
dates and topics or just show up.
The sessions will meet on Saturday mornings from 910:30am in the Parish Hall Conference Room. You
may attend any or all of the six sessions, now
through November 15th.
For additional information, contact Nelda Shealy @ 281-4716536, or the Parish Office @ 281-471-2000.
St. Joseph’s Chapel
If you feel God is calling you to spend one hour with him,
please contact the office. If you are not available on a
weekly basis, but would be able to help out occasionally, please call the office to be placed on our substitute list.
God’s blessings to each of you for answering “His Call”.
NOVEMBER 9, 2014
Activities of the Week
Sun. Nov. 9:
Baptisms after 10 & 12:30 Mass
CCE, EDGE, Life Teen, Bible Study
Mon. Nov.10 :
ESL Class Rosary Hall 9:30am
Missing Piece Youth Forum 6:30pm Parish Hall
Clases de Crecimiento 7pm
KC Prayer for Life Rosary Chapel 6:30pm
Tues. Nov.11: Altar Society Mtg. 6:30pm Rosary Hall
English Bapt. Class 7pm
ESL Class Rosary Hall 7:00pm
Wed. Nov. 12:
ESL Class Rosary Hall 9:30am
KC Silver Rose Mass Chapel 6:30pm
RCIA 6:45pm
Thurs. Nov. 13:
Spanish Choir Church 7pm
Fri. Nov. 14:
Spanish Prayer Group 7:15pm
Matachines Dance Practice Parish Hall 7pm
Sat. Nov. 15:
Samaritan Bereavement 9am
Upcoming Chili Cook-Off
Our Knights of Columbus will be hosting a
Chili cook-off here at St. Mary’s on Saturday, December 6th. There will be an entry
fee of $25.00 for each team. We are hoping to promote a
bonding experience among our families, something that
you can do with your kids as a father figure or a mother
figure. Maybe you want to do a Mother/Father, Son/
Daughter, Uncle/Aunt, Grandparent/Grandchildren Team.
Cost for admission, the day of the event will be $7.00 or
$20. per family. Contact Randy @ or call 281-842-9324.
FREE! ESL Classes
Classes are currently being held 9:30am-11:00am on
Mondays and Wednesdays. All materials are provided.
No registration required. We also have class on Tues.
evening @ 7pm-8:30pm. In Rosary Hall. Come by and
join us. For additional information contact the office.
Los Testigos del Poder de Dios
Nuestra Asamblea de Oración les invita a reunirse como
hermanos en Cristo para ALABAR,
GLORIFICAR a nuestro Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espiritu Santo.
Vengan pequeños y grandes todos los viernes de 7:159:00p.m en la capilla de San Jose. Les invitamos a
participar con nosotros con un Servicio de Comunion cada
primer viernes del mes. Gracias por escuchar el llamado de
Dios! Dios te bendiga!
Virgen De Guadalupe
Saint Mary’s Church is getting ready for the Virgen of
Guadalupe feast! Mrs. Angleica Quispe, is very excited
teaching the dance to our kids to be ready on December 12.
We invite children and parents to participate. We meet every
Friday, at 7:00 in the room by the cafeteria.
Nuestra Iglesia de Santa Maria se esta preparando para
celebrar la fiesta de la Viorgen de Guadalupe. La Sra. Angelica
Quispe esta muy contenta enseñandole la danza a nuestro
grupo para estar listos el 12 diciembre. Invitamos a niños y
padres que quieran participar. Todos los Viernes, nos
reunimos a las 7:00pm en el salon de la cafeteria Antigua.
CCE Classes Today...
8:45am & 11:15am
CCE questions contact Jessica @ 281-515-5429 or
Life Teen Mass 4pm
Class Tonight @ 5pm
Class Tonight @ 5:15pm
“Theology of the Body”
Contact Renee Cortez @ 281-471-4705
Sacraments Class
Jr. High & High School
Today @ 2:00pm Rosary Hall Conf. Rm
Info. Contact Deacon Stan Avallone 281-326-5083
Thank you to all of our youth
and volunteers who came out
last weekend and worked the
Children’s Games at the
Contact Shari Davis @ 281-471-6066 if you have
any questions about our Life Teen Program.