September 18th, 2011 - Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time


September 18th, 2011 - Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
This is my first week as your new associate pastor. I am in a bit of a mild culture shock, having
spent the last five years as associate pastor at the Paulist church in Rome, Santa Susanna, the
official American church there. My hometown is Yonkers, New York; as you probably know,
Yonkers is a short walk from the end of the subway line at 242nd Street. Although I grew up in
Yonkers (Sacred Heart Parish), I spent high school and a few years of college with the Capuchins,
first at Garrison, New York and then in New England. I returned to New York to finish school at
Manhattan College.
After five years with the Paulists, I was ordained in 1977. My ministry assignments have been a
combination of campus ministry (Berkeley, MIT, Boulder) and communications work (Los
Angeles, Austin, Columbus) so I have never worked at a priest in New York before. When I asked
some Europeans what they liked about New York they invariably said, “There is a special energy
there.” From what I have experienced at the parish during my first week, I have to agree.
Like most priests who regularly prepare homilies, I have tried to hone my presentation skills over
the years. I can’t promise to sing, but I have enjoyed weaving storytelling and poetry into my
Another interest for me is restorative justice. While I was in Boulder, I worked with the
Mennonite church and city officials to see how victim and offender programs could be integrated
into court sentencing. Not only does this move cases through the justice system faster, it also
provides the possibility of reconciliation and forgiveness.
Looking at the places I’ve been assigned, you may have guessed that I like to travel. I became
“famous” in the Paulists for taking marathon bus trips: one from Washington, DC to Fairbanks,
Alaska and another from London to Katmandu. I’ve also attended the Timkat Festival (celebrating
Epiphany and the Baptism of Jesus) in Lalibela, Ethiopia. Unfortunately, my last parish
pilgrimage did not make it to Egypt and Jordan. It was set for February of this year, just in time
for tectonic political change.
New York being New York will, I am sure, lead me to other creative ways to share the gospel. I
look forward to discovering them as I serve at St. Paul the Apostle, Mother Church of the Paulist
-Fr. Thomas Holahan, CSP
Come to our book club discussion of Jules Verne’s
Journey to the Center of the Earth on Monday,
September 26th from 7-9 pm at 405 West 59th Street in
the Parish Center. One of the most famous novels ever
written has brought delight to generations of readers and
will for many more to come. There is nothing so rare as
the chance to take an impossible journey, and to believe
it so powerfully that we wonder if we will make it out
alive. In author Journey to the Center of the Earth,
Professor Hardwig and his nephew Harry discover an
ancient parchment by an alchemist named Arne
Saknussem. They travel to Iceland and climb an extinct
volcano called Sneffels. With them is the Icelandic
hunter Hans. They journey into the center of the earth, in
which Harry gets lost and adventure unfolds.
OSP represents the Gay and Lesbian parishioners at the
Church of St. Paul the Apostle. It organizes programs
around three main streams, which are spirituality,
dialogue, and service.
September 28, 2011
On Wednesday, September 28th at 7pm, we will be
celebrating a candlelight mass in the Crypt Chapel to
mark the beginning of our Fall Scripture study
series. The events are open to all parishioners at St
September 30, 2011
OSP Book Club: On Friday, September 30th at 8pm
join us for our first OSP Book Club.
Openings is proud to present its fifth annual art exhibit
from Friday, September 16th to Thursday, October
27th. The artists’ reception will take place on Thursday,
September 29th from 7-9 pm. This eclectic exhibition
features painting, drawing, photography, sculpture and
installation by a diverse group of artists exploring a variety
of contemporary issues. Participating artists include: Emily
Adams, Robert Aitchison, Kinda Barazi, Maria Barbo,
Christina Batch-Lee, Michael Berube, Araceli Cruz, Yoon
Cho, Sal Dungca, Lauren Gohara, Baris Gokturk, Meg
Graham, Danielle Goldsmith, Keena Gonzalez, Graeme
Gerard Halliday, Iliyan Ivanov, Joey Kilrain, Ben Knight,
Caitlin McKee, Lori Merhige, Anthony Santella, Nikki
Schiro, Porn Siphanoum, Carrie Elston-Tunick, and Tim
at and check out all of our
upcoming events for Fall 2011 at
On Saturday, October 1st, we will be having a sale
that will combine Flea Market Sale and Garage Sale
“gently used items” for the kitchen, bathroom, men
and women's clothing, and many other items. Come
and spend your money with us at the Parish Center,
Room 101, from 10am-5pm.
Breaking Bread
September 18, 2011
Meet in the back of church after mass on Sunday,
September 18th from 6:30-8:00pm
Back by popular demand. We will be having our bus
trip to Atlantic City’s Showboat Hotel & Casino on
Saturday, October 22nd. Tickets are $30 and each
person will receive a $30 casino bonus. We will leave
St. Paul’s at 10 am and return at 9:30 pm. Tickets are
on sale at the Parish Center.
Wine and Cheese Social
September 25, 2011
Celebrate a wonderful summer with food, drink, and
fellowship on Sunday, September 25th. Please bring
along any of your unused gift cards to donate to a favorite
charity. Meet from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the Parish Center.
SEPTEMBER 18, 2011
Masses for the sainthood cause of Mother Henriette
Delille, SSF (1812-1862) are celebrated each month
on the third Saturday at 5:15 pm at St. Paul’s. The
masses for the remainder of the year are September
October 15th and December 18th. Mother Delille
founded the sisters of the Holy Family in 1842, the
second community of black nuns founded in the
United States. She was declared Venerable on March
27, 2010 and could become the first U.S. native born
African American saint.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Arts and Artists at St. Paul will commence its 2011 2012 Songbook concert season on Monday,
September 26th at 6PM at The New York Public
Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center.
The concert will be held in the Bruno Walter
Auditorium - 111 Amsterdam Avenue - just south of
65th Street. This month’s concert, Broadway’s Future,
will feature the songs of many of Broadway’s newest
and most exciting composers and lyricists. The
Songbook Series is produced, directed and hosted by
John Znidarsic. Admission is FREE and seating is
on a first come-first serve basis.
For further
ABC’s of Catholic Relief Services: This week - CRS/
Somalia… American Catholics are well represented in
this famine affected nation. CRS is responding to the
starving populace in and around the capital
Mogadishu, called “the most dangerous city in the
world.” Last week - CRS/Rwanda. Next week -CRS/
Tanzania. For more info visit:
Practice Christian meditation and chant as inspired by the
monks and desert fathers - be drawn to a life of increased
creativity, vitality and substance, in these times of turmoil
and confusion.
The next meeting is Wednesday,
September 21st from 6-8:30 pm at the Parish Center.
These meditation sessions are held every Wednesday
Please RSVP at:
The National Children’s Chorus (formerly the Paulist
Choristers) is currently accepting applications for its
2011-12 Season at The Church of Saint Paul the
Apostle. Having begun here at Saint Paul’s in 1918,
we are very excited about our first full season in New
York City to compliment our well-established series
in Los Angeles. With unique opportunities for
students ages 5 to 17, the NCC offers instruction in
conducting, music theory, composition and the
Kodály Method. Explore the possibility of developing
your child’s talent in a place where creativity is
nourished and refined.
Please come and join us for prayer on Thursday evenings
at 7:00pm in the Parish Center. We pray for all intentions
requested during the week. If you would like us to pray for
you or a loved one, please write your intention in the
“Book of Prayer” located in front of the large crucifix in
the north aisle of the church. All are welcome!
To schedule an audition, call 310-475-2070, or e-mail
us at:
September 24, 2011- We will be meeting together inside the entrance of the Church following the 8:30 AM
mass. We will take the subway down to the Brooklyn Bridge and walk along the length of the bridge- enjoy the
amazing scenery while making our way back to the train. All transportation fares and admission need to be paid
individually. Newcomers are always welcome!
"Adopt-a-Pew" Program
You may sponsor the refurbishment of one or more
pews as a memorial for a beloved one or in honor of a
family member or friend. A small plaque will placed
on the pew with the information you provide us: "In
memory of" or "In honor of". We cannot complete this
project without your help. You may donate online at under Parish Pay or you
may fill out one of the flyers at the church entrance and
drop the completed flyer at the Welcome Center
Bookstore or the Parish Center Office. Thank you so
much for your assistance and kindness to our beautiful
and historic Church. Only a few pews remain, so
donate today!
Christians practicing yoga represents a growing
community of people with its arms open in welcome to
Practicing Christians who are going to church but
who may be seeking supplementary individual or
communal ways of praying that are life-giving.
Christians who already meditate and practice
yoga and who experience real benefit from it but find
little or no support for it in their church community.
Yoga teachers who already are or are considering
teaching yoga to Christians.
Christians who are unsure about these practices—
whether for themselves or for others—and seek more
information on what the points of connection are
between yoga, meditation, and their faith.
People of no church background, or whose
Christian faith is no longer active.
Members of other religions who are simply curious as
to what Christian faith has to say about meditation and
embodied spiritual practices like yoga.
Regis High School, an all-scholarship Jesuit secondary
school for Catholic boys, announces its Open House
for 8th graders and their parents to occur on
Wednesday, October 5th from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. For
additional information, please write Eric Di Michele,
Director of Admissions at: Regis High School, 55 East
84th Street, New York, NY 10028, call (212)-2881100 or email him at
The group will be held on Mondays from 6:30-9:00
pm at the Parish Center and is free with an optional
From 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm will be Yoga - asasa's (poses),
kirtan (chant), and prananyama (breathing). Then we
will have meditation from 8:00 pm - 8:20 pm. From
8:20-9:00 pm, there will be community tea, light
snacks, and conversation.
If you are a parent raising children in the city and would
like to meet other parents doing the same, you are most
cordially invited to attend meetings after the Sunday,
10:00 am mass on October 2nd, November 27th, and
December 18th . Immediately after the mass, please go to
room 101 in the Parish Center. Babysitting and
refreshments will be provided. The focus of the group
will be on sharing heritage and our faith with our children
listening to the Word of God so as to become “Becoming
missionaries to our children.” Please contact Father
Collins for more information at
For more information, feel free to contact Kenneth
Wright at or
Annette Jensen at
SEPTEMBER 18, 2011
Padre Gilbert S. Martinez, CSP, Parroco
Misa Hispana: Domingo 12:30 pm
Cura Ultraya Cursillista: Domingo 1:30 pm
Diacono Waldemar Sandoval
Gina Delgado: Coro Hispano
Confesiones: Llame por cita
Telefono: (212) 265-3495
Esta es mi primera semana como vicario parroquial. Estoy en un leve choque cultural después de haber pasado los
últimos cinco años como vicario parroquial en la iglesia Paulista en Roma, Santa Suzana, la Iglesia oficial de los
Estados Unidos allí. Mi ciudad es Yonkers, New York como saben es sólo una distancia corta de la última parada del
tren 1, calle 242. A pesar de que crecí en Yonkers (Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón), pasé algunos años de mi escuela
secundaria y de la universidad con los Capuchinos en Garrison, New York y en Nueva Inglaterra. Regresé a New York
para terminar mis estudios en Manhattan College.
Después de varios años con los Paulistas, fui ordenado sacerdote en 1977. Mi ministerio ha sido una combinación de
trabajo en las universidades (Berkely, MIT, Boulder) y trabajo de comunicación (Los Angeles, Austin, Columbus)
antes nunca he trabajado como sacerdote en New York. Cuando le pregunto a algunos europeos que es lo que le gusta
más de New York la respuesta invariable es «Existe una energía especial allí . » Por lo que he experimentado en la
parroquia esta primera semana, tengo que admitir que es verdad.
Como la mayoría de los sacerdotes quienes regularmente pasan su tiempo preparando homilias. Yo he tratado de
trabajar en mis habilidades para hacer las presentaciones. No le prometo que voy a cantar, pero disfruto contar cuentos
y poesía en mis prédicas.
Otro interés que tengo es sobre la justicia. Mientras estaba en Boulder, trabajé con la Iglesia Menorita y funcionarios
de la ciudad para ver como las víctimas y los programas de los criminales puede ser integrada en la sentencia de las
Mirando el lugar donde he sido nombrado, ustedes pensarán que me gusta viajar. Me convertí en famosos entre los
Paulistas por hacer muchos viajes en autobus como si fuese un maratón de viajes. Solo para mencionar algunos :uno
desde Washington, DC a Fairbanks, Alaska y otro desde Londrés a Katmandu.
New York siendo New York de seguro me guiará a una manera creativa de compartir el evangelio. Estaré buscando
descubrirlas en mi ministerio aquí en San Pablo de Apostle, madre de la Iglesia de los padres paulistas.
-Fr. Thomas Holahan, CSP
Viviendo en Fe y Esperanza después del 11 de Septiembre
Seguido los ataques del 11 de septiembre de 2011, la
Conferencia de los Obispos Católicos de los EEUU preparó
un documento titulado: Un Mensaje Pastoral: Viviendo en Fe
y Esperanza después del 11 de Septiembre. Este mensaje
permanece importante para nosotros ahora al reflexionar sobre
lo que ocurrió hoy hace diez años. Favor de visitar los
enlaces indicados abajo para así leer de nuevo, reflexionar y
rezar con este mensaje de nuestros obispos. Solo con la ayuda
de Dios podemos obtener la fuerza para perdonar y la
capacidad de vivir no con temor ni con odio sino siempre con
una esperanza viva.
Lecturas para la semana del 18 de Septiembre de 2011
Is 55, 6-9/Flp 1, 20-24. 27/Mt 20, 1-16
Esd 1, 1-6/Lc 8, 16-18
Esd 6, 7-8. 12. 14-20/Lc 8, 19-21
Miércoles: Ef 4, 1-7. 11-13/Mt 9, 9-13
Ag 1, 1-8/Lc 9, 7-9
Ag 2, 1-9/Lc 9, 18-22
Zac 2, 5-9. 14-15/Lc 9, 43-45
Ez 18, 25-28/Flp 2, 1-11 o 2, 1-5/Mt 21, 2832
Se reune todos los Jueves a las 7:00 pm. Todos están
Saturday, September 17th
Gregory the Great, pope & doctor of the Church
8:30 Barbara S. Janos
5:15 Sainthood Cause of Mother Henriette Delille, SSF
Sunday, September 18th
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 Peter LaRocco
10:00 James Olwell
12:30 For the People
5:15 Margaret Diggles
Monday, September 19th
Januarius, bishop & martyr
7:30 Joseph Tharakan
12:10 Helberth Viana
Tuesday, September 20th
Andrew Kim Taegon, priest & martyr, and Paul Chong
Hasang, martyr, and their companions, martyrs
7:30 Marylyn Hioki
12:10 Mary Ginnane
Wednesday, September 21st
Matthew, apostle & Evangelist
7:30 Barbara S. Janos
12:10 Anthony Sappraicone
Thursday, September 22nd
7:30 William Donnelly
12:10 Jose Pereira Ferreria
Friday, September 23rd
Pio of Pietrelcina, priest
7:30 Rae & Al Esposito & Family
12:10 Luisa Andrades
Saturday, September 24th
8:30 Dennis Scanlon & Family
Douglas E. Horne
Please remember in prayer the following Paulist fathers, the
anniversary (day/year) of whose death is this week (*denotes
served at St. Paul’s):
(9/18/1946), Arthur R. Miller
(9/20/1951), Robert J. Stulting* (9/21/1999), Maurice E.
McMahon (9/22/1960), Peter F. Davitt (9/22/1967), John J.
Stanley* (9/22/1969), Thomas A. Fox* (9/23/1986)
A Word from Servant of God, Father Isaac Hecker, CSP
Founder of Paulists and 1st Pastor of our Parish; 1819-1888
Let it once be shown that the Catholic interpretation of
Christianity is consonant with the dictates of human reason, in
accordance with man’s normal feelings, favorable to the highest
conceptions of man’s dignity, and that it presents to his
intelligence a destiny which awakens the uttermost action and
devotion of all his powers, and you have opened the door to the
American people for the reception of the complete evidence of
the claims of the Catholic Church, and prepared the way for the
universal acceptance of her divine character. (CA, 97).
Thank you for your generosity!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Parish Pay
Readings for the Week of September 18, 2011
Is 55:6-9/Phil 1:20c-24, 27a/Mt 20:1-16a
Ezr 1:1-6/Lk 8:16-18
Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20/Lk 8:19-21
Wednesday: Eph 4:1-7, 11-13/Mt 9:9-13
Hg 1:1-8/Lk 9:7-9
Hg 2:1-9/Lk 9:18-22
Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a/Lk 9:43b-45
Next Sunday: Ez 18:25-28/Phil 2:1-11 or 2:1-5/Mt 21:28-32
Become a Registered Parishioner
If you worship with us regularly and would like to be registered
as a parishioner, please fill out the form below and return to our
church offices or place in one of the collection baskets or boxes.
Let us Pray for Our Sick
Michele Blanco, Jose & Clemencia Garcia, Teresa Guevara,
Isabel Iondoño, Lina Melendez, Liza Ann Montero, Melba
Ortiz, Juan C. & Ruth Ospina, Kathleen Ryan, Esther &
Lucy Salgado, Rafael Salinas, Antonio Silva, Natan Sheyer,
Leslie Smith, Abe Steingart, Ann Nolan, Mary Kovack,
Francisco Gerdy, Carrie Bullock, Tracy Manning, Jenny
Young, Raymond Lopez, Peter O’Rourke, Joan Gonzalez,
Marie Rose Marguerite Moze, Jasmin Mania, Luis Guzman,
Jose Lorenzo Aegura,
Enriquillo Menoz, Ramuntco Iban
Bosoh, Serangely, Ana Torres, Angeline Roselli, Ray
Lopez, Luisa Jaquez, Nicole Giral, Tom Matovic, Myriam
Garcia, Sally Ann, Maria Luisa Alfaro, Veronica Mendoza,
Giuseppe DiScipio, Marian Grabowski, Tina Cacomanolis, &
Janet Lindell., Susan Walton, Bernard Bisbal, and DeDe
Sharkey, Paula Corredor, Caroline Okrant, Kevin Morgan
HOME/CELL NUMBER: _________________________
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______ Yes, send me information on contributing through ParishPay.