Home | Most Holy Trinity Church


Home | Most Holy Trinity Church
Iglesia la SantisimaTrinidad•Giáo Xứ Chúa Ba Ngôi
Simbahan ng Santisima Trinidad • Tasi Tolu Pa’ia
*A Jesuit Parish*
At Most Holy Trinity, it is our mission to discover and proclaim God’s
love through Worship, Study, Prayer and Good Works.
February 21, 2016 - Second Sunday of Lent
Worship Schedule/Horario de Misas:
Saturday Vigil Masses
4:15 pm - Vietnamese
6:00 pm - Spanish
Sunday Masses
8:00 am, 9:30 am, 6:00 pm -English
11:00 am -Spanish, 12:30 pm -Filipino
3:45 pm, 7:30 pm -Vietnamese
Daily Masses
8:00 am -English
5:30 pm -Vietnamese except Wednesday
Novena and Mass
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Wednesday - 5:30 pm
Confessions / Confesiones
Wednesday - 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Saturday - 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
or by appointment
Parish Office Hours /Horario de Oficina
Tuesday - Friday 9:30 am to 7:00 pm
Saturday -10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Sunday -10:30 am to 2:30 pm
Clergy and Pastoral Staff
Fr. Robert A. Fambrini, S.J. Pastor ext 114
Fr. George Wanser, S.J. ext 116
Fr. Duc Vu, S.J. ext 117
Br. Jim Sanders, S.J. ext 100
Deacon Vicente Perez, Ret. ext 112
Deacon Ruben Solorio ext 100
Deacon Juan Aquino ext 100
Deacon Dung Tran ext 100
Sylvia Hogan , Business Manager ext 307
Porty Nevarez, Faith Formation ext 126
Sr. Mary Margaret Phan, L.H.C. ext 115
Sr. Maria Goretti Nguyen, L.H.C. ext 110
Margie Segura, Front Office ext 100
Mario Lucas, Accountant ext 109
Mercedes Serrano,PAR Coordinator ext 108
Sal Rojas, Liturgical Director ext 119
This Lent during the Year of Mercy we will have additional times for the
Sacrament of the Reconciliation, the wonderful gift of God’s merciful
Every Wednesday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Regular reconciliation time every Saturday from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
will also be available.
Parish-wide lent reconciliation on March 8 at 7 pm.
We encourage you to invite another to the sacrament, especially those
who have not been to the sacrament for some time. Do not worry if it has
been a long time since your last confession. The priest will help you. To
find guides to confession and times of confession at other parishes visit
2040 Nassau Drive, San Jose, CA 95122 • Telephone: (408) 729-0101 • FAX: (408) 258-4131
School: 1940 Cunningham Ave, San Jose, CA 95122 • Telephone: (408) 729-3431 • FAX: (408) 272-4945
www.mht-church.org - www.mostholytrinitysj.org
First Reading -- The Lord made a covenant with his
faithful servant, Abram, saying, "To your descendants I
give this land" (Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18).
Psalm -- The Lord is my light and my salvation (Psalm
Second Reading -- We await the Lord Jesus, who will
change us to conform with his glorified body (Philippians
3:17 -- 4:1 [3:20 -- 4:1]).
Gospel -- Peter, James, and John witness the
transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain (Luke 9:28b36).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for
Mass (c) 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the
Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
February 21 to 28, 2016
Gn 15:5-12,17-18; Ps 27:1,7-9,13-14;
Phil 3:17 -- 4:1 [3:20 -- 4:1]; Lk 9:28b-36
1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23:1-3a, 4-6; Mt 16:13-19
Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23;
Mt 23:1-12
Wednesday:Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14-16; Mt 20:17-28
Thursday: Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 16:19-31
Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a; 17b-28a; Ps 105:16-21;
Mt 21:33-43, 45-46
Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12;
Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Ps 103:1-4, 6-8, 11;
1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9
Alternate readings (Year A):
Ex 17:3-7; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Rom 5:1-2, 5-8;
Jn 4:5-42 [5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42]
8:00 AM
February 22, 2016
Holy Spirit
Danielle Chau †
Pilar Nicolas †
February 23, 2016
8:00 AM
Danielle Chau †
Leandra Cruz †
Eugenio Cruz †
WEDNESDAY February 24, 2016
8:00 AM
Leticia Villafuerte †
Danielle Chau †
THURSDAY February 25, 2016
8:00 AM
Cecilio Santiago †
Danielle Chau †
Joise Segura - Health
February 26, 2016
8:00 AM
Jovita Vita Villena †
Danielle Chau †
Antonio Aguilar †
SATURDAY February 27, 2016
8:00 AM
Danielle Chau †
Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma
Muchos iconos con la imagen de la transfiguración de
Jesús tienen un título en griego que dice Metamorphosis,
una palabra técnica que también se refiere a la
transformación natural de la primavera. Casualmente,
este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia coincide con el Año C
en el que los domingos se lee el Evangelio de Lucas,
además solamente Lucas menciona que Moisés y Elías
"hablaban del éxodo de Jesús, que él estaba a punto de
cumplir en Jerusalén" (Lucas 9:31). El éxodo de Israel
liberó de la esclavitud; el éxodo de Jesús libera de la
muerte en vida del pecado del egoísmo. El Papa
Francisco sugiere que en esta Cuaresma la oración, el
ayuno y las obras de caridad pueden transformar al
mundo, si los cristianos en la vida diaria interpretaran el
desafío de Isaías de experimentar de Jesús el éxodo que
da vida al liberar a los presos injustamente, dando
libertad a los cautivos, compartiendo el pan con los
hambrientos, ofreciendo un techo a los desamparados y
afligidos, vistiendo al desnudo, no dándoles la espalda a
los más necesitados. "Si quitas de en medio de ti el yugo,
el amenazar con el dedo y el hablar iniquidad, y si te
ofreces al hambriento, y sacias el deseo del afligido,
entonces surgirá tu luz en las tinieblas, y tu oscuridad
será como el mediodía. Y el Señor te guiará
continuamente, saciará tu deseo en los lugares áridos y
dará vigor a tus huesos; serás como huerto regado y
como manantial cuyas aguas nunca faltan" (Isaías 58:9,
10, 11).
--Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Celebrar el Sacramento de Reconciliación
(CONFESION) durante la Cuaresma
Esta Cuaresma en el Año de la Misericordia vamos a
tener tiempos adicionales para el Sacramento de la
Reconciliación, el maravilloso don del perdón
misericordioso de Dios.
Todos los miércoles 6:00 pm - 8:00pm
Tiempo de reconciliación regular todos los sábados
3:00pm pm – 4:00 pm también estará disponible.
Reconciliación a nivel parroquial será el 8 de marzo a
las 7 pm.
Le animamos a invitar a otra persona al sacramento,
especialmente aquellos que no han estado en el
sacramento durante algún tiempo. No se preocupe si ha
pasado mucho tiempo desde su última confesión. El
sacerdote le ayudará. Para encontrar guías para la
confesión y los tiempos de confesión en otras parroquias
visitando: www.dsj.org/light.
Today’s Scripture Reflection
We are surrounded by examples of stewardship — in our own families, in our neighborhoods, in our parish families, and certainly
in the world. However, some of those examples come to us through Holy Scripture. We may have an intellectual understanding of
what Lent is all about, and we may even appreciate what we are supposed to be doing to prepare for Easter. In today’s readings
we find the examples and the models we should be following.
The First Reading comes to us from the Book of Genesis. It relates how God reminded Abram of the promises made to him. God
offers us reminders all the time of the promises He makes to us as well. God knows we need to be reminded. Many times we
have reflected how important it is to trust in the Lord. This reading shows how Abram still had doubts. We, too, may share those
doubts when it comes to the Lord’s promises. Abram and God make a divine covenant. We have a divine covenant with God also.
It begins with our Baptism.
Most of us know that St. Paul is an excellent example of stewardship for us. In his letter to the Philippians, from which our Second
Reading is drawn, Paul invites us to be imitators of him, but he also points out that there are many others to whom we can look to
see how we should live: “Observe those who thus conduct themselves according to the model you have in us.” During this Lenten
season it is a good time for us to identify those around us who live lives of faith and sacrifice and love, and then to attempt to do
something in our lives which is similar.
Paul points out that we are citizens of heaven. That may be a difficult concept for us because that means we are not citizens of
earth, but aliens here. Nevertheless, that is exactly the case for us as Christians, especially as we prepare for Christ’s
Resurrection His redemption of us. Were you aware that Caesars, the rulers of the Roman Empire, were also referred to as Lords
and Saviors. Paul is very careful to make it clear to us that as citizens of Heaven rather than of something like the Roman Empire,
we have but one Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. That, too, should be part of our reflections during Lent.
Finally, our Gospel Reading recounts Christ’s Transfiguration. Our Catholic Catechism explains the Transfiguration in this way:
“Christ’s Transfiguration aims at strengthening the apostles’ faith in anticipation of His Passion: the ascent into the mountains
prepares for the ascent to Calvary. Christ, Head of the Church, manifests what His Body contains and radiates the sacraments:
‘the hope of glory’.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 568).
Christ’s divinity, His Transfiguration, is proclaimed to catechumens and baptized alike. St. Thomas Aquinas stated in his Summa
Theologiae “At His transfiguration Christ showed His disciples the splendor of His beauty, to which He will shape and color those
who are His. He will reform our lowness configured to the Body of His glory.”
As significant as the Transfiguration was and is, that is exactly the basic point of this Gospel and all of our readings for today:
each of us is called to conversion. We, too, must reach an understanding that what we do now, what we prepare for now, and
how we live now, is all a prelude to something so glorious it is beyond our ability to fully comprehend. Filed Under: Homily
Guides, Stewardship Reflections on Lectionary Readings
Be a Good Steward of the Lenten Season
Prepare your home with Lenten reminders. If you have
no crucifix in your living areas, place one there. If you
have a crucifix, perhaps affix a spot of purple to it as a
reminder of Lent. Find a special picture or holy card that
speaks to you and display it.
Place a special candle on the dining room table, and when
your family says grace each evening, encourage them to
share the struggles and joys of their Lenten resolutions, or
perhaps an act of kindness they did that day. This is a
good activity for kids.
Take your family to the Stations of the Cross at least once.
Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and encourage
your family to do so.
Make it a point to prepare for and participate in the
beautiful Triduum liturgies of Holy Thursday, Good Friday,
and even the Easter Vigil. Celebrate the completion of
your Lenten exercises.
After Easter, reflect on your Lenten practices. Remember,
God’s mercy to us is unlimited. It’s not all about what “we”
did, but what God does within us.
Here are some suggestions for keeping us on task during this
Lenten season (By ICSC):
Plan ahead. Give thought and prayer to what will most
help you draw closer to Jesus during this special season.
Write your intentions down, and review them often.
Keep it simple. Like those folks who sign up for gym
memberships on January 1 and give up by January 15,
sometimes we approach Lent with too many resolutions.
Be realistic and don’t set yourself up for guilt.
Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are the pillars of Lent.
Try to do one thing in each of these categories. Stretch
yourself a bit and come up with something new and
Keep your eyes on Jesus. Coming closer to him through
his passion and resurrection is our goal.
Simplify something tangible in your daily life, like your
closet or your schedule.
February 14, 2016
Offertory Collections
Offertory Budget
Come join a us for Lenten Friday Night Soup Suppers
Every Friday during Lent: Feb 12 - Mar 18
In our Trinity Center Community Room(*)
*2/19 in our Trinity Center Gym
*3/11 in our Trinity Center Gym
Followed by Stations of the Cross in our Church
at 7:00pm
Acompáñanos para las Cenas de Sopas
Cada Viernes durante Cuaresma: Feb 12 - Mar 18
en nuestro Salón Comunitario del Centro Trinidad(*)
*2/19 en el Gimnasio
*3/11 en el Gimnasio
Siguido por el Via Crucis el la Iglesia
a las 7:00pm
If you have any questions regarding PARISH ASSESSMENT
AND RENEWAL or any of the commissions, please feel free to
contact the PAR Coordinator:
Mercedes Serrano mserrano@mht-church.org
$ 20,462
Tithe-BFF/ Church Aircon
Ash Wednesday Collections 7,519
The Priests and Deacons of this parish have contributed
$ 425.00 the past week from their ministries to support
the mission of MHT. Thank you for your generosity and
continuing support.
Bodas Comunitarias
Todas estan invitados a nuestra celebración de las Bodas
Comunitarias este sábado a las 11 de la mañana. Es una
celebración de familia. Seis parejas se van a casar.
Lector Training in English
There will be a mandatory Lector Training in English for
all new and existing lectors, Wednesday, February 24,
2016 at 7:00pm in our Church. Please make sure you
Entrenamiento para Proclamadores de la
Habrá un entrenamiento mandatorio para todos los
lectores nuevos y actuales, el Miércoles, 24 de Febrero a
las 7:00pm en la Iglesia. Por favor, asegúrese de asistir.
Hosted by St. Lucy Parish’s World Youth Day Pilgrims
Oakridge Century Theaters, San Jose
Thursday, February 25 at 7pm or Saturday February 27
at 10am
Showings are limited!
Be sure to get your tickets early!
The movie, Full of Grace, tells the Gospel story from
Mary’s point of view. It is a gripping depiction of the early
Church ten years after the resurrection. Told through the
eyes of Mary, the mother of Jesus, she challenges Peter
and the disciples to remember their original encounter with
No tickets for sale at theater.
Purchase tickets online ($12.00) at https://squareup.com/
Or St. Lucy Parish Office – Andrew Brown
For questions call 408-839-2797 – Cheryl Jaques
Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve you as you deserve. To give and not to count the cost, To fight and not to heed the
wounds, To toil and not to seek for rest, To labor and not to seek reward, Save that of knowing that I do your will. AMEN
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
Renters’ Rights Now! Join us for the PACT
Community Action Monday, March 7th
Are you paying too much for rent? Are you worried about
eviction? Does your landlord resist fixing broken
things? Come to the Renters’ Rights Action to fight for
renters protections!
Your Income Tax Returns prepared FREE!!
by IRS certified Volunteers for
Low Income, Disabled, Elderly,
Limited or Non-English Speaking Persons
(Combined Income of $54,000 or less)
We need you to join us on Monday, March 7 at 6:30 pm
at Overfelt High School at 1835 Cunningham Ave, San
Jose when we ask Mayor Liccardo and Councilmembers
Carrasco and Peralez to commit to supporting renters in
San Jose. Everyone deserves a safe and stable place to
live! More information: contact Carol at 408-893-7550
Most Holy Trinity Church
Trinity Center Computer Lab & Library
2040 Nassau Dr
San Jose, CA 95122
February 13 - April 9, 2016
Wednesdays 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Saturdays 8:00am to 10:00am
(CLOSED 03/23 and 03/26)
Derechos para los Inquilinos Ahora! Únase a
nosotros para la Acción Comunitaria de
PACT el lunes 7 de marzo
¿Está pagando demasiado para la renta? ¿Está
preocupado acerca de ser desalojado? ¿Su propietario
resistir arreglar cosas rotas? Venga a la Acción para los
Derechos de los Inquilinos y luchar por los protecciones
para los renteros!
Únete a nosotros el Lunes 7 de marzo a las 6:30 pm en
Escuela Secundaria Overfelt en 1835 Cunningham
Ave, San cuando pedimos al Alcalde Liccardo y
Concejales Carrasco y Peralez se comprometan a apoyar
a los inquilinos en San José. ¡Todos nosotros merecemos
un lugar seguro y estable para vivir! Para más
información: contacte a Carol al 408-893-7550
Volunteers Needed for Homeless Shelter
We are in need of males over the age of 18 to provide
overnight monitoring of our 15 male guests. We need as
many volunteers as possible beginning the weeks
of Monday, February 5, Monday, March 7 and Monday,
March 28. All shelter weeks will run from Monday
to Monday. Here are three shifts: 9:00pm to
12:00am, 12:00am to 3:00am, and 3:00am to
6:00am. Interested males volunteers over the age of 18
are to call the SVdP number (408) 930-4241 or SVdP
email: svdp@mht-church.org. Please specify your shift
Estamos en la necesidad de los hombres de más de 18
años para proporcionar la supervisión durante la noche
de nuestros 15 invitados masculinos. Necesitamos tantos
voluntarios como sea posible comienzo de la semana del
Lunes 5 de febrero, Lunes, 7 de marzo y el Lunes 28 de
marzo Todas las semanas del refugio se harán de lunes
a lunes. Aquí hay tres turnos: 9:00 pm a 12:00 am, 12:00
am a la 3:00 am, y 3:00 am a las06 am.. Hombres
voluntarios interesados mayores de 18 pueden llamar al
número de SVdP (408) 930-4241 o correo electrónico
SVdP: svdp@mht-church.org. Por favor, indique su
preferencia (s) de turno.
What to bring:
Photo ID (like a passport, driver’s license, state ID)
for self AND spouse if married (Required)
For married filing joint, BOTH spouses must be
present (Required)
Social Security Cards or ITINs for ALL members
going on the return, including spouse and all
dependents (Required)
Proof of Income - W2s, 1099s, cash income,
disability year-end statement (SSA, VA, insurance,
etc.), interest income, etc.
Proof of Expenses - Childcare expense statements
(including provider address and tax ID number),
medical expenses, property tax bills, tuition
statements, etc.
Last year’s tax return, if available (Recommended)
Checkbook with routing number and account
number for direct deposit refund (Recommended)
If you are missing a form that you will need to file
your taxes, please call the IRS helpline toll-free at 1800-829-1040 for information on what you need to do
or how to obtain replacement documents.
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul - Most Holy
Trinity Conference
Are you in need of monetary or food assistance? We may
be able to help you. We provide assistance with food,
utilities, transportation and other expenses. Please call
(408) 930-4241 and leave a message and phone number
so we can help you.
¿Le necesitan ayuda alimentaria o monetaria? Podemos
ser capaces de ayudarle. Proveemos la ayuda de la
comida, utilidades, transporte y otros gastos. Por favor
llame (408) 930-4241 y deje un mensaje y su número de
teléfono para que podamos ayudarle.
February 21, 2016
Tips to decrease added sugars
Limit the amount of foods and beverages with added
sugars your kids eat and drink – if you don’t buy them,
your kids won’t get them very often!
1. Serve Small Portions – use smaller bowls and plates
for sweets and desserts. Share a candy bar or
2. Sip smarter – Soda and other sweet drinks contain a
lot of sugar and are high in calories, offer water when
kids are thirsty.
3. Make fruit the everyday dessert – serve baked
apples, pears or enjoy a fruit salad, instead of high
calorie desserts.
4. Make treats “treats”, NOT everyday foods. Treats are
great once in a while. Just don’t make treat foods an
everyday thing. Limit sweet treats to special
5. If kids don’t eat their meal, they don’t need sweet
“extras” – Keep in mind that candy or cookies should
not replace foods that are not eaten at meal time.
For more information, go to www.ChooseMyPlate.gov
CHECKED !! Know your numbers!
For date and time, see calendar on Community Room
Para fecha y horario mire el calendario en la ventana
del Community Room.
Se pide una donación $5
For more information, contact/Para más
información llame a: Chris Rodriguez 408-921-0757
Alpha is Coming to Holy Family Parish
"Alpha is a tool whereby we can help to build the
Kingdom of God. Alpha brings out the truth that Jesus
loves all of us and wants us in his forever
Kingdom. Alpha participants meet weekly for ten weeks
to share an informal meal, DVD presentation, and small
group discussions on such topics as “Who is Jesus?”,
“How Can I Be Sure of My Faith”, and “Why and How
Should I Read the Bible?” The Holy Family Alpha Course
starts on Wednesday, March 30, 2016, at 6:30 pm in the
Holy Family Parish hall, 4848 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA
95136 with an introductory, complimentary dinner
included. For more information or reservations for dinner
contact: Alicia Marin Morales: cell: 408-857-0523;
Reduzca la azúcar que consumen sus hijos.
Consejos para reducir la azúcar adicional
Limite la cantidad de alimentos y bebidas endulzadas que
sus hijos comen y beben - si usted no lo compra, sus
hijos no van a comerlo en casa!
Sirva porciones pequeñas - use tazones y platos
más pequeños para los dulces y postres. Permita que
sus hijos compartan una barra de chocolate o un
bizcocho grande.
Beba más inteligente - sodas y otras bebidas dulces
contienen una gran cantidad de azúcar y son altos en
calorías, ofrece agua o leche (de 1% o menos)
cuando los niños tienen sed.
Haga que las frutas sean el postre todos los días sirva manzanas, peras cocidas al horno o disfruta de
una ensalada de frutas, en vez de postres altos en
Las golosinas deben de servirse de vez en cuando.
No deje que sean comidas de todos los días. Limita
los dulces a ocasiones especiales.
Si los niños no se comen su comida, no necesitan
"extras" dulces - Tenga en cuenta que dulces o
galletas no deben sustituir a los alimentos que no se
consumen en la hora de comer.
Para obtener más información, vaya a
examinarse su presión arterial o el azúcar!! Conozca sus
Community Counseling Services
Catholic Charities Community Counseling Services is
proud to offer services to the Most Holy Trinity Parish
community. We offer therapy for issues such as
anxiety, depression, co-occurring mental health issues
and substance abuse, trauma, marriage and
relationship challenges, sexual issues, grief and loss,
court required individual therapy, problems at work,
parenting challenges, anger management issues, and
life transitions.
We also provide psychological
evaluations and reports for immigration related issues,
wellness education and assistance with enrolling in a
health insurance plan. Fees for services are based on
a sliding scale. We will be at Most Holy Trinity Parish
every Friday. We offer both Spanish and English
speaking services. For more information and/or to
make an appointment feel free to give us a call at (408)
325-5116 and leave your name, number, and a good
time to reach you and our staff will get back to you as
soon as we can!
Pledges to Date: $ 101,529 : ADA Goal: $ 170,000
Thank you to the 390 families that have given to the 2016
Annual Diocesan Appeal on behalf of our parish. We have
reached $ 101,529 of our goal of $ 170,000. Your
generosity is gratefully accepted and respectfully used. If
you have not yet made a gift or pledge, please prayerfully
consider what you can do to help. Every gift makes a
difference. You can make a one-time gift, or you can
pledge an amount that is payable over ten months. We
want and need your participation and your support.
Ways to Give: Bring your completed pledge form to mass
next weekend and drop it in the parish offertory collection,
bring it to the parish office, or mail the pledge envelope to
your parish.
Visit http://www.dsj.org/ways-to-give/ annual-diocesanappeal/ for more information on the Annual Diocesan
Gracias a las 390 familias que han dado al Llamado
Anual Diocesano 2016 en nombre de nuestra parroquia.
Hemos llegado a $ 101,529 de nuestra meta de $
170.000. Su generosidad es aceptada con
agradecimiento y se utiliza con respeto. Si usted todavía
no ha hecho un regalo o promesa, por favor en oración
considere que puede hacer para ayudar. Cada donación
hace una diferencia. Puede hacer un regalo de una sola
vez, o puede prometer una cantidad que se pagara en
diez meses. Queremos y necesitamos su participación y
su apoyo.
Como contribuir: Traiga su formulario de compromiso
completado el próximo fin de semana a la Misa y dejarlo
en la canasta de la colecta, llevarlo a la oficina parroquial,
o enviar por correo el sobre de compromiso a su
Visite el Llamado Anual Diocesano http://www.dsj.org/
ways-to-give/-diocesana a la casación / para obtener más
información sobre la Campaña Diocesana.