Third Sunday of Easter April 10, 2016 Tercer Dmingo De Pascua


Third Sunday of Easter April 10, 2016 Tercer Dmingo De Pascua
St. Mary
Catholic Church
St. Anne
4200 88th Street NE
Marysville, Washington 98270
360-653 9400 Fax: 360-658-7439
7231 Totem Beach Road (No Mail)
Tulalip, WA 98271
Third Sunday of Easter April 10, 2016
Tercer Dmingo De Pascua Abril 10, 2016
St. Mary Mass Times
Misa En la Iglesia Santa Maria
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and
10:30 a.m. (no Mass Tuesday)
Saturday Mass
9:00 a.m.
Reconciliation Saturday
10:00 a.m.
Sunday Mass
8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., English
12:00 p.m. Spanish Mass
Adoration first Friday of the month,
after Mass.
Adoration Chapel open 24 hours.
Monday through Friday
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
As a parish under the patronage
of Mary, Our Lady, we are called
like her, to draw others to Christ.
In the midst of this community of
Marysville, we recognize the call
from Almighty God to be the light
that draws others to believe in
God. We must make Christ present
by the way we live and the way we
love each other. Forgiving always;
being Christ to others ALWAYS!
Como una parroquia bajo el
patronato de María, Nuestra Señora, estamos llamados, como ella, a
traer a otros hacia Cristo. En medio de esta comunidad de
Marysville, reconocemos el
llamado de Dios Todopoderoso
para ser la luz que lleva a otros a
creer en Dios. Debemos de hacer
presente a Cristo por la forma en
que vivimos y nos amamos los
unos a otros. Perdonando siempre;
siendo Cristo para otros.
St. Mary Parking Lot Security
We need your help! On Easter
Sunday morning during the 8:00
a.m. Mass two cars in the parking lot were broken into and
items taken. Please do not leave
anything of value visible in your
car during Mass.
Our volunteer security teams
serve our parish by keeping an
eye on the parking lots during
Sunday Masses. If you would
be willing to help please contact
Bob Dixon or any of the security team members, you see on
Sunday mornings in the florescent vests and jackets. Thank
We are a Roman Catholic sacramental people led by the Holy
Spirit, seeking to grow together in
faith, love and charity. We are
called by God the Father to be a
welcoming presence of Jesus
Christ in our parish and community through worship, fellowship
and service.
Somos un pueblo romanos sacramentales católicos dirigidos por el
Espíritu Santo, buscando crecer
juntos en la fe, el amor y la caridad. Somos llamados por Dios
Padre para ser una presencia acogedora de Jesucristo en nuestra
parroquia y comunidad a través
de la adoración, compañerismo y
Father Tom McMichael, Parish Priest
Dear Friends,
Grace and peace as we continue our Easter journey on this third Sunday of the Easter season. In our Sunday Gospel readings we continue to hear the powerful stories of our Lord’s post-Resurrection appearances to the first disciples—encounters that surprised them and changed their lives. Our first
readings in these seven weeks of Easter come from The Acts of the Apostles. We see in Acts the way that these encounters with the risen Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit animated these disciples to live of joyful proclamation
even in the face of persecution and hardship.
The Holy Father, Pope Francis, reminded us on his recent visit to Cuba that we share the same calling:
“I want to be among you as a missionary of the mercy and tenderness of God . . . but allow me
to encourage you, too, to be missionaries of this infinite love of God. May no one be without the witness of our
faith, of our love. May everyone know that God always forgives, that God is always at our side, that God loves us.
As those baptized into the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, we are all called to be “missionaries of this infinite love of God.” In a world in which so many are discouraged and living in darkness, the Lord calls us all to
share the good news of Jesus Christ and his light. May God give us—members of St. Mary and St. Anne—the
courage and conviction to proclaim this message with joy.
Easter blessings,
Fr. Tom
Padre Tom McMichael, Sacerdote De La Parroquia
Queridos amigos,
Gracia y paz a medida que continuamos nuestra jornada de Pascua en este tercer Domingo de la temporada de
Pascua. En nuestras lecturas del Evangelio este Domingo seguimos escuchando las historias de gran alcance de
apariciones después de la resurrección de nuestro Señor a los primeros discípulos-encuentros que les sorprendió y
cambiaron sus vidas. Nuestro primera lecturas en estas siete semanas de Pascua vienen de Los Hechos de los
Apóstoles. Vemos en Hechos la forma en que estos encuentros con Cristo resucitado y el don del Espíritu Santo anima a los discípulos que vivan de anuncio, gozoso incluso en medio de la persecución y de la dificultad.
El Santo Padre, Francisco, nos ha recordado en su reciente visita a Cuba que compartimos la misma vocación:
"Quiero estar entre vosotros como misionero de la misericordia y de la ternura de Dios. . . pero me permite
para animarle, también, a ser misioneros de este amor infinito de Dios. Que nadie sin el testimonio de nuestra fe,
de nuestro amor. Que todos sepan que Dios perdona siempre, que Dios está siempre a nuestro lado, que Dios nos
A medida que los bautizados en la muerte y resurrección del Señor Jesús, estamos llamados a ser "misioneros de
este amor infinito de Dios." En un mundo en el que muchos se desaniman y que viven en la oscuridad, el Señor nos
llama a todos a compartir las buenas nuevas de Jesucristo y de su luz. Que Dios nos dé-miembros de Santa María y
Santa Ana-el valor y la convicción para proclamar este mensaje de alegría.
Bendiciones de Pascua,
P. Tom
St. Anne Mass Times
St Anne Mission News
Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday: 9:00 a.m.
Fr Emmanuel Iweh
(360) 386-7425
Saturday: Reconciliation
We continue to build and nurture healthy
spiritual relationships with our Tulalip
family and to support those in need through
prayers, outreach and good works of service.
Saturday: 4:00p.m.
Sunday: 10:00a.m.
Lesa Roehrich and Liza Harwell, Call: 360-581-8212
Sacramental Ed is Tuesday
Registration :
5:30-6:30 PM
forms are available and required so we can adequately
supply learning materials/ call
Lesa @ above phone number
Adolescent Confirmation,
Wednesday 6:00 7:00 PM
Baptisms :
Contact Fr Iweh & or Lesa
Roehrich (will be arranged by
special request.)
BOX TOPS for Education!
Save your box tops....
Colleen Thomas is collecting…
Thank You!
This is the Link for St. Anne’s Facebook page.
Lee Topash – Donald Hatch Jr - Juiles Sicotte – Daniel Bauer – Trudy Menckie
Cindy Rodeen - Kari McManis - Lisa & Robert Monger - Larry and Catherine Martin - Carla Smith,
Steve Yardley, Catherine Pierce.
St Anne Needs More Participation!
In the after Mass Potluck’s both Saturday and Sunday, as well, as in cleanup. Please bring a DISH to Share with the fellowship of
others in the community.
Open my lips and my mouth will proclaim your
Saturday, April 16, 7:00 PM St. Stephen the
Martyr Church 13055 SE 192nd St, Renton
98058 Sponsored by WWCCR For more information:
Mark your calendar: Before and after all masses
on Sunday, May 15, SVDP will hold a "Donation
Station" event in our St Mary parking lot. Our
volunteers will receive your gently used clothes,
household goods, furniture and other items for
resale through the Everett SVDP thrift store.
This is a great opportunity for some spring cleaning! Proceeds from thrift store sales support
SVDP activities throughout the north sound, all
of which benefit our neighbors in need. Thank
you so much for your past and present support!
Questions: Chris Floyd, 360-659-1810.
Sunday May 1st Bake Sale and raffle in conjunction with the
Knights Of Columbus benefit Breakfast. All proceeds from the
activities will be used to purchase food for the homeless and needy
children in our community. Your support and prayers are needed
to help take a bite out of childhood hunger! If you would like to
make any donations contact Darlene at (360)659-3366 or Pam at
Your St. Mary Library in room
3, will be giving away a Mothers
Day basket on Sunday May 1st.
All library visitors will receive a
ticket for the drawing. Stop by,
see what we have to offer and
get your free ticket!
Manhood in the year of Mercy
Saturday, April 23,2016
Featuring Archbishop J. Peter Sartan
Bishop Eusebio Elizondo (Spanish Language Address)
Al Kresta, Tom Curran, Fr. Kevin Duggan, and others.
$50 registration, includes lunch
Classes for the Archdiocese of Seattle, Protecting GOD’s Children
St Mary’s Catholic Church Hall
April 9th.
10:00am - 1pm.
25 people with reservations, with walk-in authorized.
English ONLY
Mark Gorrell / John Fails.
No one under the age of 21 and
NO child care will be provided.
FREE (Church will provide handouts).
Start by going to (Organization: Seattle, WA) and registering as a new user,
which will
ask YOU to take a Background Check as part of the registration process.
YOU can also sign up for a class
listed below at this time, so the Background Check will be in process and should be completed by start of
Target audience: Primary focus is ALL instructors for religious classes of St Mary’s/St Anne’s parish children, both parents and volunteers of Boy Scout Troop and Pack 180,adult volunteers of St Mary’s/St Anne’s
Youth Group, All Home Bound Eucharistic Ministers, PLUS any adult wanting the basis knowledge of Protecting
GOD’s Children. These classes “will not” be exclusive to St Mary’s or St Anne parish members, because the
training is open to the public by reservations.
St. Mary News
and plumbing help is needed. Contact John Hodgins.—
Necesitamos ayuda de electricidad y fontanería en la
iglesia. Contacte a John Hodgins.—
Administrative Volunteers Needed!
We are in need a few administrative volunteers to help at St. Mary on
Monday mornings. Our goal is to have a crew of key volunteers who
commit to two Monday mornings a month for 2-3 hours each
day. Please contact Rudy dela Cruz if you are interested in helping with
this important ministry.
Please contact Rudy de la Cruz.
Nececitamos voluntarios administrativos!
Estamos en la necesidad de unos voluntarios administrativos para
ayudar a Santa María lunes por la mañana. Nuestro objetivo es tener un
equipo de voluntarios que se comprometen a dos lunes por la mañana
cada mes durante 2-3 horas. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Rudy
De la Cruz si está interesado en ayudar con este importante ministerio.
Por favor, póngase en contacto con Rudy de la Cruz.
Meetings week of April 10, 2016
*High School Youth Group - 6:00 Parish Hall
*knights Of Columbus– 10:00 Room 1B
*Venta de comida– 10:00 Parish Hall
*Middle School Youth Group - 6:00 Parish Hall
*Rosay– 10:00 Church
*Spanish lector training– 7:00 Church
*SVDP– 7 Room 1B
*Legion of Mary - 6:00 Room 1
*Spanish Choir Practice - 7:00 Church
*Choir Practice - 7:00 Room 3
*Quinceanera class - 6:30 Library
*SVDP-7:00 Room 4
*St. Michael’s Chaplet - 3:00 Chapel
*Elementary Faith Formation - 5:30 Parish Hall
*Children’s Choir - 6:30 Room 3
*Bible Study - 7:00 Parish Hall
*Grupo de Oracion - 7:00 Parish Hall
As each one has received a gift, use it to serve
one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.
1Peter 4:10
*Symbolon/RCIA - 10:00 Room 5
*Bible Study - After Mass
*Choral Cantor Practice - 6:00 Room 3
*Choir Practice - 6:00 Room 3
*Symbolon/RCIA - 7:00 Church
*Grupo de Oracion - 7:00 Church
Attention all Parishioners: Everyone who would like to use the parish facilities needs to register in
the office to reserve a room. This all regular meetings, which are not yet on the parish calendar.
Please stop by the office to reserve the room number and date/s. Thank you.
Atencion Parroquianos:
Todos los que gustan utilizar las instalaciones de la parroquia tienen que registrarse en la oficina
para recerbar un salon/cuarto. Esto incluye todas las reunions regulars, y las que no estan todavia
en el calendario de la parroquia. Porfavor pase por la oficina para reservar el numero del cuarto y
la fecha/s. Gracias.
Message from your St. Vincent de Paul conference for St. Mary and St. Anne:
In this Sunday’s Gospel, the disciples in their struggle finally recognize Jesus and proclaim “It is the
Have you considered answering the call to “help the poor recognize the Lord in their life” by joining
the Society of St. Vincent de Paul?
Mensaje de su conferencia de San Vicente de Paul de Santa Maria y Santa Ana.
En el Evangelio de este Domingo, los discípulos en su lucha finalmente reconocen a Jesús y proclaman
“Este es el Señor!”
¿A usted considerado responder al llamado para “ayudar a los pobres a reconocer al Señor en sus vidas” uniéndose a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul?
St. Mary Faith Formation
Confirmation Mass is on Monday, Apr il 18th, at 7pm, and that there will be a rehear sal at
2pm on Sunday, April 17th
SYMBOLON, our adult faith for mation progr am has star ted again! Join us on Thursdays,
10am or 7pm, for a deeper look at our faith that will be helpful to you no matter where you find
yourself in your faith journey. Join us this week as we discuss the Holy Bible!
We are moving to a year-round RCIA program– helping people to become Catholic. To make this work, we need
parishioners willing to serve as sponsors– people to journey with them, pray with/for them, and help them in living
life as a Catholic.
If you are interested in this ministry, please contact Michael Schmitz or the main office.
Youth Ministry
For updates and information about events, “Like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter:
@Youth_StMarys! And visit our website at Spread the word!
Please consider supporting the youth trip to World Youth Day!
Week of April 10, 2016
READINGActs 6:8-15
READINGActs 7:51—8:1a
READINGActs 8:1b-8
READINGActs 8:26-40
READINGActs 9:1-20
8:00 - ———————————
10:00 - For the people of St. Mary/Para el pueblo de Santa Maria
12:00 - ———————————
Monday Wednesday - Teodoro Ocaya
Thursday - Maur a & J uana Ocaya (RIP)
Friday - Cliff Sheets
Saturday - —————————
Darlene Dalisay, Esther S. Daniels, Kara Rice Family,
Cody Sage, Frank Vitous Family, Charles Hlavacek Family, Frank Libra, Tina Call, Fr. Matthew Libra, Antonia
Seyler, Caroline Ochs, Cheryl Labrum, Carlita Sjodin,
Cezar Del Rosario, Jules Sicotte, Roe Mehare, Catherine
M. Dino, Marguerite Lien, Rev. Marilou Brook, David
White, Victorino Solano, Karen Carter, Jessica Gannon,Colten Cclapp,Ted Mikula,Terri Dirks, Dolores
Carey, Randy Lbra family Susan Doehne, Bill Doehne,
Frank Libra, Noel Badilla, Dan Navicky, Diane Navicky,
Debora A. Pirak, Donna Wilson.
Mariano Soltero, Jennifer Figuro, Coronad Family, Emilia Gabutero, Severa Dalisay, Josefina
Arquiza, Avelino Alfero, Leticia Simon, Tilly
Lorentovich, Primitiva Feliciano, Margaret Libra, Santigo Gomez, Alicia Cottingham, Alexander M. Plantilla, Rolando Morales, Pat Menehan, Rose Barretta, Alma Cosman, Stanley Smith,
Robert Karmil, VerLarson, Frances Navicky ,
Rose Barreta, Margaret Libra, Joseph D’Spuza,
Narciso Reyes, Lucille Bandanish, John
Office Staff
(360) 653-9400 Fax (360) 658-7439
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am – 5:30pm
Parish Priest
Rev. Tom McMichael
Receptionist/Bulletin Editor
Melissa Solano
Antonio Cavazos
Parochial Vicar:
Rev. Emmanuel Iweh
360 386-7425
Spanish Choir
Music Director
Lester Letoto
Amadeo Miramontes
Rudy dela Cruz
Administrative Assistant
Sharon Larson
Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation & Youth Minister
Michael Schmitz
P. A. for Communications
Aldo Barletta
Facilities Manager II:
John Hodgins
Elementary Faith Formation/Sacrament:
Debra Hart

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