Most Holy Trinity Santisima Trinidad


Most Holy Trinity Santisima Trinidad
Most Holy Trinity
Santisima Trinidad
Catholic Church/Iglesia Católica
Archdiocese of Galveston/Houston
1713 N. Tinsley; Angleton, Texas 77515
Basilian Fathers
17th Sunday of the Year - July 24, 2011
The Mission of Most Holy Trinity
Catholic Church, a parish
empowered by the Holy Spirit, is
to spread the Gospel of Jesus
the Christ in order to bring all
people into union with God our
Father, through worship,
preaching, teaching, fellowship
and service.
La Misión de la Iglesia Católica
de la Santisima Trinidad una
parroquia bajo el poder del
Espíritu Santo, es proclamar el
Evangelio de Cristo Jesús, con
el fin de unir a todos con Dios
Padre a través del culto, la
predicación, la enseñanza, la
convivencia y el servicio.
Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas:
Mass for Vocations/Misa para Vocaciones:
9:00 a.m. Saturday/Sábado – English/Inglés
Saturday Anticipated/Sábado Anticipado:
5:00 p.m. English/Inglés
8:00 a.m. Español/Spanish (Nursery/Guardería)
10:00 a.m. English/Inglés (Nursery/Guardería)
8:10 a.m. English/Inglés
12:00 Noon English/Inglés
Parish Staff/Personal Administrativo: 979-849-2421
Pastor: Rev. Maurice Restivo, CSB, x-118
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert Duggan, CSB
Deacon/Diacono: Robert Ward
Deacon/Diacono: Luis Hernandez
Pastoral Asst./Ast. Pastoral: Cheryl Scott, x-109
Apprentice: Kristi Haas, x-108
Receptionist/Recepcionista: Rebecca Mireles, x-100
Secretary/Secretaria: Barbara Bohnert, x-103
Bookkeeper/Contadora Publica: Annie Damian, x-104
Ministerio Hispano/Hispanic Ministry: Luisa Lopez, x-111
Music Director: – Tim Dyksinski, x-112
Director of Parish Social Ministry: Mildred Wauson – 849-9458
CCE Coordinator/Coor. CCE: Norma Mata, x-110
Maintenance: Isabel Martinez & Eleuterio (Marty) Martinez, x-105
Confessions/Confesiones – English & Español
5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Thursday/Jueves
3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Saturday/Sábado
Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración del Santisimo:
9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Mon, Tue, Thur. & Fri.;
1:00-9:00 p.m., Wed.
Anointing of the Sick/Unción a los Enfermos:
1st Sunday after all Masses/1er Dom. despues de todas las Misas
Directory: (Area Code 979)
Church Office/Oficina---------------------- --------------849-2421
Church Fax----------------------------------- --------------849-2425
Parish Social Ministry/Centro de Servicio Social------849-9458
Parish Social Ministry Fax----------------- --------------848-3146
Resale Shop/Tienda de 2a mano ---------- --------------849-2767
Emergency/Emergencias ----------------- --------------849-1143
Parish Office Hours/Horas de Oficina:
Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes– 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Zenit News Agency:
U. S. Catholic Conference of Bishops:
Catholic News Service:
Lectionary, Scripture Study:
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 24, 2011
All things work for good for those who love God.
— Romans 8:28a
From the Pastor’s Desk
It feels like months since I have sat down to write
this little column. So much has happened since I last
wrote. From Jerusalem we went to Bethlehem, and then
yesterday we arrived in Nazareth. This land is filled with
people and with life! There are stones; there are places
where Jesus was born, and walked, and died, and rose, but
there is so much more.
This past week has been a time of meeting some of
the people who sow life today. We visited organizations
which work for nonviolence, which work for peace, for
resettlement of refugees, for the rights of those who have
lost homes and lands and livelihoods. We were in Hebron,
where Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, and Jacob
and Leah are buried, but also where Zleikha has started a
kindergarten and works for human rights. We visited the
Negev desert, where Abraham wandered, where Khalil’s
Bedouin village of Alsira has a
demolition order against it, and
where today Aziz’s village of AlArakib has been demolished 27
times since last July 27, because
the government has decided to
plant a forest on the village’s
ancestral lands. We met the
Christian Peacemakers in AtTuwani, where they help the
village children get to school
without being attacked by the
Israeli settlers, and where Kiefa
has organized the women into a cooperative. We met the
families of Susya, who have been living in tents for the
past few years because an ancient synagogue was
discovered near where their own village was, and their
homes were demolished. We met the Christian family of
Anastas, in Bethlehem, whose home has been surrounded
on three sides by the annexation wall, and who still have
hope. We went through the Israeli checkpoint between
Bethlehem and Jerusalem, experiencing just a fraction of
the humiliation and frustration that thousands of
Palestinians experience daily as they commute to work.
And now we are in the Galilee… and I write this on the
bus, between the Mount of Beatitudes and Tiberias. Here
it is humid, like in Angleton. I will be in Capernaum after
lunch today, and be reminded that there is still work to be
done. Jesus rose and lives in us, and will strengthen us for
the road ahead.
Fr. Maurice
Mensaje del Parroco
Siento como si hubieran pasado meses desde que me
senté a escribir esta pequeña columna. Han pasado tantas
cosas desde que escribí la última vez. De Jerusalén
fuimos a Belén, luego, ayer, llegamos a Nazaret. ¡Esta
tierra está llena de gente y de vida! Hay piedras, están los
lugares donde Jesús nació, y caminó, y murió y resucitó,
pero hay mucho más.
Esta semana pasada ha sido tiempo de conocer a
algunas de las personas que siembran vida hoy en dia.
Visitamos las organizaciones que trabajan por la noviolencia, que trabajan por la paz, por el reasentamiento
de refugiados, por los derechos de aquellos que han
perdido sus casas y tierras y sustento. Estuvimos en
Hebrón, donde Abraham y Sara, Isaac y Rebeca y Jacob y
Lea están sepultados, pero también donde Zleikha ha
iniciado un jardín de niños y trabaja por los
derechos humanos. Visitamos el desierto del
Neguev, donde Abraham anduvo errante, donde la
aldea de Beduinos de Khalil, Alsira, tiene una orden
de demolición en su contra, y donde hoy la aldea de
Aziz, Al-Arakib, ha sido demolida 27 veces desde el
pasado 27 de julio, porque el gobierno ha decidido
plantar un bosque en las tierras ancestrales de la
aldea. Conocimos a los Cristianos que Promueven la
Paz en Al-Tuwani, donde ayudan a los niños de la
aldea a ir a la escuela sin ser atacados por los
colonizadores israelíes, y donde Kiefa ha organizado
a las mujeres en una cooperativa. Conocimos a las
familias de Susya, que han estado viviendo en tiendas de
campaña durante los últimos años debido a que una
antigua sinagoga fue descubierta cerca de donde estaba su
aldea, y sus casas fueron demolidas. Conocimos a la
familia cristiana de Anastas, en Belén, cuyo hogar a ha
sido rodeado, en tres lados, por el muro de anexión, y aún
tienen esperanza. Pasamos por la caseta de control israelí
entre Belén y Jerusalén, experimentando sólo un poco de
la humillación y frustración que miles de palestinos
experimentan diariamente al dirigirse al trabajo.
Y ahora estamos en Galilea… y escribo esto en el
autobús, entre el Monte de las Bienaventuranzas y
Tiberias. Aquí esta húmedo, como en Angleton. Aquí
voy a estar en Capernaum hoy después de la comida, y
recordaré que todavía hay trabajo por hacer. Jesús
resucitó y vive en nosotros, y nos fortalecerá para el
camino que viene.
Padre Maurice
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reflection by Fr. Bob Duggan
“Solomon and the Serenity Prayer”
Solomon had it right. When
the Lord asked Solomon what
gift he wanted, the King of
Israel did not ask for a long
life or more money or the
defeat of his enemies. He
asked for an understanding
“Give your servant an
understanding heart to judge
your people and to distinguish
right from wrong.”
What a wonderful prayer! It fits all leaders,
parents and anyone who has any kind of
responsibility for self or others. That means it fits
There is a real connection between Solomon’s
prayer and the “Serenity Prayer” from Alcoholics
Serenity Prayer
(very like Solomon’s prayer, 1 Kings 3:5, 7-12):
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I
cannot change, the courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one
day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time,
accepting hardship as a pathway to peace. Taking, as
Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would
have it. Trusting that you will make all things right,
if I surrender to Your Will. So that I may be
reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy
with you forever in the next. Amen.”
Countless people, especially those belonging to
AA have used the Serenity Prayer
to help the change their lives. It is
so powerful and simple with
profound wisdom and deep trust in
We can come close to God only
by changing those things in us that
are not of God. It takes the wisdom
God gives to know in us what is of
God and what is not of God.
Solomon wants this wisdom. Do
we? Do I?
Septímo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Reflexión por Padre Bob Duggan
"Salomón y la Oración de Serenidad"
Salomón estaba en lo cierto. Cuando el Señor le
preguntó a Salomón qué don quería, el rey de Israel
no pidió una larga vida o más dinero o la derrota de
sus enemigos. El pidió un corazón comprensivo:
"Te pido que me concedas sabiduría de corazón para
que sepa gobernar a tu pueblo y distinguir entre el
bien y el mal."
¡Qué oración tan maravillosa! Es apropiada para
todos los líderes, padres de familia y cualquier
persona que tenga cualquier tipo de responsabilidad
hacia sí mismo o hacia otros. Esto significa que se
adapta a todos.
Hay una conexión real entre la oración de Salomón y
la "Oración de Serenidad" de los Alcohólicos
La Oración de Serenidad (muy parecida a
la oración de Salomón, 1 Reyes 3:5, 7-12):
"Dios, concédeme serenidad para aceptar las
cosas que no puedo cambiar, valor para cambiar las
cosas que puedo, y sabiduría para reconocer la
diferencia. Viviendo un día a la vez, disfrutando un
momento a la vez, aceptando las dificultades como
un camino hacia la paz. Tomando, como lo hizo
Jesús, este mundo pecaminoso tal y como es, no
como yo quisiera que fuera. Confiando en que Tu
vas a hacer todas las cosas bien, si me entrego a Tu
voluntad. Para que yo pueda ser razonablemente feliz
en esta vida y supremamente feliz contigo y para
siempre en la siguiente. Amén."
Un sinnúmero de personas, especialmente los que
pertenecen a AA, han utilizado la Oración de
Serenidad para ayudarse a cambiar su vida. Es tan
poderosa y sencilla, con una
profunda sabiduría y profunda
confianza en Dios.
Podemos acercarnos a Dios
sólo cambiando aquellas cosas en
nosotros que no son de Dios. Se
necesita la sabiduría que Dios da
para reconocer en nosotros lo que
es de Dios y lo que no es de Dios.
Salomón quiere esta sabiduría.
¿La queremos nosotros? ¿La
quiero yo?
Please pray for our loved ones and friends in
the hospital: Juana Solis Cruz,
Robert Duby, Chance Efird,
Angel Estrada, Matthew Haluska,
Angela Hardin, Angel Luevano,
Bodie Mata, Jordan Nachtegaele,
Tara Phillips, Bill O’Connell,
Gersen Orozco, Juanita Ott & Conrado Pena.
Please note: An individual whose name appears on the hospital list
will be published for 4 weeks. For an extension, please call the Parish
Remember also those in the nursing homes:
Cypress Woods Care: Elida Benitez, Karyn-Anne
Brown, Josefa Cruz, Eugene & Lenora Duval, Joann
Erdelt, Dominga Fleming, Michael Fuchs, Fannie
Garcia, Judy Homrighaus, Charlie Hundl, Manuel
Longoria, Guadalupe Longoria, Eugenio Martinez,
Carlos Medeles, Joyce Newmann, Sharon Nuernberg,
Santana Ramos, Josephine Rizzo, Greg Shelton, Norman
Ward, Leonarda Whittington.
Country Village: Cy & Elizabeth Adamcik, Rita
Anthony, Maria Aparicio, Betty Bartee, Kathryn
Carpenter, Lucianna Farrar, Norma Garner, Lucy
Garrett, William Kolojaco, Lillian Pool, Deacon Andy
Shefts, Elsie Shman, Doris Soria, Matilda West, Evelyn
Country Village Assisted Living: Emma Horky, Elsie
Kadera, Florence Kohutek, Lucinda Sendejo, Barbara
Shaw, Annie Walcik.
Charles Bond (+), MAY HE REST IN PEACE.
Beat the School Rush
Get your children up-to-date on their vaccines.
Children entering PK-Kn and grade 7 need vaccines
for the upcoming school year. Please call before you
go: Alvin, 281.585.3024
¡Prisa Antes de que Comience la Escuela!
Obtenga su hijo(a) al dia en sus vacunas. Niños en
PK y Séptimo grado necesitan vacunas para este ano
escolar. Por favor de llamarnos antes de venir:
Alvin, 281.585.3024
Our Condolences to
Edward & Ana Leveck and family on
the death of their brother-in-law,
Jose Cruz (+) and also Dora
Leveck Aguilar (+), Edward’s
Gabriel Gonzalez y Adelina Palacios
y familia que fallecio su mama,
Vicenta Jeda (+).
Children’s Choir Camp Cancelled
A one-day camp will be scheduled in the Fall, details
will be announced at a later date. For more
information contact Tim, our music director, at the
parish office, or speak to him after Mass.
Most Holy Trinity now offers Online Giving!
Visit the parish website to sign up for Online Giving
and begin donating to the parish automatically.
Utilize the internet for the good of
the parish through this secure and
convenient process. Track parish
giving along with your other
finances by signing up today.
Online Giving can be effectively
used on its own or in cooperation
with regular offering envelopes.
If you would still like to receive envelope packets,
but also want to give online, you have the option to
do so. For a list of FAQs or for more information,
go the parish website:
Weekly Scripture Readings
Monday/Lunes, July 25
2 Corinthians 4:7-15 .................... Matthew 20:20-28
Tuesday/Martes, July 26
Exodus 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28 ........ Matthew 13:36-43
Wednesday/Miércoles, July 27
Exodus 34:29-35.............................Matthew 13:44-46
Thursday/Jueves, July 28
Exodus 40:16-21, 34-38 .............. Matthew 13:47-53
Friday/Viernes, July 29
Leviticus 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37 ....................
........................................................... Luke 10:38-42
Saturday/Sábado, July 30
Leviticus 25:8-17........................... Matthew 14:1-12
Sunday/Domingo, July 31
Isaiah 55:1-3 ............................. Romans 8:35, 37-39
..................................................... Matthew 14:13-21
Stewardship Corner
Sunday Coll: July 16/17 .......................... $8,486.24
Building Fund Coll.................................. $2,014.91
Mass Attendance - July 9/10 - Total 870
5:00 p.m. 188; 8:00 a.m. 279; 10:00 a.m. 403.
Gestetner color copier for sale
We have a Gestetner color copier in the Parish Office
that we no longer need. The copier, model #DSc424,
is in working order. Please call Cheryl in the Parish
Office to make an offer.
Liturgical Ministers for July 30/31, 2011
Ministry Saturday
Sacristan: Judy Jo DeVries
Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Camila Belmares
Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Liz Buentello
Lector 1: Ruth Weicht
Lector 2: Dorothy Wilbeck
Servers: TBA
Felipe Martinez
Sylvia Muñoz
Jesus Huesca
Yesenia Martinez
Myriam Martinez
Agustin Carrizales
Tyler Kubala
Chris Kocurek
Tyler & Tucker Bludau
Katy Phillips
Jessica Santos
Zach Eighme
Judy Jo DeVries
Brian Ernst
Grace Flores
Eddy Garcia-Meitin
Isabel Martinez
Beth Kaspar
Kristina Sandoval
Joe Sandoval
Bertha Vasquez
Victoria Calderon
Noe Cruz
Rosy Cruz
Margarita Huesca
Guillermina Mendez
Juanita Ozuna
Julia Perez
Marcos Perez Sr
Elisa Sustaita
Steve Buentello
Shirley & Marcos Calderon
Laura Cruz
Lori Greak
Sandra Mouton
Arnold & Lina Ramirez
Rosanna Ramos
Cindy Stone
Lois Svoboda
Annette Trevino
Cindy Ward
Maria Wilde
T. J. Sbrusch
Glenn Comiskey
Henry DeVries
Oscar Greak
Michael James
Steve Ramirez
Brenda Saldaña
Reyes Alvarez
Rudy Lopez
Jose Delgado
Baldomar Silva
Francisco Sustaita
Jesus Ozuna
Fred Sander
Chris Coale
Richard Rachunek
Robert Treviño
Joe Williams
Patrick Buentello
Frank Dunkin
Sam Valdez
Altar Guild – July 24-30, 2011
Alicia Flores
Custodial position open
at Most Holy Trinity
Applications are being taken for a
part-time custodial position
(16 hours per week) to perform
routine cleaning services of church
building, parish office, and parish
halls. Applicant must be 18
years or older, speak English,
be self-motivated
and have the physical
ability to perform
routine janitorial
services with
Ability to work
occasional weekends and holidays is
Please call Cheryl Scott at the parish
office, 979-849-2421,
x-103, for more information and/or
to get a complete job description and
application form. Applications
will be accepted until position is
First Communion & Confirmation
pictures are here.
Please come by the Parish Office during
office hours to get yours.
Los fotos de Primer Communion y
Confirmación estan disponibles en la
Oficina Parroquial, 849-2421.
Are you currently in ministry?
Do you just want to learn
more about your Catholic faith?
The Formation Toward Christian Ministry (FTCM)
program is coming to St. John the Baptist Catholic
Church in Alvin. FTCM is a theological and
spiritual education program, which is sponsored by
the Archdiocese. The meetings will be on Tuesday
evenings, from 7:00-9:00 p.m., beginning August 23.
For more information, or to register, call Dolores
Stoughton, 281-380-8516.
RCIA Inquiry sessions ongoing
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
(RCIA) is a process for welcoming new
members into the Roman Catholic faith.
Sessions are held each Monday, at 7:30 p.m.,
in Room SB-4. If you would like to learn
more about the Catholic faith and the process
for becoming a member of the Catholic
Church through the Sacraments of Baptism,
Confirmation & Eucharist, please call Cheryl
Scott in the Parish Office, 849-2421.
Grupo de Oración – Bendiciones
¡Todos bienvenidos!
Cada Martes - 7:00 p.m. en el Salón Heyck #6.
Para mayor información favor de llamar a
Juanis Villarreal-Carrillo, 922-8227 o a
Madelene Martinez, 979-319-2110.
Please register your children ASAP for Fall CCE
classes. Fees are as follows:
$50 for 1 child; $65 for 2 children;
$80 for 3 children; $95 for 4 children;
$110 for 5 children; $125 for 6 children.
Please come by the parish office to
pick up forms.
We must have updated Medical and
Transportation Information Forms
for each student enrolled in our
programs each year.
Kroger Neighbor to Neighbor Donation
Program — Re-link as soon as possible!
Most Holy Trinity is enrolled in the Kroger
Neighbor to Neighbor Donation Program. Linking
Kroger Plus Cards is now in effect. The next time
you shop at Kroger present the barcode below to
your cashier, along with your Kroger Plus Card at
the beginning of your order. Once your card is
scanned, every time you shop at Kroger and use your
enrolled Kroger Plus Card, Kroger will contribute a
percentage of your eligible purchases to the Kroger
Neighbor to Neighbor Donation fund so that Most
Holy Trinity can receive a check.
Again, please Re-link as soon as possible!
Please feel free to share this with family
and friends.
La Iglesia Santísima Trinidad ya esta
inscrita otra vez con Kroger para el programa
de Vecino a Vecino. Por favor, pase por
Kroger para activar sus compras (en conjunto
con su tarjeta “Kroger Plus” así dandonos la
oportunidad de recaudar fondos para nuestra
Please Mark Your Caldendar
Date is October 9
Domingo, 9 de Octubre
3rd Annual
Fun Run/Walk
Reserve the date:
Sat., Oct. 8
are now available
please stop by to pick
up your tickets today.
These ticket sales are
very important for our
Bazaar so please SALE, SALE,
SALE or buy Raffle tickets.
Los Boletos Para la Rifa de la
Jamaica estan
disponibles en la
entrada de la
iglesia, por favor
levanten sus
boletos hoy. Es muy importante
vender o compare estos boletos
para que tengamos un gran exito en
la Jamaica de este año.
Golden Stars, the senior group at
Most Holy Trinity, is open to anyone
in the community age 50+ Come
bring your friends and neighbors.
For more information, call
Helen Infante, 849-8895.
Book Club meets 3rd Tuesday — the current book
is “One Thousand White Women” by Jim Fergus.
Commemorative Pavers Summer Special
Commemorative Pavers for the patio at the entrance
of the church are available for sale. The pavers will
be inscribed with the name or message of your
choice. The Summer
In Memory of
Special cost for each
paver is $75.00. You are
Grandpa Jones
allowed 2 lines with no
more than 16 characters
per line (a character includes spaces, commas, etc.).
Please call the Parish Office for more information or
for help/suggestions on how to word your paver.
Attention couples celebrating their silver
or golden wedding anniversary this year
The 2010 Wedding Anniversary Jubilee Masses
honoring Golden (50th) and Silver (25th)
Anniversary marriages for couples with weddings in
1961 or 1986 will be held in September. For couples
celebrating their 50th Anniversary, the ceremony
will be held on Sunday, September 18 and for
couples celebrating their 25th anniversary on
Sunday, September 25, at 3:00 p.m. at the CoCathedral of the Sacred Heart. Whether or not
couples attend a ceremony, they are eligible to
receive a special certificate signed by Daniel
Cardinal DiNardo.
Couples wishing to participate are asked to call the
Parish Office, x-103, as soon as possible and register
their name, address, home daytime phone number,
email address, wedding date and the name of the
location of the Catholic Church where they were
married. Deadline for registration is Wednesday,
August 10. Soon after August 14, the Office of
Family Life Ministry will send registered couples a
letter with detailed information about the Mass.
They will then have the opportunity to RSVP.
7:30 RCIA
7:30 KC Meeting
7:30 RCIA
8:10 Leona Granger (+) by cousin, Emma Perry
8:10 Soledad Franco (+) by friend, Hope Arce
12:00 Randy Reed (+) by sister,
Robbe & Paul Sebesta & family
8:10 Tony Joyce (+) & Rodney Jones (+)
by Philip Hunter
9:00 For Vocations
5:00 Ron Sanchez (+) by Elidia Hernandez
8:00 Ernesto Garcia (+) by
Antonio & Lupita Villarreal
10:00 For all the people
17th Sunday of the Year [31
Poor & Needy Coll.
17th Sunday of the Year [24
Debt Reduction Coll.
[Aug. 2
6:00 Choir
6:00 Choir
[Aug. 3
8:10 Randy Reed (+) by sister,
Robbe & Paul Sebesta and family
8:10 Special Intention for Beatrice Talbot (+)
by friend, Pat Knopp
[Aug. 4
[Aug. 5
Debt Reduction Coll.
3:30 Confessions
[Aug. 6
Poor & Needy Coll.
3:30 Confessions
Bulletin Deadline
Tuesdays at 12:00 Noon
12:00 Shaun Wiley (+) by Golden Stars
8:10 Butch Lesch (+)
by sisters, Pat Jennings & Colleen Lesch
8:10 Butch Lesch (+)
by sisters, Pat Jennings & Colleen Lesch
9:00 For Vocations
5:00 For all the people
5:00 Confessions
9:00 Bible Study
5:00 Confessions
9:00 Bible Study
9:00 For Vocations
5:00 For all the people
8:00 Simona & Jimmy Juarez (++) by
daughter & Sister, Mary Lillie Perez and
10:00 Jake Bludau (+) by KC Council 5155
8:10 Sue Soileau (+) by husband, Huey
6:00 Legion of Mary
7:00 Grupo de Oracion
7:30 KC Charity Bingo
10:00 Golden Stars
6:00 Legion of Mary
7:00 Grupo de Oracion
7:30 KC Charity Bingo
10:00 Golden Stars
July 24—August 6, 2011
Baptisms: Preparations sessions are required for parents and godparents and a recognition Mass. Parents
should be registered in the parish and practicing Catholics. Call the parish office as early as possible during
pregnancy to pre-register for classes. Baptism will be set upon completion of the required classes.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): For individuals who are not baptized, baptized in another
denomination and interested in becoming Catholic, or baptized Catholics who never completed the sacraments
of initiation (Eucharist & Confirmation). This process leads to full communion in the Catholic Church.
First Reconciliation/First Communion: Enrollment in the sacrament preparation process is open to children
in grade 2 or older who are registered in the parish, faithfully attending Mass and enrolled in ongoing faith
formation programming. Classes include required parent & child sessions for both sacraments.
Confirmation: Enrollment in a 2-year preparation process is open to youth in grade 10 or higher who actively
practice the Catholic faith and are registered in the parish. Youth must be regularly attending Mass and ongoing
faith formation classes. An entrance interview may be required.
Marriage: By appointment only, 6-12 months in advance. Either one or both of the couple must be registered
in the parish. Marriage Preparation Program required. No weddings during Lent.
Holy Orders: If interested in the Priesthood or Diaconate, contact Fr. Maurice Restivo, C.S.B.
Death in the Family: Call the Parish Office before you make an appointment with the funeral home. We are
here to help you spiritually and emotionally.
If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at 849-2421.