First Sunday of Lent Primer Domingo de Cuaresma


First Sunday of Lent Primer Domingo de Cuaresma
First Sunday of Lent
February 14, 2016
The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart
— Romans 10:8
Primer Domingo de Cuaresma
14 de febrero de 2016
Muy a tu alcance, en tu boca y en tu corazón, se encuentra
la salvación. — Romanos 10:8
Question of the Week
Pregunta de la Semana
Theme: Lent is time to open our hearts more fully to Jesus.
Tema: La Cuaresma es un tiempo para abrir más
nuestros corazones a Jesús.
Breaking Open the Word
Suggested text for faith sharing: Today’s Gospel
Apuntes de la Palabra
Texto sugerido para compartir la fe: El Evangelio de hoy
Step One: Listen to the Word
As you hear this reading, what words or phrases strike you?
What in this reading touches your heart?
What lingers in your memory?
Paso uno: Escuchar la Palabra
Al escuchar esta lectura, ¿qué palabras o frases los impactó?
¿Qué parte de esta lectura tocó sus corazones?
¿Qué se quedó en sus memorias?
Step Two: Look into Your Life
Question for Children: When you feel tempted to do wrong,
how do you remain strong in your faith?
Paso dos: Examinar su vida
Pregunta para los niños: Cuando están tentados a hacer
algo malo, ¿cómo se mantienen firmes en su fe?
Question for Youth: What is one thing you will do during
Lent to become more open to God in your life?
Question for Adults: As you come to understand the
temptation of Jesus in the desert, which one of the devil’s
offerings is hardest for you to resist?
Monday: .......... Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15;
........................ Mt 25:31-46
Tuesday: .......... Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15
Wednesday: ..... Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19;
........................ Lk 11:29-32
Thursday: ........ Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8;
........................ Mt 7:7-12
Friday: ............. Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26
Saturday: ........... Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8;
........................... Mt 5:43-48
Sunday: ........... Gn 15:5-12, 17-18; Ps 27:1, 7-9, 13-14;
........................ Phil 3:17 — 4:1 [3:20 — 4:1]; Lk 9:28b-36
Pregunta para los jóvenes: ¿Qué harás durante
la Cuaresma para acercarte más a Dios?
Pregunta para los adultos: Cuando lleguen a entender
la tentación de Jesús en el desierto, ¿cuál de las ofrendas
del diablo les sería más difícil resistir?
Lunes: ........... Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Sal 19 (18):8-10, 15;
........................ Mt 25:31-46
Martes: ............ Is 55:10-11; Sal 34 (33):4-7, 16-19;
........................ Mt 6:7-15
Miércoles: ....... Jon 3:1-10; Sal 51 (50):3-4, 12-13, 18-19;
........................ Lc 11:29-32
Jueves:............. Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Sal 138 (137):1-3,
........................ 7c-8; Mt 7:7-12
Viernes: ........... Ez 18:21-28; Sal 130 (129):1-8; Mt 5:20-26
Sábado: ........... Dt 26:16-19; Sal 119 (118):1-2, 4-5, 7-8;
........................ Mt 5:43-48
Domingo: ........ Gn 15:5-12, 17-18; Sal 27 (26):1, 7-9, 13-14;
........................ Fil 3:17 — 4:1 [3:20 — 4:1]; Lc 9:28b-36
Larry Abessoen, Alicia Alfaro, Leo Arciniega, Don Ambrose, Jack Anderson, Joseph Bartley, Dr. R. Bentley, Danny Bergin,
Liz Blair, Ofelia Blair, Frank Blankenship, Gloria Blaser, Vic & Susie Boka, Alida Boorn, Ron & Claudia Bridges, Remie
Casilla, John Cava, Mary Chambers, Camille Cheney, Peggy Christner, Bob Christino, Mary Cho-Sabol, Margaret Clark, Elise
Colson, Maxima Corronza, Sherry Cota, Carmen Croci, William Curley, Ethel Cyr, Rose Cruz, Marianna Cruz, Mary Davis,
Muriel Delphin, Brianna Denckley, Celeste Doherty, Michael Doherty, Juan Duran, Melissa Delaney, Grace DiNardo, Cindy Evaro, Martin
Farrington, Vince Ferrari, Bill Florcyk, Maureen Fuller, Cindra Gartwait, Sara Garrido, Allyson Giese, Regina Giron, Angie Gutierrezas,
Jeffrey Hanghol, Carole Hernandez, George Hertel, Miriam Hix, Audrey Hofmann, Phil Hood, Roger Howe, Lisa Hughes, Mary Hunter,
Mary Irons, Joaquin Juarez, Michele Juarez, Dorothy Juhs, David & Rose Kantor, Justin Kleiner, Robert Koeppel, Sharron LaCasse, Lew
LaFrench, Sandy Lambert, Gina Laughton, Kathleen Lewton, Rose Livingston, Oscar Lopez, Delores Lotte, Louvert family, Raymond &
Lenore Liberatore, Patti Martin, Tom Mattingly, Cindy McManhan, Jan Meyers, Virginia Michaels, Lou Mihaly, Sharon Miller, Liz Mindivil, Marlene Mitchell, Mary Monk, Bill Monsimer, Grace Moore, Margie Morris, Mary Morphet, Jacqueline Newsom, Cadence Nield,
Adela Pasillas, Katherine Payne, Elizabeth Peterson, Ruth Petro, Forest Prusso, Mimi Quinn, Jose & Silvia Ramirez, Mary Ragan,
Fr. Ignatius Rasquina, Margaret Reindel, Tina Reinehardt, Betty Rittmiller, Dianne Robertson, Perry Robertson, Chuck Rothchild, Antonio
Rubalcaba, Susan Sabol, Gregory Schoffstall, Roy Schaefer, Faith Schrepping, Sal Sortino, Audrey G. Strasser, Tammy Taylor, Steve
Tercel, Warren Terrill, Roger Thompson, Elenore Valdez, Lynne Van Dyke, Josette Vettel, Debbie Wajack, Bob West, Theresa Wiencek,
Clara Williams, Maria Isabel Zamora. A ll the men and women deployed overseas. (To include and/or remove a name from the list, please
contact the parish office at 760- 365-2287. ) If a person is ill long term, know that they are in our daily prayers.
FEBRUARY 14, 2016
Saturday, 2/13/16
4:00 p.m.
Robert Carter, RIP
Requested by Ted & Sally Carter
Sunday, 2/14/16
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
Stephen Chavez, RIP
Requested by his family
People of the Parish
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Wednesday, 2/17/16
8:00 a.m.
Thursday, 2/18/16
8:00 a.m.
Friday, 2/19/16
YV 8:00 am
Saturday, 2/20/16
4:00 p.m.
Sunday, 2/21/16
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
Daniela Garcia, RIP
Requested by Carmen Villalba
Charles Carter, RIP
Requested by Ted & Sally Carter
Suzi VanCamp, RIP
Requested by Mike VanCamp
Betty Ambrose, RIP
Requested by her family
Louis F. Delphin, RIP
Requested by Muriel Delphin
Phyllis Prenant, RIP
Requested by Marge Wilkinson
William McCarthy, RIP
Requested by James McCarthy
Belt Family, Special intention
Requested by Golon Family
People of the Parish
Sunday, February 14
8:00 a.m. Sunday Mass ~ English (YV)
10:00 a.m. Mass ~ English (YV)
1:00 p.m.
Mass ~ Spanish (YV)
3:30 p.m.
Knights of Columbus—Valentines Dinner (YV
5:00 p.m.
Life Night ~ Youth Ministry (YV)
Monday, February 15 Presidents Day
Parish Office Closed
6:00 p.m.
NO Religious Education ~ Sacr amental Pr ep
6:15 p.m.
NO Spanish Choir (YV)
7:15 p.m.
Spanish Faith Sharing (YV)
Tuesday, February 16
8:00 a.m.
Daily Mass (YV)
8:45 a.m.
Faith Sharing/ Bible Study (YV)
4:30 p.m.
Youth Choir Practice (YV)
6:00 p.m.
Adult Choir Practice (YV)
6:00 p.m.
Girl Scouts (YV)
7:00 p.m.
Evening Star prayer group (YV)
Wednesday, February 17
7:30 a.m.
Rosary (JT)
8:00 a.m.
Daily Mass (JT)
8:30 a.m.
Divine Mercy Chaplet for the sick (JT)
10:00 am
Funeral ~ Raymond Roesling (YV)
6:00 pm
Living the Catholic Faith ~ RCIA (YV)
6:00 pm
Foundations / Edge (YV)
7:00 p.m.
Meditation Prayer group (YV)
Thursday, February 18
8:00 a.m.
Daily Mass ~ (YV)
1:00 p.m.
Altar Rosary Guild (YV)
Friday, February 19
8:00 a.m. Daily Mass (YV)
10:00 am
Scripture Sharing (YV)
5:30 p.m.
Adoration / Stations of the Cross (YV)
6:30 p.m.
Soup Supper (YV)
7:00 p.m.
Hispanic Ministry / Faith Sharing (YV)
Saturday, February 20
9:30 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
Vigil Mass ~ (JT)
Sunday, February 21
8:00 a.m. Mass ~ English (YV)
10:00 a.m. Mass ~ English (YV)
1:00 p.m. Mass ~ Spanish (YV)
6:00 p.m. Confirmation I & II (YV)
Lent / Easter Schedule
February 19th, 26th: Adoration / Stations of the Cross
First Sunday of Lent
Second Sunday of Lent
Third Sunday of Lent
Adoration / Stations of the Cross 4th, 11th, 18th
Fourth Sunday of Lent ~ Second Scrutiny
Fifth Sunday of Lent ~ Third Scrutiny
Lenten Penance Service ~ 7:00pm
Palm Sunday ~ Blessing of Palms & Procession
Chrism Mass 4:00 pm ~ Yucaipa
Holy Thursday
7:00 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
(bi-lingual) Yucca Valley
Good Friday
12:00 noon
7 Last Words
3:00 pm.
Passion of our Lord
Holy Saturday 7:30 pm Easter Vigil Mass (YV)
Easter Sunday 6:30 am Easter Sunrise Mass (JT)
10:00 am Easter Mass ~ YV 1:00 pm Spanish Mass ~ YV
Diocesan Development Fund 2016
Thank you to those who have already made their pledge or
one time gift to the 2016 DDF.
Please pray about what your family
will pledge this year.
We are working toward 100% participation.
Year of Mercy ~ reflection
Divine Mercy Minutes with Jesus…..
from the “Diary of St. Faustina”
The greater the sinner the greater the right
he has to my mercy.
FEBRUARY 14, 2016
From the Pastor’s Desk
The devil tempted Jesus by quoting scripture, as today’s
Gospel reminds us. Try a self-serving miracle. Try selling
out. Try dazzling the audience; people are gullible, after all.
Try all these easy ways. The tempter tries to urge Jesus onto
the slippery slope, attempts the old soft-soap, the snake-oil
solutions that are always readily at hand. The devil knows
better, but is powerless to do better, much less be better. The
devil is evil personified, who senses in Jesus the stronger,
truly attractive presence of holiness.
Evil is exposed and engaged, we are reminded in this
Sunday’s Gospel. Evil knows the jig is up. The undoing of
lies begins with Jesus, who takes up the work of soul-healing
and world-healing. This Lent, the Church invites us to enter
into this renewing, re-creative work and be made whole
Como nos recuerda el Evangelio de hoy, el demonio tentó
a Jesús con citas de la Sagrada Escritura: haz un milagro que te
convenga. Véndete. Deslumbra a tus oyentes; el pueblo es ingenuo
y novelero. Camina por estas sendas fáciles. El tentador trata de
llevar a Jesús por la senda fácil pero resbalosa, ofreciéndole las
soluciones fáciles pero falsas que siempre están a la mano. El
demonio sabe lo que es bueno, pero no tiene la capacidad de hacer lo que es bueno, y menos aún de ser bueno. El demonio es la
personificación del Mal, e intuye en Jesús la presencia más fuerte,
y más genuinamente atractiva, de la santidad.
El Evangelio de este domingo nos muestra al Mal expuesto y desenmascarado. Satanás sabe que se le ha acabado el juego.
Hoy Jesús comienza a deshacer su tejido de mentiras, y a sanar a
las almas, y al mundo entero. Y en este tiempo de Cuaresma, la
Iglesia nos invita a participar en esta labor de renovación, de
nueva creación, y a dejar que Cristo nos sane.
© Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Community Food Bank
Thank you pantry supporters. The pantry is open from
9AM to 11AM on the second and fourth Wednesday of
each month at Faith Lutheran Church on Hallee Road in
Joshua Tree. Please remember to continue to support the
pantry. In January we served 226 families, consisting of 445 people
which includes 13 new families. Because of the generous donations from St. Mary’s, St. Christopher’s, Desert Hills Presbyterian,
Good Shepherd Lutheran and Faith Lutheran churches, we were
able to hand out a lot of good, quality food to needy families of the
Morongo Basin. Your donations of money are always welcome. We
need the following food items: cereal, oatmeal, and canned items
such as soup, stew, fruit, and tuna. We also need powdered milk,
potatoes, spaghetti and sauce. Thank you everyone for your support! Deacon Glenn Miller, Pantry President 760-401-7518.
Banco de Comida Comunitario
Gracias a los que apoyan el Banco de Comida. el Banco de
Comida esta abierto de 9 a 11 am. el 2do. y 4to. miercoles del mes.
en la iglesia Luterana en Hallee Rd. Joshua Tree. por favor no se
olviden de seguir apoyando. En enero se sirvieron a 226 familias, un
total de 445 personas. Por las generosas donacions de las
Iglesias St. Mary's, St. Christopher, Desert Hills Presbyterian, y
Good Shepherd Lutheran, hemos podido dar mucha comida de
buena calidad a familias necesitadas del area de Morongo. sus
donaciones monetarias son siempre bienvenidas. necesitamos los
siguientes articulos comestibles: cereal, avena, alimentos enlatados,
com sopas, fruta y atun. tambien
Knights of Columbus
Parish Prayer and
Faith Sharing Opportunities
Did you know that, St. Mary’s & St. Christopher’s have the following
prayer/faith sharing opportunities? Everyone is welcome to join any
or all of these groups. For more information please contact the parish
office at 365-2287.
Tuesday ~ Friday 8:00am Daily Mass
Faith sharing/Bible Study group meets on Tuesday at 8:45am.
Temporadas de fe todos están invitados de 7:00pm ~
8:30pm Hay un tiempo para cada cosa y un momento para
hacerla bajo el cielo.
Meditation prayer group: Wed @ 7:00pm For information:
Call Ignazio at 760-401-0783.
Charismatic prayer group on Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.
Living the Catholic Faith / RCIA ~ Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.
Spanish Faith Sharing at 7:00 p.m. on Friday evenings.
ALL parishioners are invited to join the Altar Rosary Guild
in praying the rosary every Sunday at 9:25 am. in the Chapel.
First Friday: Adoration from 8:30 am ~ 11:30 am
Divine Mercy Cenacle: Wednesday at 3:00pm in Joshua Tree,
contact Gloria @ 760-366-9143
Divine Mercy Chaplet: Saturday at 3:30pm in Joshua Tree
Daily Chapel
Have you ever thought about becoming a Knight? We are a
Catholic men's fraternal organization dedicated to charity and
service. We are dedicated to preserving the culture of life and the
family. If you are a male 18 years of age our older, please stop by
our recruitment table and talk with a Knight. Learn about who we
are and how you can become a Knight.
The Daily Chapel is avail-able 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
for registered parishioners. If you are interested in access to the
chapel during off-hours, please contact the parish office at
760-365-2287 for details.
Health and Wellness Ministry
Learn the habits of health and wellness. Cer tified Health
Coach Mary Ann Klemundt: Trainer and Support Leader. For
more information please call Mary Ann @ 760-413-0583 Or
A new class will begin on Thursday, March 3 at 10:30am
La Capilla esta disponible ahora las 24 horas del día,
los 7 días de la semana para
miembros registrados en la parroquia. Si están interesados en
tener acceso en horas NO de oficina, por favor contacten la oficina
al 760-365-2287 para detalles.
Acceso diario a la Capilla
Help support St. Mary of the Valley &
St. Christopher of the Desert
We extend our hands and
Extendemos nuestras manos y corazones a todos aquellos que hoy vienen a  DDF (Diocesan Development Fund 2016/
hearts to all who worship
adorar con nosotros. Todos son bienwith us today. All are
Fondo del Desarrollo Diocesano 2016): St.
welcome here! Whether long-time venidos aquí! Si son residentes de muMary’s/St. Christopher’s goal for 2016 Is: $33,100. ALL
residents or newly arrived in the
damos gracias a dios por todos ustemonies over our goal are returned to the parish for our
parish, we thank God for you.
des. Sepan que ustedes y sus familias
needs! Please pray about your 2016 pledge/gift. 17 families
Know that you and your family are están en nuestras oraciones hoy y tohave already made their pledge and we are at $4,230 toward
in our prayers today and everyday. dos los días. Pedimos a todos los adulour goal of $33,100 and 100% participation!
We ask ALL adults living in the
tos en la parroquia registrarse en la
parish to register with the parish
oficina de la parroquia. Si nosotros  Stater Bros: St. Mary’s offers “gift cards” that may be
tenemos esta información, podemos
office. If we have this information,
purchased to pay for your weekly grocery needs! Stop by
conocer mejor sus necesidades. Las
we can better meet your needs.
the table after Mass, to purchase your card or for more
disponiRegistration forms are available
information. Fiscal year (15/16)…$1034.70 has been raised
during the week in the parish
la parroquia o de las personas que
for the parish.
office or from the ushers.
reciben a la gente en las misas. Nota:
Note: This information is
 Food 4 Less is committed to helping our community grow
Esta información es confidencial.
and prosper. It’s easy!! All you have to do is: Stop by the
Scrip table or the parish office and get your “reward” card.
Homebound ~ Ministry to the Sick
When you shop for groceries at Food 4 Less, swipe the card
Do you know someone who is homebound or in the hospital and would
to credit your purchases. Thank you to everyone who has
like to receive Communion? Please contact the parish office at
been using their Food 4 Less cards. Thanks for your
760-365-2287 so that one of our Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick may
support… Fiscal year to date: $244.48
bring them Communion.
Ministrar a los enfermos
Conoces a alguien que ya no puede salir de casa o esta en el hospital y
quisiera recibir Comunión? Por favor contacten la oficina de la parroquia
al 760-365-2287 para que uno de nuestros Ministros de Eucaristía a los
enfermos puedan llevarles la Comunión.
Our Lady of Fatima Home Rosary
 Don’t forget….we are collecting aluminum cans and plastic
bottles with CRV (CA recycle symbol ) to help with our
parish expenses. The container for cans is available before
and after Mass at the west end of the Parish Hall. Year to
date: $177.82.
Our Lady of Fatima’s statue will be at the home of the Gaxiola  Recycle empty inkjet & laser cartridges. This not only
helps St. Mary’s financially, but is good for the
family from February 14 ~ 21. The rosary will be prayed at 7:00
environment. Fiscal year total (15/16): $30.35. Thank you
pm. for intentions . If you would like to sign-up to have the statLasr-Ink!!
ue in your home, call the parish office @760- 365-2287.
Rosario a nuestra Señora de Fátima
Nuestra estatua de Fátima estará en la casa de Gaxiola familia 14 y 22
febreroo. El rosario se rezará por 7:00 pm. Si desean tener la estatua en
su casa, por favor llamen a la oficina de la parroquia al
Parishioners celebrating a Milestone Wedding Anniversary
(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 or more) are encouraged
to let us know! We’d like to applaud this special event with
you. We will list special anniversaries in the bulletin. Please
complete this form and return to the parish office.
Congratulations to the following couples celebrating
Anniversaries in February
2/2: Ron & Peggy Christner ~ 31st
2/16: Mike & Sharon Alberg ~ 30th
2/20: Joe & Susan Goodpaster ~ 45th
Do You have an upcoming Wedding Anniversary? Let us know so that
we may celebrate with you in our prayers!
Couple’s names:______________________Phone:_______
Anniv. Date:_______________________ # of Years: _____
Prayer Shawls
We are always in need of people who enjoy knitting or
crocheting to continue this ministry. Yarn is available to
anyone who is interested, Call Mary Lou at 760-366-1135.
Reach Out Morongo Basin
Reach Out depends on the generosity of volunteers.
Call Monica at 760-369-8671 for information.
Thank you to those who are living
their Covenant with our Lord
Total Offertory for February 6/7, 2016
$ 877.45 goal
$ 5,404.45 $5,200
Attendance: 4:00 pm: 114 8:00 am: 134
10:00am: 290 1:00pm: 97 Total: 635
High Desert Pregnancy Clinic
For ways you can help the High Desert Pregnancy
Clinic call (760) 369-8512 or email @
High Desert Pregnancy Clínica
Para información en como ayudar a la High Desert
Pregnancy Clinic. Llamen por favor al 760-369-8512
or contáctense via email @
RCIA/ Inquiry
Anyone interested in becoming a Catholic or in need of
adult Confirmation, please contact the parish office .
Have you remembered St. Mary of the Valley /
St Christopher’s in your will or trust?
Your bequest is our future!
FEBRUARY 14, 2016
Religious Education
February Schedule:
Sunday ~ 6pm ~ 7:30 pm
Confirmation I and II ~ Febr uar y 21st
Life Night ~ 5:00 ~ 7:15 pm ~ Febr uar y 14th
Monday ~ 6pm ~ 7pm
Sacramental Preparation
February 22nd, 29th
Wednesday ~ 6pm ~ 7:30 pm
Foundations and Edge
February 17th
Calling All Elementary School
Students (grades 4,5,6)
ALL students in grades 4,5 and 6 are
encouraged and invited to join us on most on Wednesday evenings
from 6:00pm ~ 7:30pm.
For more information call the office at 760-365-2287.
Calling ALL ~ Jr. High Students
ALL students in grades 7 and 8 are encouraged
and invited to join us most Wednesday evenings
from 6:00pm ~ 7:30pm.
Information call the office at 760-365-2287.
High School Youth
All students in grades 9 ~12 are
encouraged and invited to join us for Life
Nights, every other Sunday, from 5pm ~ 7:15pm.
Questions: contact Mitch in the office at 760-365-2287 ext 232.
If you are interested in what you can do to support Life Teen
please contact Mitch at or contact the
youth ministry office at 760-365-2287 ext 232.
Youth Day 2016
Please keep our youth in prayer as they prepare for the annual
trip to Youth Day in Anaheim on February 25th. This year,, there
will be 25 youth and chaperones traveling from the parish.
Youth Fund Raisers
To support their upcoming activities, the youth or our parish
are working on the following fundraising events
1. Coffee and Donuts: after Sunday Mass most Sundays.
2. Coming soon… A raffle with some great items including a
diamond ring.
St. Mary of the Valley
Memorial Brick Program
Would you like to remember a loved one in a special
way? You may purchase a memorial brick for just
$50.00 to be placed in the gazebo around the statue of
the Holy Family. Stop by the table in the vestibule, or contact the parish
office at 365-2287 for details.
Programa de Ladrillo Conmemorativo
Te gustaría recordar a un ser querido de una manera especial?
Por solo $50.00 puedes comprar un ladrillo conmemorativo para colocarlo
en la pérgola alrededor de la estatua de la Santísima
Familia santo. Pasa a la mesa que esta en el vestíbulo, o contacta la oficina
de la parroquia al 365-2287 para mas detalles.
Living the Catholic faith
Weekly program to learn & share more about Catholicism
Wednesday evenings from 6:00pm ~ 7:00 pm.
Evenings will include: Sharing Scripture, discussions as well
as opportunities to share your faith experiences.
Living the Catholic Faith is open to Catholics and
non-Catholics….. Including those in the RCIA and Adult
Confirmation process. Everyone is welcome each week,
or you can just “drop-in” when you are available.
For information contact the office at 760-365-2287
or Paul Miller at 760-365-5169.
February 17 - The Liturgical Year of St. Luke --- what do
we know about St. Luke and his writings? We will
examine what we know.
February 24 - Catholic Charities in our world today.
What does this agency do around the world? We'll
take a look at services provided to those in need.
Pre-Baptism Classes
Fechas Próximas para Clases PRE-bautismales: Si tienen
preguntas llamar a Maggie Giron al TEL 760- 553-0089.
For information on the next Pre-Baptism Class (March 12,
2016), please contact the parish office at 760 365-2287.
Adoration & Benediction
Please join us for Adoration and Exposition in the
chapel in Yucca Valley on Friday, March 4th from
8:30am ~ 11:30 am. with Benediction at 11:30 a.m.
Please sign-up to spend an hour, or even a half hour, with our
Lord. The sign-up sheet is in the hall outside the chapel.
All women are invited to the Magnificat Prayer Meal on Saturday,
March 5 from 9:30am ~ 12:30pm at the Indian Wells Country Club.
Stations of the Cross / Adoration
The Guest speaker will be Betty Gorey, born in 1913...102 years and
Everyone is invited to join each Friday in Lent at
counting. Cost is $28.00 if postmarked by Feb. 27th. Call Janice at 7605:30pm for the Stations of the Cross. This year Stations
902-7395 for reservations or more information.
of the Cross will be bi-lingual and prayed in conjunction
with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament each week.
Scripture Sharing
Everyone is invited to join us for the last of our six week Scripture Come and spend some special time with our Lord this
sharing gathering facilitated by Sr. MaryJane, SMSM and Fran Styles. Lent! Adoration and Stations will be followed by a simple
Time: 10:00 am ~ 11:30pm. For more information contact Fran Styles at soup supper in the Parish Hall each week. This week will
be hosted by Youth Ministry and Religious Education.