SJV Bulletin March 20, 2016
SJV Bulletin March 20, 2016
St. John Vianney Catholic Church 1920 Skyview Drive • Lithia Springs, GA 30122 Phone/Teléfono (770) 941-2807 Fax (770) 941-5821 Sacramental Emergency: 404-895-8479 PARISH OFFICE HOURS / OFICINA Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. 4:30p.m.. Wednesday 9:00 a.m.—7:30 p.m. Palm Sunday Domingo de Ramos MARCH 20, 2016 PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD DOMINGO DE RAMOS “DE LA PASION DEL SEÑOR” Una Nota del Párroco Triduum, The Passover of Our Lord. The Paschal Triduum, or three days, commemorates Jesus’ passage from death to life. Unique in the public worship of the Church, these solemn days stand apart from Lent and from the Easter season. Following the tradition of the ancient world, each day begins at sundown and ends at sundown the following day. Since the second century, Christians celebrated the great Easter Vigil, an event which began the night of the Holy Saturday continuing until dawn on Eater morning. During this Vigil, Christians commemorated salvation history, awaited the return of Jesus, and celebrated the resurrection of the Jesus at dawn on Easter Sunday. I hope you have the opportunity to be part of not just this ancient tradition, but to witness the love God had for humanity letting his Son, Jesus Christ, die on the Cross, so you and I might have life. El Triduo Pascual conmemora el paso de Jesús de la muerte a la vida. Un hecho único en el culto de la Iglesia. Siguiendo la tradición, cada día del Triduo comienza con el atardecer y termina con el atardecer del día siguiente. Desde el siglo II, los cristianos celebraban ya la Vigilia Pascual, un evento que comenzaba la noche del Sábado continuando hasta el amanecer. Durante la Vigilia, los cristianos recordaban la historia de salvación, esperaban la venida de Jesús y celebraban la resurrección de Jesús el Domingo de Pascual al amanecer. Espero que tomes la oportunidad de ser parte no sólo de esta tradición antigua, sino que puedas ser testigo del amor que Dios tuvo para con la humanidad dejando a su Hijo Jesucristo morir en la cruz, para que tú y yo tuviéramos vida. In Christ, Fr. Ignacio CONFESIÓN / CONFESSION Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. Wednesday: 6:00 - 7:15 p.m. Any other time by appointment. UNCIÓN DE ENFERMOS / ANOINTING OF THE SICK Anointing may be conferred on anyone who suffers from a chronic illness, entering the hospital, facing surgery or the infirmities of age. Arrangements must be made by calling the parish office. Este sacramento puede recibirlo cualquier persona que sufra una enfermedad crónica, o que necesita ser hospitalizada para someterse a cirugía o por causa de edad. Para recibir el sacramento lo único es llamar a la oficina. BAUTISMO / BAPTISM Preparations for the Reception of this Sacrament have special criteria and instructions. Call Mrs. Mónica Aguirre for further details. Para recibir este Sacramento se requiere ciertos requisitos especiales. Llame a Sra. Mónica Aguirre para más detalles. MATRIMONIO / MATRIMONY Preparations for the Reception of this Sacrament has special criteria and instructions. Contact a Priest or Deacon for further details. Para recibir este Sacramento se requiere ciertos requisitos especiales. Contacte al Sacerdote o a unos de los Diáconos para más detalles. Horarios para Atención en Español Lunes: 12:00 pm. a 4:00 pm Martes: 12:00 pm a 4:00pm Miércoles: 3:30pm a 7:30pm Jueves: 12:00pm a 4:00pm Viernes: 12:00pm a 4:00pm Connect With Your Parish • • • • • Sign up for our electronic newsle er Join our Facebook Family Check out our Parish Photo Album View the Parish Calendar View current and past bulle ns Return your Rice Bowl during Holy week Regrese su Plato de Arroz Durante Semana Santa For Lenten Reflec ons & Ac vi es DOWNLOAD Semana Santa Mass of the Lord’s Supper/ Misa de la UlƟma Cena: (Thursday/ Jueves, March 24th) 7:00PM (Bilingual Mass) Misa Bilingüe The Lord’s Passion / La Pasión del Señor (Friday/ Viernes, March 25th) 3:00PM— Sta ons of the Cross in English/ Viacrucis en Ingles 5:00PM—Sta ons of the Cross in Spanish/Viacrucis en Español 7:00PM—Bilingual Service / Servicio Bilingüe Easter Vigil/ Vigilia Pascual (Saturday, March 26th) 9:00PM (Bilingual Mass)Misa Bilingüe Easter/ Pascua (Sunday, March 27th) - Regular Mass Schedule- /Horario Regular de Misas Second CollecƟon Announcement: Easter Sunday, March 27th As Pope John Paul II said, The responsibility for the seminary belongs to the enƟre ChrisƟan community”. We are blessed in this Archdiocese with over 50 men who are responding to a call for priestly service to the people of God in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Though this generous giŌ of God is a blessing for this Archdiocese, it does pose a challenge to us. These men need both our financial support and our prayers. Please provide a sound future for the seminarians here in the Archdiocese of Atlanta by giving generously to the Archdiocesan Seminarians’ CollecƟon next weekend. Como dijo el Papa Juan Pablo II: “La responsabilidad por el seminario pertenece a toda la comunidad crisƟana”. Hemos sido bendecidos en nuestra Arquidiócesis con más de 50 hombres que están respondiendo al llamado de servir en sacerdocio al pueblo de Dios dentro de la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta. Aunque este don generoso de Dios es una bendición para esta Arquidiócesis, nos pone frente a un desaİo. Estos hombres necesitan tanto nuestro apoyo financiero, como todas nuestras oraciones. Le rogamos que, por medio de una ofrenda abundante en la Colecta por los Seminaristas de la próxima semana, provea de un buen futuro a los seminaristas aquí en la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta. MON. 3/21 7:30 PM 7:30 PM Hispanic Intercession Prayer Group Ultreya TUES. 3/22 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Bible Study Bible Study Spanish Traditional Choir Religious Ed Classes Wed. 3/23 11:00 AM 7:00 PM Mary’s Circle CCW Religious Ed Classes — 7:00 PM Parish Office Closed Mass of the Lord’s Supper FRI. 3/25 — 7:00 PM Parish Office Closed Good Friday Service SAT. 3/26 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Hispanic Choir St Vincent DePaul Meeting Easter Vigil Mass THURS 3/24 SUN. 3/27 Easter Sunday Masses Regular Mass Schedule STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Administración de Tesoro As disciples we are called to be faithful stewards of me, talent and treasure. March 13th $ Unavilable due to holiday print schedule Thank you for your con nued generosity! Please remember SJV in your will and estate planning! ¡Gracias por su conƟnua generosidad! Por favor recuerden a SJV en su planificación de úlƟma disposición y testamento. PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday—Friday 9AM—4:30PM Parish Office will be closed from Thursday, March 24th—March 28th for the Easter Holiday. The office will reopen on Tuesday, March 29th. Pro-Life Notes Mass Intentions for the Week of March 21st, 2016—March 27, 2016 Monday, March 21 7:00PM +Fr. Godfrey: Philip Ryan Tuesday, March22 8:00 AM +Theresa Bell: Rose Eddington Wednesday, March 23 8:00AM +Anthony Becnel: Barbara Necaise 7:30 PM +Fidencio Xóchitla Vasquez: María Xóchitla Thursday, March 24 7:00 PM For public servants: May God grant them the humility, wisdom, and courage to defend all human life; We pray to the Lord: Let us treat others with the same passion and compassion with which we want to be treated. … if we want life, let us give life... The Golden Rule also reminds us of our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every stage of its development. — Pope Francis, Visit to the Joint Session of the United States Congress (9/24/16) © 2015 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. Friday, March 25 8:00 AM Saturday, March 26 9:00 PM All Parishioners, Living and deceased Sunday March 27 7:00 AM +Fidencio Xóchitla Vasquez: María Xóchitla 9:00 AM +Bill and Gloria Cortez: Family 10:30 AM Health of Ranko Dordic: Situm Fam. 12:00 PM Health of Harry Whitemire: 1:30 PM +Maria Gregoria Flores: Dixia Moreno In your prayers/ En Nuestras Oraciones: Elizabeth Hernandez Oliva. Pilar and Carlos Otero, Judy Sheridan, Phillip Bazzinett, Grace Bringman, Winefred MotonConnor, Patricia Lee, Terry Brown, Carolyn West, Oneida Chapple, Angelica Hernandez-Ortiz, Rina Reyes, Beverlee Leo, Cooper Hayes, Carlos Handal, Jose Epifanio Botello, Olga Caubo, Carlos Silva, Rita Parr, Marie White, Dianne Blanchard, Pat Stewart, David Merryman, Richard Ernst, Stella Carlson, Earl Thibodeau, Louis Panezich, Ron Gaillard, Merry Trahan, Flavia Recendiz, Sharon Byce, Anne Brown, Shirley Fields , Consuelo Zaragoza, Santos Aguirre, Shirley Grimmer, Herb Spencer. Por los funcionarios públicos: para que Dios les conceda la humildad, la sabiduría, y el valor para defender cada vida humana; Roguemos al Señor “Tratemos a los demás con la misma pasión y compasión con la que queremos ser tratados.... queremos vida, demos vida.... La regla de oro nos recuerda la responsabilidad que tenemos de custodiar y defender la vida humana en todas las etapas de su desarrollo. Sunday TV Mass for the Homebound Begins on Easter Sunday TV Mass for the homebound will be on WPXA channel 14 at 6:30 a.m. every Sunday, beginning on Easter (March 27). Please share the time and channel information with friends or family members who are unable to get to church because of age, illness, or other struggles: SUNDAY TV MASS WPXA (ION) channel 14 6:30 a.m. Cable and Satellite Channels AT&T U-verse ch. 14, 1014 Bellsouth ch. 12 Comcast ch. 12, 812 Park Lane (Marietta) ch. 24 DirecTV ch. 14 Prayer intentions from viewers, uplifting homilies, a Prayer for Spiritual Communion during distribution of the Holy Eucharist, and closed-captioning make Heart of the Nation's My Sunday Mass on TV and online a time of spiritual comfort and hope. To watch the Mass online, visit This Week’s Schedule: Sunday/Domingo 3/20 Sunday/Domingo 3/20 is the LAST CLASS For These Grades: Pre-K –1st grade -> Meet during 9am, 10:30am & 1:30pm Masses Middle School EDGE meets at 7:00PM—8:30PM High School Lifeteen meets at 7:00PM—8:30PM Tuesday/Martes 3/22 Grades 2-5 Meet from 7:00pm—8:15pm LAST CLASS Wednesday/ Miercoles 3/23 Grades 2-5 Meet from 7:00pm—8:15pm LAST CLASS Calling All SENIORS! It is almost graduaƟon!! … (Believe it or not) We will hold our Baccalaureate Mass on Sunday, May 15th at 9:00 AM. What: A night of fun for the whole family. Our Life Teen students will perform in groups songs, poems and skits about what they have learned this year. When: March 20th at 7 pm in the church Who: Everyone is invited to aƩend Plan on being there... There will be a recepƟon to follow. This Mass is tradi onally the first me that you will be seen in cap and gown. Please email Karl at to make sure you are included in the Mass. This week at EDGE we visited Lifeteen and saw them Perform what they have learned this year in Catholic Idol: Today is the last day of Class for this year. Esta semana en EDGE visitamos la clase de Lifeteen y presenciamos su actuación de lo que aprendieron este año. Esta es la ultima Clase de este año. First Communion Retreat: Saturday, April 16th 10AM—Noon Rehearsal for English Mass 4/23 Tuesday, April 19th at 7PM Rehearsal for Spanish Mass 4/23 Wednesday, April 20th at 7PM The Of ice of Communications at the Archdiocese of Atlanta is seeking 2016 Summer Interns (10-15 hours per week). Rising high school juniors and seniors and college students are eligible to apply. This internship will begin Monday, May 23, 2016 and conclude on Friday, July 29, 2016. Our interns will gain knowledge in areas such as proofreading, video editing, and digital and social media. Eligible interns MUST be available FridaySaturday, June 3-4, 2016 for the Eucharistic Congress and provide their own transportation. Interested candidates should email their resume to Reaching Out Through St. John Vianney Ministries Today is Palm Sunday and the beginning of the holiest of Christian weeks. Let us pray for the grace to take up our own cross and to follow Jesus through death to new life. Back Pack Program OUR SPECIAL BACK PACK KIDS THANK YOU, For your support to the children we provide to from Anne e Winn Elementary school each week. Three more children have been added to this program, making the bringing the total Children that SJV Parishioners are helping, is 10 children in this community. At this me we are in need of Milk. That is Milk in individually non- perishable boxes. (vanilla and chocolate), Addi onal Needs: • Peanut bu er • Small boxes of raisins • Individual mac and cheese bowls, • Soup (especially beef, chicken and vegies) • Canned chicken, tuna, beefaroni, lasagna, spaghe , beanie weanies, and chili. Thank you for helping these terrific kids! Council of Catholic Women (CCW) Our next meeting is Monday, March 28th at 7:30 p.m., after 7:00 pm Mass, in the St. John room. Light refreshments will be served. All women of the Parish are welcome. We hope to see you there. CCW needs you! We have open posi ons for President and other roles for the upcoming year 2016-2017. These posi ons are open to all women of our parish. Please prayerfully consider being a leader for the CCW in one of the open roles. If you are interested, please contact Sheila Riley at As you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Envelope, know that you are a sign of God’s love to those who carry their cross of suffering and pain. The Reality! We receive many phone calls each week—so many that our 100 message mailbox fills up quickly. Our Needs: VOLUNTEERS! Please pray about helping our brothers and sisters in our local community by doing any of these jobs that our volunteers handle: 1. Retrieving the Messages that are le on our voice mailbox. 2. Go to on-site visits—YOU DON’T GO ALONE— We Provide training—but we can’t properly evaluate if we don’t have people willing to work with the poor in this community. Those are TIME and TALENT Needs. If those are not possible… PLEASE consider the St. Vincent de Paul envelope that is in your monthly envelope packet. In addi on to a monetary dona on, we maintain a pantry here at SJV—consider suppor ng that through dona ons. Current Pantry Needs: Spaghe Sauce, Peanut Bu er & Jelly, And Canned Soup For Volunteering—Please contact Barbara Hallstrom at MARY'S CIRCLE: (The Morning Group of the CCW) Will meet on Wednesday, March 23, 2016, at 11:00 A.M. in the Day Chapel to pray the Rosary. Bring your lunch and join us afterward for our meeting and fellowship. All women of the parish are invited to join us. Todays Readings Lecturas de hoy The Procession Gospel: Luke 19:28-40 Isaiah/Isaias 50:4-7 Psalms/Salmos 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24 Philippians/ Filipenses 2:6-11 Luke / Lucas 22:14--23:56 or 23:1-49 The readings for today’s Mass help prepare us for the liturgical celebrations of the upcoming week. In Isaiah we hear the Suffering Servant speak of his mission from the “Lord God” (v.4). The servant has received “a well-trained tongue” in order to speak a word to the weary “that will waken them” (v.4). The open ear is a sign of the servant’s willing acceptance of his vocation. But the response to the preaching of the servant is persecution. His back is beaten, his beard is torn out and he suffered from “insults and spitting” (v.6). But, “The Lord God is my help…I shall not be put to shame” (v.7). Reflecting on this text, it is easy to understand how the early church saw this text as a prophecy of Jesus in his suffering. Paul writes to the Philippians about Jesus’ self-emptying, “taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness” (v.7). Here he is talking about the Second Person of the Trinity who “humbled himself, becoming obedient to death…on a cross” (v.8). Unlike Adam and Eve who sought to reach beyond their limits, he “did not regard equality with God something to be grasped” (v.6). “Because of this, God greatly exalted him (v.9). We know that beyond the cross, there is an empty grave. Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem begins the final act of his mission. Much of Luke’s gospel has taken place during “his journey up to Jerusalem” (v.28). Riding into Jerusalem on a colt, an animal of peace, not of war, Jesus is greeted by the people who proclaim him “the king who comes in the name of the Lord” (v.38). But at the same time “some of the Pharisees in the crowd” (v.39) object and call him to silence his disciples. So the stage is set as those who acclaim Jesus and those who reject him gather in Jerusalem for the coming feast that will bring about the salvation of the world. For Reflection: How does Jesus’ example of humility serve as an example for me? How can I better participate in the events of this upcoming Holy Week? Reflexión de Corresponsabilidad En la historia del Evangelio del primer Domingo de Ramos, oímos que al dueño del burro solo había que decirle, “El Señor lo necesita,” para dar al animal gustosamente. ¿Estoy tan dispuesto a dar para la obra del Señor? Weekly Stewardship Scripture Reflections In the Gospel story of the first Palm Sunday, we hear that the owners of the ass had only to be told, “The Master has need of it,” to give the animal gladly. Do I give as readily to the Lord’s work? All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living (2 Timothy 3:16) Toda Escritura está inspirada por Dios y es útil para enseñar y reprender, para corregir y educar en una vida de rectitud (2 Timoteo 3,16) READINGS FOR THE WEEK Lecturas de esta semana March 21st, 2016—March 27th, 2016 Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:1335 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 Informa on Page 398455—St John Windows XP Publisher 2003 Upload Tuesday: Thank You!