pastor`s corner el rincon del padre
pastor`s corner el rincon del padre
PASTOR’S CORNER EL RINCON DEL PADRE The gospel reading of the Third Sunday of Lent, year C, is taken from the Gospel of St. Luke, Luke 13:1-9. The parable in today’s Gospel clearly warns that we, like the fig tree, will be judged by our fruit. While God mercifully provides us with time and opportunity, let us give witness to our faith with deeds of kindness and generosity! Also, this Third Sunday of Lent, if there were candidates for the Rite of Christian Initiations, there is an option to use the Gospel of John, John 4: 5-42 – the Samaritan woman at the well. In this Gospel of John, Jesus asked the Samaritan woman for a drink of water. Jesus opened her heart to a new life, a new relationship with God. John’s gospel says her testimony drew many others to Jesus. There are a few things we can learn from Luke 13: 1-9 and John 4:5-21. a) No one is too sinful to be saved by the Lord. b) No one is so lost that the Lord cannot find him / her. c) No one can be saved without facing his or her sinful past. This is why we Catholics go to confession. d) No one who faces his /her sinful past will be turned away by the Lord Jesus. e) No one who meets Jesus will ever be the same again. We receive Jesus at Holy Eucharist every Mass. Praise be to Jesus Christ! What amazing grace! What amazing mercy! Fr. Hai La lectura del Evangelio del tercer domingo de Cuaresma, Año C, se toma del Evangelio de San Lucas, Capitulo 13: 1-9. La parábola del Evangelio de hoy advierte claramente que nosotros, como la higuera, seremos juzgados por nuestro fruto. Mientras que Dios nos ofrece misericordiosamente el tiempo y la oportunidad, para que demos testimonio de nuestra fe con obras de bondad y de generosidad! Además, este tercer domingo de Cuaresma, si hubiera candidatos para el Rito de iniciacion cristiana, seria una oportunidad para usar el Evangelio de San Juan 4: 5-42 - la samaritana en el pozo. En este Evangelio de San Juan, Jesús le pidio a la mujer samaritana un poco de agua. Jesús abrio el corazón de esta mujer a una nueva vida, a una nueva relación con Dios. El Evangelio de San Juan dice que su testimonio atrajo a muchos otros a Jesús. Hay algunas cosas que podemos aprender de Lucas 13: 1-9 y de Juan 4: 5-21. a) Nadie es demasiado pecador que no pueda ser salvado por el Señor. b) Nadie está tan perdido que el Señor no le pueda encontrar. c) Nadie puede ser salvo sin enfrentarse a su pasado pecaminoso. Es por esto que nosotros los católicos vamos a confesarnos. d) Ninguno que se enfrenta a su pasado pecaminoso será rechazado por El e) Nadie que se encuentra con Jesús volvera a ser el mismo de nuevo. Recibimos a Jesús en la Sagrada Eucaristía en cada misa. Alabado sea Jesucristo! Sublime es su Gracia! y Sorprendente su Misericordia! Pd. Hai ST. THOMAS MORE CHURCH HOUSTON, TEXAS FEBRUARY 28, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES DE MISA LENTEN BIBLE STUDY…... "with age-old love I have loved you; so I have kept my mercy toward you." - Jeremiah 31:3 A Bible Study Guide for Catholics, This Bible study will help us rediscover the incredible history of God's mercy in own lives, which in turn will leads us to an understanding of the importance of extending God's love and mercy to the world around us. Bible study: Monday evenings at 7pm: February 29, March 7, 14, 21 Wednesday mornings 10am: March 2, 9, 16, 30 Thursday evenings at 7pm: March 3, 10, 17, 31 Free of Cost, Donations are appreciated Lead by: Deacon David Johnson For more information, 713-729-0221 or via email: WALK WITH US STATIONS OF THE CROSS Fridays during Lent in the Church, 6pm Coordinated by the Lectors English Monday /Lunes 02-29-2016 6:30am All Souls in Purgatory 5:30pm † Anna Camille Fazzino Tuesday/ Martes 03-01-2016 6:30am † __ 5:30pm † Charles Vachris Wednesday/ Miercoles 03-02-2016 6:30am Vocations 5:30pm † Clyde Perrere Thursday/ Jueves 03-03-2016 6:30am † Herman & Celeste Uthoff 5:30pm † Guadalupe Hernandez Friday/ Viernes 04-04-2016 6:30am __ 8:15am † Simona Rosaldo 5:30pm † Tony Vachris Saturday/ Sabado 03-05-2016 8:00am STM Parishioners 5:00pm Leroy & Mildred Lili Wedding Anniversary Sunday/ Domingo 03-06-2016 7:30am __ 9:00am † Theresa Dianne Louis 11:00am Michael Obanese Ogugua-Intentions 1:00pm † Efrain Salazar Guajardo 5:00pm __ 7:00pm † Miguel Flores FOR MASS INTENTONS PLEASE COME BY THE PARISH OFFICE. PARA INTENCIONES DE LA MISA FAVOR DE PASAR POR LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL. Josephine LeDay Therese Flaherty Jan Tennert James Murphy Deanna Murphy Irvin Schueler Edgar Sharp Dorothy Marak Alfonso Gutierrez Evangelina Corrales Martha Reyes James Swanson Marie Jo Swanson Latondra Banks Helen Manlove Gregoria Barrera Angela Gannucci Jennifer Gatchel Rosemary Gatchel Maria Ruiz Jose Asuncion Romero Alicia Vagas VIRTUS TRAINING — English “KEEPING THE PROMISE ALIVE” at St. Thomas More on Saturday March 12, 2016 ATTENTION VOLUNTEERS!, ALL WHO TOOK VIRTUS 5 YEARS AGO AND MORE NEED TO TAKE THIS SESSION, WE NEED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE ARCHDIOCESE. Register Online: NO WALK INS WILL BE ACCEPTED SFC Paul Bergman Megan Godsey Sgt. Billy Janca Mike McIntosh Charles U. Oparnozie Col. David Eselund Traci Godsey TSgt Bradley Louis Ebenezer E. Ohaegbulem LCDR Russell Thiem PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THE SAFE RETURN OF AUSTIN TICE TO HIS FAMILY. Favor de continuar orando por Auntin Tice para su pronto regreso a casa con su familia. THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT TERCER TIEMPO DE CUARESMA Third Sunday of Lent Jesus preaches a lesson on repentance. Luke 13:1-9 ST. Thomas More Sunday, March 6 8:30 am - 2:30 pm Servant Hall Contact Dave Westerhaus (713) 203-6821 ( sponsor code: 0175 DONE SANGRE! SALVAR UNA VIDA! Aquí en Santo Tomas Domingo 6 de Marzo 8:30 am—2:30 pm Servant Hall Para informacion, Dave Westehaus (713) 203-6821 Sunday Third Sunday of Lent Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8, 11; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lk 4:24-30 Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc, 8-9; Mt 18:21-35 Wednesday Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9; Lk 11:14-23 Friday Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-8a, 8bc-9, 10-11ab, 14, and 17; Mk 12:28-34 Saturday Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-19,20-21ab; Lk 18:9-14 Sunday Fourth Sunday of Lent Jos 5:9a, 10-12; Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Monday Tuesday Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma Jesus predica la leccion del arrepen,miento. Lucas 13:1-9 Domingo: Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Salmo 103:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8, 11; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lc 13:1-9 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA ENTRENAMIENTO DE VIRTUS — Español “Manteniendo la Promesa Viva” aquí en Santo Tomas Moro el Sabado April 23, 2016 ATENCION VOLUNTARIOS!, Todos los que tomaron el Virtus hace 5 años y más necesitan tomar esta session, TENEMOS QUE ESTAR EN CONFORMIDAD CON LA ARQUIDIÓCESIS. Regístrese en línea: SOLAMENTE SE ACEPTARAN PERSONAS REGISTRADAS CON ANTICIPACION, GRACIAS Lunes: Martes: 2 Reyes 5:1-15ab; Salmo 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lc 4:24-30 Dn 3:25, 34-43; Salmo 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc, 8-9; Mt 18:21-35 Miercoles: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Salmo 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19 Jueves: Jer 7:23-28; Salmo 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9; Lc 11:14-23 Viernes: Hos 14:2-10; Salmo 81:6c-8a, 8bc-9, 10-11ab, 14, and 17; Mc 12:28-34 Sabado: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-19,20-21ab; Lc 18:9-14 Domingo: Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma Jos 5:9a, 10-12; Salmo 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Lc 15:1-3, 11-32 MANTENIENDO LA PROMISA DE PROTEGER CAMINEN CON NOSOTROS ESTACIONES DE LA CRUZ Viernes durante Cuaresma en la Iglesia, 7:30pm Coordinado por los Proclamadores (Español) ST. THOMAS MORE CHURCH HOUSTON, TEXAS FEBRUARY 28, 2016 Religious Education / Youth Community Corner CCE FIRST EUCHARIST Welcome to the Parish If you and your family are new to our neighborhood and wish to become members of the St. Thomas More Family, we invite you to come by the parish office to register or by visiting our web page at Nursery The nursery is available during the 9am Mass for newborns to 4 years. There is no charge nor reservations needed. Baptism Information Next Baptism Preparation Class (English): March 19, 2016 Adult Educa0on Building, St Peter Room; 8:45am-12:00pm IMPORTANT DATES English First Communions will be celebrated at the 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass on Saturday, April 30. There will be 2 First Communion Masses in Spanish on Saturday, April 30, 2015: 10:30 a.m. for children whose last names begin with the letters A-M; 12:30 p.m. for children whose last names begin with the letters N-Z. If you have any questions, please contact the Religious Education Office at 713-729-3435. PRIMERAS COMUNIONES – FECHAS IMPORTANTES Marriage Preparations Engaged couples please contact the parish office for more information at least 6 months to a year ahead of the wedding. INTERESTED IN JOINING THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? This process is known as the Rite of Chris,an Ini,a,on of Adults (RCIA). It begins with informal ques,on and answer sessions. Inquiry sessions are held on Sunday mornings, 9:30am-11am and Wednesday evenings, 7:30-9:00 p.m. For more informa,on contact Deacon John Krugh on Sunday or call the church office, 713-729-0221. Anointing of the sick This Sacrament is offered bilingual on Saturdays after the 8:00am El Rincon de la Comunidad Bienvenidos a Nuestra Parroquia Si usted y su familia son nuevos en el vecindario y desean ser miembros de nuestra Familia de Santo Tomas Moro los invitamos a registrarse en la oficina de la parroquia o visitando nuestra página web Guarderia No hay Guardería disponible para las misas de 1pm o 7pm Las Primeras Comuniones en Español será el Sábado 30 de Abril: Habrá dos Misas en español, una a las 10:30 a.m. para los niños cuyos apellidos empiecen con las letras A a la M; 12:30 p.m. para los niños cuyos apellidos comiencen con las letras N a la Z. Las primeras Comuniones en Ingles serán en la Misa de las 5:00 pm el mismo día. Para cualquier pregunta por favor comuníquese a la Oficina de religión al 713729-3435 Tuition: CCE Parents, if you have not paid the tuition for 2015-2016, please drop by the CCE office to make a payment. If you have paid the tuition, we thank you for your continuous support. Cuota: Padres con hijos en el Catecismo, si no a pagado la cuota de 2015-2016, les pedimos que pasen a la oficina para hacer su pago. Si usted ya pago la cuota, les agradecemos por todo su apoyo. “SPEAK LORD, FOR YOUR SERVANT IS LISTENING” ATTENTION ALL YOUTH! YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR VOCATION TALK BY DAVID MICHAEL MOSES, SEMINARIAN OF OUR ARCHDIOCESES, SUNDAY MARCH 6, AT 3PM, YOUTH CENTER. PLEASE CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION: Información de bautismos Próxima Clase para preparación Bautismal será el 19 de Marzo del 2016 en El Salón Prinster de 9:45am-1:00pm. Para mas información, favor de llamar a la oficina de Educación Religiosa. Convalidaciones—desea usted casarse por la iglesia El curso dará comienzo en Marzo 15, 2016 a Abril 19, 2016 por 6 semanas los martes en el Prinster Hall de 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Favor de llamar a la oficina de CCE para información. La misa en grupo será en Junio 4, 2016 o Diciembre 3, 2016. Para mas información llamar al 713-729-3435 Unción de los enfermos El sacramento de Unción de los Enfermos se ofrece todos los sábados después de la misa de 8 am. THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT TERCER TIEMPO DE CUARESMA CONFIRMATION RETREAT: RETREAT THANK YOU ALL CATECHIST, VOLUNTEERS AND PARENTS FOR YOUR SUPPORT FOR MAKING THIS RETREAT A SPECIAL DAY FOR OUR CANDIDATES . This week around STM…. Sunday, February 28, 2016 1:00pm Tropp 99, Servant Hall 2:00pm Spanish Baptisms STVP, Prinster Hall 3:00pm Medical Mission, Donovan's Den 6:30pm Young Disciples —Youth Center & Gym Monday, February 29 9:30am Bible Study-Rectory 3:00pm Scouting-Scout House 6:15pm Altar Servers, Church 7:00pm Bible Study (Mercy), Servant Hall 7:30pm Apostleship of the Cross-AE-St. Paul Rm (Sp) Tuesday, March 1 9:45am Bridge- DDen 3:00pm Scouting– Scout House PAM-Rectory 5:30pm STVP—AE—St. Paul 6:15pm Confessions / Confesiones 7:00pm Talleres de Oración y Vida –Youth Prayer Room ESL—School KofC mtg– Prinster Hall Wednesday, March 2 10:00am Bible Study (Mercy), Servant Hall 3:00pm Scouting-Scout House 6:15pm Confessions / Confesiones 7:00pm Our Mother of Perpetual Help Prayer Grp– Chapel R.C.I.A.(Spanish)-Youth Prayer Room Confirmation I & II, Youth Room & School 7:30pm KofC—Prinster Hall 7:30pm Legion of Mary– AE-St. Paul Rm. Thursday, March 3 3:00pm Scouting– Scout House 6:00pm Bill Ledbetter(Band Pract.)-Donovan’s Den 6:30pm Gab. Proj.—Rectory 7:00pm Combined Choir Practice—Church ESL—School Bible Study (Mercy), Servant Hall) KofC, Prinster Hall 7:30pm Apostleship of the Cross-AE St. Paul Rm (Eng) Word of Truth Bible Study-AE St.Peter Rm 11:00pm Precious Blood Group—Donovan’s Den STM Financial Stewardship for February, 2016 Weekend Offering for 02/14/16 .............. $25,961.42 Online Giving ………………………………………... $5,258.00 Total Offertory ........................................ $31,219.42 Weekend Budgeted Goal ........................ $35,200.00 Difference................................................. -$3,980.58 Thank you for your continued generosity! ííGracias por su continua generosidad!! MEET THE DEVOTED PARISH SCHOOL STAFF Molly Bo Macfarlane is the art teacher for K-8th at St. Thomas More Parish School. She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of West Florida. Ms. Macfarlane has been a teacher for 5 years. She is the third of four siblings. She recently became an aunt to twin nieces who have captured her heart. Ms. Macfarlane states, “I love and live an art life. I look for the beauty in everything. I find patterns everywhere. I also have a deep fascination for science and microscopy.” She continues, “I love teaching at STM because …the faculty, staff, and student body make me feel like part of a family.” CONOSCA EL DEVOTO PERSONAL DE LA ESCUELA PARROQUIAL Molly Bo Macfarlane es la maestra de arte de los grados kínder a octavo en la Escuela de Santo Tomas Moro. Ella tiene una Licenciatura de Artes de la Universidad de West Florida. La señorita Macfarlane ha sido maestra por 5 años. Ella es la tercera de 4 hermanos. Recientemente, ella se convirtió en tía de 2 sobrinas gemelas que han capturado su corazón. La señora Macfarlane dice, “Yo amo y vivo una vida llena de arte. Me encanta la belleza que se encuentra en todo. Encuentro patrones en todo. También tengo una fascinación por las ciencias y la microscopía.” También dice, “Me encanta enseñar en STM porque el personal docente, el personal administrativo y los estudiantes me hacen sentir como parte de una familia. KIDZ CORNER / RINCON DE LOS NIÑOS Friday, March 4 3:00pm Scouting-Scout House 5:00pm Fish Fry (KofC), Printer Hall 6:00pm Stations of Cross 6:30pm Overeaters Anonymous-AE St. Peter Rm 7:00pm Spanish Choir (7 pm)-AE St. Mary Rm 7:30pm Estaciones de la Cruz Saturday, March 5 8:00am Scouting, Rehkopf GYM 8:00am Parish School Auction/Dinner—School & Servant Hall 9:00am Adult Confirmation Retreat (Spanish), Prinster Hall 12:00pm XV(Quince Años Mass)—Church 1:00pm Boy Scouts, Donovan’s Den Sunday, March 6 6:00am Blood Drive—Servant Hall 7:00am Sweet Sunday, Servant Hall 2:00pm English Baptism, Church 2:30pm Youth Group/Confirmation, Youth Center & Gym ST. THOMAS MORE CHURCH HOUSTON, TEXAS FEBRUARY 28, 2016 STreaMliners’- March 2016 Mar. 12, Sat., STreaMliners’ Meeting – 10:00a.m. in Prinster Hall Come Play Bridge Tuesday, March 1st Bring $1.00 and Lunch, desserts and drinks are provided all Bridge players are welcome, 9:45 am in Donovan's Den Adults over 50 only!!!! $15 dues are due for 2016 CATCH OUR KPC FISH FRY Every Friday during Lent starting at 5pm, Printer Hall Entertainment: O’Maoileiglish School of Irish Dancers **Don’t forget to bring can goods for the STM Pantry!! Your toiletries for the LBJ Charity Hospital Mar. 15, Tues., “San Antonio” Day Trip Lunch on your own Bus leaves at 7:00am from the rear parking area in the back near Prinster Hall. For reservations call Jane Falk @ 713-729-2592 Mar 17, Thurs., - “Coushatta Casino” in Kinder, LA –“Day Trip” $15 pp (includes $10 free play) Coffee, Donuts & Hot Kolaches at 6:30am Bus leaves from the rear parking area in the back near Prinster Hall. For reservations call – Frances Landry @ 713-723-2035 Prices: $8 for adults and $4 for children. For STM SENIOR CITIZENS 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month—Come and join us for some Bingo fun, Tuesday March 2nd and Thursday March 22nd in the Scout House at 9:30 am. ATTENTION: FOR POSTING ANNOUNCEMENTS PLEASE SEND COMPLETE INFORMATION TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE TO: DEADLINE FRIDAY 12:00 NOON AVISO: PARA PUBLICAR SU ANUNCIO FAVOR DE ENVIAR SU INFORMACION COMPLETA DOS SEMANAS ANTES AL: ANTES DEL VIERNES al MEDIODIA Please patronize our advertisers. It is through their support that our bulletin is provided THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT TERCER TIEMPO DE CUARESMA