May 20, 2012 - Seventh Sunday of Easter
May 20, 2012 - Seventh Sunday of Easter
ST. PETER’S CHURCH — A Roman Catholic Parish Community — Belleville 155 William Street Founded 1838 Pastor: Fr. Ivan Sciberras Parochial Vicar: Fr. Mayhel Velásquez In Residence: Fr. Mark O’Connell Deacons: Mr. Julio Roig Mr. Guillermo J. Valladares Elementary School Principal: Mrs. Phyllis A. Sisco Parish Catechetical Coordinator: Mrs. Lisa A. Melillo Director of Music: Parish Secretary: Business Manager: Parish Trustees: Mr. John Christian Colaneri Sr. Vilma Orejola, FLP Mrs. Linda Makofka Mrs. Nancy Adessa Mr. Thaddeus Rajnes Pastoral Council President: Mr. Gary Hinton The Lord’s Day: Saturday Eve: 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7, 8:30 10, 11:30 a.m., 1 p.m. Spanish Weekdays: Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 7:00 p.m. (Evening Masses in the Retreat House Chapel) Saturday: 8:00 a.m. Christian Marriage The couple should contact a parish priest or deacon one year before the desired date for the marriage to ensure proper preparation for the Sacrament. Couples are not to make FIRM plans for the reception PRIOR to speaking with a parish priest or deacon. Sacraments for the Sick/Homebound Anointing: Anytime upon request in the home of the sick. Communion: A Priest, Deacon or Eucharistic Minister of the parish will bring Holy Communion to those parishioners confined to home. Please notify the Rectory when someone is ill or admitted to the hospital. St. Peter’s Cemetery For information about acquiring a plot, or to make a donation to our Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund, please contact Mrs. Linda Makofka at the Rectory. Novena Miraculous Medal Novena Mondays 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Infant Baptism Spanish - Second Sunday of each month at 2:30 p.m. English - Fourth Sunday of each month at 2:30 p.m. Parents must register by calling the Rectory at least one month in advance. Baptism Instruction held the week before the Baptism. Proposed godparent/s need to be living in accordance to the teachings of the Catholic Church, and are asked to attend the Baptism Instruction along with the child’s parents. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. or anytime at the Rectory upon an appointment with a priest. Rectory School 973-751-2002 973-759-3143 Fax: 973-751-6201 (offices open at 9 a.m.) New Jersey 07109 Teaching the Good News St. Peter Elementary School - Pre K through 8 Religious Education Kindergarten through Eighth grades Contact Lisa Melillo or Anne McCann - 973-751-4290 Coordinadora de Clases de Religión en español (Primera Comunión y Confirmación) Rosie Velasquez 973-351-4908 Religious Education 973-751-4290 Cemetery 973-751-2002 Social Service Hotline (Catholic Community Services) 973-266-7991 1-800-227-7413 Seventh Sunday of Easter † May 20, 2012 Page Two Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, May 20, 2012 A Word from the Pastor … This summer will be ten years since His Grace John J. Myers was named as Archbishop of Newark. Soon after his arrival, Archbishop Myers called for a study of the situation of the parishes in the Archdiocese, in order to see how to make best use of the Archdiocese’s resources, both human and otherwise. Since then, 11 parishes have been ‘merged,’ 10 parishes have been ‘linked’ (they function autonomously but share the same pastor) and 185 parishes have been ‘partnered.’ Since 2005, St. Peter’s has been ‘partnered’ with St. Michael’s Church in Newark. A number of initiatives were undertaken in common over the years. I am great indebted to all who served on the parish Core Group since then. As a number of area pastors reflected along with Bishop Edgar Da Cunha recently over the future of New Energies, it was deemed more fitting for St. Peter’s to join a different partnership. Therefore, with immediate effect, St. Peter’s is now partnered with St. Anthony’s Church in Silver Lake and Most Holy Name Church in East Orange. The idea is for parishes to work more closely together, sharing their strengths, and helping fill a void whenever a particular area of ministry is completely missing in another partner parish. I am therefore happy with the new arrangement, since I believe that our three parishes compliment one another very well. On an unofficial level, St. Peter’s and St. Anthony’s have collaborated greatly in the past. Different organizations in the latter parish, for example, have lent a great support to St. Peter’s Food Pantry. A number of our parishioners, meanwhile, have been participating at filipino events at St. Anthony’s. Last week I met with Fr. Joe Ferraro, pastor at St. Anthony’s and a Belleville boy (he had also served at St. Peter’s during his diaconal year) and Fr. William Cook of Most Holy Name in East Orange (it’s the parish where Fr. James Heavey, who served at St. Peter’s for many years, ended up being pastor until his demise a few years ago). Also with us was Deacon Bill Valladares, whom I have asked to spearhead this new effort on behalf of St. Peter’s (and who, with his uncommon generosity, accepted the challenge). Among other things, we hope to reach the following objectives: - Communication – sharing of information as to what is happening in the different parishes - St. Peter’s Food Pantry – St. Anthony’s and Most Holy Name parishes will promote our Food Pantry among their parishioners - Filipino Apostolate – we will be taking a more active role in our partner parishes’ Santo Nino and Flores de Mayo festivities - Youth Group – since we do not have a Youth Group that meets in English (while we do have one that meets in Spanish every Thursday), the Youth Minister at St. Anthony’s has visited our CCD program and our older grades at St. Peter’s School to invite our youth to join St. Anthony’s youth group (a number of our young people, in fact, have signed up to join them at the N.J. Catholic Youth Rally at Great Adventure, taking place today). We will also more closely collaborate at events organized by the respective parishes. Two upcoming events that come to mind are the Religious Liberties Information Night at St. Anthony’s on May 24 th (see page five for more information about this important matter) and the visit to St. Peter’s by the Our Lady of Fatima Statue June 1920th. I am looking for parishioners, with different interests such as human concerns, liturgy or foreign-language apostolates, who could serve on the Cluster Implementation Team. Anyone interested in serving in such a capacity is asked to contact me at their earliest convenience. Sincerely yours in Christ, Fr. Ivan Sciberras Page Three FINANCE 05-13-12 05-13-12 Weekly Collection $ 5,611.67 Communicating God’s Word $ 1,654.00 Whenever possible, please use the corresponding envelopes for the different collections and please write the amount in the envelope to get proper credit. Dropping in one check or cash equivalent for several different collections complicates the work of our money-counters. Your understanding is greatly appreciated. PLEASE REMEMBER TO MAKE YOUR PLEDGE TO THE 2012 ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL. As of May 16th, one family out of every six on our parish has made a pledge to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Would you consider making a pledge, if you haven’t yet? Goal: Pledges Received: Over (Under) Goal: Number of Donors: $31,138.26 $30,825.00 ($313.26) 147 MARIAN PROCESSION TODAY Please join us at today’s Marian Procession, beginning right after the 1:00 PM Mass. We will pray the Rosary in different languages as we walk around the church block with police escort. MAY CROWNING Our “MAY CROWING” will be ON TUESDAY, MAY 22 at 7:00 p.m. in St. Peter’s Church. All First Communion children are expected to attend wearing their First Communion dresses/suits. All other CCD and St. Peter School students are also invited to attend with their families. There will be a short practice at 6:15 p.m. in the Church that same evening. The Rosary Society will also participate. Please join us for this beloved ceremony. COMMUNITY BUILDING CLUSTER This cluster seeks to create a parish environment where people experience a sense of belonging and are encouraged to participate in the mission of Jesus. For information on this cluster, call Etelvina Llumpo at 973-482-5306. PARISH PICNIC Your participation helps many, including those desperately in need. Please make a generous pledge today. Pledge envelopes can be found on the table in the back of church. Completed envelopes can be returned in the collection basket or dropped off at the Rectory. The CHURCH SANCTUARY LAMP will burn week beginning May 20th in loving memory of Ivy Cragin at the request of Jackie Helfrich & Billie Spano. The BLESSED MOTHER LAMP will burn week beginning May 20th in memory of Celestino Monderin at the request of Josephine Monderin. Saint Peter’s is having a “Country Picnic” on Sunday, June 10th from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. It will take place on the lawns in front of the Retreat Center, Rectory and School. Tickets are $7 for adults and $3 for children 4 through 13. Children 3 and under are free. We will serve hamburgers, hot dogs, sausage, corn-onthe-cob, watermelon and soda. You are invited to bring a dish for the sharing table. There will also be games and fun activities for the children. Please feel free to bring a lawn chair or blanket. Tickets will be on sale at the door of Church the weekends of May 20th, 27th & June 3rd. Tickets can also be purchased at the Rectory. Those coming to the picnic should purchase their tickets by Thursday, June 7th. Page Four Saturday, May 19 5:30 John H. Griswold, rq Mother, Mary Sunday, May 20 7:00 Frank Bono, rq Bono Family 8:30 Ann Missagia, rq Helen Paserchia 10:00 Antonio Morales, rq Naida De Angelis 11:30 Joseph Kondra & John DiPietro, rq Agatha DiPietro 1:00 Jesus Ferrer, rq wife, Maria Monday, May 21 9:00 Michael Garis (1st Anniversary), rq Bill & Beverly Jacquin 7:00 Blanca Caceres Machado, rq Martinez Family Tuesday, May 22 9:00 Edward & Virginia Hamill, rq Friend Wednesday, May 23 9:00 Margaret McConnon, rq Yvette & Kenny Bralczyk 7:00 Joann Soto, rq Rosemary Melendez-Badillo Thursday, May 24 9:00 Margaret McConnon, rq Jim Whelan Friday, May 25 9:00 Clementine Christiano rq Maria & Jack Tomaselli 7:00 Mary Whelan, rq Family Saturday, May 26 8:00 Nancy Gabriel, rq Cosmo Gabriel 5:30 Ruth & Tom Schneider, rq Gloria Bertuzzi Sunday, May 27 7:00 Celia Gonzalez, rq Family 8:30 Ann Missaggia, rq Frances Missagia 10:00 People of the Parish 11:30 Flo Resciniti, rq Barbara & Frank Marino 1:00 Juanita Macias de Acebo, rq Marina Acebo WORD CLUSTER This cluster helps our parish proclaim and teach the good news of Jesus Christ and forms Christian disciples. For information on this cluster, call Angie Stefanelli at 973-759-5252. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Acts 19:1-8; Jn 16:29-33 Acts 20:17-27; Jn 17:1-11a Acts 20:28-38; Jn 17:11b-19 Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Jn 17:20-26 Acts 25:13b-21; Jn 21:15-19 Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Jn 21:20-25 Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Ps 104; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39 Day: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25; Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 Pray for these in our community who are ill among us: Maria Jose Afonso, Dolores Bowie, Frank Bradley, Robert Brinkerhoff, Angelo Calia, Josephine Calia, Jamie Canal, Jim Cataldo, Marie Cerreto, Nancy Corris, Janet Cubellis, Evelyn DiChiara, Frank Fasouletos, Arthur Hahner, Delaine Kurbyla, Felipe LaRiba, Fran Lombard, Barbara Mende, Antonio Rosa, Cirilo Sison, Ana Salazar, Marie McConnon, Ana Challenger, Frank Mullery, Tony De Sent, Phil De Sent, Riley Hayes-Lopez, Margaret Steinhauser, Michael Adessa, Alicia Encalada de Vasquez and all people wishing to remain nameless. Let us also pray for those who have recently died, especially Albert Frederick, Ismenia ‘Del’ McQueen & Victor Viteri. CONFIRMATION FOR ADULTS AND ADOLESCENTS There is an RCIA Inquiry Session on Thursday, June 14th at 8:00 PM in the rectory. At this meeting you can find our all about our process for adults and adolescents to receive the sacraments of Confirmation, First Eucharist or Baptism. If you have any question, you can call Fr. Mark at the Rectory. We are just forming a new class now that will begin meeting on May 20th, but you have to attend an Inquiry Session before you can join the class. WORSHIP CLUSTER This cluster helps our parish praise and worship God through liturgical celebrations. For more information on this cluster, call Betty Valladares at 973-667-1323. Open Invitation to BIBLE STUDY CLASS Mondays, 7 PM to 9 PM Room 1, St. Peter’s Church Rectory Basement Lectionary-based; all readings from previous Sunday to Sunday following (in English) With Free Handouts every week Facilitator: Rod A. Soriano, SFO “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” – St Jerome A Prayer for Religious Liberty Blessed are you God and we praise you for the gift of freedom. This day, we pray especially for government leaders - the men and women elected or appointed as the stewards of our rights and the overseers of our needs. Grant them true discernment so that they may never stray from the duties with which we citizens have entrusted them - to uphold our religious freedom and care for our well-being. Give us the power to touch with your truth everything and everyone we meet. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Adapted from the USCCB Liturgy Guide Page Five Pope Benedict XVI Prayer in the Letters of St. Paul At Wednesday’s General Audience, Pope Benedict XVI announced that he will dedicate his next series of catechesis to prayer in the Letters of St. Paul, which always begin and end with an expression of prayer and which have given us a rich range of forms of prayer. The Pope explained that the Apostle to the Gentiles wants us to understand that prayer "should not be seen as a simple good deed made to God, an action of our own. It is above all a gift, fruit of the living [and] revitalizing presence of the Father and of Jesus Christ in us". When we pray we feel "our weakness ... our creatureliness, because we find ourselves before God's omnipotence and transcendence ... and we perceive our limitations ... and the necessity to trust ever more in Him". This then is when "the Holy Spirit helps us in our incapacity ... and guides us to turn toward God". Prayer, therefore, is mainly "the action of the Holy Spirit in our humanity that takes charge of our weakness and transforms us from persons who are bound to material reality into spiritual persons". Among the effects of the action of the Spirit of Christ as the internal principle of all our acts, the Holy Father observed first that "prayer inspired by the Spirit gives us the possibility to abandon and overcome all forms of fear or slavery, living the true freedom of the children of God". Another consequence is that "our relationship with God becomes so deep that it is no longer affected by deeds or situations. We understand that prayer doesn't free us from trials or tribulations but we can live them in union with Christ, with His suffering, in view of also participating in His glory". "Many times", the Pope said, "we ask God to deliver us from physical and spiritual evil ... however, we often have the impression that He doesn't hear us and we run the risk of becoming discouraged and of not persevering. In reality, there is no human cry that God does not hear. ... God the Father's answer to His son was not the immediate freedom from suffering, from the cross, or from death: through the cross and His death, God answered with the Resurrection". Finally, "a believer's prayer, if open to the human dimension and to creation as a whole ...does not remain locked in on itself. It opens itself to share in the suffering of our time. It is thus converted into ... the channel of hope for all of creation and an expression of God's love that is poured into our hearts by means of the Spirit". The apostle, the Holy Father concluded, teaches us that when we pray "we have to open ourselves to the presence and the action of the Holy Spirit ... in order to turn ourselves to God with our whole heart and our whole being. Christ's Spirit becomes the strength of our 'weak' prayer, the light of our 'dim' prayer, ... teaching us to live while facing the trials of existence, in the certainty that we are not alone, opening ourselves to the horizons of humanity and the creation that 'is groaning in labour pains'". ACTIVITIES IN THE AREA Are your religious liberties being compromised? Come join us and find out why the Roman Catholic Church cannot accept the Federal Government’s Mandate on contraception, sterilization and abortifacient pills. If you value your freedom and rights as a citizen or resident in the United States, you need to inform yourself on this important subject. Date: This Thursday, May 24, 2012 Time: 7:30 PM Guest Speaker: Fr. Timothy Graff, Director of Human Concerns Archdiocese of Newark Place: St. Anthony's Church, 67 Franklin St., Belleville, Lower Church (enter through parking lot on the side of the Church) Parking is available in the side parking lot as well as across the street. ST. ANTHONY’S FESTIVAL & PROCESSION will be celebrated on June 1-2-3, 2012 Franklin Street, Belleville, NJ Parking in School Lot Friday– June 1st— 6 pm—11 pm Saturday—June 2nd—3pm—11:00 pm Sunday 1pm –10pm Processions: Saturday, June1st after 5:30PM Mass & Sunday June 3rd after 12Noon Mass BELLEVILLE IRISH AMERICAN ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER DANCE Friday June 1, 2012 - 7:00 PM at the Chandelier, 340 Franklin Ave., Belleville Honorees: Ed Saegers & Peg Sullivan Ticket: $60 per person Email: Call Patrick Millar—201-427-0694 Visit: Irish Quality Shop, 465 Kearny Ave., Kearny ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE YOUTH GROUP PRESENTS: MATT MAHER in Concert June 3, 2012 @ 7:00pm [Doors open 6:45 pm) All Tickets General Admission $15.00 THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 835 Presents a Live Concert & Beefsteak Dinner for the Benefit of our Persons with Developmental Disabilities Fund. Featuring The Cameos. on Saturday June 9, 2012 - 6:30 pm at the KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL 98 Bridge St., Belleville, NJ 07109 Entrance Fee: $45.00 per person For more information contact Joe Downey at 862-220-1160 or Thomas Doeffinger (201)873-0507 Page Six Saint Peter School forming the future with Purpose, Passion and Power! Visit us online at: From the Principal’s Desk Service is an integral component of a Catholic School education. Last Saturday I was invited by St. Joseph’s Regional High School in Montvale to attend the New Jersey Youth Service Awards held at the Newark Museum. Through their Campus Ministry Program, St. Joseph’s created an “Adopt A Grammar School Program”. St. Peter’s was the school chosen to be adopted by the high school. Several students from St. Joe’s have helped our school and parish by participating in service activities including cleaning and painting the school, providing candy for Halloween , creating baskets for our Tricky Tray and donating groceries and other supplies to the parish food pantryjust to name a few of their projects. As a result of their good works, the students from the high school were honored with the New Jersey Governor’s Jefferson Award in the Community Improvement category. The Jefferson Awards were named after Thomas Jefferson, patriot and one of the main authors of the Declaration of Independence and co-founded by Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Senator Robert Taft, Jr. and Sam Beard. The mission of these awards “is to recognize, inspire and activate volunteerism and public service in communities, workplaces and schools across America”. SAINT PETER’S THIS WEEK MONDAY, May 21 ST. CHRISTOPHER MAGALLANES, PRIEST & COMPANIONS, MARTYRS 12:00-1:00pm NA Support Group, Church Basement 7:00-9:00pm Bible Study Class, RMR 1 7:30 pm Pre-Baptism Class, Church 8:00-9:00pm Clase De Biblia, Casa de Retiros TUESDAY, MAY 22 ST. RITA OF CASCIA, RELIGIOUS 6:15 pm May Crowning Practice, Church 7:00 pm May Crowning, Church 7:30 pm John XXIII, Retreat House WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 10:00 am School Memorial Day Service, Cemetery 7:00 pm Partessi Concert, School Auditorium 7:30-9 pm RICA Class (Spanish), RMR 3 7:30 pm Neo-Catechumenal Way, Cafeteria 8pm Vietnamese Prayer Group, Chapel THURSDAY, MAY 24 8th Grade Dinner Dance 7:30 pm Religious Liberties Talk (St. Anthony’s Church) 7:30 pm Legion De Maria, RMR 3 FRIDAY, MAY 25 ST. BEDE, THE VENERABLE, PRIEST & DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH; ST. GREGORY THE VII POPE; ST. MARY MAGDALENE DE PAZZI, VIRGIN School Professional Day - School Closed 12:00 pm NA Group, Church Basement 7:00 pm NA Support group, Church Basement 7:30 pm Confirmation Rehearsal Congratulations to the students, Mr. Brian Donnelly, Principal, and Deacon Joe Sisco, Campus Minister. We appreciate their service on behalf of the St. Peter’s School community and know that their efforts will serve as a model for our own students. SATURDAY, MAY 26 ST. PHILIP NERI, PRIEST 1:00 pm Confessions 7:30 pm Neo-Catechumenal Way, Cafeteria 7:00 pm Parejas Juan XXIII, RMR 1 “One person can make a difference and every person should try.” President John F. Kennedy SUNDAY, MAY 27 10:00 am RCIA Confirmation 2:00 pm Virgen Peregrina, Church 2:30 pm Baptism, Church St. Peter’s School Registration Open PENTECOST SUNDAY for School Year 2012-2013 for Pre-K 3-4 (full day) till 8th grade. Contact St. Peter School’s Office for more information (7 AM to 4 PM) Tel: 973-759-3143 SERVICE CLUSTER This cluster works to bring the Gospel message to the world through actions centered on justice, peace and charity. For information on this cluster, call Deacon Bill Valladares at 973-667-1323. Page Seven SECCIÓN HISPANA PAPA BENEDICTO XVI NO HAY GRITO HUMANO QUE DIOS NO ESCUCHE El Papa Benedicto XVI anunció en la Audencia General del miércoles que dedicará las próximas catequesis a ese tema en las Cartas de San Pablo, que las inicia y termina siempre con una plegaria y que, en su epistolario, nos ha dejado una rica gama de formas de orar. El Papa explicó que el Apóstol de las gentes quiere que entendamos que la oración “no es una obra buena hecha a Dios, una acción nuestra, sino ante todo un don, fruto de la presencia viva (..) y vivificante del Padre y de Jesucristo en nosotros”. Cuando rezamos, sentimos “nuestra debilidad (...) nuestro ser criaturas, porque nos encontramos ante la omnipotencia y la trascendencia de Dios (...) y percibimos nuestros límites (...) y la necesidad de confiar cada vez más en Él”. Es entonces cuando “el Espíritu Santo nos ayuda en nuestra incapacidad (...) y nos guía al dirigirnos a Dios”. Así, la oración es sobre todo “la acción del Espíritu Santo en nuestra humanidad, que se hace cargo de nuestra debilidad y nos transforma de personas ligadas a la realidad material en personas espirituales”. Entre las repercusiones de la acción del Espíritu de Cristo como principio interno de todas nuestras obras, el Santo Padre observó, en primer lugar, que “la oración animada por el Espíritu nos da la posibilidad de abandonar y superar toda forma de miedo o de esclavitud, viviendo la verdadera libertad de los hijos de Dios”. Otra consecuencia es que “la relación con Dios llega a ser tan profunda que no se ve afectada por ningún hecho o situación. Entendemos que la oración no nos libra de las pruebas ni de los sufrimientos, pero podemos vivirlos en unión con Cristo, con sus sufrimientos, en la perspectiva de participar también en su gloria”. “Muchas veces -dijo el Papa- pedimos a Dios que nos libre del mal físico y espiritual (...) y sin embargo, a menudo tenemos la impresión de que no nos escucha y corremos el riesgo de desanimarnos y no perseverar. En realidad, no hay ningún grito humano que Dios no escuche. (...) La respuesta de Dios Padre a su Hijo (...) no fue la liberación inmediata del sufrimiento, de la cruz, de la muerte: a través de la cruz y de la muerte, Dios respondió (...) con la Resurrección”. Por último, “la oración del creyente también se abre a la dimensión de la humanidad y de la creación entera, (...) no se queda encerrada en sí misma: se abre para compartir los sufrimientos de nuestro tiempo. Se convierte así en (...) canal de esperanza para toda la creación y expresión del amor de Dios que se derrama en nuestros corazones por medio del Espíritu”. El apóstol, finalizó el Santo Padre, nos enseña que cuando rezamos “tenemos que abrirnos a la presencia y la acción del Espíritu Santo (...) para que nos lleve a Dios con todo nuestro corazón y todo nuestro ser. El Espíritu de Cristo se convierte en la fuerza de nuestra oración 'débil', en la luz de nuestra oración 'apagada', enseñándonos a vivir, enfrentándonos a las pruebas de la existencia, de la certeza de que no estamos solos, abriéndonos a los horizontes de la humanidad y de la creación 'que gime y sufre con dolores de parto'”. PROCESION— La Legion de Maria les invita a participar hoy el 20 de mayo, a la procession de nuestra madre Virgen Maria, que saldrà inmediatamente despues de la Misa de 1:00 pm.Rezaremos el Santo Rosario en varias idiomas. CORONOCÍON DE MAYO Nuestra Coronacíon de Mayo tendrà lugar el dia, 22 de Mayo a las 7:00 p.m. en la Iglesia de San Pedro. Los niños/as que recibieron su Primera Comunion deben de estar presentas con sus vestidos y ternos de ese día. Tambien todos los niños que atienden CCD en la escuela deben de participar con sus familias. LLAMADO ANUAL DEL ARZOBISPO Considere hacer su donativo. Ayudenos a llegar y sobrepasar nuestra meta de $31,138.26 Hasta hora, hemos recibido $30,825.00 como promesas. CLASES DE BIBLIA— (Los 7 Sacramentos de nuestra Fe Cristiana) Las clases de Biblia tienen lugar todos los días Lunes de 8:00 a 9:00 P.M. en la Casa de Retiros. Comenzando el día Lunes 7 de Mayo, tendremos 10 clases sobre los 7 Sacramentos de nuestra “Fe Católica”. Adultos que no han recibido alguno de los siete Sacramentos de nuestra Fe son invitados a participar. PEREGRINACION AL SANTUARIO NUESTRA SEÑORA DE CZESTOCHOWA, Doylestown, PA Julio 7—Los hermanos legionarios nos invitan a este gran peregrinaje a estar en oracion con nuestra madre santisima. El auto bus saldrà de nuestra parroquia de St. Peter’s 7:30 am. Comuniquese con Laura Campos, Tel. 973-485-3403, Marcela Davila 973-759-1312, Carmen Torres—973-751-8321. REGISTRACION ESCUELA DE ST. PETER - Las matrículas para el año académico 2011-2012 de St. Peter School ya están abiertas. Hay cupos disponibles para jornada completa (8 a.m.3 p.m.) para Pre-K3, Pre-K4, Kindergarten y para los grados 1-8. También hay servicio de guardería, Pre-Care (7-8 a.m.) y After-Care (3-6 p.m.). Para mayor información, por favor llame o visite nuestra escuela (973-759-3143). Si necesita asistencia en español, por favor pregunte por la Señora Aida González por la manana.