1292 W. Santa Cruz Street, San Pedro, CA 90732-2904
1292 W. Santa Cruz Street, San Pedro, CA 90732-2904
1292 W. Santa Cruz Street, San Pedro, CA 90732-2904 Our mission is to be a welcoming concerned community, expressed by our active loving involvement with each other, and our outreach to the world beyond, energized by a deepening liturgical and spiritual life. Mass Schedule Saturday 8:00 a.m. Vigil 5:30 p.m. (Sign Language Interpreted Mass) Sunday 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 a.m., 1:00 (Español) & 5:30 p.m. (Teen Mass) Weekdays 6:30 & 8:00 a.m. (6:30 p.m. every 3rd Wednesday) Holy Days Vigil 6:30 p.m.; Feast 6:30, 8:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. First Fridays 6:30, 8:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. (Adoration following 6:00 Mass until 8:00 p.m.) Devotions Monday 6:30 p.m. (not on major holidays) Rosary: Monday-Saturday 8:30 a.m. Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturday 4:00-5:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday 5:30-6:00 p.m. Parish Center - 310.548.6535 Parish Office - x300 209 N. Hanford Avenue San Pedro, CA 90732-2904 School - 310.833.0703 1226 W. Santa Cruz Street San Pedro, CA 90732-2904 Parish Office Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m.-12:00 noon & 1:00-9:00 p.m.; Saturday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.; Closed Sundays & Holidays E-mail: ParishOffice@HolyTrinitySP.org ~ Parish Website: www.holytrinitysp.org Page Two Parish Administration 310-548-6535 Priests Rev. Sebastian Vettickal, C.M.I. Administrator - x330 Rev. Michael Grieco Associate Pastor - x332 Rev. Jose Parathanal, C.M.I. Associate Pastor - x327 Deacons Deacon Dennis Carlson Bereavement Ministry & Maintenance Supervisor Deacon - x324 Deacon Walter & Sue Lauderdale Deacon Gaspar & Gracie Muñoz Hispanic Ministry - x333 Pastoral Staff Mrs. Donna Barnes Director of Music and Liturgy - x306 Mrs. Kathy Pelc, Music Secretary - x307 Mr. Jace Bravo Youth Minister & Confirmation Director - x340 Dr. Joy Jones, Pastoral Associate Director of Adult Formation & Initiation - x317 Mrs. Cristina Liu Director of Religious Education - x304 Ms. Alice Sandoval, RE Secretary - x303 Dr. Linda Wiley Principal, Holy Trinity School - x250 School Secretary - x200 Office Staff Miss Kathy Morris Business Manager—x323 Mrs. Teresa Monzon Parish Secretary/Receptionist - x320 Mrs. Soledad Cortez & Ms. Tina Wood Receptionists - x300 Sacramental Information Baptisms Contact the parish office at least two months prior to requested date of baptism. Weddings Arrange with a priest minimum of six months prior. Sacrament of the Sick Please call the parish office anytime. Funerals Contact parish office at 310-548-6535 ext. 300 Bulletin Deadline Mondays at 4:00 p.m. via e-mail, using both upper and lower case letters to the Parish Office e-mail at: ParishOffice@HolyTrinitySP.org Weekly Calendar Most Holy Trinity Sunday, May 22nd Ministry Fair (7:30 AM) - pg. 5 Coffee & Donuts (after all morning Masses) Faith Enrichment Library (after all morning Masses) CLOW (8:30 & 10:00 AM Masses) Folk-o-logy Art Show (9:30 AM) - pg. 6 RCIA Dismissal (10:00 AM Mass Teen & Teen RCIA Mass (5:30 PM)—cover No Life Night—pg. 4 Monday, May 23rd Women’s Knitting & Crocheting (10 AM & 6 PM) Devotions to Our Lady (6:30 PM) - cover Evening Bible Study (7:00 PM) Tuesday, May 24th Galatians Bible Study (8:45 AM) HTS Tuesday Tour - pg. 6 Divine Mercy Prayer Group (10:00 AM) Confessions (5:30 PM) –cover HTS Bookfair Performance (6:45 PM) - pg. 7 RCIA (7:00 PM) HTS Non-returning Parents dinner (6:00 PM) BSA Troop 234 mtg. (7:00 PM) Wednesday, May 25th Contemplative Prayer (10:00 AM) - pg. 6 Brownies Troop 16485 mtg. (2:00 PM) Coro de español (7:30 PM) Thursday, May 26th Ministerio de Intercesión (10:00 AM) SCC (10:00 AM) Children’s Choir rehearsal (3:15 PM) Confessions (5:30 PM) –cover Scout Pack mtg. (6:30 PM) HTS Committee mtg. (7:00 PM) Adult Choir rehearsal (7:00 PM) Friday, May 27th Eucharistic Adoration (8:30 AM) Legion of Mary (10:00 AM) Queen of Angels (10:00 AM) Grupo de Oración (7:00 PM) Saturday, May 28th Seminario del Bautizo (8:00 AM) - pg. 6 Confessions (4:00 PM)—cover Sunday Vigil Mass w/ signing services (5:30 PM) Christian Service Collection (at Mass) - pg. 6 Sunday, May 29th Christian Service Collection (at all Masses) - pg. 6 Coffee & Donuts (after all morning Masses) Faith Enrichment Library (after all morning Masses) Seminario del Bautizo (8:00 AM) - pg. 6 CLOW (8:30 & 10:00 AM Masses) RCIA Dismissal (10:00 AM Mass Teen & Teen RCIA Mass (5:30 PM)—cover No Life Night The Most Holy Trinity Sunday, May 22, 2016 Dear friends, We always begin our prayers invoking the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The reason is that we believe in the Trinitarian dimension of God. God is three persons with one nature. This separates us from other religions. Today is Trinity Sunday. Our faith in the Trinity is founded on Scripture and Tradition. The Old Testament gives a shadow reference of the Trinity. For example, in the book of Genesis, God says: Let us create human beings in our own image and likeness. The notion of Trinity is completely manifested in the New Testament. For instance, at the time of Jesus’ baptism, all three persons of the Trinity were present. How it is possible to have three persons in one God without dualism is a mystery to understand. Only the Blessed Mary understands this mystery clearly, as she is the beloved daughter of God the Father and the Beloved mother of God the son and the beloved spouse of God the Holy Spirit. For us, what is important is the message of the Trinity. The Holy Trinity tells us about the image or nature of God. God is a relationship. Therefore, relationship is the medium through which God operated as He formed the community of Israel. Jesus himself made it amply clear when he said, “When two or three are gathered together in my name I will be in their midst.” Consequently, to have a God experience we must be in community. The importance of community is evident from the working style of Jesus. The very first act Jesus did after his baptism was to form a group of disciples. The last thing Jesus did before the crucifixion was the institution of the Eucharist, the perfect symbol of fellowship. The first thing Jesus did after his resurrection was to gather together the scattered disciples. Similarly, when Jesus sent them on a mission he sent them in twos. As members of the Holy Trinity Parish we have an extra responsibility to be missionaries of fellowship and communion. In fact, we are a community that cares and shares. I am extremely grateful to each one you for your role in building up this community by generously sharing your time, treasure and talent. Today we have our Ministry Fair. This is an opportunity and invitation to all of us to consider being part of a ministry. Ministry is anything we do for the glory of God and also for the good of the people. It is through ministry we share our faith and also grow in faith. May God bless you Mis queridos amigo, Siempre comenzamos nuestras oraciones invocando el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. La razón es que creemos en la dimensión trinitaria de Dios. Dios es tres personas con una naturaleza. Esto es lo que nos separa de las otras religiones. Hoy es domingo de la Trinidad. Nuestra fe en la Trinidad está fundada en la escritura y la tradición. El Antiguo Testamento da una referencia de la presencia de la Trinidad. Por ejemplo, en el libro de Génesis, Dios dice: Vamos a crear a los humanos a nuestra imagen y semejanza. La noción de Trinidad se manifiesta totalmente en el nuevo testamento. Por ejemplo, en el momento del bautismo de Jesús, estaban presentes las tres personas de la Trinidad. Cómo es posible que hay tres personas en un Dios sin dualismo es un misterio para entender. Sólo la Santísima María entiende este misterio claramente, ya que ella es la hija predilecta de Dios el padre y la madre querida de Dios el hijo y el esposo amado de Dios el Espíritu Santo. Para nosotros lo importante es el mensaje de la Trinidad. La Santísima Trinidad nos dice sobre la imagen o la naturaleza de Dios. Dios es una relación. Por lo tanto, la relación es el medio a través del cual Dios opera por lo que formó la comunidad de Israel. El mismo Jesús lo hizo plenamente claro cuando dijo ' "cuando dos o tres están reunidos en mi nombre yo estaré en medio de ellos." En consecuencia, para tener una experiencia con Dios debemos ser comunidad. La importancia de la comunidad es evidente el estilo de trabajo de Jesús. El primer acto de Jesús que hizo después de su bautismo fue formar un grupo de discípulos. La última cosa que Jesús hizo antes de la crucifixión fue la institución de la Eucaristía, el símbolo perfecto de la comunión. Lo primero que Jesús hizo después de su resurrección fue reunir a los discípulos que estaban dispersos. De manera similar cuando Jesús los envió en una misión los envió de dos en dos. Como miembros de la parroquia de la Santísima Trinidad tenemos una responsabilidad adicional de ser misioneros de hermandad y comunión. De hecho, somos una comunidad que da afecto y comparte. Agradezco a cada uno para por su papel en la construcción de esta comunidad por compartir generosamente su tiempo, tesoro y talento. Hoy tenemos la feria de Ministerios. Esta es una oportunidad y una invitación a todos nosotros a considerar ser parte de un Ministerio. Un Ministerio es algo que hacemos para la gloria de Dios y también por el bien de la gente. Es a través de un Ministerio compartimos nuestra fe y también crecemos en la fe. Que Dios Los Bendiga. Page Four No Life Night Tonight A Ministry for all High School Teens! BUT JOIN US FOR OUR MINISTRY FAIR! Questions? Contact the Throughout the morning we will be having an amazing ministry fair and there you can join Holy Trinity’s Life Teen in this awesome event! Youth Minister and Confirmation Director: Jace Bravo 310-548-6535, ext. 340 LifeTeenYM@holytrinitysp.org Hours: Sunday-Thursday For all Life Teen UPDATES! Friend us on Facebook: Holy Trinity Lifeteen Follow on Instagram: @Lifeteen_HT Follow on Twitter: @LifeteenHT Before and after all the morning Masses! Steubenville West— ONLY 3 SPOTS STILL AVAILABLE!! Join HTLT as we go on an amazing retreat this summer called Steubenville West! It is a life changing retreat and all high school teens are invited to come! Where: Tucson, Arizona = U of A campus When: July 15-17 Cost: $200 All High School Students are welcome to Life Nights...NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED! FAITH AND MINISTRY First, a person of faith sees the gifted nature of everything. God is not indebted to us but we are to Him. We are not owners but caretakers. Therefore, whatever we do, even in the form of service is only an expression of our gratitude for what we are and what we have today. Our ‘best works’ never exceed the goodness of the Lord. For this reason, our ability to respond to God’s graciousness in itself is our reward. Second, faith in God instantly connects us with one another in a household relationship. We become the stewards of God’s family. We serve one another in our family not out of compulsion but out of love. Third, a person of faith sees the deceptive nature of worldly things. Wealth failed the prodigal son (Luke 15/11ff), and the rich man in the story of Lazarus (Luke 16/19ff) from achieving their goals. People who look for temporary benefits and pleasures unfortunately compromise with little. Blessings surround a person who serves out of love. People who operate from the milieu of faith are capable of changing the world. Others, a reward being their prime goal, do more harm than good. -Fr. Sebastian Page Five Holy Trinity Welcomes You/Bienvenidos A Santísima Trinidad All are welcome to celebrate faith and fellowship with us. Regardless of your social, religious or moral standing, God loves you. You are welcome here at Holy Trinity. We are here to serve you. You bless us by your presence. If you are new to this parish, we invite you to register with us. We have many programs and ministries at Holy Trinity for which you can be involved. Please feel free to call the parish office at 310-548-6535, ext. 300. Si nos está visitando por primera vez, o quizás está de regreso, le queremos dar la bienvenida y gracias por acompañarnos en nuestra celebración hoy. Si tiene alguna pregunta, o si en algo le podríamos ayudar, por favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial al 310-548-6535, ext. 300. Respect Life Committee Holy Trinity’s Respect Life Committee promotes the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. We work with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and other regional parishes to carry out our mission to support women with crisis pregnancies. We support three local pregnancy centers, Harbor Pregnancy Center, South Bay Pregnancy Center (Torrance), and Casa De Los Angelitos (Harbor City). The annual Mother's Day Baby Shower is one of our events. The parish is very generous with baby items for these centers. We are very grateful to Holy Trinity's Knitting/Crocheting Ministry which supplies us with an abundance of priceless baby items. Hospitality Ministry of Holy Trinity The Hospitality Ministry of Holy Trinity hosts receptions, lunches and/or dinners for special occasions at the request of Father Sebastian in coordination with Deacon Dennis. Volunteers may be needed for food preparation, table set up, serving and clean up. A roster of names of volunteers will be established and as events are scheduled, a rotation of the volunteers will begin. The Hospitality Ministry's goal is to represent the Parish of Holy Trinity as a warm and welcoming environment. Retrouvaille Marriage Help The Retrouvaille Program consists of a weekend experience combined with post-weekend sessions. The main emphasis is on communication between husband and wife. The program offers you the opportunity to rediscover each other and examine your lives together in a new and positive way. The program is catholic in origin. It is not a retreat or a sensitivity group. There are no group dynamics or group discussions on the weekend. This is not a time for hurting; it is a time for healing. Married Couples Club The Holy Trinity Married Couples Club was started 60 years ago by several married couples who wanted to socialize with friends from the parish community. Over the years more members have joined and have formed warm relationships with one another. Our ministry is to be a social support group for adults who are members of our Holy Trinity community. Our membership now includes widows and widowers as well as married couples. We meet once a month for dinner and fellowship. Members of the Married Couples Club also support our Holy Trinity community by being Eucharistic Ministers, adult choir members, CCD teachers, sacristans, money counters, and lectors. Our Club welcomes new members. Page Six Folkology Art Show TODAY! It’s here! Come see all the great art work that Holy Trinity students (preschool & grades 1-4) have prepared for you to see. The Art Show, “Folkology” is today, Sunday, May 22, from 9:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m. in the parish center auditorium (209 N. Hanford Ave.). There is a raffle, silent auction and items available for you to purchase. There is no charge for this show. Everyone is most welcome!! Seminario del Bautizo en el Espíritu Santo Registration begins June 1st. Contemplative Prayer Come and learn about contemplative prayer, and how to prepare for this experience of Jesus within. The group meets every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month for one hour at 10:00 a.m. in the parish center level 2 meeting room (209 N. Hanford Ave.) and is led by Sister Margaret Murray. All are welcome. Christian Service Special Collection Today, Sunday, May 29, is the fifth Sunday of the month, a day designated for a special Christian Service collection. Christian Service helps needy families within our community throughout the year. Christian Service envelopes are available in the pews today for anyone wishing to make a donation. It is greatly appreciated. May Weekly Collection 2015 2016 1st Week: $ 25,864 2nd Week: 23,763 3rd Week: 22,190 $ 26,632 24,689 20,987 Thank you to all those who have contributed so generously to Holy Trinity. Todos están invitados al Seminario de la Santísima Trinidad el Sábado, 28 de Mayo con la misa a las 8 a.m. en la Iglesia (1292 W. Santa Cruz St.) y después en el auditorio de la parroquia (209 N. Hanford Ave) hasta las 4 p.m. El Domingo, 29 de Mayo de 8 a.m. en el auditorio de la parroquia hasta 12:45 p.m. para asistir la misa de 1 p.m. y después de misa regresar al auditorio de la parroquia para terminar a las 4p.m.. Admisión es gratis y tendremos comida. ¿Preguntas? Llame 310-9774651. ¡Los Esperamos! Page Seven HTS Barnes & Noble Book Fair Come to Barnes & Nobel (21500 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance) this Tuesday, May 24 at 6:45 p.m. to see drama and guitar performances by Arts Alive. You can also support us at bn.com/ bookfairs from 5/24-5/29, by entering bookfair id#11853140 at checkout and a percentage of your purchase will benefit Holy Trinity School. Thank you in advance for your support! Noche de Fiesta You are invited to join us for “Noche de Fiesta” on Saturday, June 25, at Holy Trinity (209 N. Hanford Ave., San Pedro). This will be a fundraiser with great entertainment of mariachis, folklorico dancers and authentic food all sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Angels Gate Council and Holy Trinity Church. Tickets are $20 in advance ($25 at the door). For ticket information, please call 310-9278295. We hope you will join us! Peace & Justice Voting Reminder The Peace and Justice Ministry suggests that if anyone is not registered to vote in the June 7 Presidential Primary, and would like to vote, they can register on-line at www.sos.ca.gov But it must be done by May 23. The last day to request a vote-by-mail ballot is May 31, and may be done through the same web site. Youth Donations Needed Now For Summer Retreats The Youth Group will be busy this summer going on the following retreats: Steubenville LEAD, Steubenville West & LTLC We are in need of financial donations for the teens in order to sponsor and relieve the cost for the above retreats. Please make checks payable to: Holy Trinity Youth Ministry. If you need additional information, please contact the Youth Minister, Jace Bravo, at (310) 548 6535, ext. 340 or email lifeteenym@holytrinitysp.org A Prayer For Those Who Serve In The Military We give thanks to God for the safe return of our servicemen/women and we thank them for their selflessness in serving their country in time of war. May our prayers and the prayers of millions of others throughout the world lead these men and women safely back home to their loved ones. We pray especially for those from our community: Sgt Zack Jongbloed, USMC RP3 Mark Machamer, US Navy Sgt Russell Pettit, USMC SPC Benjamin Palacios US Army PO3 Mallory Love, US Navy Capt Richard Fematt, US Army PFC Stephanie Fematt, US Army GySgt Alex Quiroz, USMC LCpl Jason Garcia, USMC SSgt Eddie Ojeda, III, US Army Sgt Neil Nuñez, US Army Sgt Erik Padilla, US Army LCpl Evan Foley, USMC Lt Grade, Frank Rigali, US Navy LCpl Dylan Moore, USMC LCdr Matthew Knitt, US Navy Res LCdr Sara Knitt (Nadal), US Navy Res PO1 Christopher Cobb, US Navy Capt David V. Schultz, US Army PO2 Joseph Conant, US Navy PO3 Aaron Corona, US Coast Guard MSgt Karyn Kazimer, USAF/AR SSgt Nicole Kazimer Beck, USAF Sgt Cynthia Zermeno, USMC Lt Col Brent Ruhlen, US Army 1Sgt Phillip Pembroke, US Army MSgt Lyndon Remedio, USAF SA Zachary Rice, US Coast Guard PO3 Kyle Kennison, US Navy PFC Sean Ambriz, US Army LCpl Steven Ybarra, US Coast Guard PO2 Keith Huthmacher, US Navy Sgt David Thornhill, US Army PO2 Robert Steeley, US Navy PO2 Kalie Sharpe, US Navy CWO3 Val P. Conejo, US Army Sgt Jonathan A. Nelson, USMC Pvt L.R. Parks, US Army LCpl Damon Lode, USMC PFC Daniel Jones, US Army SSgt Arthur Sanchez II, USMC SSgt Raymond Gutierrez, US Army Sgt Michael Ibarra, USMC SPC Brian Black, US Army LCpl Jake Green, USMC ADAN Michael G. Brun SPC Eduardo Salas, US Army PFC Andrew Partida, US Army SR Joseph L. Chavez, US Navy Cpl Benjamin Miller, USMC SN John Patton, US Navy SPC Matthew Johnson, US Army LCpl Levi Halloran, USMC PFC Adrian Cazessus, US Army PO3 Matthew D. Monzon, US Navy PFC Anthony Trejo Olivares, US Army Sgt Danny Perez, US Army PFC Jason Lerman, US Army LCpl Marissa Guerrero, USMC Eric Shelley, US Navy FN Manuel A. Rodriguez, US Navy MSgt Jeffery Alan Hughes, US Army Pvt Valerie Abeyta, USMC Sgt John Trummer, USMC SPC Justin Cruel, US Army SPC Alfred S. Magtoto US Army PFC Matthew Wiley, US Army Pv2 Nicholas Schmidt, US Army SPC Nickie John Cate, US Army LTJG Gregory Nadal, US Navy HM Drake Apolinar, US Navy SR Andrew Torres, US Navy SSgt Scott Felando, US AF (Please call the parish office if you have a name that you would like to add to this list, 310-548-6535, ext. 300) Page Eight Praying Alone or Together Daily Readings for the Week of May 23-28 Monday: Safeguard The Children Did You Know? Archdiocese provides resources for parishioners to learn more The Archdiocese of Los Angeles recently published an updated version of the annual brochure called Working Together to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse. This brochure provides parishioners with a list of policies and procedures regarding sexual abuse and education in the Catholic Church, as well as local programs and resources that work to protect abuse. For a copy of the 2016 brochure, check your parish vestibule, email jvienna@la-archdiocese.org or call(213) 6377227. Protegiendo a los Niños ¿Sabe Usted? La Arquidiócesis provee recursos para que los feligreses aprendan más La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles recientemente publicó una versión actualizada del folleto anual llamado, Trabajando Juntos para Prevenir el Abuso Sexual Infantil. Este folleto ofrece a los feligreses una lista de políticas y procedimientos sobre el abuso sexual y educación en la Iglesia Católica, así como programas locales y recursos que funcionan para protegerse del abuso. Para obtener una copia del folleto del 2016, busque en el vestíbulo de su parroquia, o escriba ajvienna@la-archdiocese.org o llame al (213) 637-7227. 1 Pt 1:3-9; Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9-10c; Mk 10:17-27 Tuesday: 1 Pt 1:10-16; Ps 98:1-4; Mk 10:28-31 Wednesday: 1 Pt 1:18-25; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Mk 10:32-45 Thursday: 1 Pt 2:2-5, 9-12; Ps 100:2-5; Mk 10:46-52 Friday: 1 Pt 4:7-13; Ps 96:10-13; Mk 11:11-26 Saturday: Jude 17, 20b-25; Ps 63:2-6; Mk 11:27-33 Readings for Next Sunday May 29, 2016: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ First Reading: Psalm: Second Reading: Gospel: Genesis 14:18-20 110:1-4 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Luke 9:11b-17 “Give them some food yourselves“ —Luke 9:13 Scripture Focus: Luke’s Gospel stresses Jesus’ table fellowship with people of all sorts. This and other themes emerge in his account of Jesus feeding the multitude: (1) When Jesus asks the apostles to give the people something to eat themselves, it is a thinly veiled hint that they are to imitate him in feeding the hungry; (2) His generosity is suggested by the fact that “they all ate until they had enough” and underscored by the quantity of leftovers, enough to fill twelve baskets. (Twelve symbolized humanity.) Some people at Corinth had forgotten the significance of the Eucharist and were nullifying it by their selfishness. The rich members of the community were turning the common meal into a private bash. Paul reminded them that the Eucharist bonds us to all the people around God’s table. Reflection: Volunteers & Staff Please Visit: Current Fingerprint Schedule: Www.la-archdiocese.org/ Current Virtus Training Schedule: Www.virtus.org/virtus/ 1. When have you felt you were running on empty— physically, spiritually, psychologically? 2. Who/what helps satisfy your deepest hungers? 3. Whose hungers are you helping alleviate? Who are you neglecting? 4. What role does Eucharist play in your spiritual life? Page Nine Mass Intentions Saturday, May 21st 5:30 - †Frank & Stella Jimenez (sister, Molly Lomeli) Sunday, May 22nd 7:00 - †Jorge Aguillar (Gonzalez family) 8:30 - †Frank & Frances Grosich (daughter, Violet Marinkovich & family) 10:00 - Deacon Dennis Carlson & Julie Witthuhn (Sheila Grant) 11:30 - †Tommy & Margaret Herrera (Pasquarella family) 1:00 - The intentions of the Holy Trinity Community 5:30 - †Marie Ungaro (Joe Svorinich & family) Marriages Monday, May 23rd 6:30 - †Charles Hotchkiss (Judith Hotchkiss) 8:00 - †Virginia Bender (Curtis family) Tuesday, May 24th 6:30 - †Alexander de la Cruz (Cirka family) 8:00 - †M. & I. Wall (daughter, Dorothy) We would like to congratulate the following couples who recently celebrated their Sacrament of Marriage. We wish them a lifetime of blessings. Wednesday, May 25th 6:30 - †Raul Bustamante (his children, Raul & Carmen) 8:00 - †Ignacio Alfonso Lainez (esposa y hijos) Erika Cortez & Anthony Cortez Thursday, May 26th 6:30 - St. Anthony (Gloria Aragon) 8:00 - †Eugene Bruno (wife, Dorothy Bruno) Friday, May 27th 6:30 - †Alfonso R. Valdez (daughter, Gloria Aragon) 8:00 - †Bob Rollins (wife) Saturday, May 28th 8:00 - †Katica Sorich (Michelle & Art McCarthy) 5:30 - †Linda Bartow (Valdez, Bartow & March families) Rosalie Rodriguez Gonzalez & Jose Gonzalez, Jr. Sunday, May 29th 7:00 8:30 10:00 11:30 - Lorena Sevilla-Birthday (mama, Carmen Sevilla) †Vince Mattera (wife & family) †William Bergkamp (HT Married Couples Club) Matthew Monzon-Birthday (dad, mom & Monique) 1:00 - †Egdeliza Vazquez, Esther Aguilar Malagon, Cesareo Herrera Martinez (familia Escalera Herrera) 5:30 - The intentions of the Holy Trinity Community Jessica Salazar Orzua & Melvin Garcia Let us remember those suffering illness, infirmity, and those in need of our prayers… Kathrine Dreer, Marlyn Garreton, Joseph Glowacki, Will Gomez & DeWalt family Let us remember the deceased in our prayers… Antonio Bonet, Daniel Gonzales , Doll McBride, Michael McNerney & Ron Wood Ministry In Action Altar Servers Deacon Dennis Carlson 310-548-6535, ext. 324 Assist the priest at liturgies Ave Maria Society Karolyn Stanovich 310-833-4685 Devotion to Mary, and sponsorship of church & school benefits Bereavement Ministry Deacon Dennis Carlson 310-548-6535, ext. 324 Outreach to our parish families who have lost a loved one; assist in helping to plan the Funeral Vigil, Funeral Mass Better Half Club Mary Iacono 310-833-1271 Men and women 55+ building friendships Bible Study Dr. Joy Jones 310-548-6535 ext.317 Understanding, sharing and living out God’s Word Boys Scout Troop 234 Krista Zinkiewicz 424-224-7457 Boys Grades 5 - 12 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Cristina Liu 310-833-3500 Scripture lessons during Mass grades 1-5 Christian Service Committee Volunteer 310-548-6535, ext. 400 Outreach and assistance to the local community Coffee and Donuts Knights of Columbus 310-547-1346 Sunday morning hospitality Communications Committee communications@holytrinitysp.org Parish web site and bulletin. Confirmation Jace Bravo 310-548-6535, ext. 340 Preparation of high school age candidates for Confirmation Contemplative Prayer Group Madelyn Walker 310-832-4143 Reflection and quiet prayer time Coro de Español Enrique Balderas 310-539-0777 Ministerio de músico y cantor Cub Scout Pack 234 Jon Hildebrand 310-547-1056 Boys Grades 2-5; Tiger Cubs-Grade 1 Cursillos De Cristiandad Blanca Martinez 310-602-9693 Cristo cuenta contigo-Ultreyas Curt’s Kitchen Gina Foster 310-251-4801 Food for the poor and homeless Deaf Ministry Marie Treacy 310-548-6535 Serving the spiritual needs of the deaf community Divine Mercy Prayer Group Clemmie Hernandez 310-832-3083 To make known and spread the message of Divine Mercy. Early Childhood Program Teachers Cristina Liu 310-833-3500 Faith learning and classroom time, Sundays - Ages 3- 5 years Encuentro Matrimonial Max y Isela Vasquez 310-832-7420 Retiros para parejas casadas. Environment (Altar) Committee Annette Lenneman 310-548-6535 Care and beautification of the church Extraordinary Min. of Communion Sun: Connie McOsker 310-831-3882 Weekdays: Parish Office 310-548-6535, ext.300 To the Sick: Earl Malit 310-548-6535 Spanish: Martha Perez 310-547-5052 Serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick Faith Enrichment Library Deacon Dennis Carlson 310-548-6535, ext. 324 Maintain the parish library Filipino Community of Holy Trinity Linda Nietes-Little 310-548-8148 Spiritual enrichment Finance Committee Carlos Perez, Chair 310-547-5052 Fiscal advisory group to the Pastor Girl Scouts Yvonne Schueller 310-612-7404 Girls Kindergarten though 12th grade Guadalupanas Holy Trinity Parish Office 310-548-6535 Devociones Marianas, retiros, y actividades sociales. Grupo de Oración Santisima Trinidad Maria Martinez 310-831-5075 Grupo de Oración, retiros, espirituales y eventos sociales. Holy Trinity Knitting/Crochet Ministry Lois Riopelle (AM group) 424-264-5243 Marycae Ulizio (PM group) 310-625-9117 Making items with love for those in need. Holy Trinity Parents Association John Stammerich 310-547-1346 Service and support of Holy Trinity School Holy Trinity School Principal, Dr. Linda Wiley 310-833-0703 Asst. Principal, Cathy Cigliano Provides a Catholic education, grades K-8 Hospitality Ministry Margie Morones 310-548-3165 Hospitality for Holy Trinity Church Jr. High School Ministry (Edge) Cris Liu 310-833-3500 Middle school ministry Knights of Columbus, Angels Gate Council John Stammreich 310-547-1346 A Catholic fraternal service organization dedicated to the ideals of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism for 18 and older. www.KOFC1740.ORG Lay Apostles of the Sacred Hearts Geraldine Butcher 310-833-7423 The Enthronement of the Sacred Heart Apostolate Lectors Dr. Joy Jones 310-548-6535, ext. 317 Michelle Vasquez (Spanish) 310-971-1908 Readers to proclaim the Scriptures at Mass and other services Legion of Mary Ministry Purita Santillan 310-345-0442 Devotion to Jesus through Mary Liturgy Committee Donna Barnes 310-548-6535, ext. 306 Enhancement of parish liturgies Marriage Encounter Robert O’Brien 310-832-1462 Patti Laney 310-832-3635 Retreats and revitalization for married couples Married Couples’ Club Barbara Scherba Social support group 310-377-8206 Ministerio de Intercesión Panchita Salas 310-547-3693 Línea tél. de oración y estudio de la Biblia. Music Ministry Donna Barnes 310-548-6535, ext. 306 Enabling and enhancing the sung prayer of our community Children’s Choir - Grades 2 - 8 Sunday 5:30 PM Band - High School+ Adult Choir - High School+ Contemporary Ensemble - High School+ Hispanic Choir - High School+ Cantors - Age 18+ for parish liturgies; Grades 5 - 8 for school liturgies Instrumentalists - Trained musicians Neighborhood Watch Alice Sandoval 310-833-3500 Organized neighborhood crime prevention Outreach Carla Emerson 310-548-6535 Food for the needy - Volunteers of all ages Parish Renewal Marsha Surina 310-519-8502 Weekend retreats for ages 18+ Peace and Justice Garrity McOsker 310-866-9394 Social awareness and strategies for action Pre-Baptism Dr. Joy Jones 310-548-6535, ext. 317 Parent and Godparent preparation Queen of Angels Alice Sandoval 310-548-6535 Blanket making ministry for those in need. RCIA and Teen RCIA Dr. Joy Jones 310-548-6535, ext. 317 Preparation of adult and teen candidates for the Catholic sacraments Religious Education Catechists Cristina Liu 310-833-3500 Religious Education teacher training, support and ministry Respect Life Committee Arline Tackett 310-548-6535 24-hour help line 310-787-HELP Casa de los Angelitos 310-320-8976 Dedicated to the Sacredness of human life Retrouvaille Carl & Josie Scheel 310-513-0580 A lifeline for troubled marriages. Saints Alive Interactive Pageant Frankie Bellizia 562-424-0265 Interactive pageant that brings Saints Alive! Small Church Communities Marilyn Hauge 310-541-0553 Small faith-sharing groups for Catholic fellowship, prayer and scripture study Spiritual Book and Video Club Clemmie Hernandez 310-832-3083 Building a library of spiritual reading and video material Ushers Bob Tabarango 310-548-6535, ext. 300 Welcoming, directing and assisting the congregation at Mass Youth Ministry (Life Teen) Jace Bravo 310-548-6535, ext. 340 High school youth ministry