Pentecost Sunday Domingo de Pentecostés Zesłanie Ducha
Pentecost Sunday Domingo de Pentecostés Zesłanie Ducha
May 15, 2016 15 de Mayo de 2016 La Iglesia de Sto. Toribio Una Parroquia Católica de la Arquidiócesis de Chicago Kościół Św. Turibiusza Rzymsko Katolicka Parafia Archidiecezji w Chicago Zesłanie Ducha Świętego Domingo de Pentecostés Pentecost Sunday 15 Maja 2016 St. Turibius Church A Roman Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of Chicago CONFIRMATION CLASS OF 2016 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Aguirre Alejandra Alfaro Luis Armijos Alan Barajas Claudia Beltran Cesar Beltran Jafet Bernal Daisy Calzada Emily Carreno April Castillo Alondra Castillo Oswaldo Cavazos Leonel Chavez Idalia Covarrubias Tizoc Cruz Nicholas Garcia Bryan Garcia Jesus Gonzalez Jacqueline Gonzalez Luis Gramajo Ismar Hernandez Alejandro Hernandez Vanessa Herrera Jetzan Jaimes Aryam Jaimes Giselle Noemi Jimenez Aldo Jimenez Jocelyn Jimenez Valeria Kowalczyk Zofia Lechuga Sergio Limias Andres Limias Omar Limon Ryan Limon Yerania Lopez Jaime Luevano Eddie Macias Gallardo Jorge Magana Angelica Magana Nathalie Mazariegos Alex Mora Cesar Mora Evelin 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. Mora Neftaly Mozqueda Ana Nuno Isaac Pantoja Isaac Pantoja Montserrat Paredez Giovani Pasillas Griselda Perez Evelyn Perez Jesus Perez Vanessa Quintero Leslie Ramirez Ivette Ramirez Ivylisse Ramirez Melanie Ramirez Michelle Ramos Alexa Rocha Anahis Rodriguez Salma Romero Ivett Romero Jesus Romo Nelly Ryan Charles Sanchez Christian Sanchez Daneri Sanchez Daniela Sanchez Leslie Santana Alexis Segura Evelyn Segura Kenneth Silva Isidro Silva Jessica Silva Jovan Soto Marisol Tirado Jessica Torres Jonathan Vargas Julissa Villagran Liliana Villagrana Fatima Zamora Ahtziri Zamora Amairany Zamora Andrea Zamora Jesus From the Pastor’s Desk An Invitation to join Archbishop Cupich in renewing the Archdiocese of Chicago (773) 581-2730 ext. 29 As Pope Francis recently remarked, we are living not only in an era of change but a change of era. This is a time to dream big. That is why we have launched Renew My Church, a pastoral planning process designed to bring those dreams to life and to strengthen the vitality of our parishes for generations to come. Just as the Holy Spirit filled the disciples at the first Pentecost and sent them on mission, the Holy Spirit is with us today, calling us to a new Pentecost to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ in a fresh way to the world. This work belongs to every parish and every Catholic across the Archdiocese. On this Pentecost day, Archbishop Cupich is inviting us to join him in making real this dream of vibrant parishes that live out the Gospel and share the love of Christ in word and deed. It will take a steady faith – a faith that is imaginative, that trusts that Christ is leading us and empowering us to make bold decisions that will shape the Church for generations to come. (773) 581-2730 ext. 17 At the heart of this process is the demand to read the signs of the times and discern where Christ is calling us to fulfill his mission. There are challenges: decreasing Mass attendance; treasured church buildings in need of repair, declining numbers of priests, religious, deacons, and lay ministers, as many move towards retirement. Addressing this situation will require prayer, humility, hard work, creativity, tough choices, and new sacrifices. It is true that by the time this consultative process is complete, we will mourn together the loss of some parishes. But that will not be the final word. By having the boldness to leave behind familiar ways of doing things, we can seize the moment as one not simply of loss, but rather of renewal. (773) 581-2730 ext. 15 Parish Information Masses 4pm Saturday 6:45 am and 11 am Sunday Confessions 5-6pm Saturday Renewal comes from placing Christ at the center of the community and accompanying each other on this journey toward missionary discipleship. Rooted in Christ and strengthened by sacramental grace and the bonds of fellowship, the Church in Chicago will grow joyfully and fruitfully in response to Christ’s call to “Renew My Church.” Therefore, Renew My Church will have at its core a strong focus on mission. The goal will be to ensure that local parishes have the support they need to strengthen their faith communities and live out our missionary call in ever more vibrant ways. Why is this process called Renew My Church? As St. Francis of Assisi was praying in the Church of San Damiano, he heard Christ speak to him: “Go, repair my Church.” Eventually St. Francis realized that Christ was calling him to renew the Church - not only as a physical structure, but as the whole people of God. The dying and rising of Christ continue to take place in every age in the dying and rising of the Church. We must take up the mission of proclaiming Christ as a Church whose community is united and whose focus is on the renewal that comes through the Resurrection. (The conclusion of the letter will be published in next week’s bulletin). Telephone: (773) 581-2730 We share Christ’s light and our faith is deepened as we celebrate the diversity of our Parish. Del Escritorio del Párroco Una invitación para unirse al Arzobispo Cupich en la renovación de la Arquidiócesis de Chicago (773) 581-2730 ext. 29 Información Parroquial Sacramentos en Español Misas 8:00AM 1:00PM los domingos Reconciliación 5:00PM los sábados Bautismos el segundo domingo de cada mes a las 2:00PM. Tiene que registrarse en la oficina parroquial. Celebraciones de Bodas y Quinceaños tiene que hacer una cita con un sacerdote para arreglar su boda o su misa de quince años. Favor de no reserve un salón antes de hablar con el sacerdote. Teléfono (773) 581-2730 Como comentó recientemente el Papa Francisco, estamos viviendo no sólo en una época de cambios, sino un cambio de época. Este es un tiempo para soñar en grande. Por eso hemos puesto en marcha 'Renueva mi Iglesia', un proceso de planificación pastoral diseñado para realizar esos sueños y fortalecer la vitalidad de nuestras parroquias para las generaciones venideras. Del mismo modo en que el Espíritu Santo descendió para llenar con su don a los discípulos en el primer Pentecostés y enviarlos en misión, así el Espíritu Santo se encuentra ahora con nosotros, llamándonos a un nuevo Pentecostés para llevar al mundo la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo con renovada frescura. Esta obra pertenece a cada parroquia y a cada católico de toda la Arquidiócesis. En este día de Pentecostés, el Arzobispo Cupich nos está invitando a unirnos a él, para hacer realidad este sueño de tener parroquias llenas de energía, que vivan el Evangelio y que compartan el amor de Cristo en palabra y en obra. Se necesitará una fe firme, una fe que sea imaginativa, que confíe en que Cristo nos está guiando y nos está dando el poder para tomar decisiones audaces que darán forma a la Iglesia que vivirán las generaciones venideras. En el corazón de este proceso está la exigencia de que leamos los signos de los tiempos y que discernamos hacia dónde nos está llamando Cristo para cumplir su misión. Existen varios desafíos: la disminución de la asistencia a Misa; valiosos edificios eclesiales con necesidades de reparación; un declive en el número de sacerdotes, religiosos, diáconos y ministros laicos, ya que muchos se acercan a la jubilación. Abordar esta compleja situación requerirá de oración, humildad, mucho trabajo, creatividad, toma de decisiones difíciles y hacer nuevos sacrificios. Es cierto que para cuando este proceso de consulta se haya completado, lloraremos juntos la pérdida de algunas parroquias. Pero esa no será la última palabra. Si tenemos la audacia de dejar atrás formas familiares de hacer las cosas, podemos aprovechar el momento, no como uno de pérdida, sino más bien como un momento de renovación. La renovación viene de poner a Cristo en el centro de la comunidad y acompañarnos unos a otros en este viaje hacia el discipulado misionero. Teniendo a Cristo como su cimiento y fortalecida por la gracia sacramental y los lazos de comunión, la Iglesia en Chicago crecerá con alegría y dará fruto ahora que responda al llamado de Cristo de "Renovar su Iglesia". Por lo tanto, Renueva mi Iglesia tendrá en su esencia un fuerte enfoque en la misión. Vamos a trabajar muy duro para asegurar que las parroquias locales tengan el apoyo que necesitan para fortalecer sus comunidades de fe y para realizar el llamado misionero en formas cada vez más vibrantes. ¿Por qué se llama este proceso Renueva mi Iglesia? Mientras San Francisco de Asís se encontraba orando en la iglesia de San Damián, oyó que Cristo le hablaba: "Ve y repara mi Iglesia". Eventualmente San Francisco se dio cuenta de que Cristo le llamaba a renovar la Iglesia, no sólo como una estructura física, sino como el pueblo todo de Dios. La muerte y resurrección de Cristo siguen produciéndose en cada época, en la muerte y resurrección de la Iglesia. Debemos asumir la misión de anunciar a Cristo como Iglesia cuya comunidad está unida, y cuya atención está centrada en la renovación que viene a través de la Resurrección. (La conclusión de la carta será publicada en el boletín de la próxima semana). Reflejamos la luz de Cristo y profundizamos nuestra fe cuando celebramos la diversidad de Nuestra Parroquia. Od proboszcza biurka Zaproszenie do uczestnictwa wraz z Arcybiskupem Cupichem w odnowieniu Archidiecezji Chicago (773) 581-2730 ext. 29 Informacje Parafialne Msza Sw 9:30am w każdą niedziele Spowiedz 3-cia sobota w miesiącu 17:15 do 6:00 p.m. Sakramenty w języku polskim chrzest, slub itp. Prosze dzwonic na plebanie Telefon (773) 581-2730 Papież Franciszek niedawno zauważył, że żyjemy nie tyle w epoce przemian, ale w czasie zmiany epok. Jest to dobry moment do podejmowania wielkich marzeń. Właśnie z tego powodu zainaugurowaliśmy Odnów mój Kościół. Jest to proces duszpasterskiego planowania, stworzony dla urzeczywistnienia marzeń, a także po to, by umocnić żywotność naszych parafii dla nastających po nas pokoleń. Podobnie jak Duch Święty napełnił apostołów w dzień Pięćdziesiątnicy i posłał ich, by pełnili misję, tak samo i dziś Duch Święty jest z nami, wzywa nas do nowej Pięćdziesiątnicy, abyśmy w orzeźwiający sposób nieśli światu Dobrą Nowinę o Jezusie Chrystusie. To dzieło przynależy wszystkim parafiom i wszystkim katolikom w całej archidiecezji. Podczas tegorocznej Pięćdziesiątnicy Arcybiskup Cupich zaprasza nas, abyśmy wraz z nim urzeczywistniali marzenia o witalnych parafiach żyjących Ewangelią i abyśmy w słowie i w działaniu przekazywali innym miłość Chrystusa. Wypełnianie tego dzieła będzie wymagało silnej i trwałej wiary – wiary pełnej wyobraźni, wiary ufającej w to, że Chrystus prowadzi nas i daje nam siłę do podejmowania odważnych decyzji kształtujących Kościół dla przyszłych pokoleń. W sercu tego procesu znajduje się żądanie odczytywania znaków czasu i rozeznawania miejsc, w których Chrystus wzywa nas, abyśmy pełnili Jego misję. Stoimy przed różnymi wyzwaniami: malejąca liczba osób uczestniczących w niedzielnej Mszy św., wartościowe budynki kościelne wymagające remontów, malejąca liczba księży, powołań zakonnych, malejąca liczba diakonów i duszpasterzy świeckich, przejście w niedługim czasie wielu duszpasterzy na emeryturę. Rozwiązanie tej sytuacji będzie potrzebowało modlitwy, pokory, ciężkiej pracy, twórczego podejścia, podejmowania trudnych decyzji i składania nowych ofiar. Prawdą jest, że kiedy ten proces konsultacyjny zostanie ukończony, wspólnie pogrążeni będziemy żałobą po utracie niektórych parafii. Jednak to nie będzie ostatnie słowo. Mając odwagę na porzucenie znanych nam dotąd sposobów działania, możemy spoglądać na ten czas nie, jako po prostu na czas strat, co raczej przyjmować go, jako czas odnowy. Odnowa przychodzi wraz z umieszczeniem Chrystusa w centrum wspólnoty i towarzyszenia jeden drugiemu na drodze pełnienia misji apostolskiej. Zakorzeniony w Chrystusie, umocniony łaską sakramentalną i więzią wspólnoty, Kościół w Chicago będzie wzrastał w radości i będzie przynosił owoce w odpowiedzi na wezwanie Chrystusa „Odnów mój Kościół”. Dlatego właśnie kręgosłupem „Odnów mój Kościół” będzie zdecydowana koncentracja na misji Kościoła. Dołożymy wielu starań i włożymy wiele wysiłku w to, aby zapewnić wsparcie lokalnym parafiom. Będzie ono im potrzebne do umacniania wiary wspólnotowej i wcielania w życie wezwania do życia misyjnego w najbardziej żywotny z możliwych dotąd sposób. Dlaczego ten proces nazywa się Odnów mój Kościół? Kiedy św. Franciszek modlił się w kościele św. Damiana usłyszał mówiącego do niego Chrystusa: „Idź i odbuduj mój Kościół”. Po jakimś czasie Franciszek zrozumiał, że Chrystus wzywał go do odnowy Kościoła - nie jedynie, jako fizycznej konstrukcji, ale całości, jako Ludu Bożego. Umieranie i zmartwychwstawanie Chrystusa wciąż odbywają się w każdym wieku w umierającym i zmartwychwstającym Kościele. Musimy podjąć misję proklamowania Chrystusa, jako Kościół stanowiący zjednoczoną wspólnotę i skoncentrowany na odnowie, która przychodzi przez Zmartwychwstanie. (Zawarcia listu zostanie opublikowana w przyszłym tygodniu biuletynu). Dzielimy się światłem Chrystusa i nasza wiara pogłębiana jest poprzez świętowanie różnonarodowości w naszej Parafi Intentions for the Week Saturday/Sábado/Sobota Saturday/Sábado/Sobota May/Mayo/Maja - 14th 8:00 AM: • Health & God’s Blessings for Our 8AM Daily Mass Members 4:00 PM: + Sr. Joan Marie Kryszak (Florence Urbanek) + Stanley & Marie Stocki (Son) + Frank Zielnik (Wife & Son) • Health & God’s Blessings for Rosemary Cannon • Anniversary Blessings for Peggy & Norb Budz On Their “50th” Wedding Anniversary Sunday /Domingo/Niedziela May/Mayo/Maja - 15th 6:45 AM: + Frank & Gertrude Przybylski (Family) + Arlene Peters (Tribuani Family) + Stanley Janicki (Sister/Jean) + John & Domenica Velcich (Sisters) 8:00 AM: + Flora Martinez (Family) “12th Anniversary” 9:30 AM: + Bronislaw Bozczka (Daughter) + Wanda Zofia Podogorni (Husband) + Jan Nowobilski (Maria) 11:00 AM: + Ruben Gomez (Family) • In Thanksgiving (Jeanne Prokopec & Family) • Health and God’s Blessings for Frank Marszalik • Health and God’s Blessings for Maria Zola 1:00 PM: + Esteban Uriel Garcia (Family) + Sylvina Pedroza (Daughter) Monday/Lunes/Poniedzialek May/Mayo/Maja - 16th 8:00 AM: + Deceased Members of the Evans Family + Deceased Members of the Vanderploeg (Mary Evans) Tuesday/Martes/Wtorek May/Mayo/Maja - 17th 8:00 AM: + For Our Deceased Parishioners Wednesday/Miércoles/Sroda May/Mayo/Maja - 18th 8:00 AM: • Health and God’s Blessings for Our Parishioners Thursday/Jueves/Czwartek May/Mayo/Maja - 19th 8:00 AM: • God’s Blessings for World Peace Friday/Viernes/Piatek May/Mayo/Maja - 20th 8:00 AM: • Special Intention Saturday/Sábado/Sobota May/Mayo/Maja - 21st 8:00 AM: + Arlene Peters 4:00 PM: + Sr. Joan Marie Kryszak (Felician Sisters) + William Sobr Jr. (Wyderski Family) + Stanley & Marie Stocki (Son) Sunday /Domingo/Niedziela May/Mayo/Maja - 22nd 6:45 AM: + Sr. Ovidia Lazzari (Maria Lazzari) + Joseph Janicki (Sister/Jean) + Arlene Peters • Health & God’s Blessings for Sr. Eliana 8:00 AM: + Flora Martinez (Family) • “Angel Hugs” for Juanita & Rafael Pelayo and Family Intentions for the Week Sunday /Domingo/Niedziela May/Mayo/Maja - 22nd...continued 9:30 AM: + Wanda Zofia Podogorni (Husband) • Health & God’s Blessings for Our Polish Community 11:00 AM: + Jose Manuel Salas • Health & God’s Blessings for Jeannie Prokopec 1:00 PM: • Health & God’s Blessings for Our Parishioners Readings for the Week May/Mayo/Maja- 15th Pentecost Sunday Domingo de Pentecostés Zesłanie Ducha Świętego Acts/Hechos/Dziejow Apostolskich 2: 1-11 * 1 Corinthians/1 Corintios/Koryntian 12: 3b-7, 12-13 * John/Juan/Jana 14: 15-16, 23b-26 May/Mayo/Maja - 16th Ordinary Time VII Tiempo Ordinario VII James/Santiago/Jk 3: 13-18 * Mark/Marcos/Mk 9: 14-29 May/Mayo/Maja - 17th Ordinary Time VII Tiempo Ordinario VII James/Santiago/Jk 4: 1-10 * Mark/Marcos/Mk 9: 30-37 May/Mayo/Maja - 18th Ordinary Time VII Tiempo Ordinario VII James/Santiago/Jk 4: 13-17 * Mark/Marcos/Mk 9: 38-40 May/Mayo/Maja - 19th Ordinary Time VII Tiempo Ordinario VII James/Santiago/Jk 5: 1-6 * Mark/Marcos/Mk 9: 41-50 May/Mayo/Maja - 20th Ordinary Time VII Tiempo Ordinario VII James/Santiago/Jk 5: 9-12* Mark/Marcos/Mk 10: 1-12 May/Mayo/Maja - 21st Ordinary Time VII Tiempo Ordinario VII James/Santiago/Jk 5: 13-20 * Mark/Marcos/Mk 10: 13-16 May/Mayo/Maja - 22nd The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad Uroczystość Trójcy Swiętej Acts/Hechos/Dziejow Apostolskich 2: 1-11 * 1 Corinthians/1 Corintios/Koryntian 12: 3b-7, 12-13 * John/Juan/Jana 14: 15-16, 23b-26 Download the St. Turibius App for your IPhone, IPad or Android Phone or Tablets. Prosze sciagnac St. Turibius Aplikacje na swoj telefon, IPhone, IPad lub Android lub na tablety. Descargue la App par St. Turibius para su IPhone y IPad y el telefono y la tableta de Android. We share Christ’s light and our faith is deepened as we celebrate the diversity of our Parish. Pray for the Sick of Our Parish Eleanor Jasiorkowski, Emma Miranda, George Przybylski, Frank Tonovich, Bob Bowen, Connie Bromer, Esme Bell, (Bingo) Michael Nicholson, Florence Kois, Nick Rizzo, Beverly Godfrey, Joseph E. Janik, Adeline Jeziorny, Dorothy Kajmowicz, Nelida R. Aldana, Helen Kleiber, Frances Kopec, Dorthea Kosicki, Ed Pavlik, Mary Zic, Charlene Young, Martha Flores, Virginia Przytula, Carmen Madrigal, Marilyn Manzo, Jeannette Biskup, Paul Mazzocco, Marge Newsome, Matthew Halloran, Mike Purcella, Isabella Lash, Sr. Ann Mary Wundrach, Sr. Emilie Marie Sierakowski, Maria Zola, Jean Balasa, Nayeli Leila Reyes, Lillian Tonkovich, Brian Wagner, Joan Szczublewski, Julie Weisenberger, Doris Wilczewski, Maggie Dybas, Ted Wojchiechowski, Serapia Ortega, Dominica Jedrzejczyk, “Bingo” Irene, Ellen Nicholson, Henryk Dynia, Dawn Sobie, Ignacio Soto, Lillian Snow Anthony and Esther Zenari, LaVerne Murphy, Rose Bencik, Sister Mary Beth Bromer, Frances Nowakowski, Helen Hyerczyk, Dolores I. Janik, Patricia Pavlica, Pamela Gorman, Lucja (Lucy) Kopiec, Alice Kasprzyk, Deacon Ignacio Alvarez, Julie Kwak, Marina Franco, James Konieczny, Sister Rosemarie Morowczynski, Gail Wodarski, Jeanne Prokopec, Jean & Bob Nelson, Joyce Mullin, Gerald Jeropke, Rose Fremarek and Nielda Aldana, Julie Kwak & Rosemary Cannon Jolly Senior’s News At our May 26th meeting come out and lets celebrate “Bingo” Irene’s 104th Birthday. Happy Birthday Irene. This is our last meeting before summer break. Have a enjoyable summer, stay healthy and be safe! See you back in September! Brother Rice Summer Camps Brother Rice High School is pleased to offer a comprehensive line-up of summer camps sure to appeal to grade school students. Academic, athletic, and band camps will be offered throughout the summer. Those interested in participating can register online at Please contact Laura Sexton (773-429-4345 or with questions or information requests. Lord, send our Your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. St. Anne’s Society ST. ANNE’S SOCIETY – MAY CROWNING All St. Anne’s Society members are invited to the convent on Thursday, May 19th at 6:00 PM for our annual May crowning. There will be an ice cream social after the May crowning. If you plan on attending the May crowning, please call Geri on her cell 773-520-6733 so we will know how many are coming. If anyone needs a ride, call Geri and we will make arrangements to have someone pick you up. Gaelic Park Irish Festival Gaelic Park Irish Festival - 6119 west 147th Street, Oak Forest, is sponsoring an indoor/outdoor Irish Festival on Memorial Day weekend, May 27th - May 30th. Presenting continuous entertainment, Irish import stores, and unlimited carnival rides, Irish step dancing competition, food & refreshments. Please visit our website at Endowment Fund - April 24th For the Deceased Members of the Delaney Family For the Deceased Members of the Conff Family For the Deceased Members of the Strocchio Family For the Deceased Members of the Carrillo Family For the Deceased Members of the Diaz Family For the Deceased Members of the Bueschel Family For the Deceased Members of the Gramajo Family Dorothy Preston Mary Ellen Majcher Henry Nowak Teresa Ruiz For the Deceased Members of the Kurczak Family For the Deceased Members of the Bilotta Family For the Deceased Members of the Lorenz Family William Sobr Jr. 13th Ward Senior Celebration State Representative Michael Madigan and 13th Ward Alderman Marty Quinn announce the Annual: 13th Ward Senior Celebration Friday, May 20th West Lawn Park 4233 West 65th Street 9:30am until 1:00pm Representative from government offices, health care agencies, and social service organizations will furnish information and assist with applications. An award ceremony and several free raffles will take place. Please call the Madigan-Quinn Service Office at (773) 581-8000 or (773) 581-1313 to reserve your seat. Niech zstąpi Duch Twój I odnowi ziemię. Reflejamos la luz de Cristo y profundizamos nuestra fe cuando celebramos la diversidad de Nuestra Parroquia. May - 2016 Bingo Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Monday, May 16 8:00 PM: Men’s Prayer Group (en Español) (Rectory B) 7:00 PM: Tuesday, May 17 Youth Leadership Meeting (Rectory C) 6:30 PM: 7:00 PM: Wednesday, May 18 Fostering the Faith Workshop (LCH) Hispanic Committee Meeting (Rectory B) 6:00 PM: 7:00 PM: 7:00 PM: Thursday, May 19 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (CH) Circulo Vigil (Felician Hall) Liturgy Meeting (Rectory B) 7:00 PM 7:00 PM: Friday, May 20 Youth Group (Felician Hall) Legion of Mary (Rectory A) 11:00 AM: 1:00 PM: 5:00 PM: 7:00 PM: 11:00 AM: 2:00 PM: 2:00 PM: 4:00 PM: 6:00 PM: Saturday, May 21 SVDP Bundle Weekend Motorcycle Blessing (Parking Lot) Quinceanera - Nunez (CH) Confessions (Church) Circulo (Church) Sunday, May 22 SVDP Bundle Weekend 1PM Spanish Choir Rehearsal (Rectory A) English Baptisms (CH) Bingo Set - Up (Felician Hall) Bingo Doors Open (Felician Hall) Bingo Games Start “Maria y la Santisima Trinidad” Retiro “Maria y la Santisima Trinidad” 21 de mayo. Parroquia Santisimo Sacramento 3528 South Hermitage Ave. Bsmt. de la Iglesia 8am a 4pm Donacion por los alimentos $10 adultos y $5 ninos. Envía tu Espíritu, Señor, y repuebla la fax de la tierra. Sunday May 29th Kick off to Summer Happy Memorial Day Weekend Free Double Cards in all computers All games are different Regular Games pay $200.00 Free Flags for all Happy Birthday BIngo will be played Doors open 4pm Games start 6pm Sunday, June 19th Happy Father’s Day Special Bingo / Raffle All men will have a chance to win bonus cash Extra door prizes Sunday June 26th Happy Birthday Bingo will be played Free double cards in all computers New end of month format - ALL games are different Mark your calendars for a special SUPER RAFFLE BINGO SATURDAY NIGHT JULY 2ND GAMES START 630PM WATCH FOR MORE DETAILS THANKS Play Computer as low as $25.00 With Free Paper All Paper Books Only $10.00 Please keep Bingo “Mike” Nicholson and the Peters Family in your daily thoughts and prayers. Thank you! Question of the Week To whom should I go and how exactly can we share together the renewing presence of the Spirit’s gentle love “resting” upon us? St. Laurence High School Class of 1966 The Class of 1966 from St. Laurence High School in Burbank is currently planning their Golden 50th Anniversary Reunion Weekend. A number of events will take place at the school and outside the school the weekend of September 9th - 11th, 2016. All graduates from the class are encouraged to participate in as many activities as they can. Please contact Mr. Tony Blasco at (630) 258-3592 ( or Mr. Gerry Saternus at (773) 418-3791 for additional information and to help plan this special reunion. Corpus Cristi - May 29th Our Parish Community will be having their procession again this year and we are looking for four homes around the parish block (57th St. - 56th & Keeler - 56th Place to Karlov) to host a display and prayer service in their front yard. Please contact the Rectory if interested at (773) 581-2730. The 11am Sunday Mass on May 29th will begin at 11:30am. Dzielimy się światłem Chrystusa i nasza wiara pogłębiana jest poprzez świętowanie różnonarodowości w naszej Parafi “Push” to World Youth Day - 2016 St. Vincent de Paul “Food of the Month Club” During the month of May , we are asking for your support with donations of any type of DRIED BEANS, such as Pinto Beans, Black Beans, etc and WHITE RICE. Please, no canned beans or flavored rice, as we have an ample supply of those Your donations can be placed in the box located in the vestibule of the church when you come to Mass, or they can be taken to the Rectory during normal business hours. Thank you for your support. May God Bless You for your generosity to others. St. Vincent de Paul “Bundle Sunday” World Youth Day, Poland 2016 Thank you! On behalf of our seven young people who will be going to World Youth Day in July 2016, I want to express my wholehearted gratitude to all our parishioners for supporting our fundraising efforts with your prayers and generous contributions. It has been wonderful to witness how St. Turibius Parish is taking pride in sending our youth to meet Pope Francis in Cracow, Poland! Catholic Family Day Sunday, June 12 Six Flags Great America presents the annual Catholic Family Day event! Come with your parish, your parish group, or just with your family for an entire day to celebrate Catholic FamDay! Mass will be held at 12 p.m. in the Wilderness Theater. For tickets, visit and enter the Promo Code: ARCHCHICAGO. Alleluia, alleluia - Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Proudly Serving Our Country SPC Anne Marie Archer, USA MAJ John Costanzo, USA LCPL Aaron J. Godinez, USMC SGT Michael P. Gorski, USA CPL James R. Guarino, USMC SPC Ricardo J. Guerrero, USA SPC Luis A. Guerrero, USMC CORP James A. Kilkelly, USMC MSTR SGT Arthur R. Parra, USMC Airman Galo Rodriguez, USN SGTJulio Cesar Roman, USMC PFC Hector Rueda, USA SGT Daniel S. Ryan, USMC LTCOL TimothyTocwish, USMC PFC Joe Doyle Ryan,USMC Jordan A. Kopf, HN-USN LT Brian Koll, USN PFC Javier Pineda, USA Mathew Harjung,USA Army Rafael Murillo, USA Army PFC Carlos Alday Now is the time to clean out your closets, your cabinets, the basement and the attic. Bundle it up and bring all those useful items you don't use any more, and all the clothes that don't fit anyone in family to the church parking lot, and help fill up the St. Vincent DePaul truck. We are looking for clothing of any type and small household goods, such as dishes, pots, utensils, linens, towels, blankets, etc. Please, NO furniture or toys. This merchandise will be taken to the St. Vincent De Paul Resale Center to be used to assist the people that we serve. The truck will be in the parking lot on Saturday, May 21st from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., and on Sunday, May 22nd, from 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. You may conveniently drop your donations off before or after you attend Mass. As always, thank you for your cooperation and your help. Career Fair May 21, 2016 10:00am - 3:00pm 600 West 22nd Street Suite 310 Oak Brook, Illinois 60523 The American Association of private and government employees is looking for candidates in these areas. *Customer Service *Admisitration *Representatives *Area Supervisors *Regional Managers *Marketing *Finance * Human Resources Dedicated in helping the community! Call us for more information: (708) 484-9181 Ext. 904247 St. Laurence H.S. Golf Outing The St. Laurence High School Alumni Association will sponsor its twenty-seventh annual STL Golf Outing on Friday, May 27th at the beautiful Broken Arrow Golf Club in southwest suburban Lockport. The cost is $150.00 per person, and includes golf, cart, food and refreshments on the course, a delicious dinner, and an open bar. Please call Mr. Ed Kozak ‘79 at (708) 458-6900 Ext. 244 to make reservations, for sponsorship opportunities and for any additional information. “God Bless Our Soldiers” Aleluya, aleluya - Ven, Espiritu Santo, llena los corazones de tus fieles y enciende en ellos el fuego de tu amor. We share Christ’s light and our faith is deepened as we celebrate the diversity of our Parish. Penitential Act Greeting The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the Communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. And with your Spirit Penitential Act I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. TOTAL DONATIONS $7,993.99 Sunday Collections May 1, 2016 $5,777.84 $3,509.00 in 245 Envelopes $2,268.84 Loose 4:00 PM: $1,500.00 $1,320.00 in 51 Envelopes $180.00 Loose 6:45 AM: $560.00 $500.00 in 32 Envelopes $60.00 Loose 8:00 AM: $970.00 $365.00 in 32 Envelopes $605.00 Loose 9:30 AM: $620.00 $320.00 in 33 Envelopes $300.00 Loose 11:00 AM: $863.00 $621.00 in 46 Envelopes $242.00 Loose 1:00 PM: $1,100.84 $219.00 in 31 Envelopes $881.84 Loose Rectory: $164.00 20 Envelopes Other Donations $2,216.15 May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. AMEN St. Rita Triduum St. Rita of Cascia Parish 6243 South Fairfield Ave. Chicago, Illinois Invites you to Our: St. Rita Triduum Three Days in Honor of St. Rita Friday, Saturday and Sunday May 20th, 21st and 22nd **************************************************************************** Friday, May 20th - 7pm Bilingual Mass Mass of Married Couples and Families (Rita was wife, mother and widow) All married couples and families will receive a special blessing. After the mass, all are invited to watch the first half of the movie of the life of St. Rita in St. Augustine Hall (in English with Spanish subtitles). Bring your popcorn and refreshments! ***************************************************************************** Saturday, May 21st - 7pm Bilingual Mass Healing Mass (Rita is saint of impossible cases) Special praises and blessings while we pray for all our “impossible cases” (e.g. health, family situations, etc.) After the Mass, all are invited to watch the second half of the movie of the life of St. Rita in Augustine Hall. ***************************************************************************** Sunday, May 22nd 8am - Normal Mass with the Distribution of Roses 11am - Bilingual Mass with the Distribution of Roses Note Change To Mass Time After the 11am Mass, there will be a social in St. Augustine Hall. All are invited to bring a cold dish, dessert or sodas to share! A Very Special “Thank You” to the Parishioners of St. Turibius! Un muy Especial “Agradecimiento” a los feligreses de San Toribio! Serdeczne “Podziekowania” dla parafian Sw. Turibiusza! Other Donations Vigil Lights: $146.23 Building Conditions: $1,889.92 Endowment Fund: $180.00 Dzielimy się światłem Chrystusa i nasza wiara pogłębiana jest poprzez świętowanie różnonarodowości w naszej Parafi Saint Turibius Parish We Are One Family, Encircled by God’s Love! Pastoral Staff Directory PHONE: FAX: (773) 581-2730 (773) 581-5396 Rev. William (Guillermo) Lego, O.S.A, Pastor...x29 Rev. Robert Basler, O.S.A, Associate Pastor...x17 Rev. Jack (Juan) Dowling, O.S.A....x15 Deacon Thomas Christensen, Judy Christensen Deacon Javier Pineda, Irma Pineda Sr. Mary Beth Bromer, DRE...x 34 Sr. Eliana Remiszewska,CRE...x34 Religious Education Sr. Eliana Remiszewska...x23 Mrs. Elvira Villaseñor, Office Assistant....x11 Email: Ms. Kathy DeStefano, Parish Secretary...x10 Email: Music Ministry Ms. Jolanta Ziemba, Polish and English Music Minister El Coro Agape: San Turibius -Spanish Choir Tiempo de Dios: Charismatic Choir Alejandro Morelos: 8:00 a.m. Mass Parish Addresses (Chicago, Illinois 60629-4441) Parish Mission Statement We Believe that God is Love, and when we live in love we live in God and God lives in us! Therefore we, the Parish Family of Saint Turibius, dedicate ourselves to living out Christ’s Great Commandment: we will love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength, and we will show our love for God by the way we love and care for one another. To this end, we will respond to our baptismal call, strengthened by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. As a Family of Faith that has an Attitude of Gratitude for the gifts God has given to us, we will share our time, our talent and our treasure with each other. We welcome into our parish family all people, because we believe that together we are the Body of Christ and together we can bring the love, peace, forgiveness, healing, and joy of Christ into our community in ways we never could have if we were to remain apart. May all who meet us, who worship with us, who work and play with us, know we are Christians by our love! Rectory: 5646 South Karlov Avenue School: 4120 West 57th Street.....x21 Convent: 4125 West 56th Place.....x23 Rectory Hours Baptisms Sick Calls 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday Call or stop by the parish office to register for a baptismal preparation class and finalize the baptism date. Please contact the rectory office (x10) to arrange for visits to the sick and homebound. The priests and our ministers of care will make every effort to visit parishioners in the hospital, at home, and in nursing homes. CLOSED: Saturday, Sunday, Monday Website www. Email Parish: Like Us on Facebook St. Turibius Parish, Chicago Spanish: 2nd Sunday of the Month English: 3rd Sunday of the Month Polish: During the Sunday Mass 1st Friday Devotions English: After the 8:00 a.m. Mass Marriages Contact one of the priests at least six (6) months in advance to make an appointment. After Hours Emergency (773) 581-2730 Ext. 55