28th Sun Ordinary


28th Sun Ordinary
(Roman Catholic Diocese of Nashville)
222 Berger Street
Lawrenceburg, Tennessee 38464
October 11, 2015 - Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Office Hours:
9:00 am to 2:00 pm - Monday through Friday.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
P.O. Box 708
Lawrenceburg, Tennessee 38464
Parish Office: (931) 762-3183
 School Office: (931) 762-6125
Fax: (931) 762-5128
“Fill us at daybreak with your mercy, that all our
days we may sing for joy.” -Psalms 90:14
Website: www.shlawrenceburg.org
Email: shoffice@shlawrenceburg.org
Mass Schedule
Saturday - 5:30 p.m.
Sunday - 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
Monday, Thursday, Friday—8:00 a.m.
Wednesday— 6:00 p.m.
We, the Sacred Heart Community, welcome all our
visitors and friends to our Worship and our Liturgical
Celebrations. We are glad that you are here with us
today. If you would like to join our church, or want to
know more about our Parish, please call (931) 7623183, or stop by the Parish office at any time.
Holy Day Vigil: 7:00 p.m.
Holy Day : 8: 00 a.m.& 7:00 p.m.
Holy Hour & Benediction
First Fridays From 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Rosary: 30 minutes before the Mass
For Sacraments
For Sacraments
Parish Secretary:
Rev. Joseph Mundakal C.M.I.
Mindy Beckman
Parish Pastoral Council:
Blake Lay
Bookkeeping (Regional)
Religious Education:
Terri Bailey
Suzy Brewer &
Melissa McCawley
Youth Ministry:
Music coordinator:
Knights of Columbus:
School Principal:
School Secretary:
Samantha Benefield
Bob Augustin
Danny Piovarcy
Lane Rohling
Rosemary Harris
Becky White
For Sacrament Call the rectory at 931-762-3183.
Call the rectory at 931-762-3183.
of the Sick:
For Confession: Saturday-5:00—5:20 p.m.
For Confession: Saturday-5:00—5:20 p.m.
Any other times: Call (931) 762-3183
Any other times: Call (931) 762-3183
For Baptism:
For Baptism:
Call the Rectory at least four weeks before
Call the Rectory at least four weeks before the
the baptism. Baptismal instruction for the
baptism. Baptismal instruction for the parents and
and the god-parents is required.
the god-parents is required.
For Marriage:
For Marriage:
Call the Rectory at least six months before, for
Call the Rectory at least six months before, for the
registration and the required marriage
registration and the required marriage preparation.
Prayer requests: Call 762-3183 or send an email with details
Prayer requests: Call 762-3183 or send an email with details.
Mass Intentions for this week:
SAT: 10/10/15— 5:30 pm
Special Intention
SUN: 10/11/15—8:00 am
10:30 am
Gloria Smith 
SH Parish Members
MON: 10/12/15—8:00 am
Roy Hunt 
TUE: 10/13/15—8:00 am
No Mass
WED: 10/14/15—6:00 pm
Jeff Rohling 
THU: 10/15/15—8:00 am
Living & dead members of Nick
& Katherine Hollander Family
Special Intention
SAT: 10/17/15—5:30 pm
John & Lucille Niedergeses 
Expenses to Date:
SUN: 10/18/15—8:00 am
10:30 am
Special Intention
SH Parish Members
10/16/15—8:00 am
Please remember in your prayers:
Cynthia Lamprecht
Reggie Picard
Mary West
Loretta Washburn
Bob Dickson
Junetta Hoover
Shirley Kenner
James Binkley
Stella Brazier
Ed Douglas
Charlie Smith
Francis Guess 
Chris Hagan 
Virgil Stockard 
Marie Klepac 
Brenda Williams
Our Rosary intentions this week:
….Robbie & Cheryl Beckman, Eric & Jill Bedingfield, Scott & Samantha Benefield, Thomas
& Pat Berthy, Rita Beuerlein….
….Tommy & Catherine Beuerlein, James Binkley, Charles & Joan Bishop, Tresa Blackwood, Kerry &
Melissa Boston….
….Mike Boulie, Rhonda Boyle, Brian & Suzy Brewer, Jake
Brewer, Jerry Brink…
…..Dan & Sharon Brink, David Brink, Jeanette Brink, Louis & Diane Brink, Richard & Pat Brink…..
LDF Report to Date:
Thank you for your generosity!!!!
Sacred Heart School ‘Trunk or Treat’
Sacred Heart School will be having
their annual ‘Trunk or Treat’ on
Friday, October 30th from 5:00-7:00
pm at Sacred Heart School in the
gym parking lot.
Please pack your trunk with plenty of
treats for the children of our Parish and
our School and come have a spooktacular
For questions or more information, please
contact Melissa Boston by cell
(931)-244-4585 or home (931) -766-2131
2nd Collections for the Month of October
October 18th—World Mission Sunday
October 25th—School Collection
Normally the School Collection is the 3rd Sunday
of the Month, but since World Mission falls on
that Sunday, we will have the School Collection a
week later on the 25th.
Updated Schedules
There are updated schedules in the back of the
Church for Lectors, Ushers, and EMHC (Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion . Please feel free
to take a copy. It should now match up with the bulletin from now on unless other changes are made.
Thank You!
Advertisement Space Available
We now have available space for anyone who would
like to put an advertisement for their business in our
Church bulletin. The prices will vary, depending on the
size. If you are interested, you may contact the Church
Office for more information at 762-3183.
CYO Fundraisers
NCYC Trip for November
The CYO will be having several
fundraisers for their NCYC trip next monthNovember. Here is a list of the fundraisers
to look forward to in the next few weeks
-Oct. 21st. Wednesday 7 pm:
Mary Kay Party in School Cafeteria
Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Fall Meeting
Welcome all women to the Nashville Diocesan Council
of Catholic Women Fall Meeting!!
Saturday, November 7th 2015. Registration starts
at 9:30 am
Church of the Assumption:
1227 7th Ave. N
Nashville, TN 37208
$10 for members, $15 for soon to be members (Includes
lunch and guest speaker from Catholic Charities)
-Oct. 24th. Saturday: On this day, you can
schedule a time for the Youth to help with
any home or yard chores that needs to be
done. The CYO will collect donations for
their work.
There will be a collection of coats and backpacks
for refugees.
-Oct. 25th. Sunday: Pancake and sausage
breakfast in between 8:00 and 10:30 Mass.
Diocesan Engaged Couples Retreat Dates
-Nov. 7th. Saturday: Daddy/Daughter
dance. There will be professional pictures,
heavy appetizers, desserts, and dancing!
Tickets will be on sale soon!!!!
Please feel free to take advantage of
these opportunities to help our
Weekday Lectors for October
October 14th: Wallace Coleman
October 21st: Grace Coleman
Please RSVP to (615) -476-6244
Childcare will be available!
Here is a list of the dates for 2015:
October 17 & November 7th.
The retreat dates for 2016:
Jan 16, Feb 20, March 19, April 16, June 18,
July 16, Sept 10, Oct 15, & Nov 19.
The retreats will be from 8 am-5pm at the
Catholic Pastoral Center.
Located at
2800 McGavock Pike
Nashville, TN 37214.
For more info you can contact
(615) 383-6393
Liturgical Ministry Schedule for October 17th & 18th, 2015
Saturday 5:30 pm
Sunday 8:00 am
Sunday 10:30 am
Sue Brown
Marian Pickett
Lee Piovarcy
Scott White
David Campbell
Tommy Beuerlein
Dan Brink
Wallace Coleman
Louis Brink
Laura Merriman
Sheri Osborn
ExOrd Eu
Korey & Kristy Whitehead
Lucy Santini
Mark & Rosemary Harris
Christian Rankin
Brian & Suzy Brewer
Rita Wilburn
Team I
Jim & Carol Rohling
Team II
Barry & Debbie Scott
October 14th Wed: Home & School Mtg. 7 pm
October 24th Sat: CYO fundraiser—Yard work
October 15th Thurs: School Pictures (Pre-K 3 yr. old)
October 25th Sun: Pancake & sausage breakfast (between
October 16th Fri: School Pictures (Pre-K 4 yr. old)
October 17th Sat: Right to Life 5K Run 9 am
October 25th Sun: 2nd Collection for School
October 18th Sun: 2nd Collection: ‘World Mission Sunday’
October 26th Mon: Parent Teacher Conf.- Students dismiss
October 18th Sun: CCD Meets 9:10 am
October 18th Sun: RCIA Meets 9:00 am
Topic ‘Sin & Life’
October 21st Wed: CYO fundraiser—Mary Kay Party 7 pm
at 1:00 pm)
October 30th Fri: ‘Trunk or Treat’ 5-7 pm
November 7th Sat: CYO fundraiser—Daddy/Daughter dance
November 14th Sat: Annual ‘Fall Bazaar’ 8:00 am—1:00 pm
Please pick up Dishes left over from LDF
There are pots, pans, and dishes left over from the Labor Day Festival. If you have left your dish,
you may pick up in the Cafeteria.
PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS: Let them know You Appreciate Their Support of the Parish Bulletin !
Keith Rohling—Owner
Tractors, Implements, Parts, Salvage
4258 Gimlet Road
Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
Toll Free:
PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS: Let them know You Appreciate Their Support of the Parish Bulletin !
Please Patronize Our Advertisers:: Let them know You Appreciate Their Support of the Parish Bulletin !
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52 runs/$100
Please call the church Office
This Space
52 runs/$100
Please call the church Office