Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes My Journey to Lourdes
Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes My Journey to Lourdes
FROM THE DESK OF THE PASTOR Sixth Sunday in Easter - May 5, 2013 - “May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you!” - Psalm 67:6 My Journey to Lourdes May 15th marks the 20th anniversary of my priestly ordination. In gratitude to God for the gift of my vocation and in recognition of our Lady’s intercession, I have decided to make a month long pilgrimage to Lourdes, France during this Year of Faith. The Lourdes sanctuary where our Lady appeared to St. Bernadette draws over seven million pilgrims each year. In order to serve the sacramental and spiritual needs of the pilgrims the shrine is dependent upon visitor priests to assist with the administration of the sacrament of penance, celebrate Masses and help lead the nightly candle light processions. Each day during my stay in Lourdes I will be assigned to hear confessions for six hours and assist with Masses. I look forward to this grace filled opportunity and will certainly remember all of you in my prayers at this beautiful Marian sanctuary. Included in this bulletin you will find a special intention sheet on which I invite you to list your intentions. Please place this sheet in an envelope and mark it with the word “Lourdes.” I will bring your intentions to Lourdes and place them at the Grotto which is the site where our Lady appeared and revealed herself as the Immaculate Conception. I leave in late May and in my absence Fr. Paul O’Donnell as well as other priests will be in charge of the daily pastoral care of our parish. I will miss you while I am away but pledge my prayers for you! Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us! Father DiMaria My prayer intentions which Fr. DiMaria will bring to France and place in the Lourdes Grotto which is the place where our Lady appeared to St. Bernadette and revealed herself as the Immaculate Conception. Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes O ever-Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Mercy, health of the sick, refuge of sinners, comforter of the afflicted, you know my wants, my troubles, my sufferings; look with mercy on me. By appearing in the Grotto of Lourdes, you were pleased to make it a privileged sanctuary, whence you dispense your favors; and already many sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities, both spiritual and corporal. I come, therefore, with complete confidence to implore your maternal intercession. Obtain, O loving Mother, the grant of my requests: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Through gratitude for your favors, I will endeavor to imitate your virtues, that I may one day share your glory. Amen Please place your intentions in a sealed envelope and write the word “Lourdes” on it. Please submit your intentions by May 19, 2013. Page 1 - 013 Sacred Heart Parish TODAY - Sunday, May 5, 2013 - Catechetical Sermon Continuing in our year long Catechetical Sermons based on the Catechism, today’s topic is: “The Sacrament of Matrimony” CCC 1601-1666 The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) is available at the following link: Our Sunday Mass attendance and offerings during the Lenten season and on Easter Sunday was terrific. Now that the warmer weather has arrived many of our "regulars" have been either down the shore, up at the mountains or away during the weekends to celebrate special family occasions. It is my sincere wish that you enjoy your weekends away. In your absence our parish needs you to continue to financially support us on a regular basis. Employees' salaries, utilities, insurance, mortgage and other expenses continue to need to be met. May I ask that when you are away from home on the weekends that you continue to generously support us as you have always done in the past? You may find it helpful to register for on line giving at and select the “Parish Giving” logo. Remember that God is never outdone in generosity. God love you! Father DiMaria On Sunday, May 5 at 9 PM ET, FOX News will air nationally a documentary about the abortion doctor, Kermit Gosnell, who has been on trial for the murder of babies born alive and of a woman who came to his abortion clinic. This is a very important trial that raises many key issues in our national debate over abortion. We encourage you to watch it and get others to watch it as well. The King’s Men! Want a new mission in life? Try our mission: “Under Christ the King’s universal call to serve, we as men, pledge to unite and build up other men in the mold of leader, protector, and provider through education, formation and action.” TKM meets Wednesday evenings for prayer, spiritual reading & discussion, and to be held accountable. We meet at 7:10 PM in Meeting Room A on the second floor of Fr. Sheehan Hall (enter at the gym). Contact Bob Zeller: or visit (For men 18 years and older.) An eight week Women’s “ENDOW” program is coming to Sacred Heart! Sessions begin on: Monday, June 3rd at 7 PM; Tuesday, June 4th at 10:30 AM or Wednesday, June 5th at 7 PM visit Select”Women” then Select “Join a Class” Select” Pennsylvania” Select “Letter to Women” Sr. Marganne Drago as facilitator will be listed. Select “Register” For more info contact Sister Marganne at at 610-948-5915 Become your mom's favorite!! Feed the whole family delicious homemade hoagie sandwiches on Mother's Day! No need to go to an expensive restaurant, just pick up your $5.00 hoagies after all Masses, Sunday May 12. Mom will be thrilled and so will I, as this is a fundraiser for my Eagle Scout project. My Eagle Scout project directly benefits Sacred Heart Parish. Thank You, Greg Miller Donations for July 10-13, 2013 Sacred Heart Parish Fair’s “spirit wheel” may be dropped off at the Parish Office on Washington Street during business hours. Please hand your donation to one of our Office Staff. Thank you! Summer Basketball League (in Sacred Heart Parish’s Father Doyle Gym) Begins June 17, Age divisions for male and female 6th grade, 7th- 8th grade, High School, Men’s and Women’s -- To register join our website at or director Dan Hoff (484-941-3719) Page 2 - 013 Sacred Heart Parish Congratulations to our Sacred Heart Parish First Communicants! APRIL 27 and MAY 4, 2013 Madisyn Brock Angelina Calamia Alexander Craig Brynn Daly Frankie Fazio Madison Fizzarotti Erin Gallagher Grant Garman Alexis Gonsalves Peter Iannacone Cameron Kaercher Mia Karalius Brendan Kenning Reese Kershner Kolten Kqira Lindsey Krier Sean Lambert Joseph Lannutti Kylie Lee Nicholas Martino Caitlin McDonnell Michael McLaughlin Cassie McNabb Lauren Miers Meghan Moyer Amanda Mulhall Connor Nafus RJ Nedzwecky Isaiah Nguyen Sasha Osborne Katelyn Porrecca Karissa Potteiger Amy Prophet Ryan Prophet Kamryn Pufko Christopher Quigley Dominic Raimondi Nicholas Ricci Nolan Rosenberry Alexus Rumley Giovanni Sarmento Kaitlyn Sarmento Olivia Scaramucci Natasha Scotti Quinn Smith Matthew Smyntek Molly Spence Alexis Stover Juli Straub Gavin Tarity Victoria Timbario Katie True Victoria Van Derzee Julia Ward Alexander Wasko Celena Williams Christopher Wrightson Eric Zadroga Dear Jesus, I believe that You are present within my heart. You said, "This is My Body and My Blood." And I know You love me and want to be with me. From my heart, I thank You for all You have given to me: my life, my parents, my health, Baptism, protection, and all that I have. Make me more grateful still. Generous Lord, I ask for still more: Protect my soul and body. Be good to those I love. Watch over me and make me good and happy. Jesus, I promise to receive You often in Holy Communion. Remain with me, dear Jesus, today and always. Never leave me in life and be with me in the hour of my death. Amen. Needed - Any child who is in the 4th, 5th or 6th grade and would like to become an altar server is asked to contact Father DiMaria at Page 3 - 013 Sacred Heart Parish Congratulations to the Sacred Heart Senior Girls, Jackie Lerro, Courtney Marte, Kayla Mesaros, and Lily Nowacowski and their Coaching Staff on a job well done! Our girls placed 2nd in the Philadelphia Archdiocese Senior Girls 4 X 100 at the prestigious Penn Relays. They even broke our school’s record!! (In total there were 105 registered teams competing.) We’re very proud of all of you girls and coaches. Thank you for your Sacred Heart spirit!! HEY BATTER, BATTER!!!! Come out with the Knights of Columbus 1374 to the Reading Fightin’ Phils vs. Harrisburg Senators - June 8, Plaza opens: 4:30, Buffet: 5:30 to 8:00 Game time: 6:35, Cost: $22/ticket = all you can eat food and reserve seat Fireworks after the game Contact Rob Guzzon - 610-948-4670 SILVER LINERS SENIORS CIRCLE will have their last meeting of the year on Monday, May 13, at 11 a.m. in the St. Katherine Drexel Room. Come enjoy cakes and cookies and a time of friendship. Well talk about the upcoming fair and our participation. It will be fun. CALLING EVERYONE - PRE-SCHOOL - GRADE 4 - ARE YOU READY TO TAKE A RADICAL RIDE ON THE WINGS OF PRAYER WITH AMAZING ANGELS AND SUPER SAINTS? Is that a yes? Then prepare to take off on Monday, June 17th thru Friday, June 21 from 9 am -12 pm at our own Vacation Bible School. You’ll need to register for the journey so please contact Laura Hritz by e-mailing We especially are in need of a few ADULT volunteers to help. If interested, please contact Laura Hritz. ONLY 66 Days Left Until the Opening of the Fair! SAVE THE DATE! Coming December 7, ‘13 THE FIRST ARCHDIOCESAN WOMEN’S CONFERENCE AT THE CONVENTION CENTER. FOR MORE INFO VISIT: www.CatholicWomens Volunteer Opportunities Available for the Sacred Heart Parish Fair. We still need you. Please show your support and sign up today! Sign up at: or if you don’t have a computer, please phone us at 610-948-4542. “ATTIC TREASURES” WILL BE ONE OF OUR NEW BOOTHS AT THE FAIR THIS YEAR. Please help make this booth a success by saving your “second hand” treasures, in good condition for this sale. Some suggestions include but are not limited to: decorative items, household items, religious items, paintings, jewelry, games, etc. (no electronic items or clothes, please). In the very near future the Silver Liners Sr. Circle, the event sponsor, will be letting us know when and where we can drop off our items. Until such time, please save them. When we work together we can offer some fantastic buys for everyone! View the 2012 Parish Fair Collection of Photos on your Android phone by using the QR Code to the left. To obtain the application go to Google Play, then search SCAN, Inc. It’s one of the many free apps. available on line. Page 4 - 013 Sacred Heart Parish Voice of Therese, The Little Flower “Jesus does not wish to give me provisions for the future. He feeds me from moment to moment.” Stewardship is a Way of Life God’s Plan for Giving Weekend Contributions: 4/28/2013 $7,777.00 Praying For the Sick and Those That Need Our Prayers Domenic Sarmento, Caroline Gennaria, Rudi Mosselmans, Bea Snyder, Frank Pizzica, Louis DiNicola, Jr., Cloe Stadelmaier, Maria Fuimano, Nancy Kushner, Jonathan Nagrant, Jim Schloth, Marie Iannacone, Anthony Alfano, Paul Roma, David Evans, Charlie Roselle, Mildred Walters, Patrick Walters, Rosemarie Linahan, Maria Viola, Brendon & William Baynard, Vera Mousseau, Tommy Cummings, Valerie Richards, Christine Crane Reitnour, Steven DiGuiseppe, Shirley Noske, Johanne Ozoroski, Evelyn Wochele, Sandy Evans, David DePaoli, Richard Schroeder, Lenore McGinley, Mary Louise Roberts, Baby Audrey Grainer, Laurie Beth Ronan, Michelle O’Sullivan, Elizabeth Cummings, Anne Marie Gaughan, Denise Tontarski, Nicole Gallagher, Una Prendergast, Mary Jane Killeen, Christina Brohan, Shawn Reed, Caroline Cummings, Justin Farley, James Coccia, Theresa Haines, Ione Mastrangelo, Eleanor Williams, Patsy Gambino, Zachary Green, Josephine Stubanus, Rose Gomery, Jane Warzel, Jennifer Brown, Thomas Hill, Mildred Dishongh, Matthew Knoebel, Amanda Moser, Barbara Dougherty, Don Difilippo, Mary DeGennaro, Nicole Gallagher, Andrea Igoe, Betty Russell, Elena Craft, Beth Fedick, Kevin Schurr The Flowers in front of the Blessed Mother’s statue are in memory of Mary Rose DiGuiseppe from her Mother. St. Vincent de Paul Society Golfers and Sponsors needed, both Men and Women! The Monday 8:00 AM May 6, 2013 Lucille and Bill Good requested by Ralph and Cecilia Sirico Tuesday May 7, 2013 8:00 AM Dolores Seville requested by Mr. and Mrs. Budd Rancatore Wednesday May 8, 2013 8:00 AM Patricia Hoffman requested by Friends from Daily Mass 4:15 PM Souls in Purgatory Thursday May 9, 2013 8:00 AM Mario DiGuiseppe requested by Wife, Anne Marie, and Family 7:00 PM Donna West requested by the Hritz Family Saturday May 11, 2013 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4:15 PM Living and Deceased Mothers of Sacred Heart _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sunday Mother’s Day May 12, 2013 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:15 AM Living and Deceased Mothers of Sacred Heart Living and Deceased Mothers of Sacred Heart Living and Deceased Mothers of Sacred Heart Ascension Vigil Wed., May 8, 4:15 PM Matthew Booth Christian Shaffer Andrew Snaith (See column to the right for more times.) Knights of Columbus are holding their 3rd annual Golf Outing & Pig Roast on Friday, 21 June at The Kimberton Golf Club. This event is a major source of funds for our local St. Vincent de Paul Society and other local charities. Please consider joining and supporting this important event. Brochures with more details are posted on the Community Bulletin Board, near the kitchen in the Parish Hall or you may call me with any questions. Many thanks for your ongoing support of our local Society. Ralph Sirico (610) 948-7424 or † THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS Sat., May 11, 4:15 PM Anticipated Mass 7th Sunday of Easter Ascension Thurs. May 9, 8:00 AM Zachary Azar MaryKate Mooney Ascension 7:00 PM Tommy Cunningham Casey Flanagan Dominique Marrecau Meghan Johns Emily McDonnell Megan McDonnell Sunday, May 12, 8 AM 7th Sunday of Easter Kayla Mesaros Julia Owens Sunday, May 12, 9:30 AM 7th Sunday of Easter Caitlyn Breslawski Connor Godfrey Jackie Lerro Sunday, May 12,11:15 AM 7th Sunday of Easter Christopher Haffey Ethan Nafus Antonio Stento Page 5 - 013 Sacred Heart Parish