current weekly bulletin
current weekly bulletin
Parish News In the Beginning... Hospice Care Volunteers Needed Hospice Services, Inc. Palliative Care of Northwest Kansas is looking for volunteers for the Rooks County area. If you would like to know more about volunteering for hospice, please call 1-800-315-5122 or email They also have a website at Sacred Heart • Plainville St. Thomas • Stockton Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus The Plainville K of C meet the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Knights Hall for a meal with the meeting to follow. Our next meeting is Sunday, October 16th at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Tootsie Roll Drive Meets every Monday, Residence basement, 10 am. If you would be able to donate 2 hours of your time to help those in need, please stop by on Monday morning, or call Karen Reed at 425-6650 for further information. I am about 14 inches tall now and growing really fast. I try to stretch it out and mom can feel me move about. You could hear my heartbeat if you put your ear on my mother’s tummy. If Chris were born now, Christ would have an 85% chance of survival because Chris’s lungs have been getting stronger. Sometimes moms have cravings. Pickles and ice cream make a good snack. “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 St. Thomas Altar Society RCIA Mission Quilter’s Committee The K of C Tootsie Roll Drive is scheduled for this weekend—October 7-9. This annual fundraiser helps tremendously to make the Kansas Special Olympics possible. K of C Council 1857 100th Anniversary Celebration There is no meeting in October, our next meeting will be on Sunday, November 20th after Mass at the Parish Center. Knights of Columbus St. Anthony Council #1857 100th Anniversary Mass October 16, 2016—3:00 pm Sacred Heart Church—Plainville, KS Principal Celebrant: The Most Reverend Edward Weisenburger Bishop of Salina The Legion of Mary will meet again on Tuesday, October 11th at 5:00 pm at the residence. Stockton Food Pantry News Daughters of Isabella The Ministerial Alliance has designated the second Sunday of each month as Food Pantry Sunday. Members of all churches are asked to bring non-perishable food items to church services that day and they will all be taken to the food pantry. Food Pantry Stockers for October 3-14 are Becky Morris & Cecile Hammerschmidt. Ladies, please contact one another to pick a time (other than Thursdays). If you know someone who is ill or needs a card, please call Eleanor Becker at 434-2206 and let her know. Our next meeting is October 17th at 7:30 pm—hostesses are Mary Dreher, Julie Downing, Nancy Davis and Jamie Husmann. All parishioners are welcome to come over to the Parish Center following Sunday morning Mass for coffee and rolls. Hosts are as follows… October 9……..………...NO COFFEE October 16……....Jeff & Megan Riener October 23…………...VOLUNTEERS All parishioners are invited and welcome to attend. Sunday Morning Coffee & Conversation Trick or Treat So Others Can Eat It’s time for the D of I’s annual event: Trick or Treat So Others Can Eat. Boxes are available at the church entrances for non-perishable donations. Donations will be given directly to the Plainville Food Pantry. Eucharistic Ministers Needed Sacred Heart is looking for a few individuals who would like to serve as Eucharistic Ministers both on weekends and at weekday (school) Masses. If you are interested, please call the parish office or Mary VanSchuyver. Day of Mercy Across the Diocese of Salina priests will be available to all parishioners to receive the sacrament of Confession on Sunday, October 9th from 2:00 PM—4:00 PM For St. Thomas and Sacred Heart Parishioners the Day of Mercy will take place at Sacred Heart Church in Plainville. RCIA classes meet in the large meeting room at Sacred Heart on Thursdays at 7:00 pm. Let There Be Peace On Earth A suggestion from the Family Life Commission. At 8 pm each evening take a moment to gather the family together and say the Our Father, a Hail Mary, & a Glory Be for the intention of peace, unity, and reconciliation. Let us join together as a family of faith to do our small part to diminish the turmoil in our world. The way you help heal the world is you start with your own family ~ Mother Teresa Weekend Liturgy Assignments Sacred Heart—Plainville Saturday, October 15—6:00 pm Eucharistic Ministers: Gary Hughes, Deanna Hughes, Bob Plante Proclaimer: Elissa Ternes Altar Servers: Emma Miller, Ella Normandin, Lilly LeMarr Greeters: Chris & Kelli Hansen, Ellie Kriley Gift Bearers: Fred & Kathy Adam Ushers: Roger Kriley / Volunteers Music: Madison Foss Rosary Leader: Judy Hachmeister Sunday, October 16—10:30 am Eucharistic Ministers: Theresa Kriley, Janet Languein, Karen Sinclair Proclaimer: Tim Marcotte Altar Servers: Katlyn Couse, Katelyn Desaire, Josie Stahl Greeters: Troy Ostmeyer Family, Leon & Margaret Plante Gift Bearers: Ken & Vicki Becker Ushers: Leon Desaire / Volunteers Music: Elena Hageman Rosary Leader: Eleanor Becker Sunday, October 16—3:00 pm Eucharistic Ministers: Knights of Columbus Proclaimer: Knights of Columbus Altar Servers: Greeters: Knights of Columbus Gift Bearers: Knights of Columbus Ushers: Knights of Columbus Music: Rosary Leader: Jerry & Karen Casey If you are unable to fulfill your ministry, please find a replacement—Thank you! St. Thomas - Stockton Sunday, October 16—8:30 am Eucharistic Ministers: Mark Wildeman, Mae Wilkens, Megan Gasper Proclaimer: Jeff Riener Altar Servers: Ellie Bellerive, Aubrey Kesler, Caleigh Iwanski Greeters: Chris Kriley Family Ushers: David Reed Family Gift Bearers: Clint Bedore Family Music: Denise Murchie & Holly Bedore Solomon Valley: Roger Roy Update Contact Information Please call the parish office to make any changes to your contact information. If you no longer have a land line telephone and only use your cell phone, please call and give us that number. Tithing Report Sacred Heart Loose: 97 Adult Envelopes: 4 Children’s Envelopes Online Giving TOTAL St. Thomas Loose: 33 Adult Envelopes: Online Giving TOTAL $ 391.43 $6,240.00 $ 5.00 $ 0.00 $6,636.43 $ 74.00 $1,725.00 $ 0.00 $1,799.00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS! Sacred Heart School News Sacred Heart Mission Statement Sacred Heart Catholic Grade School’s mission is to provide students with Christian values and life skills necessary to be responsible, productive citizens in their world. Newsletters / Website Parents and Grandparents, please check the school website at then click on “Our School” to access the school calendar and newsletters. Newsletters will not be sent home or mailed out unless specifically requested. CLASSROOM VOLUNTEERS Sacred Heart Grade School is looking for classroom volunteers for this school year. If you would like to help or would like more information, please contact Mrs. Foss at 434-7459. SCHOOL CALENDAR OF EVENTS: October 10…………..……………….…...Home & School—6:30 pm October 14…….……………………………..….11:30 am Dismissal October 20……....11:30 am Dismissal/Parent-Teacher Conferences October 21………………………………………………...No School October 24………………….….School Council Meeting at 7:00 pm October 31…………………………………..Fall Festival at 2:45 pm SACRED HEART • 206 N. Washington • Plainville, Kansas • ST. THOMAS • 722 Main • Stockton, Kansas • Bishop of Salina Diocese Bishop Edward Weisenburger Pastor Father Brian Lager Parish Secretary/ Finance Secretary Jennifer Staab Enter to learn Christ... Leave to serve Christ. SACRED HEART Parish Council Chair Matt Keas Treasures From Our Tradition SHGS Principal Laura Foss This month, parishes around the country will conduct the “October count,” a measure of attendance at Sunday Mass. The measure has been taken for many centuries, and in some European dioceses it is possible to measure the level of engagement in worship by the population over the course of many centuries. Long ago, it was also the custom to track “Easter duty” by a statistical report. Penitents would receive a kind of chit at confession, which they would then turn in at their parish church when they received Holy Communion during Easter time. Long ago, of course, Communion was fairly rare in the life of a Catholic Christian, perhaps only once a year. The chits would be tallied by parish priests and reported to the chancery, which in turn would hold on to the records and include the statistics in a report to the Vatican every five years. Nowadays, the October count has proved especially critical in the life of our Church as bishops use the figures to measure the vitality of church life, to sketch parish boundaries, and even to decide when to close, merge, or form new parishes. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. PARISH EVENTS AT A GLANCE October 9…..….Diocesan Day of Mercy 2:00—4:00 pm at SH 10…….…...….St. Thomas Parish Council—6:30 PM 15-16….Plainville K of C 100th Anniversary Events 18………….....Sacred Heart Finance Council—Noon Knights of Columbus Council 1857— 100th Anniversary Celebration Knights of Columbus St. Anthony Council #1857 100th Anniversary Mass October 16, 2016—3:00 pm Sacred Heart Church—Plainville, KS Principal Celebrant: The Most Reverend Edward Weisenburger Bishop of Salina All parishioners are invited and welcome to attend. October 9, 2016 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C—Page 673 in St. Isaac Jogues Missal Daughters of Isabella Regent Susi Clark If we have died with Christ Jesus we shall also live with him; if we persevere we shall also reign with him. ~ 2 Timothy 2:11-12a OFFICE INFORMATION SAINT THOMAS Parish Council Chair Jeff Riener Director of Religious Ed Jessica Billinger K of C Grand Knight Roland Nyp Altar Society President Norma Braun Reconciliation Saturdays 5:00 pm—5:30 pm Sundays 7:45 am—8:15 am Marriage There is a six-month preparation period. Call the parish office to begin the process. Those wanting a traditional Catholic wedding should be living a traditional Catholic lifestyle. Anointing of the Sick Please call and set up a time with Father before any surgery or major tests. If there is an emergency, please call Father anytime at: 785-434-4658 or 785-673-6725. Baptisms must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance of the desired date. Baptisms may be celebrated after weekend Masses. Parents of firstborns must attend a preparation class. Please call the parish office for more information. K of C Grand Knight John Clark (please call the parish office for contact names) Sacred Heart St. Thomas Communion to the Homebound or Hospitalized Father or a Minister to the Homebound is happy to bring Holy Communion to the hospital or homes. Please call the parish office. School Council Chair AZ Molina Ladies’ Guild Committee Chairperson SACRAMENTS Bulletin Deadline: Tuesday Noon Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Parish Office.............785-434-4658 Rectory......................785-688-4211 Fax.............................785-434-2480 SHGS.........................785-434-2157 Principal’s Office.....785-434-7459 Website SACREDHEARTPLAINVILLE.ORG ADORATION Thursdays following 8:05 am Mass at Sacred Heart Fridays following 7:30 am Mass at St. Thomas Sacred Heart Weekly Mass Schedule & Intentions Tuesday, Oct. 11 8:05 AM + Don Garvert Thursday, Oct .13 8:05 AM + Gerald Desaire Saturday, Oct. 15 6:00 PM + Janice Garvert Sunday, Oct. 16 10:30 AM + Lenora Mick Sunday, Oct. 16 3:00 PM Members of the K of C Saint Thomas Weekly Mass Schedule & Intentions Wednesday, Oct 12 7:30AM + L/D Members of the Legion of Mary Friday, Oct. 14 7:30 AM + Russell & Debra (Wilkens) Birkholtz Sunday, Oct. 16 8:30 AM For the People of St. Thomas & Sacred Heart NEW PARISHIONERS We welcome you to the Parishes of Sacred Heart and St. Thomas. Please stop by the parish office to register or call for information.