Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Newsletter Late Summer 2015


Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Newsletter Late Summer 2015
Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Newsletter Late Summer 2015
85 Atlantic Ave. • Marblehead, MA 01945 • 781-631-0086 • www.staroftheseamarblehead.org
Dear Parishioners and Friends of our Parish,
As this beautiful summer comes to a close, I invite you once again to consider all the social and faith-deepening
events our parish offers. As you enjoy the many photos in this issue, please consider inviting a friend, neighbor,
coworker to come and share with you some of these vital signs of our parish’s community life.
St. Ignatius, founder of the Jesuits, was recently quoted by Pope Francis as saying: “Love is more shown in
deeds than in words.” There are ways for all of us to take these words and to make them real in our lives.
There’s something for everyone at Star of the Sea, thanks to the many volunteers in the varied activities
throughout the year. Perhaps you could add your hands to the many tasks to continue this life-giving work.
And, please remember to support our Grand Annual collection which begins this September.
May God bless you and your loved ones!
Rev. Michael L. Steele, Pastor
Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish
85 Atlantic Avenue
Marblehead, MA 01945
Above left Genn and Mike Thorne enjoy a Swiss Lake Cruise while Cindy and Dan Cedrone are backdropped by the Matterhorn.
They were part of our group who experienced our parish trip: “The panoramic trains of Switzerland.”
Restored to original beauty: Four Stained glass windows on the
South Side to be completed by November.
John and Laura Hurley and son, Nick:
Volunteers at Hot Dog Sunday
Enjoying Hot Dog Sunday are a family group who will
Shortly celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism.
Peter and Diane Mercier, married here
On August 22, 2015. Now serving as Eucharistic Ministers.
Bud and Eleanor Page enjoy a parish lawn party.
Thank God for these wonderful volunteer chefs at our
Hot Dog Sunday!
Both ladies and gentlemen were the volunteers who made our
Dr. Bednard and his two daughters at our parish tent affair.
The Kiley family, home for the summer. They really helped
Make the Summer Bible School a great memory this year.
Hot Dog Sunday and Sunday Breakfast events so successful!
Our Lady, Star of the Sea Parish, Marblehead, MA
Autumn 2015 Speaker Series
Adult Faith Formation
All are Invited
St. Ignatius
Sacred Scripture
Joseph O’Keefe, S.J.
Boston College
September 28
Dr. Jane E. Regan
Boston College
October 5
How can we
integrate this gift
into everyday life?
Nurturing spirituality
into family life in a
time of many
Dr. Stephen Fahrig
St. John’s Seminary
Pope St. John XXIII
National Seminary
October 14, 21, 28
An introduction to
the Old Testament –
an opportunity to discover
new insights
Pope Francis –
Family Life
Monsignor Liam Bergin
Boston College
October 26
Following Pope Francis’ visit
to the U.S., how do we
strengthen marriage – not
redefine it?
“Advent is Hope”
Rev. William F. Murphy
Pope St. John XXIII
National Seminary
November 30
An invitation to prepare
for this sacred season
Location: P arish Hall
Time: 7:00P M – 8:30P M
P arking is Available
October 24
Wine Tasting
Save the date for our Wine-Tasting event:
Saturday, October 24.
Our event team always offers
a nice variety.
September 20
Pancake Breakfast
Mark your calendar for the
Pancake Breakfast.
Sunday, September 20
after all the Masses.
November 7
Italian Night
Finally, save Saturday, November 7 from 5-6:30pm:
Italian Nite

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