

Where ALL are welcome since 1892
300 S. Sherman St · 301 S. Grant St (office)
Denver, Colorado 80209 · parish@sfdsdenver.com
303-744-7211 · 303-777-8844-after hours emergency · 303-777-0305-fax
Rev. Mr. Bill Ertmer
Business Manager:
Leah Dickinson
Lu Mayfield
Office Manager:
Scott Bloemendaal
Parish Office Hours:
8:30 am to 4:00 pm Monday-Friday
Mass Schedule:
Monday-Saturday 8:00 am
Saturday Anticipated 5:30 pm
Sunday 9:00 am and 10:30 am
Saturday 4:30-5:00 pm
Please call the Parish Office for
Sacramental information
Sr Mary Rose Lieb, OSF
235 S. Sherman Street
Denver Colorado 80209
Phone: 303-744-7231
Fax: 303-744-1028
For our sick: Dorothy
Thomas, Ted
Brucker, Nora Dorn, John Rendon, Diane Schnabel,
Mariah Lucero, Elaine Erickson, Joseph Mitchell,,
Jim Salazar, Kristy Rendon, Gary Lucero, Ed Bailey,
Milly Sperlak, Bobbi Owens, Dick Bland, Pat
Bussanich, Phyllis Ruddy, George Williams, Dores
Sellers, Yaracellie Meza, Melita and Bruce Hayes,
Lou Artelli, Brandon Nunez, Therese Michaud, Bob
Leach, Tom Siratovich, Lorraine Pacheco, Esther
Alvarado, Martha Gonzales-Warner, for all serving
in our armed forces and for all who have died.
Please call the Parish Office to add a name.
9:00 AM Liturgy-C
10:00 AM Pancake Breakfast-PC
10:30 AM Liturgy-C
8:00 AM Liturgy-C
5:00 PM A.A.-PC
8:00 AM Liturgy-C
8:00 AM Liturgy-C
7:00 PM Religious Ed.-Montessori Building
8:00 AM Liturgy
7:00 PM Choir Practice-C
8:00 AM Liturgy-C
6:45 PM Courage-PC
8:00 AM Liturgy-C
4:30 PM Confessions-C
5:30 PM Liturgy-C
9:00 AM Liturgy-C
10:00 AM Coffee and Donuts-PC
10:30 AM Liturgy-C
C=Church, PC=Parish Center, R=Rectory
From the pen of Fr. Ken
Narrative of the Institution: The
words of institution are part of the Eucharistic prayer, which is a consecratory, thanksgiving prayer of praise. All
that God has accomplished in creation and salvation
history is fulfilled, signified, and made present in the
person of the crucified and risen Christ. Christ’s
words area promise and through the power of the
Holy Spirit they accomplish what they signify: his
Eucharistic body and blood, his real presence with
all the riches of the Kingdom.
Historical Survey: The words of institution or consecration are essential to the Eucharistic prayer. Their
ancient liturgical usage is already reflected in the
scriptural accounts of the Last Supper, which borrowed the phrasing of these words from actual Eucharistic celebrations of the apostolic church. The
elevation of the host at the institution narrative dates
from the early thirteenth century, a time when the
faithful communicated but rarely and consequently
took great satisfaction seeing the consecrated bread.
The elevation of consecration appeared in the late
fourteenth century. They gained universal acceptance only with the Missal of Pius V in 1570. All
present Rom Eucharistic prayers have the same
words of institution.
Pope Benedict XVI, Holy Thursday homily, 2009:
“...breaking the bread is an act of communion, an act
of unity through sharing. Thus, in the act itself, the
intimate nature of the Eucharist is already indicated:
it is agape, it is love made corporal. In the word
“agape” the meanings of Eucharist and love intertwine. In Jesus’ act of breaking the bread, the love
that is shared has attained its most radical form: Jesus allows himself to be broken as living bread. In
the bread that is distributed, we recognize the mystery of the grain of what that dies, and so bears fruit.
We recognize the new multiplication of the loaves,
which derives from the dying of the grain of what and
will continue until the end of the world.”
St. Francis de Sales: Where all are welcome in this community of faith as we strive to see God in all people,
things, events and consent to His will joyously.
In preparation for the Mass on October 26, please
reflect upon the gospel of Matthew 22: 34-40: The
Greatest Commandment.
Be on the look out for Box Tops! Search out these pink
Labels for EducaƟon on par cipa ng food, school and
household items and clip them out. Once you have
some, be sure to turn them into St. Francis de Sales
Catholic School. Not only will you be suppor ng St. Francis de Sales, but each Box Top is worth 10¢ for the school!
12 through
19 2014
Sunday, October 12
9:00 am
James “Jim” Ruhland †
By: Holy Name Society
10:30 am
Parishioners of St. Francis de Sales
Monday, October 13
8:00 am
Nancy Shafer †
By: Beth Gibbons and Peggy Shafer
Tuesday, October 14
8:00 am
No Intention
Wednesday, October 15
8:00 am
No Intention
Thursday, October 16
8:00 am
No Intention
Friday, October 17
8:00 am
No Intention
Saturday, October 18
8:00 am
No Intention
5:30 pm
David, John and Pauline Kosmicki †
By: Jane Kosmicki
Sunday, October 19
9:00 am
Parishioners of St. Francis de Sales
10:30 am
Bill Diss †
By: Altar and Rosary Society
10/14: Project Gabriel’s Informational Meeting. Location:
The Parish Center. Time: 6:30-7:30 pm.
10/18: Fall Festival at the Montessori School! Lots of activities for kids, including face painting, crafts, tours of the
school, pony rides, a blow-up castle and Colorado-grown
pumpkins! Location: The Montessori School next door to
the church. Time: 10:00-1:00 pm
10/18: Feast Day of St. Luke the Evangelist
10/19: World Mission Sunday
10/19: Rock ‘n Roll Denver Marathon. Beware of street
closures! This event will be going all morning long. If
you’re wondering which streets will be closed, there is a
list on the church bulletin board.
10/23: Join the Book Club as they delve into A Man Called
Love by Frederick Bachman. Bring a friend! Location: Parish Center. Time: 7:00
10/25: Project Gabriel’s day of training for volunteers.
10/27: Anniversary of the dedication of the Metropolitan
Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception (Feast
11/1: All Saints Day
11/2: Daylight Savings Ends
It’s not too late to grab a copy of A Man Called
Love, by Frederick Bachman, and join the Book
Club, October 23, 7:00 PM, at the Parish Center
for a lively discussion! Here’s what People magazine had to say, “A charming debut…You’ll laugh,
you’ll cry, you’ll feel new sympathy for the curmudgeons in your life. You’ll also want to move to
Scandinavia, where everything’s cuter.”
10/11, 5:30 pm: Lily Brady
10/12, 9:00 am: Serenity Barron, Mikaela
10/12, 10:30 am: Arianna Trujillo, Marisol Avila
10/18, 5:30 pm: Daisy Marquez
10/19, 9:00 am: Gabriel Carrington, Jeanne Giner
10/19, 10:30 am: Chris an Agurries, Joshelyne
Thank you Altar Servers! Please find your own subs tute
if you are unable to serve.
Kid’s Page: No entries this week! This week’s prize : $5 gi cerficate to McDonalds. Just write your name, age, your parents’
names and phone number on your completed “Kids Page”, then
place it in the glass vase at the back of the church!
Did you know...that we now have an emergency ministerial hotline? If you need to reach us a er hours, please call 303-7778844. Leave a message and we’ll get back to you ASAP.
11/2: All Souls Day
For informa on regarding upcoming funerals, please contact
the parish office
The District A orney, Mitchell R. Morrissey,
provides seminars regarding Elder Abuse
(describing what situa ons must be reported) and Fraud Preven on (iden ty the ,
telemarke ng, mail, and internet fraud). He
has reached out to our parish, wondering if
we’d like to schedule a seminar. While a date hasn’t been set
up, we’d like to know there is any interest in a ending. Please
call the church office and let us know! (303) 744-7211
Gentleness includes true humility that
does not consider itself too good or too
exalted for humble tasks. Gentleness
results from my experience of God’s love for me as I am. When
I am sure of God’s acceptance and love, I can afford to be gentle because when God himself considers me worthwhile, there
is no further need to assert myself or compete with others and
prove my worth. The certainty of God’s love for me frees me
from self-concern and self-absorp on. I can afford to be gentle.
October 5: $4,067.02
Thank you!
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For further information,
please call the Parish Office.
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