10-11 Jan - POPE JOHN XXIII PARISH at St. Nicolas de Flue
10-11 Jan - POPE JOHN XXIII PARISH at St. Nicolas de Flue
Baptism of Our Lord 10-11 January 2015 Pope John XXIII Parish at St. Nicolas de Flue The English-speaking Roman Catholic Parish of Geneva 57, Rue de Montbrillant CH 1202 Genève www.johnxxiii.ch Fr. Richard De Lord, Parish Priest Fr. Paul C. Friel, Assistant Priest Tel: 022 733 04 83 Fax: 022 919 19 30 office@johnxxiii.ch Emergency No. 079 845 2804 A NEW YEAR - A NEW BEGINNING We spend so much time preparing for Christmas then suddenly it has come and gone! Only a matter of a few weeks ago we heard the voice of John the Baptist calling us to prepare for the coming of the Lord. Our focus then was on preparing to celebrate the birth of Christ. Today, at the very end of the Christmas season, we hear the voice of the Baptist once more, calling us again to look towards the one who is to come after him. In a sense today’s feast rounds off and concludes the celebrations of the past weeks (we shall be removing our Christmas decorations and putting away the Crib for another year after today), but in another sense it urges us to look forward to the year to come. community, in our schools, in our workplace. If the task seem daunting, we should remember that one of the marks of the kingdom is that it begins in a small, quiet, insignificant way. We should remember also that at our baptism we received the same Holy Spirit as Jesus. And the words of the Father are addressed to every one of us, too: ‘You are my child, my beloved; my favour rests with you.’ With every blessing to you and your loved ones this New Year, 2015 Fr Richard Baptism is always a time to think about new beginnings. In baptism we are called to die to old life and rise to the new; to put the past behind us and to look to the future. Today - as we look to the year ahead - is a good time to renew our baptismal vows, and symbolically, to wash away the cobwebs of the old year. In baptism, we are called to be members of God’s kingdom and to share in Christ’s work of building it. This may be a good time to think about how we are building up God’s kingdom in our parish, in our MASS SCHEDULE for JANUARY 12 -18 Mon, Jan 12 Tue, Jan 13 18:30 (English) Wed, Jan 14 18:30 (English) Thu, Jan 15 12:45 (English) Fri, Jan 16 12:45 (English) Sat, Jan 17 18:30 (English) Sun, Jan 18 08:30 10:00 11:30 19:00 (English) (English) (English) (English) at Notre Dame Basilica SACRAMENTS MARRIAGE All couples planning to marry should register with us by calling the Parish Office. (Six months notice is the usual requirement.) MINISTRY TO THE SICK At home or in hospital? To receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick or Holy Communion, please contact one of the priests, or a Eucharistic Minister for a visit. RECONCILIATION The Sacrament of reconciliation (Confession) is available before and after each weekday Mass upon request or by prior arrangement. It will also be offered in the Chapel every Saturday from 17:15-18:00. BAPTISM Baptisms are usually celebrated on the 4th Saturday of each month at 12 noon. Deadline for registration is the 7th of the month. Please register online, or call the Parish Office. 10-11 January 2015 Baptism of Our Lord Thank you to all the ministries that helped to make our Christmas Liturgies moments of true prayerful celebration! Thank you, too, for your generous offerings, gifts, and greetings. Your presence and encouragement is very much appreciated! Fr. Richard and Fr. Paul Catechism new year Appeal The Religious Education Programme will be holding a Bake Sale on Jan 18 (Sun) in order to raise funds for the following projects: • sponsor children’s education in Turkana • help an orphanage in Laga, East Timor, and • support the GIF in paying our Parish debt. Baked goods will be on sale after 11:30 Masses. our baked contribute to causes. the 10:00 and Please enjoy goods, and these worthy To all catechism classes: Please leave all your baked donations to the Bake Sale table outside the Centre on Jan 18 (Sun). The Permanent Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva and the Diocese of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg have the honour to invite you to participate in an Interreligious Service in the presence of representatives of the Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist communities on the message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the World Day of Peace 2014 “NO LONGER SLAVES, BUT BROTHERS AND SISTERS” which will take place at the Church of Saint Nicolas de Flue 57 rue de Montbrillant on Monday, 19 January at 18:30 A reception will follow. prayer for Christian unity The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is traditionally observed from 18-25 Jan - the octave of St. Peter and St. Paul. This year's theme draws its inspiration from the narrative of Jesus meeting a Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus said to her: "Give me to drink." (John 4:7) This year’s theme, prepared by the churches of Brazil, invites us to recognise that intolerance should be dealt with in a positive way - respecting diversity and promoting dialogue as a permanent path of reconciliation and peace in fidelity to the gospel. Jesus challenges us to acknowledge that diversity is part of God's design, to approach one another in trust and to see the face of God in the face of all men and women. First Communion Parents of children who are preparing for First Communion will meet 29 Jan (Thu) at 19:00. Scripture from Scratch The group will resume on Jan 16 (Fri) and meets every Friday in the Parish House. Need a confidential talk? Contact the caring ministry via CareConcern@johnxxiii.ch. Corner e-mail: Recently lost a loved one and would like to talk? Contact a member of our Bethany Group through Lynne Gamble through the Parish Office. The biblical gesture of whomever arrives, as a way of welcoming and sharing, is something that is repeated in all regions of Brazil. The story of Jesus meeting a Samaritan woman at the well prompts people and communities to realize the dialogical dimension of the project of Jesus, which we call the Kingdom of God. offering water to Zumba Zumba sessions take place every Thursday at 17:45. As usual, CHF10 donation per participant will go towards the cost of our move. 10-11 January 2015 Baptism of Our Lord In 2014, our Parish welcomed 45 members into the family of God. May the Lord bless these newly baptized, and continue to be present throughout their journey towards Him. PEGAN, Joyce Claire MAHIGA, Luca Mikola AKHAND, Andres Abir KRESS da SILVEIRA, Enio BAUTISTA, Megan Brielle CUADRAS, Massimo Andrés HASHAM-GANGJI, Edward Karim ROMEO MONTFOMERY, Vincenzo James BOERSMA, Milena JUDE, Davis Ifeanyi STEVENS, Phoebe Elizabeth Lavender LEWIS, William Vannyrith ERASMO, Ruffy Bembol, Jr. MAPANAO, Aiden Cole HEMSLY, Charlotte BARNES, Camille Elodie PHUNG, ChauFunn EZE, Michelle C. Nworie O’BRIEN, Laura Rita YAMUNAQUE ALEGRE, Nathaniel Aiden DE GUIA, Denyse DURIC, Marie KHARAT, Alexandre MALONZO, Maria Sofia Aleyna LOLONG, Andrea Maria Carolitha RANDALL, Dayson MOUSSY, Marc RANCES, Jéan Gabriel MURWIRA, Hari Simplice Koko ROBINSON, Patrick PITCHFORD, Rosita May ARTUS-WALTHER, Davon Kevin MENDOZA, Andres N’KENDA-BIKOUMOU, Noémie Kendall NNANOR, William Ebubechukwu EVOEME, Daniel Obinna SIGOLET, Jalann Jack Ibarra Paul Jesus HOGGETT, William Paul MATOS, Xavier O’REILLY, Elodie Louise FERNANDES, Jeicher KAMINJOLO, Max Jayden BUENO, Olivia Jaye SIAGIAN, Deandra TER KUILE, Sofia Marijke Weekend collections • Dec 20-21: CHF3,884 to support the needs of our Parish community. • Dec 24-25: CHF5,593 - CHF2,796 of which is for the Children’s Hospital in Bethlehem. • Dec 27-28: CHF2,879 - CHF1,439 of which is for the diocesan fund in aid of children and families in difficult situations (Saints Innocents). • Jan 3-4: CHF4,220 for the needs of our Parish Community - CHF2,110 of which is for the Diocesan Epiphany Fund (Don de l’Epiphanie). CHF3,185 for our sister parish in Turkana. • This weekend (Jan 10-11), the collections will go towards community. the needs of our Parish • Next weekend (Jan 17-18), the collections will go towards supporting the needs of our Parish community. The second collections will go towards helping to repay the loans received for our move. Thank you for your generosity! MINISTRY ROSTER for JANUARY 10-11 and 17-18 Saturday - Sunday, January 10-11 Baptism of Our Lord Flower Arrangement: E. Braunwalder Saturday - Sunday, January 17-18 Second Sunday of Ordinary Time Flower Arrangement: L. Benitez Saturday, January 10, 18:30 Eucharistic Ministers: M. Castillo, F. Littaua Readers: D. Brincks, D. Short Ushers: P. Belga, A. Thiel Greeters: P. Belga, A. Thiel Servers: M. Zignol, G. Cabos, JP Aloysius Saturday, January 17, 18:30 Eucharistic Ministers: F. Littaua, M. Dizon Readers: P. Mc Namara, D. Nolan Ushers: P. Belga, C. Ella, A. Macamus Greeters: P. Belga, C. Ella, A. Macamus Servers: M. Zignol, G. Cabos, JP Aloysius Sunday, January 11, 8:30 Eucharistic Ministers: R. Ryan Readers: M. Rayner, M. Fadriquela Ushers: M. & B. Bell Greeters: M. & B. Bell Coffee: M. & B. Bell Servers: G. Cabrera, M. Mamangun, A. Eland Sunday, January 18, 8:30 Eucharistic Ministers: Sr. R. Savari Readers: Y. Sartorius, K. Erpe Ushers: K. Mnisi Greeters: M. & B. Bell Coffee: E. Mejorada, H. Almeda Servers: G. Cabrera, M. Mamangun, A. Eland Sunday, January 11, 10:00 Eucharistic Ministers: R. Schwerzmann, A. Sandoval, C. Titus Readers: D. Roney, E. Valdez Ushers: C. Besa, F. Lucida Greeters: C. Acaso, N. Chavez Coffee: A. Toledo, J. Camilo Servers: L. & M. Titus, A. Gannon, S. Olanka Sunday, January 18, 10:00 Eucharistic Ministers: L. Berrig, G. Dian, G. Titus Readers: B. Simpson, A. Anaedu Ushers: R. Salcedo, D. Banguilan Greeters: M. Zabala, M. Richtering Coffee: Zijlstra Family Servers: A. Roney, A. Martins, A. Sandoval, D. Blumer Sunday, January 11, 11:30 Eucharistic Ministers: A. Serapion, M. Challo, F. Kofi Readers: M. Mbeche, C. Jorgen Ushers: M. Rojo, F. de Leon, H. Manalo Greeters: Jay & Jas. Dian, J. Riungu Coffee: E. Mejorada, H. Almeda Servers: J. Oloo, C. Ruane, G. Benitez Sunday, January 18, 11:30 Eucharistic Ministers: R. Leyson, J. Serrano, J. Thomas Readers: P. Dsouza, E. Salazar Ushers: C. Sarmiento, D. Macabuhay, M. Maraguelod Greeters: Bendo Family Coffee: O. Amigo, M. Rojo Servers: Aw. & Ar. Mbeche, C. Gumba Sunday, January 11, 19:00 Mass at Notre Dame Eucharistic Ministers: E. Mejorada, W. Nicolas-Jomard Readers: D. Domingo, I. Asuncion Usher/Greeter: E. Mejorada, T. Tatad Sunday, January 18, 19:00 Mass at Notre Dame Eucharistic Ministers: H. Daily, R. Dumont Readers: W. Nicolas-Jomard, E. Servatius Usher/Greeter: E. Mejorada, T. Tatad CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP Bulletin Ads for JOHN XXIII The group will resume its Sunday fellowship on Jan 18 (Sun) 16:00-17:00 in the Chapel. All contributions for the bulletin must be received by Wednesday and can be sent via e-mail to bulletin@johnxxiii.ch. Note that the bulletin can also be found on the Parish website. Mon, Jan 12 Year I He. 1:1–6; Mk. 1:14-20 19:00-21:00 G1 Confirmation Class 1 Tue, Jan 13 St. Hilary He. 2:5–12; Mk. 1:21-28 Wed, Jan 14 He. 2:14-18; Mk. 1:29-39 Thu, Jan 15 He. 3:7–14; Mk. 1:40-45 19:00-21:00 19:00-21:15 19:00-21:00 12:00-13:45 17:45-18:45 19:00-21:00 19:00-21:30 G1 GO BO G1 G1 G1 B7 REC Stephen Ministry Young Catholics Walking with Purpose Zumba Confirmation Class 2 11:30 Choir Fri, Jan 16 He. 4:1-5, 11; Mk. 2:1-12 Sat, Jan 17 St. Anthony He. 4:12-16; Mk. 2:13-17 Sun, Jan 18 Year B Second Sunday of Ordinary Time 1 S. 3:3b-10, 19; 1 Co. 6:13b–15a, 17-20; Jn. 1:35–42 13:30-16:00 16:30-18:15 18:00-20:30 15:30-18:30 B7 B7 BO B7 10:00 Choir Saturday Choir Filipino Prayer Group Notre Dame Choir