the Bulletin - 238 Catholic Home Page


the Bulletin - 238 Catholic Home Page
St. Stanislaus Kostka
St. Mary
St. Edward
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 19– January 25
Father John Odero
Canonical Administrator
320-584-5313 (Rectory)
Fr John's Office Hours:Tues & Wed~10am – 12pm; Thurs & Fri~12 - 2pm
(Outside these scheduled hours feel free to make an appointment)
Father David Grundman
Parochial Vicar
320-746-2231 (Rectory)
320-309-4174 (cell)
Sister Mary Ann Capizzo
Sister Mary Pat Burger
St Francis Rectory
CENTRAL OFFICE Monday–Friday: 9am-1pm; 2-6pm
PO Box 249 Upsala MN 56384
Elaine Lampert
Office Manager
Diane Lange
Office Assistant
Central Office: 320-573-2132
Fax: 320-573-9133
Central Office e-mail:
Diocesan web site:
Birthline Hotline:
St Cloud Chancery
Cindy Fussy, St. Stanislaus gr 1 - 10:
Beth Lange, St. Mary/St. Edward gr 1 – 6:
Tammy Lange
Carolyn Kokett
St. Mary/St. Edward gr 6 – 10:
Nancy Young, St Francis gr 1 - 6:
Chad Koopmeiners St Francis gr 7-10
Chantelle Frie, Confirmation Coordinator:
Sat 4:15–4:45pm/7:15–7:45pm; Sun 7:15–7:45/9:20–9:50am
PRAYER LINE: Karen Liebsch 573-4127; Ruth Shodeen 573-4404
Judy Theisen 573-2933; Joyce Koopmeiners 573-2728
Ministry to the Sick and to those who cannot get to Church:
Holy Communion can be brought to you or a loved one at home, please
contact Sr Mary Ann 573-2203 or the Central Office 573-2132
Sacrament of Marriage: Couples need to begin preparations
with the priest at least six months in advance and MUST call the
Central Office to meet with the priest before setting a date.
Parish and Diocesan Marriage Preparation Classes are required.
Sacrament of Baptism: Call Central Office for arrangements.
New parishioners: If you wish to become a member of our
Four Parish Community, please call the Central Office.
Young adults: Claiming yourself as a “Dependent” on your tax
forms, you must re-register with your parish separate
from your parents. Please notify the Central Office.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bulletin announcements due by 8am Thursday
Submitted after deadline may not get into the upcoming bulletin.
Remember in prayer all who are deployed
and so honorably serve our country:
Alec Griffith
Please call the Central Office to add the names of loved ones in active service
Jim Atkinson, Darwin Binek, Jeff Czech,
Dan Fruechte, Kathy Goebel, Catherine Hartung,
Ramona Heurung, Jack Kloss, Kim Koehn,
Virginia Koopmeiners, Mary Lange-Klisch,
Ralph Lange, Jeanette Lashinski, Irene Notch,
Judy Pangrac, Sharon Prokott,
Deacon Jerome Roth, Don Wensmann
Please contact the Central Office if you are in need of prayers;
pre-surgery anointing or when you or a family member are hospitalized
Eucharistic Adoration
St. Stanislaus Saturday 6am – 10pm
St. Edward 12 noon–9:00p.m. First Friday of month
St. Mary 12 noon–6:00p.m. First Wednesday of month
St. Francis 7am – 9pm Second Tuesday of month
Monday: 1/19
No Mass Scheduled
Tuesday: 1/20
St. Mary
6:00 p.m.
†John Schmitz
Wednesday: 1/21
St. Agnes, Virgin & Martyr
St. Francis
8:00 a.m.
Special Intention –
Gene & Irene Lashinski
St. Francis
7:15 p.m.
Thursday: 1/22
US Day of Prayer for the
legal protection of unborn children
St. Edward
8:00 a.m
††Paul & Martha CzeckJim & Dorene Czeck
Friday: 1/23
St. Stanislaus
8:00 a.m.
†John Waletski - Helaine
Saturday: 1/24 St. Francis de Sales, Bishop & Dr. of the Church
St. Edward
5:00 p.m
††Cody Waytashek &
Mike Prokott -family
St. Mary
8:00 p.m.
Mass of Thanksgiving Dave & Renee Scholz
Sunday: 1/25
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Stanislaus 8:00 a.m. ††Mike & Emily ScepurekJoe & Theresa Kuklok
St. Francis
9:30 a.m. Prayer for Peace in our World
St. Francis
10:00 a.m.
People of our Parishes
January 21
* St. Francis:
Class 6:30-7:30 Grades 1-6
Class 7:30-9:00 Grades 7-10
* St. Stanislaus: Class 6:30-7:30 Grades 1-6
Class 7:30-9:00 Grades 7-10
St. Mary, St. Edward Class 6:30-7:30 Grades 1-6
Everyone is invited to join the youth of the parish for
Wednesday night Mass 7:15pm with Fr. David in
St. Francis! PARENTS, PLEASE NOTE: Grades 7 - 10 are
asked to come earlier (by 7:15pm) and will have class after
Mass until 9pm. Grades 1-6 can be picked up by 8pm
Youth Group/Bible Study meet Wednesday's 8pm
Jan 21-Elmdale ~ Jan 28-Upsala
Feb 4-North Prairie ~ Feb 11 - Elmdale
Mass Intentions: Diocese has set Mass stipends at $10.
Weekends are filling up fast! Have a wedding
anniversary or other special event, please call the office
ASAP to get on the parish calendar.
Intentions are on a first-come, first-serve basis!!
Upcoming Events
Confirmation St. Mary Cathedral 2pm – Jan 25th
Valentine Mass & Meal ~ St. Mary – February 13th 7pm
St Mary Quilt Bingo – February 15
St Francis Matching Grant Breakfast – February 22
Finance Council members, stop by your parish
sacristy and pick up reports for the upcoming
meetings. Dates and times listed under Four
Saints News.
STEWARDSHIP: Time, Talent, Treasure
St. Mary: Adult $1406; Loose $102; Youth $3.25;
Choir $52.76; Solemnity $10 - $1,574.01
• St. Edward: Adult $1077; Loose $12; Youth $2;
Solemnity $427; Loose $103 - $1,621.00
• St. Stanislaus: Adult $1452; Loose $69.50;
Youth $2; Votive $54.75; Assessment $125;
Solemnity $15 - $1,718.25
• St. Francis: Adult $513; Loose $89; Youth $50;
Funeral Lunch $10; Votive $193; Solemnity $50 $905.00
Liturgical Roles for Sunday, Jan 25th
Eucharistic Ministers: Arnie Blommel, Judy Theisen(c);
Lector: Children's Mass;
Servers: Kyle Keppers ~ Holly Keppers;
Gifts: Children's Mass;
Greeters: Children's Mass;
Ushers: Mark Moorman – Syl Tschida
Wedding Banns
Zachary Kummet & Brittany Trettel
February 7, 2015 ~ St. Stanislaus Kostka
Mass for Healing
Feb 9 at 7pm Mass will be held at St Mary's Cathedral in
St Cloud. The Fraternity of Priests will be hosting this as
Fr. Mark Stang will be preaching the homily!
March for Life to the Capitol Join Fr. David
Please join us January 22nd as buses will be leaving from
St. Anthony's St. Cloud 8am or from Coborn's Little Falls
7:30am. Please check The Visitor for more information
including other area buses departing. It would be wonderful
to fill all the buses. Please come forth by being the voice of
the voiceless and the hands and feet of Jesus Christ.
Fr. David's Retreat Thanks so much for all your prayers.
It was an anointed time just spending quiet time with
Our Lord. I pray that you will make time to simply stop and
start listening to your heart. There you will touch a lot of
pain. You will possibly touch a lot of anger. You will
possibly touch a lot of loneliness and anguish. Then you
will hear something deeper. You will hear the voice of
Jesus; you will hear the voice of God. You will discover that
the heart of Christ, in some mysterious way, is hidden in
your heart and there you will hear, "I love you.
You are precious to my eyes and I love you."
Glen Campbell...I'll be Me private screening Sunday
January 18th at 3pm Upsala High School Auditorium.
Reception before screening 2-3pm.
St. Cloud VA Hospital and Hospice are in need of lap
quilts/blankets, catheter cover bags, wheel chair and walker
bags. A collection area is located in St. Francis church.
Any questions contact Kathy Thell.
Parishioners the upcoming Council meetings are posted below.
Please contact a member of your Pastoral Council with any
agenda item/s. If you wish to personally address the council
with an item/s, you must be on the agenda.
Agendas must be in the office one week prior to scheduled meeting
Upcoming Council Meetings
Pastoral Council
Bowlus ~ Monday Jan 26 – 6:30pm
Gene Bechtold 584-5694; Tim Jendro 584-5627;
Marion Leners 573-2926; Maxine Leners 584-5681;
Marv Trettel 632-5679; Judy Zapzalka 584-5391
Upsala ~ Thursday Jan 29 – 6:30pm
Chantelle Frie 573-2507; Brian Lange 573-2376;
Mikel Nelson 573-2829; Christy Weber 333-6139;
Marvin Wensmann 573-8112
Elmdale ~ Monday Feb 2 – 7:00pm
Jim Bartkowicz 573-4353; Shari Biniek 573-2269;
Kris Blonigen 573-4171; Peggy Frieler 573-4391;
John Kokett 573-4239; Ralph Schleper 573-2127
St Francis ~ Thursday Feb 5 – 7:30pm
Allen Herzog 573-4376; Joyce Koopmeiners 573-2728;
Dan Lange 290-8671; Tammy Lehner 573-2308;
LeRoy Pflueger 573-2192; Dale Wuebkers 573-4460
Finance Council
Bowlus ~ Monday Jan 26 – 7:30pm
Upsala ~ Thursday Jan 29 – 7:30pm
Elmdale ~ Monday Feb 2 – 8:00pm
St Francis ~ Thursday Feb 5 – 8:30pm
Cleaners for January
St. Francis
Russ/Gina Boeckermann, Vernon/Janice Breth,
Dan/Rita Lange, Roger/Kathy Thell,
Pete/Joan Boeckermann, Ashley Kajewski,
Joann Gerads, Robert/Sharon Thell
Journey With Jesus to Calvary - Anyone interested in
becoming involved in the play put on by the St. Francis
Parish, please contact Jane Keppers (320-232-3290) or
Audrey Pflueger (573-2192). We have some openings for
actors, back stage help and can always find a place where
we could use your talents. Meetings to occur soon.
Performances - Palm Sunday weekend, March 27-29.
generosity. We collected over 80 items from socks
& pacifiers to a Baby Car seat!!! to benefit Birthline. You
have given wonderfully in the name of the baby Jesus.
2015 Church Cleaning Schedule is available in the
church entrance. Please take one. Remember it is your duty
as parishioners (whether male or female) to help keep our
church (the house of God) clean and problem free. We are
currently looking to make a list of substitute cleaners - to
be paid by the person whose place you are taking. You can
be on this list even if you already help for your month--Adults and youth- male & female- looking to make a bit of
extra cash. Contact Audrey 573-2192 or Joan 573-4274
St Francis Men's Society meeting
Sunday, January 25th after the Children's mass.
Coffee,milk & rolls will be served by the Christian
Mothers after the Children's Mass on Sunday January 25th
MEETING DATE: Women of the Parish Christian Mothers and those wishing to join, mark your
calendars for CM meeting following the Children’s Mass
on January 25th. We will be looking at the functions we
usually do for the next few months. Without at least 8
women in attendance we CANNOT hold an official
meeting. See you there
Thanks to everyone who helped take down the Christmas
decorations in church last Monday.
May God bless everyone for your time!
MINISTREE PROGRAM: Thank you to everyone who
volunteered your time last year to help in making the
program very successful once again! There are many
opportunities listed on the tree in the back of church to
help out. If there is something that you would like to do but
isn't listed, please feel free to contact any of the
coordinators listed on the bulletin board.
As part of St Francis Centennial year celebration
all past & current parishioners are invited to a
“Share the Memories” coffee Wed morning Jan. 28th
after the 8am Mass. If you are not able to make the Mass
please join us at 8:30am in the church basement
Please bring pictures, articles, stories to share
Centennial planning committee meeting
Thursday evening Jan. 29th 8 pm. Everyone is welcome to
attend with ideas & or suggestions. Need to have all who
have offered to chair different parts of the celebration
attend this planning session.
Liturgical Roles for Saturday, January 24th:
Eucharistic Ministers: Jerry Theisen, Joan Theisen(c);
Servers: Samantha Blonigen ~ Emily Blonigen;
Lector: Jim Bartkowicz;
Gifts: Doug & Jackie Wolbeck family;
Greeters: Pat & Kris Blonigen family;
Ushers: Jim Wensmann ~ Justin Wensmann
Thank you to all who helped with decorating and
undecorating of our church this past Christmas season. Your
time and support are truly appreciated! May God Bless You.
Liturgical Roles for Sunday, Jan 25h:
Eucharistic Ministers: Gene Bechtold, Diane Psyck-S(c);
Lector: Punky Benusa;
Servers: Allyson Waletski ~ Amanda Waletski;
Gifts: Chris & Carie Leners family;
Greeters: Marion Leners, Gracie & Molly Leners
Ushers: Dave & Judy Waletski
St Stanislaus Craft, Bake Sale & Raffle:
Saturday April 25th St Stan’s parish is again sponsoring a
craft, bake sale, & raffle in support of our Phase 2 Building
Addition fund at the Bowlus Community Center. Proposed
breakdown for the raffle will be at the minimum, $1,000
first prize, 2nd and 3rd prizes $250 and 4th thru 13th prizes
$100. Additional prizes such as quilts and other donated
prizes are welcome also. Business and individuals who
would like to contribute to the cash or other prizes, send
them to, or contact the Central Office. Cash prize donations
can be made payable to “St Stan’s Raffle” and placed in the
weekly collection or sent to the Central Office by March 1st.
Printed raffle tickets will be sent to all registered
parishioners of St Stan’s Parish. For further information
contact Margie or Punky at 584-5405.
Liturgical Roles for Saturday, January 24th:
Eucharistic Ministers: Ben Ramler;
Lector: Karen Liebsch;
Servers: Rachel Prom ~ Collin Prom;
Gifts: Brock & Christy Weber family;
Greeters: Barb Willie ~ Jan Kilian
Ushers: Brock Weber ~ Walt Beneke
St. Francis Music Center Little Falls, has three great
opportunities for people who love to sing!
St. Francis Community Chorale meets Thursday evenings
from 7-8:30pm starting on January 22. All adults are invited
to sing; no auditions are necessary, group sings a wide variety
of music from sacred to Broadway to pop. Directed by Barb
Stumpf/Vicki Spofford accompanist.
Brothers in Harmony. Teen and adult men are invited to
sing Monday evenings at 7pm starting January 19. Group
sings a wide variety of music. Director Kathy Pederson.
This year the Music Center has a new group, Kids Sing! Open
to children ages 5-12, meeting Monday evenings 6-6:45pm.
Children are welcome to join at any time. The group is vocal
lessons and performances with a lot fun in between. Sign up
or for more info, call 632-0637 or
Save a marriage. Are you or someone you know,
living in the pain of a marriage in trouble? Retrouvaille
can help. The next program starts Jan 23, 2015.
Call 320-255-5314 or check the website for more information.
Preregistration is required. Space is limited.
If anyone from St. Mary's or anywhere knows someone
who is ill or home bound that would like a card or phone
call please call Judy Carlson 320.573.2115
With the flu season upon us, Bishop Kettler is encouraging
parishioners to take appropriate precautions for illness.
The following is recommended by the Center for Disease
1. Avoid close contact. Avoid close contact with people who are
sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to
protect them from getting sick too.
2. Stay home when you are sick. If possible, stay home from
work, school, and errands when you are sick. You will help
prevent others from catching your illness. Also, you should
consider staying home from Mass. Diocesan Televised Mass
can be viewed 11am Sundays on KSTC-45 (and various local
access channels) and on the Diocese’s website:
3. Cover your mouth and nose. Cover your mouth and nose with
a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those
around you from getting sick.
4. Clean your hands. Washing your hands with soap and water
often will help protect you from germs.
5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs are often
spread when a person touches something that is contaminated
with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.
6. Practice other good health habits. Get plenty of sleep, be
physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and
eat nutritious food.
It is left up to the Pastor’s discretion, based on the widespread
nature of Influenza in your area, whether to withhold the Cup or
omit external gestures for the Sign of Peace in your parishes. As
always, it is left to the judgment of each communicant whether
to receive from the Cup.
For more information, you can visit the Minnesota Department
of Health website:
20th Annual Prime & Wine Dinner/Auction
Saturday, January 24 Sacred Heart School in Freeport
Serving 4:30-8:00pm Freeport Community Center.
Tickets available from students of Sacred Heart School
or by calling the school at 320-836-2591.
Silent Auction 4:30-8:00pm Live Auction 8:15pm
FALLS BALLROOM, Sunday, Jan 25 Social hour 12 – 1
Chicken & Ham dinner 12:50 - 2 Program 2:00 PM.
Tickets - Jim or Arlene Beniek 612-584-5235.
Sponsored by the Morrison County Chapter of MCCL
Fall Prevention Workshop Thursday Jan 25 1pm.
Mercy Manor Albany Questions call Jason 845-2195
Preschool & Kindergarten Open House
Holy Family School Albany. January 27th at 6:30pm.
Parents and children are invited to join us to learn more
about our educational programs. Registration materials
available for the K-6 program and for the 3 & 4 year old
preschool programs. Call 845-2011 for information
Theology Day-St John’s School of Theology and
Seminary Mary in History and Theology January 30th
check-in 8:30-9am. Presentation 9am-1pm, Emmaus Hall,
St John's Univ Collegeville; Free event; Lunch provided;
Registration required:, 320-363-3570
The Upstage Players will be presenting
The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie
Jan 31 - 7:30, Feb 1 - 2:00 & Feb 2 - 7:30
Upsala High School auditorium
Come enjoy this classic WHO-DONE-IT mystery.
Tickets available at the door
Free Vision Screening Feb 12 10- 3 by appointment
Mother of Mercy Campus of Care, Albany Tracy 845-2195
Marriage Encounter Weekends Give each other the
best Valentine’s gift possible! Register for the
February 14-15 weekend held Mt Olivet Conference &
Retreat Center in Farmington.
Questions: visit or call 651.454.3238.
Ministry Schedules – February 2015
Ministry Schedules – February 2015
Feb 7 ~ Eucharistic Minister: Christy Weber;
Servers: Lori Vornbrock ~ Laura Lange;
Lector: Jan Kilian;
Gifts: Jerome & Mary Jane Stich;
Ushers: Bill Pohlmann ~ Bob Blonigen;
Greeters: Rosemary Mehr ~ Mary Frie
Feb 1 ~ Eucharistic Ministers: Marilyn Prokott-S;
Birdie Waldoch - c;
Servers: Nick Kedrowski ~ Mason Langner;
Lector: Bob Maciej;
Ushers: Scott Psyck ~ Paul Fussy;
Greeters: Todd & Shani Kedrowski family;
Gifts: Philip & Michele Rudolph family
Feb 14 ~ Eucharistic Minister: Joe Schumer;
Servers: Adam Ripplinger ~ Dylon Press;
Lector: Joe Schumer;
Ushers: Tom & Jan Kilian;
Greeters: Aaron Ripplinger ~ Rosie Harren;
Gifts: Dennis & Jeannie Westrich
Feb 18 - Ash Wednesday 6pm ~
Eucharistic Minister: Brian Lange;
Servers: Mason Lange ~ Michael Lange;
Lector: Tom Kilian;
Ushers: Robert Maciej ~ Jim Koczur;
Greeters: Rollie & Joan Johnson family;
Gifts: Dave & Renee Scholz
Feb 21 ~ Eucharistic Minister: Walt Beneke;
Servers: Rachel Prom ~ Collin Prom;
Lector: Kathy Koetter;
Ushers: Nathan Ripplinger ~ Ken Lange;
Greeters: Barb Willie ~ Jan Kilian;
Gifts: Lorraine, Mary & Elmer Frie
Feb 28 ~ Eucharistic Minister: Beth Lange;
Servers: Lori Vornbrock ~ Laura Lange;
Lector: Chantelle Frie;
Ushers: Dave Brezinka ~ Dennis Westrich;
Greeters: Christian Ripplinger ~ Elmer Frie;
Gifts: Cindy Fleischhacker family
St Francis
Feb 1 ~ Eucharistic Ministers: Denis Notch;
Judy Theisen - c;
Servers: Mitchell Wuebkers~Alexandra Wuebkers;
Lector: Jane Keppers;
Greeters: Bob Theisen ~ Dan Lange;
Gifts: Barry & Colleen Harren;
Ushers: Roger Gerads ~ Arnie Blommel
Feb 8 ~ Eucharistic Ministers: Mary Jane Boeckermann;
Rosie Thell - c;
Servers: Brianna Wuebkers~Cheyenne Wuebkers;
Lector: Arnie Dobmeier;
Greeters: Byrce Westrich ~ Clara Pflueger;
Gifts: Mike & Shelly Harren family;
Ushers: Roger Gerads ~ Arnie Blommel
Feb 15 ~ Eucharistic Ministers: Dale Wuebkers;
Arnie Dobmeier - c
Servers: Adam Young ~ Andrew Young;
Lector: Carol Gerads;
Greeters: Alex Roerick ~ Kylie Roerick;
Gifts: Fred & Kari Hartung family;
Ushers: Roger Gerads ~ Arnie Blommel
Feb 18 - Ash Wednesday 9am ~ Volunteers
Feb 22 ~ Eucharistic Ministers: Rebecca Schmidt;
Chad Koopmeiners - c;
Servers: Tyler Roerick ~ Mia Roerick;
Lector: Children; Greeters: Children;
Gifts: Children;
Ushers: Roger Gerads ~ Arnie Blommel
Feb 8 ~ Eucharistic Ministers: Rich Fussy;
Danelle Zapzalka-S - c;
Servers: Erin Zapzalka ~ Madi Fussy;
Lector: Children;
Ushers: Philip Rudolph ~ Martin Rudolph;
Greeters: Children; Gifts: Children
Feb 15 ~ Eucharistic Ministers: Jake Kedrowski;
Marion Leners-S – c;
Servers: Katelyn Kedrowski ~ Kaylee Rudolph;
Lector: Rich Fussy;
Ushers: Randy Brickweg ~ Mike Reis;
Greeters: Dan & Melissa Lampert family;
Gifts: Randy & Angie Brickweg family
Feb 18 - Ash Wednesday 7:30am ~ Volunteers
Feb 22 ~ Eucharistic Ministers: Joanie Fussy;
Margie Benusa-S - c;
Servers: Lucy Thelen ~ Allie Thelen;
Lector: Margie Benusa;
Ushers: Jayme Opatz ~ Doug Prokott;
Greeters: Todd & Cindy Brady family;
Gifts: Doug & Kari Prokott family
Feb 7 ~ Eucharistic Ministers: Neil Frieler;
Peggy Frieler - c;
Servers: Ben Blonigen ~ Sami VanWienen;
Lector: Joan Theisen;
Ushers: Neil Frieler ~ Ralph Schleper;
Greeters: Jackie Oldakowski ~ Megan Wensmann;
Gifts: Kris & Robyn Bartkowicz family
Feb 14 ~ Eucharistic Ministers: Don Biniek,
Ralph Schleper - c;
Servers: Raymond Kokett ~ Adam Nienaber;
Lector: Shari Biniek;
Ushers: Mike Urbanski ~ Shawn Urbanski;
Greeters: Jim & Julie Wensmann family;
Gifts: Dennis & Shari Biniek
Feb 18 - Ash Wednesday 8pm ~
Eucharistic Ministers: Diana Trettel,
Jerry Theisen - c
Servers: Adam Blonigen ~ Michael Blonigen;
Lector: Don Bartkowicz;
Ushers: Mark Nienaber ~ Anthony Nienaber;
Greeters: Raymond Kokett ~ Sally Schleper;
Gifts: Greg & Renee Wensmann family
Feb 21 ~ Eucharistic Ministers: Joan Theisen,
Leonice Urbanski - c
Servers: Sean Wensmann ~ Raymond Kokett;
Lector: Carolyn Kokett;
Ushers: Don Biniek ~ Bob Brezinka;
Greeters: Pat & Kris Blonigen family;
Gifts: Pat & Kris Blonigen family;
Feb 28 ~ Eucharistic Ministers: Ralph Schleper,
Dorene Czeck - c;
Servers: Justin Wensmann ~ Jeron Wensmann;
Lector: Adeline Molus;
Ushers: Dennis Biniek ~ Nick Schleper;
Greeters: Anthony Nienaber ~ Zach Bartkowicz;
Gifts: Chuck & Sheila Biniek family