Parish Apostolates
Parish Apostolates
Pastor & Deacons: 495 North Harrison Blvd Office: 801-782-5393 The Rev. Erik J. Richtsteig, Pastor Rev. Mr. Herschel Hester, Deacon Rev. Mr. Robert Bambrick, Deacon Website: E-mail: Office Staff: Louise Schwartz (Finance Secretary) Deena Mulhall (Secretary) Beverly Lear (Records & Archives) Terri Ward (Director of Pre ♥School) & Crislee Moreno (DRE). Office Hours: 9 to 5pm (Noon lunch break) Monday - Friday R.E. Office: 801-782-7372 (after Noon; times vary) Monday - Thursday National Collection for Black and Indian Missions, Feb 4 & 5th. MASS Schedule & Intentions Sat. Feb. 04, 9:00 a.m. † Kerry Nishitomi from the Kashiwaedas 5:00 p.m. † Jim Crawford, from Kay Mass in Latin Sun. Feb. 05, 8:00 a.m. † Janet & † Rick Destito from Family 9:30 a.m. Jean Foord, from Kriste 11:30 a.m. Saint James the Just Parish 6:00 p.m. Levi Guvench, from Grandma Mon. Feb. 06, 8:30 a.m. † Barbra Ward 6:00 p.m. Levi Guvench, from Grandma Tue. Feb. 07, 8:30 a.m. † Billy Gentry Brown from Paul Brown Wed. Feb. 08, 8:30 a.m. † Esperanza & † Ernestina from the Chavez Family Mass in Latin 6:00 p.m. Fr. Erik’s Intentions, from OCDS Thur. Feb. 09, 8:30 a.m. Brendan James from Natalie & Mike James Fri. Feb. 10, 8:30 a.m. Communion Service Sat. Feb. 11, 9:00 a.m. Kristen Barnes from Jim & Tara 5:00 p.m. Levi Guvench, from Grandma Sun. Feb. 12, 8:00 9:30 11:30 6:00 a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. †Gabriel & Jenny DiGiantommaso John & Karen Leonardi Saint James the Just Parish Dick Molumby & Mary Jorgensen The Sacrament of Confession is available in the church confessional each Saturday from 3:30 to 4:40pm, or you may call the office for an appointment. Dan Castelli (Maintenance: 1-801-735-4683) Parish Apostolates Adoration: Tue 9 to 9 Thurs 9 to 6 Friday 9 to 9 Altar Linens Altar Servers Baptismal Prep Robin Callon Cathy Probasco Michelle Simon Nadine McKay Cheryl Williams Paula Kashiwaeda 479-5894 391-9085 782-3247 476-9439 782-8454 866-7446 CLASS = 11AM - 12:30 3RD Sunday Must Pre-Register Bible Study (Tue 9:45am) Cathy Probasco 391-9085 (Fri 7:00pm) Michelle Simon 782-3247 Choir & Music Director Michael Wooden 782-5935 Extraordinary Ministers of Communion 782-5393 Knights of Columbus Mike Perez 547-7170 Lectors Leah Goggi 627-6668 Monastery Retreats Brother Michael B. 801-745-3784 Natural Family Planning Kathy Davis 435-734-9646 Pall Chairperson Lisa Rubino 786-0348 Pastoral Council Paul Simon 782-3247 Manette Christiansen Prayer Chain 782-2509 Pat Janke 782-6694 Connie Lopez 621-8641 Prayer Group Mary Diarte 392-9293 Terri Ward 710-1357 PreSchool (D.P.S.) Pro-life Mary Ann Chase 621-2103 RCIA Deacon Hester 544-7158 Sacristan Carl Smith 394-5198 Church Cleaning Safe Environment Scouts, Boys (Wed 7pm) Cubs et al (Fri 5:30) (Fri 5:30) Michelle & Paul Simon Lorrie Johnson Rich Atkins 782-3247 782-2703 605-0739 Cherie Crezee 394-0506 Alicia Martinez 389-2776 Scouts, Girls Janet Evans 782-8435 Ushers Kevin Buresh 540-5716 Worldwide Marriage Encounter Jim & Cathy Nielsen 801-479-3197 If you are pregnant & scared, visit the Pregnancy Care Center of Ogden, 2909 Washington Blvd. Suite 105; or call 1-800-395-HELP, any time, day or night! 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Bring your palms to the sacristy. As blessed items, they need to be burned (or buried) rather than thrown away. Lent begins Feb 22nd. Fr. Erik will use the ashes for Ash Wednesday. is next Saturday, Feb 11th, in the Social Center from 2:30 to 4:30pm. Come make cookies, cards, & more! Educational Wine Tasting Class Saturday, Feb 11, 6:30pm, at St. Mary’s Church, West Haven. Special Guest: Jay Hart. Includes Imported Cheeses, Live & Silent Auctions. $35 per Person. For tickets, call Kathy 458-2791. Childcare On Valentine’s Day from 6 to 10pm: our D.R.E. & Confirmation Class would like to help you enjoy a date with your spouse on Feb 14th. Call the office with your information and have a lovely Valentine’s. The 10th Annual Media Fair at St. James the Just: Feb 18th -19th! Saturday 2-7pm; Sunday 8:30-2pm 495 No. Harrison Blvd (Ogden). The Media Fair is a great place to find gently used books/audiovisual media for ridiculously low prices! Baked goods, simple meals, & a casual browsing environment. Dear helpers (especially those of you in Confirmation): please volunteer with the Media Fair for sorting & setting up Feb 17th (Fri) & 18th (Sat); &/or cleaning up when it ends on the 19th (Sun). Free Throw Contest coming Saturday, Feb 25th from 2-6pm in the St James gym (MPC). Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, this contest is open to boys and girls 10-14 years old. February 5th, 2012 Welcome, Good Samaritans of Ogden! The annual Super Bowl Pizza fundraiser is this weekend! Buy a pizza for local charities. Want to learn about modern, scientific & efficient Natural Family Planning? A FREE introductory session on the Creighton Model System of NFP will be offered Thursday, February 9, 7 p.m. McKay-Dee Hospital (4403 Harrison Blvd.) Intermountain University Classroom #1. Call Kathy, 435-734-9646, to pre-register. LIVE STATIONS OF THE CROSS The children of St. James Parish will present the annual live Stations of the Cross on Palm Sunday. Practices start on Ash Wednesday and will continue every Wednesday until March 28th. Practices are held in the old church & start at 5:45pm. We will have at least one dress rehearsal. Children ages 10 and up, join us! We also need Confirmation Students to help with lighting, sound, etc. (good service hours). Please call Robin Callon for more information at 801-479-5894. Our Parish Mardi Gras will be swinging into action on Feb 18th in the gym (aka MPC) after the 5pm Mass. Plan on it! The St Joseph CCW invites the ladies of St James to the annual Italian Lunch at the new Ligori’s Pizza & Pasta (4800 S 1200 E Old Post Rd): Saturday, Feb. 11th. The lunch begins at 1pm. Enjoy Spaghetti, Rigatoni, Pizza, Garlic Bread, Drink & Dessert served family style. Cost, tip included, is $10. RSVP: Debbie Bieker 801-399-1998 by Feb 8th (Wed). The Knights of Columbus are serving biscuits ’n gravy for breakfast next Sunday. $5 a person or $15 for family (3+). Funds will go to our Building Fund. Mt Benedict Monastery is in need of volunteers to answer the phone at the front desk and take care of anyone coming into the Monastery. You will also help with work from the Foundation, e.g. stuffing envelopes, folding flyers etc. If you feel you are called to such a ministry, please call Sister Danile Knight at 479-6030. 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Office #: 801-782-5393 Religious Education: Confirmation families, we have a student who would love a ride from West 12th to Mass & class. Please call 782-7372 to talk to our DRE. Thank you. Parents of Eucharist II/Spec. Sacraments students: The Sacrament of 1st Confession will be 7pm, Feb 15th, in the church. *If your child has not yet been baptized, go to the baptismal class being offered TODAY (Sunday) in the RE office at 11am. Children must be baptized before they receive any other sacrament. Our D.R.E. needs to have a copy of all baptismal certificates. Saint James the Just Pre♥School: Getting ready for Saint Valentine’s Day . . . that means a lot of love! The munchkins are excited and Miss Terri is surrounded by hearts: V is for Valentine! H is for heart! 9th-12th graders: July (6-8) in Denver, CO. Registration is $35. To attend, call Jen Barton at (618) 304-8991 or e-mail A.S.A.P. Plan to come to a meeting on Feb 13th, Monday, at 6:30pm in the Youth Room (above the donut hall). More details will be shared. We are also looking for any interested chaperones. It’s that time again: you should have received your DDD 2012 pledge form in the mail. Please take a moment to fill it in and mail it to our office, or use the very convenient online form at, which is pretty slick. Please remember: all checks should be made out to the DDD (not St. James). St Joseph Catholic H.S. Boosters Mardi Gras (to benefit our athletes) is Saturday, Feb. 18th, at the school’s Evans Black Box Theater. $25 per person. 6pm Social/7pm dinner. Live music by Str8 Up. Bring cash & enjoy a casino-style evening **21 and older. Check the school website at Elementary: 393-6051; High School: 394-1515. We want to help educate your children for their future. February 5th, 2012 Liturgical Apostolate Schedule: Feb 11th & 12th May your service be a blessing to you as you are to us! Please check the Sacristy for new schedules. Saturday, 5:00 p.m. Mass Lector Chuck and Jane Frances Blair. E.M. Margaret Winder; Holly Katz; Dan Castelli. Ushers Ken & Deb Werthmann. Altar Servers Katie Katz. Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Mass Lector E.M. John Valdez. Francis & Anna Maria Remkes Heather P Schaefer; Margaret Lawler. Ushers Tim Remkes; Jozef Remkes. Altar Servers Julie Wardle; Jordon Wardle. Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Mass Lector E.M. Jennifer Barton. Paula Kashiwaeda; David Lay Vinson Kashiwaeda; Clare Davis. Ushers Pete Zisumbo; Katherine Leibold. Altar Servers Andi Reed; Jewell Tovar. Sunday, 11:30 a.m. Mass Lector E.M. Dave Campbell. Lynne Dooley; Sara Hussong MaryAnn Wriedt; Sara Castle. Ushers Jim & Tara Evans. Altar Servers Daniel Toscano; Steve Sorenson. Your generous stewardship Jan 28th & 29th Regular Collection 6352.34 Online Offertory 935.00 Church in Latin America 825.82 Building Fund 560.00 Online Bldg Fund 204.00 Candles & misc. 223.44 To t a l $ 9,100.60