may 8, 2011| third sunday of
may 8, 2011| third sunday of
309 Desnoyer Street | Kaukauna, WI 54130 Parish Ministry Staff Pastor Rev. Thomas Pomeroy Faith Formation Coordinators Jackie Wallace, Gloria Ackerman Liturgy Coordinator/Bulletin Editor Linda Bongers Music Coordinator Todd Senzig Office Manager Tammy Schmahl Principal Jeanine Leege Receptionist/Scrip Coordinator Bonnie Fischer Welcome to our Guests! Mission Statement: We, the members of Holy Cross Parish, continue the mission of Jesus Christ through the building of a vibrant Catholic community of word, worship, and service to others. Masses Saturday ................................ 4:30 pm Sunday ............ 7:30, 9:15 & 11:00 am Weekdays ......................7:00 am daily Holy Days ........ see bulletin for details Phone Rectory Office ...................... 766-3773 Fax ....................................... 766-3774 Scrip Office .......................... 766-3773 Faith Formation Center ....... 766-3510 Holy Cross School Campus .. 766-0186 St. Al’s School Campus ........ 766-5199 RCIA Coordinator, Gloria Schuh ..................... 766-9598 Confirmation Coordinators . 766-3510 Xavier High School ............... 733-6632 KCSS Rectory Office Hours Mon-Thurs . 8:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00 pm Friday ....................... 8:00-12:00 Noon Scrip Hours Monday-Thursday ... 8:00-12:00 Noon ...................................1:00-4:00 pm Friday .....................8:00—12:00 Noon MAY 8, 2011| THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER 2 | Welcome to Holy Cross Parish · Kaukauna, WI Emergencies in Church Parish Contributions Weekly Loose Collection: (05/01/11) Received .....................................$1373.22 Weekly Sacrificial Giving: (05/01/11) Received: ....................................$1373.22 ROSE SALE We will once again be holding the annual Pro-Life Rose Sale after all the Masses on Mother’s Day weekend, May 7-8, 2011. Roses will be on sale for $2/each or 6 for $10.00 Thank you. PRAYER SHAWL BLESSING Prayer Shawls will be blessed on Sunday, May 22,they will be available after each Mass. The shawls were knitted or crocheted with prayer for those who receive them. They are for anyone in need of comfort and to know there are people remembering and praying for them. KCSS CALENDAR RAFFLE In the last month we have had to call the ambulance twice during Mass. In both cases the people are doing well. However, I have been thinking about what we do during emergencies during Mass. I would like to thank the ushers and the parishioners who stepped up and helped in both situations. It is good to know that everyone responded professionally. In both cases the congregation was also very patient and understanding. I am sure that the prayers of the parishioners helped a lot. There is one thing we need to change. When the ambulance comes to the Church it parks in the carport area. This means that the carport should be clear. Nobody should be parking under the carport during Mass. We have special spaces for those who need to park closer to the Church. We would ask you to use the handicap spaces and not park in the carport. We understand if you need to drop someone off and walk them to the pew, but that shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes or so. The same is true if you are going to just run into the office for a couple minutes during office hours. If you are going to stay for a while please park in the spaces or on the street. I hope and pray that we do not have many emergencies, however if we do I want them to be able to get to where they can help. Fr. Tom WINNERS FEAST OF CORPUS CHRISTI 4/25/11 4/26/11 4/27/11 4/28/11 4/29/11 4/30/11 5/1/11 Alfred Scharenbroch John Proffitt Paul & Jaime Kaufman Ethel Mitchler Jerome Kern Nancy Bowers Joan Nytes Kaukauna Kaukauna Appleton Kaukauna Kaukauna Kaukauna Kaukauna $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 Holy Cross Parish is planning a special Mass and procession for the Feast of Corpus Christi on Sunday, June 26, 2011 at the 11:00 am Mass. We are forming a special choir to lead the music that day. Our focus will be on the more historical and traditional styles of Church music. An invitation is extended to anyone interested to join the choir for this special event. An organizational meeting will be held Thursday, May 12 at 6:00 pm in Friendship Hall. Music will be available to pick up at that time. Last year’s Corpus Christi Mass and procession was a great success, and we are looking forward to it again this year. Contact Todd Senzig at 766-3773 for more information. May 8, 2011 · Third Sunday of Easter | 3 EASTER FLOWERS In memory of Johanna Palecek, Petronella Van Helvoirt, Grace Jansen, Margaret Teeters Leonard Van Zeeland, Kelley Bizachhi, Ruby Van Zeeland, Ray Ederer, Frank Van Zeeland Holy Cross Parish took a weekly collection for the Warming Shelter during our past Lenten series and we received the following response from the executive director of the shelter: “We wish to express our appreciation for the gift to the Fox Valley Warming Shelter. Your active support of FVWS is heartening and helps us continue our work in providing basic needs to the homeless. We, and especially our guests, are most grateful for the donation of $605.00. We value your loyalty and friendship and look forward to your continued support in the future.” Sincerely, Fox Valley Warming Shelter, Inc. The Fox Valley Warming Shelter will be open all year long for the homeless to give them a safe place to sleep and get breakfast and an evening meal. They need the shelter in the summer as well as the rest of the year. Some may be just out of rehab for any of many reasons; and others find themselves in temporary difficulties. Some are veterans trying to adjust after experiencing much death and violence in wars. There will be a sign-up for one day each of the summer months. Again we'll need people to help provide food for a meal, serve, and four volunteers for the four shifts during the night into the early morning. The sign-up will take place May 14/15 after all the masses. Dates we will help at the shelter are: June7, July 12, Aug.16. We can all be thankful we are not in a position to need the services of a shelter yet, anyone there, could have been any on us in different circumstances. Pray about it and sign up if you can. Social Concerns Ministry, Holy Cross Parish Any questions please call Jean Beatty 766-1135. Pastoral Council Nominations Do you know someone who loves Holy Cross? Someone that can represent the parish and advise the pastor? Holy Cross is seeking nominations for three replacement members of the Pastoral Council. The Pastoral Council meets monthly to plan the priorities and direction of the parish. The members are asked to commit to a three year term. New members will be selected from willing nominees at the 9:15 am Mass on Pentecost Sunday (Sunday, June 12, 2011). Please contact the Pastoral Council Chair, Lawrence Ortner at 759-0795. From Mr. & Mrs. Michael VanHelvoirt Mr. Kenneth Van Zeeland Mrs. Joseph Giordana COURAGE: CATHOLIC FAITH IN ACTION is a spiritual support group helping persons with the same-sex attractions to live in accordance with the Catholic Church’s pastoral teaching on homosexuality. The Diocese of Green Bay chapter is affiliated with the international Courage Ministry. Membership in the support group, its discussion and the meeting times and places are kept strictly confidential. Members pledge to maintain confidentiality to foster a community of trust, respect and love. For more information, contact Father John Doerfler: 920-272-8180 (office) or 920-432-4348, ext 211 (residence). Walking for the Human Race On May 14, 2011 the Walk/Run for the Human Race will take place at Thrivant Financial, Appleton. Every dollar you donate, 75% will go directly to LEAVEN. Envelopes will be in the available in the gathering space to make your contribution. To Donate on-line or find out more about LEAVEN and the Human Race go to their website. Holy Cross Scrip News! Phone: 766-3773 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-Noon & 1:00 4:00 pm Friday 8:00 am-Noon Local Merchant of the Week “Need a new style or highlights? Stop in at Sassy Scissors and let our friendly staff work their magic. WE are now located in the strip mall by the Piggly Wiggly” Local Scrip is carried in $1-$5-$10-$20-$50 & can be ordered in $100 amounts. National Merchant of the Week Outback Steakhouse Please remember to visit all of our merchants. Kwik Trip is again at 10% We are in need of volunteers to sell Scrip on Wednesday mornings and Sunday mornings after the 9:15 am Mass. Please call Bonnie at 766-3773. 4 | Welcome to Holy Cross Parish · Kaukauna, WI Faith formation—walking with Jesus Last Class: Wednesday, May 4, 2011 was the last Faith Formation Class for this school year. The students gathered on the playground and participated in an exercise/walk-a-thon. The children went to six different areas of activity which included; face painting, jump rope, bean bag toss, hula-hoop, ball toss, and gunny sack hop. In between each area they took a walk around the block. This event also raised money for the youth ministry here at Holy Cross. Students collected cash donations in reward for them participating in the exercise. Watch this month’s Cross Current for pictures and more details. Catholic Men, on Saturday, May 14th Esto-Vir invites you to join us for celebration of the Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Patrick Beno and a spiritual talk given by a Catholic convert and former protestant pastor Mr. Michael Cumbie. We will gather at Nativity Parish in Ashwaubenon at 6:35 am for recitation of the Rosary followed by Mass and Michael Cumbie’s talk. Be a man – See you there! SPRING 2011 BREAKFAST CLUB DATES YOUNG NEIGHBORS IN ACTION 2011 JUNE 18-26, 2011 DETROIT, MICHIGAN MISSION TO MOTOWN “BORN TO SERVE” Contact Jeff Kacala to sign up for more information. Phone 7665997 or 809-6474 or e-mail FRIDAY MORNINGS from 6:30 am until school starts: May 13 Breakfast Club is looking for donations of pancake mix, hot chocolate, juice, syrup, or monetary donations. If you have any questions, please contact Kurt Heid at 920/997-1568. CYE INFORMATION: Young Adult Expeditions: May 29-31 June 24-27: Kayaking July 31-August 2 Family Expedition: June 18-19 High School Expeditions: June 12-15 July 6-9 July 24-27 August 7-10 Middle School Expedition: June 22 Special Needs Expedition: July 2-3 More information and registration forms can be found on our website: May 8, 2011 · Third Sunday of Easter | 5 News from KCSS (Kaukauna Catholic School System) KCSS “Carrying on the Tradition” Endowment Campaign Please prayerfully consider a generous donation. If you have questions, contact Lynn at (920)759-9290 KCSS received $1,180.20 from Box Tops for Education. Please keep clipping and saving, it really pays off. Box Tops can be turned in at either KCSS campus office. Thank You! Upcoming Events Thursday, May 19th - All System Liturgy- May Crowning of Mary-8:45am-Holy Cross Church Thursday, May 19th -Band & Choir Concert/Open House- 6pm Open House- 6:30pm Band & Choir Concert- Holy Cross Campus Tuesday, May 31st -KCSS 8th Grade Graduation- 6:30pm-Holy Cross Church Thursday, June 2nd -Join us for our last day of school Liturgies: Holy Cross Church @ 8:20am St. Aloysius Church @ 8:30am Mother's Day Prayer God our Creator, we pray: for new mothers, coming to terms with new responsibility ; for expectant mothers, wondering and waiting; for those who are tired, stressed or depressed; for those who struggle to balance the tasks of work and family; for those who are unable to feed their children due to poverty; for those whose children have physical, mental or emotional disabilities; for those who have children they do not want; for those who raise children on their own; for those who have lost a child; for those who care for the children of others; for those whose children have left home; and for those whose desire to be a mother has not been fulfilled. Bless all mothers, that their love may be deep and tender, and that they may lead their children to know and do what is good, living not for themselves alone, but for God and for others. Amen. 6 | Welcome to Holy Cross Parish · Kaukauna, WI Mass Intentions Monday, May 9 7:00 am Jerome Heiting Tuesday, May 10 7:00 am Mary Lou VandenHeuvel Wednesday, May 11 7:00 am Kathy Dahlin Thursday, May 12 7:00 am 8:20 am Lloyd Kloehn KCSS Staff & Students Friday, May 13 7:00 am Living & deceased members of Bill & Fay VanEpern family Saturday, May 14 1:30 pm 4:30 pm Wedding—John Biesterveld & Melissa Gustman Living & deceased members of Linus Schaefer family Sunday, May 15 7:30 am 9:15 am 11:00 am Living & deceased members of Holy Cross Gloria VandenBoogart Norma Van Eperen Sacramental Life Reconciliation Saturdays: 11:00 - 12:00 Noon Or by appointment. Contact priest to set up time. Infant Baptism Second Sunday of each month ($10 stipend) Baptism Preparation 7:00 pm on the third Tuesday of each month in the Religious Ed Center. Please call the rectory office to register. First Friday Calls Please inform us if you are or know of someone who is shut-in. Registration New parishioners are always welcome. Please register at the rectory. Change of Address To keep our census up-to-date, we would appreciate a call if anyone changes their address. Bulletin Deadline Monday at 3:00 pm. Readings for the Week of May 8, 2011 Sunday: Acts 2:14, 22-33/1 Pt 1:17-21/Lk 24:13-35 Monday: Acts 6:8-15/Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51---8:1a/Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8/Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40/Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20/Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26/Jn 15:9-17 Next Sunday: Acts 2:14a, 36-41/1 Pt 2:20b-25/Jn 10:1-10 Holy Cross Prayer Relay Call 920/810-3900 If the Mass intention is for a relative, please contact an usher before Mass to let him/her know if you will bring up the gifts. ©Liturgical Publications Inc Remember our Parish in your will. Calendar For the Week of May 8 Monday, May 9 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Vocation Prayer Vigil in Church 6:30 pm Boy Scouts in Friendship Hall Tuesday, May 10 6:00 pm Cemetery Meeting in Faith Formation Center 7:30 pm Parish Council Meeting in Faith Formation Center Saturday, May 14 4:30 pm Baptism Sunday, May 15 11:00 am Baptism MASS INTENTIONS: If you would like to have a Mass offered for any intention, please contact the parish office (766-3773). The usual offering for a Mass is $10. WEDDING BANNS III II I John Biesterveld & Melissa Gustman Jamie Schmitt & Justin Meulemans Barry Marquardt & Melissa Merrick